Sensorless control of induction motor drives


感应电动机无速度传感器控制专辑IEEE-工业电子 第53卷 第1期 2006年2月

感应电动机无速度传感器控制专辑IEEE-工业电子 第53卷 第1期 2006年2月
11] A Abbondanti and M B.Br nnen,“ riable sPeed e a V induction motor drives use electronic sliP calculator based on motor voltages and currents” IEEE T ans. , r Ind. APPI., vol. IA一 11, no.5, PP.483一 488, SePt o ct.1975. / 1 2] R. Jotten and G. Maeder “ , Control met ods f r good h o dynamic Perf rmance induction motor drives based on o cur ent and voltage as measur d quantities, IEEE r e , ,
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在低速性能方面明显存在着矛盾。对于转子转 速的估算精度,以及在矢量控制系统中对磁场相角 的估算精度,都取决于转子感应电压对定子电流的 影响。 当电角速度降低时, 感应电压的幅值也减小, 于是,噪声和参数误差便成为决定性的因素,这就 严重降低了基于数学模型的估算方法的准确性。 获得稳定而精确低速运行的另一条途径就是利
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基于静态补偿电压模型的改进转子磁链观测器宋文祥;阮智勇;尹赟【摘要】为解决纯电压模型磁链观测器存在的积分漂移和饱和问题,常采用低通滤波器代替纯积分器.针对传统低通滤波器磁链观测方案的不足,本文提出一种改进的转子磁链观测方案,采用串联低通滤波器提取直流偏置得到理想的转子反电势,然后用可编程低通滤波器代替纯积分器,并在反电势低通滤波前补偿磁链误差.所提出的观测器可以有效消除直流偏置的影响,提高磁链观测的动态精度并改善系统的动态性能.在一台2.2kW感应电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统上对本文提出的改进转子磁链观测器方案进行了仿真和实验研究,结果验证了其正确性和有效性.%In the pure voltage model based flux observer, a LPF is normally used to replace the pure integrator to a-void integration drift and saturation problems. In order to eliminate the DC offset efficiently and compensate the error brought about by LPF as well as improve the dynamic performance, a modified rotor flux observer is proposed in this paper. In the proposed scheme, series LPF is used to remove the DC drift firstly, then a programmable LPF is used instead of the pure integrator, and the amplitude and phase error is compensated before the back EMF filtered for the flux estimation. Simulation and experiment based on induction motor speed sensor-less vector control systems verified its correctness and effectiveness.【期刊名称】《电工电能新技术》【年(卷),期】2012(031)004【总页数】5页(P19-23)【关键词】磁链观测器;电压模型;低通滤波器;直流偏置;矢量控制【作者】宋文祥;阮智勇;尹赟【作者单位】上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM343感应电机矢量控制和直接转矩控制系统中,准确观测磁链是获得高性能控制的关键。



伺服系统设计考试题目一.填空题(中英文翻译)1.工业机床伺服驱动(Industrial Machine Tool Servo Drive)2.计算机数字控制(computer numerical control 缩写:CNC)3.永磁无刷直流电机(Brushless DC Motor)4.永磁同步交流伺服电机(permanent-magnet synchronousmotor 缩写:PMSM)5.感应异步交流伺服电机(Induction Motor 缩写:IM)6.无位置传感器技术(Sensorless Control )7.艾默生控制技术(Emerson Control Techniques)8.罗克韦尔自动化(Rockwell Automation)9.西门子(Siemens)10.施耐德电气(Schneider Electric)11.安川电机欧洲公司(Yaskawa Electric Europe 缩写:YEE)12.发那科(Fanuc)13.P I控制器的传递函数为:(答案见课件)14.比例控制用于改善平稳性和快速性,积分控制用于消除系统的稳态误差二.判断题1.德国西门子的F.Blaschke发明了矢量控制理论。





4.逆变器子系统如下图所示请根据该模型列写Idc、Uan、Ubn、Ucn表达式答:Idc=Sa*Ia+Sb*Ib+Sc*Ic(I应该小写为i)Uan=Ua-Un Ubn=Ub-Un Ucn=Uc-Un5.电源/机械子系统如图所示,请画出该系统的电路图和写出牛顿第二定律表达式。



Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) (cont’d)
obtained by integration of these equations. The adaptive model is developed from the rotor-side current flux equations given by:
Note: This approach is highly sensitive to motor parameter values.
Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS)
In the model reference adaptive system (MRAS) approach, the output of a reference model is compared to the output of an adjustable/adaptive model until the errors between the two models converge. The reference model is based on stator equations and the adaptive model is based on the rotor equations. A figure showing speed estimation using the MRAS scheme is shown on the next slide.

Slip Calculation
If we know the slip frequency sl then we can calculate the rotor speed from the relation, r= e- sl. How can we determine sl and e ?

Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field Weakening

Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field Weakening

© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 1AN1206INTRODUCTIONThe utilization of an AC induction motor (ACIM) ranges from consumer to automotive applications, with a variety of power and sizes. From the multitude of possible applications, some require the achievement of high speed while having a high torque value only at low speeds. Two applications needing this requirement are washing machines in consumer applications and traction in powertrain applications. These requirements impose a certain type of approach for induction motor control, which is known as “field weakening.”This application note describes sensorless field oriented control (FOC) with field weakening of an AC induction motor using a dsPIC ® Digital Signal Controller (DSC), while implementing high performance control with an extended speed range.This application note is an extension to AN1162:Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM), which contains the design details of a field weakening block. The concepts in this application note are presented with the assumption that you have previously read and are familiar with the content provided in AN1162.CONTROL STRATEGYSensorless Field Oriented ControlField oriented control principles applied to an ACIM are based on the decoupling between the current components used for magnetizing flux generation and for torque generation. The decoupling allows the induction motor to be controlled as a simple DC motor.The field oriented control implies the translation of coordinates from the fixed reference stator frame to the rotating reference rotor frame. This translation makes possible the decoupling of the stator current’s components, which are responsible for the magnetizing flux and the torque generation.The decoupling strategy is based on the induction motor’s equations related to the rotating coordinate axis of the rotor. To translate the stator fixed frame motor equations to the rotor rotating frame, the position of the rotor flux needs to be determined. The position of the rotor can be determined through measurement or it can be estimated using other available parameters such as phase currents and voltages. The term “sensorless” control indicates the lack of speed measurement sensors.The control block diagram of the field oriented control is presented in Figure 1 with descriptions of each component block. In particular, the field weakening block has the motor’s mechanical speed as input, with its output generating the reference d-axis current corresponding to the magnetizing current generation.For additional information on field oriented control of an AC induction motor, refer to AN1162 (see “References”).Author:Mihai ChelesMicrochip Technology Inc.Co-author:Dr.-Ing. Hafedh SammoudAPPCON Technologies SUARLSensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field WeakeningAN1206Field WeakeningField weakening denotes the strategy by which the motor’s speed can be increased above the value maximum achieved in the constant torque functioning region.The constant torque region for field oriented control of the AC induction motor is delimited from field weakening – the constant power region by the maximum voltage that can be provided to the motor.In the constant power region, the maximum voltage is a characteristic of the inverter’s output in most cases.The breakdown torque is constant for the entire range of speeds below the field weakening region limit, and once the speed increases above this limit, the breakdown torque value will decrease, as shown in Figure 2.FIGURE 2:CHARACTERISTIC OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR (THEORETICAL)Constant Power -Field WeakeningConstant TorqueVoltage (V)Breakdown Torque (T)Phase Current (I)T o r q u e , V o l t a g e , C u r r e n tSpeed (Frequency)AN1206DS01206A-page 4© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.The torque of the induction motor is expressed by Equation 1:EQUATION 1:The rated torque of the motor is obtained by selecting the magnetizing current to achieve the maximum torque per amp ratio. In theory, if the magnetic saturation is not taken into consideration, the maximum peak of torque per amp is achieved when the magnetizing current (i mR ) is equal to the torque-producing component of the stator current (i Sq ) at steady state condition for all permitted ranges of stator currents. The magnetizing current is responsible for the magnetizing flux generation. Its dependency on the d-component of the current is expressed by Equation 2.EQUATION 2:FIGURE 3:MAXIMUM TORQUE (THEORETICAL)T 32--P 2---11σR +--------------ΨmRi Sq ⋅=where:T = torqueP = number of poles ΨmR = magnetizing fluxi Sq = torque producing current component σR = L R = rotor inductance L M = mutual inductanceL RL M------1–T R di mR dt-----------i mR +i Sd =where:T R = rotor time constant i mR = magnetizing currenti Sd = magnetizing flux-producing current component0,70710Torque (T)Isq / isis*is1,5 is*2 is*2,5 is*2,5 is2 is1,5 isNon saturating iron(ideal)Saturating iron(real)© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 5AN1206In the real-world case of a saturating machine, the maximum torque per amp is no longer obtained at the same ratio of the magnetizing current per torque command current for the same range of stator currents.The magnetizing flux increase has a nonlinear dependency on magnetizing current, which is a small flux increase requiring greater current needs.Therefore, to achieve a maximum torque per amp ratio,it is recommended to put most of the current increase in the torque-producing current component.The power limit of the inverter and the necessity of speed increase can be achieved by delivering lower torque. Field weakening is well suited in the case of traction or home appliances where the high torque value is necessary only at low speeds.When lowering the torque in field weakening, the same concerns of keeping a high ratio of torque per amp are considered. At the same time, considering Equation 3,the back electromagnetic force (BEMF) is proportional to the rotor speed. This limits the maximum reachable speed once the right term of the equation is equal to inverter maximum voltage (i.e., left term). A BEMF amplitude decrease, achieved by lowering the magnetizing current, would leave more space for speed increase, but at the same time, would lead to the torque decrease according to Equation 1.EQUATION 3:Figure 4 depicts the graphical representation of Equation 3, where U max is the maximum voltage.Considering the two components of the stator voltage,d-q, their relation with respect to the stator voltage vector is expressed by Equation 4 (in modulus).EQUATION 4:The maximum stator voltage limitation is in fact a limitation of the two component terms, d and q, as resulting from Equation 4. Referring back to the control scheme, this limitation is confirmed by the fact that d-q current controllers are saturated. Decreasing the magnetizing current would unsaturate the controllers and get the system out of the limitation presented in Figure 4.where:u S = stator voltage vector i S = stator current vector R S = stator resistance ω = angular speed σ = L S = stator inductance L R = rotor inductance L M = mutual inductance1L M2L S L R ⋅-------------------–u S R S j ωσL S +()i S j ω1σ–()L S i mR+=BEMFu S u Sd 2u Sq2+=where:u S = stator voltageu Sd = magnetizing flux-producing voltage component u Sq = torque-producing voltage componentAN1206DS01206A-page 6© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.FIGURE 4:REPRESENTATION OF STATOR EQUATIONdqInverter output limit U maxj ω1σ–()L S I mRj ωσL S I SR S I S U SI S I mR© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 7AN1206The presented solution uses the rotor speed as an input for the field weakening block. The magnetizing current is adjusted as a speed function so that the control system limitation described previously is avoided. The BEMF steady state amplitude value,which depends on the magnetizing current, must result so that the right term in Equation 4 is less than the maximum inverter voltage amplitude for the operating range. This is depicted in Figure 5.Two criteria must be considered when determining the designated steady state feed voltage amplitude supplied from the inverter for field weakening operation:•Having at any time the possibility to react on load change or on acceleration demand by increasing the output voltage – this being translated in maximum voltage reserve and;•Having the maximum inverter output voltage to minimize the motor current resulting in high efficiency – this being translated in minimum voltage reserveAccording to experience, the voltage reserve should be between 10% and 25% to fulfill both criteria. The current application choice of 15% voltage reserve is based on the consideration that the application does not require high dynamic or load change.Since the variation of the speed is done slowly (i.e., low dynamic), there is no need for an additional flux controller. Instead, the output of the field weakening block is connected directly to the current controller.The determination of magnetizing current as a function of rotor speed is achieved with a series of open loop V/Hz, no load experiments. For each series of experiments, the V/Hz ratio is modified. The experiments consist of varying the frequency, and at 85% of the maximum inverter voltage, the d-component of the current is measured (representing the magnetizing current at steady state). The assumption is that when the motor is running under no load, there is no torque produced (except the friction of the bearings,which is very small), so that at steady state, the d-current component is equal to the magnetizing current. As shown in Figure 6, the values obtained in several side experiments are summarized in a graph representing the magnetizing current function of the frequency.FIGURE 5:VOLTAGE RESERVE FOR STATOR EQUATIONdqVoltage reserveInverter output limit U maxj ω1σ–()L S I mRR S I SU Sj ωσL S I SI mR I S=AN1206DS01206A-page 8© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.As indicated previously, the variation of rotor flux with the magnetizing current is not linear, since the saturation of iron is implied. Equation 5 expresses the relation between the rotor flux, magnetizing current,and mutual inductance.EQUATION 5:To determine the L 0 inductance, it can be assumed that L S = L R . Under a no load condition, L S can be calculated, as shown in Equation 6:EQUATION 6:mRmR i L ⋅=Ψ0where:ΨmR = magnetizing fluxL 0 = L M (mutual inductance)i mR = magnetizing currentwhere:u S = stator voltage i S = stator current L S = stator inductance R S = stator resistance ωS = angular stator speedL S 1ωS ----u S 2i S2-------R S 2–=AN1206Considering that the variations of L S, L R, and L0 are supposed to be identical, the determination of L S variations would be sufficient to extrapolate the results to the other inductances. Figure7 shows the experimental results, and it can be observed that a maximal variation of approximately 25% can be measured between the inductivity at base and at maximum speed.The experimental results for obtaining both the magnetizing curve and the stator inductance (L S) variation, are presented as an example in the Excel file, MagnetizingCurve_FW.xls, which is provided in the software archive (see Appendix A: “Source Code”).© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 9AN1206DS01206A-page 10© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONThis application note represents an enhancement to AN1162, Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) (see “References”).The enhancement effort consists in designing the new field weakening block and the adaptation of the existing variables, which are affected by the field weakening.C Programming Functions and VariablesThe field weakening block has as input, the reference mechanical speed and as output, the reference for the magnetizing current. The function is called every 10milliseconds, the call frequency being set by the dFwUpdateTime constant defined in the include file,UserParms.h . The magnetizing curve is defined as a lookup table in UserParms.h . Field weakening is applied when the reference speed (output of a ramp generator) is above a defined lower limit determined by the constant torque functioning region.An 18x integer array is defined and initialized with the lookup table. To calculate the reference value for magnetizing current i mR , an interpolation is used to ensure smooth field variation. For every speed reference an index for access to the lookup table can be calculated, as shown in Example 1.In Example 1, qMotorSpeed represents the speed reference and qFwOnSpeed is the speed from which the field weakening strategy is begun. Their difference is divided by 210 to get the index in the lookup table.The division term is a measure of the granularity of the samples obtained experimentally from the magnetizing curve as previously described.The reference value of the magnetizing current is between FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex ] and FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex +1].MotorEstimParm.qL0FW represents the division of stator inductance (L S ), which results from the magnetizing curve determination experiments with the double of base speed value for the stator inductance (L S0). In order to have more accurate results, L S is computed as an interpolation between two consecutive experimental results for determination of stator inductance variation.The interpolation part is calculated, as shown in Example 2.The function implementing the field weakening functionality, FieldWeakening , is defined in the C file, FieldWeakening.c , and has the following performances:•Execution time: 51 cycles•Clock speed: 7.2-8.5 µs @ 29.491 MHz •Code size: 212 words •RAM: 46 wordsAs indicated in the previous section, the mutual inductance must be adapted when running in the field weakening region. The adaptation law for mutual inductance, considering the premise that all inductance variation is identical, follows in Equation 7. Figure 8depicts the mutual inductance (L 0) variation according to the motor’s speed variation.EXAMPLE 1:EXAMPLE 2:EQUATION 7:// Index in FW-TableFdWeakParm.qIndex = (qMotorSpeed - FdWeakParm.qFwOnSpeed ) >> 10;// Interpolation between two results from the Table FdWeakParm.qIdRef=FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex]-(((long)(FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex]-FdWeakParm.qFwCurve[FdWeakParm.qIndex+1])* (long)(qMotorSpeed-((FdWeakParm.qIndex<<10)+FdWeakParm.qFwOnSpeed)))>>10);Where the measures having index 0 are the base speed corresponding values.MotorEstimParm.qL0Fw 214L SL S 0--------214L R L R 0--------214L M L M 0---------≅≅=© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 11AN1206FIGURE 8:ADAPTATION OF MUTUAL INDUCTANCE IN FIELD WEAKENINGAll others variables used in field oriented control that incorporate the motor’s constants are also adapted to minimize the errors in the case of field weakening. The variables are:•MotorEstimParm.qInvTr •MotorEstimParm.qLsDt •MotorEstimParm.qInvPsi •MotorEstimParm.qRrInvTrAll of the software functionality was initially designed for a constant power region, which takes into consideration the motor parameter’s constant;therefore, an adaptation function was designed to consider the variation of the parameter’s value with the speed increase in the field weakening region. The function implementing the adaptation functionality,AdaptEstimParm , is defined in FieldWeakening.c and has the following performances:•Execution time: 1800 cycles•Clock speed: 7.2-8.5 µs @ 29.491 MHz •Code size: 218 words •RAM: 62 wordsThe experimental results in Figure 9 show high stability and proper trajectory of the speed control with field weakening.012345678910Time in Seconds05101520x 103S p e e d R e f i n R P M0123456789105000Time in Seconds1000015000q L 0F W N o r m a l i z e d V a l u eAN1206DS01206A-page 12© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.FIGURE 9:EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF SENSORLESS FOC OF AN ACIM WITH FIELD WEAKENINGTable 1 presents the experimental results in terms of torque-speed and efficiency (calculated for both the inverter and the motor).TABLE 1:EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF TORQUE-SPEEDCONCLUSIONThis application note presents a solution for implementing field weakening in a sensorless field oriented control of an ACIM using Microchip’s dsPIC30F and dsPIC33F digital signal controllers. It was developed as an addendum to the previously published application note AN1162, which offers a solution for high-performance, high-speed control of an induction motor drive.REFERENCESAN1162 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) (DS01162), Microchip Technology Inc., 2008Time in SecondsTime in SecondsS p e e d i n R P Ml d ,l qN o r m a l i z e d V a l u e20x 103155010012345678910100005000-500012345678910Speed ReferenceEstimated Rotor Speedld lqSpeed (RPM)Torque (N*m)Mechanical Power(W)Electrical Input Power (W)Efficiency (%)94000.14714623761.685000.17215323465.468000.536047076.611001.1513525054.0© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 13AN1206APPENDIX A:SOURCE CODEAll of the software covered in this application note is available as a single WinZip archive file. This archive can be downloaded from the Microchip corporate Web site at:Software License AgreementThe software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the “Company”) is intended and supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and exclusively with products manufactured by the Company.The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN “AS IS” CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATU-TORY , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU-LAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.AN1206NOTES:DS01206A-page 14© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.DS01206A-page 15Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION,QUALITY , PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE . Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. 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Inductance model-based sensorless control of the switched reluctance motor drive at low speed

Inductance model-based sensorless control of the switched reluctance motor drive at low speed

Inductance Model-Based Sensorless Control of the Switched Reluctance Motor Drive at Low Speed Hongwei Gao,Member,IEEE,Farzad Rajaei Salmasi,Member,IEEE,and Mehrdad Ehsani,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—A new sensorless control scheme for the switched reluctance motor(SRM)drive at low speed is presented in this paper.The incremental inductance of each active phase is estimated using the terminal measurement of this phase.The esti-mated phase incremental inductance is compared to an analytical model,which represents the functional relationships between the phase incremental inductance,phase current,and rotor position, to estimate the rotor position.The presented sensorless control scheme requires neither extra hardware nor huge memory space for implementation.It can provide accurate rotor position infor-mation even as the magnetic characteristics of the SRM change due to bined with other inductance model-based sensorless control techniques,the proposed method can be used to develop an inductance model-based sensorless control scheme to run the SRM from standstill to high-speed.Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the proposed scheme. Index Terms—Inductance model,low speed,sensorless,switched reluctance motor(SRM).I.I NTRODUCTIONT HE SWITCHED reluctance motor(SRM)drive is consid-ered a promising alternative to the conventional induction motor drive due to its several salient features,such as rugged-ness,low cost,high efficiency,and simplicity in control. Rotor position information is required for high performance SRM drives.Mechanical position sensors,such as optical en-coders and resolves,have been employed in SRM drives to pro-vide the rotor position information.These mechanical sensors add to the cost and dimension and deteriorate the reliability of the SRM drive.Rotor position estimation techniques have been proposed to solve this problem[1]–[10].The proposed position estimation techniques are carried out as follows:1)estimating the phaseflux linkage or inductance using the terminal mea-surement of the SRM and2)finding the rotor position using the functional relationships between the phaseflux linkage or inductance,phase current,and rotor position.For example,in the signal injection methods presented in[1]–[7],low ampli-tude current is injected to one of the silent phases to estimate the unsaturated inductance of this phase.The estimated phase inductance is used as an index to search the rotor position fromManuscript received September11,2003;revised February4,2004.Recom-mended by Associate Editor A.Emadi.H.Gao is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Montana State University,Bozeman,MT59717USA(e-mail:hgao@).F.R.Salmasi is with Electro Standards Laboratories,Inc.,Cranston,RI02921 USA.M.Ehsani is with the Electrical Engineering Department,Texas A&M Uni-versity,College Station,TX77843USA.Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TPEL.2004.836632a two-dimensional(2-D)look-up table,which stores the rela-tionship between the unsaturated phase inductance and the rotor position.The2-D look-up table requires neither large amounts of experiment data to build nor huge memory space to store. However,these techniques cannot run the SRM at high-speed. In addition,the signal injected to the idle phase suffers from mu-tual interference from the active phases.Moreover,the methods introduced in[1]and[2]require additional hardware for im-plementation.Furthermore,extensive experimental work is re-quired to update the2-D look-up table as the magnetic charac-teristics of the SRM change due to aging.The sensorless con-trol scheme presented in[8]uses the terminal measurement of an active phase to estimate theflux linkage of this phase. The estimatedflux linkage is compared to a three-dimensional look-up table,which stores the functional relationships between the phaseflux linkage,phase current,and rotor position,tofind the rotor position.This technique neither requires extra hard-ware for implementation nor exhibits the mutual interference problem.However,it cannot drive the SRM at low speed.In ad-dition,the three-dimensional look-up table used in this method requires large amount of experimental data to constitute,huge memory space to store,and extensive experimental work to up-date when the magnetic characteristics of the SRM change due to aging.In the sensorless control method presented in[9],the terminal measurement of an active phase is used to estimate the phase inductance of this phase.The estimated phase induc-tance is compared to an analytical model,which represents the functional relationships between the phase inductance,phase current,and rotor position,to estimate the rotor position.This technique neither requires extra circuitry for implementation nor has the mutual interference problem.The analytical model employed in this method requires minimum amount of experi-mental data to develop,minimum memory space to store,and can be easily updated as the magnetic characteristics of the SRM change owing to aging.However,as that presented in[8],this method cannot run the SRM at low speed.A new sensorless control method,which uses the terminal measurement of an active phase and the analytical model pre-sented in[9]to estimate the rotor position,is proposed in this paper to drive the SRM at low speed.The outstanding features of this new sensorless technique are as follows.a)It requires neither additional hardware,nor massive ex-perimental data,nor huge memory space,for imple-mentation.b)It does not suffer from the mutual interferenceproblem.c)Since the analytical model can be easily updated toaccurately reflect the magnetic characteristics of the0885-8993/04$20.00©2004IEEESRM,the proposed sensorless control scheme can pro-vide accurate rotor position information even as themagnetic characteristics of the SRM change due toaging.d)Combined with other inductance model-based sensor-less control schemes,such as those published in[8]and[10],it can be used to develop an inductance model-based sensorless control scheme to run the SRM fromstandstill to high-speed.II.R OTOR P OSITION E STIMATION S CHEMEA.Estimation of the Phase Incremental InductanceThe phase voltage equation of the SRM is givenas(1)where,,,,and denote the phase voltage,phase current,phase resistance,phase incremental inductance,and phase self-inductance,respectively;and stand for the rotor angularposition and rotor angular speed,respectively.At low speed,the third term at the right-hand side of(1)isnegligible.Therefore,the phase voltage(1)can be simplifiedas(2)Thus,the phase incremental inductance can be givenas(3)It is evident from(3)that the phase incremental inductancecan be estimated once the phase voltage and current data areobtained.B.Development of the Phase Incremental Inductance Model1)Phase Self-Inductance Model:An analytical model,which represents the functional relationships between the phaseself-inductance,phase current,and rotor position,is presentedin[9].In this analytical model,the variation of the phaseself-inductance versus the rotor position is represented usingthe Fourier series with only thefirst three terms considered.The model for the self-inductance of phase A is givenby(4)where is the number of rotor polesand(5)(6)(7)where(8)is the aligned position inductance as a function of phasecurrent(9)is the inductance at the midway between the unaligned andaligned position as a function ofcurrent(10)is the inductance at unaligned position and is assumed to be in-dependent of the phase currentand is the degree of approxi-mation(in the presentcase yields a good accuracy).Thecoefficientsand are determined by the curvefitting methodsuch that the inductance profile obtained using(4)would exactlyfit the profile obtained from thefinite element analysis or exper-imental work.The expressions for other phase inductances are the same as(4),except with proper phase shifts.The accuracy of the above model has been verified byfiniteelement analysis and experimental work[9].Development of the above self-inductance model only re-quires measurement of the phase self-inductance at the alignedposition,unaligned position,and midway between the alignedand unaligned position.Measuring the phase inductance at thesethree rotor positions can be easily carried out.For example,foran SRM,exciting phase A,C,and B separately with suffi-cient current will move the rotor to the aligned position of phaseA,unaligned position of phase A,and the midway between thealigned and unaligned position of phase A,respectively.Afterthe rotor has been moved to each of these three positions,thephase A inductance can be measured by injecting proper currentinto phase A.The above test can be performed under the controlof the SRM drive controller when the SRM is idle.Carrying outthe test whenever the SRM is idle allows the inductance modelto be updated as the magnetic characteristics of the SRM changeowing to aging.2)Phase Incremental Inductance Model:The phase self-in-ductance model given by(4)can be used to develop a phase in-cremental inductance model,which is used for sensorless con-trol of SRM in this paper.The phase incremental inductance isderived as follows.The phaseflux linkage of the SRM is givenas(11)where stands for the phaseflux linkage of the SRM.The phaseincremental inductance,according to its definition,is givenas(12)Substituting(4)into(12)yields an analytical model rep-resenting the functional relationships between the phaseincremental inductance,phase current,and rotorposition(13)where(14)(15)(16)where(17)(18)C.Estimation of the Rotor PositionSubstituting(3)into(13)yields(19)In(19),the term can be estimate accurately according to thedc bus voltage and the gating signals of the active switches in theSRM drive inverter.The term can be calculated using thephase current data.The noisein term calculation can befiltered using the averaging method.Therefore,all the quantitiesin(19),except,can be estimated in real time once the phasecurrent is sampled.One can numerically solve(19)toestimate.In(19),the term is dominant overthe term.Therefore,the errorin estimation and sensing does not lead to a notice-able errorin estimation.From(19),one can see that estimation of the rotor positionrequires that the rotor position have one-to-one relation withthe phase incremental inductance at a given phase current.Thephase incremental inductance-phase current-rotor position char-acteristic of asample SRM is shown in Fig.1.Fig.1shows that for the sample SRM,at low current,suchasA,a unique rotor position is defined by the given phaseincremental inductance when the phase is between itsunalignedandaligned position.However,at highor medium current,suchas Aor A,the phaseexhibits the same incremental inductance at multiple rotor posi-tions,when.Therefore,at high or medium cur-rent,estimating the rotor position using the phase incrementalinductance and the current of a single phase will lead to multiplesolutions.To solve this problem,the phase incremental induc-tances of multiple active phases are estimated and used for rotorposition estimation in this work.This approach is illustrated inFig.2.The variations of the phase incremental inductance and phasecurrent of phase A(the solid curves),B(the dashed curves),C(the dotted curves),and D(the dashed-and-dotted curves)versusthe rotor position for a SRM are depicted in Fig.2,whererepresents the unaligned position of phase A.WhenFig. 1.Phase incremental inductance-phase current-rotor positioncharacteristic of a sample8=6SRM.Fig.2.Rotor position estimation using the phase incremental inductances ofmultiplephases.,phase A is active and its incremental in-ductance has one-to-one relation with the rotor position at anyphase current.Therefore,the phase incremental inductance ofphase A is estimated from its terminal measurement and used toestimate.When,though phase A is still active,the phase incremental inductance of phase A loses uniquenessversus at medium or high current,and thus,is not used to es-timate.However,when,phase B is excitedfor torque production and its phase incremental inductance hasone-to-one relation with the rotor position,and thus,is used toestimate.The phase incremental inductance of Phase C and Dare used toestimate in the same manner.The proposed rotor position estimation method requires aproper startup method such that at standstill,the phase betweenthe unaligned position and the midway between the unalignedFig.3.Simulated phase currents of the SRM.and aligned position is excitedfirst.The rotor position estima-tion scheme presented in[10]is employed to meet this require-ment.III.S IMULATION R ESULTSThe proposed senseless control scheme is studied through nu-merical simulation on asample SRM,whose rated phasevoltage,rated phase current,and rated rotor speed are100V, 6A,and1000RPM,respectively.In the simulation,each SRM phase is turned on and off at the unaligned and aligned posi-tion,respectively.The current of each SRM phase is regulated at4A,the current under which the phase incremental induc-tance has the same value at multiple rotor positions.The load of the SRM is adjusted properly so that the SRM runs at low speed (below15%of the base speed).The rotor position of the SRM is detected using the proposed position estimation scheme.The simulation results are shown in Figs.3–5.Fig.3shows the current of phase A–D.The traces in Fig.4, from the top to the bottom,depict the torque of phase A,the total torque of all the SRM phases,and the rotor speed.Fig.5 illustrates the estimated(the plus sign)and actual(the circle) commutation position of phase A.A0.65(mechanical degree) error in the rotor position estimation is observed from the quan-titative results of the simulation.Due to this error,some negative phase torque,though negligibly small,is observed in Fig.4. The simulation results presented in Figs.4and5clearly show the validity of the proposed rotor position estimation scheme.IV.E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTSThe proposed sensorless control algorithm has been imple-mented on the sample SRM mentioned in the previous section.A permanent magnet dc generator with a resistive load is used as the load of the SRM.The rotor position estimation technique,presented in[10],is used to start the SRM fromstandstill.Fig.4.Simulated torque of phase A,total torque of all the SRM phases,and rotorspeed.Fig.5.Estimated(the plus sign)and actual(the circle)commutation position of phase A.The performance of the proposed sensorless control scheme is shown in Figs.6–8.Fig.6depicts the variation of the rotor speed during the startup process.The maximum rotor speed is about130RPM in this experiment.Fig.7depicts the phase cur-rents of the SRM,which are regulated at4A in this test.In order to test the accuracy of the proposed rotor position esti-mation algorithm,an optical encoder is used to sense the actual rotor position.This sensed actual rotor position is compared to the estimated rotor position to calculate the error of the rotor position estimation.The rotor position estimation error,which is less than1mechanical degree,is depicted in Fig.8.V.C ONCLUSIONA new sensorless control scheme for the SRM drive at low speed is presented in this paper.This technique uses the terminalFig.6.Experimentally recorded rotor speed (45RPM/Div).Fig.7.Experimentally recorded current of phase A –D,from top to the bottom (1.25A/Div).Fig.8.Experimentally recorded rotor position estimation error (5/Div).measurement of the active phases and an analytical inductance model to estimate the rotor position.It neither requires addition hardware nor huge memory space for implementation.In ad-dition,this technique does not suffer from the mutual interfer-ence problem.By updating the analytical mode when the SRM is idle,the presented rotor position estimation scheme can pro-vide accurate rotor position information even as the magnetic characteristics of the SRM change due to aging.The theory ofthis sensorless control scheme is presented and veri fied by sim-ulation and experimental results.R EFERENCES[1]M.Ehsani,I.Husain,and A.B.Kulkarni,“Elimination of discrete po-sition sensor and current sensor in switched reluctance motor drives,”in Proc.IEEE Industry Applications Soc.Annu.Meeting ,vol.1,1990,pp.518–524.[2]M.Ehsani,I.Husain,S.Mahajan,and K.R.Ramani,“New modulationencoding techniques for indirect rotor position sensing in switched reluc-tance motors,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.30,pp.85–91,Jan./Feb.1994.[3]G.R.Dunlop and J.D.Marvelly,“Evaluation of a self commutedswitched reluctance motor,”in Proc.Electric Energy Conf.,1987,pp.317–320.[4]S.R.MacMinn,W.J.Rzesos,P.M.Szczensny,and T.M.Jahns,“Ap-plication of sensor integration techniques to switched reluctance motor drives,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.28,pp.1339–1344,Nov./Dec.1992.[5]S.R.MacMinn,C.M.Steplins,and P.M.Szaresny,“Switched reluc-tance motor drive system and laundering apparatus employing same,”U.S.Patent 4959596,1989.[6]W.D.Harris and ng,“A simple motion estimator for variablereluctance motors,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.IA-26,pp.237–243,Mar./Apr.1990.[7]N.H.Mvungi,houd,and J.M.Stephenson,“A new sensorlessposition detector for SR drives,”in Proc.4th Int.Conf.Power Electronics Variable Speed Drives ,1990,pp.249–252.[8]J.P.Lyons,S.R.MacMinn,and M.A.Preston,“Flux/current methodsfor SRM rotor position estimation,”in Proc.IEEE Industry Application Soc.Annu.Meeting ,vol.1,1991,pp.482–487.[9]G.Suresh,B.Fahimi,K.M.Rahman,and M.Ehsani,“Inductance basedposition encoding for sensorless SRM drives,”in Proc.IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf.,vol.2,1999,pp.832–837.[10]H.Gao,F.R.Salmasi,and M.Ehsani,“Sensorless control of SRM atstandstill,”in Proc.IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf.,vol.2,2000,pp.850–856.Hongwei Gao (S ’98–M ’02)received the B.Sc.and M.Sc.degrees from Tsinghua University,Beijing,China,in 1990and 1993,respectively,and the from Texas A&M University,College Station,in 2001,all in electrical engineering.Since 2002,he has been an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering De-partment,Montana State University,Bozeman.His research interests include electric machinery,motor drives,power electronics,electric and hybrid electric vehicles,renewable energy source power systems,and power quality.Dr.Gao is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics,Industry Applications,and Industrial Electronicssocieties.Farzad R.Salmasi (S ’99–M ’03)received the from Sharif University of Technology,Tehran,Iran,in 1994,the from Amir Kabir Uni-versity of Technology,Tehran,in 1997,and the from Texas A&M University,College Station,in 2002,all in electrical engineering.Currently,he is a Research Scientist with Electro Standards Laboratories,Inc.,Cranston,RI.His re-search areas include design and advanced control of electric motor drives,power electronics systems,and hybrid electric vehicles.Dr.Salmasi is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics and Industry Appli-cations Societies.Mehrdad Ehsani(S’70–M’81–SM’83–F’96)hasbeen at Texas A&M University(TAMU),CollegeStation,since1981,where he is a Professor ofelectrical engineering and Director of the AdvancedVehicle Systems Research Program.He is the authorof over300publications in pulsed-power supplies,high-voltage engineering,power electronics,andmotor drives and automotive systems.He is thecoauthor of several books on power electronics andmotor drives and a contributor to an IEEE Guide forSelf-Commutated Converters and other monographs. He is the author of over20U.S.and European Commission patents.His current research work is in power electronics,motor drives,and hybrid electric vehicles and systems.Dr.Ehsani received the Prize Paper Award in Static Power Converters and Motor Drives at the IEEE Industry Applications Society in1985,1987, and1992,the James R.Evans Avant Garde Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in2001,and the IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award for2003.In1992,he was named the Halliburton Professor in the College of Engineering,TAMU.In1994,he was named the Dresser Industries Professor, TAMU.In2001,he was named the Dow Chemical Faculty Fellow of the College of Engineering,TAMU.He is also the Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRIAL E LECTRONICS and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY.He has been a member of IEEE Power Electronics Society AdCom,past Chairman of PELS Educational Affairs Committee, past Chairman of IEEE IAS Industrial Power Converter Committee,and past chairman of the IEEE Myron Zucker Student-Faculty Grant program.He was the General Chair of IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference for 1990.He is an IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Speaker and IEEE Industry Applications Society past Distinguished Lecturer.He is Chairman of Vehicular Technology Society Vehicle Power and Propulsion Committee,and was elected to the Board of Governors of IEEE VTS in2003.He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.。











ˆα + f (iα ) < 0 ΔA ⋅ iα i ˆβ + f (iβ ) < 0 ΔA ⋅ iβ i
In stationary (α , β ) reference frame, the mode for PMSM is characterized by (1)
diα R 1 uα = − iα + eα + dt L L L diβ R uβ 1 = − iβ + eβ + dt L L L eα = −λ0ω e sin(θ e )
speed can be derived as
& ≈ λ B( S sin θ ˆ − S cosθ ˆ) ˆ ω e 0 1 2
And (10) can be rewritten as
− R L . Because the variation of L
& ≈ λ B ⋅ [(i ˆ − (i ˆ] ˆα − iα ) sinθ ˆβ − iβ ) cosθ ˆ ω e 0
s e e
ˆα di R 1 ˆα + 1 e ˆα + uα + f (iα ) = (− + ΔA)i dt L L L ˆβ di R 1 ˆβ + 1 e ˆβ + uβ + f (iβ ) = (− + ΔA)i dt L L L
(2) Where superscript “ ^ ” represents the estimated quantities, “—”represents the error quantities, ΔA is the variation of

Sensorless vector control of induction motors at very low speed using a nonlinear inverter model and

Sensorless vector control of induction motors at very low speed using a nonlinear inverter model and

Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motors at Very Low Speed Using a Nonlinear Inverter Model and Parameter IdentificationJoachim Holtz,Fellow,IEEE,and Juntao QuanAbstract—The performance of vector-controlled induction motor drives without speed sensor is generally poor at very low speed.The reasons are offset and drift components in the acquired feedback signals,voltage distortions caused by the non-linear behavior of the switching converter,and the increased sensitivity against model parameter mismatch.New modeling and identification techniques are proposed to overcome these problems.A pure integrator is employed for stator flux estima-tion which permits high-estimation pensation of the drift components is done by offset identification.The nonlinear voltage distortions are corrected by a self-adjusting inverter model.A further improvement is a novel method for on-line adaptation of the stator resistance.Experiments demonstrate smooth steady-state operation and high dynamic performance at extremely low speed.Index Terms—Induction motor,low-speed operation,parameter identification,sensorless control,vector control.I.I NTRODUCTIONC ONTROLLED induction motor drives without speedsensor have developed as a mature technology in the past few years.However,their performance at very low speed is poor.The main reasons are the limited accuracy of stator voltage acquisition,the presence of offset and drift compo-nents in the acquired voltage signals,their limited bandwidth, offsets and unbalances in the current signals,and the increased sensitivity against model parameter mismatch.These deficiencies degrade the accuracy of flux estimation at low speed.The dynamic performance of a sensorless drive then deteriorates.Sustained operation at very low speed becomes im-possible as ripple components appear in the machine torque and the speed starts oscillating,eventually leading to instable oper-ation of the system.Paper IPCSD02–025,presented at the2001Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting,Chicago,IL,September30–October5,and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for review October15,2001and released for publication May10,2002.J.Holtz is with the Electrical Machines and Drives Group,University of Wup-pertal,42097Wuppertal,Germany(e-mail:j.holtz@).J.Quan is with the Danaher Motion Group,Kollmorgen-Seidel,Duesseldorf, Germany(e-mail:jquan@).Publisher Item Identifier10.1109/TIA.2002.800779.II.S OURCES OF I NACCURACY AND I NSTABILITYA.Estimation of the Flux Linkage VectorMost sensorless control schemes rely directly or indirectly on the estimation of the stator flux linkagevectoris the stator resistance.Time is normalizedasis the nominal stator frequency[3].The addedsymbol in (1)represents all disturbances such as offsets,unbalances,and other errors that are contained in the estimated inducedvoltage(2)where is the coupling factor of the rotorwindings,is the total leakage flux vector.The estimation of one of the flux vectors according to(1)or (2)requires performing an integration in real time.The use of a pure integrator has not been reported in the literature.The reason is that an integrator has an infinite gain at zero frequency.The unavoidable offsets contained in the integrator input then make its output gradually drift away beyond limits.Therefore,instead of an integrator,a low-pass filter usually serves as a substitute.A low-pass filter has a finite dc gain which eases the drift problem, although drift is not fully avoided.However,a low-pass filter in-troduces severe phase angle and amplitude errors at frequencies around its corner frequency,and even higher errors at lower fre-quencies.Its corner frequency is normally set to0.5–2Hz,de-pending on the existing amount of offset.The drive performance degrades below stator frequencies2–3times this value;the drive becomes instable at speed values that correspond to the corner frequency.Different ways of compensating the amplitude and phase-angle errors at low frequencies have been proposed[4]–[7].0093-9994/02$17.00©2002IEEEOhtani [4]reconstructs the phase-angle and amplitude error pro-duced by the low-pass filter.A load-dependent flux vector refer-ence is synthesized for this purpose.This signal is transformed to stator coordinates and then passed through a second low-pass filter having the same time constant.The resulting error vector is added to the erroneous flux estimate.Although the benefits of this method are not explicitly documented in [4],improved performance should be expected in an operating range around the corner frequency of the low-pass filter.With a view to improving the low-speed performance of flux estimation,Shin et al.[5]adjust the corner frequency of the low-pass filter in proportion to the stator frequency,while com-pensating the phase and gain errors by their respective steady-state values.It was not demonstrated,though,that dynamic op-eration at very low frequency is improved.Hu and Wu [6]try to force the stator flux vector onto a circular trajectory by propor-tional plus integral (PI)control.While this can provide a correct result in the steady state,it is erroneous at transient operation and also exhibits a large error at startup.A practical application of this method has not been reported;our investigations show loss of field orientation following transients.B.Acquisition of the Stator VoltagesThe induced voltage,which is the signal to be integrated for flux vector estimation,is obtained as the difference between the stator voltage and the resistive voltage drop across the ma-chine windings.When a voltage-source inverter (VSI)is used to feed the machine,the stator voltages are formed by pulse trains having a typical rise time of 2–10kV/,whereis the fundamental componentofcaused by the switching characteristics of the inverter.C.Acquisition of the Stator CurrentsThe stator currents are usually measured by two Hall sensors.They are acquired as analog signals,which are subsequently digitized using A/D converters.The sources of errors in this process are dc offsets and gain unbalances in the analog signal channels [9].After the transformation of the current signals to synchronous coordinates,dc offsets generate ac ripple compo-nents of fundamental frequency,while gain unbalances produce elliptic current trajectories instead of circular trajectories.The disturbance in the latter case is a signal of twice the fundamentalfrequency.Fig.1.Effect of a dc offset in one of the current signals on the performance of a vector-controlled drivesystem.Fig.2.Effect of a gain unbalance between the acquired current signals on the performance of a vector-controlled drive.The following oscillograms demonstrate the effect of such disturbances on the performance of a vector-controlled drive system.The respective disturbances are intentionally intro-duced,for better visibility at a higher signal level than would normally be expected in a practical implementation.Fig.1shows the effect of 5%dc offset in one of the current signals on the no-load waveform ofthe.The drive is operated is at astator frequency of 2Hz.The transformed current signals gen-erate oscillations in the torque-producing current .Resulting from this are torque pulsations of 0.06nominal value,and cor-responding oscillations in the speedsignal,where isthe power factor of the motor.Fig.2shows the same signals under the influence of 5%gain unbalance between the two current channels.Oscillations of twice the stator frequency are generated in the torque-producing current,and also in the speed signal.D.Estimation of the Stator ResistanceAnother severe issue,in addition to the integration problem and to the nonlinear behavior of the inverter,is the mismatch be-tween the machine parameters and the respective model param-eters.In particular,adjusting the stator resistanceHOLTZ AND QUAN:SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTORS1089Fig.3.Forward characteristics of the power devices.flux estimation,and for stable operation at very low speed.The actual valueofand an averagedifferentialresistance [12].The variations with temperatureof the thresholdvoltageof about equal magnitude to all the threephases,and it is the directions of the respective phase currents that determine their signs.The device thresholdvoltage(4)where.Thesectorindicator is a unity vector that indicates the re-spectivein thecomplex plane.The locations are determined by the respective signs of the three phase currents in (3),or,in other words,by a maximumof.The referencesignalof the stator voltagevectoris less than its referencevalue,and of the resis-tive voltage drops of the power devicesthrough1090IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,VOL.38,NO.4,JULY/AUGUST2002(a)(b)(c)Fig.4.Effect at PWM of the forward voltagesuof the power semiconductors.(a)Switching state S.(c)Switching state S);the dotted linesindicate the transitions at which the signs of the respective phase currents change.Notethatis the resulting threshold voltage vector.We have,therefore,from (4),the unusualrelationshipis one parameter of the invertermodel.It is determined during a self-commissioning process from the distortions of the reference voltagevectorand of the reference voltage vector are acquiredwhile using the current controllers to inject sinusoidal currents of very low frequency into the stator windings.In such condi-tion,the machine impedance is dominated by the stator resis-tance.The stator voltages are then proportional to the stator cur-rents.Any deviation from a sinewave of the reference voltages that control the pulsewidth modulator are,therefore,caused by the inverter.As an example,an oscillogram of the distorted referencevoltagewaveformsand ,measured at sinusoidal currents ofmagnitude ,is shown in Fig.7.The amplitude of the fundamental voltage is very low which is owed to the low frequency of operation.The distortions of the voltage waveforms in Fig.7are,therefore,fairly high.They are predominantly caused by the dead-time effect of the ing such distorted voltages to represent the stator voltage signal in a stator flux estimator would lead to stability problems at low speed.Accurate inverter dead-time compensation [13]is,therefore,mandatory for high-performance applications.Fig.8shows the same components of the reference voltagevectoraccording to (4);the locationsofare shown in Fig.4.It follows from (4)that both the larger step change and the amplitudeofhave the magnitude4/3from thewaveformof(or )in Fig.8appears quite inaccurate.A better method is subtracting the fundamentalcomponent from,e.g.,,which then yields a square-wave-like,stepped waveform as shown in Fig.9.The fundamental component iseasily extracted from a set of synchronous samplesofby fast Fourier transform.The differential resistance of the powerdevices,in (6),es-tablishes a linear relation between the load current and its in-fluence on the inverter voltage.Functionally,it adds to the re-sistance)is estimated by an online tuning process described inSection III-D.HOLTZ AND QUAN:SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTORS1091(a)(b)Fig.6.Effect of inverter nonlinearity.The trajectory u represents the average stator voltage (switching harmonics excluded).(a)At motoring.(b)Atregeneration.Fig.7.Effect of inverter dead time on the components of the voltage vectoruas in Fig.7;inverteroperated with dead-time compensation.C.Stator Flux EstimationThe inverter model (6)is used to compensate the nonlinear distortions introduced by the power devices of the inverter.The model estimates the stator voltagevector(8)is the estimated effective offset voltage vector,while is theestimated stator field angle.The offset voltagevectorin (7)is determined such that the estimated stator fluxvector rotates close to a circular trajectory in the steady state,which follows from (7)and from the right-hand side of (8).To enable the identificationofin (8),the stator field angle is estimatedas(9)as illustrated in the right portion of Fig.10.The magnitude of the stator flux linkage vector is then obtainedas1092IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,VOL.38,NO.4,JULY/AUGUST2002Fig.10.Signal flow graph of the inverter model and the stator flux estimator.The gain constantserve this purpose in a satisfactorymanner.The stator frequency signal is computed byis determined,for instance,with reference to[2]of the stator current,as shown in Fig.11.We haveand,consequently,.Of the superscripts,component of the vector product of the statorvoltage and current vectors.The system equation,for example given in[3],isHOLTZ AND QUAN:SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTORS1093Fig.12.Signal flow graph of the stator resistance estimator.wherecomponent of all terms in(19)and assumingfieldorientation,,wehave10toa n d=!=wp w wp p f p p w1094IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,VOL.38,NO.4,JULY/AUGUST2002Fig.16.Identification of the stator resistance,demonstrated by a30%stepincrease of the resistance value.Fig.17.Reversal of speed between the set-point values w=60:04;torqueis constant at50%nominal value.the speed is negative.Finally,the performance of the stator re-sistance identification scheme is demonstrated in Fig.17.Thestator resistance is increased by30%in a step-change fashion.The disturbance causes a sudden deviation from the correct fieldangle,which produces a wrong value.The new value ofHOLTZ AND QUAN:SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTORS1095 Juntao Quan was born in Jiangxi,China,in1964.Hereceived the from Jiangxi PolytechnicCollege,Nanchang University,Nanchang,China,the from Northeast-Heavy MechanicInstitute,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao,China,and the from Wuppertal University,Wuppertal,Germany,in1983,1989,and2002,respectively,all in electrical engineering.He was an Assistant Electrical Engineer for threeyears at the Nanchang Bus Factory,Nanchang,China.From1989to1994,he was a Lecturer at YanshanUniversity.During this time,he also worked on various projects for applicationsof power electronics.In1995,he joined the Electrical Machines and Drives Lab-oratory,Wuppertal University,where he worked and studied toward the June2000,he joined the Danaher Motion Group,Kollmorgen-Seidel,Duesseldorf,Germany.His main interests are in the areas of adjustable-speeddrives,microprocessor-embedded real-time control,power electronics applica-tions,and advanced motion control.。



圈3元速度传悬器感应电机转子磁场定向控制系统 Fig.3 Sensorless field-oriented vector controlled
induction ITlotor drive
图4为电机空载正反转运行实验结果,在0 S 时刻转速阶跃给定为150 r/min,在1.5 s时刻变 为一150 r/min。图5为电机带80%额定负载升 降速运行实验波形,在0 s时刻转速阶跃给定为 75 r/min,在4 s时刻变为750 r/min,在8 s时刻再 变为75 r/min。从实验结果可以看出转速观测器 输出能够很好地跟踪电机转速的变化,并且稳态 误差较小,磁链观测器也具有较好的观测性能。
Key words:induction motor;model reference adaptive system;speed estimator;stator resistance identifi— cation.
1 引言
近年来,感应电机无速度传感器矢量控制技 术在各种工业场合应用广泛,并且获得了很大进 展[1 ̄5]。目前转速观测方法基本上可以分为基于 电机模型计算法、PI调节器法、MRAS模型法、 MRAS观测器法、卡尔曼滤波器和神经网络等方 法。其中基于MRAS全阶观测器的转速估计方 法受电机参数变化和噪声干扰的影响较小,具有 较好的鲁棒性,受到了国内外研究人员的广泛关 注。这种方法实现了状态的重构,可以采用稳定 性理论来设计转速自适应率,并且通过设计合适 的误差反馈矩阵来保证观测器的稳定性。可以同
_d FL。孵孵Ji,=J1odt=厂2。LAA::。AA::儿][孵≥J]‘+I[十【B0I.11l。6。…1 … cI·_,J



Research and Application of Direct Torque Control in AC MotorJames Abin HillCollege of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of TechnologyI. INTRODUCTIONDirect Torque Control (DTC) is one method used in variable frequency drives to control the torque (and thus the speed) of 3-pahse AC electric motors. It involves calculating an estimate of the motor’s magnet flux and torque based on the voltage and current measured from the motor. Three kinds of DTC schemes are presented as following: a, DTC scheme in Chinese books as shown in Figure 1; b, DTC scheme in English book as shown in Figure 2; c, DTC scheme in ABB technical guide as shown in Figure 3/4/5. In spite of some differences among three kinds of DTC scheme, DTC consists of a stator flux and torque (and speed for speed-sensorless) estimator, two hysteresis controllers for magnet flux and torque and a voltage vector selector. In this paper, both research and application of DTC in AC motor are summarized.Chinese Books,“异步电动机的控制”李鹤轩、李杨译,119页;“电力拖动自动控制系统”陈伯时著,214-216页;“交流调速控制系统”李华德主编,192-219页:Figure 1. DTC scheme in Chinese booksEnglish Book, “Power Electronics and Motor Drive”, 2006 Edition, page 412:Figure 2. DTC scheme in English bookABB, Drivers of Change Embedded DSP-based motor control, page 2, 2/2006:Figure 3. DTC scheme in ABB technical guide ABB, Technical Guide No.1 – Direct Torque Control, page 26, 8/2002:Figure 4. DTC scheme in ABB technical guideABB, Direct Torque Control Principle:Figure 5. DTC scheme in ABB technical guide Emotron, Direct Torque Control:Figure 6. Comparison of anti-interference between VC and DTCII. Status of Research on DTCThis paper investigates 33 papers about DTC from journals embodied by ISI, EI and IEEE of 2008 to 2010. The study shows that recent research on DTC comes from 4 perspectives as following: 1. torque and flux (if sensorless and speed) estimation; 2, torque and flux ripple reduction; 3, motor types; 4, torque, flux and speed controllers.1. 14 from 33 papers are research on torque and flux (if sensorless and speed) estimation (16-20, 22-30). They propose many estimation methods mostly to improve the estimation accuracy at low-speed (standstill included sometimes), such as adaptive estimation (MRAS included), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based estimation, non-linear estimation (Sliding Mode included), High-Frequency Signal Injection (HFSI) Algorithm, stator resistance compensator based estimation and so on.2. 11 from 33 papers are research on torque and flux ripple reduction (1, 6-15). They propose several methods to reduce the torque and flux ripple, such as improving torque and flux controllers (predict control and neuro-fuzzy control, for instance), reforming the switching patterns (symmetry switching patterns of the applied voltage vectors and closed-loop switching frequency control, for instance), increasing the number of inverter states or degrees of freedom (matrix-converter and five-phase inverter, for instance) and so on.3. Most of 33 papers study DTC in Induction Motor (IM) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), while others study Double Fed IM (DFIM), Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM), Multilevel-Inverter IM, Matrix-Converter-Fed PMSM, Three-level Inverter, Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM), brushless doubly fed reluctance machine (BDFRM), Switched Reluctance (SR) motor and Five Phase Induction Motor.4. 4 from 33 papers are research on torque, flux and speed controllers. (20, 30) apply PI controller and fuzzy controller to replace the hysteresis controller in conventional DTC for torque and flux ripple reduction. When torque and flux hysteresis controllers are changed to continuous controllers, voltage vector selector (switching table) should be replaced by a space vector modulation (SVM) at the same time. (32, 33) compare different speed controllers such as conventional PI controllers, fuzzy logic controller and hybrid fuzzy sliding mode controller.III. Application Status of DTCDTC AC drive has already come into our daily life since several years ago. However, only two companies (ABB of Switzerland, Emotron of Sweden) have put it into production. Product:1)ABB ACS 600 AC DRIVES2)ABB ACS 800 AC DRIVES3)Emotron VFX 2.0 AC DRIVEReferences1. Abad, G., Rodriguez, M. A. & Poza, J. 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different in low-speed operation. Since voltage error caused by
dead time is as much as 1.5% 3%, the dead-time voltage error
overwhelms the required phase voltage, for example, in 0.5-Hz
Actual (estimated) speed of motor.
-axis (estimated) stator flux in the stator flux
reference frame (SFRF) [1].
-axis voltage in the SFRF.
-axis voltage decomposed to the axis of .
and angular frequency of the flux. Specifically, the polarity and
magnitude of the compensation terms are chosen differently de-
pending upon rotational direction and whether the motor is in the
mance of sensorless field-oriented control. The stator flux is simply
estimated by integrating vs
is. However, this integration
method deteriorates easily in the low-frequency region due to a

A modified direct torque control for induction motor sensorless drive

A modified direct torque control for induction motor sensorless drive

A Modified Direct Torque Control for InductionMotor Sensorless DriveCristian Lascu,Ion Boldea,Fellow,IEEE,and Frede Blaabjerg,Senior Member,IEEE Abstract—Direct torque control(DTC)is known to producequick and robust response in ac drives.However,during steadystate,notable torque,flux,and current pulsations occur.They arereflected in speed estimation,speed response,and also in increasedacoustical noise.This paper introduces a new direct torque andflux control based on space-vector modulation(DTC-SVM)forinduction motor sensorless drives.It is able to reduce the acous-tical noise,the torque,flux,current,and speed pulsations duringsteady state.DTC transient merits are preserved,whilebetter quality steady-state performance is produced in sensorlessimplementation for a wide speed range.The flux and torqueestimator is presented and an improved voltage–current modelspeed observer is introduced.The proposed control topologies,simulations,implementation data,and test results with DTCand DTC-SVM are given and discussed.It is concluded that theproposed control topology produces better results for steady-stateoperation than the classical DTC.Index Terms—Direct torque control,estimators,sensorless.I.I NTRODUCTIONR ESEARCH interest in induction motor(IM)sensorlessdrives has grown significantly over the past few years dueto some of their advantages,such as mechanical robustness,simple construction,and maintenance.Present efforts are de-voted to improve the sensorless operation,especially for lowspeed and to develop robust control strategies.Since its introduction in1985,the direct torque control(DTC)[1](or direct self control(DSC)[2])principle waswidely used for IM drives with fast dynamics.Despite its sim-plicity,DTC is able to produce very fast torque and flux controland,if the torque and flux are correctly estimated,is robustwith respect to motor parameters and perturbations.during steady-state operation,notable torque,flux,and currentpulsations occur.They are reflected in speed estimation and inincreased acoustical noise.Paper IPCSD99–46,presented at the1998Industry Applications Society An-nual Meeting,St.Louis,MO,October12–16,and approved for publication inthe IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial DrivesCommittee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.This work was supportedby the Danfoss Professor Programme and the Institute of Energy Technology,Aalborg University,Aalborg East,Denmark.Manuscript submitted for reviewOctober15,1998and released for publication August23,1999.scu is with the Department of Electrical Machines and Drives,University Politehnica of Timisoara,RO-1900Timisoara,Romania( is with the Department of Electrical Machines and Drives,University Politehnica of Timisoara,RO-1900Timisoara,Romania( is with the Institute of Energy Technology,Aalborg University,DK-9220Aalborg East,Denmark( Item Identifier S0093-9994(00)00036-0.Several solutions with modified DTC are presented in the lit-erature.Due to its simple structure,DTC can be easily integratedwith an artificial intelligence control strategy.The fuzzy logicsolution for flux and torque control is shown in[3].A different approach is to combine the voltage vector selec-tion with an adequate pulsewidth modulation(PWM)strategy inorder to obtain a smooth operation.The closed-loop stator fluxpredictive control,open-loop torque control using space-vectormodulation(SVM)implementation is shown in[4].The SVMis a performant open-loop vector modulation strategy[5].This paper introduces a new direct torque and flux controlbased on SVM(DTC-SVM)for IM sensorless drives.It imple-ments closed-loop digital control for both flux and torque in asimilar manner as DTC,but the voltage is produced by an SVMunit.This way,the DTC transient performance and robustnessare preserved and the steady-state torque ripple is reduced.Ad-ditionally,the switching frequency is constant and totally con-trollable.Another important issue for a sensorless drive is the flux,torque,and speed estimation.Both open-loop and closed-loopspeed and position estimators are widely analyzed in the litera-ture.The most promising speed observers seem to be the adap-tive ones,either with linear or nonlinear structures[6],[7].How-ever,the low-speed range estimation still remains an unsolvedproblem.This is not the case for flux and torque observers whichare able to generate accurate estimation for the whole speedrange[8]–[10].An improved voltage–current model speed ob-server based on a model reference adaptive controller(MRAC)structure is proposed herewith.The paper presents the complete sensorless solution based ona DTC-SVM strategy.The proposed control topologies,digitalsimulations,implementation data,and test results with DTC andDTC-SVM are given and discussed.II.P ROPOSED S ENSORLESS IM D RIVEThe proposed sensorless IM drive block diagram is shown inFig.1.It operates with constant rotor flux,direct stator flux,and torque control.The speed controller is a classical propor-tional-integral-derivative(PID)regulator,which produces thereference torque.Only the dc-link voltage and two line currentsare measured.The IM model isFig.1.The DTC-SVM sensorless ac drive.the derivation operator.The electromagnetic torque isthe number of pole pairs.The stator flux and torque closed-loop control is achieved bythe DTC-SVM unit.In order to reduce the torque and flux pulsa-tions and,implicitly,the current harmonics content,in contrastto the standard DTC,we do use decoupled PI flux and torquecontrollers and SVM.III.F LUX AND S PEED E STIMATORThe estimator calculates the stator fluxrotor flux components are(7)”)is the stator fluxis the estimated rotor flux from(7)and(8)in a sta-tionary reference frame(see Fig.2).The voltage model is based on(1)and uses the stator voltageand current measurement.For the stator reference frame,thestator flux(12)Values such as20–30rad/s for the twopoles(13)The detailed parameter sensitivity analysis of this observer canbe found in[9].Fig.2.The flux estimator for the DTC-SVM drive.Fig.3.The MRAC speed estimator.The speed estimator has the structure of a model referenceadaptive controller(MRAC)[6],[7].In order to achieve a widespeed range,an improved solution,which uses the full-orderflux estimator,is proposed(see Fig.3).The reference model is the rotor flux estimator presented sofar(13).It is supposed to operate accurately for a wide fre-quency band(1–100Hz).The adaptive model is a current modelbased on(2)for a stationary reference frame(”)–(17)(18)From(1),for a stator flux reference frame(If the stator flux is constant,it is evident that the torque can becontrolled by the imaginary component—the torque com-ponent—of the voltage vector(22)The stator flux speedand as—the flux component—of the voltage vector.For each sampling periodvoltage asvoltage drop can be neglected andthe voltage becomes proportional with the flux change andwith the switching frequency1/termis not negligible.The current–flux relations are rather compli-cated(in stator flux coordinates)(25)(26)where(27)It is evident that a cross coupling is present in terms ofand currents.The simplest way to realize the decouplingis to add the(28)and angleandor(30)andandFig.6.The classical DTCcontroller.Fig.7.The real and estimated speed (!,!)and the real and estimated torque (M ,M )with the tuned estimator—simulationresults.Fig.8.The estimated speed and torque with detuned estimator when R =0:4R (!;M )—simulation results.The proposed strategy was called DTC-SVM because it re-alizes the direct torque and flux voltage control combined with SVM and uses DTC when the errors are large.The two methods are compatible since DTC is a high-gain voltage control.The classical DTC topology is presented in Fig.6.Fig.9.The estimated speed and torque with detuned estimator when R =0:4R(!;M )—simulationresults.Fig.10.The estimated speed and torque with detuned estimator when T =0:4T (!;M )—simulationresults.Fig.11.The experimental setup.The DTC strategy can be simply expressed:each sampling period the adequate voltage vector is selected in order to rapidly decrease,in the same time,the torque and flux errors.The convenient voltage vector is selected in accordance with the signals produced by two hysteresis comparators and the stator flux vector position.Fig.12.DTC-SVM—1Hz(30rpm)no load steady state—experimental results.Fig.13.Classical DTC—1Hz(30rpm)no load steady state—experimental results.Fig.14.DTC-SVM no load starting transients—experimental results.V .S IMULATION R ESULTSThe simulation results with DTC-SVM are presented next.The induction motor used for experiments and simulations has the ratedvaluespolepairsandtheparameters,,and astep from 50to 1Hz is appliedats.Fig.7shows the real and estimated speed and torque with tuned estimator.A correct estimation can be observed.Fig.8shows the estimated speed and torque when the stator resis-tance used for estimation is under and overestimated(s andthe switching frequency 8kHz.Deadtime compensation was in-cluded.Both DTC-SVM and classical DTC sensorless strategies were implemented.The design of the two PI controllers is based on (22)and (24).The torque controller gain should equal,at least,the first term in(22):kHz,but the overall system’sstability is improved,even if the flux controller is not a very fast one.The integrator term in both controllers introduces a unitary discretepoleandcompensatesforthecross-couplingerrors.The controllers’parameters used for experiments are the fol-lowing.•The PI compensator for the flux estimator in Fig.2uses thevaluesandFig.16.DTC-SVM speed and torque transients zoom during no load acceleration from 5–50Hz—experimentalresults.Fig.17.Classical DTC speed and torque transients zoom during no load acceleration from 5–50Hz—experimental results.Fig.18.DTC-SVM speed reversal transients (from 25Hz to −25Hz)—experimental results.Comparative experimental results with low-speed no-load operation are presented first.Fig.12shows the estimated speed,torque,stator,and rotor flux,and the measured current for steady-state 1–Hz DTC-SVM operation.Fig.13shows the estimated speed,torque,stator,and rotor flux for steady-state 1–Hz DTC operation.An improved operation in terms of high-frequency ripple can be noticed with DTC-SVM.The no-load starting transient performance is presented in Fig.14—estimated speed and torque—for DTC-SVM and inFig.15—the same quantities—for DTC.Again,the torque ripple isdrasticallyreduced,whilethefastresponseispreserved.The same conclusions are evident for the no-load speed tran-sients—from5to50Hz—presented in Fig.16for DTC-SVM and in Fig.17for DTC.A zoom of torque proves the fast torque response of the proposed strategy.Fig.18shows the speed reversal from25to−25Hz—speed, flux,and current—for DTC-SVM.Some small flux oscillations can be observed when the flux changes due to the absence of the decoupling term in the flux controller.The system’s stability is influenced by the precision and the speed of convergence of the flux and speed estimation.The speed estimator is not a very fast one,and this can be seen from Fig.18where some speed oscillations occur.The DTC-SVM controller does not depend on motor parameters and is relatively robust as was proved by simulation.VII.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper has introduced a new direct torque and flux control strategy based on two PI controllers and a voltage space-vector modulator.The complete sensorless solution was presented. The main conclusions are as follows.•DTC-SVM strategy realizes almost ripple-free operation for the entire speed range.Consequently,the flux,torque, and speed estimation is improved.•The fast response and robustness merits of the classical DTC are entirely preserved.•The switching frequency is constant and controllable.In fact,the better results are due to the increasing of the switching frequency.While for DTC a single voltage vector is applied during one sampling time,for DTC-SVMa sequence of six vectors is applied during the same time.This is the merit of SVM strategy.•An improved MRAC speed estimator based on a full-order rotor flux estimator as reference model was proposed and tested at high and low speeds.It can be stated that,using the DTC-SVM topology,the overall system performance is increased.R EFERENCES[1]I.Takahashi and T.Noguchi,“A new quick response and high efficiencystrategy of an induction motor,”in Conf.Rec.IEEE-IAS Annu.Meeting, 1985,pp.495–502.[2]M.Depenbrock,“Direct self control for high dynamics performance ofinverter feed AC machines,”ETZ Arch..,vol.7,no.7,pp.211–218,1985.[3] A.Mir,M.E.Elbuluk,and D.S.Zinger,“Fuzzy implementation of directself control of induction motors,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.30,pp.729–735,May/June1994.[4] D.Casadei,G.Sera,and A.Tani,“Stator flux vector control for highperformance induction motor drives using space vector modulation,”in Proc.OPTIM’96,1996,pp.1413–1422.[5]P.Thoegersen and J.K.Pedersen,“Stator flux oriented asynchronousvector modulation for AC-drives,”in Proc.IEEE PESC’90,1990,pp.641–648.[6] C.Schauder,“Adaptive speed identification for vector control of induc-tion motors without rotational transducers,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat., vol.28,pp.1054–1061,Sept./Oct.1992.[7]H.Tajima and Y.Hori,“Speed sensorless field-oriented control of theinduction machine,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.29,pp.175–180, Jan./Feb.1993.[8]P.L.Jansen,R.D.Lorenz,and D.W.Novotny,“Observer-based di-rect field orientation:Analysis and comparison of alternative methods,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.30,pp.945–953,July/Aug.1994.[9]P.L.Jansen and R.D.Lorenz,“A physically insightful approach to thedesign and accuracy assessment of flux observers for field oriented I.M.drives,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.30,pp.101–110,Jan./Feb.1994.[10]H.Kubota,K.Matsuse,and T.Nakano,“DTC-based speed adaptive fluxobserver of induction motor,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.29,pp.344–348,Mar./Apr.1993.Cristian Lascu received the in elec-trical engineering from the University Politehnica ofTimisoara,Timisoara,Romania,in1995.He became an Assistant Professor in1995at theUniversity Politehnica of Timisoara.His researchareas are ac drives,power electronics,and staticpower converters.In1997,he was involved in theDanfoss Professor Programme in Power Electronicsand Drives at the Institute of Energy Technology,Aalborg University,Denmark.He is currently aVisiting Research Scholar at the University of Nevada,Reno.scu was the recipient of a Prize Paper Award at the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting in1998.Ion Boldea(M’77–SM’81–F’96)is a Professor ofElectrical Engineering at the University Politehnicaof Timisoara,Timisoara,Romania.He has alsorepeatedly been a Visiting Professor with theUniversity of Kentucky,Lexington,Oregon StateUniversity,Corvallis,the University of Glasgow,U.K.,and Aalborg University,Aaalborg,Denmark.He has worked and published extensively onlinear and rotary machines and drives,mainly onlinear motor Maglevs and linear oscilomotors andgenerators,vector control(direct torque and flux control of both induction and synchronous motors),reluctance synchronous machines,and drives and automotive new alternator systems.He has authored and coauthored11books in English,the latest,with S.A.Nasar,being Linear Electric Actuators and Generators(Cambridge,U.K.:Cambridge Univ.Press, 1997)and Electric Drives(Boca Raton,FL:CRC Press,1998).Frede Blaabjerg(S’86–M’88–SM’97)was born inErslev,Denmark,in1963.He received the from Aalborg University,Aalborg,Denmark,in1987and the from the Institute ofEnergy Technology,Aalborg University,in1995.He was with ABB—Scandia,Randers,Denmark,from1987to1988.He joined Aalborg University in1992as an Assistant Professor and became an Asso-ciate Professor in1996and a Full Professor in powerelectronics and drives in1998.His research areas arepower electronics,static power converters,ac drives, switched reluctance drives,modeling,characterization of power semiconductor devices,and simulation.He is involved in more than ten research projects with industry.Among them is the Danfoss Professor Programme in Power Elec-tronics and Drives.Dr.Blaabjerg is a member of the Industrial Drives,the Industrial Power Converter,and the Power Electronics Devices and Components Committees of the IEEE Industry Applications Society,as well as being the Paper Review Chairman of the Industrial Power Converter Committee.He is a member of the European Power Electronics and Drives Association and the Danish Technical Research Council and a Member of the Board of the Danish Space Research Institute.In1995,he received the Angelos Award for his contribution in modulation technique and control of electric drives and an Annual Teacher Prize from Aalborg University.In1998,he received the Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society and an IEEE T RANSACTION ON P OWER E LECTRONICS Prize Paper Award for the best paper published in1997.He also received two Prize Paper Awards at the1998IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting.。







%As higher performance of control system is required,current measurement error seriously affected the control performance of electrically excited synchronous motor.The errors generated from the current measurement path are inevitable,such as offset currents and gain deviations,which causes the periodic rotor speed ripples.This paper presents a simple resonant type observer to compensate current measurement errors for the pure-integration-based flux estimation at a low stator frequency.The technique further contains a residual error compensator to eliminate miscellaneous residual error of the integrator.Finally,this paper uses the Matlab/Simulink to simulate excited synchronous motor with two phase current sensors.The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.【期刊名称】《电工技术学报》【年(卷),期】2011(026)006【总页数】6页(P67-72)【关键词】电流测量误差;谐振式观测器;纯积分磁链观测器;电励磁同步电动机【作者】周二磊;符晓;伍小杰;戴鹏【作者单位】中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,徐州221008;中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,徐州221008;中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,徐州221008;中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,徐州221008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM3411 引言电励磁同步电动机以其效率高、功率因数高且可以调节等优点,在机械传动,特别是在大功率传动中广泛应用[1]。



(model predictive torque control,MPTC)[4-6]。相比 于 传 统 的 直 接 转 矩 控 制(direct torque control, DTC),模型预测转矩控制具有较快的电磁转矩响 应和较小的电磁转矩脉动。然而,模型预测转矩 控 制 主 要 有 两 个 缺 点[7-10]:1)模 型 预 测 控 制 依 赖 于感应电机的参数,而定子电阻随着温度的变化
摘要:在基于无速度传感器的感应电机控制策略中,以转子速度作为自适应变量的模型参考自适应观测 器多作为转速估计的基本方法。然而,该方法中转子速度的估计精度不仅影响定子磁链的观测精度,同时也 影响电磁转矩预测模型的预测精度。为消除上述缺点,提出了一种基于双坐标参考系的定子磁链观测器,其 基本原则是在定子坐标系表示电压模型,在转子磁链矢量坐标系表示电流模型,以取消速度自适应项的方式 分离了定子磁链的观测与转子速度估计。此外,与双参考系观测器相匹配,提出了基于双参考系的感应电机 电磁转矩预测模型。提出的算法在 2.2 kW 感应电机实验平台上进行了实验验证,实验结果表明,所提出的控 制算法在感应电机全速范围内均具有良好的性能表现。
基金项目:国网甘肃省电力公司科技项目(52272317000c) 作者简介:杨鹏(1981—),男,博士,高级工程师,Email :63405644@
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
电气传动 2021 年 第 51 卷 第 19 期
Abstract: For sensorless control of induction motor,model reference adaptive observers are usually used, where rotor speed is considered as an adaptive variable. The accuracy of rotor speed estimation not only affects the accuracy of flux observation,but also affects the accuracy of the torque prediction model. To overcome the drawbacks,a stator flux observer based on two coordinate reference frame was proposed,which represents voltage and current mode in stator and rotor flux reference frames,respectively. The proposed observer decouples flux observation and speed estimation by eliminating speed adaptation. In addition,a prediction model of induction motor electromagnetic torque based on double reference frame was proposed to match the double reference frame observer. The proposed algorithm was verified on a 2.2 kW induction motor experimental platform. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance in both low-speed and high-speed areas.


10期 2018年 10 月
电 力 电 子 技 术 Power Electronics
Vo1.52, No.10 0ctober 2018
张 震 宇 ,李 兴 鹤 ,金 辛 海 (上海 辛格林 纳新 时达 电机有 限公司 , 上海 201801)
1 引 言
2 级 联 式 高 压 变 频 器 拓 扑 结 构
级 联 式 高压 变 频 器 以其 输 入 、输 出侧 谐 波 小 , 安 全 可靠 等 优 点 .具备 越 来越 高 的应 用价 值 。目前 . 针 对 异 步 电机 的转 速 估 算 策 略 ,主 要 分 两 类 :① 基 于 电机 数 学 模 型 的速 度 估 算 法 ;② 高 频注 入 法 。文 献 [1】采 用 开 环 的 模 型 参 考 自适 应 法 ,其 结 构 简 单 , 但 非 常 依 赖 模 型 的准 确 性 。文 献[2]采 用 全 阶 自适 应 观 测 器 观 测 电机 转 速 与 转 子磁 链 ,但 存 在 转 速 不 稳 定 区 。文 献 [3]在 文 献 [2]的基 础 上 提 出 了一 种 提 高低 速 稳 定 性 的误 差 反 馈 矩 阵 设 计 方 法 。
A bstract:According to the character istics of cascaded high voltage inverter,a speed sensorless vector control system for induction motor based on rotor flux adaptive observer is researched.According to the Lyapunov stability theory,the speed adaptive law is constructed rationally.And a novel compound  ̄edback matrix both have stability and anti—inter— ference is proposed,which guarantees the stability of the observer.The simulation and exper iment show that the speed estimation schem e can accurately estim ate the m otor speed and m agnetic.It can realize the high precision and high per formance control of the sensorless sensor. K eyw ords:cascaded high vohage inverter; flux adaptive observer; induction motor



Voe. 54. No. 5Mg. 2021第54卷第5期2021年 5月微电机MICROMOTORS基于新型全阶观测器的感应电机无速度传感器控制胡锦涛,邵宜祥,庄圣伦,孙素娟,周百灵,孙立鑫(南瑞集团(国网电力科学研究院)有限公司,南京211106)摘 要:随着我国海上风电的迅猛发展,感应电机作为一种主流电机已广泛用作海上风电中的发电机组%针对感应电机无速度传感器控制中转速估 大、过渡不平滑及 矩阵的 大等问题, 了 化型反馈矩阵的新型全阶观测器方案。

时极点平移法推导出 矩阵中各元素的表达式,再从与 度两方 ,提出 矩阵的简化思想,以减小 及 度。

通过对方案真与 ,结果表明型全阶观测器在感应电机的无速度传感器控制过程中观测精度高,动态性能好,工程 强。

关键词:感 电机;无速度传感器;矩阵;全阶观测器;极平移法中图分类号:TM346; TP273 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-848(2021 )05预079预7Speed Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Based on New Full-order ObserverHUJonoao , SHAOYotoang , ZHUANGShengeun , SUNSueuan , ZHOUBaoeong , SUNLoton(NARI Group Corgoration ( Stato Grid Electric Powes Researct Institoto ),Nanking 211106,Chin a )Abstract : WiW the rapid development of oashon wind power in our counWy , the induction motors have beenwiOely used as generator sets in dfshoro wind power as a mainstream motor. A new full-5rder obse/er scheme based on a simpliOed feedback matao was designed. It was mainly used to solve these problems , in ­cluding larae speed estimation vror , low transition smoothness, and larae feedback matao ctlculgon inspeed sensorless control of induction motors. The exp/ssion of each element in We feedback matao was de-aved by means of the pole shift method in We beginning and Wen a simplified iOea of feedback matao was proposed to reduco We amount of calculation and the difficulty of implementation consiOeang We two aspectsof stability and converaenco speed duang the process of design. After simulation and expeament of the scheme ,tCe results show that the new full-5rder obse/er has high obse/ation accu/cy ,good dynamic per-fo/nanco and strong engineeang practicability in tCe speed sensorless control process of induction motor.Key words : induction motor ; speed sensorless ; feedback matax ; full-5rder obse/er; pole shift methodo 引言近年来,我国海上风电装机容量越来越大(1-),随着产业链的成本 及单机 的扩大,使得感电机风电机以 靠性、 单、低成本等逐步成为我国海 电的主流机型。



第29卷第5期水下无人系统学报 Vol. 29No.5 2021年10月 JOURNAL OF UNMANNED UNDERSEA SYSTEMS Oct. 2021收稿日期: 2020-11-02; 修回日期: 2021-01-27.作者简介: 张炜权(1981-), 男, 硕士, 高工, 主要研究方向为流体转动与控制.[引用格式] 贾国涛, 张炜权, 刘国庆. 一种异步电机全阶磁链观测器设计方法[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2021, 29(5): 596-600.一种异步电机全阶磁链观测器设计方法贾国涛, 张炜权, 刘国庆(中国船舶集团有限公司 第705研究所昆明分部, 云南 昆明, 650101)摘 要: 随着新型水下电动混流泵发射动力技术的不断发展, 对高速电机驱动提出了新的要求。

但传统全阶磁链观测器设计会引发系统极点产生正实部, 造成无速度传感器控制系统不能在低转速区域保持稳定, 促使装置启动失败。

针对此, 文中提出一种新的异步电机全阶磁链观测器设计方法, 设计了一种基于全阶磁链观测器的误差反馈矩阵, 可同时保证观测器极点实部和估计转速传递函数的零点实部都小于零, 从而保证了观测器以及估计转速的稳定。


关键词: 异步电机; 全阶磁链观测器; 无速度传感器; 矢量控制; 转速估计中图分类号: TJ630; TM343 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2096-3920(2021)05-0596-05DOI: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2021.05.012New Design Method for an Asynchronous Motor Full-Order Flux ObserverJIAGuo-tao , ZHANG Wei-quan , LIU Guo-qing(The 705 Research Institute, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Kunming 650101, China)Abstract: New technologies for electric underwater mixed-flow pump launch power are increasingly becoming an active research topic in the underwater attack and defense field, in which the reliability design of equipment is the key feature. However, the traditional design method of an asynchronous motor full-order flux observer leads to a positive real part of the poles of the system, resulting in a speed sensorless control system that is not stable in low-speed regions, and, thereby, in the failure of the start-up of the device. This study, therefore, proposes a new design method for an asyn-chronous motor full-order flux observer, which is designed based on a full-order flux observer while ensuring that the real part of the pole of the observer and the real part of the zero point of the estimated speed transfer function are less than zero. As a result, the stability of the observer is ensured while the speed is estimated. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified experimentally.Keywords: asynchronous motor; full-order flux observer; speed sensorless; vector control; speed estimation0 引言 为满足水下新型预置式武器平台、深海试验平台、新型潜艇及攻击型无人水下航行器(unman- ned undersea vehicle, UUV)等低噪声、小型化发射的需求, 新型水下电动混流泵发射动力技术越来越成为水下攻防的研究热点, 发射动力装备对高速电机驱动提出了新的要求, 其可靠性设计成为关键技术。



异步电动机矢量控制(四)马小亮【摘要】@@ 第4讲电压模型和电流模型的合成及无转速传感器系统rn4.1 异步电动机VM和IM的合成rn第3讲介绍了异步电动机的电压和电流两种模型,并说明在高速时电压模型VM较准,在低速时电流模型IM优于VM.在实际系统的电动机模型中,两种模型都用,在n>10%时按VM工作,在n<5%时按IM工作,5%<n <10%区间是两种模型的过渡区间.本节介绍两种模型的合成方法.有3类常用的合成方法:混合模型、切换模型和校正模型.【期刊名称】《电气传动》【年(卷),期】2010(040)012【总页数】5页(P3-7)【作者】马小亮【作者单位】天津电气传动设计研究所,天津,300180【正文语种】中文第4讲电压模型和电流模型的合成及无转速传感器系统4.1 异步电动机VM和IM的合成第3讲介绍了异步电动机的电压和电流两种模型,并说明在高速时电压模型VM较准,在低速时电流模型IM优于VM。

在实际系统的电动机模型中,两种模型都用,在n>10%时按 VM 工作,在n<5%时按IM 工作,5%<n<10%区间是两种模型的过渡区间。



4.1.1 VM-IM混合模型[4-5]在混合模型中,电压模型用传统VM(见第3讲3.1.1节),它简单,但存在纯积分漂移及积分初始值设置问题,在IM的帮助下它们都能解决。


图24 VM-IM混合模型计算框图图24中,传统VM基于第3讲3.1.1节式(50),它实际上是两套计算,一套用和计算,另一套用和计算,所以在图24中流程用双实线表示。



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Sensorless Control of Induction Motor DrivesJOACHIM HOLTZ ,FELLOW,IEEE Invited PaperControlled induction motor drives without mechanical speed sensors at the motor shaft have the attractions of low cost and high reliability.To replace the sensor,the information on the rotor speed is extracted from measured stator voltages and currents at the motor terminals.Vector-controlled drives require estimating the magni-tude and spatial orientation of the fundamental magnetic flux waves in the stator or in the rotor.Open-loop estimators or closed-loop observers are used for this purpose.They differ with respect to ac-curacy,robustness,and sensitivity against model parameter varia-tions.Dynamic performance and steady-state speed accuracy in the low-speed range can be achieved by exploiting parasitic effects of the machine.The overview in this paper uses signal flow graphs of complex space vector quantities to provide an insightful description of the systems used in sensorless control of induction motors.Keywords—Adaptive tuning,complex state variables,identifi-cation,induction motor,modeling,observers,sensorless control,vector control.N OMENCLATUREAll variables are normalized unless statedotherwise.Unity vectorrotators.Stator phaseaxes.Denominator.Function of complex spaceharmonics.Field positionvector.Observer tensor.Direct axis currentsignal.Nonnormalized rms phasecurrent.Mutual inductance.Manuscript received September 3,2001;revised March 11,2002.The author is with the Electrical Machines and Drives Group,Wuppertal University,42119Wuppertal,Germany (j.holtz@).Publisher Item Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2002.800726.Rotor inductance.Number of rotorbars.Instantaneous reactivepower.Effective transientresistance.Sector indicatorvector.Loadtorque.DC linkvoltage.Rotor-inducedvoltage.Rotor slot harmonicsvoltage.Zero sequencevoltage.Leakage-dependent zero sequencevoltage.Nonnormalized rms phasevoltage.Switching statevectors.Circumferential positionangle.Errorangle.Stator currentangle.Rotor positionangle.Total leakagefactor.Normalizedtime.Mechanical timeconstant.Rotor time constant.0018-9219/02$17.00©2002IEEEPROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,VOL.90,NO.8,AUGUST 20021359SubscriptsComponents in stator coordinates.Phases,winding axes.Average value.Synchronous coordinates.Maximum value.Minimum value.Positive sequence.Per phase value.Rated value.-coordinates.Originates from stator(rotor)model.Average value.Peak amplitude.Marks transient time constants.(a)(b)Fig.2.Stator winding with only phase a energized.(a)Symbolic representation.(b)Generated current density distribution.magnetic flux density,the flux linkages,and the current den-sities(magnetomotive force,MMF)are sinusoidal.Linear magnetics are assumed while iron losses,slotting effects,and deep bar and end effects are neglected.To describe the space vector concept,a three-phase stator winding is considered,as shown in Fig.2(a)in a symbolic representation.The winding axis ofphasein statorphaseby90.As the phase currents vary with time,the generated current density profile displaces in pro-portion,forming a rotating current density wave.The superposition of the current density profiles of the in-dividual phases can be represented by the spatial addition of the contributing phase currents.For this purpose,the phase currents need to be transformed into space vectors by im-parting them the spatial orientation of the pertaining phase axes.The resultingequationis the real axis of the ref-erence frame.It is normally omitted in the notation of(1)to characterize the real axis by the unityvector.As a complex quantity,the spacevector represents the si-nusoidal current density distribution generated by the phase current.Such distribution is represented in Fig.2(b).In the second term of(1),is a unity vector that indicates the direction of the winding axis ofphaseis the space vector that represents the sinusoidal current density distribution generated by the phase current .Likewisedoes represent the current density distri-bution generated by,with.Being a complex quantity,the stator current space vector,as illustrated in Fig.3.Its amplitude is proportional to.The scaling factor2/3in(1)reflects the fact that the total current density distribution is obtained as the superposition of the current density distributions of three phase windings while the contribution of only two phase windings,spaced 90Fig.4.Flux density distribution resulting from the stator currentsin Fig.3.contributing phase currents,and can be readily reconstructed as the projectionsof,as illustrated in Fig.4.It is convenient to choose theflux linkage wave as a system variable instead of the fluxdensity wave as the former contains added information onthe winding geometry and the number of turns.By defini-tion,a flux linkage distribution has the same spatial orien-tation as the pertaining flux density distribution.The statorflux linkage distribution in Fig.4is therefore represented bythe spacevector90ofpole pairs to the two-pole equivalent machine that is shownin the illustrations.It has been found convenient to normalizetimeas is the rated stator frequency ofthe machine.A rotating coordinate system is chosen to establish thevoltage equations of the induction motor.This coordinatesystem rotates at an angular statorvelocity-coordinatesystemisis the mo-tion-induced voltage that results from the varying displace-ment of the winding conductors with respect to the referenceframe.In the rotor,this displacementis is theangular mechanical velocity of the rotor,and hence the rotorvoltage equationis.Therefore,two flux linkageequations(6)are needed to establish completeness.In(6)and(7),is the angularmechanical velocity of therotor,component of the vector product of two state variables,forinstance,as(9)whenand(10b)The coefficients in(10)are the transient stator timeconstantand the rotor timeconstant,whereis an equivalent resis-tance,and is the coupling factor of the rotor.The selected coordinate system rotates at the electricalangular statorvelocity.The same time constant reap-pears asfactor.The resultingsignal,being determined by the leakage induc-tances and the winding resistances both in the stator and therotor.The dynamics of the rotor flux are governed by thelarger rotor timeconstant if the rotor is excited by thestator currentvector(11)in which thecomponent predominatesover un-less the speed is very low.A typical value of the normalizedrotor time constantisis close to unity in the base speed range.The electromagnetic torque as the input signal to the me-chanical subsystem is expressed by the selected state vari-ables and derived from(6),(7),and(9)as(12)D.Speed Estimation at Very Low Stator FrequencyThe dynamic model of the induction motor is used to in-vestigate the special case of operation at very low stator fre-quency,Fig.6.Induction motor at zero stator frequency;signal flowgraph in stationary coordinates.purpose.The angular velocity of this reference frame is zero and,hence,depends predominantly on the load torque.Partic-ularly,if the machine is fed by avoltageand.Its Laplace transformis obtained with reference to(13)as(14)As.Hence,we have from(14)(15)The right-hand side of(15)is independentofof the rotor does not exert an influence on the stator quan-tities.Particularly,they do not reflect on the stator current asthe important measurable quantity for speed identification.It is concluded,therefore,that the mechanical speed of therotor is not observableatorand,and,respectively.Its eigenbe-havior is characterized by oscillatory components of varyingfrequencies which make the system difficult to control.To illustrate the problem,a large-signal response is dis-played in Fig.7(a),showing the torque–speed characteristicat direct-on-line starting of a nonenergized rgedeviations from the corresponding steady-state characteristiccan be observed.During the dynamic acceleration process,the torque initially oscillates between its steady-state break-down value and the nominal generating torque.The initial oscillations are predominantly generated fromthe electromagnetic interaction between the two windingsystems in the upper portion of Fig.5,while the subsequentlimit cycle around the final steady-state pointat(a)(b)Fig.7.Dynamic behavior of the uncontrolled induction motor.(a)Large-signal response:direct on-line starting compared with the steady-state characteristic.(b)Small-signal response:speed oscillations following a step change of the statorfrequency.Fig.8.Constant V/Hz control.III.C ONSTANT V/H Z C ONTROL A.Low Cost and Robust DrivesOne way of dealing with the complex and nonlinear dy-namics of induction machines in adjustable speed drives is avoiding excitation at their eigenfrequencies.To this aim,a gradient limiter reduces the bandwidth of the stator fre-quency command signal as shown in Fig.8.The band-limited stator frequency signal then generates the stator voltage ref-erencemagnitudewhile its integral determines the phaseangleconst.(orand )thus obtained constitute the referencevectorof the stator voltage,which in turn controls a pulsewidth modulator (PWM)to generate the switching sequence of the inverter.Overload protection is achieved by simply inhibiting the firing signals of the semiconductor devices if the machine currents exceed a permitted maximum value.Sincediffers from the referencespeedwhen the machine is loaded.The difference is the slip frequency,equal to the electricalfrequencyFig.9.Drive control system for moderate dynamic requirements.The machine dynamics are represented here in terms of thestatevariables.The system equations are derivedin the stationary reference frame,letting(17b)where is a transient rotor time constantand,computed in stationary coordinatesas(19)from the measured orthogonal stator current componentsand in stationary coordinates,whereand,a control input variable.The active statorcurrent is proportional to the torque.Accordingly,itsreferencevalue-controller,and on the ac-tive stator current,which is proportional the rotor fre-quency.The nominalvalue,thus.The estimated speed isthen,with itsreference signal limited to prevent overloading the inverterand to avoid pull-out of the induction machine if the loadtorque is excessive.Fig.9shows that anexternalas estimated values.1366PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,VOL.90,NO.8,AUGUST2002Fig.10.Rotor model in stator coordinates.Suitable models for field angle estimation are the model of the stator winding (see Fig.11)and the model of the rotor winding shown in Fig.10.Each model has its merits and drawbacks.A.The Rotor ModelThe rotor model is derived from the differential equation of the rotor winding.It can be either implemented in stator co-ordinates or in field coordinates.The rotor model in stator co-ordinates is obtained from (10b)in a straightforward manner byletting(21)Fig.10shows the signal flow graph.The measured valuesof the stator current vectorare the input signals to the model.The output signal is the rotorflux linkagevector,marked by thesuperscript .Themagnitude(22)where thesubscriptsmark the respective compo-nents in stator coordinates.The resultismarks the angular orientation of therotor flux vector.It is always referred to in stator coordinates.The functions (23)are modeled at the output of the signal flow graph Fig.10.In a practical implementation,these func-tions can be condensed into two numeric tables that are read from the microcontroller program.The accuracy of the rotor model depends on the correct set-ting of the model parameters in (21).It is particularly rotortimeconstantthat determines the accuracy of the esti-mated field angle,the most critical variable in a vector-con-trolled drive.The other model parameter is the mutual induc-tance .It acts as a gain factor as seen in Fig.10and does not affect the field angle.It does have an influence on the magnitude of the flux linkage vector,which is less critical.B.The Stator ModelThe stator model is used to estimate the stator flux linkage vector or the rotor flux linkage vector,without requiring a speed signal.It is therefore a preferred machine modelfor(a)(b)Fig.11.Stator model in stationary coordinates;the idealintegrator is substituted by a low-pass filter.(a)Signal flow graph.(b)Bode diagram.sensorless speed control applications.The stator model is de-rived by integrating the stator voltage equation (4)in statorcoordinates,.One of the two model equations (24)or (25)can be used to estimate the respective flux linkage vector,from which the pertaining field angle and the magnitude of the flux linkage are obtained.The signal flow diagram Fig.11(a)illustrates rotor flux estimation according to (25).The stator model (24)or (25)is difficult to apply in prac-tice since an error in the acquiredsignalsandin Fig.11(a).The resulting runaway of the output signal is a fundamental problem of an open integration.A negative,low-gain feedback is therefore added which stabilizes the integrator and prevents its output from increasing without bounds.The feedback signal converts the integrator into aHOLTZ:SENSORLESS CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES1367first order delay having a low cornerfrequency ,and thestator models (24)and (25)become(26)and(27)respectively.The Bode diagram [Fig.11(b)]shows that the first-order delay,or low-pass filter,behaves as an integrator for frequen-cies much higher than the corner frequency.It is obvious that the model becomes inaccurate when the frequency reduces to values around the corner frequency.The gain is then reduced and,more importantly,the90,unlessthe switching frequency of the PWM inverter is lower than about 1kHz.The other two time constants of the machine (Fig.5),the rotor timeconstant and the mechanicaltimeFig.12.Induction motor signal flow graph at forced stator currents.The dotted lines represent zero signals at rotor field orientation.constant ,are much larger in comparison.The current con-trol therefore rejects all disturbances that the dynamic eigen-behavior of the machine might produce,thus eliminating the influence of the stator dynamics.The dynamic order reduces in consequence,the system only being characterized by the complex rotor equation (10b)and the scalar equation (8)of the mechanical subsystem.Equations (10b)and (8)form a second-order system.Referring to synchronouscoordinates,of the current control loop.To achieve dynamically decoupled control of the now de-cisive systemvariables,a particular synchronous coordinate system is defined,having its real axis aligned with the rotor flux vector [8].This reference frame is the rotor fieldoriented-componentcomponent of therotor flux vector must be forced to zero.Hence,the(29)which is put into effect byadjusting-axis currentand,hence,is independently controllable.Also,the rotorflux is independently controlled bytheFig.13.Signal flow graph of the induction motor at rotor field orientation.order.The control concept also eliminates the nonlinearities of the system and inhibits its inherent tendency to oscillate during transients,illustrated in Fig.7.B.Model Reference Adaptive System Based on the Rotor FluxThe model reference approach (MRAS)makes use of the redundancy of two machine models of different structures that estimate the same state variable on the basis of different sets of input variables [9].Both models are referred to in the stationary reference frame.The stator model (26)in the upper portion of Fig.14serves as a reference model.Its output is theestimated rotor fluxvectorindicatesthatoriginates from the stator model.The rotor model is derived from (10b),where(30)This model estimates the rotor flux from the measured stator current and from a tuning signal in Fig.14.The tuning signal is obtained through a proportional-integral (PI)controller from a scalar errorsignalbetween the two estimated flux vectors.As the errorsignaland necessitatesthe addition of an equivalent bandwidth limiter in the input of the adjustable rotor model.Below the cutofffrequencyof (21)in field coordinates,whereFig.16.Model reference adaptive system for speed estimation;reference variable:rotor-induced voltage.known.Evenif).Thus,an errorin(33)which is a quantity that provides information on the rotor flux vector from the terminal voltage and current,without the need to perform an ing (33)as the reference model leaves (21)as=r =k =lrl lo r r re re l re r l re l r r l r re r r ke r l r r r r r ro r r r l lo r l le r r r r l r ro r r rer l l re re r re r r l le r r r r rr r r l le r l r r l le r r r r re r l r l r l r l l r r l r r l re ro re r r l lrro r l rr lpensation channels (thick lines at A and B )for the sensorless speed control system in Fig.17;k r .misalignment of the field-oriented reference frame.It is now assumed that the mechanicalspeedincreases-axiscomponentof the rotor-induced voltage is increased,which is the back-EMF that acts on the stator.The consequence is that rises,delayed by the transient statortimeconstant ,whichrestoresto its original zero value after the delay.Before this readjustment takes place,though,which instanta-neouslyaffects,while this disturbance is compen-sated only after a delayof by the feedforward adjustmentofthrough to the stator fre-quency input of the machine controller.This compensation channel ismarked,which essentially contributes to back-EMFvector,influences the stator current derivative.A misalign-ment between the reference frame and the rotor flux vector produces anonzerois determined by (35a)on the assumption of existing field alignment,such a deviation will invoke a correctingsignal from thecontroller.This signal is used to influ-ence,through a gainconstant(channel as well,causing the controller to accelerate or decelerate the refer-ence frame to reestablish accurate field alignment.Torque rise time of this scheme is reported around 15ms;speed accuracy iswithin 12rpm at 45rpm [11].E.Rotor Field Orientation With Improved Stator Model A sensorless rotor field orientation scheme based on the stator model is described by Ohtani [12].The upper por-tion of Fig.19shows the classical structure in whichtheFig.19.Sensorless speed control based on direct iin i r i i i is r r r r i r r re r r A i i i re r r is i r ri r ro r i r r i is i i is ir is i ro rr r r i i i i r i i i ro r i Bo in i r An im r is r i i r i r r i in r risis ro r i in r i i r rig i is r i i i r i isrr N N N DU N DRFig.20.Rotor flux estimator for the structure in Fig.19.N :numerator,D :denominator.This expression is the equivalent of the pure integralof ,on conditionthat.A transformation to the time domain yields two differentialequations(39)whereisreferred to in stator coordinates and,hence,is an ac variable,the same as the other variables.The signal flow graph in Fig.20shows that the rotor fluxvector is synthesized by the twocomponentsand ,ac-cording to (39)and (40).The high gainfactor in the upperchannelletsdominate the estimated rotor fluxvector at higher frequencies.As the stator frequency reduces,the am-plitudeofat low frequencies which deactivatesthe rotor flux controller in effect.However,the fieldanglereduces.Field orientation is finally lost at verylow stator frequency.Only the frequency of the stator currents is controlled.The currents are then forced into the machine without reference to the rotor field.This provides robustness and certain stability,although not dynamic performance.In fact,the-axis current,through (41),now relates to the correctrotor flux vector.The controller then adjusts the estimated speed and,in consequence,the field angle for a realignment of the reference frame with the rotor field.At 18rpm,speed accuracy is reported to 0.1p.u.ref-erence torque,improving significantly as the torque increases.Minimum parameter sensitivity existsat(42b)These equations represent the machine model.They are vi-sualized in the upper portion of Fig.21.The model outputs the estimatedvaluesresent the stator and the rotor in the machine model.Theequations of the full-order observer are then established inaccordance with(42).We have(43b)Kubota et al.[13]select the complex gain factors,where(44)which can be interpreted as a stator current component thatreduces the influence of model parameter errors.The fieldtransformation angle as obtained from the reduced-orderobserver is independent of rotor resistance variations[17].The complex gainFig.23.Reduced-order nonlinear observer.The MRAS block contains the structure shown in Fig.14;k= +(10 )= .VI.S TATOR F IELD O RIENTATIONA.Impressed Stator CurrentsControl with stator field orientation is preferred in combi-nation with the stator model.This model directly estimates the stator flux ing the stator flux vector to define the coordinate system is therefore a straightforward approach.A fast current control system makes the stator current vector a forcing function,and the electromagnetic subsystem of the machine behaves like a complex first-order system, characterized by the dynamics of the rotor winding.To model the system,the stator flux vector is chosen as the state variable.The machine equation in synchronous coordi-nates,(45)where is the transient rotor time constant.Equa-tion(45)defines the signal flow graph shown in Fig.24.This first-order structure is less straightforward than itsequivalent at rotor field orientation(Fig.12),although wellinterpretable:since none of the state variables in(45)hasan association with the rotor winding,such a state variableis reconstructed from the stator variables.The leakageflux.Thus,thesignalis obtained,which,although reduced in magnitudeby.Here,the velocityfactoralso explains why the rotor time constant characterizesthis subsystem,although its state variable is the stator fluxlinkagevector=.Fig.25.Machine control at stator flux orientation using adynamic feedforward an input.Infact,that is added from its output.To establish stator flux orientation,the stator flux linkagevector.Therefore,the-axis signals at the summingpoint-axiscurrent and the stator flux.The decoupling signal dependson the rotorfrequencyFig.26.Estimator for stator flux,field angle,speed,and rotor frequency.The estimator serves to control the system in Fig.27.N :numerator,D :denominator.for stator field orientation (46),andlettingrotate.Inaccuracies of signal acquisitionare further discussed in Section VII.The stator field angle is obtained as the integral of the statorfrequency(50)that appear as triplen harmonics with respect to the funda-mental statorvoltage .As all triplen harmonics form zero sequence systems,they can be easily separated from the much larger fundamental voltage.The zero sequence voltage is the sum of the three phase voltages in a wye-connected statorwindingare the triplen harmonicsthat originate from the saturation-dependent magnetization of the iron core.These contribute significantly to the zero sequence voltage as exemplified in the upper trace of the os-cillogram in Fig.28.To isolate the signal that represents theHOLTZ:SENSORLESS CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES1375Fig.28.Zero sequence component u of the stator voltages,showing rotor slot and saturation harmonics.Fundamental frequency ff fi fr u u fr uu f fi f funf fi f u uu u u u f u fr f u fo u fe u f f us fo u u u fr f fe fr u fi u fr uf fo fr u f fr ufiFig.29.Accurate speed identification based on rotor slot harmonicsvoltages.Fig.30.Effect of parameter adaptation shown at different values of operating speed.Left-hand side:without parameter adaptation;right-hand side:withadaptation.s to eliminate dynamic errors during accel-eration at low speed.The filtered signal feeds a PI controller,the output of which eliminates the parameter errors in a sim-plified rotor frequencyestimator,it also corrects other parameter errors in (47),such as variations of the total leakageinductanceis nevertheless maintained.Fig.30demonstrates how the rotor resistance adaptation scheme operates at different speed settings [20].The oscil-lograms are recorded at nominal load torque.Considerable 1376PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,VOL.90,NO.8,AUGUST 2002Fig.31.Stator flux-oriented control without speed sensor.Speedreversal from04500rpm to+4500rpm with field weakening.speed errors,all referred to the rated speed,can be ob-served without rotor resistance adaptation.When the adap-tation is activated,the speed errors reduce to less than0.002p.u.The overshoot of the4500rpm that includes field weakening.If operated at frequenciesabove the critical low-speed range,a sensorless ac drive per-forms as well as a vector-controlled drive with a shaft sensor;even passing through zero speed in a quick transition is nota problem.As the stator frequency reduces at lower speed,the statorvoltage reduces almost in direct proportion,while the resis-tive voltageerage differential resistance,as marked by the dotted lineHOLTZ:SENSORLESS CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES1377Fig.33.Speed reversal from 060rpm to +60rpm;the estimated stator flux signal is limited to its nominalvalue.Fig.34.Forward characteristics of the power Fig.34.A more accurate model is used in [22].The differ-ential resistance appears in series with the machine winding;its value is therefore added to the stator resistance of the machine model.Against this,the influence of the threshold voltage is nonlinear which requires a specific inverter model.Fig.35illustrates the inverter topology over a switching sequence of one half cycle.The three phase currents andto all three phases,while it is the di-rections of the respective phase currents that determine their signs.Writing the device voltages as a voltage space vector (3)defines the threshold voltagevector(54)where.To separate the influence of the stator currents,(54)is expressedas(55)whereof unity magnitude.The sector indicator marks the re-spectivecanassume in the complex plane.The referencesignalof the stator voltagevectoris less than its referencevalueand of the resistive voltage drop of the power devicesthroughis the threshold voltage of the power devices,whilecan be identified during self-commissioning from the distortions of the reference voltagevectorand of the reference voltage vector are acquired while the current controllers inject sinusoidal currents of very low fre-quency into the stator windings.In such condition,the ma-chine impedance is dominated by the stator resistance.The stator voltages are then proportional to the stator currents.Deviations from a sinewave of the reference voltages that control the pulsewidth modulator are therefore caused by the inverter.They are detected by substracting the fundamental components from the reference voltages,which then yields square wave like,stepped waveforms as shown in Fig.40.The fundamental components are extracted from sets of syn-chronous samplesofand by a fast Fourier transform.The differential resistance of the powerdevices,in (57),establishes a linear relation between the load current and its1378PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,VOL.90,NO.8,AUGUST 2002。
