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关于一位公主和七个小矮人的故事的英文Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a grand castle. However, the princess was very lonely because she had no friends to play with and no one to keep her company.
One day, while staring out of the castle window, the princess saw seven small dwarfs walking by. She felt curious and decided to go outside and meet them. The little dwarfs were friendly and welcomed the princess with open arms.
The princess found herself dazzled by their personalities- Stumpy was brave, Grumpy was always in a bad mood but made her laugh, Dopey was silly, Happy was well-named as he was constantly chirpy and cheerful, Doc was clever and Sneezy seemed to have an allergy that made him sneeze frequently whereas Bashful was shy but kindhearted.
The seven dwarfs invited the princess to come share their cottage where they lived together in harmony in the forest
nearby. They worked hard mining diamonds in the mountains every day while singing songs and telling stories along the way. The princess enjoyed spending time with each of them after their long days at work.
As the weeks went by, the Princess started to feel more comfortable around them until one day she revealed her true identity to them- That she is actually a Princess! The dwarves were so honoured that they threw a big party for
her with fresh apple pie from Snow White's cottage down the road!
But then one day, back at Castle where all royal families live and breathe prosperity- an evil witch appeared! She
put a spell on Princess’s father forcing his health into constant decline unless he receives a cure from Snow White’s crystal clear diamond which glows gently like moonlight when exposed to sunlight in high noon!. With sadness in her heart, due to weakness of his father's health condition-the Princess decided it is her duty as Royal Heir to leave behind all happiness behind including seven small friends whom she grown quite fond off just fillial love & depart
back towards Castle so that she could retrieve this diamond from friend-Snow White.
After finding Snow White's house deep within forest lands near Dwarf practice mine & getting cured Father back –Princess visited seven dwarves cottage out of sheer gratitude over pouring in abundance within herself for everything they did for her during those happy times when they’re some company she had fun sharing memories with; And gave them rich jewels which they gratefully accepted before tearful goodbyes followed afterward between Royals & Dwarves whom Forged bond despite vast social differences. Finding Sweet memory treasures while looking across past times which we left far behind has become quite common meanwhile each member dwells within own world these days nevertheless one thing remain unshakable -the lovely memories shared between those eight individuals over brief spell will never fade away!
And so ended this beautiful story filled with kindness and friendship brought together through humble circumstances but holding strong throughout rough patches!。
