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1 疾病:
过敏性鼻炎allergic rhinitis 鼻窦炎sinusitis 咽喉炎pharyngitis
感冒have a cold 肺炎pneumonia 支气管炎bronchitis 并发症complication
呼吸疾病respiratory disease 哮喘asthma 气管炎trachitis[trə'kaitis]
肺气肿pulmonary emphysema 肺水肿pulmonary edema 胸部积水hydrothorax
上呼吸道感染upper respiratory infection 细菌bacterium infection 病毒感染virus----
2 症状
喉咙处有堵堵的感觉block feeling in the throat 喉咙痛sore thorat
咳嗽have a cough 无法入睡Cough can not sleep 容易感冒have cold easily
鼻涕多runny nose 鼻塞stuffy nose 鼻涕snot 发烧have a fever
痰多too much phlegm \excessive phlegm \ sputum 白痰white phlegm 黄痰yellow phlegm 头痛headache 偏头痛migraine 头晕dizzy 喘athsma
呼吸困难dyspnea 食管esophagus 食管反流esophageal reflux
短气short of breath 扁桃体肿大tonsil swelling 嗳气eructation
口腔溃疡ulcer in the mouth
1 疾病
胃炎:gastritis 浅表性胃炎superficial gastriti 萎缩性胃炎atrophic gastritis 胃癌gastric cancer 胃穿孔gastric perforation/stomach perforation 胃溃疡gastric ulcer 胃肠功能紊乱gastrintestinal dysfunction 乙肝hepatitis B 痢疾dysentery
阑尾炎appendicitis 肠炎enteritis 脂肪肝fat liver 肝硬化hepatocirrhosis
消化不良indigestion 胰腺pancreas 胰腺炎pancreatitis 息肉polyp
胆囊gallbladder 胆囊炎cholecystitis 胆汁bile
胆汁反流bile reflux 胆汁反流性胃炎bile reflux gastritis
胆结石gall bladder stone 胆息肉gall bladder polyp 痔疮haemorrhoids
十二指肠球部duodenal bulb 直肠rectum 回肠ileum 空肠Jejunum 结肠colon
肠易激irritable bowel 结肠炎colonitis
胃痛stomachache 胃胀stomach bloating 腹胀abdominal bloating
胃部灼烧感Burning feeling in stomachs 胃肠道反应Gastrointestinal reaction
脐周痛pain around navel 肠鸣intestine movement strengthen胁胀both flank bloating
打嗝、呃逆hiccup\belch 吐酸水Spit out sour water 想吐want to vomit 恶心nausea 干呕retch 下腹坠胀感pendent bloating in one’s lower abdomen
肝区不适liver area discomfortable 厌食anorexia
肛门anus 放屁fart 里急后重tenesmu
分泌胃酸secrete stomach acid 转氨酶高ALT high 贲门区cardia area(of stomach)
HP high 幽门螺旋杆菌阳性
1 疾病
肾炎nephritis 慢性肾炎chronic --- 急性肾炎acute--
急进性肾小球肾炎rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
肾衰renal failure 慢性肾衰chronic--- 急性肾衰acute---
肾病综合征nephrotic syndrome 蛋白尿urine protein
尿毒症uremia 腹膜透析peritoneal dialysis 血液透析hemodialysis
尿路感染urinary tract infection 泌尿道结石urinary stone 尿道炎urethritis
2 症状
水肿edema 遗尿enuresis 脱发lose one's hair\alopecia
尿急urgent urination 尿频frequent urination 尿痛pain in urination
血尿hematuria 尿浊urine turbidity
阴道疾病vagina diseases 外阴疾病genital diseases 子宫疾病uterine diseases
输卵管oviduct/fallopian tube 输卵管疾病tubal diseas 卵巢疾病ovatian disease
巧克力囊肿chocolate cyst 白带leukorrhea 白带增多luekorrhagia
妇科炎症gynecological inflammation 流产abortion 性病venereal
月经不调irregular menstruation月经过多menorrhagia月经过少hypomenorrhea
月经提前early menstruation月经延迟menstruation delay 月经过频epimenorrhea
痛经dysmenorrhea 闭经amenorrhea 不孕sterility
子宫肌瘤uterine fibroids 子宫内膜异位症endometriosis 子宫内膜炎endometritis
子宫内膜癌endometrial 宫颈癌cancer of cervix
宫颈炎cervicitis 附件炎adnexitis 阴道炎colpitis
盆腔pelvic 盆腔炎pelvic inflammation
宫颈息肉cervical polyps 宫颈肥大hypertrophy 宫颈糜烂cervical erosion
子宫脱垂uterine prolapse 月经周期menstrual cycle 月经期menses
乳腺炎mastitis 乳腺增生breastdistending 痤疮acne 乳腺Mammary gland 更年期综合征menopausal syndrome 宫外孕ectopic pregnancy内分泌endocrine
2 症状
血块clot 贫血anemia 乳房胀痛breast distending 痒itching
月经量blood volume 出血量the amount of bleeding
阴道灼热感burning sensation in vaginal 下腹坠胀痛pain in the lower abdomen bulge
尿频urinary frequency 尿痛pain urination 尿急urgent urination
脓性purulent 脓pus 臭smelly
怀孕pregant\pregnancy 腰酸soreness of waist
最后一次月经last menstruatiaon/period (一月January二February三March四April五May 六june七july八August九September十October十一November十二December)
妇科检查gynecological examination B超B-ultrasound 彩超color ultrasound
生殖激素测定reproductive hormone detection
LH促黄体生成素(Luteinizing Hormone E2雌二醇estradiol T睾酮testosterone
FSH促卵泡生成激素follicle stimulating hormone PRL催乳素(prolactinP孕酮progesterone
1 疾病
皮肌炎dermatomyositis 多发性肌炎polymyositis[,pɔli,maiə'saitis]
硬皮病scleroderma [,sklɪərə'dɜːmə] 痛风podagra gout uarthritis
类风湿rheumatoid 类风湿性关节炎rheumatoid arthritis 痛风gout
系统性红斑狼疮SLE:systematic lupus erythematosus 干燥综合征sicca syndrome
瑞特氏综合症Rhett's syndrome 成人斯蒂尔病AOSD ;adult onset still's disease
重叠综合症overlapping syndrome ;overlap syndrome
纤维肌痛综合症fibromyalgia syndrome 重症肌无力myasthenia gravis
强制性脊柱炎Mandatory spondylitis Ankylosing Spondylitis
甲亢hyperthyroidism 甲减Hypothyresosis Spermatorrhea 遗精
免疫缺陷病immunodeficiency disease ;common variable immunodeficiency ;SIDD
血管炎vasculitis angeitis 应性血管炎Allergic vasculitis;hypersensitivity angiitis
荨麻疹性血管炎urticarial vasculitis 变应性皮肤血管炎allergic cutaneous vasculitis;ACV变乙肝相关性关节炎Hepatitis b correlation arthritis
抗磷脂综合症antiphospholipid syndrome
2 症状
雷诺现象Raynaud's phenomenon . occupational Raynaud's phenomenon
癫痫epilepsia 抑郁症tristimania[tristi'meiniə] 管型尿cylindruria
关节肿痛Joint gall 咽痛pharyngalgia[færin'gældʒiə] 贫血anemia
淋巴结肿大lymphadenectasis enlargement of lymph nodes
精神紧张psychentonia 抗感染anti-infection
血管扩张剂vasodilator substance 阿司匹林aspirin
糖皮质激素glucocorticoid[,ɡlʊko'kɔrtɪ,kɔɪd] 免疫抑制剂immunosuppressive
肾上腺皮质激素adrenocortical hormone
口淡无味blank in taste 口苦bitter in taste 口干thirst
手心发热Palm fever 脚心发热sole 潮热hot flash 低热low-grade fever
汗多sweating too much\hyperhidrosis 自汗spontaneous sweating 盗汗night sweating 睡眠质量不好bad sleep quality 嗜睡drowsiness like to sleep at daytime
下半夜睡不着can’t sleep well after midnight 梦多dream too much
胃口appetite 饭量大good appetite 饭量小poor--
腹泻diarrhea 便秘conpatision 大便软sofe stool 大便干硬dry stool大便稀wattery-- 大便不成形lose stool 水样便stools look like water 大便粘液多mucus in the stools
怕冷fear cold\ keep away form cold 疲劳tiredness 没精神lack of energy
面白pale complexion 面色萎黄sallow complexion 面色晦暗dark ---
四肢乏力limbs weakness 四肢麻木limbs numbness 四肢冰冷limbs cold
胸闷tight chest 耳鸣tinnitus 耳聋deafness 脱水dehydrate
脱发lose one's hair\alopecia 蚁行感ant line feeling 心悸palpitation
温热体质warm cinstitution
心脏病heart attack 高血压hypertension 痤疮acne 失眠insomnia
调节心率adjust heart rate 心梗MI Myocardial infarction
糖尿病diabetes 高血糖high blood sugar低血糖lower --长效胰岛素long acting insuline
荨麻疹nettle-rash 湿疹eczema 疱疹herpes 贫血Anemia
冠心病coronary heart disease 脑梗Cerebral infarction
脑萎缩Brain atrophy 脑出血Cerebral hemorrhage
骨折fracture 淋巴腺瘤lymphadenoma \lymp gland tumor 青光眼glaucoma
股骨头坏死Femoral head necrosis
化疗chemotherapy 抗生素antibiotic 平滑肌疼痛smooth muscle pain 头皮屑Scurf 肿瘤标记物tumor mark 白细胞White blood cell 血小板blood platelet
血常规blood routine examination
内分泌Endocrine 新陈代谢Metabolism营养Nutrition 淋巴组织Lymph tissue
菊花Chrysanthemum 茉莉花Jasmine
基因改造生物Genetically modified organism (GMO)。
