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Key words: sheep, estrus synchronization, artificial insemination
自2005年以来,临夏州把研究应用绵羊人工授 精技术作为实施畜牧良种工程的重要内容,集中人 力、物力进行研究示范,在借鉴国内外成熟技术的基 础上进行持续研究,取得了阶段性成果。特别是
受胎率达到73.72%。我们于2016年开始,实施了 绵羊人工繁殖技术创新研究与示范试验,以州内规 模养殖场为依托,开展温精和冻精两种精液、开腌器 和腹腔镜两种输精方式下,用不同外源激素进行同 期发情,以期选择出具有良好同期发情效果和较高 受胎率的同发输配方式,为大面积示范推广奠定技 术基础。
用氯前列烯醇(PG)、促卵泡素(FSH)、阴道海 绵栓等同期发情药物,分别采用(PG + FSH)、(PG + PG)、(PG + PG + FSH)肌内注射方法和埋植阴 道海绵栓法(PRID+FSH)进行同期发情试验。 1.3精液类型及输配方式
1. 1 羊群组织 在8〜11月份繁殖季节,选用体膘中上.体重达
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Vol. 38
No. 6 2019
30 kg以上的的初产和经产母羊,供精种羊选择体 格健壮,性欲旺盛,年龄2〜3岁的陶赛特、萨福克、 杜泊种公羊s study, estrus synchronization drugs such as chloroprostenol (PG), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and vaginal sponge suppository were used. The estrus synchronization tests were carried out by intramuscular injection o£ PG+ FSH, PG+ PG, and PG + PG+FSH and implaritation of vaginal sponge suppository (PRID + FSH). The results showed that the estrus rate was 92. 49% , warm sperm fertilization rate was 81. 17% , frozen sperm fertilization rate was 67. 7% , and the cost was 6. 6 yuan by using PG + PG+FSH method; the estrus rate was 95. 38% , warm sperm fertilization rate was 82. 53% , frozen sperm fertilization rate was 71. 34% , estrus fertilization rate was relatively high and the cost was 10. 8 yuan by using PRID+FSH method. However, 5. 3% of ewes in PRID+FSH method had genital tract inflammation. In a comprehensive comparison・ PG+PG + FSH method can effectively prevent gen让al tract infection with low cost and high pregnancy rate. The combination of PG + PG+FSH method has the advantages of low cost, neat estrus and was easy to be used in large-scale pro duction.
2019 年
摘 要:本试验用氯前列烯醇(PG)、促卵泡素(FSH)、阴道海绵栓等同期发情药物,分别采用(PG + FSH)、(PG+PG)、(PG + PG+FSH)肌内注射方法和埋植阴道海绵栓法(PRID+FSH)进行同 期发情试验。结果表明,三次验证后,筛选出PG+PG + FSH法,同期发情率92.49%,温精受胎 率81. 17%、冻精受胎率67. 7%,成本为6.6元/只;PRID+FSH法同期发情率95. 38%、温精受胎 率82.53%、冻精受胎率71. 34%,发情受胎率相对较高,成本为10. 8元/只。但在操作过程中发 现,PRID+FSH法中5. 3%的母羊有生殖道炎症。综合比较,PG + PG + FSH法能有效防止生殖 道感染,且成本低、受胎率高。用PG+PG+FSH法组合对绵羊实施同期发情处理具有方法简便 、 成本低、发情整齐等优点、便于在生产中大规模应用。 关键词:绵羊;同步发情;人工授精 [中图分类号]S826 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-6704(2019)06-0027-05
2014年利用氯前列烯醇两次注射的方法开展绵羊 同期发情人工授精试验,共试验506只,受胎373只,
[收稿日期]2019-03-10 [作者简介]安德海(1969-),男,土族,甘肃积石山人,本
科,高级畜牧师,从事畜牧技术推广及畜禽品种 改良工作。 * [作者简介]李永智(1964-),男,研究员,从事畜牧技术推广及 畜禽品种改良工作,电子邮箱:LYZ3331 @ 163. com
Research and Demonstration on High- Efficient Reproduction Technology of Sheep
AN De-hai, LI Hui-xian, LI Yong-zhi*
(Linxia Animal Husbandry Technology Extension station , Linxia Gansu 731100, China}
自2005年以来,临夏州把研究应用绵羊人工授 精技术作为实施畜牧良种工程的重要内容,集中人 力、物力进行研究示范,在借鉴国内外成熟技术的基 础上进行持续研究,取得了阶段性成果。特别是
受胎率达到73.72%。我们于2016年开始,实施了 绵羊人工繁殖技术创新研究与示范试验,以州内规 模养殖场为依托,开展温精和冻精两种精液、开腌器 和腹腔镜两种输精方式下,用不同外源激素进行同 期发情,以期选择出具有良好同期发情效果和较高 受胎率的同发输配方式,为大面积示范推广奠定技 术基础。
用氯前列烯醇(PG)、促卵泡素(FSH)、阴道海 绵栓等同期发情药物,分别采用(PG + FSH)、(PG + PG)、(PG + PG + FSH)肌内注射方法和埋植阴 道海绵栓法(PRID+FSH)进行同期发情试验。 1.3精液类型及输配方式
1. 1 羊群组织 在8〜11月份繁殖季节,选用体膘中上.体重达
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Vol. 38
No. 6 2019
30 kg以上的的初产和经产母羊,供精种羊选择体 格健壮,性欲旺盛,年龄2〜3岁的陶赛特、萨福克、 杜泊种公羊s study, estrus synchronization drugs such as chloroprostenol (PG), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and vaginal sponge suppository were used. The estrus synchronization tests were carried out by intramuscular injection o£ PG+ FSH, PG+ PG, and PG + PG+FSH and implaritation of vaginal sponge suppository (PRID + FSH). The results showed that the estrus rate was 92. 49% , warm sperm fertilization rate was 81. 17% , frozen sperm fertilization rate was 67. 7% , and the cost was 6. 6 yuan by using PG + PG+FSH method; the estrus rate was 95. 38% , warm sperm fertilization rate was 82. 53% , frozen sperm fertilization rate was 71. 34% , estrus fertilization rate was relatively high and the cost was 10. 8 yuan by using PRID+FSH method. However, 5. 3% of ewes in PRID+FSH method had genital tract inflammation. In a comprehensive comparison・ PG+PG + FSH method can effectively prevent gen让al tract infection with low cost and high pregnancy rate. The combination of PG + PG+FSH method has the advantages of low cost, neat estrus and was easy to be used in large-scale pro duction.
2019 年
摘 要:本试验用氯前列烯醇(PG)、促卵泡素(FSH)、阴道海绵栓等同期发情药物,分别采用(PG + FSH)、(PG+PG)、(PG + PG+FSH)肌内注射方法和埋植阴道海绵栓法(PRID+FSH)进行同 期发情试验。结果表明,三次验证后,筛选出PG+PG + FSH法,同期发情率92.49%,温精受胎 率81. 17%、冻精受胎率67. 7%,成本为6.6元/只;PRID+FSH法同期发情率95. 38%、温精受胎 率82.53%、冻精受胎率71. 34%,发情受胎率相对较高,成本为10. 8元/只。但在操作过程中发 现,PRID+FSH法中5. 3%的母羊有生殖道炎症。综合比较,PG + PG + FSH法能有效防止生殖 道感染,且成本低、受胎率高。用PG+PG+FSH法组合对绵羊实施同期发情处理具有方法简便 、 成本低、发情整齐等优点、便于在生产中大规模应用。 关键词:绵羊;同步发情;人工授精 [中图分类号]S826 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-6704(2019)06-0027-05
2014年利用氯前列烯醇两次注射的方法开展绵羊 同期发情人工授精试验,共试验506只,受胎373只,
[收稿日期]2019-03-10 [作者简介]安德海(1969-),男,土族,甘肃积石山人,本
科,高级畜牧师,从事畜牧技术推广及畜禽品种 改良工作。 * [作者简介]李永智(1964-),男,研究员,从事畜牧技术推广及 畜禽品种改良工作,电子邮箱:LYZ3331 @ 163. com
Research and Demonstration on High- Efficient Reproduction Technology of Sheep
AN De-hai, LI Hui-xian, LI Yong-zhi*
(Linxia Animal Husbandry Technology Extension station , Linxia Gansu 731100, China}