新GRE 北美范文精析 Issue 24 范文精析

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24 The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.
The speaker suggests that the most effective way to teach others is to praise positive actions while ignoring negative ones. In my view, this statement is too extreme. It overlooks circumstances under which praise might be inappropriate, as well as ignoring the beneficial
value of constructive criticism, and sometimes even punishment.
The recommendation that parents, teachers, and employers praise positive actions is generally good advice. For young children positive reinforcement is critical in the development of healthy self-esteem and self-confidence. For students appropriate positive feedback serves as a motivating force, which spurs them on to greater academic achievement. For employees, appropriately administered praise enhances productivity and employee loyalty, and makes for a more congenial and pleasant work environment overall.
While recommending praise for positive actions is fundamentally sound advice, this advice should carry with it certain caveats. First, some employees and older students might fred excessive praise to be patronizing or paternalistic. Secondly, some individuals need and respond more appropriately to praise than others; those administering the praise should be sensitive to the individual's need for positive reinforcement in the fzrst place. Thirdly, praise
should be administered fairly and evenhandedly. By issuing more praise to one student than to others, a teacher might cause one recipient to be labeled by classmates as teacher's pet, even if the praise is well deserved or badly needed. If the result is to alienate other students, then the praise might not be justified. Similarly, at the workplace a supervisor must be careful to issue praise fairly and evenhandedly, or risk accusations of undue favoritism, or even discrimination.
As for ignoring negative actions, I agree that minor peccadilloes can, and in many cases should, be overlooked. Mistakes and other negative actions are often part of the natural learning process. Young children are naturally curious, and parents should not scold their children for every broken plate or precocious act. Otherwise, children do not develop a healthy sense of wonder and curiosity, and will not learn what they must in order to make their own way in the world. Teachers should avoid rebuking or punishing students for faulty reasoning, incorrect responses to questions, and so forth. Otherwise, students might stop trying to learn altogether. And employees who know they are being monitored closely for any sign of errant behavior are likely to be less productive, more resentful of their supervisors, and less loyal to their employers.
At the same time, some measure of constructive criticism and critique, and sometimes even punishment, is appropriate. Parents must not turn a blind eye to their child's behavior if it jeopardizes the child's physical safety or the safety of others. Teachers should not ignore behavior that unduly disrupts the learning process; and of course teachers should correct and critique students' class work, homework and tests as needed to help the students learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. Finally, employers must not permit employee behavior that amounts to harassment or that otherwise undermines the overall productivity at the workplace. Acquiescence in these sorts of behaviors only serves to sanction them.
To sum up, the speaker's dual recommendation is too extreme. Both praise and criticism serve useful purposes in promoting a child's development, a student's education, and an employee's loyalty and productivity. Yet both must be appropriately and evenhandedly 整体评价:
1. 文章逻辑清晰,观点鲜明
2. 中心段落有4段,稍微有点多,大家在考试场建议3段就可以了;重点是每段的论述内容是否清晰
改写的题目内容并作出 了清晰的评价主语和谓语相隔太远,大家不要这样写在理论说明阶段,作者列举了3种不同的人,很好,增强了文章的立体感这段话的单词用的很好 尤其是这个patronizing
强调了高人一等这样 严重的后果first单词拼写错误思路很好,先说积极行为;再说消极行为;逻辑很清晰 大家可以学习这里有个小问题,就是坐着连续用了两个otherwise,这个逻辑有一些问题;因为这两句话之间并没有转折的关系,改为并列会更好这段内容写的非常好 上面一段说不惩罚的坏处;这段说具体的方式 但是,如果时间有限,这段内容可以不写;文章逻辑已经完整
administered; otherwise, they might serve instead to defeat these purposes. 语法点评:
1. 整篇文章语法流畅,没有明显的语法失误
2. 文章里多次使用了并列结构 -- 结构很好,但是次数有点多
3. 单词的使用是本篇文章的亮点。
