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Word:a minimum free form of a language. With a unity of sound and meaning (both lexical meaning and grammatical meaning),performing syntactic meaning
Criteria of words: by origin (native—old English)( and loan language—borrowed English), by level of usage(common words,literary ,colloquial,slang and technical words);by notions(function and content words)
Morpheme:smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller form. A morpheme is also two—facet language unit which possesses sound and meaning。
Classification of morphemes:
Free morpheme:utter alone with meaning(a free morpheme is a word in traditional sense)man, read, write
Bound morpheme: must appear with one other morpheme,u nkind, happily , receive
Root:the basic unchangeable part of the word;convey the main lexical meaning of the word; Either free or bound
(1)free roots:many roots are free morphemes, such as
boy ,moon,walk
(2)bound roots: derived from foreign sources。
such as tain in
words like contain,detain or retain.
Inflectional affixes (have only particular grammatical meaning,
does not form a new word) such as s in chairs ,pens;es in words boxes ,tomatoes
derivational affixes(added morpheme to create new words。
suffixes: length, width (12。
Three major processes :
Compounding:joining two or more bases to form a new unit of compound words。
1)orthographic criterion书写方式
2)Phonological criterion音韵准则※(accent重音)
3)Semantic criterion语义准则(05,01,2018)Derivation:forming a new word by addition of a word element) Conversion:a word of certain word—class is shifted into another word—class without any affixes
Eight minor processes :
Initialism:a type of shortening ,using the first letters of words
to form a proper name, a technical term ,or a phrase ;an initilism is pronounced letter by letter.
Acronymy:Initialisms –using the first letter from proper name ,phrase,technical words)A initialism is pronounced letter by letter) and acronyms—from the initial letters of the name of an organization or scientific term)==are pronounced as words。
Clipping:deletion of one or more syllables from a word—usually a noun,which is also available in its full form。
Classification—back clipping, front clipping ,front and back clipping and phrase clipping.)
Blending:formed by combining the meanings and sound of tow words.one of which is not full form or both of which are not full form.
Back—formation:coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.
Words from proper names:including names of scientists, names of politicians and statesman, names of places,trademark,literature
Reduplication:a compound word is created by the repetition (1)of one word like go—go
(2)almost identical words with a change in the vowel's such as
(3)of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants ,as in teenyweeny.
Neoclassical Formation:(new words are formed from elements derived from Latin and Greek) The majority of neoclassical formations are scientific and technical。
Word meaning and semantic features Conventionality:no way to explain why this or that sound—symbol and its sense.
Motivation:phonetic ,morphological, sematic
Main types of word meaning: (interrelated and interdependent)
(1)G rammatical:
Word-class:when a dictionary lists the function of a word ,the definition does at least two things: it describes the word’s lexical meaning and also gives what is traditionally known as a part of the speech of the word ,which modern linguists call the word—class.
Inflectional paradigm:the set of grammatical forms of a word is called its paradigm.
(2)L exical meaning
Denotative meaning/conceptual meaning:it is the central factor in linguistic communication. Denotative meaning involves the relationship between a linguistic unit (especially a lexical item ) and the non—linguistic entities。
Connotative meaning:Connotative meaning refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one’s mind; it is the supplementary value which is added to the purely denotative meaning of a word。
Social or stylistic meaning: social meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.
Effective meaning:affective meaning is concerned with the expression of feeling and attitudes of the speaker or writer Binary opposites。
Polysemy: a term used in sematic analysis to refer to lexical item which has a range of meanings
T wo approaches
diachronic and synchronic。
---primary meaning and derived meaning,central meaning and secondary meaning(in some cases, the primary meaning and the central meaning coincide。
Two processes leading to polysemy
Radiation: each of the secondary meanings may become a center of further radiation.
Concatenation:linking together,like the links of a chain. Homonymy:pronounced alike, spell alike, or both. Types of homonyms:
1. perfect homonyms—word identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning
2. Homophones: identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.
3. Homographs: identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning.
Polysemic and homonymous words are stylistically useful to achieve humour or irony, or to heighten dramatic effect. Synonymy:identical in meaning but different in sound and spelling。
Complete synonyms:two words are totally synonymous only if they are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative ,affective and stylistic meanings .
Relative synonyms:differ from complete synonyms in the following respects:
(1)i n degree of a given quality or in shade of meaning
(2)i n emotive meaning
(3)i n stylistic meaning
(4)i n collocation and distribution
Synonyms ,therefore,are extremely valuable stylistically in helping to avoid monotonous repetition ,and in achieving precision。
Antonymy: opppsiteness of meaning.
Contraries:contraries or contrary terms display a type of semantic contrast, illustrated by such pairs as rich and poor; heavy (when it means “ having weight” )and light. Complementary: complementaries or contradictories represent a type of binary semantic opposition。
In a complementary pair the contrast between the two terms is absolute. Eg: male and female
Conversives:is called conversives or relation opposites. Eg:husband and wife
Antonyms classified on the basis of morphological structure:
root antonyms:they are words with two different roots. Eg:love and hate
derivational antonyms are words with the same roots
having negative affixes,such as happy and unhappy
(1)Marked and unmarked words: tiger/tigeress
old /young wide/narrow
(2)Some words without antonyms。
(3)D ifferent antonyms under different circumstances
an old man/an old house
Hyponymy: relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items.
Superordinate term (an upper term)
Subordinate terms (a lower term)
Sematic field——-is not simply a listing of independent items, organized into areas or field. Eg:red, green,blue,white,orange.
Charateristic of the same sematic field。
1)word frequency in the same semantic varies
2)these words are semantically interdepent.
3) words in the same semantic field are likely to have a number of collocation on common。