Sabic PC 925AU
Rubycon(红宝石)电容Nichicon(蓝宝石)NICHICON 是日本的老牌电容厂,公司成立于1950年8月1日,是日本电解电容行业的三大企业之一,在全球电解电容技术领域中,一直处于领先地位,Nichicon产品范围主要是电解电容器。
不过NICHICON电容和SANYO、CHEMICON等厂牌相比,普遍的指标都比较低,其LOW ESR的最高端产品,ESR值还停留在10几毫欧姆的水平(SANYO的钽聚合物并联电容能达到5毫欧姆)。
基本上,NICHICON的进步势头已经很慢了.防暴纹为十字型(不过最LJ 的山寨电容也是十字)侧面有“nichicon”字样Nichicon电容Sanyo(三洋)Sanyo(三洋)在电解电容行业里面的地位,类似三星在数字家电行业里面的地位,其电容的种类和产量,研发技术水准在业界都是数一数二的。
Sanyo普通电解电容的防暴纹是“K”字型,则面“sanyo”字样SANYO(三洋)电容NCC(Chemicon 日本化工)Nippon Chemi-con 即日本化工,Chemicon电容外皮上没有标示厂牌,但在电容侧面会著明相应的产品型号,大家在显卡、主板上常见的KZG,KZJ,KZE等系列电容就是Chemicon的产品.近年来收购了美国陶瓷电容大厂A VX,可谓如虎添翼。
1.SABIC Lexan® FR602.SABIC Lexan® FR633.SABIC Lexan® FR654.SABIC Lexan® FR665.SABIC Lexan® FR836.SABIC Lexan® FR7007.SABIC Lexan® FR735A SABIC Lexan® 101 101R 103 103R 104 P 104R 105 121 121R 123 123R P123X 124 124R 131 133 134 134R 135 141R 143 143R 144 144R 151 151R 153 153R 193 194 201 201R 203 203R 221 221R 223 223R 241 241R 243 243R 244R 3412ECR 3412HF 3412R 3413HF 3413R 3433R 500 500ECR 500R 503 503R 505R 505RU 915AU 915R 920 920A920ASR 923 923A923ASR 925 925A925AU 925U 940 940A940ASR 943 943A 943ASR 945 945A945ASR 945AU 945U 950 950A953 953A955 955A955AU 955U 9945A PCSABIC Lexan® DMX1132 PCSABICLexan® DMX1214 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX1435 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX2415 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX3415 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX9254 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX9455 PC SABIC Lexan® DMX9455A PC SABIC Lexan® EXL1033C EXL1036 EXL1112 EXL1112T EXL1132 EXL1132T EXL1162T EXL1182T EXL1192C EXL1192T EXL1330 EXL1413T EXL1414 EXL1414H EXL1414T EXL1433T EXL1434 EXL1434T EXL1443T EXL1444 EXL1463T EXL1464T EXL1483T EXL1484T EXL1493T EXL1494T EXL1810T EXL1860T EXL1880T EXL1890T EXL4016 EXL4016H EXL4019 EXL4419 EXL5689 EXL6414 EXL9112 EXL9132 EXL9134 EXL9330SABIC Lexan® OQ1022 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ1060 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ2220 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ2320 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ2720 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ3120 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ3420 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ3820 PC SABIC Lexan® ML1665 PCSABIC Lexan® ML3729 PCSABIC Lexan® ML4248 PCSABIC Lexan® ML4249 PCSABIC Lexan® ML4506 PCSABIC Lexan® ML4539 PCSABIC Lexan® ML4588 PCSABIC Lexan® ML5221 PCSABIC Lexan® HF1110PCHF1110R HF1130HF1130R HF1140HF1140R HFD1014HFD1212 HFD1433HFD1711 HFD1810HFD1830 HP1HFSABIC Lexan® OQ4120R PC SABIC Lexan® OQ4320R PC SABIC Lexan® OQ4620 PC SABIC Lexan® OQ4620R PC SABIC Lexan® ML5472 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6031 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6076 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6230 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6411 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6412 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6413 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6430 PCSABIC Lexan® ML6451 PCSABIC Lexan® ML7647 PCSABIC Lexan® ML7667 PCSABIC Lexan® ML7678 PCSABIC Lexan® ML7691 PCHP1R HP2 HP2NRHP2R HP4 HP4NRHP4R HP6 P HP6NRHP9NR HPB3144GHPM1914 HPM1944HPS1 HPS1R HPS1SHPS2 HPS2RHPS2S HPS4 HPS6HPS6R HPS7 HPS7RHPX4 HPX4RHPX8R HPXS8R彩色PC(不透明)SABIC Lexan® FXE101 PC SABIC Lexan® FXE101R PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1112T PC SABIC Lexan® FXE121R PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1413T PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1414 PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1414L PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1414T PC SABIC Lexan® FXE143R PC SABIC Lexan® FXE144H PC SABIC Lexan® FXE173R PC SABIC Lexan® FXE1810T PC SABIC Lexan® SLX1231D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1231T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1431D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1431T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1432 PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1432D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1432T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX1482T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2231D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2231T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2431D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2431T PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2432D PCSABIC Lexan® SLX2531T PCLexan® XHT1141XHT2141 XHT2146XHT3141 XHT3143XHT4141 XHT4143VR2520 VR2020SD1278 RL7517PK2870 EM3110EM3110R EM2212EM1210 BPL1000BFL4000U BFL2015BFL2010 BFL2000UBFL2000 AD4820AD143。
最值得珍藏的古董音響所謂的古董音響Vintage Audio,不是看器材的外觀是不是古色古香,而是指約70 年代(含) 之前所生產,而且稱得上是經典(或至少優秀) 的產品。
在這裡,我們放寬標準,把一些80 年代的傑出器材也列入,讓你有更多機種可以參考,選擇。
...論頻寬、解析、動態,古董音響"大多" 不是現代音響的對手,但是,精準又乾淨的聲音一定令人滿意嗎?!事實證明,聽音樂,絕對不只是科學、科技上的追求而已。
古董音響因為...1. 音樂性絕佳,具有大多數現代音響所沒有的獨特感染力。
2. 零件多為真材實料,且多採手工搭棚方式製造,經久耐用。
3. 外觀具獨特風格,對喜好復古的人,有莫名的吸引力。
4. 價格較現代音響產品合理太多(部分炒作過度者除外)。
撇開外觀的老舊、生鏽、傷痕... 不談,內部零件的老化,甚至毀壞,通常無可避免,勢必要翻新(摩改)。
不喜歡"麻煩" 的人,最好三思,要不要踏入古董音響的領域?!...另外,由於本地的氣候潮濕,就算你有幸從國外找得保存狀況良好的器材,也不免很快就鏽蝕斑斑。
而且選購時,尚必須考量其二手商品的事實,及零件老化、外觀磨損的狀況,仔細評估,是否值得珍藏?! 價格是否合理?!...物超所值: ★炒作過度: ★外型出眾: ★經典古董喇叭Acoustic Research : AR-3 (1959) ★/ AR-3a (1964) ★Advent : Loudspeaker (Large) (Old) (1969) ★/ Loudspeaker (Large) (New) (1978) ★Altec : A5 (1941) / A7 (1945)Apogee : Scintilla (1980) ★B&W : Matrix 801 (1979) ★/ Matrix 802 (1979) ★Dahlquist : DQ-10 (1974) ★Denon : SC-880 (1988) ★★Diatone : P-610 (1958) ★/ DS-251 (1970) ★/ DS-28B (1974) ★/DS-1000 (1983) ★★/ DS-2000 (1985) ★★/ DS-10000 (1985) ★Dynaco : A-25 (1969) ★EIectro V oice : Patrician 600 (1953) / Patrician 800 (1971)Goodmans : Maxim (1961) ★Jbl : Paragon (D44000) (1957) ★/ L101 (1965) / L100 (1971) ★/4310 (1971) ★/ 4350 (1973) / 4343 (1976) / 4344 (1982)Jensen : G610 + Imperial (1950) ★Harbeth : LS 3/5a (1975) ★★Kenwood : LS-M7 (1989) ★★Kef : LS 3/5a (1975) ★★Klh : Model 6 (1968) ★/ Model 9 (1968) ★Klipsch : Klipschorn (1946) / La Scala (1963) ★/ Belle Klipsch (1971) ★Linn : Isobarik (1976)Onkyo : Monitor 500 (1984) ★★/ D-77XG (1989) ★★Pioneer (Exclusive) : EW-302 (Model 2301) (1982) / S-101 (1987) ★★/ S-701 (1987) ★★/ S-707 (1987) ★★/ S-3000 (1987) ★Quad : ESL-57 (1957) ★/ ESL-63 (1982) ★Rogers : LS 3/5a (1975) ★★/ LS 5/8 (1976) ★/ LS 5/9 (1976) ★Snell : Type A (1978) ★Spendor : BC1 (1972) ★/ LS 3/5a (1975) ★★/ SP1 (1983) ★Spica : TC-50 (1983) ★Amesbury (1974) / Arden (1975) / Cheviot (1975) ★/ Arundel (1982)Technics : SB-10000 (1977) / SB-E100 (1978) / SB-E200 (1978) /SB-MX7 (1987) ★★Victor (Jvc) : SX-3 (1973) ★★/ SX-5 (1973) ★★/ SX-511 (1987) ★★/ SX-500 (1988) ★★/ SX-521 (1988) ★★Yamaha : NS-1000 (1978) ★/ NS-100M (1979) ★經典古董後級- 電晶體Crown : DC 300 (1967) ★Jbl : SE460 (1973) ★Mark Levinson : ML-2 (1977)Quad : 303 (1967) ★經典古董後級- 真空管Acrosound : Stereo 120 (1961) ★Altec : 350A (1959) ★Armstrong : A10 Mk2 (1957)Audiomaster : UL-II (1957) ★/ 11A (1959) ★Bbc : AM8/1 (1957 by Sound Sales) ★/ AM8/4 (1960 by Sound Sales) / AM8/6 (?)Beam Echo (Avantic) : DL7-35 (1958) ★★Conrad-Johnson : MV-75 (1983) ★Dynaco : ST-70 (1959) ★/ ST-35 (1964) ★Eico : HF-14 (1958) / HF-22 (1958) ★/ HF-30 (1958) ★/HF-35 (1958) ★/ HF-50 (1958) / HF-60 (1958)Fisher : 50A (1954) ★/ 50AZ (1955) / 55A (1955) / 80AZ (1955) /30A (1958) / SA-100 (1959) / SA-300 (1960) / SA-1000 (1962) ★/680A (1962) ★Harman Kardon : Citation II (1959) ★/ Citation V (1959) ★Heathkit : W-3M (1954) ★/ W-4M (1958) ★/ W-5M (1958) ★★Leak : TL12 (1948) ★/ TL25 (1948) / TL12.1 (1950) ★/TL25A (1953) / TL12+ (1956) ★/ TL25+ (1956) ★/ TL50+ (1957) ★/ST-20 (1958) / ST-50 (1958) / ST-60 (1961)Lowther : LL15S (1960)Luxman : MB-88 (1966) ★★/ MQ-60 (1969) ★★/ MQ-80 (1974) ★★/ MB-3045 (1976) ★★/ MQ-70 (1978) ★★/ MB-88 Ultimate (1982) ★/ MQ-50 (1983) ★/ MB-300 (1984) ★★/ MQ-360 (1985) ★Marantz : 2 (1956) ★/ 9 (1960) ★★/ 8B (1962) ★★Mcintosh : MC30 (1954) / MC60 (1954) / MC40 (1960) / MC75 (1960) ★/ MC225 (1960) / MC240 (1960) ★/ MC275 (1962) ★Michaelson & Austin : TV A-1 (1970) ★Pilot : AA-901 (1952) / SA-232 (1958) ★/ SA-260 (1958) ★/SA-264 (1961) ★Pye : PF91 (1954) / HF25 (1958) / HFS20 (Mozart) (1959)Quad : II (1954) ★Radford : STA12 (1960) / MA15 (1961) / STA15 (1962) / MA25 (1962) ★/ STA25 (1965)Radio Craftsmen : C500 (1953)Rca : MI-9377 (1954) / MI-12191 (SP-20) (1954) ★/ LMI-32216 (1957) ★★Rogers : Cadet II (1963) / Cadet III (1964)Scott : 208 (1961) ★Sound Sales : Model 12/14 (1946) / A-Z Junior (?)Stromberg-Carlson : AP-55 (1955) ★/ AP-428 (1957) ★Western Electric : 86B (1934) ★/ 91A (1936) ★/ 124 (1939) ★/131A (1940) ★/ 142A (1942) ★/ KS-16608 (?) ★經典古董前級- 電晶體Audio Research : SP-5 (1977) ★Jbl : SG520 (1973) ★Marantz : 7T (1967) ★Mark Levinson: LNP-2 (1975) ★/ LNP-2L (1977) ★Quad : 33 (1967) ★經典古董前級- 真空管P.S. 約1956 年前生產的古董前級,只有mono 輸出,所以需要兩台,請注意! Audio Research : SP-3 (1972) ★/ SP-6 (1978) ★/ SP-10 (1982) ★/SP-11 (1985) ★/ SP-9 (1987) ★Beam Echo (Avantic) : SP-21 (1959) ★Conrad Johnson : PV-2a (1981) ★/ Premier 3 (1983) ★Counterpoint : SA-11 (1984) / SA-5000 (1990)Dynaco : PAM-1 (1957)Eico : HF-65 (1956) / HF-85 (1958) / ST-84 (1960) ★Electro V oice : PRC-1 (1955)Fisher : 50-C (1953) ★/ 80-C (1956) / 400-C (1959) ★/400-CX (1961) ★/ 400-CX II (1962) ★Grommes : 211 (1956) / 207 (1957) / 209 (1960)Heathkit : WA-P2 (1954) ★★Lafayette : KT-300 (1957) ★/ KT-600 (1958) ★Leak : Varislope (1952) ★/ Varislope II (1954) ★/ Varislope Ⅲ(1956) ★/ Varislope Stereo (1962) ★/ Varislope 2 Stereo (1965) ★Luxman : CL-35 (1970) ★Marantz : 7C (1959) ★★Mcintosh : C20 (1959) ★/ C11 (1961) ★/ C22 (1962) ★★Pilot : PA-911 (1952) / PA-913 (1955) / SP-210 (1958) ★/SP-215 (1959) / SP-216 (1960)Pye : PF91A (1954) / HF25A (1958) / HFS20 (Mozart) (1959)Quad : 22 (1957) ★Radio Craftsmen : C300 (1953) / C350 (1954)Rca : MI-12150 (1953) / LMI-32215 (1957) ★Scott : 121-A (1953) / 121-C (1956) / 130 (1958) / 122 (1960) ★/LC-21 (1961)Siemens : 6SELA 2154 (1959)Sound Sales : A-Z Junior (?)經典古董綜合擴大機- 電晶體Accuphase : E-303 (1978) ★/ E-302 (1984) ★★Denon : PMA-970 (1980) ★★/ PMA-790 (1982) ★Hitachi (Lo-D) : HA-500F (1975) ★★/ HA-1100 (1975) ★★Jbl : SA600 (1966) ★Kenwood (Trio) : KA-7300 (1975) ★/ KA-9300 (1976) ★/ KA-9900 (1978) ★Kyocera : A-710 (1985) ★★Luxman : L-309 (1973) ★★/ L-100 (1975) ★★/ L-58A (1979) ★★Marantz : 1060 (1971) ★/ 1122DC (1977) ★McIntosh : MA5100 (1966) ★★ / MA6100 (1972) ★★/ MA6200 (1978) ★Nad : 3020 (1978) ★Pioneer (Exclusive) : SA-910 (1973) ★/ SA-9900 (1974) ★/ A-900 (1979) ★Sansui : AU-777 (1967) ★/ AU-9500 (1972) ★/ AU-7700 (1975) ★★/AU-9900 (1975) ★Sony : TA-1120F (1972) ★/ TA-F333ESX (1986) ★Victor : JA-S75 (1976) ★★/ A-X9 (1979) ★★/ A-X77 (1982) ★Yamaha : CA-1000 (1973) ★/ A-9 (1979) ★/ A-2000 (1983) ★經典古董綜合擴大機- 真空管Bell : 2199 (1956) / 3DT (1957) ★Dynaco : SCA-35 (1964) ★Eico : HF-81 (1959) ★/ AF-4 (1964) ★Electro V oice : A-20 (1956)Fisher : X-100 (1959) ★/ X-101 (1961) ★/ X-202 (1962) ★/KX-200 (1962) ★/ X-1000 (1962) ★Heathkit : AA-191 (1954)Luxman : SQ-38D (1964) ★/ SQ-38FD (1970) ★/ SQ-38FD II (1974) ★/L-38 (1978) ★/ LX-38U (1981) ★Mcintosh : MA230 (1963) ★Rogers : Cadet III (1964) ★Sansui : AU-111 (1965) ★★Scott : 299 (1960) ★/ 299C (1961) ★經典古董收音擴大機(Receiver)Fisher : 400 (1964) ★★/ 500-C (1964) ★★Kenwood (Trio) : KR-5600 (1977) ★/ KR-4070 (1978) ★Marantz : 2285 (1977) ★/ 2385 (1977) ★Mcintosh : MAC 1500 (1965) ★★/ MAC 1700 (1967) ★★/ MAC 1900 (1974) ★Pilot : 654 (1962) ★Pioneer (Exclusive) : C-2000 (1969) ★★/ SX-800A (1969) ★★/SX-434 (1973) ★/ SX-1250 (1976) ★/ SX-1980 (1978) ★Sansui : 500 (1964) ★★/ 500A (1964) ★★/ 1000A (1964) ★★/1000X (1967) ★★/ SAX-500 (1967) ★★/ QRX-6500 (1973) ★/9090 (1976) ★經典古董收音機(Tuner)Kenwood (Trio): KT-815 (1980) ★/ KT-917 (1980) ★/ L-01T (1979) ★/L-02T (1982) ★Marantz : 10B (1964) ★★Mcintosh : MR65 (1960) ★★/ MR67 (1963) ★★/ MR71 (1965) ★★/ MR78 (1972) ★/ MR80 (1973) ★Pioneer (Exclusive) : TX-9500 (1977) ★/ TX-9800 (1979) ★Sansui : TU-717 (1977) ★/ TU-919 (1979) ★經典古董LP 轉盤- 惰輪Dual : 1019 (1970) ★/ 1219 (1971) ★Emt : 927 (1951) ★/ 930 (1956) ★Garrard : 301 (1954) ★★/ 401 (1965) ★Lenco : L75 (1967) ★Rek-O-Kut : B-12H (1954) ★Thorens : TD 124 (1956) ★★經典古董LP 轉盤- 皮帶Acoustic Research : AR Turntable (1961) ★/ AR XA (1963) ★Ariston : RD11 (1971) ★/ RD80 (1983) ★/ RD40 (1984) ★Connoisseur : BD2/A (1977) ★Empire : 208 (1960) ★/ 598 (1965) ★Linn : Sondek LP12 (1972) ★★/ Axis (1987) ★★Luxman : PD 300 (1982) ★Micro Seiki : BL-51 (1980) ★★/ BL-71 (1980) ★★/ BL-91 (1980) ★★/ SX-777 (1981) ★/ BL-77 (1982) ★★/ RX-2000 (1982) ★Rega : Planar 3 (1977) ★Thorens : TD 150 (1966) ★/ TD 125 (1969) ★/ TD 160 (1972) ★/經典古董LP 轉盤- 直驅Denon : DP-80 (1978) ★★/ DP-60L (1980) ★★/ DP-75M (1981) ★★/DP-100M (1982) ★Emt : 938 (1982) ★★Kenwood (Trio) : KD-500 (1976) ★★/ L-07D (1979) ★/ KP-700 (1981) ★★/ KP-1100 (1985) ★★Luxman : PD 441 (1978) ★★/ PD 444 (1978) ★★Micro Seiki : DD-100 (1976) ★★Pioneer (Exclusive) : P10 (1979) ★/ PL-50 (1980) ★★/ PL-70 (1981) ★★/ P3a (1983) ★Sansui : SR-838 (1977) ★★/ SR-929 (1977) ★★Sony : PS-X9 (1977) ★/ PS-X800 (1981) ★Technics : SP-10 (1970) ★★/ SL-1200 (1972) ★/ SP-15 (1979) ★Thorens : TD 524 (1982) ★★Toshiba (Aurex) : SR-P90 (1982) ★★Victor : QL-7R (1977) ★★/ QL-A95 (1982) ★★/ QL-A70 (1983) ★★Yamaha : GT-2000 (1982) ★★/ GT-1000 (1983) ★★經典古董唱臂Audiocraft : AC-3000、AC-4000 (1980) ★/ AC-3300、AC-4400 (1984) ★★Empire : 980 (1963) ★/ 990 (1965) ★Fidelity Research : FR-64、FR-66 (1978) ★★Grace : G-707 (1979) ★Linn : Ittok LV II (1979) ★/ Basik Plus (LVX+) (1987) ★Micro Seiki : MA-505 (1980) ★/ MAX-237、MAX-282 (1980) ★★Ortofon : RMG-212、RMG-309 (1959) ★★/ RS-212、RS-309 (1959) ★Rega : RB300 (1983) ★Sme : 3009、3012 (1959)Stax : UA-7、UA-70 (1970) ★★/ UA-9、UA-90 (1979) ★經典古董唱頭從缺(選購時盡量以新品為主)經典古董CD 唱盤從缺(選購時盡量以新品為主)經典古董線材Audio Research : Litz (?) ★Cello : Strings (?) ★Kimber Kable : 4PR (1979) ★/ 4TC (1985) ★Western Electric : 各種線材(1930、40) ★...古董音響中的四大天王P.S.以下排名僅供"趣味性" 或"選購時" 之參考,主要依據目前市場上"大致的評價",但不代表其品質,或表現,無可匹敵,或無可挑剔。
ERSATZTEILKATALOG 产品 spare parts 目录说明书
5EUROTEC GROUP SERVICE - Spare parts distribution11004066REB004066COVER - 50/50312417041REB417041NUT, DOOR BUFFER13307003REB307003NUT-LEDGE, FOR ROD14304021REB304021ROD, DOOR GUIDE 50/500/453/463/50315325036REB325036PIN, DOOR HINGE 5016311019REB311019HINGE, DOOR 45/46/50..17325066REB325066LOCK PIN BETA 246/25018999108REB999108GRUPPO CALAMITA PORTA 453/463/500/50319022095REB022095PANEL, REAR CPL 50/503110480058REB480058CAP, RUBBER D.17111437081REB437081GASKET, DOOR - 50/503112033301REB033301BRACKET, FIXED FOR DOOR GASKET 50/503113994012DWS30GRUPPO SERRATURA EB/F 22/44114029590DOOR115015064RACK SLIDE SX.116015063RACK SLIDE DX.117480057REB480057CAP, RUBBER D.14118408006REB408006STUD, FOR TANK FILTER - GREY119459004REB459004PIPEHOLDER, RUBBER DI.34120459006REB459006FAIRLEAD, Di9/De16 22121030080REB030080PROTECTION, LOW. SOCLE 50/503122461019REB461019FOOT, ADJUST. D30 M8123012326FRONT PANEL125025444CONTROL PANEL21214104PLASTIC PROTECTION22211013FLAT WIRE23417119NUT, M3 PLASTIC WHITE24419036SPACER, M325227084PUSH BUTTONS ASSEMBLY26026073POLYESTERE27224003REB224003PRESSURE SWITCH - 55/3528224010PRESSURE SWITCH, DRAIN PUMP SAFETY 110/75 29035031REB035031UNION, Y-TYPE, PRESSURE SWITCH 760210423011REB423011CLAMP, SPRING-TYPE211143013REB143013PIPE, PVC GREEN 4X7212220011REB220011* TERMINAL BOARD, 5-POLES + EARTH FV.122213459005REB459005CABLE CLAMPS, STEAB art.5024214H.374339-2CABLE H07RN-F 5X2.5X3.0MT21580871MAGNETIC DOOR SWITCH216230086REB230086RESISTANCE, TANK 2700W/220V-3200W/240V 22/44/50 217456015REB456015O-ring 112 9.92X2.62218463007REB463007LUG, RESISTANCE PROTECTION219999160GRUPPO BULBO SONDA VASCA220231016TEMP. PROBE221230111RESIST.B.4900W/230-400V222456002REB456002O-ring 48x6,222369870BOILER HEATING ELEMENT PROTECTION22469871PROBE HOLDER225228010FUSE226999298SCHEDA GET50(2 DISPLAY)235229040RELAY,TRANSP.453238228004FUSE, 5X20 4A FAST239210010FUSE-HODER240210011PLATE241209021PERISTALTIC DISPENSER (NBR-3)242468151DZR150NT UNION, EXTRA DET. CPL NM * WELDED243143194REB143194PIPE 4x6 CRISTAL, TRANSP.244143219REB143219TUBE, SANTOPRENE 6X10 FITTINGS+METAL RINGS 245121075REB121075FILTER, SUCT.INOX (775239-001)251236047REB236047THERM.,CONT. /S.95ø+/-3ø31441009REB441009INSERT, SEAL D10 COLL.S621-32437014REB437014GASKET, LOWER MANIFOLD S85033143174REB143174PIPE, WATER LOW.COLL. RINSE 5034111030NEUTRAL LOWER MANIFOLD ASS. E50NM+PLUG 35035064BRACKET, DRAIN PUMP FOR MANIFOLD 50NM36127026REB127026SLEEVE, PUMP DELIVERY 22/50037143240PIPE, H-)COND.UPPER38437041REB437041GASKET 3/4 GAS LOAD39929169RAT32TUBO DI CARICO DEL TERMOPLASTICO310240011REB240011LOADING S.VALVE 1-WAY311104060BOILER312143005SPG10PIPE, PRESSURE SWITCH TP 5x11 (CASER/15/NL C4N) 313209025RINSE AID DISPENSING PUMP314121017FILTER, RINSE-AID SUCT.315H.775601PIPE 4x6 CRISTAL BLUE PVC316142053REB142053OVERFLOW, DRAIN 50/503 NM317121078REB121078FILTER, DRAIN PUMP 463/503318303019REB303019RING, ELASTIC FOR DRAIN PUMP FILTER 503 319136023REB136023DRAIN, BENT 50/503320437063CGG42GASKET, DRAIN 50321417081CDP2NUT, PLASTIC 1'- 1/4322127050REB127050SLEEVE, RIGIDO ASP.P.S. 500/503323127044REB127044SLEEVE, SUCT.DRAIN PUMP 353/403324468152REB468152UNION, DRAIN CLEAN.3325127037REB127037SLEEVE, DRAIN CLEAN.3326144003REB144003RELIEF VALVE, DRAIN PUMP327423024REB423024CLAMP, PLAST.FOR DRAIN PUMP PIPE CLAMP. 328143178REB143178PIPE, DRAIN - 50329130105REB130105DRAIN PUMP (50/503/460/BD18)330130150DRAIN PUMP (50/503/460/BD18) 60HZ331143189REB143189TUBE, DRAIN SFIATO DVGW CLEAN.3332144011REB144011CHECK VALVE (EB)333143004REB143004PIPE, PRESSURE SWITCH TP 10X17 (CASER/15NL C4N) 41984005REB984005GRUPPO CAMPANA PRESSOST.35/4042423011REB423011CLAMP, SPRING-TYPE43468029REB468029UNION, PRESSURE SWITCH BELL44456020REB456020O-ring 3050 R49545437019REB437019GASKET, CAMP. PRESS. V.M.46107005REB107005PRESSURE SWITCH BELL EB 35/4047142052REB142052OVERFLOW 50/503 NM48136023REB136023DRAIN, BENT 50/50349437063CGG42GASKET, DRAIN 50410417081CDP2NUT, PLASTIC 1'- 1/4413478059SUPPORT, FILTER GREY+EXTENSION414437015REB437015GASKET, PUMP FILTER S651-415127041REB127041SLEEVE, SUCTION 463/503416929169RAT32TUBO DI CARICO DEL TERMOPLASTICO417437041REB437041GASKET 3/4 GAS LOAD418240016DEV3S16LOADING S.VALVE 1-WAY 3/4 230V PART.16L 419143246PIPE, -)SOFTENER421999288GRUPPO VALVOLA DEVIATR.CON RIDUTTORE 422143265NOT IN PRICE-LIST423143004REB143004PIPE, PRESSURE SWITCH TP 10X17 (CASER/15NL C4N) 424117007WATER SOFTNER425406998REB406998SALT CONTAINER NM426480005REB480005SALT CONTAINER SCREW CAP427456052REB456052O-ring 144428429011REB429011RING NUT, SALT CONT.429437034REB437034GASKET, D68D81S3 RUBBER51303029REB303029RING, DRIPPING 46/50..52437064REB437064GASKET, MANIFOLD, CENTR.UPP.5053143240PIPE, H-)COND.UPPER54115113PIPE, WASHINGEST.PL.+ SLEV.+115111 SP405 55127036REB127036SLEEVE, LOW.WASH.COND. 50/f56121139FILTER57121138FITER58408006REB408006STUD, FOR TANK FILTER - GREY61327006REB327006PIN, LOW.WASH/RINSE 21/45362990108GRUPPO LAV.RISC.SUPER.50/UNIVERSALE63106007RINSE ARM, RH S651-85064106006REB106006WASH.ARM,LH+ SCREW S651-850-50365106005RINSE ARM, LH S651-85066140007REB140007SPRAY S621-3-31-67429006REB429006RING NUT, RINSE S621-3-31-368429007REB429007RING NUT, WASHING S621-3-31-369140008REB140008SPRAY S621-3-31-610106008REB106008WASH.ARM, RH+ SCREW S651-850-503611447128REB447128KNOB, FIX, WASH. GREY612454002REB454002PAWL 21/31613437100PACKING614129039REB129039WASH-RINSE-ARM ASSB., LOWER 353/403RAL7012 61580959RINSE ASSEMBLY616926132CAP, PLASTIC FOR WASH. ARM (DWT312)61780623RING 22X9,5X161880697NUT61969632ARM BODY620456072O-RING 6X2621140025SPRAY D.2,562280345NEW WASH BOSS ASSEMBLY623303032RING, INOX WASH. SEAL X5624417111BUSHING, WASH-ARM X5625308031RING NUT, WASH.BUSH X5626325094WASH COMB PIN SHAFT627199058DISC, WATER FLOW REDUCER PLAST.E55628115075REB115075CENTR.PIPELINE - LOWER 50 (H=108)629437014REB437014GASKET, LOWER MANIFOLD S850633456060O-ring 2025(CGR2025)634456019REB456019O-ring 203763580700PERNO RISCIACQUO D14 M10X171130109REB130109PUMP HP 0.80 220/240-50 - 50/50072130119PUMP B237 HP 0.80 220/60 5073314001REB314001BEARING 6201/2Z74206003CONDENSER - 12.5 mF76315017REB315017FLANGE, W/COVERING DUCT B23777437049REB437049GASKET, PUMP 227778141002REB141002SEAL, MECH., REVOLVING D 1279124065WASH PUMP IMPELLER FOR B237 FOR DISH- WASHER 711116021REB116021PUMP SHELL, B237712315022REB315022FLANGE, PUMP LGB T-173/174713456031REB456031O-ring T30-1297 D.2714141007REB141007SEAL, MECH..D.26x13x5,5 BR.715124031RAG291IMPELLER, CLOSED 50HZ D.104 T170716124053IMPELLER, CLOSED 60HZ T173-175717116019REB116019PUMP SHELL, 50 T-173。
PC塑胶原料特性、用途PC塑胶原料特性、用途资料由友人塑胶提供TEL 136 **** ****PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)100、100R 特性:通用级,良好的综合物理性能,符合FDA 标准,用于食品包装、容器、医疗包装、板材、片材、薄膜以及各种型材等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)101、101R 特性:通用级,良好的物理机械性能,易脱模,用于一般电子、电气、机械厚壁部件及非对称形状复杂的通用制品等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)103、103R 特性:通用级,良好的物理机械性能,抗紫外线,优异的耐候性能,用于电子、电气、机械工业部件、家庭日用制品、照明器材以及露天室外器材等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)104、104R 特性:通用级,良好的物理机械性能,符合FDA 标准,用于食品包装、容器、医疗包装、家庭器皿等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)121、121R 特性:通用级,超低粘度,高流动,良好的综合物理性能,耐热,用于大型薄壁制品等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)123、123R 特性:通用级,超低粘度,高流动,良好的综合物理性能,抗紫外线,极好的耐候性能,用于大型薄壁制品等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)124、124R 特性:超低粘度,高流动,良好的物理机械性能,符合FDA标准,用于食品包装、大型容器、医疗包装、家庭器皿以及薄壁制品等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)131、131R 特性:挤出或中空吹塑成型,良好的物理机械性能,热稳定,用于管材、板材、中空容器、奶瓶、玩具和各种型材等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)133、133R 特性:挤出或中空吹塑成型,良好的物理机械性能,耐高温,抗紫外线,优异的耐候性能,用于户外部件、制品、管材、板材、薄膜、中空容器、奶瓶、玩具和各种型材等。
PC沙特SABIC(原美国GE)134、134R 特性:挤出或中空吹塑成型,具有良好的耐冲击强度与耐热性能,符合FDA标准,用于食品包装、容器、板材、薄膜制品、医疗包装、家庭器皿等。
5341FE安全与音频安装线, #18-2pr, BC, 防腐蚀, CMR 产品说明书
800 m 8719605184733
5341FE 0081000 Gray
5341FE 008500 Gray
5341FE 008U1000 Gray
5341FE 0081200 Gray
5341FE 0081200 Gray
Nom. Conductor DCR
6.55 Ohm/1000ft (21.5 Ohm/km)
Nom. Capacitance Cond-to-Cond Nom. Capacitance Cond-to-Other (Conds + Shield)
Max. Current
Product: 5341FE Security & Sound, #18-2pr, BC, Shielded, CMR
Product Description Security & Sound Cable, Riser-CMR, 2-18 AWG stranded bare copper pairs with polypropylene insulation, Beldfoil® shield and PVC jacket with ripcord
-20°C to +75°C
Bend Radius Stationary Min. Installation Min. 2.5 in (64 mm) 2.5 in (64 mm)
Max. Pull Tension: Bulk Cable Weight:
Standards and Compliance
PC925L0NSZ0F Series High Speed, 2.5A Output, Gate Drive DIP 8 pin∗OPIC Photocoupler■DescriptionPC925L0NSZ0F Series contains a LED optically cou-pled to an OPIC chip.It is packaged in a 8 pin DIP, available in SMT gullwing lead form option.Peak output current is 2.5A, Input-output isolation voltage(rms) is 5kV and High speed response (t PHL, t PLH : MAX. 0.5μs).■Features1. 8 pin DIP package2. Double transfer mold package(Ideal for Flow Soldering)3. Built-in direct drive circuit for MOSFET / IGBT drive(I O(peak) : 2.5A)4. High speed response (t PHL, t PLH : MAX. 0.5μs)5. Wide operating supply voltage range(V CC=15 to 30 V)6. High noise immunity due to high instantaneous com-mon mode rejection voltage (CM H : MIN. −15kV/μs, CM L : MIN. 15kV/μs)7. Long creepage distance type (wide lead-form type only : MIN. 8mm)8. High isolation voltage between input and output (V iso(rms) : 5kV)9. Lead-free and RoHS directive compliant ■Agency approvals/Compliance1. Recognized by UL1577 (Double protection isolation), fi le No. E64380 (as model No. PC925L)2. Package resin : UL fl ammability grade (94V-0)3. Compliant with RoHS directive (2002/95/EC)4. Content status of six substances specifi ed in“ Management Methods for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products Regulation ”(Chinese : 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法)(popular name : China RoHS); refer to page 16■Applications1. IGBT/MOSFET gate drive for inverter control* "OPIC"(Optical IC) is a trademark of the SHARP Corporation. An OPIC consists of a light-detecting element and a signal-pro-cessing circuit integrated onto a single chip.Notice The content of data sheet is subject to change without prior notice.In the absence of confi rmation by device specifi cation sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP■Internal Connection Diagram■Outline Dimensions(Unit : mm)876512345678N.C.Anode Cathode N.C.V O GND V O V CC■Truth tableInput V O Terminal outputTr1Tr2ON High level ON OFF OFFLow levelOFFON(Unit : mm)Plating material : Pd (Au fl ash)Date code (3 digit)1st digit2nd digit3rd digit Year of production Month of production Week of productionA.D.Mark A.D.Mark Month Mark Week Mark1990A2002P January11st1 1991B2003R February22nd2 1992C2004S March33rd3 1993D2005T April44th4 1994E2006U May55, 6th5 1995F2007V June61996H2008W July71997J2009X August81998K2010A September91999L2011B October O2000M2012C November N2001N::December Drepeats in a 20 year cycleFactory identifi cation mark* This factory marking is for identifi cation purpose only.Please contact the local SHARP sales representative to see the actural status of theproduction.Rank markWith or without.■Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25˚C) Parameter Symbol Rating UnitInput *1 Forward current I F25mA Reverse voltage V R5V *2 Peak forward current I FM1AOutputSupply voltage V CC35V *3 Peak output current I O(PEAK) 2.5A Output voltage V O V CC V *4 Output power dissipation P O250mW*5 Total power dissipation P tot295mW *6 Isolation voltage V iso(rms)5kV Operating temperature T opr−40 to +100˚C Storage temperature T stg−55 to +125˚C *7 Soldering temperature T sol270˚C *1 When ambient temperature goes above 70˚C, the power dissipation goes down at 0.3mA/˚C (Refer to Fig.10).*2 Pulse width≤1μs, 300pps*3 Pulse width≤10μs, Duty ratio : 0.002*4 When ambient temperature goes above 70˚C, the power dissipation goes down at 4.8mA/˚C (Refer to Fig.11).*5 When ambient temperature goes above 70˚C, the power dissipation goes down at 5.4mA/˚C (Refer to Fig.12).*6 AC for 1min, 40 to 60%RH, f=60Hz*7 For 10s■Electro-optical Characteristics *8(Unless otherwise speci fi ed : T a =−+40 to +100˚C, I F(ON)=7 to 16mA, V CC =15 to 30V , V F(OFF)=−3V to 0.8V)Parameter Symbol Condition MIN.*13 TYP.MAX.UnitI n p u tForward voltage V F I F =10mA 1.2−1.8V Reverse current I R V R =5V −−10μATerminal capacitance C t T a =25˚C, V =0, f =1MHz −60150pF O u t p u t High level output current I OH *8V O =(V CC −4V), I F(ON)0.5 1.5−A *9V O =(V CC −15V), I F(ON)2−−A Low level output current I OL *8V O =2.5V , V F(OFF)0.5 2.0−A *9V O =15V , V F(OFF)2−−A High level output voltage V OH I O =−0.1A, I F(ON)V CC −4V CC −3−V Low level output voltage V OL I O =0.1A, V F(OFF)−0.10.5V *10High level supply current I CCH I F(ON)−2.55mA *10Low level supply current I CCL V F(OFF)−2.55mA UVLO thresholdV UVLO +V O >5V , I F =10mA 1112.313.5V V UVLO −9.510.712VUVLO Hysteresis UVLO HYS − 1.6−V T r a n s f e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s *11"Low →High" threshold input current I FLH V O >5V , I O =0−−5mA Isolation resistance R ISO T a =25˚C, DC =500V , 40 to 60%RH 5×10101011−ΩR e s p o n s e t i m e"Low →High" propagation time t PLH R G =10Ω, C G =10nF, f =10kHz, Duty ratio 50%μs"High →Low" propagation time t PHLμs *12Distortion of pulse width Δt W−−0.3μs Propagation delay skew t PSK −0.35−0.35μsRise time t r −0.1−μs Fall time t f −0.1−μs UVLO Turn on delay t UVLO ON V O >5V , I F =10mA −0.8−μs UVLO Turn off delay t UVLO OFF V O >5V , I F =10mA −0.6−μsInstantaneous common mode rejection voltage (High level output)|CM H |T a =25˚C , V CM =1.5kV(p −p),I F =10 to 16mA , V CC =30V , V OH >15V15−−kV/μs Instantaneous common mode rejection voltage (Low level output)|CM L |T a =25˚C, V CM =1.5kV(p −p), V F =0, V CC =30V , V OL <1V15−−kV/μs *7 It shall connect a by-pass capacitor of 0.1μF or more between V CC (Pin No. 8) and GND (Pin No. 5) near the device, when it measures the transfer characteristics and the output side characteristics.*8 Pulse width ≤50μs, Duty ratio : 0.005*9 Pulse width ≤10μs, Duty ratio : 0.002*10 Output pin is open.*11 I FLH is the value of forward current when output becomes from "L" to "H"*12 Distortion of pulse width Δt W =|t PHL -t PLH |*13 All typical values are at T a =25˚C, V CC =30V■Model Line-upLead Form Through-Hole SMT Gullwing Wide SMT GullwingPackageSleeve Taping 50 pcs/sleeve 1 000 pcs/reelModel No.PC925L0NSZ0F PC925L0NIP0F PC925L0NUP0FFig.5 T est Circuit for High Level / Low Level SupplyCurrent Fig.6 T est Circuit for UVLO ThresholdFig.3 Test Circuit for High Level Output Voltage Fig.4 Test Circuit for Low Level Output VoltageFig.1 Test Circuit for High Level Output Current Fig.2 Test Circuit for Low Level Output CurrentFig.7 T est Circuit for "Low →High" Input Threshold CurrentFig.8 T est Circuit for Response TimeFig.9 T est Circuit for Instantaneous Common Mode Rejection VoltageV V IN V OUTGNDGNDV CM (Peak)V CM wave formV OHV OL CM H , V O wave form SW at A, I F =10 to 16mACM L , V O wave formSW at B, I F =0Fig.14 High Level Output Voltage Drop vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.15 High Level Output Voltage Drop vs. Supply VoltageFig.12 Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.13 Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFig.10 Forward Currenet vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.11 Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature51015202530F o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (m A )Ambient temperature T a (˚C)−50−40−25050251251007570O u t p u t p o w e r d i s s i p a t i o n P O (m W )501001502002503000−50−40−25050251251007570Ambient temperature T a (˚C)T o t a l p o w e r d i s s i p a t i o n P t o t (m W )50100150200250350300295Ambient temperature T a (˚C)−50−40−250502512510075700.1101100F o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (m A )Forward voltage V F (V)H i g h l e v e l ou t p u t v o l t a g e d r o p VO H −V C C (V )−2.5−3−3.5−2−1.5−1−0.50−4Ambient temperature T a (˚C)H i g h l e v e l o u t p u t v o l t a g e d r o p V O H −V C C (V )−2.5−3−3.5−2−1.5−1−0.50−4Supply voltage V CC (V)Fig.20 Low Level Supply Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.21 Low Level Supply Current vs. Supply VoltageFig.18 High Level Supply Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.19 High Level Supply Current vs. Supply VoltageFig.16 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.17 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Supply VoltageL o w l e v e l o u t p u t v o l t a g e V O L (V ) temperature T a (˚C)L o w l e v e l o u t p u t v o l t a g e V O L (V )0.2500. voltage V CC (V)T a =25˚C,V F =0.8mA,I O =0.1AH i g h l e v e l s u p p l y c u r r e n t I C C H (m A )0.511.522.533.5Ambient temperature T a (˚C)H i g h l e v e l s u p p l y c u r r e n t I C C H (m A )0.511.522.533.5015202530Supply voltage V CC(V)T a =25˚C,I F =16mAH i g h l e v e l s u p p l y c u r r e n t I C C L (m A )0.511.522.533.50L o w l e v e l s u p p l y c u r r e n t I C C L (m A )0.511.522.533.50T a =25˚C,I F =0mARemarks : Please be aware that all data in the Fig.26 P ropagation Delay Time vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.24 Output Voltage vs. Supply Voltage (UVLO Threshold)Fig.25 Relative UVLO Threshold vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.22 "Low →High" Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFig.23 "Low →High" Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Supply VoltageR e l a t i v e t h r e s h o l d i n p u t c u r r e n t (%)9011012013014080Ambient temperature T a (˚C)100R e l a t i v e t h r e s h o l d i n p u t c u r r e n t (%)9011012013014080Supply voltage V CC (V)100O u t p u t v o l t a g e V O (V )41012141618200682Supply voltage V CC (V)R e l a t i v e U V L O t h r e s h o l d (%)909510511011512080Ambient temperature T a (˚C)8510000.30.350. r o p a g a t i o n d e l a y t i m e t P L H , t P H L (μs )■Design Considerations●Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol MIN.MAX.UnitInput current (ON)I F(ON)716mAInput voltage (OFF)V F(OFF)−30.8VSupply voltage V CC1530VOperating temperature T opr−40100˚C●Notes about static electricityTransistor of detector side in bipolar confi guration may be damaged by static electricity due to its minute de-sign.When handling these devices, general countermeasure against static electricity should be taken to avoid breakdown of devices or degradation of characteristics.●Design guideIn order to stabilize power supply line, please certainly connect a by-pass capacitor of 0.1μF or more be-tween V CC and GND near the device.In case that some sudden big noise caused by voltage variation is provided between primary and secondary terminals of photocoupler some current caused by it is fl oating capacitance may be generated and result in false operation since current may go through LED or current may change.If the photocoupler may be used under the circumstances where noise will be generated we recommend to use the bypass capacitors at the both ends of LED.The detector which is used in this device, has parasitic diode between each pins and GND.There are cases that miss operation or destruction possibly may be occurred if electric potential of any pin becomes below GND level even for instant.Therefore it shall be recommended to design the circuit that electric potential of any pin does not become below GND level.This product is not designed against irradiation and incorporates non-coherent LED.●DegradationIn general, the emission of the LED used in photocouplers will degrade over time.In the case of long term operation, please take the general LED degradation (50% degradation over 5 years) into the design consideration.Please decide the input current which become 2 times of MAX. I FLH.●Recommended Foot Print (reference)SMT Gullwing Lead-form(Unit : mm) Wide SMT Gullwing Lead-form(Unit : mm)■Manufacturing Guidelines ●Soldering Method Re fl ow Soldering :Re fl ow soldering should follow the temperature pro fi le shown below.Soldering should not exceed the curve of temperature pro fi le and time.Please don't solder more than twice.12343002001000(˚C)(min)Flow Soldering :Due to SHARP’s double transfer mold construction submersion in fl ow solder bath is allowed under the be-low listed guidelines.Flow soldering should be completed below 270̊C and within 10s.Preheating is within the bounds of 100 to 150̊C and 30 to 80s.Please don’t solder more than twice.Hand solderingHand soldering should be completed within 3 s when the point of solder iron is below 400̊C.Please don’t solder more than twice.Other noticePlease test the soldering method in actual condition and make sure the soldering works fi ne, since the im-pact on the junction between the device and PCB varies depending on the tooling and soldering conditions.●Cleaning instructionsSolvent cleaning :Solvent temperature should be 45˚C or below. Immersion time should be 3minutes or less.Ultrasonic cleaning :The impact on the device varies depending on the size of the cleaning bath, ultrasonic output, cleaning time, size of PCB and mounting method of the device.Therefore, please make sure the device withstands the ultrasonic cleaning in actual conditions in advance of mass production.Recommended solvent materials :Ethyl alcohol, Methyl alcohol and Isopropyl alcoholIn case the other type of solvent materials are intended to be used, please make sure they work fi ne in ac-tual using conditions since some materials may erode the packaging resin.●Presence of ODC etc.This product shall not contain the following materials.And they are not used in the production process for this product.Regulation substances : CFCs, Halon, Carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methylchloroform)Specific brominated flame retardants such as the PBB and PBDE are not used in this product at all.• The RoHS directive (2002/95/EC)This product complies with the RoHS directive (2002/95/EC).Object substances: lead, mercury,cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)• Content of six substances specified in “ Management Methods for Control of Pollution Caused byElectronic Information Products Regulation ” (Chinese : 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法)✔: indicates that the content of the toxic and hazardous substance in all the homogeneousmaterials of the part is below the concentration limit requirement as described inSJ/T 11363-2006 standard.■Package specifi cation●Sleeve packagePackage materialsSleeve : HIPS (with anti-static material)Stopper : Styrene-ElastomerPackage methodMAX. 50pcs of products shall be packaged in a sleeve.Both ends shall be closed by tabbed and tabless stoppers.The product shall be arranged in the sleeve with its anode mark on the tabless stopper side.MAX. 20 sleeves in one case.Sleeve outline dimensions1. SMT Gullwing Lead-Form Package materialsCarrier tape : A-PET (with anti-static material) Cover tape : PET (three layer system)Reel : PSCarrier tape structure and DimensionsA 16.0±0.3B 7.5±0.1C 1.75±0.10D 12.0±0.1E 2.0±0.1H 10.4±0.1I 0.40±0.05J 4.2±0.1K 10.2±0.1F 4.0±0.1Gφ1.5+0.1−0Reel structure and DimensionsDimensions List(Unit : mm)a φ330b17.5±1.5c φ100±1d φ13.0±0.5e φ23±1f 2.0±0.5g 2.0±0.5Direction of product insertionPull-out direction2. Wide SMT Gullwing Lead-Form Package materialsCarrier tape : A-PET (with anti-static material) Cover tape : PET (three layer system)Reel : PSCarrier tape structure and DimensionsA 24.0±0.3B 11.5±0.1C 1.75±0.10D 12.0±0.1E 2.0±0.1H 12.4±0.1I 0.40±0.05J 4.05±0.10K 10.0±0.1F 4.0±0.1Gφ1.5+0.1 −0Reel structure and Dimensionsa φ330b 25.5±1.5c φ100±1d φ13.0±0.5e φ23±1f 2.0±0.5g 2.0±0.5Dimensions List(Unit : mm)Direction of product insertionPull-out direction■Important Notices· The circuit application examples in this publication are provided to explain representative applications of SHARP devices and are not intended to guarantee any circuit design or license any intellectual property rights. SHARP takes no responsibility for any problems related to any intellectual property right of a third party resulting from the use of SHARP's devices.· Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. SHARP reserves the right to make changes in the specifi cations, characteristics, data, materials, structure, and other contents described herein at any time without notice in order to improve design or reliability. Manufacturing locations are also subject to change without notice.· Observe the following points when using any devices in this publication. SHARP takes no responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the devices which does not meet the conditions and absolute maximum ratings to be used specifi ed in the relevant specifi cation sheet nor meet the following conditions:(i) The devices in this publication are designed for use in general electronic equipment designs such as:--- Personal computers--- Offi ce automation equipment--- Telecommunication equipment [terminal]--- Test and measurement equipment--- Industrial control--- Audio visual equipment--- Consumer electronics(ii) Measures such as fail-safe function and redundant design should be taken to ensure reliability and safety when SHARP devices are used for or in connection with equipment that requires higher reliability such as:--- Transportation control and safety equipment (i.e., aircraft, trains, automobiles, etc.)--- Traffi c signals--- Gas leakage sensor breakers--- Alarm equipment--- Various safety devices, etc.(iii) SHARP devices shall not be used for or in connection with equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability and safety such as:--- Space applications--- Telecommunication equipment [trunk lines]--- Nuclear power control equipment--- Medical and other life support equipment (e.g., scuba).· If the SHARP devices listed in this publication fall within the scope of strategic products described in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, it is necessary to obtain approval to export such SHARP devices.· This publication is the proprietary product of SHARP and is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of SHARP. Express written permission is also required before any use of this publication may be made by a third party.· Contact and consult with a SHARP representative if there are any questions about the contents of this publication.。
热轧板 弹簧冷板 弹簧线材 螺钉用钢 金 属 六角钢 碳素钢 合金钢 不锈钢 永磁 磁铁 粉末冶金
0.917 0.955 0.92 0.91 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.41 1.37 1.03 1.3 1.19 1.05 1.2 1.19 0.93 0.93 1.1 1.24
牌号 钢管 钢丝 SPCC SPCC δ=0.8 SPCC δ=1 SPCC δ=1.2 SPCC δ=1.5 SPCC δ=2 SPCC δ=2.5 SPCC δ=3 SPCC δ>3.0 or<0.8 Q195 Q235 65Mn 65Mn SWRCH 1022A SCM435(JIS-G4053) 45 20 22 35 45 40Cr SUS304 钕铁硼 FC-0208-30 FC-0208-40 FC-0208-50 FC-0208-60 FC-0508 FLC-4608 FN-0208 6063 T5 6063 ADC12 ZDC2 C2100/C2200 C1100 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.82 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.82 7.82 7.85
标 签 包 装
泡沫 珍珠棉 拐角衬垫 注册卡 宣传卡 塑料袋 塑料袋 发泡袋
5.8 6.3 6.7-7.1 7.0-7.3
· 2.7 2.7 2.7 6.6 8.88 8.98 7.81
阻燃ABS:金发FW-620 普通ABS:奇美567W HIPS: 奇美PH-88 普通ABS:奇美PA-757 PP: PC: SABIC 141R
Product Description Security & Sound Cable, Riser-CMR, 2-20 AWG stranded bare copper pairs with polypropylene insulation, Beldfoil® shield and PVC jacket with ripcord
Overall Cable Diameter (Nominal):
0.218 in
Electrical Characteristics
Nom. Conductor DCR
10.3 Ohm/1000ft
Nom. Capacitance Cond-to-Cond Nom. Capacitance Cond-to-Other (Conds + Shield)
Color Code
Pair(s) PP - Polypropylene 0.008 in (0.20 mm) 0.052 in (1.3 mm)
Black & Red, Black & White
Outer Shield
Shield Type
Coverage Drainwire Type
All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale.
Belden believes this product to be in compliance with all applicable environmental programs as listed in the data sheet. The information provided is correct to the best of Belden's knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. This information is designed only as a general guide for the safe handling, storage, and any other operation of the product itself or the one that it becomes a part of. The Product Disclosure is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Regulatory information is for guidance purposes only. Product users are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulations based on their individual usage of the product.
产品参数及化学成分:(ROHS环保型钎料)产品名称:产品牌号和性能:一、银铜磷环保焊料(银铜磷钎料)牌号及性能HAg-2B,含银2%,等同诿辣?lt;span>AWS BCuP-6、国标BCu91PAg及L209,具有良好的流动性和填充能力,广泛用于空调、冰箱、机电等行业,铜及铜合金的钎焊。
HAg-5B,含银5%,等同于美标AWS BCuP-3国标BCu88PAg及L205,有一定塑性,适用不能保持紧密配合的铜及其合金接头的焊接。
HAg-15B,含银15%,等同于美标AWS BCuP-5国标BCu80AgP及L204,具有接头塑性好,导电性提高,特别适用间隙不均场合。
HAG-25BSn,含银25%,等同于美标AWS BAg-37,是银、铜、锌、锡合金,熔点低于HAg-25B,提高了润湿性和填充性。
HAG-30B,含银30%,等同于美标AWS BAg-20,国标BAg30CuZn ,是银、铜、锌合金,熔点稍高,接头有较好韧性,可钎焊铜、铜合金、钢等材料。
5,鋁合金銅 AL5052/AL1050 5,鋁合金銅 AL5052/AL1050 具高導性,加工性佳.電鍍性佳,耐軟化溫度高, 具高導性,加工性佳.電鍍性佳,耐軟化溫度高,是近年來 半導體產品主要原料
6,洋白板C7701 6,洋白板C7701 具高彈性系數.高導電率.高張力強度, 具高彈性系數.高導電率.高張力強度,是以銅鎳為基礎的銅合金材 料,是電子.電氣產品主要原料;衝壓成形後不必再電鍍加工,是降低 是電子.電氣產品主要原料;衝壓成形後不必再電鍍加工, 制程不良最佳代用材料 7,不銹鋼SUS 7,不銹鋼SUS 耐腐蝕.耐熱.低碳素.彈性佳是目前使用最廣泛的材料; 耐腐蝕.耐熱.低碳素.彈性佳是目前使用最廣泛的材料;運用於建築 業.電子業.電氣.汽車業.食品設備.化學設備……. 電子業.電氣.汽車業.食品設備.化學設備……. 8,一般鐵板SPCC 8,一般鐵板SPCC 可分為一般用. 抽引用.深抽用三類;是目前電子.電器支架.外框. 可分為一般用. 抽引用.深抽用三類;是目前電子.電器支架.外框.外 殼.端子的基本材料
309S,S30908 310S,S31008 316,S3160 316L,S31603 316N,S31651 316S16 316S12 X5CrNiM01812 X2CrNiM01812 Z6CND17.12 Z2CND17.12
317,S31700 317L,S31703
317S16 317S12
X2CrNiM01812 X10CrNiTi1812
中國 序 號 CHINA GB1220 NO.
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้原材料 基礎知識
常见的音频用电解电容系列三洋Sanyo:固体电容SP,SG,SEP,SVP等;日本化工NCC: AUDIO,ASF、AWF、给各个音响厂定制的系列;美国化工UCC: U36D,URZA和其他延续思碧继续生产的电容系列;红宝石Rubycon:BlackGate;尼康nichicon: MUSE系列的FW,KW、FineGold,KZ,FA,FX,ES,KG等;松下Matsushita:FM,FK,FC,FJ,Pureism,AUDIO,Master,MasterII,X-Pro;伊娜ELNA: RJJ,RJH,FOR AUDIO,R2O,R2A,R3A,Starget,Cerafine,Silmic,SilmicII,给各个音响厂定制品;欧美各国生产高品质音频用电容的厂家:法国SIC-SAFCO,瑞典RIFA,德国ROE,德国ERO,美国思碧(SP),法国,法国,荷兰飞利浦(BC),德国西门子,意大利AV,德国威马(WIMA),德国FRAKO,英国BHC,丹麦杰森JENSEN,美国MIT,美国REL-CAP,美国摩罗利(Mallory),美国伊利诺(IC),法国苏伦(SOLEN),瑞典EVOX,以色列威世(Vishay)。
高速,高Ripple 电流,低自感,极低内阻,超长寿命直逼rifa 124系列。
GETTING STARTED GUIDENI 9250 with BNC2 AI, ±5 V, 24 Bit, 102.4 kS/s/ch SimultaneousThis document explains how to connect to the NI 9250 withBNC.Note Before you begin, complete the software andhardware installation procedures in your chassisdocumentation.Note The guidelines in this document are specific tothe NI 9250 with BNC. The other components in thesystem might not meet the same safety ratings. Refer tothe documentation for each component in the system todetermine the safety and EMC ratings for the entiresystem.Safety GuidelinesOperate the NI 9250 with BNC only as described in thisdocument.Caution Do not operate the NI 9250 with BNC in amanner not specified in this document. Product misusecan result in a hazard. You can compromise the safetyprotection built into the product if the product is2| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwdamaged in any way. If the product is damaged, returnit to NI for repair.Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are within the following limits:Channel-to-earth ground±30 V maximum,Measurement Category IIsolationChannel-to-channel NoneNoneChannel-to-earthgroundMeasurement Category I is for measurements performed oncircuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution systemreferred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous liveelectrical supply system that powers equipment. This category isfor measurements of voltages from specially protected secondarycircuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, specialequipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits poweredby regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 3 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwNote Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O areequivalent. These test and measurement circuits are notintended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II,CAT III, or CAT IV.Caution Do not connect the NI 9250 with BNC tosignals or use for measurements within MeasurementCategories II, III, or IV.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI 9250 with BNC is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2,Groups A, B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AExnA IIC T4 and Ex nA IIC T4 hazardous locations; andnonhazardous locations only. Follow these guidelines if you areinstalling the NI 9250 with BNC in a potentially explosiveenvironment. Not following these guidelines may result inserious injury or death.Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires orconnectors unless power has been switched off or thearea is known to be nonhazardous.4| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution Do not remove modules unless power hasbeen switched off or the area is known to benonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impairsuitability for Class I, Division 2.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications,install the system in an enclosure rated to at least IP54as defined by IEC/EN 60079-15.Special Conditions for Hazardous Locations Use inEurope and InternationallyThe NI 9250 with BNC has been evaluated as Ex nA IIC T4 Gcequipment under DEMKO 12 ATEX 1202658X and is IECExUL 14.0089X certified. Each NI 9250 with BNC is marked II3G and is suitable for use in Zone 2 hazardous locations, inambient temperatures of -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 70 °C. If you are using theNI 9250 with BNC in Gas Group IIC hazardous locations, youmust use the device in an NI chassis that has been evaluated asEx nC IIC T4, Ex IIC T4, Ex nA IIC T4, or Ex nL IIC T4equipment.NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 5 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwCaution You must make sure that transientdisturbances do not exceed 140% of the rated voltage.Caution The system shall only be used in an area ofnot more than Pollution Degree 2, as defined inIEC/EN 60664-1.Caution The system shall be mounted in anATEX/IECEx-certified enclosure with a minimumingress protection rating of at least IP54 as defined inIEC/EN 60079-15.Caution The enclosure must have a door or coveraccessible only by the use of a tool.Electromagnetic Compatibility GuidelinesThis product was tested and complies with the regulatoryrequirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)stated in the product specifications. These requirements andlimits provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencewhen the product is operated in the intended operationalelectromagnetic environment.6| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwThis product is intended for use in industrial locations. However,harmful interference may occur in some installations, when theproduct is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if theproduct is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimizeinterference with radio and television reception and preventunacceptable performance degradation, install and use thisproduct in strict accordance with the instructions in the productdocumentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product notexpressly approved by National Instruments could void yourauthority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance,operate this product only with shielded cables andaccessories.Caution Electromagnetic interference can adverselyaffect the measurement accuracy of the NI 9250 withBNC. The input ports of this device are not protectedfor electromagnetic interference. As a result, thisdevice may experience reduced input or othertemporary performance degradation when connectedNI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 7 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwcables are routed in an environment with conductedradio frequency electromagnetic interference.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance,the length of all I/O cables must be no longer than 30 m(100 ft).Special Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved formarine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Registercertification for a product, visit /certification and searchfor the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark onthe product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements formarine applications, install the product in a shieldedenclosure with shielded and/or filtered power andinput/output ports. In addition, take precautions whendesigning, selecting, and installing measurement probesand cables to ensure that the desired EMC performanceis attained.8| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwPreparing the EnvironmentEnsure that the environment in which you are using the NI 9250 with BNC meets the following specifications.Operating temperature(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2)-40 °C to 70 °COperating humidity (IEC 60068-2-78)10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensingPollution Degree2Maximum altitude5,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor complete specifications.NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 9 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwNI 9250 with BNC Pinout10| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwGrounded ConnectionsNI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 11 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwFloating ConnectionsNI 9250 with BNC Connection Guidelines•Make sure that devices you connect to the NI 9250 with BNC are compatible with the module specifications.Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric (IEPE)SensorsThe NI 9250 with BNC provides an IEPE excitation current foreach channel to measure the IEPE sensors. Typical IEPE sensorshave a case that is electrically isolated from the IEPE electronics.12| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwAs a result, connecting the sensor to the NI 9250 with BNCresults in a floating connection even though the case of the sensoris grounded.Overvoltage ProtectionThe NI 9250 with BNC provides overvoltage protection for eachchannel.Note Refer to the device datasheet on /manualsfor more information about overvoltage protection.NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 13 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwWhere to Go Next14| | NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guidehnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwWorldwide Support and ServicesThe NI website is your complete resource for technical support.At /support, you have access to everything fromtroubleshooting and application development self-help resourcesto email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers.Visit /services for NI Factory Installation Services, repairs,extended warranty, and other services.Visit /register to register your NI product. Productregistration facilitates technical support and ensures that youreceive important information updates from NI.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliancewith the Council of the European Communities using themanufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords theuser protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) andproduct safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product byvisiting /certification. If your product supports calibration,you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at/calibration.NI 9250 with BNC Getting Started Guide| © National Instruments| 15 hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | wwwNI corporate headquarters is located at11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NIalso has offices located around the world. For telephone supportin the United States, create your service request at /supportor dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone supportoutside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of/niglobal to access the branch office websites, whichprovide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers,email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NItrademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade namesof their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or theNational Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-userlicense agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product.Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NIglobal trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OFTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS.U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at privateexpense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2016 National Instruments. All rights reserved.378009A-01Dec16hnology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www。
When connecting th e feedline. coat the outside of the aluminim connector t hreads and the PL-259 with silicone grease provided. Do not coat the connector center pin and socket with silicone. Slide the vinyl boots over the connectors against the plate for a good weather t ight connec• tion.
Model Number Frequency Range (MHz) Number of Elements Bandwidth (MHz) Forward Gain (Dbd) F/B Radio (Db) Boom Length (in)
(m) Weight (lbs.)
(Kg) Wind Surface Area (FT2)
48 Perimeter Road, P.O. Box 4680
Manchester, NH 03108
WARNING: This antenna is an electrical conductor, contact with power lines can resull ,n dea1h. or serious m1ury. Do not mstall lhis antenna where there is any possibility of contact wilh or high vollage arch-over Jrom power cables or service drops to buildings, The antenna. supporting mast and/or l ower must nol be close to any power lines during installation removal or in the evenl part of the system should accidentally fall. Follow the guidelines for antenna 1nstallahons recommended by the U.S. Consumer Product Salety Commisslon and I,s1ed ,n the enclosed pamphlet.