Results of Taxonomic Evaluation of RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Ontologies using RDF(S

中文标题: 中国2007年出口退税政策变动对出口影响的实证分析英文标题:The Effect of the Export Tax Rebate PolicyChange on Chinaʹs Exports: An EmpiricalAnalysis研究领域:国际经济学作者姓名:白重恩 王鑫 钟笑寒①工作单位:清华大学经济管理学院经济系通讯地址:北京市清华大学紫荆公寓13#208B(王鑫)邮政编码:100084①作者署名以姓氏拼音为序。
中国2007年出口退税政策变动对出口影响的实证分析内容提要2007年7月1日我国大规模下调了出口退税率,本文运用双差法(difference in difference),对出口退税率的降低引起的中国出口变动进行了实证分析,结果表明:出口退税率下调对出口增长率而非出口水平有显著的负影响;分类来讲,退税率降低对“易引起贸易摩擦的商品”出口增长率负影响显著,对“高耗能、高污染、资源型”产品的出口增长率负影响不显著。
AbstractOn July 1st, 2007, China reduced the export tax rebate rate of almost 37% of all products. Based on the export data from January 2005 to June 2008, using the theory of “Difference in Difference”, we did empirical test to the export and growth rate of export. The result shows that reducing the export tax rebate rate distinctly reduced growth rate of export, but didn’t distinctly have minus effect on export. Compared with reducing the growth rate of “easy to cause trade friction” good, this policy didn’t control the rapid growth of “high-energy-consumption, high-pollution, resource-based” products’ export.关键词出口额出口退税政策双差法一 导言2007年6月8日,我国财政部和国家税务总局同国家发改委、商务部、海关总署发布了《财政部国家税务总局关于调低部分商品出口退税率的通知》,规定自2007年7月1日起,调整部分商品的出口退税政策。
CFA 级财务报表读书笔记

财务报表1.两种审计结论:unqualified(未查觉问题,不代表没有问题),qualified(已经审计出了问题的存在)2.权责发生制(accrual concept)下的会计问题(1)费用表(income statement)(2).确认收入(盈利过程结束and支付保障)权责发生制可用于利润操纵(按坏消息的税前后列示,平滑收入,全部确认损失抬高未来走势,改变会计方法)3. 现金流量分析(1)CFO (sales ,cost of sales, expense, AR, Inv, tax 利息支付,红利收入,GAAP 预付,递延税)CFI(买PP&E,联合投资,购买business, sales of assets,证券投资),CFF (付红利,长短期负债,stock sales/repurchase ) (2)直接法(+来源--支出) CFO(考虑折旧和摊销):cash collection =sales-AR ↑ cash input=-COGS+ lnv↓+ AP↑ cash expense=-wages-WP↓ Cash interest=-interest + IP↓, cash tax =-tax expense +TP↑+DT↑, CFI: cash assets sales=asset↓ +gain,if PP&E 大于0,use -,if PPE 小于0,use+, CFF: credit cash =new 借-归还(没有利息)Shareholder cash =发新股-日期-股利支付+DP↑(3)间接法Net income+ Non cash 花费(折旧、折耗、摊销)处理资产的损失- non cash gain (处理长期资产所得)(3)完工百分比 完工法 CF 同同 NI大(确认利润)小I.V. 收入波动小 大 A 大 小 E 大 小 D/E小大 (4)几个项目分析a.(business segment, sale asset. environmental. impairment. integration expense )b.(net of tax)c. both unusual and infrequent(loss from expropriation asset. disasters. early retirement of debt)d. principal/estimate- AR ↑,Inv↑,(-CA↑) + AR ↓,Inv↓,(+CA↓)+ CL ↑(AP↑,IP↑,TP↑,DT↑,WP↑) - CL ↓ CFO(4)两个因素A:Acquisition B: foreign subsidiaries(5) FCF=CFO-资本净支出=CFO-(净资本支出-税后收益)4. 报表分析(1)内部流动性 CR=CA/CL,QR=(C+S+AR)/CL,CR=(C+S)/Cl, AP turn=COGS/现金周期=365/ART +365/lnvT-360/APT ,lnv turn=COGS/LNV AR turn=Sales/LNV (2)运营效率 Total assets turnover=revenue/Average total asset,Fixed asset Turnover = revenue/fixed total asset.GPM(纯利率)=GP/S.. OPM=EBIT/S,NPM=EAT/S.ROTC=(EAT+I)/ROE=NI/RCE=(NI-优先股股利)/(3)风险分析s m 1)/()1(,/()EBIT EBIT S P V QFC DOL Q Q S VC FC P V Q FD --==抄?D ----*FCP V-EPS D =DFL%EBIT D →%%EPS S VCDTL EPS S VC FC I D -==D --- = EPS/EPS/ EBIT/EBIT= EPS=DFL DTL= EPS/ Q=(S-VC)/(S-VC-FC-I),D/E=(LD+DT)/E,D/A=(LD+SD)/A,CF/LD=CFO/(BV of LD +PV of OL)(4)成长动力g=ROE ×(1-dividends ratio)=ROE×(1-D/EAT) (5)杜邦体系ROE=NI/E=(NI/S)×(S/A)×(A/E)=NL→(EBIT-I)(1-t)=ROE=((EBIT/S)×(S/A)-I/A) ×A/E×(1-T)5. EPS 分析(简单资本结构-CS ,PS ,不含权债券;复杂资本结构-含有摊薄证券,可转换成债券)(1)Basic EPS=NL-Pre.D)/加权平均普通股股数。

[单选题] *A.税后净利润(正确答案)B.营业利润C.利润总额D.税前利润2、企业在转销已经确认无法支付的应付账款时,应贷记的会计科目是()。
[单选题] *A.其他业务收入B.营业外收入(正确答案)C.盈余公积D.资本公积3、企业因解除与职工的劳动关系给予职工补偿而发生的职工薪酬,应借记的会计科目是()。
[单选题] *A.管理费用(正确答案)B.计入存货成本或劳务成本C.营业外支出D.计入销售费用4、由投资者投资转入的无形资产,应按合同或协议约定的价值,借记“无形资产”科目,按其在注册资本所占的份额,贷记“实收资本”科目,按其差额记入()科目。
[单选题] *A.“资本公积—资本溢价”(正确答案)B.“营业外收入”C.“资本公积—其它资本公积”D.“营业外支出”5、下列各项,不影响企业营业利润的项目是()。
[单选题] *A.主营业务收入B.其他收益C.资产处置损益D.营业外收入(正确答案)6、2018年12月31日,甲公司某项固定资产计提减值准备前的账面价值为1 000万元,公允价值为980万元,预计处置费用为80万元,预计未来现金流量的现值为1 050万元。
[单选题] *A.0(正确答案)B.20C.50D.1007、.(年浙江省高职考)下列各项中,属于会计对经济活动进行事中核算的主要形式的是()[单选题] *A预测B决策C计划D控制(正确答案)8、专利权有法定有效期限,一般发明专利的有效期限为()。
[单选题] *A.5年B.10年C.15年D.20年(正确答案)9、.(年预测)下列属于货币资金转换为生产资金的经济活动的是()[单选题] *A购买原材料B生产领用原材料C支付工资费用(正确答案)D销售产品10、.(年浙江省第一次联考)下列各项中,不属于会计核算的前提条件的是()[单选题] *A持续经营B货币计量C权责发生制(正确答案)D会计主体11、下列各项税金中不影响企业损益的是()。

关键词 : 宏观税 负; 经济增长 ; 弗最高税 率 拉
中 图分 类 号 :S0 4 2 7 2 F 1 .2 ( 1 )
问题 的提 出
文献标识码 : A
文章 编 号 :62— 09 2 0 )3— 0 6 4 17 6 4 (0 8 0 0 4 —0
二 、 观 税 负 理 论 研 究 现 状 宏
税率 O A为拉弗 最高税 率 。但 是 当税率 继续 升 高时 , 税
收量不升反降。所 以 A G区域 也 就 被称 之 为 “ 区 ” B 禁 。 在以拉弗为首的供给学派看来 , 要维持税 收行为 的有效 , 政府只能在 O G区域征税。即税 率不能高 于 O 。至于 A A 造成这种现象的原因 , 拉弗认为 , 高税 率会减少人们 正常 的经济活动 , 而降低 国民收入 。在低税率 上 , 从 人们 逃避 纳税的少 , 这时用 闲暇替换 劳动 或者用 消费替 换投 资和 储蓄是不合算的 , 找税 收的漏 洞或者将 生产 活动转 移 寻
方经济学流派 。其主要代表人物有拉弗 、 尔德 、 古 沃尼斯 基和费尔德斯坦 、 文斯等 。供 应学 派的理论 是 围绕如 埃 何使资本主义经济摆脱滞胀 的困境这一问题产 生和发展 的。在税收方 面主要 的理 论有 如下 几点 : 1 税 率是 经 () 济活动 的最有效刺激 。( ) 2 反对 高税率 特别 是累进 税制
20 0 8年 报
J u a o N nigU i r t o i n ea dE o o c o r l f a j n es y f n c n cn mi n n v i F a s
到 地 下 也 是 不 值 得 的 , 使 所 申 报 的 税 基 即征 税 的基 础 这

在R语言中,有很多函数和包可以帮助我们计算风险差异,其中最为常用的就是rd 函数。
其基本公式如下:rd = sqrt(w1^2 * sd1^2 + w2^2 * sd2^2 + 2 * w1 * w2 * cov(sd1, sd2))w1和w2分别为两个资产的权重,sd1和sd2分别为两个资产的标准差,cov(sd1, sd2)为两个资产的协方差。

从1981年到2011年的30年间,美国企业“研究与实验税收抵免制度”(Research and Eexperiment Tax Credit,简称R&E抵免制度)一直都是临时性制度,但每次到期前美国政府都通过了有关法案对该项制度给予延长,共进行了14次修订,并在不断修订的过程中越来越完善、简化、易于被理解和应用。
一、税收意义上的研发活动及研发支出(一)合格的R&E活动①从税收角度,“合格的研究活动”必须同时满足美国《国内税收法典》(Internal Revenue Code,简称I.R.C.)41条(d)中所列示的“四方面测试”。

二、实验背景与设计1. 实验背景福斯特税收实验是由美国经济学家阿瑟·奥肯于20世纪60年代提出的一种模拟实验。
2. 实验设计实验采用模拟经济环境,设定一定的初始条件,通过调整税收政策,观察对经济增长、收入分配和税收负担的影响。
三、实验结果与分析1. 经济增长实验结果显示,在适当的税收政策下,经济增长呈现出以下特点:(1)税收优惠政策能够刺激经济增长。
2. 收入分配实验结果显示,税收政策对收入分配的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)税收政策能够调节收入分配。
3. 税收负担实验结果显示,税收政策对税收负担的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)税收政策能够减轻纳税人负担。

回顾公式框架:Gross Income 总收入(Adjustment) 调整项(符合相关规定的费用,可以从总收入中抵减)Adjusted Gross Income 调整后总收入(AGI)(Standard Deduction) 标准扣除Or (二者间取金额较高的一方进行扣除)(Itemized Deduction) 逐项扣除(Exemption) 免税额度Taxable Income 应税收入首先一起来看一下Gross Income的计算。
Gross Income主要包括:劳务与工薪所得、股息所得、财产租赁所得、营业所得、资本利得、退休年金所得等。
大家可以根据Form 1040个人所得税表的Income栏进行学习(Form 1040 Line7-22)下面简单的`介绍一下Becker教材中提到的Gross Income的主要项目:1. Compensation for services(包括工资薪酬,奖金小费,债务减免,廉价购买,guaranteed payment,应税的福利收入)都是应税的,除了以下的三类情况)- Tax exempt interest incomeState and local government bonds/obligationsBonds of a U.S. possessionSeries EE (U.S. savings bond)3. Dividend Income(使用附表Schedule B,通常情况,股利收益都是应税的,但是有较低的税率0%,15%,20%)- Taxable Dividend(Cash= amount received; Property = FMV) - Tax-Free Distributions(Return of Capital,Stock Split,Stock Dividend,Life Insurance Dividend)4. State and Local Tax Refunds(根据去年使用的是Itemized Deduction或者Standard Deduction,来确定州/地方的退税是否应税。

CFA 2024年二级原版书课后题一、公司金融和财务报告分析1.1 企业金融报告的意义企业金融报告是企业向外界公开披露的财务信息,包括企业的资产负债状况、经营成果、现金流量以及股东权益等信息。
1.2 企业金融报告分析的方法企业金融报告分析主要采用财务比率分析、财务趋势分析、现金流量分析、股票市场指标分析等方法。
1.3 财务报表分析的注意事项在进行财务报表分析时,需要注意一些问题,包括财务信息的准确性和真实性、企业的会计政策和会计估计的合理性、行业和竞争对手的情况、宏观经济环境等因素对企业财务状况的影响。
二、固定收益投资2.1 固定收益投资的特点固定收益投资是指投资者通过购物债券、债务工具等金融资产获得固定的利息收入。
2.2 债券投资的评价指标在进行固定收益投资时,债券的评价指标是十分重要的。
2.3 固定收益投资组合的管理固定收益投资组合的管理包括资产配置、收益再投资、久期匹配等内容,通过对固定收益投资组合的管理,可以实现风险的分散和收益的最大化。
三、权益投资3.1 权益投资的特点权益投资是指投资者通过购物股票等金融资产获得股息收入和资本收益。
3.2 股票投资的评价指标在进行权益投资时,股票的评价指标包括市盈率、市净率、股息率、股票的盈利增长率等指标,可以帮助投资者评估股票的估值和风险。
3.3 权益投资组合的管理权益投资组合的管理包括资产配置、股票选择、风险控制等内容,通过对权益投资组合的管理,可以实现风险的分散和收益的最大化。

公式(7)中,α1=ω/(1+γ-ω) α2=(1+r)/[(1+γ-ω)(1+r-γ)]
这 一 估 值 函 数 ,即 不 需 要 预 测 未 来 股 利 ,也 不 需 要
关于终值的假设,而是通 过 以 上 修 正 回 归 模 型 来 估 计
徐 红 军 :费 尔 森 - 奥 尔 森 估 价 模 型 的 实 证 检 验
应计制会计在估值方面 优 于 现 金 制 会 计,则 费 尔 森 -
奥尔森模型的有用性应更多建立在会计数据的特性上。尔 森 - 奥 尔 森 模 型
的实证意义依赖于其第 三 假 设,即 剩 余 收 益 的 信 息 动
型 的 一 种 重 新 表 述 ,由 以 上 推 演 过 程 可 以 清 楚 地 看 到 ,
它并不依赖于会计数据 的 特 性,而 是 依 赖 于 净 剩 余 会
计 关 系 。Frankel、Lee(1998)证 明 尽 管 股 利 折 现 模 型 的
点 ,但 从 实 证 角 度 却 没 有 任 何 意 义 。 因 为 ,如 果 要 说 明
一模型 提 出 了 相 对 于 其 他 模 型 更 加 全 面 的 估 值 方 法 。[5-6]但 这 些 实 证 研 究 忽 视 了 剩 余 收 益 的 信 息 动 态 性 特征,将该模型变成了用 剩 余 收 益 代 替 的 股 利 折 现 模 型的衍生模型,导致这一模型失去了其内核。 笔者认为,剩余收益 模 型 所 依 赖 的 理 论 基 础 仍 然

一、美国R&D税收激励政策的立法历史③1981年,里根政府通过《经济振兴税收法案》④,规定:以过去3年企业R&D 有效投入的平均值为R&D投入基准值,企业在纳税年度R&D活动的有效投入超出R&D投入基准值的部份,税收可减免25%。

�� 0 - 0教育部国 Fra bibliotek教育发 展研究中心 高等教育研 究室主
作 者简介 罗建平 北京航空航天大学高 等教育研究所博士研 究生 马陆亭 � � 任 研究员 北京航空航天大学博士生导师 � � � � ( 北京 / 0 0 )
� 确实存 在着 十分 紧密 的内 在依 存关 系
表 年耶鲁大学学费与运作总收入之间的 � � � � � � � 相关分析
� � � � � � � � � � T C OR R P � � � � � � � � � 2 V a ab : � � � � � � � � � � � � � S S a � � � � V a ab � � N � � � � � � M � � � a� � S D S M Ma 16 14 . 89 000 5. 4 3 6 30 238.24 00 0 7. 1 500 0 25. 6 0 000 16 2. 52750 0. 71 84 9 4 0. 4 4 000 1. 4 4 00 0 3. 6 4 0 00 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Pa C a C , N = 16 � � � � � � � � � � P b > H 0: R =0 � � � � 1. 000 00 0. 91 84 6 < . 0 001 0. 9 184 6 1. 000 00 < . 0 001
� � � � � � 处理 用 表 示 运作 收 入 的 增 长 率 表示 � � � � � � � � � � 二 模 型的 运用 � � � 学费的 增长 率 根据 1994 2009 年 的历 史数据 以 学 本研究以 S P SS 统计分析软件 为分析工具 费收 入 增 长率 为 自 变量 和 运 作 总收 入 增 长率 为 因 变 以耶鲁 大学 1994 统 计数 据为 基础 揭 量进行 简单 线性 回归 分析 结 果如表 3 所 示 � 2009 年间的 � 示运 作 总 收 入 与 学 费 收 入 之 间 的 内 在 的 依 存 关 系 在 学 费 增 长率 对 运 作收 入 增 长率 的 简 单 线 性 回 构建 相 关的 数 学 模� 型 探 讨 学费 收 入 对 运作 总 收 入 � 归模型 中 自变 量和 常数 项的 回归 系数 统计 值都 超 的贡献 率 过了 临 界值 检验 结 果 呈显 著 性 表 明 学 费增 长 率 对 � � � 一� 学费 收入 增长 � 率对运 作收 入 增长 率的 简单 运作 收 入增 长 率的 影 响是 显 著的 回归 方 程 的 F 统 线性回 � 归分 析 � 计值为 6 . 984 也 通过 了显 著性 检验 但回 归模 型的 复 由于 学 费 增长 率 和 运作 收 入 增长 率 指标的变化 相关 系数 为 0. � � 13787 其方 差 解释 能 力仅 为 13. 79% 趋势具 有一 定的 波动 性 很可 能会 产生 异方 差 问题 � D W 统 计 值仅 为 0. 714 4 与 D W 标 准 值 2 还 有较 大 的 � 从而导 致伪 回归 现象 致 使研究 结 论无 效 为了 消 除 差距 这说 明回归 模型 残差 项存 在较 为严 重的 序列 自 � 异方 差 笔 者 对学 费 和 运作 收 入 取对 数 并进 行 差 分 相关问 题

关键词:研究与开发税收激励政策高新技术企业R&D Empirical Study on the Effect of T ax Incentives Abstract: In the global competitive environment of Economic integration, R&D costs to pre-tax deduction is an effective policy to make an innovation-oriented environment and let Chinese enterprises become the subject of technological innovation. In this paper, we take pharmaceutical, biotechnology and information technology industry in the two major high-tech industries for example to study the effect that preferential taxation policy has put on the R&D costs of high-tech industry. The results showed that: in 2006 the tax incentives promoted enterprise R&D investment intensity significantly, while in 2008 the tax incentives did not play a significant effect. At the same time, this paper has also added new data of 20 high-tech industries from 2009 to 2011, doing further study of the 2008’s R&D preferential taxation policy. This study has concluded that China’s R&D costs to pre-tax deduction plus effectiveness of tax incentives.Key Words: research and development; preferential taxation policy; high-tech industry一、引言(一)研究背景及本文框架在全球经济一体化的竞争环境下,我国企业面临着国外跨国公司的严峻挑战。

将国际贸易和FDI作为解释变量,运用面板数据模型进行回归分析。最后, 我们对模型进行协整检验,以判断这些变量之间是否存在长期均衡关系。
在实证分析阶段,我们发现国际贸易和FDI对中国全要素生产率的影响存在 明显的地区差异。具体来说,对于东部地区而言,国际贸易和FDI对全要素生产 率的促进作用较为显著;而对于中西部地区来说,这两个因素可能会对全要素生 产率产生负面影响。
为了缓解国际贸易对生产率增长的负面影响,我们可以采取以下措施。首先, 加强贸易自由化,推动多边贸易体系的完善,降低贸易壁垒,从而促进国际贸易 的发展。其次,推动技术创新和技术转移,提升自身技术水平的加强国际技术合 作,
实现技术共享。此外,政府可以通过政策扶持,鼓励企业加大研发投入,提 高企业的技术创新能力。
在目前的文献中,关于人力资本、空间溢出与省际全要素生产率增长的研究 已经取得了不少进展。然而,大多数研究集中在国家或区域层面,针对我国省际 层面的研究相对较少。此外,在研究方法上,传统的研究往往采用单一的空间权 重测度方法,
难以全面反映空间溢出的效应。因此,本次演示旨在通过实证检验,探讨不 同空间权重测度方法对省际全要素生产率增长的影响,为相关政策制定提供科学 依据。
然而,国际贸易对生产率增长的影响并非全然积极。在现实中,国际贸易往 往受到各种贸易壁垒的制约,这些壁垒包括关税、非关税壁垒等,对生产率的提 升产生了负面影响。此外,国际贸易还可能导致技术转移的不均衡。一些发达国 家可能通过技术
封锁和知识产权保护等手段,维持自身技术在全球的领先地位,阻碍了技术 的传播和生产率的全面提升。
对于不同方法的差异和原因,我们认为:空间自回归模型和空间误差模型均 基于传统的线性回归模型,难以充分考虑非线性关系和复杂机制的影响。相比之 下,空间权重矩阵可以更加灵活地处理各种空间关系,但可能受到数据质量和准 确性的影响。

有鉴于此,本文在 Bl
间品关税的行为。之后ຫໍສະໝຸດ 本文 运 用 2000—2014 年 世 界 投 入 产 出 表 (
内增加值对最终品关税的影响会随着国内增加值的增加而加 强,国 外 增 加 值 对 最 终 品 关 税 的 影 响
— 75 —
2020 年第 12 期
sman & He
1994)构建了同时考虑游说集 团 捐 献 和 消 费 者 福 利 的 保 护 待
察模型的解释力。第三,本文也是对 近 期 运 用 投 入 产 出 方 法 研 究 贸 易 增 加 值 相 关 文 献 的 补 充,研 究
与本文相关的文献主要可分两类:一是关于传统情形下一国最优关税的设定,二是有关 GVC 核

1.异质产品条件下最佳关税对本土企业的影响 [J], 刘艳梅;段欣辰
2.Stackelberg竞争条件下的最佳福利关税与最大收入关税 [J], 谢申祥;李长英
3.价格领导竞争下的最大收入关税与最佳福利关税 [J], 谢申祥;商龙燕
4.关税对企业贸易边际的异质性影响——基于关税水平和关税政策不确定性的视角[J], 赵晓涛;邱斌;陈晓平
5.关税递减的福利效应及其实证分析——CEPA货物贸易零关税的一种验证 [J], 郑桂环;汪寿阳

负所得税问题负所得税效果 (Negative income tax)弗里德曼对没有独立生活才干的儿童的直接救援与援助方案,不过是整个福利冰山的高峰而已。
依照目前的法律,一个四口之家有资历享用不低于 3O00美元〔假设这个家庭运用的是规范扣除额的话,那么刚好是3000美元〕的税收减免。
在目前适用于这一等级的、14% 的税率之下,它一年应交税140美元。
留下了 3860美元的税后支出〔见表〕。

关键词:英国;高等教育;财政问责;成本透明核算中图分类号:G649.561文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-0059 (2013) 06-0071-05自20世纪80年代起,在新公共管理思潮影响下,英国政府逐渐削减高等教育经费,与此同时,对财政拨款的使用效率和效益方面的要求也越来越高。
1985年,《贾勒特报告》提出:“大学在资源规划和使用中,应尽可能提高效率和效益” ;1988年,英国教育和科学部通过了《教育改革法案》,该法案将财务预算的概念引入到高校校长管理学校财务的过程中,这与《贾勒特报告》倡导的高等教育机构加强自身的财务责任精神相一致,并都在高等教育领域得到贯彻:1994 年,英格兰高等教育基金委员会要求:“高等教育机构按照每年的实际情况递交研究经费分配报告”。

费希尔指数(Theil index)是衡量财富或收入分配不平等程度的一个指数。
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Results of Taxonomic Evaluation of RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Ontologies using RDF(S) and DAML+OIL Validation Tools and Ontology Platforms Import ServicesAsunción Gómez-Pérez, M. Carmen Suárez-FigueroaLaboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial Facultad de Informática Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Campus de Montegancedo sn. Boadilla del Monte, 28660. Madrid, Spain Before using RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies in Semantic Web applications, its content should be evaluated from a knowledge representation point of view. In recent years, some RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ‘checkers’, ‘validators’, and ‘parsers’ have been created and several ontology platforms are able to import RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies. Two are the experiments presented in this paper. The first one reveals that the majority of RDF(S) and DAML+OIL parsers (Validating RDF Parser, RDF Validation Service, DAML Validator, and DAML+OIL Ontology Checker) do not detect taxonomic mistakes in ontologies implemented in such languages. So, if such ontologies are imported by ontology platforms, are they able to detect such problems? The second experiment presented in this paper reveals that the majority of the ontology platforms (OilEd, OntoEdit, Protégé-2000, and WebODE) only detect a few of mistakes in concept taxonomies before importing them.1 Introduction In recent years, considerable progress has been made in developing the conceptual bases for building technology that allows reusing and sharing ontologies for the Semantic Web. As any other resource used in software applications, ontology content should be evaluated before (re)using it in other ontologies or applications. In that sense, we could say that it is unwise to publish an ontology or to implement software that relies on ontologies written by others (even by yourself) without first evaluating its content, that is, its concept definitions, its taxonomy and its formal axioms. Ontology evaluation is an important activity to be carried out during the whole ontology life-cycle. Up to now, few domain-independent methodological approaches [6, 11, 15, 17] include an evaluation activity. The first works on ontology content evaluation started in 1994 [9, 10], and in the last three years the interest of the Ontological Engineering community in this issue has grown. The main efforts were made by Gómez-Pérez [7, 8] and by Guarino andcolleagues with the OntoClean method [12]. ODEClean [5] is a tool integrated into the WebODE environment that gives support to the OntoClean method. With the increasing number of ontologies implemented in the ontology markup languages RDF(S) [3, 13] and DAML+OIL [18], many specialized ontology validation tools for these languages have been built: Validating RDF Parser1, RDF Validation Service2, DAML Validator3, DAML+OIL Ontology Checker4, etc. These tools are mainly focused on evaluating ontologies from a syntactic point of view, that is, checking whether the ontologies are compliant with the languages specification. However, they are not focused on detecting mistakes from a knowledge representation point of view, that is, if the ontologies have inconsistencies and redundancies. We have performed experiments with 24 ontologies (7 on RDF(S) and 17 on DAML+OIL), which are well built from a syntactic point of view, according to the languages specifications, but have inconsistencies and redundancies. We have parsed them with the previous four tools and we have discovered that on the majority of the experiments, they do not detect the taxonomic mistakes identified in [7]. The key point is that RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies are imported by ontology platforms. In fact, OilEd [2], OntoEdit [16], Protégé-2000 [14], and WebODE [4, 1] are able to import ontologies implemented in both languages, but there are not previous works analysing whether such platforms are able to detect wrong RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies. In order to carry out this analysis, we have used the same 24 ontologies (7 on RDF(S) and 17 on DAML+OIL) and we have imported them within the previous ontology platforms. We have found out that on the majority of the experiments, these ontology platforms do not detect mistakes in concept taxonomies represented in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL. This paper is organized as follows, section two presents briefly the method for evaluating taxonomic knowledge in ontologies. Section three presents a description of some ontology ‘checkers’, ‘validators’, and ‘parsers’. Section four includes our first comparative study, including examples of the RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies used on the testbed. Section five presents an overview of some ontology platforms. Section six presents the results of importing RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies with taxonomic mistakes in the ontology platforms. Finally, we conclude with further work on evaluation. 2 Method for Evaluating Taxonomic Knowledge in Ontologies Figure 1 presents a set of possible mistakes that can be made by ontologists when modeling taxonomic knowledge in an ontology under a frame-based approach [7]. In this paper we only focus on inconsistency mistakes (circularity and partition) and redundancy mistakes (grammatical), and we postpone the analysis of the others for further works. Below we explain briefly the studied mistakes.1 2http:// /RDF/Validator/ 3 /validator/ 4 /oil/CheckerFigure 1. Types of mistakes that might be made when developing taxonomies with framesInconsistency: Circularity Errors occur when a class is defined as a specialization or generalization of itself. Depending on the number of relations involved, circularity errors can be classified as circularity errors at distance zero (a class with itself), circularity errors at distance 1, and circularity errors at distance n. Inconsistency: Partition errors. Concept classifications can be defined in a disjoint (disjoint decompositions), a complete (exhaustive decompositions), and a disjoint and complete manner (partitions). The following types of partition errors are identified: Common classes in disjoint decompositions and partitions. These occur when there is a disjoint decomposition or a partition class-p1,…, class-pn defined in a class class-A, and one or more classes class-B1,..., class-Bk are subclasses of more than one class-pi. Common instances in disjoint decompositions and partitions. These errors happen when one or several instances belong to more than one class of a disjoint decomposition or partition. External classes in exhaustive decompositions and partitions. They occur when having defined an exhaustive decomposition or a partition of the base class (class-A) into the set of classes class-p1,..., class-pn, and there are one or more classes that are subclasses of the class-A, instead of being subclasses of a class the set of classes class-p1,..., class-pn. External instances in exhaustive decompositions and partitions. These errors occur when we have defined an exhaustive decomposition or a partition of the base class (class-A) into the set of classes class-p1,..., class-pn, and there are oneor more instances of the class-A that do not belong to any class class-pi of the exhaustive decomposition or partition. Redundancy: Grammatical Errors. Redundancies of ‘subclass-of’ relations occur between classes they have more than one ‘subclass-of’ relation. We can distinguish direct and indirect repetition. Redundancies of ‘instance-of’ relations. As in the above case, we can distinguish between direct and indirect repetition. 3 Ontology ‘Checkers’, ‘Validators’ and ‘Parsers’ At the moment, there exist various ontology ‘checkers’, ‘validators’, and ‘parsers’ which are intended to carry out some kind of validation and/or checking of ontologies on diverse web-based languages. In this paper, we focus on the most frequently used parsers that validate and/or check ontologies on RDF(S) and DAML+OIL: Validating RDF Parser and RDF Validation Service for RDF(S), and DAML Validator and DAML+OIL Ontology Checker for DAML+OIL. Other parsers not included in this paper are: Rapier RDF Parser5, Thea RDF Parser6, Chimaera7, ConsVISor8, etc. The Validating RDF Parser. The ICS-FORTH RDFSuite9 is a suite of tools for RDF metadata management. This RDFSuite consists of tools for parsing, validating, storing and querying RDF descriptions, namely the Validating RDF Parser (VRP), the RDF Schema Specific DataBase (RSSDB) and the RDF Query Language (RQL). The ICSFORTH Validating RDF Parser (VRP v2.5)10 analyzes, validates and processes RDF schemas and resource descriptions. This parser offers the following functions: • Syntactic Validation for checking if the RDF/XML syntax of the input namespace conforms to the updated RDF/XML syntax proposed by W3C. • Semantic Validation for verifying the selected constraints derived from RDF Schema Specification (RDFS). VRP allows to choose several semantic validation constraints: class hierarchy loops, property hierarchy loops, domain and range of subproperties, source and target resources of properties, and types of resources. RDF Validation Service. The W3C RDF Validation Service11 is based on HP-Labs Another RDF Parser (ARP12), which currenlty uses the version 2-alpha-1. This online service supports the Last Call Working Draft specifications issued by the RDF Core Working Group, including datatypes. This online service offers the following functions: • Syntactic Validation for checking if the input namespace conforms to the updated RDF/XML Syntax Specification proposed by W3C.5 6/raptor/ 7 /software/chimaera/ 8 /index.html 9 Partially supported by EU projects C-Web (IST-1999-13479), MesMuses (IST-2001- 26074), and QUESTION-HOW (IST-2000-28767) 10 11 /RDF/Validator/ 12 ARP was created and is maintained by Jeremy Carroll at HP-Labs in Bristol• Semantic Validation. The service does not do any RDF Schema Specification validation. DAML Validator. The DAML Validator13 is available via either a WWW interface or download. The Validator uses the ARP parser from the Jena (1.6.1) toolkit to create an RDF triple model from the input code being validated. The DAML Validator checks DAML+OIL markup for problems beyond simple syntax errors. The Validator reads in a DAML file and examines it for a variety of potential errors. The output is a list of indications (errors, warnings, or information), a pointer to the errors in the file, and some guidance on the nature of the problems. It offers the following functions: • Syntactic Validation for checking for namespace problems (outdated URIs, file extensions in URIs) during model creation. The validator tests RDF resources for existence: any subject, or object resource that is referenced must have a defined type. • Semantic Validation for verifying the global domain and range constraints of the predicate. The subject and object of a statement should be instances of the predicate’s domain and range classes. Each node (RDF Resource and it’s accompanying statements) is validated based on the following types: Class, Property, Restriction, ObjectRestriction, DatatypeRestriction, or an Instance of one or more classes. DAML+OIL Ontology Checker. The DAML+OIL Checker14 was developed by University of Manchester (UK). The DAML+OIL Checker is a servlet that uses the OilEd codebase to check the syntax of DAML+OIL ontologies and returns a report on the classes and properties in the model. This checker is a web interface to check DAML+OIL ontologies and content using Jena. It offers the following functions: • Syntactic Validation for checking missing definitions. The checker is fairly strict about the format of the input: in particular “rdf:ID attributes” must be conforming XML names, and unqualified attributes should not be used. • Semantic Validation for verifying class hierarchy loops. 4 Comparative Study of RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ‘Checkers’, ‘Validators’ and ‘Parsers’ As we said before, the first goal of this paper is to analyse whether RDF(S) and DAML+OIL parsers presented in section 3 detect the concept taxonomy mistakes presented in section 2. In order to achieve this goal, we have built a testbed of 24 ontologies (7 in RDF(S) and 17 in DAML+OIL), each of which implements one of the errors presented in section 2. And we have parsed them with the previous parsers. In the case of RDF(S) we have only 7 ontologies because partitions cannot be defined in this language. These ontologies and the results of their evaluation can be found at 14/validator/ /oil/CheckerIn figure 2 we show the RDF(S) code and graphical notation of two of these ontologies: the one that implements the circularity error at distance 2, and the one that implements the mistake of indirect redundancy of ‘instance-of’ relation. Figure 3 shows the DAML+OIL code and graphical notation of three of these ontologies: the one that implements the circularity error at distance 1, the one that implements the mistake of common class in disjoint decomposition, and the last one that implements the mistake of external instance in partition.a) Loop at distance 2b) Indirect redundancy of ‘instance-of’ relationFigure 2. Examples of RDF(S) ontologiesAfter parsing the ontologies on the testbed with the parsers, we found that all these parsers recognised the code as well formed code, but the majority had problems detecting most of the knowledge representation mistakes that these ontologies contained. The results of analysing and comparing these parsers are shown in table 1. The symbols used in this table are the following: : The parser does not accept files written in this language : The parser detects the mistake in this language : The parser does not detect the mistake in this language --: The mistake cannot be represented in this languagea) Loop at distance 1b) Common class in disjoint decompositionc) External instance in partitionFigure 3. Examples of DAML+OIL ontologiesAs we can see in table 1, we have checked whether RDF(S) tools (VRP and RDF Validation Service) were able to evaluate DAML+OIL files, and whether DAML+OIL tools (DAML Validator and DAML+OIL Ontology Checker) were able to evaluate RDF(S) files. In the case of RDF(S) tools, the experiments showed that RDF Validation Service can read DAML+OIL ontologies, although it does not detect the mistakes, but VRP cannot read them. In the case of DAML+OIL tools, the experiments showed that both of them are able to recognize RDF(S) files. Althoughthe DAML+OIL Ontology Checker is not a RDF(S) validation tool, it was able to detect circularity errors in that language. Before going in detail with circularity errors, we have an important comment to make. The RDF(S) and DAML+OIL specifications allow cycles in concept taxonomies. However, we consider that this is a mistake from the knowledge representation point of view, that is, we would not recommend designing ontologies with cycles in their concept taxonomies. So here we want to stress the distinction between checking an ontology from a syntactic point of view (checking whether the ontology is compliant with the language specification) and checking an ontology from a knowledge representation point of view (checking whether the ontology does not have the mistakes presented in section 2). Circularity errors are the only ones detected by some of the parsers studied in this experiment. VRP is able to detect circularity errors at any distance in RDF(S) ontologies, indicating that there is a semantic error (“loop detected”). The DAML+OIL Ontology Checker detects circularity errors at any distance in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies, throwing a warning about it (“cycles in class hierarchy”). Regarding partition errors, they have only been studied for DAML+OIL, since they cannot be represented in RDF(S). None of the DAML+OIL validators, neither the RDF Validation Service, have detected partition errors with the 10 ontologies from the testbed. The same occurs with the grammatical redundancy errors, which are not detected by any of the RDF(S) and DAML+OIL parsers studied. 5 Ontology Platforms In this paper we focus on the most representative ontology platforms that can be used for importing ontologies: OilEd, OntoEdit, Protégé-2000, and WebODE. In this section, we provide a broad overview of these ontology platforms. OilEd15 [2] was initially developed as an ontology editor for OIL ontologies, in the context of the European IST OntoKnowledge project. However, OilEd has evolved and now is an editor of DAML+OIL and OWL ontologies. OilEd can import ontologies implemented in RDF(S), OIL, DAML+OIL, and the SHIQ XML format. Besides exporting ontologies to DAML+OIL, OilEd ontologies can be exported to the RDF(S) and OWL ontology languages and to the XML formats SHIQ and DIG. OntoEdit16 [16] has been developed by AIFB in Karlsruhe University. It is an extensible and flexible environment, based on a plugin architecture, which provides functionality to browse and edit ontologies. It includes plugins for reasoning using Ontobroker, plugins for exporting and importing ontologies in different formats (FLogic, OXML, RDF(S), DAML+OIL), etc. Two versions of OntoEdit are available: OntoEdit Free and OntoEdit Professional.15 16 Validating RDF ParserRDF(S) DAML+OILRDF Validation ServiceRDF(S) DAML+OILDAML ValidatorRDF(S) DAML+OILDAML+OIL Ontology CheckerRDF(S) DAML+OILInconsistency: Circularity ErrorsAt distance zero At distance one At distance n Direct Common classes in disjoint decompositions Indirect Common classes in partitions Direct Common instances in disjoint decompositions Indirect Common instances in partitions External classes in exhaustive decompositions External classes in partitions External instances in exhaustive decompositions External instances in partitions Redundancies of ‘subclass-of’ relations Redundancies of ‘instance-of’ relations Direct Indirect Direct IndirectInconsistency: Partition Errors-------------------------------------------Redundancy: Grammatical ErrrosTable 1. Results of the analysis of the RDF(S) and DAML+OIL parsersProtégé-200017 [14] has been developed by the Stanford Medical Informatics (SMI) at Stanford University, and is the latest version of the Protégé line of tools. It is an open source, standalone application with an extensible architecture. The core of this environment is the ontology editor, and it holds a library of plugins that add more functionality to the environment (ontology language importation and exportation, OKBC access, constraints creation and execution, etc.). Protégé-2000 ontologies can be exported and imported with some of the backends provided in the standard release or as plugins: RDF(S), DAML+OIL, OWL, XML, XML Schema, and XMI. WebODE18 [4, 1] has been developed by the Ontology Engineering Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It is an ontology-engineering suite created with an extensible architecture. WebODE is not used as a standalone application, but as a Web application. There are several services for ontology language import and export (XML, RDF(S), DAML+OIL, OIL, OWL, CARIN, FLogic, Jess, Prolog), axiom edition with WAB (WebODE Axiom Builder), ontology documentation, ontology evaluation, and ontology merge. 6 Comparative Study of Ontology Platforms Import Services As we said before, the second main goal of this paper is to analyse whether ontology platforms presented in section 5, are able to detect taxonomic mistakes in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies before importing them. In order to carry out this experiment, we have reused the same 24 ontologies (7 in RDF(S) and 17 in DAML+OIL with inconsistency and redundancy mistakes) used in the previous experiment. In the case of RDF(S) we have only 7 ontologies because partitions cannot be defined in this language. We have imported these ontologies using the import facilities of the ontology platforms presented in section 5. Table 2 presents the results of the experiment using the following symbols: : The ontology platform does not allow representing this type of mistake : The ontology platform detects the mistake during ontology import : The ontology platform does not detect the mistake during ontology import -- : The mistake cannot be represented in this language The main conclusions of the RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontology import are: Circularity errors at any distance are the only ones detected by most of ontology platforms analyzed in this experiment. However, OntoEdit Free does not detect circularity errors at distance zero, but it ignores them. Regarding partition errors, we have only studied DAML+OIL ontologies because this type of knowledge cannot be represented in RDF(S). Most of ontology platforms used in this study do not detect partition errors in DAML+OIL ontologies. Furthermore, some partition errors (common instance in partitions, external instance17 18/plugins.html exhaustive decompositions, etc.) cannot be represented in the ontology platforms studied. Only WebODE detects some partition errors using the ODEval19 service. Grammatical redundancy errors are not detected by most of ontology platforms used in this work. However some ontology platforms ignore direct redundancies of ‘subclass-of’ or ‘instance-of’ relations. As the previous case, only WebODE detects indirect redundancies of ‘subclass-of’ relations in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies using the ODEval service. 7 Conclusions and Further Work In this paper we have shown that, in general, current RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ‘checkers’, ‘validators’, and ‘parsers’ are not able to detect mistakes from a knowledge representation point of view, but they mainly focus on the syntactic validation of the RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies that they parser. We have also shown that only a few taxonomic mistakes in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL ontologies are detected by ontology platforms which are able to import ontologies in such languages. Taking into account that only a few parsers are able to detect loops in RDF(S) and DAML+OIL taxonomies, we considered that it is necessary to create more advanced evaluators than those already existing for evaluating RDF(S) and DAML+OIL from a knowledge representation point of view. We also consider that it is necessary to create more advanced ontology import services in ontology platforms. We think that much work must be made to integrate ontology evaluation functions in ontology development tools, and to create an integrated ontology evaluation tool suite that will permit analyzing ontologies in different languages and KR formalisms.Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Esperonto project (IST-2001-34373), by the Spanish project ‘Plataforma Tecnológica para la web semántica: Ontologías, análisis de lenguaje natural y comercio electrónico’ (TIC-2001-2745), and by a research grant from UPM (“Beca asociada a proyectos modalidad B”). 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