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PART 11 Electr onic Records; Electr onic Sign atures
Subpart A--Ge neral Provisi ons
分章A 一般规定
Sec. 11.1 Scope.
(a)The regulati ons in this part set forth the criteria un der which the age ncy con siders
electro nic records, electro nic sig natures, and han dwritte n sig natures executed to electro nic records to be trustworthy, reliable, and gen erally equivale nt to paper records and han dwritte n sig natures executed on paper.
(b)This part applies to records in electronic form that are created, modified, maintain ed, archived, retrieved, or tran smitted, un der any records requireme nts set forth in age ncy regulati ons. This part also applies to electronic records submitted to the agency under requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act and the Public Health Service Act, eve n if such records are not specifically ide ntified in age ncy regulatio ns.
However, this part does not apply to paper records that are, or have bee n, tran smitted
by electr onic means.
(c)Where electro nic sig natures and their associated electro nic records meet the requireme nts of this part, the age ncy will con sider the electro nic sig natures to be equivale nt to full han dwritte n sig natures, in itials, and other gen eral sig nings as required by age ncy regulati ons, uni ess specifically excepted by regulatio n(s) effective
on or after August 20, 1997.
(d)Electronic records that meet the requirements of this part may be used in lieu of paper records, in accorda nee with 11.2, uni ess paper records are specifically required.
(e)Computer systems (including hardware and software), controls, and attendant
docume ntati on maintained un der this part shall be readily available for, and subject
to, FDA in spect ion.
⑴ This part does not apply to records required to be
established or maintained by
1.326 through 1.368 of this chapter. Records that satisfy the requireme nts of part 1, subpart J of this chapter, but that also are required un der other applicable statutory provisi ons or regulati on s, rema in subject to this part.
[62 FR 13464, Mar. 20, 1997, as amen ded at 69 FR 71655, Dec. 9, 2004]
需要满足第一章(part 1 ),和本章中子章节J要求的记录,如果同时在其他应用法规或条款中也有要求,则根据这部分内容执行。
[62 FR 13464 ,1997 年3 月20 日, 在2004 年12 月9 日的69 FR 71655 中做了修订]
Sec. 11.2 Impleme ntati on.
11.2 履行
(a)For records required to be maintained but not submitted to the agency, persons
may use electr onic records in lieu of paper records or electr onic sig natures in lieu of
traditi onal sig natures, in whole or in part, provided that the requireme nts of this part are met.
(b)For records submitted to the agency, persons may use electronic records in lieu of
paper records or electr onic sig natures in lieu of traditi onal sig natures, in whole or in
part, provided that:
(1)The requireme nts of this part are met; and
(2)The document or parts of a document to be submitted have been identified in public docket No. 92S-0251 as being the type of submissi on the age ncy accepts in electro nic form.
This docket will ide ntify specifically what types of docume nts or parts of docume nts
are acceptable for submission in electronic form without paper records and the
age ncy recei ving un it(s) (e.g., specific cen ter, office, divisi on, bran ch) to which such submissi ons may
be made.
Docume nts to age ncy recei ving un it(s) not specified in the public docket will not be con sidered as official if they are submitted in electro nic form; paper forms of such docume nts will be con sidered as official and must accompa ny any electr onic records. Pers ons are expected to con sult with the inten ded age ncy recei ving unit for details on how (e.g., method of tran smissi on, media, file formats, and tech ni cal protocols) and whether to proceed with the electro nic submissi on.
Sec. 11.3 Defin itio ns.
11.3 定义
(a)The defi niti ons and in terpretati ons of terms contained in sect ion 201 of the act
apply to those terms whe n used in this part.
(b)The following definitions of terms also apply to this part:
(1)Act means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (secs. 201-903 (21 U.S.C.
法案是指联邦食品、药品、化妆品法案(21 U.S.C. 321-393)
(2)Age ncy means the Food and Drug Adm ini stratio n.
(3)Biometrics means a method of verify ing an in dividual's ide ntity based on
measureme nt of the in dividual's physical feature(s) or repeatable actio n(s) where those features an d/or actions are both unique to that in dividual and measurable.
(4)Closed system means an en vir onment in which system access is con trolled by persons who are responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.
(5)Digital sig nature means an electr onic sig nature based upon cryptographic methods of orig in ator authe nticati on, computed by using a set of rules and a set of parameters such that the ide ntity of the sig ner and the in tegrity of the data can be
(6)Electro nic record means any comb in ati on of text, graphics, data, audio, pictorial,
or other information representation in digital form that is created, modified, maintain ed, archived, retrieved, or distributed by a computer system.
(7)Electr onic sig nature means a computer data compilati on of any symbol or series
of symbols executed, adopted, or authorized by an in dividual to be the legally binding equivale nt of the in dividua I's han dwritte n sig nature.。