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Technology of digital modulation and demodulation plays a important role in digital communication system, the combination of digital communication technology and FPGA is a certainly trend . With the development of software radio, the requirement for technology of modulation and demodulation is higher and higher. This paper starts with studying digital modulation and demodulation theory at first, and analyses basic principle of three kinds of important modulation and demodulation way ( FSK, MSK, GMSK ).The Rohde &Schwarz SME03, Signal Generator, provides AM modulation and External FSK digital modulation required for the development and testing of digital mobile radio application of PWM in digital modulation and demodulation for analog communication signals in several modulation modes Research results prove that the design of digital IF modulator and demodulator of Software Radio appeases the capability and requirement of Software transfusion speed monitor system is designed based on infrared technology with modulation and 's the combination of modulator and synchronization that is key technology of digital demodulation is cc allied by paper provides the design of hardware of digital IF modulator and demodulator of Software Radio which includes Digital Signal Processor、Micro Control Unit and AD/DA convertor Down/Up Converter(DDC/DUC), modulation and demodulation are discussed in the dissertation as some essencial parts of SDR platform. Two Way Automatic Communication System(TWACS) is a new valuable communication
technology for distribution networks,which has special of modulation and demodulation. In this paper, we study the OFDM technology based on , realize the baseband modulation and demodulation by using TMS320C6201, and optimize the software module. The paper introduces the principle of QPSK modulation and demodulation, the circuit are also be realized based on the improvement of the technology, especially in the fields such as computer technology , data coding and compress , digital modulation and VLSI, the world electronic information industry enter into the digital era. First, the features of fax communication and the mode of modulation and demodulation are automatic classification of digital modulation signal,computing envelope variance after difference has important meaning to distinguish PSK and FSK science and technology of space effect on modulation and demodulation of QPSK via carrier phase noise can not be ignored, and it is difficult to analyze.
Digital modulation error parameters, such as error vector magnitude EVM, is important in test and measurement of information system. This paper introduces the technology research progress in the metrology of digital modulation error parameters. First, we point out the basic problems existing in the field, which is about traceability and parameter range of calibration, and describe the relevant research, such as the thinking and technology of the `RF waveform metrology'. Then, we highlight the research progress of our team: 1). The metrology method and system for digital demodulation error parameter based on CW combination, which fits BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 64QAM modulation: this method can achieve traceability and error setting ability in a wide range, when standard EvmRms is %, the expanded uncertainty (k=2) is %. 2). The
metrology method and system for digitaldemodulation error parameter based on analog AM or PM. 3). The metrology method and system for digital demodulation error parameter based on IQ gain imbalance and phase imbalance. 4). The metrology method and system for digital demodulation error parameter based on analog PM in the aspect of GMSK and FSK modulation. 5). The metrology method and system for digital demodulation error parameter based on Baseband waveform design. Based on these methods, our proposal are given as follows: first, establish public metrology standard for digital modulation error parameters; second, develop a new type of instrument "vector signal analyzer calibrator".
In this paper, we propose a novel method of chaotic modulation based on the combination of Chaotic Pulse Position Modulation (CPPM) and Chaotic Pulse WidthModulation (CPWM). This combination looks very promising for the improvement of information privacy in chaos-based digital communications. In the CPPM+CPWM method, each pulse is a chaotic symbol which carries binary information of two bits corresponding to its position and width, where the position is determined by the interval between rising edge of the current pulse compared to the previous one and the width is determined by the duration between the rising edge and the falling edge of the same pulse. This offers the increase of bit rate, bandwidth efficiency and privacy in comparison with the method of CPPM. The schemes of Modulation andDemodulation (MoDem) of CPPM+CPWM are proposed, designed and analyzed that based on the conventional schemes of CPPM. The numerical simulation in time domain of the system of CPPM+CPWM MoDem is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. It gives a summary of
theoretical and practical studies on the properties of pulse-phase modulation, developed mainly in 1943. The properties of pulse-phasemodulation are studied by means of Fourier transformations. Although some approximations are introduced, the calculations lead to the following definite conclusions: (1) Pulse-phase modulation introduces no amplitude distortion except at sub-multiples of the recurrent frequency. (2) The harmonic distortion, if any, is negligible and this method of modulation can be used for high-quality broadcasting. (3) Pulse-phase modulation is subject to a special type of distortion called ?cross-distortion,? produced by side bands of the recurrent frequency appearing in the signal bandwidth. Curves of the approximate amount of this type of distortion are given, and it is shown that, in practical multi-channel systems, this distortion is negligible, provided that the recurrent pulse frequency is at least double the highest signal frequency to be transmitted, and preferably equal to, or greater than, three times this frequency. This study is followed by considerations on the signal/noise ratio in pulse-phase modulation. Pulse-phasemodulation is compared with amplitude modulation and a formula, giving the improvement in the signal/noise ratio due to pulse-phase modulation, is established by very simple considerations. It is shown that this ratio improves as the frequency bandwidth used in pulse-phase modulation. It is shown how an improvement of 3 db in signal/noise ratio can be obtained by suppressing the noise on the synchronizing pulse, and a practical circuit developed and applied in 1943 by the author is described. Finally, a typical example of pulse technique is given. In practical circuits the modulator and demodulator pulses are not perfectly shaped, because of the departure from linearity due to finite time-constants. This introduces harmonic distortion.
It is shown how this distortion can be practically elimi- nated by designing circuits so that the time constant is equal at modulationand demodulation.
It present a novel technique for digital data modulation and demodulationcalled triangular modulation (TM). The modulation technique was developed primarily to maximize the amount of data sent over a limited bandwidth channel while still maintaining very good noise rejection and signal distortion performance. Themodulation technique involves breaking digital data into a series of parallel words. Each word is then represented by one half period of a triangular waveform whose slope is proportional to the value of the parallel word it represents. Thedemodulation technique for this uniquely defined waveform involves first digitizing the waveform at a higher constant sampling rate. A linear regression algorithm using the method of least squares is then used to compute the slope of the digitized waveform to a very high precision. This process is repeated for each rising and falling edge of the triangular modulated waveform. All encoded data is extracted by precise slope computation since each slope uniquely defines the encoded data word it represents. The ability of the demodulation algorithm to compute the exact slope of the modulated waveform determines how many bits can be represented by the modulated waveform. Transmission channel bandwidth limitations determine the allowable range of slopes used. Several simulations are performed to provide a sample of how the modulation method will perform in various real world environments. The paper also discusses several application areas where themodulation technique will provide superior results over other modulation methods.
The theory of constant envelope orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(CE-OFDM) is analyzed in this paper, along with the introduction of the implementation method of CE-OFDM technique. Besides, the modulation and demodulation process is simulated and analyzed. And the results indicate that CE-OFDM conducts phasemodulation on the basis of OFDM modulation. Thus, FFT/IFFT is implemented in the transmitting and receiving terminals. Furthermore, the method of equalization applied in the demodulation process can optimize system performance. And also, CE-OFDM solves the problem of high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) in OFDM, reducing PAPR to 0Db.
High efficient modulation technology is a hot research topic. UNB modulation, for its good performance, is paid to more attention. First, the article introduces EBPSK modulation scheme as UNB modulation method, gives its time and frequency domain characteristics and presents its optimized form in the same time, which can lower the sideband power level, while keeping the modulation information un-lost. Then, filter design is discussed about two zero and two pole digital filter, which shows narrower bandwidths and a fast response speed to the EBPSK based UNB modulated signals, although the filter bandwidth is much narrower, the modulationinformation still can be seen after the modulated signals filtered using it. Last, simulation is done about EBPSK based UNB modulation and demodulation, and experimental results show that EBPSK based UNB modulation has high bandwidth efficiency and a good, even better BER performance using the filters.
FPGA 的结合是现代通信系统进展的一个必然趋势。


本文第一从数字调制解调理论入手,分析了三种重要的恒包络调制解调方式(FSK,MSK,GMSK)的大体原理;该罗德&施瓦茨sme03 ,信号发生器,提供上午调制和外部的FSK 数字调制所需的开发和测试数字移动无线电接收器。

PWM 在几种模拟通信信号数字调制解调中的应用研究结果说明,本文所设计的软件无线电数字中频调制解调模块能够知足软件无线电对中频调制解调器的性能要求。




本文要紧研究了软件无线电中数字中频调制解调模块的设计和实现,设计了一个以数字信号处置器、微操纵器和AD/DA 转换器等器件为核心的大体硬件平台,运用正交调制程序对数字、模拟基带信号实现数字正交调制,上变频至中频信号输出;本文以软件无线电的理论为基础,研究了软件无线电中的部份关键技术:包括数字上/下变频的实际处置模型和调制解调部份的实现。


本文研究了基于802.文中介绍了QPSK 调制解调的原理,并基于FPGA 实现了QPSK 调制解调电路。



在数字信号的自动调制方式识别中,差分后求包络方差关于区分FSK、PSK 信号具有十分重要的意义。

航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术载波相位噪声对QPSK 调制解调的阻碍是不可忽略的,也是难以分析的。

数字调制和解调技术在数字通信系统中扮演着重要的角色,数字通信技术和FPGA 的相结合必然是一个趋势。




应用PWM 数字调制与解调模拟通信信号在几个调制模式研究结果证明数字若是调制器和解调器的设计软件无线电的软件无线电的能力和要求放松警戒。



时刻同步是数字解调cc 盟军的关键技术软件。

本文提供了数字若是调制器和解调器的硬件设计包括的软件无线电数字信号处置器、微操纵单元和AD / DA转换器上/下变换器(DDC / DUC),调制和解调是论文讨论的一些专门提款权平台不可缺少的部份。


在本文中,咱们研究了OFDM 技术在基础上,实现基带调制和解挪用TMS320C6201 和优化软件模块。

介绍了QPSK 调制和解调的原理,电路也实现基于FPGA。






QPSK 调制和解调的阻碍不能轻忽,通过载波相位噪声,很难分析。



研究,如'RF 波形计量“的思想和技术。


计量的方式和系统,用于数字解调误差参数的基础上持续组合,其适合BPSK,QPSK,8PSK,16QAM,64QAM 调制:该方式能够实现可追踪性和错误设定的能力在很宽的范围内,当标准EvmRms 是%,那么扩展不确信度(K = 2)为%。


计量方式和系统digitaldemodulation 误差参数基于模拟AM 或PM。


计量方式和系统基于IQ 增益的不平稳和相位不平稳数字解调误差参数。


计量方式和系统基于模拟PM 中的GMSK 和FSK 调制的纵横数字解调误差参数。






在CPPM + CPWM 方式中,每一个脉冲是一个混乱的符号携带两个比特的对应于它的位置和宽度,其中所述位置由距离的电流脉冲的上升沿比前一个和宽度之间确信的二进制信息由上升沿和相同的脉冲的下降沿之间的持续时刻来确信。

这提供的比特率,带宽效率和隐私与CPPM 的方式相较增加。

CPPM 调制andDemodulation(调制解调器)+ CPWM 的方案提出,设计和分析的基础上CPPM 的常规方案。

在CPPM + CPWM 调制解调系统的时域数值模拟在Matlab / Simulink 来实现。

它给出了理论和实践的研究对脉冲相位调制的特性的总结,主若是在1943年开发的脉冲phasemodulation 的性质由傅立叶变换装置的阻碍。






脉冲phasemodulation 与调幅和式相较,给予在信号/噪声比由于脉冲相位调制的改善,是通过超级简单的考虑确立。


它示出了如何为3 分贝的信号/噪声比的改善能够通过抑制上的同步脉冲的噪声来取得,而且实际电路开发并描述在1943 年应用由作者。




它示出了如何这种变形可被实际排除通过设计电路通过NAT 使得时刻常数等于在modulationand解调。

它提出了一种新的技术用于数字数据的调制和demodulationcalled 三角调制(TM)。


Themodulation 技术涉及破数字数据转换成一系列平行的话。


Thedemodulation 技术那个唯一概念波形包括第一进行数字化,在较高的抽样速度恒定的波形。







本文还讨论了几个应用领域themodulation 技术将提供比其它调制方式更好的结果。



结果说明CE-OFDM 进行phasemodulation OFDM 调制的基础上。

因此,FFT /之实现发射和接收终端。


而且,CE-OFDM 解决问题的高peak-to-average 功率比(地表铺面)在OFDM,减少地表铺面0 分贝。



第一,本文介绍了摘要调制方案作为超窄带调制方式,让时刻和频域的特点,提出了优化的形式在同一时刻,能够降低边带功率电平,同时维持un-lost 调制信息。

然后,滤波器设计讨论了两个零和两个数字滤波器,它显示了窄带宽、响应速度快的摘要基于超窄带调制信号,尽管滤波器带宽更窄,modulationinformation 仍然能够看到调制信号过滤后利用它。

