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梦幻之船 泰坦尼克号开始缓缓下 沉 一幕悲剧开始上演 漆黑的海 洋和天空连成一片 无情的吞噬着 绝望的乘客 而杰克与露丝一起挣 扎到船彻底的沉没
Dream of ship Titanic began to slowly sank scene tragedy started playing the dark sea and sky become repeatedly ruthless swallowed with desperate passengers and jack and rose to ship the struggle together thoroughly sank
杰克和露丝两人从此相 识并开始了解对方 露丝 向杰克吐露心中郁闷
Jack and Lucy ever met and began to understand two other Ruth confide depressed in the heart to jack
在杰克的开导和陪伴下 露丝找回了失去已久的 快乐 灿烂的笑容终于重 新洋溢在她的脸庞
Ruth fiance Carl found jack and Lucy's heart very unpleasant after intercourse he sends rose a priceless diamond necklace heart of the sea
然而在露丝的眼里卡尔只是 一个十足的势力小人 她从 心底里不愿嫁给他 可是在 母亲与未婚夫的压力下 露 丝不得不有意回避杰克的感 情
露丝在上层社会的交际圈中生活 早已厌倦了贵族们的虚伪做作 感 觉自己无异于笼中之鸟 她愁眉不 展的来到甲板上眺望远方 排遣愁 情
Ruth in the upper social circle of friends already tired of life aristocrats hypocrisy affectation felt was caged bird.i she came to frown on deck overlook the distant place unbosoming sorrow sentiment
1912年4月15日,载着 1316号乘客和891名船员的 豪华巨轮“泰坦尼克号”与 冰山相撞而沉没,这场海难 被认为是20世纪人间十大 灾难之一。
On 15 April 1912, carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891, luxury ship "Titanic" sank a collision with an iceberg, the sea is considered to be one of the ten plagues 20th century world.
早春的大西洋上风和日丽 碧波万 里 杰克和他的伙伴站在船头眺望 前方 高声呼喊 我们是世界之王 兴奋不已 仿佛此时世界已属于他 们
In the early spring weather in the Atlantic ocean waves wanli jack and his sidekick stood looking at the bow loud cry we are ahead excited the king of the world as a time when the world has belongs to them
However, in the eyes of Lucy is a real force Karl SIMS from the bottom of her reluctant to marry him but in mother with her fiance, pressure rose had to intentionally avoided jack feelings
露丝决定无视家庭和礼数的 压力在泰坦尼克号靠岸后与 杰克一起生活 幸福似乎距 离这对情侣仅咫尺之遥
Ruth decided to ignore family and the pressure in the Titanic - after arriving with jack happy life together from the couple seem only zhichizhiyao
直到八十四年后露丝又来到 了泰坦尼克号沉没的地方将 海洋之心抛入大海,以告杰 克的在天之灵。。。。。。
After four years of Ruth until 80 of the Titanic's sinking again to the heart of the sea place will cast into the sea, to accuse jack's soul...
杰克一看到露丝 就被她的气质所 深深的吸引 夜幕降临 又一场灯 红酒绿之后 露丝对未来和婚姻感 到万分无奈 她冲上甲板 试图跳 入大海结束一生 杰克及时发现并 且再关键时刻以自己的真诚和独 到的幽默说服了露丝
Jack a see Ruth was her temperament again nightfall deeply attracted a feasting for future after Ruth and marriage are very helpless she washed off the deck trying to end life jack discovered and critical moment again with sincerity and unique humorous persuaded rose
十四日夜晚 已来不及躲 避冰山的泰坦尼克号船 体右舷被冰山割裂,即 将面临沉没。
14 already had no chance to avoid the night ostarboard was damaged by a great iceberg will face sinking. Everything
与此同时 影片的另一位主人公— —年轻的流浪画家杰克●道森靠 赌博幸运的赢到了三等舱的船票 高喊着 我们世界上最幸运的 他 在最后一刻登上巨轮 泰坦尼克号 起航了…
Meanwhile another movie hero, young stray painter jack secondranking Dawson on gambling lucky to win the third class ticket on our world chanting the luckiest him at the last moment of the Titanic ship set sail on the...
惨绝人寰的悲剧发生了,泰坦尼 克号上一片混乱,在危急之中, 人类本性中的善良与丑恶、高贵 与卑劣更加分明。杰克把生存的 机会让给了爱人罗丝,自己则在 冰海中被冻死。
This was a tragedy, the Titanic confusion, in critical condition, the human nature of kindness and ugly, nobility and meanness more trenchant. Jack put the chances of survival to the wife rose, he was frozen in the frozen sea.
When jack counseling and accompanied by Ruth recovered longlost happy smiles has reopened in her face with
露丝的未婚夫卡尔发现了杰 克和露丝的来往之后 心中 十分不快 他送给露丝一条 价值连城的钻石项链 海洋 之心
码头上人山人海,争相 目睹人类有史以来最为 庞大 最豪华的轮船
The dock people mountain people sea, scrambling to witness the largest and most luxurious human history ever the ship.
冰冷的海水带走了杰克 的生命。露丝信守对杰 克许下的诺言 勇敢的活 了下去,从此隐姓埋名
The icy water away jack's life. Ruth to keep their promises to jack brave of live down, from now on anonymity
可正因为这样露丝才意识到 自己已经深深的爱上了杰克 从相知到相爱虽然短短几天 的时间 露丝和杰克已经无 法分开
But just because it is so Ruth realise you have deeply in love with jack from know to love each other although only a few days time rose and jack cannot separate
露丝 一位美丽漂亮而又不 乏气质的贵族小姐与她的母 亲及未婚夫——钢铁大王之 子卡尔●霍利一同登上了泰 坦尼克号的头等舱。
Ruth a beautiful temperament of beautiful and there is no lack of again with her mother aristocratic miss - and her husband, the son of steel king Carl second-ranking on the Titanic's Holly first class together.
白星航运公司经理布鲁斯● 伊斯梅为了让泰坦尼克号超 过奥林匹亚号的首航速度纪 录 不顾潜在的冰山威胁暗 示船长史密斯提高船速
The white star line manager Bruce secondranking to let the Titanic bayes mei, over Olympia maiden speed record of an iceberg despite potential threat implied the captain Smith increase ship speed