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第42卷第3期原子能科学技术Vo l.42,N o.3 2008年3月Atomic Ener gy Science and T echno logy M ar.2008核电设备状态监测与故障诊断系统的研究刘永阔1,夏虹1,谢春丽1,2,沈季1(11哈尔滨工程大学核科学与技术学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;21东北林业大学交通运输工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040)摘要:故障诊断系统可作为先进核电站仪表控制系统的重要辅助工具。

本文介绍1种用于核电设备的状态监测及故障诊断系统,该系统的系统程序用V isual Basic610开发,并集数据采集、状态监测、故障诊断于一体,功能完善,操作使用方便。



关键词:核电设备;状态监测;神经网络;故障诊断中图分类号:T L361文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-6931(2008)03-0200-06Research on S tate Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Systemof Nuclear Power EquipmentLIU Yong-kuo1,XIA H ong1,XIE Chun-li1,2,SH EN Ji1(11Colleg e o f N uclear Science and T echnolog y,H arbin Engineer ing Univers ity,H ar bin150001,China;21Colleg e of T r af f ic and T r ansp or tatio n Engineer ing,N o rtheast Fo restr y Univer sity,H ar bin150040,China)Abstract:The fault diag nosis sy stem can serve as an im por tant auxiliary too l of ad-v anced instrument and contr ol sy stem of nuclear pow er plant.T his paper introduces a kind of state monito ring and fault diagnosis sy stem fo r nuclear pow er equipment.The system w hose system prog ram w as co ded w ith Visual Basic610was integrated w ith functions o f data acquisition,state mo nitoring and fault diagnosis and w as robust and easy to operate.In order to confirm the v alidity of this system,the simulatio n ex per-i m ent w as carried out on a nuclear pow er plant simulato r.The ex perim ental r esults show that the sy stem can com pletely and accurately identify the ty pical faults o f nuclear pow er equipment.Key words:nuclear power equipment;state monitoring;neural netw ork;fault diagnosis在美国三哩岛事故和前苏联切尔诺贝利事故后,人们对核安全更加重视:1)加强对操作收稿日期:2006-11-08;修回日期:2007-01-16作者简介:刘永阔(1977)),男,吉林梅河口人,讲师,博士研究生,核能科学与工程专业人员的培训,提高运行人员的素质;2)致力于开发各种核动力装置运行支持系统,以帮助操作人员更好地操纵反应堆,特别是更准确及时地识别并处理各种故障,保证反应堆安全运行。






1. 反应堆热工水力特性分析1.1 反应堆热工水力循环反应堆热工水力循环是反应堆系统中热能转移的重要环节。




1.2 反应堆热工水力特性分析方法反应堆热工水力特性的分析通常通过数值模拟和实验方法进行。



2. 反应堆热工水力特性设计研究2.1 热工水力特性参数设计在反应堆的设计过程中,重要的一步是确定热工水力特性参数。




2.2 热工水力特性优化设计反应堆的热工水力特性优化设计旨在提高反应堆的热能转移效率和热功率密度,以提高反应堆的运行效率和能源利用效率。



3. 反应堆热工水力特性在核能利用中的重要性反应堆热工水力特性在核能利用中起到至关重要的作用。




2.2 实验的测量系统 ···············································································································16 2.2.1 参数的测量 ···········································································································16 2.2.2 温度的测量 ···········································································································17 2.2.3 流量的测量 ···········································································································17 2.2.4 压力及压差的测量 ·······························································································18
二 核反应堆热工综合实验台 ··············································································· 2
2.1 实验装置的介绍 ·················································································································2 2.1.1 试验段管道的相关参数··························································································3 2.1.2 实验台的基本配置 ·································································································3 2.1.3 实验台的组成 ·········································································································3 2.1.4 实验台各个系统的实物图····················································································12 2.1.5 热电偶的安装 ·······································································································16 2.1.6 试验段的保温 ·······································································································16 2.1.7 实验段个测量仪表的量程及精度 ········································································16













第三章1、热传导微分方程:)c κ/(ρα))W/(m /W 1p 32⋅=⋅--∂∂⋅=+∇C m q t q t o v v热导率()体积释热率(κτακ2、圆柱体燃料元件芯块温度场:忽略轴向导热,可以推得:0122=++uvq dr dt r dr t d κ 或者由物理意义,可以写出(中心温度变化率为零):H r q drdtrH v u 22ππκ⋅=⋅⋅ 最后可以解得:密度,线功率体积释热率,表面热流:,,412420l v ulu u u u v u q q q q r q r q t t πκκκ===-3、平板形燃料元件芯块温度场:忽略轴向导热,可以推得:uv q dx td κ-=22 最后可以解得:平板半厚度-==-u u uu u v u q q t t δκδκδ22204、平板形包壳温度场: 由傅里叶定律有:dxdt q cκ-= 解得:包壳厚度-=-c cccs ci qt t δδκ5、圆壁形包壳温度场: 由傅里叶定律有:drdt rLQ c πκ2-= 最后解得:cics c l ci cs c l ci cs c cs ci d d q r r q r r LQ t t ln 2ln 2ln2πκπκπκ===- 6、单相对流换热公式:膜温差-∆∆⋅=f f hF Q θθ7、强迫对流换热:圆形通道内强迫对流换热公式D-B 公式:管道直径和特征长度冷却取加热取静止流体导热系数---======d n hd Nu a v c v d d Nu p n3.0,4.0Pr Re Pr Re 023.08.0λλλμνμρν8、沸腾曲线(参考书P37图3-9)壁面过热度sat sw t t t ∆=-(饱和温度)和热流密度的关系曲线称为沸腾曲线。




传热机理—热传导、热对流、热辐射世界上第一座反应堆是1942 年美国芝加哥大学建成的。


描述反应堆性能的参数反应堆热功率[MWh]:反应堆堆芯内生产的总热量电厂功率输出[MWe]:电厂生产的净电功率电厂净效率[%]:电厂电功率输出/反应堆热功率容量因子[%]:某时间间隔内生产的总能量/[(电厂额定功率)×该时间间隔]功率密度[MW/m3]:单位体积堆芯所产生的热功率线功率密度[kW/m]:单位长度燃料元件内产生的热功率比功率[kW/kg]:反应堆热功率/可裂变物质初始总装量燃料总装量[kg]:堆芯内燃料总质量燃料富集度[%]:易裂变物质总质量/易裂变物质和可转换物质总质量比燃耗[MWd/t]:堆芯工作期间生产的总能量/可裂变物质总质量本章主要内容1.压水堆的主要特征2 沸水堆和重水堆的主要特征3 热工水力学分析的目的与任务(这个可以忽略)第二章(本章可以覆盖部分计算题)热力学第一定律:热力系内物质的能量可以传递,其形式可以转换,在转换和传递过程中总能量保持不变。


















2.1 温度监测技术在核反应堆中,温度是一个非常重要的运行参数。




2.2 辐射监测技术反应堆放射性物质的释放始终是人们担心的问题。



2.3 燃料元件监测技术反应堆中,燃料元件是核反应的直接介质,燃料变形、燃料损坏或者其他不正常情况都可能引起反应堆运行不稳定,甚至是引起个护的事故。




核科学与核技术应用作业指导书第1章核物理基础 (3)1.1 原子核的结构 (3)1.1.1 核子 (3)1.1.2 核子间的相互作用 (3)1.1.3 原子核的稳定性 (3)1.2 核反应与核衰变 (4)1.2.1 核反应 (4)1.2.2 核衰变 (4)1.3 核力与核模型 (4)1.3.1 核力 (4)1.3.2 核模型 (4)第2章核能的释放与利用 (5)2.1 裂变反应 (5)2.2 聚变反应 (5)2.3 核能的利用与发电 (5)第3章核反应堆原理 (6)3.1 核反应堆分类与结构 (6)3.2 中子扩散与反应堆临界 (6)3.3 反应堆热力学与热工水力学 (6)第4章核电站运行与管理 (7)4.1 核电站的运行原理 (7)4.2 核电站的运行控制 (7)4.3 核电站的安全管理 (7)第5章核燃料循环 (8)5.1 核燃料的提取与制备 (8)5.1.1 提取方法 (8)5.1.2 制备过程 (8)5.2 核燃料的利用与处理 (8)5.2.1 核燃料利用 (8)5.2.2 核燃料处理 (8)5.3 核废料处理与处置 (8)5.3.1 处理方法 (8)5.3.2 处置方式 (9)5.3.3 环境保护 (9)第6章核技术应用 (9)6.1 放射性同位素应用 (9)6.1.1 医学领域 (9)6.1.2 工业领域 (9)6.1.3 环境保护领域 (9)6.2 核辐射探测技术 (9)6.2.1 射线探测器 (9)6.3 核技术在工业与农业领域的应用 (10)6.3.1 工业领域 (10)6.3.2 农业领域 (10)6.3.3 环保与公共安全领域 (10)第7章核安全与防护 (10)7.1 核与辐射危害 (10)7.1.1 核类型及成因 (10)7.1.2 辐射危害及影响 (10)7.2 核安全防护措施 (11)7.2.1 设计安全 (11)7.2.2 运行安全 (11)7.2.3 辐射防护 (11)7.3 核应急处理 (11)7.3.1 应急预案 (11)7.3.2 应急响应 (11)7.3.3 后处理 (11)第8章核不扩散与核裁军 (11)8.1 核不扩散政策与机制 (11)8.1.1 核不扩散政策 (12)8.1.2 核不扩散机制 (12)8.2 核裁军历程与现状 (12)8.2.1 核裁军历程 (12)8.2.2 核裁军现状 (12)8.3 核裁军的技术与政治问题 (12)8.3.1 技术问题 (13)8.3.2 政治问题 (13)第9章核能与可持续发展 (13)9.1 核能的可持续性评估 (13)9.1.1 资源保障 (13)9.1.2 环境影响 (13)9.1.3 技术安全 (13)9.1.4 经济性 (14)9.2 核能与环境保护 (14)9.2.1 温室气体减排 (14)9.2.2 环境友好型能源 (14)9.2.3 废物处理与处置 (14)9.3 核能在未来能源体系中的地位与作用 (14)9.3.1 促进能源结构优化 (14)9.3.2 支撑能源转型 (14)9.3.3 满足多元化能源需求 (14)9.3.4 推动能源科技创新 (15)第10章核科学与核技术的伦理问题 (15)10.1 核技术的伦理争议 (15)10.1.2 核扩散与核恐怖主义 (15)10.1.3 核废料处理与环境保护 (15)10.2 核科学与核技术的伦理原则 (15)10.2.1 人类福祉原则 (15)10.2.2 公平原则 (15)10.2.3 透明度原则 (15)10.2.4 预防原则 (15)10.3 核科学与核技术教育的伦理责任 (15)10.3.1 培养伦理意识 (15)10.3.2 强化伦理教育 (16)10.3.3 推动伦理规范制定与实施 (16)10.3.4 加强伦理研究 (16)10.3.5 促进国际交流与合作 (16)第1章核物理基础1.1 原子核的结构原子核是物质的基本组成部分,它位于原子的中心,由质子和中子组成。
















浅谈核电领域中的热工水力分析程序作者:刘强来源:《现代企业文化·理论版》2015年第11期中图分类号:TK264.1 文献标识:A 文章编号:1674-1145(2015)06-000-02摘要核电领域中的热工水力分析程序对于了解核电厂设计参数具有重要意义,并且随着核电技术的发展,热工水力分析程序在核电厂运行系统中所占据的地位也越来越重要。

































热交换器 试验段
d3V3 = 3.018 × 105 v3μ3
ΔPf3 = f3 ΔPa 3 = 0
1 ⎡ ⎛ 6 ⎞ 3⎤ 0.0015 10 ⎥ = 0.0148 f 3 = 0.0055⎢1 + ⎜ 20000 × + 5⎟ 25 2.769 × 10 ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ ⎣ ⎦ 2
L3 ρ3V3 = 5927 Pa d3 2
试推导半径为R,高度为L,包含n根垂直棒状 燃料元件的圆柱形堆芯的总释热率Qt的方程:
1 Qt = 0.275 nLAu qV ,max Fu
有一压水堆圆柱形UO2燃料元件,已知表面热 流密度为1.7 MW/m2,芯块表面温度为 400℃,芯块直径为10.0 mm,UO2密度取理 论密度的95%,计算以下两种情况燃料芯块中 心最高温度:
(1) 热导率为常数,k = 3 W/(m•℃) (2) 热导率为k = 1+3exp(-0.0005t)。
有一板状燃料元件,芯块用铀铝合金制成(铀 占22%重量),厚度为1mm,铀的富集度为 90%,包壳用0.5mm厚的铝。元件两侧用40℃ 水冷却,对流传热系数h=40000 W/(m2•℃), 假设:
ΔPel3 = ρ3 g Δz3 = −14530 Pa ρ3V32 ΔPc3 = 3K = 1483Pa 2






1. 故障诊断的方式故障诊断通常分为以下几种方式:(1)传统方法传统方法通常使用实验室测量与分析的方式进行故障诊断。









2. 预测模型的构建预测模型可以通过历史数据的分析,来预测未来的故障情况。








3. 案例介绍故障诊断和预测技术已经在实际应用中取得了显著的成果。

例如,美国核能监管委员会(NRC)利用机器学习技术,开发了一种名为CAP (Component Aging and Performance)的故障预测平台。






一、核反应堆故障检测方法1. 传感器监测核反应堆中的传感器可以实时监测各种参数,如温度、压力、流量等。



2. 振动监测核反应堆中的振动监测系统可以检测到设备的振动情况。



3. 声音监测核反应堆中的声音监测系统可以检测到设备发出的声音。



4. 图像监测核反应堆中的图像监测系统可以通过摄像头实时监测设备的运行情况。



二、核反应堆故障应急响应措施1. 紧急停堆一旦发现核反应堆中存在故障,首先要立即进行紧急停堆操作。



2. 冷却措施在核反应堆停堆后,需要采取冷却措施来降低反应堆的温度。



3. 辐射防护在核反应堆发生故障后,可能会释放出辐射物质。



4. 事故调查与修复在核反应堆发生故障后,需要进行事故调查,找出故障的原因,并采取相应的修复措施。


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REACTOR THERMAL/HYDRAULIC PROCESSES MONITORING AND AID TO DIAGNOSIS, USING ACOUSTICAL SIGNAL AND ON-LINE CALCULATIONS.K.N. ProskouriakovMoscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), RussiaAbstractThe instrumentation and control (IC) systems used in most nuclear power plants (NPP) are aimed at providing information for the purpose of safe start-up, power operation and shutdown. These tasks gained even more importance as a result of the Three Mile Island incident in the seventies. Substantial advancements in sensor and computer technologies make possible cost effective on- and off-line monitoring and diagnostics (MD). At present MD technology provides the necessary tools, techniques and procedures to obtain information about the condition of equipment and provide them to the operation, maintenance and engineering staff. Access to this information allows individuals to make timely decisions toward achieving the safety and economic goals of NPPs.IntroductionThe instrumentation and control (IC) systems used in most nuclear power plants (NPP) are aimed at providing information for the purpose of safe start-up, power operation and shutdown. These tasks gained even more importance as a result of the Three Mile Island incident in the seventies. Substantial advancements in sensor and computer technologies make possible cost effective on- and off-line monitoring and diagnostics (MD). At present MD technology provides the necessary tools, techniques and procedures to obtain information about the condition of equipment and provide them to the operation, maintenance and engineering staff. Access to this information allows individuals to make timely decisions toward achieving the safety and economic goals of NPPs.PurposeSeveral incidents have affected the internal structures (IS) of NPP units (core barrel, control rods, thermal shield, etc.) and have resulted in costly repairs. A similar situation has affected main coolant pumps (MCP) and steam generators (SG). In order to provide maintenance on such units it is desirable to detect all abnormal behaviour at a sufficiently early stage. In order to detect anomalies as soon as possible it is important to characterise various statistical features of signals acquired under normal operating conditions. Early detection has two specific features. First, if operations staff can detect the anomalies at the earliest stage possible, negative effects on plant operation can be reduced. Second, a short detection time and high background noise level leads to large statistical errors during anomaly discrimination.To obtain satisfactory information in real time and for wide-range surveillance depending on power level, and coolant parameters neural networks must be applied for the purpose of MD. The major advantages provided by an artificial neural networks must be applied for improvement of MD. The major advantages provided by an artificial neural network (ANN) and an expert system are system diagnostics through the use of outputs from the neural network and a large amount of plant operation knowledge directed toward the operator. To make the expert system powerful it is necessary to find the appropriate rule bases by which a degree of equivalence between the measured signals and estimated values of the network can be recognised. The expert systems must identify the type and place of an anomaly with a knowledge base that is written in rules. Of course it is preferable to use an adaptive method to make the plant model more accurate during the course of operation.ResultsPractical and theoretical results of NPP coolant monitoring and aid to diagnosis are based on the created mathematical model of coolant pressure (acoustical) oscillation. Experiences with reactor noise diagnostics systems show that acoustical signals are suitable for the above-mentioned purpose. This adaptive model describes the quantitative dependencies between coolant oscillations eigenfrequencies and NPP running parameters including emergency situations with steam appearance.For the theoretical calculation of characteristic frequencies of the circuit, it is easier to use simplified models of circular systems, the equivalent electrical circuits. The principle of transition from a hydraulic system as equivalent to an electrical one is given in [1].The calculation of the frequencies of the self-oscillations [2] of the heat-transfer medium, f 0 in the reactor, volume compensator, steam generator and circuit pipes are accomplished with the help of the following formula:f mC012=πThe results of calculations by means of the formula for the nominal working regime of the fourth block of Novovoronjeskaja NPP are given in [2].The same results of low frequency oscillation value were calculated and measured in NPP with PWR and VVER by other researchers [3,4,5,6]. Paper [7] shows that coolant pressure standing waves control the neutron flux noises in reactor core and can be utilised for interpretation purposes.A comparison of calculation results while steam generation is present and during its absence shows that the spectrum line characterising oscillation of the heat-transfer medium in the reactor shifts towards the area of lower frequencies. The nature of steam generation,too, affects the value of the self-frequency of oscillation in the reactor. Thus, with the help of change in f 0 of reactor, the steam generation process can be detected in the reactor core. Valuable results are presented in paper [8], which concerns experiments of blockage detection in sodium-cooled fast reactors. Detection of steam generation in the reactor core due to blockage effect was effectuated by measuring the deviation of the coolant main frequency.A good agreement of the results of calculation of f 0 and direct measurement on the fourth block of Novovoronjeskaja NPP shows that the adopted calculation plan for analysis of the oscillation spectrum can be used for quantitative evaluation of characteristic frequencies. It is known that during the normal functioning of reactor VVER-440, surface boiling does take place in the reactor core. As was shown above, the presence of steam in the reactor core leads to a decrease in the frequency of self-oscillation of the heat-transport medium in the reactor. This discrepancy between the calculated frequency (during the absence of boiling 22 Hz ) and the result measured during functioning (18 Hz)can be explained due to the presence of a certain quantity of steam in the reactor core.The experiments show that a deviation pattern of acoustical signal in a fault situation with steam appearance matched to pre-defined patterns may be used for diagnosis either off-line or on-line.The quantitative model created [9] to calculate the pressure oscillation in the coolant has the following form:d P dt CR R m d P dt C P dC P d P d P dt R R mC P P mC d d 2220111∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆+++++=(()()()(1)Here:∆P tC R d m ∆P0- variable (pulsation) component of pressure drop;- time;- acoustical capacitance;- acoustical differential resistance;- acoustical inductance;- pressure drop between circulating pump inlet-outlet.Acoustical capacitance is determined by the value of a small oscillation velocity in the steam-water mixture. The calculation methods to determine the compressibility of a steam-water mixture in real operating conditions on NPP which are utilised at present are very approximate. Due to this reason a new method of small oscillations velocity evaluation was created [9]. This method attempts to take into account the total list of thermohydraulic, geometric and operating conditions at the steam generating duct.Taking into consideration the dependence between f0 and steam content [10], it is possible to calculate the changes of f0 due to x variation.Based on the parameters (R, R d, m, C) the formula to determine the self-frequency of coolant oscillation can be obtained in the following manner:fallmm212=πρρ(2)Here:ll m ρ,ρm a - the length of pipe containing water;- the part of pipe containing two-phase mixture;- density of liquid and water-steam mixture accordingly; - sound velocity in the water-steam mixture.Using this formula the boundary subdivided the liquid and steam containing media in the pipe was indicated. It should be emphasised that it is not possible to obtain this information only through the help of regular technological control systems. The difference between calculated and measured values of frequency was insignificant. Based on these results recommendation were given about steam content diagnostics to use the measured frequency of the coolant oscillation.It is very important to indicate that the influence of steam and gas presence on coolant oscillations can lead to an increase in reactor facilities’ vibrations [11]. As is commonly known, the most important interaction between coolant and structure components takes place in resonance cases. Another problem is stipulated by the thermohydraulic instability which occurs as a result of definite relations between steam contents in the loop and operating regimes [9].This phenomenon is extremely important when the system of heat output from the reactor core must be operated under extreme emergency situations, especially in the event of melting reactor core structures. As a result of such cases, it can been seen that the emergency cooling system must be constructed taking thermohydraulic instability and hydraulic shock into consideration.Additionally considering the important influence of C-parameters on the appearance of self-oscillations it is necessary to keep in the mind the data about steam generating processes in the system (cavitation, sub-cooling boiling, emergency situations with boiling).Steam generation and leakage processes have both been studied on a double-circuit one-loop industrial steam generating installation (ISGI) [12]. Whole circuit coolant oscillation and mechanical vibrations of parts of piping have been recognised. A noise signal spectrum recordings analysis has been carried out for normal and emergency coolant leakage conditions.In Figure 1 the time realisation of pressure oscillations which were obtained at pump stop are shown.The curve characterises the frequency depending on thermo-mechanical parameters of the coolant. This dependence of the main frequency on steam quantity in the coolant is illustrated in Figure 2, where the pressure oscillation is measured during pump stop in an emergency situation. This emergency situation took place due to coolant leakage and steam generation in the pipe between the pressuriser and primary loop.Looking at Figure 3 and Figure 4 it is possible to demonstrate that in an emergency regime the frequency began at approximately 4 Hz instead of 1 Hz, which is the frequency in normal regime. The amplitude also increased approximately 6.5 times. Hence, the level of hydrodynamical loading of the structures had increased 100 times.Taking into consideration the fact that pressure oscillation of coolant is the reason for induced vibrations in equipment, it is possible to form a conclusion concerning the appearance of additional loading of the structures by the cyclic hydrodynamical forces depending on operating conditions.The coherence function between vibration and pressure oscillation signals from the traducers placed on the pressuriser pipe [12] is presented in Figure 3.The most important interaction between coolant and structure components takes place in cases of resonance.A similar effect can be observed at transient processes on NPP with VVER and PWR reactors, when the electrical supply of main circulating pump (MCP) is interrupted. Figure 4 demonstrates the calculated results of time dependence of the main parameters in a circulating loop; this was obtained in a situation when four MCP NPP VVER-1000 were stopped.Here:H P P I t out - water level in pressuriser;- primary circuit pressure;- coolant temperature in reactor outlet.In accordance with these results the two-phase mixture is present in a definite time period in the tube interconnected pressuriser and hot part of the loop.Figure 1. a) Time realisation of pressure oscillation at pump stopb) Time realisation of pressure oscillation at pump startFigure 2. Time realisation of pressure oscillation after pump stopping in emergency regime accompanied by steam cavity appearanceFigure 3. Coherence function of vibration andpressure pulses measured on pressuriser pipeFigure 4. Time dependences of main parameters in circulating loop VVER-1000Our evaluation of main frequencies’ value in this system shows that the variation is in the range 0.04-4.0 Hz. Taking into consideration the rotation velocity change of MCP in transient process, the conditions for the production of resonance interaction between coolant and equipment are very likely.Using pressure pulse detectors (PPD) installed in the outlet-inlet of MCP and in the pressuriser, we measured and analysed various operating regimes on NPP with VVER-440 through an experimental diagnostic system. The method of processing acoustical spectra gives the characteristics obtained with different time observation particularly in on-line measuring. It was observed that frequency peaks which depend on the moment of measurement moves in the range of 8-12 Hz, the so called “transparent window”. In the case when operating situations change it provides the possibility of detecting faults before a traditional alarm system is triggered even in dynamic situation. When the result of fault is steam appearance it is possible indicate it, as it was done in emergency situation on ISGI.Thus an early warning system be created by means of detecting the cause of steam appears. It is based upon dynamic model to indicate the steam appearance in parallel with the process. The model outputs are then compared with respectively plant measurement.A two level display hierarchy can be chosen, where the warnings are given with colour symbols in a top level picture (including time history) with a global overview guiding the operator to the lower level detailed displays containing much more information including steam localisation and possible explanation of necessary actions.The evaluation experiment was therefore considered as an integral part of the developed acoustic method of steam content diagnostics, as such, will indicate the direction for future work.The basic objective of the experiment was to test the method in realistic situation and thereby to assess whether it performed in accordance with calculated expectations.The experimental data [11]about the dependence main frequency oscillation values from reactor core power level had been obtained due to measurement fulfilled on NPP with channel boiling reactor RBMK-1500. The autospectra of pressure pulses correspond to the different electrical power levels of the reactor were determined. To each regime of operating, i.e. to certain value of steam production in the technological channels of reactor core it was revealed that the definite main frequency of coolant oscillation corresponds. The calculating method of evaluating the steam content in the coolant [9] was used.Theoretical and practical results show an appreciable decrease in the sound velocity due to steam appearance in the coolant hence the coolant pressure fluctuation eigenfrequencies also. Three variants of theoretical model have been analysed to evaluate the sound velocity in two phase mixture in reactor core and steam volume over it. More precise result corresponds to model which takes into account the local hydraulic resistances influence. The main resume of this estimation due to monitoring purposes is capability to detect boiling process on early stage. Evaluation had provided for VVER-1000 shows that even little steam content in the reactor core gives essential reactor coolant eigenfrequency chagement: from~ 19.0 Hz at normal operating to ~3.0 Hz when boiling anomalies is occurred. It is important to underline that nonsinglevalued dependencies between steam content and eigenfrequency values are obtained.Procedure of diagnostics support realisation includes following:1. Inquire of eigenfrequencies calculation in case of running parameter variation;2. Reveal the trend of eigenfrequencies changement;3. Check boiling as follows:• Preserve in the operating memory 5 bytes which correspond to certain steam value (from 0 to 1) at the reactor core outlet;• Identify peaks on the autospectra in the frequency zones, where the eigenfrequency changes are expected (3 Hz - 20 Hz in case of VVER-1000 );• Calculate the eigenfrequencies which correspond to running coolant parameters and different steam content values at the reactor core outlet (the calculatingprogram was provided at MPEI by U. Simon);• Compare the frequencies and their displacement due to criteria above mentioned;Running coolant parameters, eigenfrequencies values as well as protocol about diagnosis prognosis results are presented on the monitor screen.Steam content diagnostics in nuclear power plants (NPP) can be considered as one of the main tasks for operator support system.Steam generating process in the reactor core at NPP with BWR and RBMK reactors is realised in definite range of steam content. When the steam content is increased correspondingly normal value i.e. when unexpended or unplanned situations occur the task for operators is to identify the status of the process.Steam generation in the PWR (VVER) is abnormal process which can take place due to emergency situation and the main tasks for operator is early identification of root cause and consequences.The passive identification experiment allowed to establish a set of significant trend of frequency and mathematical model allowed to obtain the best form of functional relationship between the steam content parameter and the frequency of coolant oscillations. The acoustic steam control and diagnostic’s method (ASCDM) can be useful in diagnosis and prognosis of off-line and on-line operator support systems.Description of the process in a disturbance situation include different surveillance systems for detection, diagnosis and prognosis.The diagnosis block tries to indicate the root cause of the disturbance, while the prognosis block tries to predict possible effects. Both of these systems use information from the detectors, as well as other process data. The prognosis block could as well use information from the diagnosis, suggested root causes from the diagnosis systems and suggested possible effects from prognosis systems are then presented to the operator.To provide operator work more effective instead of actual diagram of equipment and processes the schematic diagram are usually used.ConclusionsThe new method of transfer from real complex thermohydraulic NPP loops to their equivalent in dynamical meaning much more simple electronic schema is created in [9]. This method based on theoretical research. Author proves the reliability of distribution very known electrohydridynamical analogy method to describe non linear processes in the thermohydraulic loops of NPP containing steam generating ducts.Utilisation of this method let some essential advantages to operating personnel:• Presentation of visual information in more assimilated form;• Relatively simple and suitable to running process analyses mathematical model;• Simplification root cause determination and physical interpretation of accident.Root cause is the primary cause of the disturbance in the coolant loop in the NPP. It may be or may be not directly detectable trough the available process instrumentation. Often the root cause will only be detectable trough it’s consequences. The appearance of the steam / gas fraction in the PWR coolant may be not directly detectable without trend of main coolant frequency oscillation measuring, the same is in the channel boiling reactor, when the steam content in the coolant began to change due to any faults.The changes of main frequency oscillations corresponding to definite unit of reactor loop are the symptoms constitute the set of consequences at the root cause which at a given time are directly detectable trough the process instrumentation.The instrumentation stage includes the detection of pressure oscillations and their statistical interpretation. Diagnosis and prognosis modules try to find the root cause and the possible effects, respectively, using the mathematical model of two-phase coolant oscillations.Possible effects constitute the rest of the root cause and future possible consequences.Suggested root cause from the diagnosis block and suggested possible situations from the prognosis block are then presented to the operator for future automatic or manual actions must be provided to prevent dangerous effects.Alarm systems for early fault detection is based upon running small process models in parallel with the process. The model outputs are then compared with respective coolant oscillation measurement. The differences between calculated and observed status are called deviations. The deviation pattern is in a fault situation matched against pre-defined patterns; each corresponding to one or several diagnosis hypotheses.The deviations, which are monitored continuously and are the parameters for diagnosis process will always data at the appropriate model and thereby limit the search space.Traditional process alarm systems disadvantage with fixed alarm limits is that after the occurrence of failure it may take a long time before the alarms are triggered.REFERENCES[1] Ê.Í.Ïðîñêóðÿêîâ “Ýëåêòðîàêóñòè÷åñêèå àíàëîãè îñíîâà ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿòåïëîãèäðàâëè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ â öèðêóëÿöèîííûõ ñèñòåìàõ ñ ôàçîâûìèïðåâðàùåíèÿìè â ðàáî÷åé ñðåäå”; ÌÝÈ; Âûï.293 (1976); ñòð.98-105[2] Ê.Í.Ïðîñêóðÿêîâ, Ñ.Ï.Ñòîÿíîâ, Ã.Íèäöáàëëà è äð. “Òåîðåòè÷åñêîå îïðåäåëåíèå ÷àñòîòñîáñòâåííûõ êîëåáàíèé òåïëîíîñèòåëÿ â ïåðâîì êîíòóðå ÀÝÑ”; ÌÝÈ; Âûï.407 (1979);ñòð.87-93[3] G. Por, E. Izsak, Valko “Some Results of Noise Measurements in PWR NPP,”Progress in Nuclear Energy 15 (1985),” p. 387.[4] I.A. 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