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Actors in the Decision Making Process 决策过程中的主体 • • • • “政绩工程”是如何决策的? 谁来制约我们的一把手? 决策如何才能科学化?民主化? 在中国当下,决策科学化重要还是民 主化更重要? • 不要忽视程序的重要性。 • 地方政府决策咨询顾问制度。
public policy decision-making was very much a search for maximizing solutions to complex problems in which policy-relevant information was gathered and then focused in a scientific fashion on the assessment of policy options.
policy actors is restricted to those with the capacity and authority to make binding public decisions.
• 决策阶段通常只是和那些在政府里担任正式职位 的人有关。 the decision-making stage normally
create ―winners‖ and ―losers‖, even if decision is to do nothing and to retain the status quo.
决策过程中的主体 Actors in the Decision Making Process
• 随着公共政策过程转向决策阶段,相关政策主体 的数量将会大幅度减少。The number of relevant
exercise but an inherently political process.
三种类型(Three Types)
• 某种意义上,决策可以是积极的——因为它以某 种方式改变现状。Decision can be ―positive‖ in the
sense that they alter the status quo in some way.
• ―这是一个非常政治化的阶段,在这一阶段,针对 某一既定问题的众多潜在对策必须被放弃,而其 中一个或少数几个会被选中并付诸实施。”“It is
the most overtly political stage in so far as the many potential solutions to a given problem must somehow be winnowed down and but one or a select few picked and readied for use.‖
Rational Model 理性模式
• 到了20世纪60年代中期,有二个模型很是盛行: 理性模式与渐进模式。By the mid-1960s, two models
prevailed: the rational model and the incremental model.
• 理性模式认为,公共决策是很大程度上都是在寻 找最佳对策来解决复杂的公共问题,在这过程中, 先是收集各种与政策相关的信息,然后对各个备 选方案进行科学评估。Rational model asserted that
Decision-makers cannot adopt whatever policy they wish. • 他们的决策能力受到许多限制。Their capacity to make policy is subject to constraints. – 宪制安排 Constitutional arrangements – 程序(规则与操作程序) Procedures (rules and operating procedures)
• 决策就是“在已经产生的、并且对认定的问题会 带来影响的政策方案中做出选择”。Decisionmaking is ―the choice among policy alternatives that have been generated and their likely effects on the problem estimated.‖ (G. Brewer and P. DeLeon, 1983)
Actors in the Decision Making Process 决策过程中的主体
决策选择的类型:Types of Choices • 积极决策:改变现状。Positive decision: alter
the status quo。
• 消极决策:有意识地维持现状。Negative
decision: a conscious decision to preserve the status quo
• 不做决策:偏离现状的方案被有系统地加 以排除。Non-decision: in which options to
deviate from the status quo are systematically excluded from consideration.
Actors in the Decision Making Process 决策过程中的主体 • 决策者在决策时并不能够为所欲为。
– 理性模式:Rationalism – 渐进模式:Incrementalism
• 想一想在我们的单位、我们的城市、 我们的国家,到底是谁在为我们决策? • 如何理解“摸着石头过河”的政策蕴 含?
• 公共政策决策:政策周期的第三阶段,在这一阶 段有授权的公共主体要采取某种行动。 The third
• 决策不是一个自我封闭的过程,也不等于整个公 共政策制定过程。Decision making is not a selfcontained stage, nor is it synonymous with the entire public policy-making process.
Rational Model 理性模式
• 渐进模式则更多地把公共决策看成是一种政治活 动而不是技术的,在这过程中,与各主体间的议 价与谈判相比,“科学分析”对结果的影响并不 那么重要。The incremental model described public policy
• 公共行政学者与企业组织学者提出的复杂组织中 的决策模式与研究被引入了政策科学。Models and
studies of decision-making in complex organizations developed by students of public administration and business organization were borrowed.
involves only those who occupy formal offices in government.
决策过程中的主体 Actors in the Decision Making Process
• 所有非国家主体都被排除在外。All non-state actors
are excluded.
stage of the policy cycle from which emerges some formal or informal statement of intent on the part of authorized public actors to undertake some action.
• 决策也可以是消极的——因为它可能对现状无所 作为。Decision can be ―negative‖ in the sense that they
fail to do so.
• 公共政策决策即使最后什么也不做、维持现状, 也会产生“赢家”与“输家”。 Public policy decisions
• 当然,其它主体也可以通过各种各样的“游说” 来影响官员(他们可以出声)Of course, other
actors can engage in various kinds of ―lobbying‖ activities to influence the office-holders. e Five
Public Policy Decision-Making: 公 共政策决策
Rundown 大纲
• 定义:Decision-making stage: Definition • 公共政策决策过程中的主体 Actors in the decision-making process • 几种模式:
• 决策就是从政策建构过程中形成的为数不多的备 选方案中做出选择,以解决公共问题。It involves
choosing from among a relatively small number of alternative policy options, as identified in the process of policy formulation, to resolve a public problem.
Rational Model 理性模式
• 在政策科学发展的早期,学者们花了极大的精力 研究来研究政策周期的决策阶段。In the early years
of the development of the policy sciences, a great deal of attention was directed to the decision-making stage of the policy cycle。
policy actors decreases substantially with the progress of the public policy process to the decision-making stage.
• 相关的政策主体仅仅是那些有能力和权威做出有 约束力的公共决策的主体。The relevant group of
Actors in the Decision Making Process
• 您知道吗? • 根据《中华人民共和国立法法》规定,若干公共政策领域 的决策权为全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会独享,而政 策形式只能表现为法律。这些领域包括: 国家主权的事 项;各级人民代表大会、人民政府、人民法院和人民检察 院的产生、组织和职权;民族区域自治制度、特别行政区 制度、基层群众自治制度;犯罪和刑罚;对公民政治权利 的剥夺、限制人身自由的强制措施和处罚;对非国有财产 的征收;民事基本制度;基本经济制度以及财政、税收、 海关、金融和外贸的基本制度;诉讼和仲裁制度;必须由 全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定法律的其它事项。
• 在决策阶段,实际上只有那些在某一领域得到授 权去做出权威的决定的政治家,法官,政府官员 拥有发言权与投票权。Only those politicians, judges,
and government officials actually empowered to make authoritative decisions in the area in question can participate with both ―voice‖ and ―vote‖ at this stage of the policy cycle.
• 一个决策过程可能会产生几种不同的决策。
Different kinds of decisions can result from a decision making process.
• 公共政策决策的实质不是一种技术行为,而是政 治过程。 Public policy decision-making is not a technical