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综合防治 Integrated control
3.生物防治 Biological Control 蓟马的天敌有中华微刺盲蝽、东亚小花蝽、中华草蛉幼虫等,其中中华微刺盲 蝽效果最好,对蓟马的数量起到一定的控制作用。 The natural enemies of thrips include Campylomma chinensis, Orius sauteri, and lacewing larvae, among which Campylomma chinensis has the best effect and plays a certain role in controlling the number of thrips. 绿僵菌、白僵菌能对其效果也不错。 Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana can also work well on them. 部分蓟马还能都通过信息素的方式来诱杀。 Certain thrips can be trapped and killed using pheromone.
Thrips have increased drug resistance. 3.果园套种黄瓜、茄子、玉米等。
Cucumbers, eggplants, and corn are interplanted in orchards.
综合防治 Integrated control
1.农业防治 Agricultural control 加强田间栽培管理,重视冬季清园。 It is necessary to strengthen field cultivation management and pay attention to orchard cleaning in winter. 开春清除园内枯枝落叶并集中烧毁。 In the spring, it must remove dead branches and fallen leaves from the orchards and burn them in a centralized manner. 开春前除草,干旱时及时灌水。 Weeding shall be conducted before spring and the orchards shall be irrigated in time during drought. 定植园尽可能要远离蓟马宿主玉米、茄子、香蕉、甘蔗,更不宜套种这些作物。 The plantation should be as far away from the thrips host corn, eggplant, banana and sugarcane as possible, and these crops should not be interplanted.
Thrips like arid environments.
蓟马防治难 Difficult prevention and control of thrips
1.蓟马个体很小,且危害位置隐蔽。 Thrips have a very small body type and
cause damage in hidden positions. 2.蓟马抗药性增强。
பைடு நூலகம்
柑橘蓟马 Scirtothrips citri
显微镜下的茶黄蓟马 Scirtothrips dorsalis hood observed under a microscope
显微镜下的八节黄蓟马 Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall) observed under a microscope
3.蓟马主要活动时间在夜间、傍晚和阴天,喜欢到阴凉的叶背、花心、萼片等部位吸 食。
Thrips mainly move at night, at dusk, and on cloudy days. Thrips like to suck on the shady leaf back, flower heart, sepals and other parts.
Thrips can produce seven to eight generations every year in areas with high temperatures. 2.以卵在秋梢新叶组织内、树皮、落叶、杂草、土壤中越冬。第二年3~4月越冬卵孵 化后在嫩叶和幼果上取食。
Generally, they overwinter as eggs in the new leaf tissues of autumn shoots, barks, fallen leaves, weeds, and soils. The overwintering eggs will be hatched from March to April of the next year. Afterwards, they will feed on tender leaves and fruitlets.
Green Prevention and Control of Citrus Diseases and Pests
Scirtothrips Citri
柑橘蓟马 Scirtothrips citri
柑橘蓟马 Scirtothrips citri
缨翅目昆虫统称为蓟马。 Thysanoptera insects are collectively called thrips.
综合防治 Integrated control
4.化学防治 Chemical Control 提前进行防治,若错过防治适期,用药量大,效果还不好。蓟马昼伏夜出,选在早晨或傍 晚用药效果较好。 Control measures should be taken in advance. If not, the control dosage will be large and the effect will not be good. Thrips are hiding in the daytime and coming out at night, so it is better to use medicine in the morning or at dusk. 进行喷雾防治时要全面细致,最好在地面枯枝落叶和杂草处也要喷药。Spraying should be conducted comprehensively and meticulously. It is advised to spray chemicals at the dead branches, fallen leaves and weeds on the ground. 保护地蓟马的防治可以采用熏棚和叶面喷雾相结合的方法。露地蓟马防治可以地上、地下 相结合。 For the control of thrips in protected fields, a combination of shed fumigation and foliar spraying can be used. The control of thrips in the open field can be combined above ground and underground. 在防治过程中可以添加苦参碱,可以趋避蓟马,效果更好。 In addition, matrine can be added for control to prevent thrips, which is more effective.
为害特点--为害幼果 Damage features-damage to fruitlets
为害特点--为害果实 Damage features-damage to fruits
为害特点 Damage features
发生规律 Occurrence law
识别特征 Identification characteristics
缨翅 Thysanoptera
识别特征 Identification characteristics
锉吸式口器 Rasping-sucking mouthparts
为害特点 Damage features
蓟马有趋嫩习性 Thrips have a tendency to tenderness.
为害特点--为害枝梢 Damage features-damage to shoots
为害特点--为害新梢 Damage features-damage to young sprouts
为害特点--为害枝条 Damage features-damage to branches
为害特点--为害花朵 Damage features-damage to flowers
蓝板的方位不同诱杀效果不同,其中朝南和朝东的效果较好。高度2米左右, 一亩地大概挂30张。
The blue boards have different trapping and killing effects in different orientations, and effects are better when facing south and east. Their heights are about 2 meters, and about 30 blue boards are hung on one mu of land.
综合防治 Integrated control
2.物理防治 Physical Control
Sticky traps will be used.
蓟马对不同颜色具有不同的趋性,它们最喜欢深蓝色和蓝色,其次是白色,可 用蓝板诱杀蓟马。
Thrips have different taxis for different colors, they prefer dark blue and blue, followed by white, which can be trapped and killed with blue boards.