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Candidate: Zhang Mingjie Supervisor: Prof. Qin Mingxia Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: English Language and Literature University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2013
成长小说主要着眼于小说人物的成长历程,客观地描述个体在走向成熟之前所经历 的道德、心理以及情感上的迷茫,并力求给予读者积极的引导。安妮·普鲁同美国著名 诗人弗罗斯特一样,都是大器晚成。普鲁更是到了 50 岁的年纪才获得成功。从她的经 历来看,她自己的故事就是一部精彩的成长小说。她亲历了纽芬兰狂放的民风,对那里 简单、坚强的人们产生了深深的好感。这部小说汇聚了她自己的成长体会和对纽芬兰的 热爱,凝结成奎尔和《船讯》,更影响着许多像奎尔一样的小人物努力地寻求自我。
Chapter 3 Quoyle’s Initiation Journey .............................................................................. 15 3.1 Initiation Journey in Quoyle‟s Family life ............................................................... 16 3.1.1 Negative Guides on the Journy—Petal Bear and Cousin Nolan .................... 17 3.1.2 Positive Guides on the Journey—Aunt Agnis, the Daughters, and Wavey.... 18 3.2 Initiation Journey in Quoyle‟s Career life ................................................................ 24 3.2.1 Negative Guide on the Journey—Ed Punch................................................... 25 3.2.2 Positive Guides on the Journey—Partridge and Jack Buggit......................... 25
Classified Index: U. D. C:
CODE: 10075 NO: gxjs08139
A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts
A Quest for Identity
—An Explication of The Shipping News as an Initiation Story
Chapter 4 Quoyle’s Self-fulfillments ................................................................................. 29 4.1 Reconstructions—Self-fulfillments in Family ......................................................... 29 4.2 Breakthroughs—Self-fulfillments in Career ............................................................ 31
关键词 成长小说 身份 困境 引路人 自我实现
Байду номын сангаас
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 The Shipping News as an Initiation Story................................................................... 2 1.2 Research Background and Thesis Theme................................................................... 4
本文共分为五章:第一章为引言,主要介绍研究背景及目的,指出本文从家庭、事 业两个方向论述主人公奎尔作为一个社会人的成长。第二章主要论述主人公成长的困境, 为其“上路”做铺垫。第三章主要通过分析主人公成长过程中的“引路人”,论述主人 公是如何在生活的考验中逐步成长起来的。第四章主要通过主人公家庭的重建和事业的 突破,论述其成长过程中的顿悟与自我实现。第五章总结全文,指出通过从成长小说的 角度品读《船讯》,鼓舞人们正确面对人生中的困境与考验,唤醒自我意识,实现自我 价值,成为生活中的强者。
Initiation story mainly focuses on the main characters‟ initiation experience, describing objectively the ethical, psychological, and emotional perplexity of the youth, and emphasizing a positive guidance to the growing-ups. As is known to all, Annie Proulx, just like Robert Frost the famous poet, gains her fame only after fifty years old, her own experience makes surely a wonderful initiation story. A series of in-person journeys to Newfoundland make Proulx fall for the marvelous landscapes, as well as the briefness and toughness of the residents. Her own initiation and love for Newfoundland creates Quoyle and The Shipping News, and encourages more “Quoyle” to quest for his identity.
This thesis consists of five chapters: Chapter one introduces the connection between Annie Proulx‟s The Shipping News and American initiation story and explains the feasibility to analyze this novel from the perspective of initiation, then introduces the research background and the subject of this thesis. Chapter two explains what predicament is in an initiation story and the predicament the protagonist suffers in both his family life and career life. Chapter three explores the initiation journey in which the protagonist quests for his social identity by analyzing the function of the guides and companions along with him. Chapter four indicates the protagonist‟s self-fulfillments by marking some ritual-like epiphanies, and points out his maturity as a social man. Chapter five concludes the whole paper and comes to a solution that by facing the cruelty and difficulty of life, though not born of a success, “everyone” can make his own story as brilliant and gain a place in the society.
Chapter 2 Quoyle’s Initiation Predicaments....................................................................... 7 2.1 Initiation Predicaments in Quoyle‟s Family............................................................... 7 2.2 Initiation Predicaments in Quoyle‟s Career ............................................................. 12
Key Words initiation story identity predicament guide self-fulfillment
安妮·普鲁是著名的美国当代作家,也是首位获得福克纳小说奖的女性作家。1993 年她发表的小说《船讯》赢得了普利策文学奖(1994)、国家图书奖(1993)等多个重 要文学领域的奖项。她的作品在文学界的迅速崛起引起了文学评论家和爱好者的广泛关 注。人们开始从各个视角对她的作品进行分析研究,例如女性作家文学、生态文学及生 态文学批评、象征主义、区域文学等。本文从成长小说的视角对《船讯》进行分析,以 期更好地欣赏这部作品。
Annie Proulx is a contemporary American novelist and the first female writer who won the PEN/Faulkner Award. Her second novel, The Shipping News, was published in 1993 and won Proulx a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award the same year. Her quick ascent in literary world aroused a parade of critics‟ attention from perspectives such as female writing, ecological literature and ecological literature criticism, symbolism, regionalism, and so on. This thesis analyzes The Shipping News from an initiation story perspective aiming at a better understanding of the novel.