第二局部英语专业根底知识Ⅰ.Vocabularyandstructure15%Directions:Thereare15incompletesentencesinthe following.ForeachsentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONE thatbestcompletesthesentence.()1.Thoughheisseventyyearsold,hetakesexerciseeveryday.A.PastB.aboveC.OnD.over()2.—Whichwouldyoulike,Madam,teaorcoffee?—,thanks.I'dlikeaglassofwater,please.A.EitherB.BothC.NeitherD.OK()3.—Howsoonwillyoufinishthebuilding?—.A.IntwomonthsB.TwomonthsC.AbouttwomonthsD.Aftertwomonths()4.Theydidtheirfathertoldthem.A.LikeB.asC.AboutD.with()5.Oneoftheboysis,alltheotherboysare.A.English;ChinaB.anEnglish;ChineseC.England;ChinaD.English;Chinese()6.Eitheryouorhetheteam.A.isinB.areonC.isonD.arein()7.Hewasmadethirteenhoursadaybyhisboss.A.toworkB.workC.isonD.arein()8.Mrs.HuaskedLiuFangandtotakepartintheEnglishmeeting.A.IB.myC.MeD.mine()9.TellthestudentstheirEnglishbooks.A.totakeB.tocarryC.tobringD.bring()10.Itustwohourswalktogettoourschool.A.TakeB.takesC.SpendD.paid()11.Mylittlesisterissotired,shecanhardlywalk,?A.doessheB.cansheC.doesntsheD.cantshe()12.YellowRiveristhesecondlongestriverinourcountry.A./B.TheC.AnD.A()13.—Doyouwanttoatthemeeting?—No,Ihavenothingto.A.say;speakB.tell;talkC.say;sayD.speak;say()14.Sheaskedmehecoulddanceorsing.A.IfB.whatC.WhetherD.that()15.—Aren'tyouMary'ssister?—I'mheraunt.A.Yes,IamB.No,ImnotC.Yes,I'mnotD.No,IamⅡ.Close20%Directions:Thereare20blanksinthefollowingtext.Foreachblanktherearefourchoices markedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONEthatbestfillstheblank.Duringourtwomonthsonthe road,BennettandIhadareally16experiencewithagood,honest17andsomehelpful mechanics.WeweredrivingeastonHighway10whenour“chickengine〞lightcameon.We limpedofa(n)18intoLasCruces.Wehadarealcar19.Bennettnursedthecarintoalocalgarage.Bythistimethecarwasmissing〔熄火〕so20itwasshakingallover.Thiswasthe21time toarriveatagarage—lateFridayafternoon.ServiceadviserScottwasbusy22paperworkand customersaswe23ourproblems.24hewasalready“tencarsbehind〞,hetoldustopullthecar intothegarage.Lincoln,whowelater25wasoneofthetwomotortechnicians,took26ofourcar repairing.HeandScottandsomeothermechanicsstayedseveralhoursafterclosing,27the car.Earlythenextmorning(theshopwasofficiallyclosedonSaturdays),Lincolnfinallylocatedthe28andfixediteasilywithinonly29.LaterScott30outtousthatitwasourattitudethat helped.“Youdidntcomeintotheplacedemandingthisorthat.Youshowedan31ofour problemsonabusyFridayafternoon.Customer'sattitudemeansalot.〞Hewasrightinsome way,customersshouldshow32andunderstandingtopeoplewho33them.34peoplewereextremely busy,theyfoundwaytoatleasttryandhelpwhentheyaremetwithpoliteness.Thepleasant experienceIhadshowsthat35forotherpeoplecanalwayshelp.()16.A.awfulB.pleasantC.wonderfulD.terrible()17.A.stationB.studioC.factoryD.garage()18.A.exitB.turningC.crossingD.entrance()19.A.difficultyB.examinationC.troubleD.disaster()20.A.busilyB.badlyC.quicklyD.weakly()21.A.highestB.easiestC.luckiestD.worst()22.A.atB.onC.withD.by()23.A.explainedB.introducedC.repeatedD.expressed()24.A.AsB.BecauseC.EvenD.Though()25.A.learnedB.understoodC.recognizedD.though()26.A.careB.controlC.chargeD.pride()27.A.buildingB.examiningC.repairingD.driving()28.A.problemB.diseaseC.dangerD.wound()29.A.daysB.hoursC.monthsD.minutes()30.A.spokeB.pointedC.brokeD.blew()31.A.understandingB.ignoranceC.appreciationD.awareness()32.A.cruelnessB.fairnessC.calmnessD.politeness()33.A.comfortB.protectC.serveD.rescue()34.A.EvenifB.EvenasC.EvensoD.Eventhen()35.A.obedienceB.respectC.patienceD.mercyⅢ.Readingcomprehension15%Directions:Therearethreepassagesinthefollowing.Foreachofthemtherearefour choicesmarkedA,B,C,andD.Youshoulddecideonthebestchoice.Passage1 JoeBiggswasabutcher.Hisshopwasinavillageinoneofthemostbeautifulpartsof southernEngland.Heworkedinitformanyyearswhilehisfatherwasthere.Then,whenhis fatherreachedtheageof65,hestoppedworkingintheshop.Joewasaloneinit,sohehadto workharder.Joeworkedfiveandahalfdayaweek.Hisshopshutatoneo'clockonThursday, anditwasshutthewholeofSunday.Saturdayswerethebusiestdays.Joehadabigrefrigeratorinhisshop,buthetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.One Thursdayawomancameintotheshopatfiveminutestoone.“I'msorryImverylate,〞she said,“butsomepeoplehavejusttelephonedtosaythattheyaregoingtocometodinnertonight, andIneedsomemoremeat.〞Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatintheshop.Hehadsoldall therestearlierintheday.Hetookthepieceoutandsaidtothewoman.“T hisis£7.15.〞“T hat pieceistoosmall,〞thewomananswered.“H aventyougotanythingbigger?〞Joewentinto theroombehindhisshop,openedtherefrigerator,putthepieceofmeatintoit,tookitoutagain andshutthedooroftherefrigeratorwithalotofnoise.Thenhebroughtthepieceofmeatback tothewomanandsaid,“Thispieceisbiggerandmoreexpensive.It's£9.30.〞“G ood,〞the womanansweredwithasmile.“G ivemebothofthem,please.〞()36.Joeworkedaloneintheshop.A.onSaturdaysB.onThursdaysC.afterhisfatherdiedD.afterhisfatherstoppedworking()37.Joesoldmeatinhisshop.A.onThursdayafternoonsB.onSundaysC.onFridaysD.everyday()38.Onedayawomancametohisshop.A.at1:55,TuesdayB.at1:05C.tosaysorrytohimD.becausesomeonehadsuddenlytelephonedher()39.Whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Peopleboughtallthemeatfromhim.B.Thewomandidn'twanttheexpensivepieceofmeat.C.Joebroughtthewomanadifferentpiece.D.Thewomanwantedtobuythetwopiecesofmeattogether.()40.Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatbecause.A.Joesrefrigeratorhadbroken.B.hetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.C.heknewthatthemeatwouldgobad.D.hehadnomoneytobuymore.Passage2 Ifyougointotheforestwithfriends,staywiththemalways.Ifyoudont,youmayget lost.Ifyoureallygetlost,thisiswhatyoushoulddo.Sitdownandstaywhereyouare.Don't trytofindyourfriends-letthemfindyoubystayinginoneplace.Thereisanotherwaytohelpyourfriendsorothernearbypeopletofindyou.Givethema signalbyshoutingorwhistlingthreetimes.Stop.Thenshoutorwhistlethreetimes.Any signalgiventhreetimesisacallforhelp.Keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogether.Whenpeoplehearyou,they willknowthatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfun.Theywillletyouknowthattheyhaveheard yoursignal.Theywillgivetwoshouts,twowhistlesortwogunshots.Whensomeonegivesa signal,itisananswertoacallforhelp.Ifyoudon'tthinkthatyouwillgethelpbeforenightcomes,trytomakealittlehousecover uptheholeswithbranchesandlotsofleaves.Makeyourselfasoftbedwithleavesand grass.Whatshouldyoudoifyougethungryorneeddrinkingwater?Youwouldhavetoleave yourlittlebranchhousetolookforariver.Don'tjustwalkaway.Pickoffsmallbranchesand dropthemasyouwalksothatyoucanfindyourwayback.Themostimportantthingtodowhenyouarelostis——stayinoneplace.()41.Ifyougetlostintheforest,youshould.A.staywhereyouareandgiveasignalthreetimesB.walkaroundtheforestandshoutsothatyourfriendsmighthearyouC.trytofindyourfriendsassoonaspossibleD.trytogetoutoftheforestandshoutforhelp()42.Ifyouwanttoletpeoplebelievethatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfunyou should.A.shoutthatyouarelostB.keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogetherC.shoutatthetopofyourvoiceD.shoutorwhistleonceinawhile()43.Whenyouhearshoutsorwhistlesorgunshots,youknowthat.A.two;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouB.three;someoneisaskingforhelpC.three;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouD.two;someoneisaskingforhelp()44.Whenyouarelostintheforest,butyouwanttoleaveyourplacetogetwater,you should.A.justgototheriverB.findabowloraglass,andthengoC.makeafiresothatyoumightmakeyourselfsomehotteaD.leavemarksasyougototheriversothatyoucanfindyourwayback()45.Thisstorymainlytellsyou.A.thatwhensomeonegivesasignalalwaysthreetimes,itisacallforhelpB.whatyoushoulddoifyougetlostintheforestC.thatwhenanysignalgiventwicemeansananswertoacallforhelpD.thatwhensomeonemakesafire,itisacallforhelpPassage3 Theoldestformsofmedicineareenjoyingacomeback.Modernholisticmedicineisan approachthattreatsthewholepatient,notjustthedisease.Itisawaytomaintaingoodhealth ratherthancureillness.Themostimportantinfluencesontoday'sholisticmedicineareancient ChinesemedicineandIndianAyurvedicmedicine,bothofwhichpromotedwholebodyhealth.Holisticmedicineusuallycombinesdiet,physicalexerciseandmeditation,togetherwithother alternativetechniquessuchasmassage〔按摩〕andacupuncture〔针灸〕.Herbaltreatment,a practiceoftreatingillnessbyusingplants,isinfluencedbythewritingsofCulpeperaswellas ChineseandAyurvedicmedicine.Homeopathy〔顺势疗法〕isoneoftheformsofholistic medicinewhichiswidelypracticedinEuropeandtheUSA.HomeopathybeganinGermanyintheearly1800s,whenSamuelHahnemanndescribedhowverytinydoses〔剂量〕ofadrughadan effectonhispatients.AccordingtoHahnemann,themorethedrugwasdiluted〔稀释〕,thestronger itseffects.Thesubstanceselectedwouldproducesimilareffectstothediseaseitselfifgivenin largedoses.IntheUKhomeopathyisregardedasanontraditionalbutjustaboutacceptable treatment.Meditationandcontemplationhaveanimportantroleinholisticmedicine.Theywere broughttoEuropebyIndianteacherswhocombinedIndianAyurvedicmedicinewithWestern beliefs.Transcendentalmeditation〔超脱静坐〕isoneofthebestknownofthese techniques.Peoplerepeatwordsinsidetheirheadtoreachastateofdeeprelaxation.Theholisticmovementhasmademanydoctorslookatthewholepatient,notjustthe disease.Lifestyle,emotionalproblemsanddietarejustsomeofthefactorsthatcanaffecta personshealth.Holisticmedicineemphasizesgooddiet,exerciseandfreshair,allofwhich contributetohealth.Someclinicsnowofferholisticmedicinealongwithtraditionaltreatments, sothattheirpatientscanchooseacombinationoftreatmentsthatsuitsthem.Oneproblemwith holisticmedicineisthatitisdifficultforpeopletobesureadoctorisreliable.Tosolvethis, manycountrieswantalternativedoctorstoformprofessionalbodies.()46.Modernholisticmedicinecentersupon.A.curingadiseaseB.herbaltreatmentC.continuousdevelopmentD.keepingpatientshealthy()47.WhichofthefollowingdoesNOTbelongtoholisticmedicine?A.MassageB.meditationC.abalanceddietD.akneeoperation()48.Theprincipleofhomeopathyisthat.A.thelargedosesofmedicinethatwillnotbeharmfulwilltakebettereffectB.thediseasewillbecuredsoonerbytakinglargerdosesofmedicineC.asmallthinnerdoseofmedicinewillbemoreeffectiveD.thedosesofmedicinedependonhowserioustheillnessis()49.Whichofthefollowingtitlesbestsumsupthepassage?A.HolisticMedicineB.TraditionalMedicineReturnsC.HistoryofMedicineD.CombinationofTreatmentsWorks()50.Whatcanweinferfromthepassage?A.Relaxationisthekeyofholistictreatment.B.Holisticmedicineneedstobecomemoretrustworthy.C.Holistictreatmentismorebeneficialthantraditionaltreatments.D.Holisticmedicinewillbecomethemostwelcometreatmentsoon.Ⅳ.Translation10%Directions:Thereare5sentencesinthefollowing.TranslatethemintoEnglish.51.我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。
I.单项填空(一共15题,每题1分,共计15分)1.Teaching,a test of(A),intelligence and teamwork skills, requires a lot of energy .A. patienceB. Position C .privacy D .direction2.Reading authentic writings is one of the best ways to(D)our English vocabulary.A. spreadB. extend C .organize D. enrich3.In order to avoid being cheated ,Internet Users should bear it in mind to surf a(B)website.A.briefB.legalC through D.straight4.I don’t mind picking up your things from the store.,the walk will do me good.A.EntirelyB.StillC.OtherwiseD.Besides5.---We want someone to design a poster for our school’s 100th anniversary. ----Harry is good at it. he have a try?第一第三人称表示请求A.NeedB.WillC.ShallD.Must6.Chinese parents, western parents are also concerned about children’s health.A.As toB. In common withC.contrary toD.But for7.Our school library will be over the weekend to update its computer system.A.counted downB.pulled downC.shut downD.cut down8.---Are you going to take the job as a shop assistant?----Certainly ,though the salary is not so good, ,you know.A.never put off till tomorrow what you can do todayB .one false step will make a great difference 失之毫厘,谬以千里C A bird in the hand is worth to in the bush 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林百鸟在林不如一鸟在手B.One tree does not make a forest 独木不成林.9.It was 10 O’clock Jill arrived at the office ,which made the boss annoyed .A.whenB.thatC.whichD.then10.Lucy is great to work with ---I really couldn’t find apartner.A.betterB.goodC.worseD.bad11.----Don’t worry, Dad. The doctor said it was not the MERS, only the flu. 中东呼吸综合征-----! I’ll tell Mum.A.you betB. What a reliefC.No wonderD.What a pity12.If it ______ for his bad cold .Rick would have enjoyed more on his birthday party.A. is notB. were notC.has not beenD.had not been13.Chinese people eat rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival,honor of Qu Yuan.______is observed inA.thatB. whichC. whenD. where14.In the word “interchangeable”, the root is.A.interB.interchangeC.changeD.changeable15.”TO be,or not to be--that is the question”.come from, Shakespeare’s .A.OthelloB.As you like it《皆大欢喜》C.MacbethD.HamletII.完形填空(一共15题,每题1分,共计15分)Some classes may also have a wide range of ages, so all classes are mixed ability, 16the challenges are bigger in a large class. For example, 17 students may stop learning because they do not understand. The strong students sometimes dominate by gaining mostof the teacher attention and by giving all the answers. Sometimes the stronger ones stop learning because they find the work’s too 18 and get bored. It is a big 19 to the teacher of a large class to help the weaker students and to keep the stronger students motivatedso that all students succeed.One way is to 20 move students around .You can do this by asking students to move around, 21 , to move forward one row each month. This means that they all get a regular chance of sitting in the front row, which gives students the best 22 of feeling involved and of receiving maximum attention and help from the teacher.If you have a wide range of ages in your class, this may be less 23 because the older students may be taller than the younger students, and so the shorter students will need tobe 24 the taller students. But whatever your classroom situation is ,you can 25 a wayof moving students so that different students have the chance of working with each other during the term.Moving students around has other 26 too: it helps classroom discipline by preventingsmall groups, which may become disruptive(混乱)from forming. It also means that students of different abilities work together, 27 always having the stronger students in one row or group, and the weaker ones in another.The teacher’s attitude towards a large class of 28 ability students can also have agood or bad effect on their attitudes, to and successes in learning, If you use 29 wordslike “lazy” or “stupid” to students who may not 30 to be the fastest or best students in your class, you may have long term problems with motivation and discipline .16.A.but B.and C.or D.otherwise17.A.stronger18.A.instructivefort20.A.calmlyB.wiserB.easyB.benefitB.politelyC.weakerC.enjoyableC.reactionC.wildlyD.impressiveD.challengeD.regularly21.A.therefore22.A.evolution23.A.suitableB.in additionC.for exampleD.neverthelessB.chanceC.secretD.levelB.outstanding C,.straight forwardD.convincing24.A.in the middle of B.in front of C.at the back of D.next to25.A.save upB.give upC.clear outD.work out26.A.A.shortcomingsB.featuresC.advantagesD.courses27.A.apart from B.in spite ofC.regardless ofD.rather than28.A.similar29.A.negative30.A.pretendB.specializedB.promiseC.extraordinaryD.mixed 原词复现C.subjectiveC.appearD.objectiveD.failIII.阅读理解(一共12题,每题2分,共计24分)AThe Maya today number about six million people, making them the largest single block of native peoples north of Peru. Some of the largest Maya groups are found in Mexico, the most important of these being the Yucatecs 尤卡特克人(300,000),the Tzotzil“索西”(120,000)and the Tzeltal 泽尔塔尔(80,000).THe Maya have faced great challenges, some of which continue today.Some ethnologists 人种学者even doubt the ability of Maya culture to survive the attacks of the modern world .However, look at the traits which have kept the Maya culturally and physically up to date there hold on the land, devotion to their communities, and a deeply held system of belief, offer some hope.The Maya have managed to maintain many of the old ways in agriculture and trade.Like their ancestors, most Maya households engage in corn farming and many produce crafts, such as woven textiles, for sale in markets. Unlike their pre-conquestancestors ,however, many of the men must also leave their villages for the lowlands where they work part of the year on coffee and cotton plantations.The ancient Maya calendar has also survived remarkably well. In the Maya highlands,many communities still have shaman priests or”day-keepers”, whose job is to keep track of the round of days according to the Maya calendar,and to conduct traditional ceremonies forindividuals and the larger community.Maya scholars have also begun to realize that diverse Maya language groups mustband together if their culture and languages are to survive.Most heartening of all to someobservers, Maya populations are actually increasing rather than dwindlingIn numbers, and some believe that the Maya’s heightened awareness of their strength asone people with a golrious past and an ability to adapt may help them survive for centuriesto come.31.The Maya culture will, hopefully, continue to survive thanks to the traits, such as thefaith to their communities and the.A.strong belief systemB.C. agriculture and tradeB. increasing populationD.day-keeper’ bless.32.According to the passage, which of the following is true?A.there are six million Maya people living in MexicoB.The Maya never connect with the outside nowadays.C.The Maya ancestors all lived on corn and coffee.D.The ancient Maya calendar is still in use today33.The underlined word”dwindling ” in the last paragraph probably meansA.improvingB.demandingC.decreasingD.overwhelming.34.This passage is probably taken from .A.A book reviewB.A science researchC.A news reportD.A culture magazineBTourism is an essential part of Britain’s income. It employed about 1.4 million peopleand contributed about 3.5 percent to the GDP in the early 2000s .Visitors to Britain come from all over the world, with the largest number from the united States,followed by France,Germany,Ireland and Netherlands.They were attracted by Britain’s heritage and arts,historic buildings,monuments,museums and galleries.With over 27 million tourists a year,the United Kingdom is ranked as the sixth major tourist destination in the world.The British Tourist Authority,which is supported by the government,promotes tourism in Britain and maintains hundreds of Tourist Information Centers to assistvisitors.England ,Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland have their own government-supported tourist boards as well.London,the most popular tourist destination,is crowded with tourists throughout the year.Among the sites regularly visited by millions are the Tower of London,the Houses of Parliament,Buckingham Palace,and West minster Abbey. 修道院,大教堂At night visitors enjoy the hundreds of theatres and pubs in London.Liverpool is a city in the metropolitan county of Merseyside 默西赛德(郡)in northwest England-the second largest export port of Britain,and it still possesses some manufacturing bases.Liverpool is world famous as the city where the beatles came from.In Scotland,Edinburch Castle Looms over thecapital.Great cathedrals from the Middle Ages still dominate the skylines of many English cities.In Wales,the remains of Tintern Abbey and the small but beautiful Saint David’sCathedral 大教堂are outstanding.There are a lot of stately homes in Britain.Among the more famous is Blenheim Palace,the home of the Churchill family .Hampton Court Palace,just outside of London,was one of the homes of henry VIII.The Palace of the Hollywood House in Scotland was once the home of Mary,Queen of Scots.Among other worthwhile places to visit are Oxford and Cambridge,both of which are university towns with many ancient buildings,and the Tudor home in which William Shakespeare was born.35 The number of the tourists fromis ranked as the first in the United Kingdom.D. GermaryA.FranceherlandsC.the United States36.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The British Tourist Authority is owned by OxfordB.The Beatles brought great reputation to LiverpoolC. C.Liverpool is the most popular tourist destinationD.D.William Shakespeare’s hometown is Merseyside 默西塞德郡(英格兰一郡名)37 Was one of the homes of Henry VIII 亨利八世A.Hampton Court Palace 汉普顿宫Blenheim Palace 布莱尼姆宫B.The Tower of London D. The Tudor home38.The main purpose of the passage is toA.give a definitionB.raise an argumentC.make an explanationD.offer an introductionCToday ,learning English involves much more than studying a text book and doing tests. Let’s look at a couple of the most popular social networking opportunities available to you .小学教育综合知识试卷第5页(共6页)Twitter is a social networking site that demands precision of expression where each post or”Tweet”you can make is limited to 140 characters. Therefore, you’re forced to choose your words carefully and to convey your message clearly .This is excellent for improving your English as you eliminate unnecessary words.Facebook is a social networking service where by users can create a personal profile,add to her users as friends, and exchange messages. You can post text, pictures, images, video, and music on your Facebook page .You gain English writing experience through composing your various messages. Facebook exposes you to a significant selection of writing (text)in which to build your English skills.SkypeSkype is a computer software application that allows users to make calls over theInternet Calls to other users of the skype service are free.Skype allows you to talk, and /or text and add videos.As concerns improving your English skills,skype gets youtalking.Consequently,you converse,which is putting your English speaking and listening skills into action.There are even teachers on skype who offer traditional English lessons and there are conversational groups that meet more informally.LinkedIn 领英If facebook and Twitter sound a bit frivolous 无聊的for your tastes,you might prefer LinkedIn which is a social networking site for professionals.It’s an excellent site forconnecting with other professionals,be it in business or other organisations.YouTubeYouTube is a video sharing ers upload,share and view videos on this social networking site.Learning English via YouTube involves listening to the language via the videos you view.You also learn through reading the lomments posted in English,situated below each video.Flickr 网络相簿Flickr is a social networking site with a difference, because you build contact withpeople by sharing photographs, and short videos.If you have a digital camera, you canshare your life with an online community. There are groups for countries, hobbies, animals,just about anything you can think of.When you choose some where to network,keep some control over the information you display.39.According to the passage, people have to convey their messages precisely and clearly on Twitter because.A.they have to make room for profilesB.B.it is excellent to improve their EnglishC..there is a word limit to each post.D.Other users need to post the comments40.If you want to enjoy video-calling services, you can down load a soft ware application named.A.FlickrB.SkypeC.YouTubeD.Facebook41.What might follow the end of the last paragraph?A.Advice on displaying information on the InternetB.Introduction of some other English learning websitesC.Suggestions of building contact with other peopleD.Advantages of sharing one’s life with friends online.42.The passage may be mainly for .A.English learnersB. photograph loversC.foreign travelersD. designers of websites IV.翻译(共计10分)(43)It is generally agreed that people read to understand the meaning of thetext.(44)However,there are three different models proposed 提出建议about how readers actually arrive at the meaning.(45)Here is the “Bottom up”model which proposes that readers build up the meaning of the text letter by letter,word by word and sentence by sentence.(46)Until one level of processing has finished the next can not begin.(47)Theybuild up the meaning of the parts of the text and in this way eventually arrive at themeaning of the whole. (Top-down /bottom--- up/interactive reading model. A bottom-up reading model emphasizes a single-direction, part-to-whole processing of a text. )(语言表述通顺,主要意义表达清楚即可,参考译文:)人们一般认为阅读是为了理解文本的意义,然而人们提出了三种读者如何实际理解意义的模式。
2023年小学英语教师学科专业知识考试试题(多套)一、选择题1. 下列哪个单词的读音与其他三个不同?A. appleB. catC. ratD. hat2. 下列哪个句子是错误的?A. She don't like ice cream.B. He plays basketball very well.D. I have two sisters and one brother.3. Which of the following is a synonym for the word "happy"?A. SadB. AngryC. JoyfulD. Nervous4. Which sentence has a verb in the present tense?A. I will go to the store later.B. She always eats breakfast.C. They have already left.D. He has been playing tennis for two hours.5. What is the correct order of the words in a simple English sentence?A. Verb + Subject + ObjectB. Object + Verb + SubjectC. Subject + Verb + ObjectD. Subject + Object + Verb二、填空题1. My favorite ________ is swimming. (sport)2. She ________ a book when I called her. (read)3. The children are playing ________ in the park. (happily)4. I want to ________ a movie tonight. (watch)5. His house is very ________. (big)三、简答题1. What are the three main verb tenses in English? Give an example of each.2. What are the four types of sentences in English? Give an example of each.3. What is the difference between "there", "their", and "they're"? Give an example of each.四、写作题Write a paragraph of at least 50 words about your favorite season. Include details about the weather, activities, and any special holidays or events.五、口语题请在60秒内介绍你最喜欢的一本书,并解释你为什么喜欢它。
1. Human beings have a unique ______ to shape the world we live in.A. identityB. impressionC. elementD. ability2. The rich philosophical thought in Sunzi"s Art of War has ______ greater and greater attention from scholar"s of ancient Chinese philosophy.A. paidB. givenC. attachedD. aroused3. The prices at this shop sound ______—all the goods are good value.A. changeableB. attainableC. sensibleD. reasonable4. He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes ______ the strong sunlight.A. ofB. offC. fromD. away5. —She didn"t come to school yesterday, did she?—______. Because she was not feeling well.A. No, she didn"tB. No, she didC. Yes, she didn"tD. Yes, she did6. Culture also affects the experiences through which children"s earliest literacy and number knowledge are ______.A. acquiredB. receivedC. expectedD. supported7. —Who is he? Is he our new teacher?—I"m sorry. I don"t know ______ and ______ he is.A. who; whatB. who; howC. how; whatD. where; how8. Tommy is a great talker. It"s high time that he ______ something instead of just talking.A. doB. didC. doesD. will do9. True friendship is like sound health, the value ______ is seldom known until it is lost.A. on whichB. of whichC. about whichD. among which10. Jobs said it was the interest he acquired during his childhood ______ influenced his whole life.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. what11. It was the second time he ______ to me. I would never trust him again.A. liedB. has liedC. was lyingD. had lied12. Only when ______ possible to settle the problem.A. does the teacher return will it beB. the teacher returns will it beC. had the teacher returned it will beD. the teacher returns it will be13. —Have you gone over what the teacher taught in class?—Not yet.—Better remember: ______.A. Don"t count your chickens before they are hatchedB. A bird in hand is worth two in the bushC. Strick while the iron is hotD. All roads lead to Rome14. In the word "internationalism", which part is the root?A. interB. nationC. alD. ism15. Which of the following group of writers are the playwrights of the 17th century?A. Ben Jonson and John DrydenB. Christopher Marlowe and Daniel DefoeC. John Milton and Oscar WildeD. Ben Jonson and George Bernard ShawⅡ.完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后边各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
安徽教师招聘考试真题小学英语1、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so2、_____from far away, the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky. [单选题] *A. SeeB. SeeingC. To seeD. Seen(正确答案)3、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before4、He couldn’t ______ the maths problem without your help. [单选题] *A. work out(正确答案)B. work atC. work forD. work with5、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none6、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through7、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than8、These two films are very interesting. I like them _____. [单选题] *A. eitherB. neitherC. allD. both(正确答案)9、The managing director took the()for the accident, although it was not his fault. [单选题] *A. GuiltB. charge(正确答案)C. blameD. accusation10、Mom is making dinner. It _______ so nice! [单选题] *A. smells(正确答案)B. tastesC. feelsD. sounds11、Helen is new here, so we know _______ about her. [单选题] *A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing(正确答案)12、Don’t swim in the river. It’s too _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. easyC. difficultD. dangerous(正确答案)13、I have a _____ every day to keep fit. [单选题] *A. three thousand meter walkB. three-thousands-meters walkC.three-thousand-meters walkD. three-thousand-meter walk(正确答案)14、What do you think of the idea that _____ honest man who married and brought up a large family did more service than he who continued single and only talked of _____ population. [单选题] *A. a, /B. an, /C. a, theD. an, the(正确答案)15、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up16、Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_____harm them. [单选题] *A.more thanB.other thanC.rather than(正确答案)D.better than17、( ) They have_____ useful dictionary. They want to lend it___ us. [单选题] *A. an; forB. a; fromC. an; toD. a; to(正确答案)18、_____ Lucy _____ Lily has joined the swimming club because they have no time. [单选题] *A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; nor(正确答案)C. Either; orD. Both; and19、Tom is ____ honest man, so we all like to work with him. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. /D. any20、_______ clever boy he is! [单选题] *A. What a(正确答案)B. WhatC. HowD. How a21、Thank you very much. You gave us ____ our factory needed. [单选题] *A. informationB. informationsC. the information(正确答案)D. the informations22、Though my best friend Jack doesn’t get()education, he is knowledgeable. [单选题] *A. ManyB. littleC. fewD. much(正确答案)23、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed24、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as25、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] *A. How(正确答案)B. WhatC. WhereD. Why26、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *A. cashB. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)27、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one28、47.Yao Ming is tall. That's one of his ________. [单选题] *A.advantageB.advantages(正确答案)C.disadvantageD.disadvantages29、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. ofC. toD. from30、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] *A. littleB. least(正确答案)C. lessD. most。
2014年安徽中小学教师招聘考试小学英语姓名:Ⅰ.单项选择(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)1.We now face an embarrassing :should we stay or go?A.circumstanceB.expectationC. enquiryD.dilemma2. a child and you well find that he is happy every day in whatever he does.A.ObserveB.To observeC.ObservedD.Observing3.Bob’s very .He does all the odd jobs around the house.A.practicalB.cleverC.cautiousD.careless4.This is a binding contract we recommended that you review it with a lawyer.A.FurthermoreB. MeanwhileC. ThereforeD. Nevertheless5.We thought that we were in the area.we’d stop by and visit them.A.WhereB.sinceC.unlessD.until6.——Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Beijing this morning.——Really? She the 9:00 train. It’s more comfortable and safer to travel by train.A.Could takeB.must takeC.could have takenD.must have taken7.It has long been recognized, that cultural variables influence the way children understand the world present themselves, and ______ experiences.A.interpretB. reproduceC. createD. explain8.Every culture has its own body language, and one absorbs its meaning along withlanguages.A.LiteralB. hangC. signalD. spoken9.Being a boy’s book specially written for adults, is Mark Twain’s most representative Work , describing a journey down the Mississippi undertaken by Huck and Jim.A.Innocent AbroadB.Adventurers of Huckleberry FinnC.life on the MississippiD.The Gilded Age10.“If winter comes ,can Spring be far behind ?” is an epigrammatic line by .A. J.KeatsB. W.WordsworthC. W. BlakeD. P.B.ShelleyⅡ. 完形填空(共20题,每小题1分,共20分)Reading aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice, Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be 11 by the other. However ,We need to be aware when We should use them. When We 12 teaching reading or developing reading skills,We are mostly referring to silent reading. To develop 13 readers in a foreign language,silent reading activities must be given enough 14 and time in class with the proper guidance from the 15 ,Reading aloud also its particular 16 for our students who are leaning English as a foreign language 17 can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation ,18 them with new works and the stress patterns of English,help 19their Confidence in speaking the language. Therefore,opportunities should be 20 for students to read aloud only after they haveComprehended the text 21 before comprehension can be very 22 and it Can easily destroy their self-confidence,With 23 reading,it sets up a poor reading model for other students as well,It is 24 that we first help students learn the text through 25 reading activities. and the with comprehension we give our students practice by using an audio tape to 26 a good model for practicing reading aloud .With adequate 27 ,we may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to 28 their motivation and confidence,By asking the students to read aloud,it is also a good chance for the teacher to get 29 on the students’ comprehension as we can notice 30 there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficulties or misunderstanding of the text.( ) 11. A. described B.provided C. explained D. replaced( ) 12. A.work out B.run into C.talk about D.take on( ) 13. A.proficient B.enjoyable C.considerate D.straightforward( ) 14. A.money B.attention C.sacrifice D.burden( ) 15. A.colleague B.teacher C.headmaster D.actor( ) 16. A.quality B.conclusion C.value D.frustration( ) 17. A.It B.One C.We D.They( ) 18. A.involve B.supply C.charge D.familiarize( ) 19. A.go through B.build up C.show off D.wipe out( ) 20. A.available B.particular C.attractive D.dependable( ) 21. A.apart from B.as well as C.instead of D.better than( ) 22. A.impressive B.systematic C. dominant D.difficult( ) 23. plete B.broken C.careful D.disgusting( ) 24. A.better B.worse C.negative D.unfair( ) 25.A.simplified B.overwhelming C.silent D.desperate( ) 26.A.celebrate B.represent C.depress D.provide( ) 27.A.practice B.material C.knowledge D.amount( ) 28.A.respect B.check C.boost D.desert( ) 29.A.suggestion B.feedback C.promotion D.inspiration( )30.A.where B.why C.how D.whetherⅢ. 阅读理解(共12题,每小题2分,共24分)APrimary education is compulsory in Britain. It begins at five in Great Britain and four in Northern Ireland. All children have to attend primary school and they finish their primary education at the age of 11. In addition to the many state primary schools which don’t ask their pupils to pay fees, there are also some fee paying independent primary schools. The most famous fee—paying primary school are the preparatory schools which admit children from 7 to 13 years old.Primary schools are almost mixed sex and usually located close to child’s home. Children tend to be with the same group throughout the day and one teacher has responsibility for most of the work they do. But parents are strongly encouraged to help their children, particularly with reading and writing, and small amounts of homework are set to all children after school.Scotland has its own qualification framework that is separate from that in England, wales and Northern Ireland. After seven years of primary education and four years of compulsory secondary education, students aged 15 to 16 may take the Scottish Certificate of Education. The Scottish Certificate of Education is recognized through out the UK as the equivalent to A-levels and is usually the entry qualification for university.British universities are funded directly by central government grants. They enjoy complete academic freedom, appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degree. Admission is by selection on the basis of A-level results, school references and an interview. Higher education in Britain is not compulsory and students would have to pay fees, but the government would give students financial help if they need the help. There are some 90 universities, including the Open University in Britain. The most famous ones are Oxford and Cambridge. There is also the Open University which is “open” to all that want to continue to study, mainly adult students.31.The first paragraph function is .A.a reviewB. a commentC. an introductionD. an explanation32.Students are expected to complete primary education at the age of .A.11B. 13C. 15D.1633、Which of following is TRUE? .A.It is easier for Scottish students to enter university without A-levels.B.Central government offers fund to British universities directly.C.Scottish Certificate of Education is partially recognized in the UK.D.Scotland has same qualification framework as other parts of UK have.34.We can learn from the last paragraph that .A.students with financial problem are rejected by universitiesB.Open University is available to everyone except adult studentsC.British universities have all the rights on academic affairsD.British government determines the appointment of university staffBThe authors of the study,released Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the Sept 11 attacks,said that despite years of government efforts to enhance disaster preparedness. schools need to do more to plan for disasters and parents need to be made a ware of the plans. Among parents of school-age children,45 percent said they do not know the location where their children would be evacuated as part of the school’s disaster plan.“There should be an outcry from parents to push their schools and their school districts to develop a plan that makes sense.”said Irwin Redlener,presidentof the children’s health fund.The federal department of homeland security has allocated billions of dollars to help state and local government set up disaster contingency plans.but just 44% of the u.s.residents surveyed this year said they have all or some of the basic elements of a disaster preparedness plan,including food,water,a flashlight with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation.Parents said Thursday they were not surprised by the finding that most of them would disregard evacuation orders and pick up their children. Diana Enen,a mother or three said,“ As a mom,you wouldn’t be able to keep me away from picking up my children.My first instinct would be to get them at all costs. I would literally run the entire distance to get them.I believe most parent would feel the same.”35.what would most U.S. parents do in a disaster ?________A.They ignored orders to reunite with their children.B.They would try all they can to hinder the traffic.C.They would like to help police deal with traffic congestion.D.They blamed school for the terrible disaster preparedness pan.36.We can learn from the second paragraph that _________A.parents care little about the disaster planB.there is an outcry to enlarge school districtsC.schools should do more in the disaster preparednessD.places for children to evacuate are known to all parents37.According to the text, ______of the school-age children’s parents are not sure where there children will be evacuated in a disaster.A.44%B. 45%C. 63%D. 66%38.It can be inferred from the text that __________A .Reasonable plans for disasters should be developedB. U.S. government has been well prepared for disastersC.Parents are expected to take children home in a disasterD.U.S. schools and government protect children at all costsCEveryone agrees that innovation is key to solving the many challenges we face as a country from health care to education to the environment, and is fundamental to restoring economic growth and prosperity. But I would put it a slightly different way. We must find a way to rebuild the “innovation infrastructure” in this county.The problem is not that Americans aren’t as inherently innovative as ever-we are. And the level of interest among Americans in the process of innovation-determining the best recipes to make it happen-has been skyrocketing over the past few years. For example, the number of times the word “innovation” appeared in Google news stores has increased by approximately five from Obama’s inauguration to today. Google the term “innovation” and you’ll get 342 million hits, approximately half the 676 million hits that “Obama”generates. And according to hash tags org, Innovation is trending about the same rate as deficit.Our problem is that the system is failing our citizens. The “seed corn” of innovation-creative ideas…fundamental rate it was before. Viable “seed corn” requires an innovation infrastructure in which bright minds are provided the resources and freedom to create and invent according to their passions and curiosities, to take bold risks, and even to fail. Such an innovation infrastructure thrived in the U.S. in the late 20th century as a collaboration that put Americans on the moon, andto the personal computer, the Internet, and the era of genomic medicine.Americans are ready and willing to embrace the goal of once again leading the world in innovation. This could be the moon shot for the next decade that unifies our country. However, we are at a tremendous disadvantage unless the innovation infrastructure of this country is rebuilt. This requires a new collaboration among government, industry and academia-one that is suited to the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, and that restores the bold risk taking and action orientation of earlier times.39.According to the author, innovation in American has______.A.gone completely lost nowadaysB.been weakened graduallyD.been taken back in Obama’s day e to a turning point40、What can we get from hash tags org’s findings?______.A.Innovation will finally drag the development of economy.B.People show the same concern in innovation as that in deficit.C.Innovation can arouse more interest in people than Obama can.D.Obama has to focus on rebuilding Americans tradition in innovation.41.Today’s structures of innovation need to be rebuilt because______.A.Americans have lost interest in innovation during the past years.B.too many risky ideas have destroyed people’s Confidence in innovationC.institutions, government and business cannot cooperate effectively as beforeD.the essential elements of innovation have lost it’s energy for development42.The main content of the text can be summarized as ______.A.The main problem about innovation and the solution.B.The optimistic aspects of the development of innovation.C.The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of innovation.D.The pessimistic prediction of the development of innovation.IV翻译(共5题,每小题2分,共10分)将下列短文中画线的句子翻译成中文。
(√ )8.现代化教学手段(媒体)对小学英语教学极为有效,传统教学手段则缺乏生气,如果学校缺乏现代化教学手段,教师只好用一张嘴、一本书、一枝粉笔进行教学。
1. 小学英语教学的重点是。
A. 组织课堂教学活动B. 培养学生自学英语的能力C. 帮助学生模仿√D.培养学生用英语进行交流的能力和兴趣2. 小学英语教材要有利于培养学生的学习兴趣与语感,了解英语国家的文化、习俗,学生对异国文化的正确态度。
2024年安徽教师招聘考试真题小学英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Anhui Primary School English Teacher Recruitment ExamPart I Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line though the centre.Passage 1Linda is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. She believes that the most important part of teaching English is to make learning fun and engaging for her students. She loves to incorporate songs, games, and hands-on activities into her lessons to keep her students interested and motivated.1. What does Linda think is the most important part of teaching English?A. HomeworkB. Songs, games and activitiesC. GrammarD. Tests2. How does Linda make learning fun and engaging for her students?A. By giving a lot of homeworkB. By incorporating songs, games, and activities into her lessonsC. By lecturing for long periods of timeD. By not allowing any breaks during class3. What is Linda's job?A. A doctorB. A chefC. A police officerD. An English teacherPassage 2Tom is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. He believes that the key to successful language learning is practice. He encourages his students to practice speaking English as much as possible both in and out of the classroom. Tom also believes that it is important for students to make mistakes and learn from them.4. According to Tom, what is the key to successful language learning?A. Reading textbooksB. Practicing speaking as much as possibleC. Memorizing grammar rulesD. Avoiding making mistakes5. How does Tom encourage his students to practice speaking English?A. By only allowing them to speak in ChineseB. By encouraging them to practice speaking as much as possibleC. By making them write essays instead of speakingD. By never allowing them to speak in class6. What does Tom think is important for students to do?A. Make mistakesB. Never ask questionsC. Memorize everything perfectlyD. Never practice speakingPassage 3Emily is a primary school English teacher in Anhui. She believes that building relationships with her students is the key to a successful teaching experience. Emily spends time getting to know each of her students and understanding their individual needs. She believes that by building a strong relationship with each student, she is better able to help them succeed.7. What does Emily believe is the key to a successful teaching experience?A. Giving a lot of homeworkB. Taking attendance every dayC. Building relationships with studentsD. Ignoring student needs8. How does Emily build a strong relationship with her students?A. By not talking to themB. By understanding their individual needs and getting to know each studentC. By only teaching grammarD. By always being strict and never being friendly9. What does Emily think will help her students succeed?A. Memorizing everything perfectlyB. Building strong relationships with each studentC. Only focusing on grammarD. Not caring about student needsPart II Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: There are sentences in this part. Each sentence has one word underlined. Choose the one word that is not correct. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.11. I enjoy listen to music in my free time.B. listenC. inD. time12. The cat's fur is soft and fluzzy.A. cat'sB. furC. fluzzyD. and13. Tom always do his homework before dinner.A. alwaysB. doC. beforeD. dinner14. Mary can plays the piano very well.A. canB. playsD. well15. The students are study hard for the exam next week.A. areB. studyC. forD. examPart III Dialogue Completion (10 points)Directions: There are five dialogue in this part. Each dialogue has one dialogue and five dialogues following it. Select the best dialogue to complete the conversation and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.16. A: What are you going to do this evening?B: _____.A. I go shoppingB. I go to the moviesC. I'm going to the moviesD. I'm going to shopping17. A: Can I help you with anything? B: _____.A. Yes, thank you. I need some helpB. No, thank you. I need some helpC. Yes, please. I need some helpD. No, I'm fine18. A: How do you like your coffee?B: _____.A. I don't like my coffeeB. I love itC. I like it with cream and sugarD. I like it with tea19. A: What do you do in your free time? B: _____.A. I go swimmingB. I am swimC. I like swimmingD. I swim20. A: Can you speak English?B: _____.A. Yes, I canB. Yes, I speakC No, I'm notD. No, I can'tPart IV Writing (50 points)Directions: Write an essay of 150-200 words according to the following topic. You are required to write in script and in order of fundraising, language organization, and grammatical accuracy.Topic: The Importance of Technology in EducationTechnology plays a vital role in education today, enhancing the learning experience for students and providing teachers with valuable tools for instruction. With the use of technology, students can access a wealth of information at their fingertips, collaborate with peers on projects, and engage with interactive learning materials. Teachers can utilize technology to createdynamic lesson plans, assess student progress, and provide personalized feedback. In today's digital age, technology has become an essential component of education, preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.In conclusion, the integration of technology in education is crucial for the success of both students and teachers. It provides opportunities for enhanced learning, increased engagement, and improved outcomes. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for educators to embrace new tools and methods to ensure that students are prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.Overall, the 2024 Anhui Primary School English Teacher Recruitment Exam covers a variety of topics including reading comprehension, vocabulary, dialogues, and writing. Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly and showcase their English proficiency in order to succeed in the examination. Good luck to all participants in the exam!篇22024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam - Primary School EnglishPart I: Listening ComprehensionSection 1: Listen and circle the correct picture.1. Where is the boy? A. In the bedroom B. In the classroom C. In the gardenSection 2: Listen and choose the correct answer.2. What does Sarah want to do this weekend?A. Go swimmingB. Watch a movieC. Have a picnicSection 3: Listen and fill in the blanks.3. The dog is _______ the table.4. The cat is _______ the sofa.Part II: Reading ComprehensionRead the passage and answer the questions.Saving WaterWater is an important resource that we should all try to conserve. Here are some tips on how to save water at home:1. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.2. Use a watering can instead of a hose to water your plants.3. Fix any leaky faucets in your house.4. Take shorter showers.Questions:1. Why is it important to save water?2. What can you use to water your plants instead of a hose?3. What should you do if you have a leaky faucet in your house?4. How can you save water while showering?Part III: Grammar1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:I _______ (go) to the park every weekend.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:My book is _______ the desk.3. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice:The teacher is teaching the students.Part IV: WritingWrite a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Include information about what it looks like, where it lives, and what it eats.Overall, the 2024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam for Primary School English covers listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. Make sure to study and practice these areas before the exam to improve your chances of success. Good luck to all the applicants!篇32024 Anhui Teacher Recruitment Exam Real Test Elementary School EnglishPart I: Choose the right answer1. ( ) How are you today?A. I'm 10 years old.B. I'm fine, thank you.C. I'm a teacher.2. ( ) What's your name?A. My name is Li Lei.B. I'm 12 years old.C. I'm from China.3. ( ) Where are you from?A. I like swimming.B. I'm from Japan.C. I'm sorry.4. ( ) What is the weather like today?A. It's Tuesday.B. It's sunny.C. I'm a doctor.5. ( ) What do you like to eat?A. I like playing basketball.B. I like ice cream.C. I'm a student.Part II: Fill in the blanks with the right words1. My mother is a __________. She teaches English at a school.2. I have two brothers and one __________.3. Today is my __________ birthday. I am very happy.4. The sun is shining and the sky is __________.5. What is your favorite __________? Mine is orange.Part III: Read and answer the questionsMy name is Jack. I live in Anhui. I go to a primary school. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. We have a cat. Its name is Mimi. We play with Mimi every day. My favorite subject is English. I like to play basketball with my friends after school.1. What is the boy's name?2. How many siblings does he have?3. What is the name of their cat?4. What is Jack's favorite subject?5. What does Jack like to do after school?Part IV: Write a short paragraph about yourselfIntroduce yourself. Talk about your family, hobbies, favorite subject, and what you like to do after school.Remember to use capital letters and punctuation.Good luck with your exam!。
安徽2024教师英语考试真题及答案Anhui 2024 Teacher's English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A:1. According to the article, what is the main reason for the decline in honeybee populations worldwide?A. PesticidesB. Climate changeC. Habitat lossD. Disease2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of honeybees pollinating crops?A. Increased crop yieldsB. Higher quality fruits and vegetablesC. Reduced insect populationsD. Improved biodiversitySection B:3. What is the author's main argument in the passage?A. Organic farming methods are better for the environmentB. Pesticides are necessary for modern agricultureC. Crop diversity is important for sustainable agricultureD. Honeybees are essential for food production4. What does the phrase "native vegetation" mean in the context of the passage?A. Plants that are found naturally in a certain areaB. Invasive species that threaten local biodiversityC. Wildflowers that attract pollinatorsD. Crops that have been genetically modifiedPart II: Writing (60 points)Question 1: Write an essay discussing the impact of climate change on agriculture in Anhui province. Include examples of specific challenges faced by farmers and potential solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.Question 2: Imagine you are a teacher in Anhui province and you have been asked to develop a new English curriculum for elementary school students. Outline your approach to designingthe curriculum, including the goals and objectives, teaching methods, and assessment strategies.Part III: Listening Comprehension (30 points)You will listen to a series of recordings and answer questions based on the content.Section A: You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their favorite books.Section B: You will listen to a news report about a new initiative to reduce plastic waste in Anhui province.Part IV: Speaking (50 points)Question 1: Describe a memorable experience you had while teaching English in Anhui province. Include details about the lesson, the students' reaction, and the outcome of the activity.Question 2: Discuss the importance of incorporating technology into the English classroom. Provide examples of specific tools or resources that can enhance students' language learning experience.Answers:1. A. Pesticides2. C. Reduced insect populations3. D. Honeybees are essential for food production4. A. Plants that are found naturally in a certain areaQuestion 1:Climate change has had a significant impact on agriculture in Anhui province, leading to unpredictable weather patterns, water shortages, and increased pest infestations. Farmers are facing challenges such as crop failures, reduced yields, and decreased profitability. To mitigate these effects, farmers can adopt sustainable farming practices, including crop rotation, water conservation measures, and organic pest control methods.Question 2:In designing a new English curriculum for elementary school students in Anhui province, my goal is to develop students' language skills, cultural awareness, and critical thinking abilities. The curriculum will focus on interactive learning activities, such as role-playing, group projects, and multimedia presentations. Assessment strategies will include regular quizzes, projects, and oral presentations to evaluate students' progress and understanding.Overall, the Anhui 2024 Teacher's English Exam covers a wide range of topics related to teaching English in the province, including reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking. It assesses teachers' knowledge and skills in delivering high-quality English instruction to students in Anhui province.。
小学英语教师专业知识考试题(含答案)第一部分:语言知识1. 英语字母表共有多少个字母?答案:26个字母。
2. 请列出英语元音字母。
答案:a, e, i, o, u。
3. 请列出英语辅音字母。
答案:b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z。
4. 下列单词中哪个是动词?a) book b) cat c) run d) hat答案:c) run。
5. 下列单词中哪个是名词?a) blue b) swim c) happy d) dog 答案:d) dog。
第二部分:教学知识1. 请解释什么是英语的四个基本技能?答案:英语的四个基本技能是听、说、读、写。
2. 请列举几种用于小学英语教学的教具和资源。
3. 在英语教学中,如何促进学生的听力能力?答案:促进学生的听力能力可以通过播放录音、讲解有趣的故事、进行听力游戏等方式来实现。
4. 请列举几种常用的英语教学方法。
5. 英语的语法在教学中有何重要性?答案:英语的语法是学生正确理解和表达英语的基础,它可以帮助学生正确运用词汇和句法结构进行沟通和交流。
第三部分:教育理论1. 请解释什么是学生中心教学法?答案:学生中心教学法是一种以学生为中心的教学模式,注重培养学生的主动参与、自主研究和批判性思维能力。
2. 思维导图是什么?答案:思维导图是将思维过程以图表的形式展现出来,通过标注和连接关键词,帮助学生整理和组织思维。
3. 请解释什么是多元智能理论?答案:多元智能理论是由霍华德·加德纳提出的,认为每个人具有多个智能类型,包括语言智能、逻辑数学智能、空间智能等等。
2024年安徽教师招聘考试真题小学英语English:In 2024 Anhui elementary school teacher recruitment exam, the English test may focus on assessing the candidates' proficiency in English language, as well as their ability to teach English to young learners. The exam may include sections on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. The grammar section may cover topics such as tenses, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions, while the vocabulary section may include synonyms, antonyms, and word formation. The reading comprehension section may involve passages about everyday topics, and candidates may be required to answer questions based on the passages. In the writing section, candidates may be asked to write a short essay or a letter on a given topic. Overall, the exam aims to evaluate the candidates' overall English language skills and their potential to teach English effectively in a primary school setting.中文翻译:在2024年安徽小学教师招聘考试中,英语考试可能着重评估考生的英语语言水平,以及他们教授英语给年幼学习者的能力。
安徽省小学英语教师招聘考试真题English:The Anhui province elementary school English teacher recruitment exam typically includes questions on English grammar, comprehension, vocabulary, as well as teaching methodology and educational theory. Candidates may be tested on their knowledge of phonetics, syntax, and sentence structure, as well as their ability to analyze and interpret English texts. They may also be required to demonstrate their understanding of classroom management techniques, lesson planning, and assessment methods. The exam may consist of multiple choice questions, essay questions, and teaching simulations to assess the candidates' language proficiency, teaching skills, and overall suitability for the job. To succeed in the exam, candidates should focus on developing a strong foundation in English language and pedagogy, as well as staying updated on current trends and best practices in English language teaching.Translated content:安徽省小学英语教师招聘考试通常包括英语语法、理解、词汇,以及教学方法论和教育理论方面的问题。
安徽省小学英语教师招聘考试真题Anhui Province Primary School English Teacher Recruitment Exam QuestionsSection 1: Reading Comprehension (50 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below:Passage 1:The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The Wall was first built over 2,000 years ago to protect China from invaders. It stretches over 13,000 miles across the northern part of China. The Wall is made of brick, stone, wood, and other materials.Questions:1. Why was the Great Wall of China built?2. How long is the Great Wall of China?3. What materials were used to build the Wall?Passage 2:Roses are popular flowers around the world. They come in many colors such as red, pink, white, and yellow. Roses have a sweet smell that many people enjoy. They are often used inbouquets for special occasions like weddings and Valentine's Day.Questions:1. What colors can roses come in?2. What occasion are roses often used for?3. What is one characteristic of roses that people enjoy?Section 2: Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points)1. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form: She _____ to school every day. (go)2. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blank: The book is _____ the table. (on / in / under)3. Identify the correct homophone for the word "their": a) they're b) there c) yourSection 3: Writing (20 points)Write a short essay (minimum 150 words) on one of the following topics:1. My favorite holiday and why.2. The importance of learning a second language.3. My goals as a primary school English teacher.Good luck on the exam and remember to double-check your answers before submitting!。
安徽教师招聘考试中小学英语刷题答案目录基础题 (1)必刷题 (30)2020年安徽教师招聘习题集-小学英语参考答案基础题一、单项选择(一)1.【答案】B。
解析:It doesn’t matter意为“没关系”;Sure,I’ll be glad to 意为“当然可以,很乐意效劳”;Yes,I'll take.意为“好的,我(捎个口信)”;I can help you则意为“我能帮你”。
解析:and表并列,递进关系的连词;But表转折关系的连词;for 表原因;or,否则,表转折关系的连词。
解析:do harm to对……有害。
A.ridiculous可笑的,荒谬的;B.shabby破旧的;/doc/5a377273ef630b1c59eef8c75fbf c77da369976a.html fortable舒服的;D.convenient方便的,便利的。
202X年X某市小学英语教师招考试题( 本试题总分值100分,考试时间15 0分)〔一〕单项填空。
〔〕1.There is “u〞and “s〞in the word use.A.a, a B.a, an C.an, an D.an, a〔〕2.He has more books than I.A.so B.many C.much D.too〔〕3.He couldn’t run to catch the bus .A.fast enough B.quick enoughC.enough fast D.enough quick〔〕4.He is young to go to school.A.so B.very C.quite D.too〔〕5.Please call me if he back tomorrow.A.comes B.come C.will come D.came〔〕6.He’s never read this book,A.doesn’t he B.is he C.hasn’t he D.has he〔〕7.bad weather it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.How a〔〕8.There is going to a class meeting this afternoon.A.have B.has C.is D.be〔〕9.We found important to study English well.A.which B.that C.it D.this〔〕10.The man here for three days.A.has left B.has come C.has been D.has arrived 〔二〕完形填空。
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I.单项填空(一共15题,每题1分,共计15分)1.Teaching,a test of(A),intelligence and teamwork skills, requires a lot of energy .A. patienceB. Position C .privacy D .direction2.Reading authentic writings is one of the best ways to(D)our English vocabulary.A. spreadB. extend C .organize D. enrich3.In order to avoid being cheated ,Internet Users should bear it in mind to surf a(B)website.A.briefB.legalC through D.straight4.I don’t mind picking up your things from the store.,the walk will do me good.A.EntirelyB.StillC.OtherwiseD.Besides5.---We want someone to design a poster for our school’s 100th anniversary. ----Harry is good at it. he have a try?第一第三人称表示请求A.NeedB.WillC.ShallD.Must6.Chinese parents, western parents are also concerned about children’s health.A.As toB. In common withC.contrary toD.But for7.Our school library will be over the weekend to update its computer system.A.counted downB.pulled downC.shut downD.cut down8.---Are you going to take the job as a shop assistant?----Certainly ,though the salary is not so good, ,you know.A.never put off till tomorrow what you can do todayB .one false step will make a great difference 失之毫厘,谬以千里C A bird in the hand is worth to in the bush 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林百鸟在林不如一鸟在手B.One tree does not make a forest 独木不成林.9.It was 10 O’clock Jill arrived at the office ,which made the boss annoyed .A.whenB.thatC.whichD.then10.Lucy is great to work with ---I really couldn’t find apartner.A.betterB.goodC.worseD.bad11.----Don’t worry, Dad. The doctor said it was not the MERS, only the flu. 中东呼吸综合征-----! I’ll tell Mum.A.you betB. What a reliefC.No wonderD.What a pity12.If it ______ for his bad cold .Rick would have enjoyed more on his birthday party.A. is notB. were notC.has not beenD.had not been13.Chinese people eat rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival,honor of Qu Yuan.______is observed inA.thatB. whichC. whenD. where14.In the word “interchangeable”, the root is.A.interB.interchangeC.changeD.changeable15.”TO be,or not to be--that is the question”.come from, Shakespeare’s .A.OthelloB.As you like it《皆大欢喜》C.MacbethD.HamletII.完形填空(一共15题,每题1分,共计15分)Some classes may also have a wide range of ages, so all classes are mixed ability, 16the challenges are bigger in a large class. For example, 17 students may stop learning because they do not understand. The strong students sometimes dominate by gaining mostof the teacher attention and by giving all the answers. Sometimes the stronger ones stop learning because they find the work’s too 18 and get bored. It is a big 19 to the teacher of a large class to help the weaker students and to keep the stronger students motivatedso that all students succeed.One way is to 20 move students around .You can do this by asking students to move around, 21 , to move forward one row each month. This means that they all get a regular chance of sitting in the front row, which gives students the best 22 of feeling involved and of receiving maximum attention and help from the teacher.If you have a wide range of ages in your class, this may be less 23 because the older students may be taller than the younger students, and so the shorter students will need tobe 24 the taller students. But whatever your classroom situation is ,you can 25 a wayof moving students so that different students have the chance of working with each other during the term.Moving students around has other 26 too: it helps classroom discipline by preventingsmall groups, which may become disruptive(混乱)from forming. It also means that students of different abilities work together, 27 always having the stronger students in one row or group, and the weaker ones in another.The teacher’s attitude towards a large class of 28 ability students can also have agood or bad effect on their attitudes, to and successes in learning, If you use 29 wordslike “lazy” or “stupid” to students who may not 30 to be the fastest or best students in your class, you may have long term problems with motivation and discipline .16.A.but B.and C.or D.otherwise17.A.stronger18.A.instructivefort20.A.calmlyB.wiserB.easyB.benefitB.politelyC.weakerC.enjoyableC.reactionC.wildlyD.impressiveD.challengeD.regularly21.A.therefore22.A.evolution23.A.suitableB.in additionC.for exampleD.neverthelessB.chanceC.secretD.levelB.outstanding C,.straight forwardD.convincing24.A.in the middle of B.in front of C.at the back of D.next to25.A.save upB.give upC.clear outD.work out26.A.A.shortcomingsB.featuresC.advantagesD.courses27.A.apart from B.in spite ofC.regardless ofD.rather than28.A.similar29.A.negative30.A.pretendB.specializedB.promiseC.extraordinaryD.mixed 原词复现C.subjectiveC.appearD.objectiveD.failIII.阅读理解(一共12题,每题2分,共计24分)AThe Maya today number about six million people, making them the largest single block of native peoples north of Peru. Some of the largest Maya groups are found in Mexico, the most important of these being the Yucatecs 尤卡特克人(300,000),the Tzotzil“索西”(120,000)and the Tzeltal 泽尔塔尔(80,000).THe Maya have faced great challenges, some of which continue today.Some ethnologists 人种学者even doubt the ability of Maya culture to survive the attacks of the modern world .However, look at the traits which have kept the Maya culturally and physically up to date there hold on the land, devotion to their communities, and a deeply held system of belief, offer some hope.The Maya have managed to maintain many of the old ways in agriculture and trade.Like their ancestors, most Maya households engage in corn farming and many produce crafts, such as woven textiles, for sale in markets. Unlike their pre-conquestancestors ,however, many of the men must also leave their villages for the lowlands where they work part of the year on coffee and cotton plantations.The ancient Maya calendar has also survived remarkably well. In the Maya highlands,many communities still have shaman priests or”day-keepers”, whose job is to keep track of the round of days according to the Maya calendar,and to conduct traditional ceremonies forindividuals and the larger community.Maya scholars have also begun to realize that diverse Maya language groups mustband together if their culture and languages are to survive.Most heartening of all to someobservers, Maya populations are actually increasing rather than dwindlingIn numbers, and some believe that the Maya’s heightened awareness of their strength asone people with a golrious past and an ability to adapt may help them survive for centuriesto come.31.The Maya culture will, hopefully, continue to survive thanks to the traits, such as thefaith to their communities and the.A.strong belief systemB.C. agriculture and tradeB. increasing populationD.day-keeper’ bless.32.According to the passage, which of the following is true?A.there are six million Maya people living in MexicoB.The Maya never connect with the outside nowadays.C.The Maya ancestors all lived on corn and coffee.D.The ancient Maya calendar is still in use today33.The underlined word”dwindling ” in the last paragraph probably meansA.improvingB.demandingC.decreasingD.overwhelming.34.This passage is probably taken from .A.A book reviewB.A science researchC.A news reportD.A culture magazineBTourism is an essential part of Britain’s income. It employed about 1.4 million peopleand contributed about 3.5 percent to the GDP in the early 2000s .Visitors to Britain come from all over the world, with the largest number from the united States,followed by France,Germany,Ireland and Netherlands.They were attracted by Britain’s heritage and arts,historic buildings,monuments,museums and galleries.With over 27 million tourists a year,the United Kingdom is ranked as the sixth major tourist destination in the world.The British Tourist Authority,which is supported by the government,promotes tourism in Britain and maintains hundreds of Tourist Information Centers to assistvisitors.England ,Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland have their own government-supported tourist boards as well.London,the most popular tourist destination,is crowded with tourists throughout the year.Among the sites regularly visited by millions are the Tower of London,the Houses of Parliament,Buckingham Palace,and West minster Abbey. 修道院,大教堂At night visitors enjoy the hundreds of theatres and pubs in London.Liverpool is a city in the metropolitan county of Merseyside 默西赛德(郡)in northwest England-the second largest export port of Britain,and it still possesses some manufacturing bases.Liverpool is world famous as the city where the beatles came from.In Scotland,Edinburch Castle Looms over thecapital.Great cathedrals from the Middle Ages still dominate the skylines of many English cities.In Wales,the remains of Tintern Abbey and the small but beautiful Saint David’sCathedral 大教堂are outstanding.There are a lot of stately homes in Britain.Among the more famous is Blenheim Palace,the home of the Churchill family .Hampton Court Palace,just outside of London,was one of the homes of henry VIII.The Palace of the Hollywood House in Scotland was once the home of Mary,Queen of Scots.Among other worthwhile places to visit are Oxford and Cambridge,both of which are university towns with many ancient buildings,and the Tudor home in which William Shakespeare was born.35 The number of the tourists fromis ranked as the first in the United Kingdom.D. GermaryA.FranceherlandsC.the United States36.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The British Tourist Authority is owned by OxfordB.The Beatles brought great reputation to LiverpoolC. C.Liverpool is the most popular tourist destinationD.D.William Shakespeare’s hometown is Merseyside 默西塞德郡(英格兰一郡名)37 Was one of the homes of Henry VIII 亨利八世A.Hampton Court Palace 汉普顿宫Blenheim Palace 布莱尼姆宫B.The Tower of London D. The Tudor home38.The main purpose of the passage is toA.give a definitionB.raise an argumentC.make an explanationD.offer an introductionCToday ,learning English involves much more than studying a text book and doing tests. Let’s look at a couple of the most popular social networking opportunities available to you .小学教育综合知识试卷第5页(共6页)Twitter is a social networking site that demands precision of expression where each post or”Tweet”you can make is limited to 140 characters. Therefore, you’re forced to choose your words carefully and to convey your message clearly .This is excellent for improving your English as you eliminate unnecessary words.Facebook is a social networking service where by users can create a personal profile,add to her users as friends, and exchange messages. You can post text, pictures, images, video, and music on your Facebook page .You gain English writing experience through composing your various messages. Facebook exposes you to a significant selection of writing (text)in which to build your English skills.SkypeSkype is a computer software application that allows users to make calls over theInternet Calls to other users of the skype service are free.Skype allows you to talk, and /or text and add videos.As concerns improving your English skills,skype gets youtalking.Consequently,you converse,which is putting your English speaking and listening skills into action.There are even teachers on skype who offer traditional English lessons and there are conversational groups that meet more informally.LinkedIn 领英If facebook and Twitter sound a bit frivolous 无聊的for your tastes,you might prefer LinkedIn which is a social networking site for professionals.It’s an excellent site forconnecting with other professionals,be it in business or other organisations.YouTubeYouTube is a video sharing ers upload,share and view videos on this social networking site.Learning English via YouTube involves listening to the language via the videos you view.You also learn through reading the lomments posted in English,situated below each video.Flickr 网络相簿Flickr is a social networking site with a difference, because you build contact withpeople by sharing photographs, and short videos.If you have a digital camera, you canshare your life with an online community. There are groups for countries, hobbies, animals,just about anything you can think of.When you choose some where to network,keep some control over the information you display.39.According to the passage, people have to convey their messages precisely and clearly on Twitter because.A.they have to make room for profilesB.B.it is excellent to improve their EnglishC..there is a word limit to each post.D.Other users need to post the comments40.If you want to enjoy video-calling services, you can down load a soft ware application named.A.FlickrB.SkypeC.YouTubeD.Facebook41.What might follow the end of the last paragraph?A.Advice on displaying information on the InternetB.Introduction of some other English learning websitesC.Suggestions of building contact with other peopleD.Advantages of sharing one’s life with friends online.42.The passage may be mainly for .A.English learnersB. photograph loversC.foreign travelersD. designers of websites IV.翻译(共计10分)(43)It is generally agreed that people read to understand the meaning of thetext.(44)However,there are three different models proposed 提出建议about how readers actually arrive at the meaning.(45)Here is the “Bottom up”model which proposes that readers build up the meaning of the text letter by letter,word by word and sentence by sentence.(46)Until one level of processing has finished the next can not begin.(47)Theybuild up the meaning of the parts of the text and in this way eventually arrive at themeaning of the whole. (Top-down /bottom--- up/interactive reading model. A bottom-up reading model emphasizes a single-direction, part-to-whole processing of a text. )(语言表述通顺,主要意义表达清楚即可,参考译文:)人们一般认为阅读是为了理解文本的意义,然而人们提出了三种读者如何实际理解意义的模式。