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• 海面水温和海洋上层的相对湿度的日变化 和年度变化相对较小,则Qb随纬度及季节 变化小。
3.1.3 蒸发潜热Qe Latent Flux
1、对海气间热交换起重要作用(important effect) 2、影响因素(influencing factors): A.水汽温差 B.大气中水汽垂直分布 C.风速
3.1.1 太阳辐射能(Solar Radiation)
• 辐射定律(Law of radiation)
– 斯蒂芬—波尔兹曼定律: 任何温度高于绝对零度的物体都能以辐射的形式向 外释放能量,它与绝对温度Tk的4次方成正比。
为Stefan-Boltzmann常数,等于5.67051x10-8w.m-2.k-4. F为辐射体的透明系数, 绝对黑体F=1,绝对透明体F=0
• 海水的热力学性质
– 热容、比热容 – 绝热变化/位温 – 沸点升高/冰点降低
3. The Oceanic Heat Budget 世界大洋的热量平衡
3.1 海面热收支(Heat budget of the sea surface)
Heat-budget terms:
• 对于整个海洋来说,太阳辐射是产生海面水温升高的主要 因素 • 一天水温最高值并非出现在太阳高度最大的正午,而是出 现在午后1-3时即Qt由正转为负的时刻;同理,水温极小 值出现的时刻发生在Qt由负转为正的时刻,约在凌晨。一 年水温极大值出现在8月份,最低值则出现在1-2月份。
4. The ocean water budget 海洋中的水平衡
3.2 海洋内部热交换(Heat exchange in the ocean)
由于海水总是流动的,水平方向暖流能把热量带来,冷流 又使这里失去热量。例如,高纬度海域,海洋失去的热量比从 太阳那里得到的多,多余的失热,要靠黑潮、湾流将赤道附近 的热量向极地输送;而赤道附近从太阳获得的热量多于失去的, 只有流走一部分,才能保持那里的平衡。因此对局部海域来说, 必须考虑平流热传输(Qv)
总辐射能分布 (The distribution of total radiant energy)
• 随纬度升高而减小
• 总辐射能最大值出现副热带海域(与太阳 高度、云量有关)
• 太阳辐射的年变化随纬度升高而增大。
3.1.2海面有效回辐射Qb( significant reradiation of the sea surface)
一、铅直方向上的热输运Qz ( vertical) 二、水平方向热输送QA ( horizontal)
3.3 Conservation of heat:
Qt is the resultant heat gain or loss. Qt>0, heat gain, T↑ Qt<0, heat loss, T↓ Qt=0, equilibrium,Tmax or Tmin
3.4 海洋热平衡的分布与变化规律
• 对于整个海洋的年平均或多年平均而言,热量的收支是平 衡的Qt=0 • 但对于一年的某一时期或不同地区,海洋的热收支却不平 衡
– 海洋热收支的纬度变化特点
• Qe与(Qs-Qb)相当,在高纬变化趋势相似,而在低纬因赤道地区海面 湿度大,蒸发量显著低于副热带海区,使得Qe呈双峰分布 • Qh随纬度变化不大,且量值较小 • Qt变化显著:23N-18S海域Qt>0,海水有净热收入,中高纬海域, Qt<0,海洋有净热支出
Atmospheric Windows
太阳辐射通过大气时,紫外部分绝大部分被臭氧吸收;红外部分能量被大气中的 水汽,CO2等部分吸收。 部分能量又被大气中的分子颗粒等散射,而其中一部分也可达到海洋
影响因素(Influencing Factors)
• Latitude: The polar regions are heated less than the tropics • Season: Areas in winter are heated less thn the same area in summer • Time of day: Areas in early morning are heated less than the same area at noon • Cloudiness: Cloudy days have less than sunny days Average annual range: 30W/m2<QS<260W/m2
• Atmospheric water-vapor content(水汽含 量) (The more humid the atmosphere the less heat escapes to space) • Байду номын сангаасater temperature(海面水温): The hotter, more heat is radiated
最大的潜热通量位于贸易风区,因为那里海—气湿度差最大 其次是湾流和黑潮区,那里湿度差大,风速也大。 潜热通量向高纬度海域渐次减少,这是因为那里海—气温差减少, 从而导致海—气湿度差减少之故。
3、分布及变化(distribution and changes): (a)经向(南北): 赤道蒸发量小(相对湿度大,风速小) 高纬度海区小(温度低,水汽含量少) 副热带和信风带海区大气流下沉,空气干燥, 气温高,风大 (b)季节变化: 冬季最强(风速大,水汽压差大,水温高 于气温,空气层结不稳)
you are given four water samples A, B, C and D with the temperatures and salinities shown in the TSdiagram. Which of the listed arrangements of water samples give(s) a stable stratification?
3.1.4 感热交换Sensible-Heat
1、海气温度不等,通过热传导也有热量传递。 2、有两个影响因素:海面风速Wind speed和海 气温差Air-sea temperature difference
High winds and large temperature differences cause high fluxes.
Typical Values (W/m2) World Annual Averag Range e QS +150 +30 to +260 Qb -50 -60 to 30 Qe -90 -10 to 130 Q & Qh may be -10 -2 to (Qeh positive for short period locally) 42
• Major Influencing Factor – Gain: Precipitation(P,降水), run off(R,径 流), melting(M,融冰) – Loss: Evaporation(E,蒸发), freezing(F, 结冰) – Current(海流)
• Conservation Equation
• High winds and dry air evaporate much more water than weak winds with relative humidity near 100% • In polar regions, evaporation from ice covered oceans is much less than from open waters.
• Insolation(太阳辐射) QS, the flux of sunlight into the sea • Net Infrared Radiation(长波辐射) Qb, net flux of infrared (long-wave) radiation from the sea • Sensible Heat(感热) Flux Qh, the flux of heat through the surface due to conduction • Latent Heat(潜热) Flux Qe, the flux of heat carried by evaporation/condensation 海洋内部 • Advection QV, heat carried by currents
– 维恩定律: 辐射能量的最大波长与辐射体表面的绝对温度成反比。
太阳辐射能最强的波长为0.475 m(短波辐射) 太阳辐射能量的99.9%集中在0.2-10m波段内,其中可见光(0.4-0.76 m)部分占 44%,红外部分(>0.76 m)占47%,紫外部分(<0.40 m)占9%.
As Salinity increases density increases. As Temperature increases density decreases
Of the four diagrams shown, only one shows the correct density dependence on temperature and salinity. Which one is it? ?( a ) a b
Heat gain and loss with latitude
Heat is transferred away from the equator by winds and ocean currents
Sea surface temperatures
• Temperatures vary with latitude • Temperatures vary with season
• Effect of pressure, temperature and salinity on density – S>24.7, the density will continue to increase with decreasing temperature until the water freezes – When T is constant, the density increases with increasing S
• 定义(definition): 海面向大气的长波辐射与大气向海洋的 长波辐射之差。
根据维恩定律,海洋向大气辐射能量最强的波长约 在10m(长波辐射)。海洋辐射的能量90%以上集 中在4~80 m范围。
Influencing Factor
• Cloud(云)
– Clouds thickness (The thicker, the less heat escape to space)
• Properties of pure water • Temperature( T, ℃)、 Salinity (S) and Conductivity(电导率) 、 Density (, kg/m3)
• Effect of pressure, temperature and salinity on density – Density increase with increasing pressure (depth)[ relative little] – S < 24.7, the density will increase with decreasing temperature until it reaches a maximum value and will then decrease until the water freezes - just as pure water behaves