Vertex-Unfoldings of Simplicial Polyhedra
ISO 21534-2007
Reference number ISO 21534:2007(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534Second edition 2007-10-01Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirementsImplants chirurgicaux non actifs — Implants de remplacement d'articulation — Exigences particulières--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2007All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Contents PageForeword.............................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope.. (1)2 Normative references...........................................................................................................................13 Terms and definitions...........................................................................................................................24 Intended performance..........................................................................................................................25 Design attributes...................................................................................................................................3 5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................3 5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weightpolyethylene (UHMWPE)......................................................................................................................3 5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................................................3 5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating onUHMWPE................................................................................................................................................3 5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................3 5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components...........................................3 6 Materials ................................................................................................................................................4 6.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloys ..................................................................................................................4 7 Design evaluation.................................................................................................................................4 7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 7.2 Preclinical evaluation...........................................................................................................................4 7.3 Clinical investigation............................................................................................................................5 7.4 Post market surveillance .....................................................................................................................5 8 Manufacture and inspection................................................................................................................5 8.1 General...................................................................................................................................................5 8.2 Metal surfaces.......................................................................................................................................5 8.3 Plastic surfaces.....................................................................................................................................5 8.4 Ceramic surfaces..................................................................................................................................5 9 Sterilization............................................................................................................................................6 9.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 9.2 Expiry.....................................................................................................................................................6 10 Packaging..............................................................................................................................................6 11 Information supplied by the manufacturer ........................................................................................6 11.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 11.2 Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body only.............................................................6 11.3 Instructions for orientation of implants..............................................................................................6 11.4 Markings for orientation of the implants............................................................................................6 11.5 Placing of markings on implants ........................................................................................................6 11.6 Restrictions on use...............................................................................................................................7 11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramics..................................................................................................7 11.8Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cement (7)Annex A (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable for themanufacture of implants......................................................................................................................8 Annex B (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable or notacceptable for articulating surfaces of implants (9)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Annex C (informative) List of materials found acceptable or non-acceptable for metallic combinations for non-articulating contacting surfaces of implants (11)Bibliography (12)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 150, Implants for surgery, Subcommittee SC 4, Bone and joint replacements.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21534:2002), which has been technically revised.ISO 21534:2007(E)IntroductionThere are three levels of International Standard dealing with non-active surgical implants. These are as follows, with level 1 being the highest:⎯level 1: general requirements for non-active surgical implants and instrumentation used in association with implants;--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---⎯level 2: particular requirements for families of non-active surgical implants;⎯level 3: specific requirements for types of non-active surgical implant.This International Standard is a level 2 standard and contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants in the family of joint replacement implants.The level 1 standard contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants. It also indicates that there are additional requirements in the level 2 and level 3 standards. The level 1 standard has been published as ISO 14630.Level 3 standards apply to specific types of implants within a family, such as knee and hip joints. To address all requirements, it is recommended that a standard of the lowest available level be consulted first.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534:2007(E) Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirements1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies particular requirements for total and partial joint replacement implants, artificial ligaments and bone cement, hereafter referred to as implants. For the purposes of this International Standard, artificial ligaments and their associated fixing devices are included in the term "implant".It specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information to be supplied by the manufacturer.Some tests required to demonstrate conformance to this International Standard are contained in or referenced in level 3 standards.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 4287, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parametersISO 7206-4, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 4: Determination of endurance properties of stemmed femoral componentsISO 7206-8, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 8: Methods of determining endurance performance of stemmed femoral componentsISO 14155-1, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Part 1: General requirementsISO 14242-1, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip-joint prostheses — Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for testsISO 14242-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurementISO 14243-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total knee-joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurement ISO 14630:—1), Non-active surgical implants — General requirementsISO 14879-1, Implants for surgery — Total knee-joint prostheses — Part 1: Determination of endurance properties of knee tibial trays1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 14630:2005)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 14630 together with the following apply.3.1artificial ligamentdevice, including its necessary fixing devices, intended to augment or replace the natural ligament3.2joint replacement implantimplantable device, including ancillary implanted components and materials, intended to provide function similar to a natural joint and which is connected to the corresponding bones3.3mean centreposition within the spherical head for which the average of the distances to a set of points uniformly distributed over the surface of the sphere is minimum3.4radial separation valuedifference between the mean radius of the spherical surface and the radius to the point on the spherical surface furthest from the mean centreNOTE The units of the radial separation value are in micrometres.4 Intended performance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---For the purpose of this International Standard, the intended performance of implants shall conform to Clause 4 of ISO 14630:—, and the design input shall additionally address the following matters:a) intended minimum and maximum relative angular movement between the skeletal parts to which the jointreplacement implant is attached;b) expected maximum load actions (forces and moments) to be transmitted to the bony parts to which thejoint replacement implant is attached;c) dynamic response of the body to the shape/stiffness of the implants;d) expected wear of articulating surfaces;e) suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the population for which it is intended;f) strength of the adhesion and durability of surface coatings or surface treatments.NOTE 1 The clinical indications and contra-indications for the use of a particular implant are complex and should be reviewed by the surgeons when they are selecting implants to be used for particular patients, relying upon their own personal judgment and experience.NOTE 2 The lifetime of an implant depends on the interaction of various factors; some are the responsibility of the manufacturer, some, such as the implantation technique, are the responsibility of the surgeon in conducting the operation, and some relate to the patient, for example, the biological and physiological response to the implant, the medical condition of the patient, the conduct of the patient in respect of increasing body weight, carriage of heavy loads and adopting a high level of physical activity.ISO 21534:2007(E)5 Design attributes5.1 GeneralThe development of the design attributes to meet the performance intended by the manufacturer shall conform to the requirements of Clause 5 of ISO 14630:—, and in addition, account shall be taken of the following points:a) the strength of adhesion and durability of surface coatings and surface treatments; b) the wear of the articulating and other surfaces;c) stability of the implant while allowing prescribed minimum and maximum relative movements between theskeletal parts; d) avoidance of cutting or abrading tissue during function other than insertion or removal; e) the creep resistance and rupture characteristics, particularly as they relate to ligaments.NOTE 1 Methods of assessment of the wear of articulating and other surfaces are prescribed in, e.g. ISO 14242-2 and ISO 14243-1, -2 and -3. NOTE 2More specific requirements, such as that for hip joint replacements, might appear in other standards.5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)The articulating surfaces of metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,1 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating on UHMWPEThe articulating surface of convex spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 0,05 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 10 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 100 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE componentsThe articulating surface of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components of total joint replacements shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 2 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 200 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)6 Materials6.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 6 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirement of 6.2 of the present document.NOTE 1 Annex A gives a list of International Standards for materials found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants or for use in association with implants.NOTE 2 Annex B gives lists of International Standards for pairs of materials found acceptable or not acceptable through proven use for articulating surfaces of implants.NOTE 3 Where 6.1 of ISO 14630:— states that the acceptability of materials may be demonstrated by selection from the materials found suitable by proven clinical use in similar applications, for the purposes of this International Standard, proven use should be demonstrated by records of implantation of at least 500 of the implants and recorded satisfactory clinical use over a period of not less than five years.6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloysFor applications in which two dissimilar metals or alloys or the same metals or alloys in different metallurgical states are in contact where articulation is not intended, combinations used shall not produce unacceptable galvanic effects.NOTE Annex C gives lists of International Standards for acceptable and unacceptable metallic combinations for use in non-articulating bearing surfaces of implants.7 Design evaluation7.1 GeneralJoint replacement implants shall be evaluated in order to demonstrate that the intended performance is achieved. This evaluation shall be in accordance with Clause 7 of ISO 14630:— together with the particular requirements of 7.2 to 7.4. This evaluation shall be undertaken using components fully representative of the final condition ready for implantation.7.2 Preclinical evaluation7.2.1 GeneralPreclinical evaluation shall consider:a) biocompatibility of any materials not previously used;b) mechanical loads and the related movements to which the implants can be subjected when functioning asprescribed by ISO 14630;c) fatigue testing of highly stressed parts in accordance with ISO 7206-4, ISO 7206-8 and ISO 14879-1;d) wear testing of articulating bearing surfaces in accordance with e.g. ISO 14242-1, ISO 14242-2 andISO 14243-1;e) the suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population;NOTE The suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population can be demonstrated by cadaver implantation, the use of imaging systems such as X-ray, CAT scan or magnetic resonance imaging, or by reference to corresponding implants of proven clinical use (see Note 3 of 6.1).f) adhesion and durability of coatings if present.7.2.2 Surface roughness measurementSurface roughness shall be measured according to one of the methods given in ISO 4287.7.2.3 Sphericity measurementRadial separation values for sphericity shall be measured according to a method demonstrated to be accurate and repeatable.NOTE A suitable method is described in the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) [30].7.3 Clinical investigationThe clinical investigation shall be conducted according to the general requirements of ISO 14155-1.7.4 Post market surveillance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---The post-market performance of joint replacement implants shall be determined.NOTE Suitable methodologies include survival analysis (with revision as the endpoint) and clinical assessment.Where it is available, relevant information from joint replacement registries are taken into account.8 Manufacture and inspection8.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 8 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirements of 8.2 to Metal surfacesAll polishing operations on metallic components shall be performed using an iron-free material. Clean, degrease, rinse and dry all components and examine the articulating surfaces using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function and also be free from deposited finishing materials or other contaminants.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include scale, tool marks, nicks, scratches, cracks, cavities, burrs and other defects.8.3 Plastic surfacesArticulating surfaces of plastic components shall not be prepared using non-removable abrasive or polishing compounds. Clean, degrease (if necessary), rinse and dry the components and examine them using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free from particulate contamination.8.4 Ceramic surfacesCeramic components shall be cleaned, degreased, rinsed, dried and examined using normal or corrected vision. The articulating surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include particulate contamination, chemical discolouration (spots or larger areas), tool marks, nicks, chips, cavities and cracks.9 Sterilization9.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 9 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the following.The effects of the sterilization process shall not impair the intended performance of the implant [see Clause 4 and 7.2.1 c), d) and f)].Implants containing UHMWPE and sterilized by ionizing radiation, shall not be supplied for clinical use if an accumulated dose of radiation higher than 40 kGy has been received. This requirement does not apply if radiation intended to improve the mechanical characteristics of the material is combined with the radiation for sterilization purposes.9.2 ExpiryThe manufacturer shall conduct an investigation, and record the results, to ascertain the expiry date to be marked on the labelling for the implant.10 PackagingThe requirements of Clause 10 of ISO 14630:— shall apply. The expiry date (see 9.2) shall be marked on the label.11 Information supplied by the manufacturer11.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 11 of ISO 14630:— shall apply together with the requirements in 11.2 to Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body onlyLabelling for implants designed for use on one side of the body only shall bear the symbol "LEFT'' or "L" for implants to be used on the left side or "RIGHT'' or "R" for implants to be used on the right side.11.3 Instructions for orientation of implantsThe instruction leaflet and/or manual shall, where necessary, indicate the required orientation of the implant relative to the body part. It shall also refer to the relevant marking(s) on the implant or the label (see 11.2 and 11.4).11.4 Markings for orientation of the implantsThe implant shall bear the symbol "ANT'' on the front and/or "POST'' on the back where this is necessary for interpretation of the instructions relating to the required orientation of the implant relative to the body given in the instruction leaflet and/or manual (see 11.3).11.5 Placing of markings on implantsMarkings shall be placed on the implant where they will not impair its intended function [see 7.2.1 c), d) and f)]. --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---11.6 Restrictions on useIf an implant is intended for a restricted population this shall be stated in the instructions for use or in themanual.11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramicsComponents manufactured from zirconia ceramics shall include an instruction advising users "Do not sterilizeusing moist heat”.11.8 Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cementLabelling for implants shall bear an appropriate legend as shown in Table 1.Table 1 — LabellingUsage LegendAlternativelegend Implants intended to be used withbone cementFOR USE WITH CEMENT CEMENTEDImplants intended to be usedwithout bone cementUNCEMENTED CEMENTLESSImplants intended to be used optionally USE WITH CEMENT ORUNCEMENTEDNO LEGEND--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex A(informative)List of International Standards for materials found acceptablefor the manufacture of implantsThe following International Standards deal with materials that have been found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants. The inclusion of materials in this annex does not imply their satisfactory use in any particular application; neither does it relieve the manufacturer of the obligation to undertake a design evaluation such as prescribed in Clause 7.ISO 5832-1, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1: Wrought stainless steelISO 5832-2, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 2: Unalloyed titaniumISO 5832-3, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloyISO 5832-4, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy ISO 5832-5, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 5: Wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloyISO 5832-6, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 6: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5832-7, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 7: Forgeable and cold-formed cobalt-chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloyISO 5832-8, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 8: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten-iron alloyISO 5832-9, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 9: Wrought high nitrogen stainless steel --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 5832-11, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 11: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloyISO 5832-12, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 12: Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5833, Implants for surgery — Acrylic resin cementsISO 5834-1, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 1: Powder formISO 5834-2, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 2: Moulded formsISO 6474, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on high purity aluminaISO 13356, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ISO 13779-1, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 1: Ceramic hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-2, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 2: Coatings of hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-4, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 4: Determination of coating adhesion strength。
数模德尔菲法的英文名称《The Delphi Method in Numerical Modeling》The Delphi Method is a widely used research technique that is particularly valuable in the field of numerical modeling. This method involves obtaining input from a panel of experts to reach consensus on a particular topic or issue. The process typically involves multiple rounds of questionnaires and feedback, and is designed to distill the collective wisdom of the experts involved.In the context of numerical modeling, the Delphi Method can be a powerful tool for gathering insights from experts in various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and engineering. This input can be used to refine and improve the mathematical and computational models used to simulate complex systems and phenomena. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of a diverse group of experts, the Delphi Method can help ensure that the numerical models developed are accurate, reliable, and practical.The application of the Delphi Method in numerical modeling can lead to more robust and effective models, which in turn can have far-reaching implications in fields such as weather forecasting, structural engineering, and fluid dynamics. By leveraging the collective intelligence of a panel of experts, researchers and practitioners can gain valuable insights into the intricacies of the systems they are modeling, and develop more accurate and insightful predictions.In conclusion, the Delphi Method in numerical modeling holds great promise for improving the quality and reliability of mathematical and computational models. By harnessing the wisdom and expertise of a diverse group of experts, researchers and practitioners can develop more accurate and practical models that have the potential to revolutionize the way we understand and interact with the world around us.。
ABSTRACT Progressive Simplicial Complexes
Progressive Simplicial Complexes Jovan Popovi´c Hugues HoppeCarnegie Mellon University Microsoft ResearchABSTRACTIn this paper,we introduce the progressive simplicial complex(PSC) representation,a new format for storing and transmitting triangu-lated geometric models.Like the earlier progressive mesh(PM) representation,it captures a given model as a coarse base model together with a sequence of refinement transformations that pro-gressively recover detail.The PSC representation makes use of a more general refinement transformation,allowing the given model to be an arbitrary triangulation(e.g.any dimension,non-orientable, non-manifold,non-regular),and the base model to always consist of a single vertex.Indeed,the sequence of refinement transforma-tions encodes both the geometry and the topology of the model in a unified multiresolution framework.The PSC representation retains the advantages of PM’s.It defines a continuous sequence of approx-imating models for runtime level-of-detail control,allows smooth transitions between any pair of models in the sequence,supports progressive transmission,and offers a space-efficient representa-tion.Moreover,by allowing changes to topology,the PSC sequence of approximations achieves betterfidelity than the corresponding PM sequence.We develop an optimization algorithm for constructing PSC representations for graphics surface models,and demonstrate the framework on models that are both geometrically and topologically complex.CR Categories:I.3.5[Computer Graphics]:Computational Geometry and Object Modeling-surfaces and object representations.Additional Keywords:model simplification,level-of-detail representa-tions,multiresolution,progressive transmission,geometry compression.1INTRODUCTIONModeling and3D scanning systems commonly give rise to triangle meshes of high complexity.Such meshes are notoriously difficult to render,store,and transmit.One approach to speed up rendering is to replace a complex mesh by a set of level-of-detail(LOD) approximations;a detailed mesh is used when the object is close to the viewer,and coarser approximations are substituted as the object recedes[6,8].These LOD approximations can be precomputed Work performed while at Microsoft Research.Email:jovan@,hhoppe@Web:/jovan/Web:/hoppe/automatically using mesh simplification methods(e.g.[2,10,14,20,21,22,24,27]).For efficient storage and transmission,meshcompression schemes[7,26]have also been developed.The recently introduced progressive mesh(PM)representa-tion[13]provides a unified solution to these problems.In PM form,an arbitrary mesh M is stored as a coarse base mesh M0together witha sequence of n detail records that indicate how to incrementally re-fine M0into M n=M(see Figure7).Each detail record encodes theinformation associated with a vertex split,an elementary transfor-mation that adds one vertex to the mesh.In addition to defininga continuous sequence of approximations M0M n,the PM rep-resentation supports smooth visual transitions(geomorphs),allowsprogressive transmission,and makes an effective mesh compressionscheme.The PM representation has two restrictions,however.First,it canonly represent meshes:triangulations that correspond to orientable12-dimensional manifolds.Triangulated2models that cannot be rep-resented include1-d manifolds(open and closed curves),higherdimensional polyhedra(e.g.triangulated volumes),non-orientablesurfaces(e.g.M¨o bius strips),non-manifolds(e.g.two cubes joinedalong an edge),and non-regular models(i.e.models of mixed di-mensionality).Second,the expressiveness of the PM vertex splittransformations constrains all meshes M0M n to have the same topological type.Therefore,when M is topologically complex,the simplified base mesh M0may still have numerous triangles(Fig-ure7).In contrast,a number of existing simplification methods allowtopological changes as the model is simplified(Section6).Ourwork is inspired by vertex unification schemes[21,22],whichmerge vertices of the model based on geometric proximity,therebyallowing genus modification and component merging.In this paper,we introduce the progressive simplicial complex(PSC)representation,a generalization of the PM representation thatpermits topological changes.The key element of our approach isthe introduction of a more general refinement transformation,thegeneralized vertex split,that encodes changes to both the geometryand topology of the model.The PSC representation expresses anarbitrary triangulated model M(e.g.any dimension,non-orientable,non-manifold,non-regular)as the result of successive refinementsapplied to a base model M1that always consists of a single vertex (Figure8).Thus both geometric and topological complexity are recovered progressively.Moreover,the PSC representation retains the advantages of PM’s,including continuous LOD,geomorphs, progressive transmission,and model compression.In addition,we develop an optimization algorithm for construct-ing a PSC representation from a given model,as described in Sec-tion4.1The particular parametrization of vertex splits in[13]assumes that mesh triangles are consistently oriented.2Throughout this paper,we use the words“triangulated”and“triangula-tion”in the general dimension-independent sense.Figure 1:Illustration of a simplicial complex K and some of its subsets.2BACKGROUND2.1Concepts from algebraic topologyTo precisely define both triangulated models and their PSC repre-sentations,we find it useful to introduce some elegant abstractions from algebraic topology (e.g.[15,25]).The geometry of a triangulated model is denoted as a tuple (K V )where the abstract simplicial complex K is a combinatorial structure specifying the adjacency of vertices,edges,triangles,etc.,and V is a set of vertex positions specifying the shape of the model in 3.More precisely,an abstract simplicial complex K consists of a set of vertices 1m together with a set of non-empty subsets of the vertices,called the simplices of K ,such that any set consisting of exactly one vertex is a simplex in K ,and every non-empty subset of a simplex in K is also a simplex in K .A simplex containing exactly d +1vertices has dimension d and is called a d -simplex.As illustrated pictorially in Figure 1,the faces of a simplex s ,denoted s ,is the set of non-empty subsets of s .The star of s ,denoted star(s ),is the set of simplices of which s is a face.The children of a d -simplex s are the (d 1)-simplices of s ,and its parents are the (d +1)-simplices of star(s ).A simplex with exactly one parent is said to be a boundary simplex ,and one with no parents a principal simplex .The dimension of K is the maximum dimension of its simplices;K is said to be regular if all its principal simplices have the same dimension.To form a triangulation from K ,identify its vertices 1m with the standard basis vectors 1m ofm.For each simplex s ,let the open simplex smdenote the interior of the convex hull of its vertices:s =m:jmj =1j=1jjsThe topological realization K is defined as K =K =s K s .The geometric realization of K is the image V (K )where V :m 3is the linear map that sends the j -th standard basis vector jm to j 3.Only a restricted set of vertex positions V =1m lead to an embedding of V (K )3,that is,prevent self-intersections.The geometric realization V (K )is often called a simplicial complex or polyhedron ;it is formed by an arbitrary union of points,segments,triangles,tetrahedra,etc.Note that there generally exist many triangulations (K V )for a given polyhedron.(Some of the vertices V may lie in the polyhedron’s interior.)Two sets are said to be homeomorphic (denoted =)if there ex-ists a continuous one-to-one mapping between them.Equivalently,they are said to have the same topological type .The topological realization K is a d-dimensional manifold without boundary if for each vertex j ,star(j )=d .It is a d-dimensional manifold if each star(v )is homeomorphic to either d or d +,where d +=d:10.Two simplices s 1and s 2are d-adjacent if they have a common d -dimensional face.Two d -adjacent (d +1)-simplices s 1and s 2are manifold-adjacent if star(s 1s 2)=d +1.Figure 2:Illustration of the edge collapse transformation and its inverse,the vertex split.Transitive closure of 0-adjacency partitions K into connected com-ponents .Similarly,transitive closure of manifold-adjacency parti-tions K into manifold components .2.2Review of progressive meshesIn the PM representation [13],a mesh with appearance attributes is represented as a tuple M =(K V D S ),where the abstract simpli-cial complex K is restricted to define an orientable 2-dimensional manifold,the vertex positions V =1m determine its ge-ometric realization V (K )in3,D is the set of discrete material attributes d f associated with 2-simplices f K ,and S is the set of scalar attributes s (v f )(e.g.normals,texture coordinates)associated with corners (vertex-face tuples)of K .An initial mesh M =M n is simplified into a coarser base mesh M 0by applying a sequence of n successive edge collapse transforma-tions:(M =M n )ecol n 1ecol 1M 1ecol 0M 0As shown in Figure 2,each ecol unifies the two vertices of an edgea b ,thereby removing one or two triangles.The position of the resulting unified vertex can be arbitrary.Because the edge collapse transformation has an inverse,called the vertex split transformation (Figure 2),the process can be reversed,so that an arbitrary mesh M may be represented as a simple mesh M 0together with a sequence of n vsplit records:M 0vsplit 0M 1vsplit 1vsplit n 1(M n =M )The tuple (M 0vsplit 0vsplit n 1)forms a progressive mesh (PM)representation of M .The PM representation thus captures a continuous sequence of approximations M 0M n that can be quickly traversed for interac-tive level-of-detail control.Moreover,there exists a correspondence between the vertices of any two meshes M c and M f (0c f n )within this sequence,allowing for the construction of smooth vi-sual transitions (geomorphs)between them.A sequence of such geomorphs can be precomputed for smooth runtime LOD.In addi-tion,PM’s support progressive transmission,since the base mesh M 0can be quickly transmitted first,followed the vsplit sequence.Finally,the vsplit records can be encoded concisely,making the PM representation an effective scheme for mesh compression.Topological constraints Because the definitions of ecol and vsplit are such that they preserve the topological type of the mesh (i.e.all K i are homeomorphic),there is a constraint on the min-imum complexity that K 0may achieve.For instance,it is known that the minimal number of vertices for a closed genus g mesh (ori-entable 2-manifold)is (7+(48g +1)12)2if g =2(10if g =2)[16].Also,the presence of boundary components may further constrain the complexity of K 0.Most importantly,K may consist of a number of components,and each is required to appear in the base mesh.For example,the meshes in Figure 7each have 117components.As evident from the figure,the geometry of PM meshes may deteriorate severely as they approach topological lower bound.M 1;100;(1)M 10;511;(7)M 50;4656;(12)M 200;1552277;(28)M 500;3968690;(58)M 2000;14253219;(108)M 5000;029010;(176)M n =34794;0068776;(207)Figure 3:Example of a PSC representation.The image captions indicate the number of principal 012-simplices respectively and the number of connected components (in parenthesis).3PSC REPRESENTATION 3.1Triangulated modelsThe first step towards generalizing PM’s is to let the PSC repre-sentation encode more general triangulated models,instead of just meshes.We denote a triangulated model as a tuple M =(K V D A ).The abstract simplicial complex K is not restricted to 2-manifolds,but may in fact be arbitrary.To represent K in memory,we encode the incidence graph of the simplices using the following linked structures (in C++notation):struct Simplex int dim;//0=vertex,1=edge,2=triangle, id;Simplex*children[MAXDIM+1];//[0..dim]List<Simplex*>parents;;To render the model,we draw only the principal simplices ofK ,denoted (K )(i.e.vertices not adjacent to edges,edges not adjacent to triangles,etc.).The discrete attributes D associate amaterial identifier d s with each simplex s(K ).For the sake of simplicity,we avoid explicitly storing surface normals at “corners”(using a set S )as done in [13].Instead we let the material identifier d s contain a smoothing group field [28],and let a normal discontinuity (crease )form between any pair of adjacent triangles with different smoothing groups.Previous vertex unification schemes [21,22]render principal simplices of dimension 0and 1(denoted 01(K ))as points and lines respectively with fixed,device-dependent screen widths.To better approximate the model,we instead define a set A that associates an area a s A with each simplex s 01(K ).We think of a 0-simplex s 00(K )as approximating a sphere with area a s 0,and a 1-simplex s 1=j k 1(K )as approximating a cylinder (with axis (j k ))of area a s 1.To render a simplex s 01(K ),we determine the radius r model of the corresponding sphere or cylinder in modeling space,and project the length r model to obtain the radius r screen in screen pixels.Depending on r screen ,we render the simplex as a polygonal sphere or cylinder with radius r model ,a 2D point or line with thickness 2r screen ,or do not render it at all.This choice based on r screen can be adjusted to mitigate the overhead of introducing polygonal representations of spheres and cylinders.As an example,Figure 3shows an initial model M of 68,776triangles.One of its approximations M 500is a triangulated model with 3968690principal 012-simplices respectively.3.2Level-of-detail sequenceAs in progressive meshes,from a given triangulated model M =M n ,we define a sequence of approximations M i :M 1op 1M 2op 2M n1op n 1M nHere each model M i has exactly i vertices.The simplification op-erator M ivunify iM i +1is the vertex unification transformation,whichmerges two vertices (Section 3.3),and its inverse M igvspl iM i +1is the generalized vertex split transformation (Section 3.4).Thetuple (M 1gvspl 1gvspl n 1)forms a progressive simplicial complex (PSC)representation of M .To construct a PSC representation,we first determine a sequence of vunify transformations simplifying M down to a single vertex,as described in Section 4.After reversing these transformations,we renumber the simplices in the order that they are created,so thateach gvspl i (a i)splits the vertex a i K i into two vertices a i i +1K i +1.As vertices may have different positions in the different models,we denote the position of j in M i as i j .To better approximate a surface model M at lower complexity levels,we initially associate with each (principal)2-simplex s an area a s equal to its triangle area in M .Then,as the model is simplified,wekeep constant the sum of areas a s associated with principal simplices within each manifold component.When2-simplices are eventually reduced to principal1-simplices and0-simplices,their associated areas will provide good estimates of the original component areas.3.3Vertex unification transformationThe transformation vunify(a i b i midp i):M i M i+1takes an arbitrary pair of vertices a i b i K i+1(simplex a i b i need not be present in K i+1)and merges them into a single vertex a i K i. Model M i is created from M i+1by updating each member of the tuple(K V D A)as follows:K:References to b i in all simplices of K are replaced by refer-ences to a i.More precisely,each simplex s in star(b i)K i+1is replaced by simplex(s b i)a i,which we call the ancestor simplex of s.If this ancestor simplex already exists,s is deleted.V:Vertex b is deleted.For simplicity,the position of the re-maining(unified)vertex is set to either the midpoint or is left unchanged.That is,i a=(i+1a+i+1b)2if the boolean parameter midp i is true,or i a=i+1a otherwise.D:Materials are carried through as expected.So,if after the vertex unification an ancestor simplex(s b i)a i K i is a new principal simplex,it receives its material from s K i+1if s is a principal simplex,or else from the single parent s a i K i+1 of s.A:To maintain the initial areas of manifold components,the areasa s of deleted principal simplices are redistributed to manifold-adjacent neighbors.More concretely,the area of each princi-pal d-simplex s deleted during the K update is distributed toa manifold-adjacent d-simplex not in star(a ib i).If no suchneighbor exists and the ancestor of s is a principal simplex,the area a s is distributed to that ancestor simplex.Otherwise,the manifold component(star(a i b i))of s is being squashed be-tween two other manifold components,and a s is discarded. 3.4Generalized vertex split transformation Constructing the PSC representation involves recording the infor-mation necessary to perform the inverse of each vunify i.This inverse is the generalized vertex split gvspl i,which splits a0-simplex a i to introduce an additional0-simplex b i.(As mentioned previously, renumbering of simplices implies b i i+1,so index b i need not be stored explicitly.)Each gvspl i record has the formgvspl i(a i C K i midp i()i C D i C A i)and constructs model M i+1from M i by updating the tuple (K V D A)as follows:K:As illustrated in Figure4,any simplex adjacent to a i in K i can be the vunify result of one of four configurations in K i+1.To construct K i+1,we therefore replace each ancestor simplex s star(a i)in K i by either(1)s,(2)(s a i)i+1,(3)s and(s a i)i+1,or(4)s,(s a i)i+1and s i+1.The choice is determined by a split code associated with s.Thesesplit codes are stored as a code string C Ki ,in which the simplicesstar(a i)are sortedfirst in order of increasing dimension,and then in order of increasing simplex id,as shown in Figure5. V:The new vertex is assigned position i+1i+1=i ai+()i.Theother vertex is given position i+1ai =i ai()i if the boolean pa-rameter midp i is true;otherwise its position remains unchanged.D:The string C Di is used to assign materials d s for each newprincipal simplex.Simplices in C Di ,as well as in C Aibelow,are sorted by simplex dimension and simplex id as in C Ki. A:During reconstruction,we are only interested in the areas a s fors01(K).The string C Ai tracks changes in these areas.Figure4:Effects of split codes on simplices of various dimensions.code string:41422312{}Figure5:Example of split code encoding.3.5PropertiesLevels of detail A graphics application can efficiently transitionbetween models M1M n at runtime by performing a sequence ofvunify or gvspl transformations.Our current research prototype wasnot designed for efficiency;it attains simplification rates of about6000vunify/sec and refinement rates of about5000gvspl/sec.Weexpect that a careful redesign using more efficient data structureswould significantly improve these rates.Geomorphs As in the PM representation,there exists a corre-spondence between the vertices of the models M1M n.Given acoarser model M c and afiner model M f,1c f n,each vertexj K f corresponds to a unique ancestor vertex f c(j)K cfound by recursively traversing the ancestor simplex relations:f c(j)=j j cf c(a j1)j cThis correspondence allows the creation of a smooth visual transi-tion(geomorph)M G()such that M G(1)equals M f and M G(0)looksidentical to M c.The geomorph is defined as the modelM G()=(K f V G()D f A G())in which each vertex position is interpolated between its originalposition in V f and the position of its ancestor in V c:Gj()=()fj+(1)c f c(j)However,we must account for the special rendering of principalsimplices of dimension0and1(Section3.1).For each simplexs01(K f),we interpolate its area usinga G s()=()a f s+(1)a c swhere a c s=0if s01(K c).In addition,we render each simplexs01(K c)01(K f)using area a G s()=(1)a c s.The resultinggeomorph is visually smooth even as principal simplices are intro-duced,removed,or change dimension.The accompanying video demonstrates a sequence of such geomorphs.Progressive transmission As with PM’s,the PSC representa-tion can be progressively transmitted by first sending M 1,followed by the gvspl records.Unlike the base mesh of the PM,M 1always consists of a single vertex,and can therefore be sent in a fixed-size record.The rendering of lower-dimensional simplices as spheres and cylinders helps to quickly convey the overall shape of the model in the early stages of transmission.Model compression Although PSC gvspl are more general than PM vsplit transformations,they offer a surprisingly concise representation of M .Table 1lists the average number of bits re-quired to encode each field of the gvspl records.Using arithmetic coding [30],the vertex id field a i requires log 2i bits,and the boolean parameter midp i requires 0.6–0.9bits for our models.The ()i delta vector is quantized to 16bitsper coordinate (48bits per),and stored as a variable-length field [7,13],requiring about 31bits on average.At first glance,each split code in the code string C K i seems to have 4possible outcomes (except for the split code for 0-simplex a i which has only 2possible outcomes).However,there exist constraints between these split codes.For example,in Figure 5,the code 1for 1-simplex id 1implies that 2-simplex id 1also has code 1.This in turn implies that 1-simplex id 2cannot have code 2.Similarly,code 2for 1-simplex id 3implies a code 2for 2-simplex id 2,which in turn implies that 1-simplex id 4cannot have code 1.These constraints,illustrated in the “scoreboard”of Figure 6,can be summarized using the following two rules:(1)If a simplex has split code c12,all of its parents havesplit code c .(2)If a simplex has split code 3,none of its parents have splitcode 4.As we encode split codes in C K i left to right,we apply these two rules (and their contrapositives)transitively to constrain the possible outcomes for split codes yet to be ing arithmetic coding with uniform outcome probabilities,these constraints reduce the code string length in Figure 6from 15bits to 102bits.In our models,the constraints reduce the code string from 30bits to 14bits on average.The code string is further reduced using a non-uniform probability model.We create an array T [0dim ][015]of encoding tables,indexed by simplex dimension (0..dim)and by the set of possible (constrained)split codes (a 4-bit mask).For each simplex s ,we encode its split code c using the probability distribution found in T [s dim ][s codes mask ].For 2-dimensional models,only 10of the 48tables are non-trivial,and each table contains at most 4probabilities,so the total size of the probability model is small.These encoding tables reduce the code strings to approximately 8bits as shown in Table 1.By comparison,the PM representation requires approximately 5bits for the same information,but of course it disallows topological changes.To provide more intuition for the efficiency of the PSC repre-sentation,we note that capturing the connectivity of an average 2-manifold simplicial complex (n vertices,3n edges,and 2n trian-gles)requires ni =1(log 2i +8)n (log 2n +7)bits with PSC encoding,versus n (12log 2n +95)bits with a traditional one-way incidence graph representation.For improved compression,it would be best to use a hybrid PM +PSC representation,in which the more concise PM vertex split encoding is used when the local neighborhood is an orientableFigure 6:Constraints on the split codes for the simplices in the example of Figure 5.Table 1:Compression results and construction times.Object#verts Space required (bits/n )Trad.Con.n K V D Arepr.time a i C K i midp i (v )i C D i C Ai bits/n hrs.drumset 34,79412.28.20.928.1 4.10.453.9146.1 4.3destroyer 83,79913.38.30.723.1 2.10.347.8154.114.1chandelier 36,62712.47.60.828.6 3.40.853.6143.6 3.6schooner 119,73413.48.60.727.2 2.5 1.353.7148.722.2sandal 4,6289.28.00.733.4 15,08211.0 1.20.630.70.0-43.5-0.5cessna 6,7959.67.60.632.2 28,84711.97.90.930.5 1.40.453.0135.7 3.52-dimensional manifold (this occurs on average 93%of the time in our examples).To compress C D i ,we predict the material for each new principalsimplex sstar(a i )star(b i )K i +1by constructing an ordered set D s of materials found in star(a i )K i .To improve the coding model,the first materials in D s are those of principal simplices in star(s )K i where s is the ancestor of s ;the remainingmaterials in star(a i )K i are appended to D s .The entry in C D i associated with s is the index of its material in D s ,encoded arithmetically.If the material of s is not present in D s ,it is specified explicitly as a global index in D .We encode C A i by specifying the area a s for each new principalsimplex s 01(star(a i )star(b i ))K i +1.To account for this redistribution of area,we identify the principal simplex from which s receives its area by specifying its index in 01(star(a i ))K i .The column labeled in Table 1sums the bits of each field of the gvspl records.Multiplying by the number n of vertices in M gives the total number of bits for the PSC representation of the model (e.g.500KB for the destroyer).By way of compari-son,the next column shows the number of bits per vertex required in a traditional “IndexedFaceSet”representation,with quantization of 16bits per coordinate and arithmetic coding of face materials (3n 16+2n 3log 2n +materials).4PSC CONSTRUCTIONIn this section,we describe a scheme for iteratively choosing pairs of vertices to unify,in order to construct a PSC representation.Our algorithm,a generalization of [13],is time-intensive,seeking high quality approximations.It should be emphasized that many quality metrics are possible.For instance,the quadric error metric recently introduced by Garland and Heckbert [9]provides a different trade-off of execution speed and visual quality.As in [13,20],we first compute a cost E for each candidate vunify transformation,and enter the candidates into a priority queueordered by ascending cost.Then,in each iteration i =n 11,we perform the vunify at the front of the queue and update the costs of affected candidates.4.1Forming set of candidate vertex pairs In principle,we could enter all possible pairs of vertices from M into the priority queue,but this would be prohibitively expensive since simplification would then require at least O(n2log n)time.Instead, we would like to consider only a smaller set of candidate vertex pairs.Naturally,should include the1-simplices of K.Additional pairs should also be included in to allow distinct connected com-ponents of M to merge and to facilitate topological changes.We considered several schemes for forming these additional pairs,in-cluding binning,octrees,and k-closest neighbor graphs,but opted for the Delaunay triangulation because of its adaptability on models containing components at different scales.We compute the Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of M, represented as a3-dimensional simplicial complex K DT.We define the initial set to contain both the1-simplices of K and the subset of1-simplices of K DT that connect vertices in different connected components of K.During the simplification process,we apply each vertex unification performed on M to as well in order to keep consistent the set of candidate pairs.For models in3,star(a i)has constant size in the average case,and the overall simplification algorithm requires O(n log n) time.(In the worst case,it could require O(n2log n)time.)4.2Selecting vertex unifications fromFor each candidate vertex pair(a b),the associated vunify(a b):M i M i+1is assigned the costE=E dist+E disc+E area+E foldAs in[13],thefirst term is E dist=E dist(M i)E dist(M i+1),where E dist(M)measures the geometric accuracy of the approximate model M.Conceptually,E dist(M)approximates the continuous integralMd2(M)where d(M)is the Euclidean distance of the point to the closest point on M.We discretize this integral by defining E dist(M)as the sum of squared distances to M from a dense set of points X sampled from the original model M.We sample X from the set of principal simplices in K—a strategy that generalizes to arbitrary triangulated models.In[13],E disc(M)measures the geometric accuracy of disconti-nuity curves formed by a set of sharp edges in the mesh.For the PSC representation,we generalize the concept of sharp edges to that of sharp simplices in K—a simplex is sharp either if it is a boundary simplex or if two of its parents are principal simplices with different material identifiers.The energy E disc is defined as the sum of squared distances from a set X disc of points sampled from sharp simplices to the discontinuity components from which they were sampled.Minimization of E disc therefore preserves the geom-etry of material boundaries,normal discontinuities(creases),and triangulation boundaries(including boundary curves of a surface and endpoints of a curve).We have found it useful to introduce a term E area that penalizes surface stretching(a more sophisticated version of the regularizing E spring term of[13]).Let A i+1N be the sum of triangle areas in the neighborhood star(a i)star(b i)K i+1,and A i N the sum of triangle areas in star(a i)K i.The mean squared displacement over the neighborhood N due to the change in area can be approx-imated as disp2=12(A i+1NA iN)2.We let E area=X N disp2,where X N is the number of points X projecting in the neighborhood. To prevent model self-intersections,the last term E fold penalizes surface folding.We compute the rotation of each oriented triangle in the neighborhood due to the vertex unification(as in[10,20]).If any rotation exceeds a threshold angle value,we set E fold to a large constant.Unlike[13],we do not optimize over the vertex position i a, but simply evaluate E for i a i+1a i+1b(i+1a+i+1b)2and choose the best one.This speeds up the optimization,improves model compression,and allows us to introduce non-quadratic energy terms like E area.5RESULTSTable1gives quantitative results for the examples in thefigures and in the video.Simplification times for our prototype are measured on an SGI Indigo2Extreme(150MHz R4400).Although these times may appear prohibitive,PSC construction is an off-line task that only needs to be performed once per model.Figure9highlights some of the benefits of the PSC representa-tion.The pearls in the chandelier model are initially disconnected tetrahedra;these tetrahedra merge and collapse into1-d curves in lower-complexity approximations.Similarly,the numerous polyg-onal ropes in the schooner model are simplified into curves which can be rendered as line segments.The straps of the sandal model initially have some thickness;the top and bottom sides of these straps merge in the simplification.Also note the disappearance of the holes on the sandal straps.The castle example demonstrates that the original model need not be a mesh;here M is a1-dimensional non-manifold obtained by extracting edges from an image.6RELATED WORKThere are numerous schemes for representing and simplifying tri-angulations in computer graphics.A common special case is that of subdivided2-manifolds(meshes).Garland and Heckbert[12] provide a recent survey of mesh simplification techniques.Several methods simplify a given model through a sequence of edge col-lapse transformations[10,13,14,20].With the exception of[20], these methods constrain edge collapses to preserve the topological type of the model(e.g.disallow the collapse of a tetrahedron into a triangle).Our work is closely related to several schemes that generalize the notion of edge collapse to that of vertex unification,whereby separate connected components of the model are allowed to merge and triangles may be collapsed into lower dimensional simplices. Rossignac and Borrel[21]overlay a uniform cubical lattice on the object,and merge together vertices that lie in the same cubes. Schaufler and St¨u rzlinger[22]develop a similar scheme in which vertices are merged using a hierarchical clustering algorithm.Lue-bke[18]introduces a scheme for locally adapting the complexity of a scene at runtime using a clustering octree.In these schemes, the approximating models correspond to simplicial complexes that would result from a set of vunify transformations(Section3.3).Our approach differs in that we order the vunify in a carefully optimized sequence.More importantly,we define not only a simplification process,but also a new representation for the model using an en-coding of gvspl=vunify1transformations.Recent,independent work by Schmalstieg and Schaufler[23]de-velops a similar strategy of encoding a model using a sequence of vertex split transformations.Their scheme differs in that it tracks only triangles,and therefore requires regular,2-dimensional trian-gulations.Hence,it does not allow lower-dimensional simplices in the model approximations,and does not generalize to higher dimensions.Some simplification schemes make use of an intermediate vol-umetric representation to allow topological changes to the model. He et al.[11]convert a mesh into a binary inside/outside function discretized on a three-dimensional grid,low-passfilter this function,。
以下是二维 Ising 模型的蒙特卡洛算法的详细步骤:
2.定义参数:设置模拟步数(或称为Monte Carlo 步数,MC
o对于每个 MC 步:
▪如果ΔE 小于等于0,接受翻转,将自旋
▪如果ΔE 大于0,根据Metropolis 准则以
概率 exp(-ΔE / T) 决定是否接受翻转。
o每个 MC 步结束后,记录自旋阵列的属性(例如平均磁化、能量等)。
o可以选择在一些 MC 步之后检查系统是否达到平衡状态。
如果需要,可以进行更多的 MC 步。
这是基本的二维Ising 模型的蒙特卡洛算法步骤。
它由奥地利数学家艾德蒙德·泽尼克(Edmund Landau Zeunert)于1935年提出,是一种用多项式来逼近一组平面上的点而得到平面曲线的方法。
而不同于其他方法的是,泽尼克多项式采用了一种特殊的多项式函数形式,它是基于勒让德多项式(Legendre polynomials)的。
0 引 言
蒙 特 卡 罗 重 正 化 群 方 法 ( ne al Mot C r o R nr ai t nG op 是 由 S—k Mal首先 提 出 eom lai ru ) z o . L 来 的结合蒙特卡 罗方 法【 和重正 化群方法 【 来求 2 3 解相 变 问题 的一种 方 法 . 种 方法 可 以有效 地 降 这 低重正化群 方法 中 由于 数 量 的增 多 而 引起 的
第2卷 第6 6 期 20 年 1 月 07 1
曲 靖 师 范 学 院 学 报 JU N LO U IG N R LU IE S Y O R A FQ J O MA NV R I N T
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图3 MC G计算 中用到的偶数项 自旋相互 R
作用和奇数项 自旋相互作用
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这里 K 是 交 换 作 用 常数 , 是 点 阵之 和 . 如 例
1. 数据预处理,首先,需要对输入的三维点云数据进行预处理,包括去噪、采样和边界处理。
2. 泊松重构,接下来,使用泊松重构算法对预处理后的点云数
3. 曲面优化,在得到初始曲面模型后,通常需要进行曲面优化
4. 参数调整,最后,根据具体的应用需求,可能需要对生成的
E-mail address: dss_iit@ 0020-7403/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. /10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2012.09.009
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 11 February 2012 Received in revised form 27 August 2012 Accepted 12 September 2012 Available online 12 October 2012 Keywords: Complex variable Cauchy’s integral Stress concentration factor Isotropic plates Stress functions Biaxial loading
General solutions for determining the stress distribution around holes in an infinite plate subjected to arbitrary biaxial in-plane loadings at infinity, are obtained using Muskhelishvili’s complex variable method. The stress functions are obtained by evaluating Cauchy’s integral for the given boundary conditions. The generalized formulation thus obtained is coded and numerical results are presented for triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal and octagonal cut-out. The effect of the hole geometry and loading pattern on the stress concentration factor is studied. For some of the cases, plane stress finite element models are prepared in ANSYS and results are compared with present method. & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In 1887, the German physicist Erwin Schrödinger proposed a radial solution to the Maxwell-Schrödinger equation. This equation describes the behavior of an electron in an atom and is used to calculate its energy levels. The radial solution was found to be valid for all values of angular momentum quantum number l, which means that it can describe any type of atomic orbital.The existence and multiplicity of this radial solution has been studied extensively since then. It has been shown that there are infinitely many solutions for each value of l, with each one corresponding to a different energy level. Furthermore, these solutions can be divided into two categories: bound states and scattering states. Bound states have negative energies and correspond to electrons that are trapped within the atom; scattering states have positive energies and correspond to electrons that escape from the atom after being excited by external radiation or collisions with other particles.The existence and multiplicity of these solutions is important because they provide insight into how atoms interact with their environment through electromagnetic radiation or collisions with other particles. They also help us understand why certain elements form molecules when combined together, as well as why some elements remain stable while others decay over time due to radioactive processes such as alpha decay or beta decay.。
文章标题:探索三维非均匀介质波动方程有限差分python开源代码1. 简介在地质勘探、医学成像和地震监测等领域,对三维非均匀介质波动方程的研究与应用日益重要。
2. 三维非均匀介质波动方程简介三维非均匀介质波动方程描述了波在非均匀介质中的传播规律,是地震勘探、医学成像等领域中常见的数学模型之一。
3. 有限差分方法有限差分方法是数值求解微分方程的一种常见方法,其基本思想是将微分方程中的导数用差分近似代替,从而将连续的问题转化为离散的问题。
4. Python编程实现利用Python编程语言实现三维非均匀介质波动方程的有限差分方法具有许多优势,如简洁易读的代码、丰富的科学计算库等。
5. 开源代码共享在本文中,我们将共享我们编写的三维非均匀介质波动方程有限差分Python开源代码,包括空间离散化、时间离散化、边界条件处理、波场更新等关键部分。
6. 个人观点和理解通过编写三维非均匀介质波动方程的有限差分Python开源代码,我深刻体会到数值模拟在地质勘探、医学成像等领域中的重要作用。
operation would result in non-manifold bodies
operation would result in non-manifold bodies非流形体是在计算机图形学和计算机辅助设计中经常出现的一个问题。
在计算机生成的模型中,有几个操作可能会导致非流形体:1. 重叠的三角形:当两个或多个三角形重叠时,就会产生非流形体。
2. 不封闭的边缘:当模型中存在不封闭的边缘时,将产生非流形体。
3. 自相交:当模型的部分面或边相互穿过或相交时,会产生非流形体。
4. 多边形凹陷:当一个多边形具有一个或多个凹陷部分时,会产生非流形体。
5. 粘连点:当两个或多个点在模型中粘在一起时,将产生非流形体。
为了解决这些非流形体的问题,可以使用以下方法:1. 检查和修复非流形体:使用计算机辅助设计软件或3D建模工具,可以检查模型是否存在非流形体,并尝试自动修复这些问题。
2. 重新建模:如果模型的非流形体问题无法通过自动修复解决,可能需要重新建模。
3. 使用高级建模技术:一些高级建模技术可以避免产生非流形体。
固液界面多分散高分子吸附构型的Monte Carlo模拟
固液界面多分散高分子吸附构型的Monte Carlo 模拟*刘梅堂 牟伯中 刘洪来 胡 英 (华东理工大学化学系, 上海 200237)摘 要: 在格子模型基础上用Monte Carlo 方法模拟研究了多分散高分子在固液界面的吸附行为,重点考察了平均分布和正态分布两种不同链长分布形式的高分子在固液界面吸附构型的分布规律。
正态分布的高分子体系中高分子的三种吸附构型(tails ,loops 和 trains )的浓度和数目比相同条件下平均分布的高分子体系内要低的多。
tails 构型由于受到高分子链节热运动以及吸附层压缩作用的影响,在高温或高吸附作用能下,其密度分布表现出和其它两种吸附构型完全不同的形式。
关键词:多分散性,高分子,吸附构型,固液界面, Monte Carlo 模拟 中图分类号:O63/4713 文献标识码:Monte Carlo Simulations for Polymer Conformation of Polydisperse Polymersat S/L InterfacesLiu Meitang Mu Bozhong Liu Honglai Hu Ying(Department of Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237,China )Abstract : The adsorption behavior of polydisperse polymers at solid-liquid interfaces is studied by the method of Monte Carlo simulations based on the lattice model, and effects of the polymer chain length in systems of both average and normal distributions on the polymer conformation (tails, trains and loops distribution) are evaluated. Apparent conformation differences are found between these two polydisperse systems especially when the polymer-interface interaction energy is low enough. The concentration of tails, trains and loops in different layer are much lower in normal distribution systems than that in average ones, whereas the change in polymer conformation is more sensitive to temperature and the concentration of the total polymer segments in average distribution systems than that in normal ones. Results also show that when temperature increases, the concentration of tails in layers far away from the adsorption interface increases accompanied by concentrations of trains and loops decreasing rapidly. This indicate that more stand-up conformation exist near the adsorption interfaces. All data from this work also reveals that quantitative system errors will exist when using monodisperse models to evaluate the real polydisperse polymer systems.Key words : Polydispersity, Polymer, Adsorption conformation, Solid-liquid interfaceMonte Carlo simulation收稿日期: 修订日期:基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.20025618, 20236010)、油气藏地质与开发工程国家重点实验室开放基金(PLN0137)和上海市教委资助 作者简介:刘梅堂(1975-),男,山东泰安人,华东理工大学博士生。
近年来, 数值模拟已经受到广泛的关注,尤其是为了解释形状记忆聚合物(SMP)力学行为。
首先,基于非线性Finite Element Method(FEM)的模型已被提出来研究形状记忆聚合物力学行为,这些模型利用刚体-柔性复合结构模型,随时间变化的弹性模量和应变能量能够模拟形状记忆聚合物的宏观行为,特别是形状变形、包裹和反结晶行为。
这种非均匀场理论首先通过考虑Macromolecular Conception(MMC)中形状记忆聚合物结构之间的相互作用,从而提出了一个特殊的在线性和非线性力学行为之间平衡的Kirchhoff准则。
Geometric Modeling
Geometric ModelingGeometric modeling plays a crucial role in various fields such as engineering, architecture, animation, and computer graphics. It involves creating digital representations of geometric shapes and objects using mathematical equations and algorithms. This process allows for the visualization, analysis, and manipulation of complex structures, ultimately aiding in the design and development of products, buildings, and visual effects. However, like any other technological advancement, geometric modeling comes with its own set of challenges and limitations. One of the primary issues in geometric modeling is the complexity of the shapes and structures that need to be represented. Real-world objects often have intricate geometries that are difficult to capture accurately in a digital format. This complexity can result in large file sizes, slow rendering times, and challenges in data manipulation. For example, modeling organic shapes such as human faces or natural landscapes requires advanced algorithms and computational power to achieve realistic results. Another challenge in geometric modeling is the balance between accuracy and efficiency. While it is essential to create precise and detailed representations of objects, the process should also be efficient in terms of computational resources and time. Achieving this balance often requires trade-offs and compromises, as increasing accuracy may lead to longer processing times and higher memory requirements. Finding the optimal balance between accuracy and efficiency is a constant challenge for geometric modelers. Furthermore, the interoperability of geometric models across different software and platforms is a significant concern. In many industries, geometric models need to be shared and utilized in various software applications for different purposes. However, compatibility issues often arise when transferring models between different programs, leading to data loss, format conversion errors, and inconsistencies in the representation of the original geometry. This interoperability challenge hinders seamless collaboration and workflow integration in the design and manufacturing processes. Moreover, geometric modeling also faces challengesrelated to the representation of physical properties and behaviors of objects. While geometric models provide visual representations of shapes, they often lack information about material properties, motion dynamics, and environmentalinteractions. Integrating these physical aspects into geometric models isessential for simulating real-world behaviors, such as structural analysis, fluid dynamics, and collision detection in virtual environments. In addition totechnical challenges, ethical considerations also come into play in geometric modeling. For instance, the use of geometric models in the entertainment industry raises questions about the representation of human bodies and cultural sensitivity. The creation of realistic human characters in video games and movies requires careful consideration of ethical standards to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or causing harm to certain groups of people. Similarly, the use of geometric modeling in virtual reality and augmented reality applications raises concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the ethical implications of creating immersive digital environments. In conclusion, geometric modeling is a powerful tool with diverse applications, but it is not without its challenges. From technical complexities to ethical considerations, the field of geometric modeling requires continuous innovation and thoughtful deliberation to address these issues. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, the industry can work towards creating more accurate, efficient, and ethical geometric models that benefit society as a whole.。
peridigm 平面应变
peridigm 平面应变
fluent中一些问题30 5431数值模拟过程中,什么情况下出现伪扩散的情况?以及对于伪扩散在数值模拟过程中如何避免?假扩散(falsediffusion)的含义:基本含义:由于对流-扩散方程中一阶导数项的离散格式的截断误差小于二阶而引起较大数值计算误差的现象。
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a rXiv:cs /01723v1[cs.CG]18J ul21Vertex-Unfoldingsof Simplicial Polyhedra Erik D.Demaine ∗David Eppstein †JeffErickson ‡George W.Hart §Joseph O’Rourke ¶February 1,2008Abstract We present two algorithms for unfolding the surface of any polyhedron,all of whose faces are triangles,to a nonoverlapping,connected planar layout.The surface is cut only along polyhedron edges.The layout is connected,but it may have a disconnected interior:the triangles are connected at vertices,but not necessarily joined along edges.1Introduction It is a long-standing open problem to decide whether every convex polyhedron may be cut along edges and unfolded flat in one piece without overlap,i.e.,unfolded to a simple polygon.This type of unfolding has been termed edge-unfolding ;the unfolding consists of the faces of the polyhedron joined along edges.In contrast,unfolding via arbitrary cuts easily leads to nonoverlap.See [O’R00]for history and applications to manufacturing.Recently it was established that not every nonconvex polyhedron may be edge-unfolded,even if the polyhedron is simplicial ,that is,all of its faces are triangles [BDEK99,BDE +01].In this paper we loosen the meaning of “in one piece”to permit a nonoverlapping connected region that (in general)does not form a simple poly-gon,because its interior is disconnected.We call such an unfolding a vertex-unfolding :the faces of the polyhedron are joined at vertices (and sometimes edges).With this easier goal we obtain a positive result:the surface of everysimplicial polyhedron,convex or nonconvex,of any genus,may be cut along edges and unfolded to a planar,nonoverlapping,connected layout.Our proofrelies on the restriction that every face is a triangle.The problemremains openfor nonsimplicial polyhedra with simply connected faces(see Section7).2Overview of AlgorithmLet P be a simplicial polyhedron,and let G be the lattice graph of the face lattice of the polyhedron:the nodes of G are the facets(triangles),edges,and vertices of P,with an arc for each incidence.Define a facet path in G to be a path that alternates between vertices and facets,includes each facet exactly once,and never repeats the same vertex twice in a row.In such a path p=(...,v1,f,v2,...),v1and v2are distinct vertices of f.Ourfirst observation is that if G contains a facet path p,then a vertex-unfolding exists.For the triangle f can be placed inside a vertical strip with v1 and v2on the left and right strip boundaries.Doing this for each triangle in p yields a nonoverlapping unfolding,connected at the strip boundaries.However,we do not know whether every lattice graph has a facet path. We can prove this only for polyhedra of genus zero(Theorem3in Section6). Instead we establish that that every G(for any simplicial polyhedron,of anyFigure1:An unfolding path.genus)has an“unfolding path,”which is roughly a facet path that may also include quadrilaterals.More precisely,an unfolding path is a path in G that alternates between vertices and nonvertices,covers each facet exactly once,and never repeats the same vertex twice in a row.An edge-node of a path covers the two adjacent facets;otherwise a facet is covered if it is a node of the path.An example is shown in Fig.1.Here the path is(x,f0,y,e,z,f3,w),with e covering f1and f2.Of course every facet path is an unfolding path.As is evident in thefigure,if the quadrilateral Q=f1∪f2is nonconvex,it is no longer as straightforward to place Q inside a vertical strip.However,we can always choose to open up the end of e=yz at which Q has a convex angle (y in thefigure),which then allows Q to be placed in a strip.See Fig.2.Therefore,once an unfolding path is found for G,a vertex-unfolding can be achieved.2Figure2:Laying out an unfolding path in vertical strips.The quadrilaterals are shaded.(The example is contrived.)3Algorithm for Arbitrary GenusOur proof that every lattice graph G for a simplicial polyhedron P has an unfolding path is via an algorithm thatfinds such a path.Thefirst step is to convert the surface into a simplicial complex D forming a topological disk (henceforth,a disk)by cutting a sufficient number of polyhedron edges.For a polyhedron of genus0,just one edge needs be cut.The algorithm operates on D,finding a path through its triangles,and occasionally employing a quadrilateral when it can no longer extend with a triangle.In particular,the unfolding path starts at a vertex s on the boundary of D,and ends at a boundary vertex t=s.Let D be a disk containing at least one triangle.We’ll let∂D represent its boundary.Let s and t be distinct boundary vertices.Vertex s has two distinct neighbors s1and s2on∂D,and t has two distinct neighbors t1and t2on∂D.Call the triangles incident to ss i and tt i,i=1,2,s-wings and t-wings respectively.Although there may be as many as four distinct wings,there could be as few as one,because several of the wings might coincide.Say that a triangle T breaks the disk D if D\T is not a topological disk.Define an s-wing to be a good wing if it is not incident to t and does not break the disk;similarly a t-wing is good if it is not incident to s and does not break the disk.Good wings permit easy advancement of the facet path.Throughout we letπ(s,D,t) represent an unfolding path from s to t through D,and use⊕to represent path concatenation:π(a,D1,b)⊕π(b,D2,c)is the path from a to b in D1joined atb to the path from b toc in D2:(a,...,b,...,c).1.There is a good wing T.Let T=△ss1u;all other cases are symmetric.We join(s,T,u)to the recursively constructed path in the remainder (Fig.3(1)):π(s,D,t)=(s,T,u)⊕π(u,D\T,t).Note that u∈D\T and u=t,which justifies the recursion.Whether T is an s-or a t-wing,the structurally similar path construction suffices to reduce to a smaller disk,either from the s-or from the t-end.2.There is an s-wing T that is not incident to t,or a t-wing that is notincident to s.Again let T=△ss1u;all other cases are symmetric.Because T is not good,it must break the disk,which implies that u is on∂D.Let D1and D2be the disks separated by T,with s∈D1.Note that neither s1nor u can be t.3(1)(2a)(2b)1(3b)sFigure3:Cases of the algorithm.(a)t∈D1(Fig.3(2a)):π(s,D,t)=(s,T,s1)⊕π(s1,D2,u)⊕π(u,D1,t).(b)t∈D2(Fig.3(2b)):π(s,D,t)=π(s,D1,u)⊕(u,T,s1)⊕π(s1,D2,t).3.Every s-wing is incident to t,and every t-wing is incident to s.Then itmust be that D is either a single triangle,or a quadrilateral.(a)D is a triangle T.Then(s,T,t)is an unfolding path for D.(b)D is a quadrilateral T∪T′;Fig.3(3b).Then(s,st,t)is an unfoldingpath for D.It is not difficult to see that the algorithm can be implemented to require time only linear in the number of triangles in the disk D.44Algorithm ProofTheorem1Any triangulated topological disk D has an unfolding path connect-ing any two distinct boundary vertices s and t.Proof:The proof is by induction on the number of triangles n in D.It obviously holds for n=1.The algorithm just described clearly results in an unfolding path for D,by construction.The only issues that remains are verifying that the cases indeed exhaustively cover the possibilities,and that in each case,the conditions of the induction hypothesis hold.A good wing by definition neither breaks the disk,nor is incident to t(resp. s)for an s-(resp.t-)wing.Case1covers good wings,and Cases2and3cover the two ways to fail being a good wing:Case2for wings that do not violate the incidence condition(in which case they must violate the breaking condition), and Case3the wings that do violate the incidence condition.Thus the cases are mutually exclusive and comprehensive.That the induction hypothesis holds in each case is easily seen.We are careful to ensure that the start and end vertices in each recursive application are distinct boundary vertices,and that the subcomplex being traversed is a disk.The only issue that remains is why Case3requires D to be a triangle or a quadrilateral.Suppose there are two s-wings,so that s1and s2are distinct. Each must be incident to t,so t is neither s1nor s2.Thus the two wings must be T=△ss1t and T′=△ss2t.If s1t or s2t is not a boundary edge,then some wing of t is not incident to s,which would place us in Case2.So both are boundary edges,and D is the quadrilateral T∪T′.Finally,suppose that there is just one s-wing T=△ss1u.Then both ss1and su must be boundary edges,with either s1=t or u=t.In either case,if s1u is not a boundary edge,there would be a t-wing not incident to s,again leading to Case2.Because we know Case2does not hold,s1u must be a boundary edge,and D=T.2 By our remarks in Section2,Theorem1suffices to establish our main result: Theorem2The surface of any simplicial polyhedron P(of any genus)may be vertex-unfolded(in linear time):cut along edges and unfolded to a nonover-lapping,connected planar layout.In the layout,adjacent vertical strips each contain one or two triangles of P.Note that the resulting unfolding could be viewed as a hinged dissection[Fre97] of the surface;see,for example,Fig.4.Figure4:Unfolding of the surface of a triangulated cube.55ExamplesWe have implemented the algorithm of Section3and applied it to a number of convex polyhedra.Fig.5shows several examples.The polyhedra were generated as convex hulls of randomly generated points.Most unfoldings were in fact facet paths:encountering a quadrilateral(in Case3b of the algorithm)was somewhat rare.However,thefigure illustrates only cases in which one or more quadrilaterals occur.16303236407496114194Figure5:Unfoldings of random convex polyhedra(generated by code from[O’R98]).The number of triangles is indicated to the left of each un-folding.Quadrilaterals are shaded.The next section shows that for polyhedra of genus zero,quadrilaterals can be avoided entirely.66Genus-Zero Facet CyclesTheorem3The lattice graph of any simplicial polyhedron P of genus zero contains a facet cycle C(P).A facet cycle is a facet path(cf.Sec.2)that is also a cycle.Proof:Note that any facet path in which each vertex is incident to an even number of path edges is a facet cycle,because it supports an Eulerian tour.The proof is by induction on the number of polyhedron edges.If P is a tetrahedron,then there is a facet cycle,as shown in Fig.6.Figure6:The lattice graph of a tetrahedron contains a facet cycle.Otherwise,let xy be any edge of P,and contract it to form the lattice graph of a polyhedron Q.(In a triangulated planar graph,at least one edge incident to any vertex can be contracted,unless the graph is K4,which is the induction base.)By induction,there is a facet cycle C(Q)in the graph for Q. See Fig.7(a-c).Let L be the link of x on P:the edges opposite x of all triangles incident to x.L forms a cycle on P,and on Q.Now,remove the portion of C(Q)that is inside L on Q,as in Fig.7(d);let H be the resulting subgraph of C(Q).The task now is to augment H on P so that it is connected,its vertices are even, and it covers all the triangles inside L on P.Let u be a vertex of bel u odd or even if the number of edges of H incident to u is odd or even respectively(see Fig.7(d)).Let T(u)be the triangle△uxv of P,where u,x,and v are in counterclockwise order.We use the following rule to augment H.For each u∈L,if u is odd,add(v,T(u),x); if u is even,add(u,T(u),v).See Fig.7(e).Call the augmented graph C(P).By construction,each triangle inside L is covered by C(P).Each vertex u∈L becomes incident to an added edge from the clockwise previous u′,regardless of whether u′is odd or even.If u is odd,then u only receives one new edge from the clockwise previous vertex;if u is even,it in addition adds an edge to cover T(u).Consequently,every vertex on L has even degree in C(P).The vertex x is even because it receives an edge from every odd vertex on L,and there are an even number of odd vertices in H(as in any graph),all of which are on L.Next we argue that the vertices on the link L are connected.If there is an odd vertex u,then the added edges form a collection of“arms”extending7Figure7:(a)P;(b)Q after contracting xy;(c)a facet cycle on Q;(d)after removing edges inside the contracted neighborhood;e=even,o=odd;(d)a facet cycle on P.from each odd vertex,clockwise through consecutive even vertices,and then connecting through x.If all vertices are even,then the added vertices form a cycle excluding x.In either case,the vertices of L become connected in C(P).Finally we show that C(P)is connected.Let u∈L and let z be a vertex of C(P)outside of L.Because C(Q)is connected,there must be some path p in C(Q)from z to a vertex on L;let w∈L be thefirst such.(Note that L contains at least one triangle,and C(Q)visits two of its vertices,at least one8of which is on L.)The portion of the path p from z to w is unchanged on P. Because the vertices on L are connected in C(P),there is a connection from z to w to u in C(P).Thus C(P)is connected.We have established that C(P)covers the facets,is connected,and has even degree at each vertex.Therefore it is a facet cycle.2 Following this proof,and taking care to contract an edge incident to a low-degree vertex[CE91],leads to a linear-time algorithm.Through the vertical-strip layout,this theorem permits the surface of any triangulated genus-zero polyhedron to be unfolded to a string of triangles joined at vertices: Corollary4The surface of any simplicial polyhedron P of genus zero may be vertex-unfolded(in linear time)into parallel strips each containing one triangle of P.Theorem3also yields an“ideal rendering”of any such surface on a computer graphics system with a1-vertex cache:each triangle shares one vertex with the previous triangle in the graphics pipeline.It is known that sharing two vertices is not always achievable:some triangulations do not admit a“sequential trian-gulation,”that is,an ordering of the triangles corresponding to a Hamiltonian path in the dual graph[AHMS96].The restriction to simplicial polyhedra in Theorem3(and indeed in Theo-rems1-2as well)is necessary,for the truncated cube has no facet path:no pair of its eight triangles can be adjacent in a path,but the six octagons are not enough to separate the triangles.7DiscussionOur work raises three new open problems:1.Does every lattice graph of a simplicial polyhedron of genus more thanzero have a facet path,i.e.,can Theorem3be extended to higher-genus polyhedra?2.Does every polyhedron with faces homeomorphic to a disk have a nonover-lapping vertex-unfolding?The strip construction fails for faces with more than three sides.If faces are permitted to have holes,then there are exam-ples that cannot be vertex-unfolded,e.g.,a box-on-top-of-a-box(cf.Fig.7 of[BDD+98]).3.Does every4-polytope,or more generally,every polyhedral complex inR4,have a vertex-unfolding?It was this question that prompted our investigation.Acknowledgments We thank Anna Lubiw for a clarifying discussion,and Allison Baird,Dessislava Michaylova,and Amanda Toop for assisting with the implementation.9References[AHMS96]E.M.Arkin,M.Held,J.S.B.Mitchell,and S.S.Skiena.Hamil-tonian triangulations for fast rendering.Visual Comput.,12(9):429–444,1996.[BDD+98]T.Biedl, E.Demaine,M.Demaine, A.Lubiw,J.O’Rourke, M.Overmars,S.Robbins,and S.Whitesides.Unfolding someclasses of orthogonal polyhedra.In Proc.10th -put.Geom.,pages70–71,1998.Fuller version in Elec.Proc.[BDE+01]M.Bern,E.D.Demaine,D.Eppstein,E.Kuo,A.Mantler,and J.Snoeyink.Ununfoldable polyhedra with convex put.Geom.Theory Appl.,2001.To appear.[BDEK99]M.Bern,E.D.Demaine,D.Eppstein,and E.Kuo.Ununfoldable polyhedra.In Proc.11th put.Geom.,pages13–16,1999.Full version:LANL archive paper number cs.CG/9908003. [CE91]M.Chrobak and D.Eppstein.Planar orientations with low out-degree and compaction of adjacency matrices.Theoretical ComputerScience,86(2):243–266,September1991.[Fre97]G.Frederickson.Dissections:Plane and Fancy.Cambridge Univer-sity Press,1997.[O’R98]J.O’putational Geometry in C(Second Edition).Cam-bridge University Press,1998.[O’R00]J.O’Rourke.Folding and unfolding in computational geometry.In Proc.Japan Conf.Discrete Comput.Geom.’98,volume1763of Lec-ture Notes Comput.Sci.,pages258–266.Springer-Verlag,2000.10。