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Metamagnets require interchain/interlayer interactions, which serve to induce antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering and are to be overcome by a critical field.1
1.R. L. Carlin, Magnetochemistry, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1986.
The metamagnet is the one with net moments aligned antiparallelly by weak AF interactions, which are of secondary importance. A large external field could overwhelm the weak AF interactions and turn the system to a ferro-, ferri-, or weak-ferromagnetic (WF) state, depending on the details of the spin alignments in theAFstate.
Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 5868–5875
Metamagnetism is a relatively old but still active topic and metamagnets are a special type of antiferromagnets consisting of 1D or 2D magnetic entities and undergoing field-induced first-order transitions.
Spin-canting means the noncollinear spin arrangements on two sublattices of an antiferromagnet. If more sublattices with noncollinear
antiferromagnetic (AF) spin arrangements are present and a ferromagnetic moment needs not to occur, it is the hidden spin-canting. Metamagnet is the one with net moments aligned in antiparallel by weak AF interactions, which are of secondary importance. A large external field could overwhelm the weak AF interactions and turn the system to a ferro-, ferri-, or weak-ferromagnetic (WF) state, depending on the details of the spin alignments in the AF state. When a spin-flop happens, a field parallel to the easy-axis of an antiferromagnet causes the spins to flop to the direction perpendicular to it.
Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 6369-6380
Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 2047–2056
The goal of such strategies was to avoid inter-SMM or -SCM magnetic interactions responsible for the stabilization of a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic order that was believed to prevent the intrinsic slow dynamics of the magnetization in these SMM or SCM systems. Antiferromagnetic
interactions between SCMs stabilize, as planned, a 3D antiferromagnetic order without preventing the slow relaxation of the magnetization induced by the SCM components of the material.
φ= (ΔT p/Tp)/Δ(log f) (where T p is the temperature at which χ" reaches a maximum) has been estimated to be φ = 0.15, which is in the range (0.1 ≤φ≤0.3) for superparamagnets, including SCMs and SMMs. Exclude the possibility of a spin-glass (0.01 < φ < 0.08).
Single-chain magnets (SCMs) are of high interest because of their unusual physical properties, and they open the possibility of potential use of one-dimensional (1D) magnetic molecular nanowires for information storage.
CoII systems usually possess strong magnetic anisotropy. Anisotropy plays important roles in spin canting, metamagnetism, hysteresis (coercivity), and relaxation dynamics.
