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zeugma 定义为“a figure of speech by which a single word is made to modify or to govern two or more words in t he same sentence , eit her properly applying in sense to only one of them , or applying to t hem in different senses.
(一) Zeugma 的表现方式
(1)“动词+ 宾语”结构:
1. Two bandits killed t he man and t he luggage.
2. Lawsuit consumes time, and money, and rest, and friends.
3. Children suck the mother when they are young and t he father when they are old.
孩子小时吃娘奶, 大了吃爹的。
(2) “形容词+ 名词”的结构:
4. It is better to have a patched jacket than to have a patched character .
5. When commemorating t he great soul , the friends of his went to t he graveyard wit h weeping eyes and hearts.
在墓地纪念这位伟人时, 他朋友的一双双眼睛
在流泪, 一颗颗心灵在哭泣。
(3) “介词+ 宾语”的结构:
6. She was dressed in a maid’s cap , a pinafore , and a bright smile.
她戴着仆人的帽子, 系着围裙, 满面笑容。
(4) 主系表结构:
7. When I and my sorrows are dust . (Charles Dickens : A Tale of Two Cities)
另外, Zeugma 还有一种变化的格式, 即一个词与另一个词搭配之后, 又故意牵强附会地与该词的反义词搭配。
8. She is too low for a high praise , too brown for a fair praise , and too little for a great praise. (William Shakespeare : Much A do About Nothing)
她太矮, 受不起高度的赞扬; 皮肤太黝黑, 受不起说她太白皙的赞扬; 个子太瘦小, 受不起大的赞扬。
句中low 作为high 的反义词, 意思是“低矮”,但形容矮通常应当用short , 因此too low for a high praise 是牵强附会的。
fair 作为brown 的反义词,意思是“白皙”的, 在这个词义上本来是不能与praise搭配的,也属轭式搭配。
great 与praise 搭配属于抽象概念, 却与little 连用, 也是牵强的。
然而这几对反义词放在一起, 各自都显得很自然而富有幽默感。
上述句子中的轭式搭配不仅可以让人接受, 而且给人以新奇感, 因为使用了这种修辞的两个搭配, 在语义上有内在联系, 它所产生的语义优势超越了
(二) 拈连的表现方式
(1)“动词+ 宾语”结构:
9. 你默默地吐着丝,吐着温暖,吐着爱。
10. 街市渐渐平静了,珠江水啊,载着一船船商
11. 织鱼网啊,织鱼网,织出一片好风光。
(2) 主谓结构:
12. 我们人穷志不穷。
13. 线儿缝在军衣上,情义缝在我心里。
类似于zeugma 的变化格式,拈连也有一种变化形式,即反拈。
14. 待到第二天看报纸,才知道原来昨夜是月蚀,那些劈劈拍拍,就是我们的同胞、异胞(我们虽然大家自称为黄帝子孙,但蚩尤的子孙想必也未尝死绝,所以谓之“异胞”) 在示威,要将月亮从天狗嘴里救出。
(鲁迅《新秋杂识(二) 》)
上例中,作者从“同胞”反拈造出“异胞”一词, 这样使话语更加生动诙谐。
15. 一个阔人说要读经,嗡的一阵,一群狭人也说
该句以“狭人”对阔人,阔人是指国民党反动派提倡“读经救国”的人“, 狭人”是指为国民党反动派效力的反动文人,用这一反义词正是对反动文人的辛辣讽刺。
16. 周瑞家的听了道:“我的姥姥,告诉不得你了!这凤姑娘年纪虽小,行事儿比是人都大呢。
一般只说年纪“大”, 从来不讲行事儿“大”,通常说行事儿“老练”,但这里借用年纪“小”的反义词,搭配起来却很自然。
Zeugma 与拈连都是将适用于甲事物的词语,顺势搭配或拈连到乙事物上来的修辞手法,搭配虽不合逻辑,但意思却不牵强, 具有很强的表现力。
表面上看, Zeugma 与拈连中的非规范搭配有些不协调,显得牵强附会;但从深层次上看,Zeugma 与拈连是说话者利用人的想像力来使受话者暂时接受非规范化的表达方式的一种修辞手段。
三、Zeugma 的翻译
(一) 神形兼备
此处之“神”指的是译出原文的“风格、内容、精神实质”,而“形”狭义地指两种修辞的表现手法,通过zeugma 译出拈连,反之亦然,从而恰当地再现原作的风姿,即实现形式对应,功能对等。
17. Never show the bottom of your purse and your mind.
18. Fine words dress ill mouth and deeds.
19. One may be in want of money, but can not be of will .
20. We sell clothes that fit t he figures and the times .
21. He caught her cat and her heart .
22. It is young Orlando , t hat t ripped up the wrestler’s heels and your heart both , in an instant . ———Shakespeare 是年轻的欧兰多,他一下子绊倒了那个角斗士,也一下子倾倒了你的心。
(二) 得“意”忘“形”
23. Love and cough cannot be hid. ———Bernard
Shaw 爱情像咳嗽,藏也藏不住。
24. When I and my sorrows are dust 当我的尸骨化为尘土,当我的哀愁化作清风。
25. She was dressed in a maid’s cap , a pinafore , and a bright smile . 她戴一顶少女戴的帽子,系一条围裙,带着灿烂的微笑。
26. He halted in t he district where by night are found t he lightest st reet , heart s , vows and librettos. 他一口气来到一个地方,一到晚上,最轻佻的灯光,最轻松的心灵,最轻率的盟誓,最轻快的歌剧
27. She lost her heart and necklace at a ball 。
英语轭式搭配的常见结构Zeugma 按其表达的意思
1) 一个动词与两个或更多的宾语搭配。
这是Zeugma 最
(3) They can wage war and peace.
(4) Wearing a string of pearls and earnest expression , Monica
Lewinsky made her television debut Saturday.
(5) Lawsuit consumes time , and money , and rest , and friend.
例(3) 中的wage 本来只能与war 搭配,但它巧妙地搭上
peace ;例(4) 中的wear 与pearls 是常格搭配,wear expression 都
有些不同寻常;例(5) 中的consume 则像个“轭”一样把四个宾
2) 两个主语与一个动词搭配。
(6) Ten minutes later , the coffee and the Commander Dana of
Naval Intelligence arrived simultaneously.
[6 ] (P507)
(7) Words and feathers are tossed by the wind. (谚语)
例(6) 中的“the coffee”与“Commander Dana”共用“arrived”
一个动词;例(7) 中的“words”顺势搭上“feathers”共用“tossed”
3) 一个介词与两个或多个名词搭配。
(8) He left in a huff and a taxi.
(9) “It is quite dear , you are Indian —poor , destitute Indian ,
with holes in your shoes and in your destiny ?”
7 ]
例(8) 中的介词“in”在搭配“a huff”时顺势拈连上“a taxi”,搭配简洁新奇;例(9) 中的“with holes”这个介词短语搭配上“in your shoes”和“in your destiny”,从鞋子的破烂不堪到命运的坎
4) 一个形容词与两个或多个名词搭配。
(10) They are standing there with weeping eyes and hearts.
(11) He halted in the district where by night are found the
lightest street , hearts , vows and librettos.
例(10) 中的“weeping”同时修饰“eyes”与“hearts”;例(11) 中
的“lightest”同时修饰street 、hearts、vows and librettos ,表意简洁、生动。
(12) She’s too low for a high praise , too brown for a fair
praise , and too little for a great praise. (William Shakespeare , Much
Ado About Nothing )
她是太矮了点儿,不能给太高的恭维;太黑了点儿,不能给她太美的恭维; 又太小了点儿, 不能给她太大的恭维。
(13) Hope is a good breakfast , but it is a bad supper.
(14) A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in
后来演化为英语中比较常见的“模仿某一作者的话语、风格、态度、语调及意念等,并使之显得滑稽可笑( the imitative use of the words, style, attitude, tone and ideas of an author in such a way as to make them ridiculous) ”
1. 英汉语言中名句名段的仿拟
例如:“I do not love you, Dr. Fell, but why I cannot tell; But this I know full well, I do not love you, Dr. Fell. ”
这首出自Thomas Brown的诗作是典型地仿拟Martial的作品。
Martial的名作原诗是: I don’t love you, Sabidius, and can’t tell you why; All I can tell you is this, that I don’t love you. 又如: Where there is a will, there is a lawsuit. 仿拟的是Where there is a will, there is a way. 再如: To eat is human; to digest, divine. 是Mark Twain仿拟名言To err is human; to forgive, divine所作。
2. 夸大原作某些特征的仿拟如Michael Gold的“In the tone of
a political manifesto, they call on the oppressed capitalists to rise like lions after slumber and shake off their chains like dew. ”是典型的仿拟
P. B. Shelley: TheMask of Anarchy中的句子: Rise, like Lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number; Shake your chains like dew, which in sleep had fallen on you—Ye are many—they are few.
3. 善意幽默的仿拟
The Hatter shook his head mournfully:“Not I! ”he replied. “We quarreled last March—just before he went mad, you now—”(pointing with his teaspoon at the March Hare)“—it was at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts, and I had to sing———Tw inkle, Tw inkle, little bat! How I
wonderwhat you’re at! ———You know the song, perhaps?”
“I’ve heard something like it, ”said Alice. “It goes on, you know, ”the Hatter continued, “in this way———Up above world you fly, L ike a tea2tray in the sky. Twinkle, Twinkle———”(L. Carroll: A lice’s Adventures in Wonderland )。
这段显然是仿拟J. T aylor的Twinkle, Twinkle, little Star
一诗:“Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, How Iwonderwhat you
are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, How Iwonder what you are! ”
英语修辞格Irony 用法初探
一、Irony 的类型
Irony最常用的类型称为V erbal Irony ( 词语反语) , 从广义的文
体修辞来说, 还有Dramatic Irony (戏剧性反语) 和Situational Irony (情境反常) 。
11Verbal Irony
Verbal Irony 指说话人利用词汇、语法手段表示明显的反义, 即用同本意相反的词语表示本意。
例如明知天气不好, 却故意说:
(1) It is a nice , pleasant sort of weather indeed !
又如英国的Gotham 是有名的愚人村, 却故意说:
(2) They are almost as wise as the wise men of Gotham.
(3) I stayed in the hospital ten days with my sister who was dying. Babara , my ex2best friend , came to my house to look after my children. She helped things out and took my things out . She did
help !
我在医院呆了10 天, 陪伴我生命垂危的妹妹。
她帮助解决了困难, 也拿走了我的东西。
3 讲话人运用Irony 旨在讽刺: 如此朋友, 乘人之危, 完全是帮倒忙。
(4) It saves a lot of trouble if , instead of having to earn money and save it , you can just go and borrow it . (Winston Churchill) 假如你可以干脆去借钱, 以此代替赚钱与省钱, 那会省掉许多麻烦了。
(5) After a while , it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind. (John Scopes : The Trial That Rocked the World P169 Book ⅠAdvanced English)
(6) “It’s no use going to see little Hans in winter ,”the Miller used to say to his wife. “When people are in trouble we must leave them alone and not bother them , that is my idea of
friendship and I am sure I am right . ”(Oscar Wilde : The Devot ed Friend P115 Book ⅡXuGuozhang English)
“冬天上小汉斯那儿去没用”, 磨房主常对他妻子说, “人们有困难的时候, 要让他们独处, 不要去打扰他们。
这是我对友谊的看法, 而且我相信我的看法是正确的。
21Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony 多用于小说中的描述和戏剧中人物的表演, 它又包括两种情况。
第一种是指书中人物或戏剧中人物所说的本是实话, 并非故意说反话, 他说话的对象听起来也理解为实话。
但由于读者或观众知道情况更多, 认识到讲话人所讲的话与实际情况相反。
例如, 马克·吐温在其名著《汤姆·索亚历险记》中有这样一段对话描述:
(7) “I hope Tom’s better off where he is ,”said Sid ,“but if he’d been better in some way —”“Sid !”Tomfelt the glare of the old lady’s eye , though he could not see it . “Not a word against my Tom , now that he’s gone !”(Mark Twain : The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
“我多希望汤姆现在在另外那个世界更舒服些,”席德说, “不过他从前有些地方要是不那么顽皮??
“席德!”汤姆虽然看不见老太太的眼睛, 却感觉到她向席德瞪眼睛的神气。
“现在我的汤姆死了, 不许说他的坏话!”
(8)“You’ve been mighty good to me ,boys ?Well ,boys ,I done an awful thing —drunk and crazy at the tim e ,that’s the only way I account for it ,and now I got to swing for it ,and it’s right ?it’s a prime comfort to see faces that’s friendly when a body’s in such a muck of trouble ,and there don’t none come but yourn. Good friendly faces —good friendly faces. Get up on one another’s backs ,and let me touch’ em. That’s it . Shake hands —your’ll come through the bars ,but mine’s too big.Little hands ,and weak —
but they’ve helped Muff Potter a power ,and they’d help
him more if they could. ”(ibid)
“孩子们, 你们对我太好啦??哎, 孩子, 我干了一件糟糕的事儿—那时候是喝醉了,昏头昏脑—我只能找出这个理由来—现在我只好让人家把我吊死, 这到是应该的。
??一个人遭了这么大的祸, 能够看到和他亲热的面孔, 真是挺大的安慰; 现在除了你们俩, 谁也不理我了。
你们一个爬到另一个背上, 让我摸摸你们的脸吧。
好啦, 咱们拉拉手吧—你们的手可以从窗栅里伸进来, 我的可是太大啦。
没有劲儿—可是这双手帮莫夫·波特的忙可帮的很大, 要是能帮更大的忙, 那也会帮的。
”31Situational Irony
Situational Irony 也称Circumstantial Irony (境遇反语) 或Irony of Fate (命运嘲弄) , 指由于事态的发展违反常理, 同某人原来的意料或期待相反而造成的一种嘲弄。
(9) Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point . Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a
gigantic fist , and 26 people perished. (Joseph P. Blank : Face to Face with Hurricane Camille P5 Book ⅡAdvanced English)一些度假的人在豪华的瑞切庐公寓组织了一次飓风观光聚会, 从他们的有利观察点来观赏飓风的壮景。
26 人丧生。
二、Irony 的变异形式
英语修辞格Paradox (似非而是的隽语) 、Oxymoron (矛盾修辞法) 和Innuendo (暗讽) 在使用中都含有Irony 的意思, 因此在某些英语修辞格的论著中把它们称为Irony 的变异形式。
11Paradox 汉语里称这一辞格为“反论”或“逆论”, 即乍听起来似乎荒诞、有悖常理而实际上却含有某种哲理的说法。
如“善骑者堕, 善泳者溺”,“淹死的都是会水的”等, 其中都包含有Irony 的意思。
(10) More haste , less speed. 欲速则不达。
(11) He that is full of himself is very empty. 自命万事通, 实乃腹中空。
(12) Cleverness may overreach itself . 聪明反被聪明误。
(13) In fact , it appears that some teachers of English teach English so poorly largely because they teach grammar so well .
事实上, 有些英语老师英语教得太差, 看起来主要是他们的语法讲的太好。
3 这里需要说明的是, 对我们中国学生来说, 英语语法还是需要学的, 只是不应该把语法规则扣得太细太死, 遇到一个句子就分析句子结构, 而忽略了听、说能力的提高和语言的实际运用。
英语修辞格Oxymoron 和汉语修辞格反映类似, 它是通过使用两个意思正好相反的词或词组来揭示一件事物的矛盾性, 通常包含Irony 的意思, 对一些人或事进行嘲讽, 或造成一种出人意料的、引人入胜的效果。
(14) Dudley Field Malone called my conviction a“victorious defeat . ”(John Scopes : The Trial That Rocked the World P173 Book ⅠAdvanced English)
3 生物教师John Scopes 由于讲授达尔文的进化论而被认为触犯田纳西州的法律, 于1925 年7 月受到审判。
虽然他败诉并被罚款100 美元, 但是越来越多的人懂得了达尔文的进化论, 所以他的辩护律师马伦把审判结果称为“胜利的败仗”, Irony 的变异形式Oxymoron 的使用取得了极好的修辞效果。
(15) The Manager of the company was conspicuously absent at yesterday’s opening ceremony.
在昨天的开幕式上, 该公司的经理引人注目的缺席。
3 一个人缺席会议一般不会使人注意, 但作为头面人物的经理缺席会议反倒引起了众人的关注。
Innuendo汉语称为“暗讽”、“影射”, 是用婉转的口气讲反话, 使语言生动活泼, 幽默风趣, 或是旁敲侧击, 含沙射影。
(16) After three days in Japan , the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible. (Jacques Danvoir : Hiroshima —the Liveliest City in J apan P14 Book ⅠAdvanced English)在日本呆三天后, 脊梁骨就会变的特别柔软灵活。
3 把习惯于鞠躬说成“脊梁骨灵活”, 十分幽默有趣。
(17) ———it’s rather cold today , isn’t it ?
———But the weatherman said it would be warm. He must take his readings in a bathroom !
3 说话人是在嘲笑气象员的预报不准确, 他一定是在洗澡间里得到他的测量结果。
(18) Ah , Judge Wilson , forgive me —but how can anyone see you if you insist on standing in Mr. Dickinson’s shadow ? (Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards : 1776 P312 Book ⅠAdvanced English)
喂, 威尔逊法官, 请原谅———您总站在迪金森先生的影子里, 叫别人怎能看得见你呢?
3 讲话人用委婉的口气讲反话, 含沙射影, 说明威尔逊法官和迪金森先生合穿一条裤子。
三、Irony 和Sarcasm 的联系和区别
Irony (反语) 和Sarcasm (讽刺) 是两种修辞格, 两者有联系, 也有区别。
11 在大多数情况下, 使用Irony 修辞格是为了讽刺。
(19) An Englishman does everything on principle ; he fights you on patriotic principles ; he robs you on business principles ; he enslaves you on imperial principles. (Bernard Shaw) 英国人做每一件事都按照原则; 他会按爱国主义的原则和你打斗; 按生意的原则剥削你; 按帝国主义的原则把你化为奴隶。
3 作者使用Irony 修辞格嘲讽英国人所谓原则的虚伪性和利己性。
该句还运用了修辞格Climax (层递) , 两格并用, 相辅相成, 增强了修辞
21 有时用Irony 修辞格, 说的是反话, 却没有讽刺的意思, 只表现出一种幽默或使语言生动俏皮。
(20) It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. (Robert Tressell : The Ragged Trousered hilanthropists P224 Book ⅢXuGuozhang English)
要是早晨不知道是什么时间那才妙了呢(那才过瘾呢) 。
3 例(20) 的故事是油漆工人威廉·伊斯顿担心早晨起床时不知道时间, 上班迟到会被开除, 心想要是那样就“糟了”, 但却说成“妙了”。
这是反语, 却没有讽刺任何人。
《白蛇传》中, 白娘子把许仙叫做“冤家”; 一个女孩子说她的男朋友“你真坏”, 这些都是Irony ,但绝对不是Sarcasm。
31 要达到讽刺的效果并不一定要说反话, 例如:
(21) Howard Morgan , a bright lad of 14 , testified that I had taught that man was a mammal like cows , horses , dogs and cats.
“He didn’t say a cat was the same as a man ?”Darrow asked.
“No , Sir ,”the youngster said ,“He said man had reasoning power. ”
“There is some doubt about that ,”Darrow snorted.
(John Scopes : The Trial That Rocked the World P170 Book ⅠAdvanced English)
霍尔德·摩根, 一个聪明的14 岁年轻人证实我讲过人像牛、马、狗、猫一样是一种哺乳动物。
“是的, 先生, 他没有那样讲。
只有意译成(Somebody) is a cuckold 或(Somebody) is in the state of being a cuckold 才是成功的翻译。