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parison between English and Chinese in terms of thinking mode
Chinese (examples)
Emphasize ethics Emphasize integrity and
synthetic thinking Emphasize intuition Emphasize figurative
杨贵妃,班门弄斧”as an example
3)意译 (some books classify it into substitution instead of free translation)
虎口拔牙 (beard the lion), 象蜜蜂一样的勤劳 (as industrious as an ant), 猫哭老鼠 (shed crocodile tears)。
The study had a Spartan look。 如果直译这句话“这间书房有斯巴达的景象”, 中国读者不知其中的典故,是完全不明白什么意思的。
但如果意译成“这间书房有一种简朴的景象”则完全 丧失了源语的文化内涵。我们不妨采用直译加注释 “这间书房有一种斯巴达的景象”(注:斯巴达人以简 朴著称
1.relationship between translation ,language and culture
a. the classification of culture: material culture institutional culture mental culture b. translation is a kind of interlingual and intercultural
替他取下一个绰号, fashioned children’s
孔乙己一到店,所有 喝酒的人便都看着他 笑,有的叫道,“孔 乙己,你脸上又添上 新伤疤了!”他不回 答,对柜里说,“温 两碗酒,要一碟茴香 豆。”便排出九文大 钱。
Whenever he came in, everyone there would look at him and chuckle. And someone was sure to call out:
“Good name? Why, the day before yesterday you were trussed up and beaten for stealing books from the He family. I saw you!”
At that Kong Yiji would flush,
seemed that Kong Yiji had studied the classics but never
passed the official examinations and, not knowing any way to
不会营生;于是愈过 愈穷,弄到将要讨饭 了。幸而写得一笔好
穿的虽然是长衫, 可是又脏又破,似 乎十多年没有补, 也没有洗。他对人 说话,总是满口之 乎者也,教人半懂 不懂的。
And although he wore a long gown it was dirty and tattered. It had not by the look of it been washed or mended for ten years or more. He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.
再如: To carry coals to Newcastle 可翻译为把煤运到纽卡斯尔,多此一举(注:纽卡斯尔是
英国主要煤产地)。 这样读者不仅明白词语的意义,更增长了知识,增进了
中西文化交流。 As for the Chinese-English translation, we can take :”
Emphasize cognition Emphasize individuality and
analytic thinking Emphasize evidence Emphasize logical thinking
parison between English and Chinese as a language
a. in terms of script b. in terms of pronunciation c. in terms of vocabulary
The relationship between Chinese and English in terms of word meaning
A Comparative Study of English & Chinese
现代小说范例之一: 孔乙己 Kong Yiji
孔乙己是站着喝酒 而穿长衫的唯一的 人。他身材很高大; 青白脸色,皱纹间 时常夹些伤痕;一 部乱蓬蓬的花白的 胡子。
Kong Yiji was the only longgowned customer who used to drink his wine standing. A big, pallid man whose wrinkled face often bore scars, he had a large, unkempt and grizzled beard.
因为他姓孔,别人 And as his surname was
便从描红纸上的 “上大人孔乙己” 这半懂不懂的话里,
Kong, he was given the nickname Kong Yiji from Kong Yi Ji, the first three characters in the old-
这两个词在英汉两种语言中不仅有完全相同的科学定 义,还有着许多语义相同或相当的语言表达法, 如:
灰心 —to lose one’sheart 放心 —to give one’s heart at ease 关心— to take to heart 伤心 — to break one's heart
“Kong Yiji! What are those fresh scars on your face?”
Ignoring this, he would lay nine coppers on the bar and order two bowls of heated wine with a dish of aniseedpeas.
他们又故意的高声嚷 道,“你一定又偷了 人家的东西了!”孔 乙己睁大眼睛说, “你怎么这样凭空污 人清白……”“什么清 白?我前天亲眼见你 偷了何家的书,吊着 打。”
“You must have been stealing again!”
“Why sully a man’s good name for no reason at all?” Kong Yiji would ask, raising his eyebrows.
semantic correspondence
衷心的 —heart-felt 善心的 —kind-hearted 黑心的 —black-hearted 硬心肠的 —hard-hearted
semantic non-correspondence
比如 西方人经常用狗来称呼人: lucky dog(幸运儿), To help a lame dog over a stile(助人于危难), love me,love my dog(爱屋及乌), top dog(最重要的人物) 而在汉语中,对狗的贬义词则很多,如狗腿子(lackey),
对于词义吻合的词或源词所携带的文化信息能为译语读者接受 的词,均可使用此种方法翻译。直译不仅可以传递源语所携带的 全部文化信息,还可以丰富译语和译语文化。
汉语中许多词语都来自英语,如 摊牌 (to show one's cards), 蓝图 (blueprint), 黑市 (black market),
the veins on his forehead
的青筋条条绽出,争辩道, standing out as he protested,
“窃书不能算偷……窃 书!……读书人的事,能
“Taking books can’t be counted as stealing… Taking books…for a scholar…can’t be counted as
智囊团 (brain trust), 死硬派 (die-hard), 象牙塔 (tower of ivory), 黄金时代 (golden age), 打破纪录 (to break the record)等。
对于词义缺位的词,如果硬性直译,往往会使读者感到 茫然,对于这类词,我们可以使用直译加注法,通过加注 使读者了解源词的内涵义。如
1.relationship between translation ,language and culture
parison between English and Chinese in terms of thinking mode
parison between English and Chinese as a language
make a living, he had grown steadily poorer until he was almost reduced to beggary. Luckily he was a good calligrapher and could find
enough copying work to fill his rice-bowl.
一、词义相符 (semantic correspondence) 二、词义相异 (semantic nonபைடு நூலகம்correspondence) 三、词义空缺 (semantic zero)
semantic correspondence
这种吻合可以通过“心”与“heart”两词对比加以说 明。
狗杂种(bastard)。 前些年,有人把走狗翻译成running dog,许多外国人就
Specific translation method
1)直译 (literal translation) 2)直译加注释 (literal plus annotation) 3)意译 (free translation)
stealing.” Then followed such
的话,什么“君子固穷”, 什么“者乎”之类,引得 众人都哄笑起来;店内外
quotations from the classics, such as “a gentleman keeps his integrity even in poverty,” together with a spate of
archaisms which soon had everybody roaring with laughter,
enlivening the whole tavern.
听人家背地里谈论, From the gossip that I heard, it