Unit 8 Section B 1a-1d 课件 人教版九年级英语全册

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What is the alien doing?
It is running after the man.
Why might the alien be running after the man?
It _c_o_u_ld_\_m_i_gh_t_ be running after the man for his hat or tie.
Unit 8
It must belong to Carla. Section B (1a-1d)
人教新目标版 九年级(上册)
Learning objectives
1.学习本课新词汇:land, alien,run after, suit 掌握句型:He could be running for exercise. He might be late for school. They must be making a movie. He might be running to catch a bus to work. 2. 在1b,1c听力练习中,能够正确选择图片顺序,完成句子和故事 结尾,通过听谈论外星人事件的对话,能够准确获取与听力内容有 关的信息,能够说出听力材料中推测的事情以及含有情态动词表示 推测的句子。 3.通过对事物的推测,能够结合所给证据或所呈现的迹象对事物进 行合理推测,训练自己的推理能力和判断能力,培养自己细心观察 事物的良好习惯。
Which one do you think
1b might come first?
A UFO is landing. An alien is running after a man. The man is running.
_A__w__o_m_a_n__is__fi_lm__in_g__w_i_th__a_c_a_m__e_ra_._T_h_e_y__a_r_e_m__a_k_in_g__a____ _m__o_v_i_e_. __________________________________________
Man: Hey, look at the man ru_n__n_in_g__d_o_w_n the street. I wonder what's _h_a_p_p_e_n_in_g__? 他可能跑步是为了锻炼。
Woman: He _co__u_ld__b_e_r_u_n_n_i_n_g for exercise. Man: But he's wearing a suit. Woman: Well, he m_i_g_h_t_b_e_l_a_t_e for work. Man: He looks_k_i_n_d__o_f _a_fr_a_i_d____ . Woman: Oh, no! What’s that? Man: Where? Woman: There’s something in the sky.
Listen and fill in the blanks .
Man: Maybe we should call the police.(pause) Hey, wait a minute. What’s that?
Woman: Where? Man: Over there. Woman: It’s a woman with a camera. Man: She _c_o_u_l_d_b_e__f_ro_m__t_h_e__T_V_n_e_w__s__. Woman: No, look at all those other people. They’re actors. Oh! They _m__u_s_t_b_e_m__a_k_in__g_a_m__o_v_i_e_. 他们一定在拍电影。
What is it?
It _c_o_u_ld_\_m__ig_h_t_ be a monkey.
But it can't be a monkey. It _m_u_s_t_ be an alien.
Watch a video and make inferences(推测):What is it?
Look at the pictures. Then use
the words in the box to write a 1a
sentence about each picture.
land man UFO run alien run after
a. _A__U_F_O__i_s_l_a_n_d_in__g_. ______________ run after 在……后面跑、追
someone might be running after him.
Look at the pictures and use "must,could, might, can't" to makeust/could/might/can't+be doing(表示对正在发生的事情推测)
Ending 2: At last, the alien caught the man and took him to the UFO, and flew away.
Ending 3: The man ran as fast as he could. Suddenly “Might I make friends with you?” The alien stopped just in front of the man, with a big smile and both its arms opened to him…
Look at the pictures and use "must,could, might, can't" to make inferences(推测).
What does he do?
She\He could/might be a/an …
1.must/could/might/can't+do / be (表示对现在的动作或状态的推测)
Look at the pictures and use What are they doing?
"must,could, might, can't" to
make inferences(推测).
They could/might/must be doing …
They must be _re_a_d_in_g___.
情态动词+be+doing 表示对正在发生的事情的推测
Listen and read after the tape.
Discuss and write a creative end of the story.
Ending 1: Oh, there is a woman with a camera over there. She could be from the TV news. There are some actors. They must be making a movie.
Listen and fill in the blanks .
Man: It _co__u_ld__b_e_a__p_la_n_e___. Woman: No, it c_a_n_’t_b__e_a_p_l_a_n_e_. It’s too
big. It _m_u_s_t_b_e__a_U__F_O_. Man: A UFO? What’s going on? Woman: Look, now the UFO is landing… Man: And there’s s_o_m__e_t_h_in_g__st_r_a_n_g_e_ getting out. It _m__u_s_t_b_e__a_n_a_l_ie_n__. Woman: And the alien is running after the man! I _m__u_s_t_b_e_d_r_e_a_m__in_g_. 我一定在做梦。
b. T__h_e_a_l_ie_n__is__r_u_n_n_in__g_a_f_te_r__th_e__m_a_n__.
run away 逃跑 run out 用完;耗尽
c. _T_h_e_m__a_n__is__ru__n_n_in_g_,_l_o_o_k_i_n_g_a_f_r_a_id_. run out of 用完;耗尽
Have you ever seen it?
make inferences(推测).
What is it?
It_c_a_n_'_t be a plane.
It _m__u_st_be a UFO.
What might be in a UFO?
There must/might be an alien in a UFO.
What is it?
It might/could/must be a/an... .
a UFO an alien
UFO: unidentified alien [ˈeɪliən
flying object (不明 飞行物,飞碟)
n. 外星人
Look at the picture and use "must,could, might, can't" to
They must be _d_r_a_w_in_g__.
2.must/could/might/can't+be doing (表示对正在发生的事情推测)
The cat must be r_u_n_n_in_g__a_ft_e_r_t_h_e. mouse
run after追逐;追赶
Watch a video and make inferences(推测):What is it?
I think Picture B might come first because the man in Picture C is running, and in Picture B, we can see an alien is running after him.
Listen and number the pictures [1-3] in 1a. Then write two or three sentences to finish the story.
an alien
Look at the pictures and use "must,could, might, can't" to make inferences(推测).
对此时此刻正在发生的事情进行 推测:情态动词 + be + doing
What might the UFO be doing? It _m_u__st_ be landing. land [læ nd] v. 着陆;降落
Listen again. Complete the sentences.
late for work a plane
an alien
from the TV news
running for exercise a UFO
making a movie
Listen and fill in the blanks .
There might be an alien in it. Why is the man running?
He _co__u_ld_\_m__ig_h_t_be running for a bus. He__ca_n__'t__be running for exercise.Because he is wearing a suit.
If these three pictures were from the same story, which one do you think might come first? Why?
I don’t agree. I think Picture A must come first. In Picture A, we can see a UFO landing. The UFO has to land before the alien can come out and run after the man.