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Bullying Is Really Bad And Makes Me Super Sad
Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 9 years old. I'm writing this essay to tell you all about bullying at school because it's a really big problem. Bullying makes me and lots of other kids feel awful and scared to go to school. It's so unfair and mean!
Bullying is when someone hurts someone else on purpose over and over again. It can be physical bullying like hitting, kicking, pushing or pinching. It can also be verbal bullying like calling names, teasing, threatening or saying nasty things. Sometimes bullies leave kids out or spread rumors about them too. That's called social bullying and it's just as bad.
I see bullying happen at my school a lot. There are some big kids who are the main bullies. They pick on lots of different kids, especially the smaller ones. They will shove kids into lockers, knock their books out of their hands, or trip them in the hallways. Sometimes the bullies will take kids' snacks or lunch money too. It makes me so mad!
The bullies also like to make fun of how other kids look or dress. They call kids mean names about their weight, clothes, glasses, braces, you name it. I have frizzy red hair and the bullies always make carrot jokes about me. It really hurts my feelings. One time I was crying in the bathroom because of it and had to go to the nurse.
Another way bullies are mean is by leaving certain kids out and not letting them join games or activities. They'll tell some kids they can't hang out with their group or play at recess. The bullies spread lies and rumors about other students too, which makes everyone be afraid to hang out with them. It's so unfair to leave people out like that!
Bullying makes me and my friends super upset, anxious and afraid. We don't want to go to school because we're scared the bullies will bother us that day. Sometimes we pretend to be sick so we can stay home from school. It's hard to concentrate on our work too when we're worried about getting bullied.
I really hate how bullying makes me and my friends feel. It's not fair at all! School is supposed to be a safe, happy place for kids to learn and play. Bullying makes kids feel scared, sad and alone instead. It's a huge problem that causes lots of troubles.
I think teachers, principals and parents really need to step in and put a stop to bullying once and for all. They should have strict rules against it and serious consequences for bullies who keep doing it anyway. Maybe they can teach special bullying lessons too so everyone understands how harmful it is.
Us kids can also try to stop bullying by being kind to each other and including everyone. We shouldn't go along with bullies or laugh at their jokes. If we see bullying happening, we need to stick up for the person getting picked on and tell teachers right away. The more people who work against bullying, the quicker we can get rid of it!
Bullying is so mean, unfair and hurtful. It makes kids scared, anxious and depressed. I really hope bullying can end soon so all of us kids can feel safe, confident and happy at school. No one should have to go through being bullied ever!
Bullying is Bad and School Should Be Safe
Bullying is really mean and makes kids feel awful. It's when some kids pick on other kids and are super rude to them. They might call them names, take their stuff, or even hit them. I've seen bullies make kids cry before and it's just not nice at all.
Bullies are big jerks who think it's funny to be cruel to other kids. But it's not funny at all, it's really hurtful. Kids who get bullied can feel scared, sad, and lonely. They might not want to come to school anymore because they're afraid of getting picked on. That's terrible because school is supposed to be a safe place for learning and having fun with friends.
I really hate bullying and I wish bullies would just stop being so mean. Nobody deserves to be treated badly like that. If I ever see someone getting bullied, I'll definitely tell a teacher or another grown-up right away. Grown-ups have to put a stop to bullying so kids can feel safe at school.
School is where we come to learn cool things like math, science, reading and writing. It's also where we get to play at recess and make friends. But if kids are getting bullied, they won't be able to learn well or enjoy school. Bullying makes everything about school negative and miserable instead of positive and fun like it should be.
I think there need to be really strict rules against bullying at every school. Students who bully others should get in huge trouble like detentions or suspensions. That might make them think twice before being mean to someone. Schools should also teach kids about why bullying is wrong and how to treat each
other with kindness and respect. If we all learned to be nicer to one another, bullying wouldn't happen as much.
Kids have the right to feel safe and happy when they come to school. Bullies take that away and make kids dread coming to class. That's just not fair at all. I really hope bullying can be stopped so all kids can have a great school experience without fear. School is hard enough without kids having to deal with bullies too!
Here's an essay of around 2000 words on bullying and safety in schools, written from a young student's perspective:
School Should Be a Safe Place
Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 9 years old. I love going to school because I get to learn new things every day and play with my friends. But sometimes, school doesn't feel very safe because of bullying.
What is Bullying?
Bullying is when someone keeps being mean to you on purpose. They might call you names, leave you out of games, hit or push you, or make fun of you. It can happen at school, on the
playground, on the bus, or even online. Bullying makes kids feel really sad, scared, and alone.
Why Do Some Kids Bully?
I'm not sure why some kids bully others. Maybe they're having problems at home or feel bad about themselves. But that's no excuse! Bullying is never okay. I wish bullies could understand how much they hurt people's feelings.
Effects of Bullying
Bullying can really mess with your mind and body. Kids who get bullied a lot might not want to go to school anymore. They could have tummy aches, headaches, trouble sleeping, or feel depressed and anxious all the time. That's not fair! School is supposed to be a fun, safe place to learn.
What Can We Do About Bullying?
I think there are a few things we can do to stop bullying at school:
Tell a teacher or trusted adult if you see bullying happen. They can step in and put a stop to it.
Be a buddy, not a bully! Treat others how you want to be treated. If you see someone being left out, invite them to play.
Schools should have anti-bullying rules that are strictly enforced. Maybe there could be a counselor just for bullying issues.
Teachers can have class meetings to discuss bullying and why it's wrong. They can teach us ways to be nicer to each other.
Parents need to watch for signs their child is being bullied or bullying others, and help find a solution.
We can start a kindness club at school that does nice things for others!
I really believe that if we all work together, we can make our schools bully-free zones where everyone feels safe, respected, and happy. School should be the best place ever, not somewhere you dread going. We all deserve to have fun and get a good education without dealing with bullies. Who's with me?
School Should Be a Safe Place
My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. School is supposed to be a place where kids can learn, make friends, and feel safe. But sometimes, it doesn't feel that way at all because of bullying.
Bullying is when someone keeps being mean or hurting another person on purpose. It can happen in different ways - hitting, pushing, name-calling, leaving people out, spreading lies or rumors, sending mean messages online, and more. No matter how it happens, bullying makes the person being bullied feel scared, sad, lonely, and not want to come to school.
I've seen bullying happen at my school and it's really upsetting. Last year, there was a boy in my class who was always getting picked on during recess because he wasn't good at sports. A group of boys would call him names like "loser" and "dweeb" and wouldn't let him play with them. He started faking being sick so he could stay home from school.
Another time, I saw an older student shove a younger kid really hard into the wall just because the little kid accidently bumped into him in the hallway. The little kid hit his head and it made me so mad that the older kid was being such a bully over something so little.
Bullying is never okay, no matter what the reason is. Every student deserves to feel safe at school and be treated with kindness and respect. Nobody should have to feel afraid or get hurt, whether it's with words or actions.
Schools need to have strict rules against bullying so everyone knows it won't be tolerated. Teachers need to take it seriously when a student reports being bullied. They should talk to the bully, their parents, and give consequences like detention or suspension to make it stop.
There should also be lessons and assemblies about bullying prevention. Kids need to learn what bullying looks like, why it's unacceptable, how to be an "upstander" instead of a bystander by standing up for the person being bullied, and how to get help. We should learn ways to be kind, include others, resolve conflicts peacefully, and appreciate each other's differences.
At the same time, the students doing the bullying need help too. Maybe they are being bullied themselves, have troubles at home, or need support in dealing with anger, social skills or low self-esteem in a healthy way. Counselors can work with bullies and victims to change the bullying behavior.
I wish I could go to school without seeing or experiencing bullying. My school actually has a "No Bullying" rule but I think there needs to be more education and enforcement around it. I just want to feel safe, comfortable and happy at school like kids should.
Overall, bullying is a serious issue that no student should have to face. Schools must create a safe, bully-free environment so all students can have the positive and rewarding experience that education is meant to provide. Every kid has a right to learn without living in fear. A little prevention and kindness can go a long way in making our schools a place we actually want to be.
Bullying Is So Not Cool
Bullying is a huge problem at my school and it makes me really sad and angry. It seems like every day I see bigger kids picking on littler kids, calling them mean names, pushing them around, and taking their stuff. The bullies are always the tough kids who think they're so cool and get to do whatever they want. But being a bully is definitely not cool at all!
I hate seeing kids get bullied because it's really scary and makes the bullied kids feel terrible about themselves. Some of them cry in the bathroom or don't want to come to school anymore because they're so afraid of the bullies. That's just wrong. School is supposed to be a safe place where we can learn and have fun with our friends, not somewhere we have to be afraid all the time.
The bullies do all sorts of mean things. They'll call kids horrible names like "loser", "fatty", or worse words I won't repeat. They'll shove kids into lockers or knock their books out of their hands for no reason. Sometimes they'll even steal kids' lunches, phones, or other belongings. The really bad bullies have even started beating up kids or hitting them. It's crazy how horrible some bullies can be!
I feel awful for the kids getting bullied. They don't deserve that at all. Usually the bullies just pick on kids for being different in some way, like being shy, wearing glasses, or having a disability. But those things shouldn't matter - everyone deserves to feel safe and respected no matter what. The bullied kids are just normal people trying to get an education like the rest of us.
What makes bullying even worse is that a lot of times, the bullies have a little gang of friends who encourage them and laugh at the bullying. They're just as bad as the main bully because they're letting it happen and not sticking up for the victims. If more kids stood up to bullies and showed that it's not cool, maybe the bullying would stop.
I really wish teachers and principals would get tougher on bullies too. They always say bullying is unacceptable, but then they just give the bullies a warning or minor punishment. That's
not enough! The bullies just keep on doing it because they know they won't get in major trouble. Schools need way stricter consequences for bullying to show how seriously unacceptable it is.
If I ever get bullied, I'll definitely tell a teacher or staff member right away and keep reporting it until it stops. My parents also told me to never be afraid to defend myself physically if a bully tries to hurt me. I really hope it never comes to that though, because violence shouldn't be answered with more violence. It would be better if we could all just be kind and accepting of each other.
I feel lucky that I haven't been bullied myself so far. But I have a lot of friends who have been victims, so I know how awful and unfair it is. No one should have to live in fear of bullies when they're just trying to get an education. School needs to be a safe, bully-free environment for everyone.
Bullying is definitely one of the worst things about school. I really hope things can change soon and bullies realize that their behavior is totally unacceptable. Targeting other kids for being different and making them feel scared or worthless is horrible. We're all human beings who deserve to be treated with respect. Bullying is just plan mean and cowardly.
I'm gonna do my part by always being kind and respectful to everyone, even kids who might seem a little different than me. And if I ever see bullying happening, I'll stick up for the victim and tell the bully to stop being such a jerk. Because at the end of the day, bullies are the ones who should feel ashamed of themselves, not their victims. Bullying definitely needs to be stopped, one nice person at a time!
Here's an essay about bullying and safety on campus from the perspective of an elementary school student, written in English with around 2,000 words:
Bullying and Safety at School: A Big Problem for Little Kids
Hi there! My name is Jimmy, and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. I want to talk to you today about something that's been bothering me and a lot of my friends –bullying. It's a really big problem at our school, and it makes us feel scared and unsafe.
You see, there are these older kids who like to pick on us younger ones. They call us names, push us around, and even take our snacks or lunch money sometimes. It's not fair! We're just
trying to get an education and have fun with our friends, but these bullies make that really hard.
The worst part is, it doesn't just happen on the playground or in the hallways. It even happens in the classrooms when the teacher isn't looking. The bullies will whisper mean things to us, or they'll kick the back of our chairs. It's really distracting and makes it hard for us to focus on our lessons.
And you know what? The bullying doesn't stop when we leave school either. Some of the bullies have even started picking on us online, sending us nasty messages or posting embarrassing pictures of us on social media. It's just not right!
I know that the teachers and principals at our school are trying to stop the bullying, but it's not easy. They've had assemblies about it, and they've even suspended some of the worst bullies. But it just keeps happening, and it makes us feel really unsafe at school.
You might be wondering why we don't just stand up to the bullies or tell an adult when it happens. Well, let me tell you, it's not that simple. The bullies are bigger and stronger than us, and we're afraid that if we tell on them, they'll just make things worse for us.
But you know what? We're not going to take it anymore! We're going to start sticking together and looking out for each other. If we see someone being bullied, we're going to tell an adult or try to help them out. And we're going to keep talking about this problem until something changes.
Because here's the thing: school is supposed to be a safe place for us to learn and grow. We shouldn't have to worry about being pushed around or made fun of just for being who we are. We deserve to feel secure and respected, just like anyone else.
So, adults, we need your help. We need you to take this problem seriously and do something about it. We need more supervision on the playgrounds and in the hallways. We need stricter rules and consequences for bullies. And we need you to teach us how to stand up for ourselves and each other in a safe way.
Because at the end of the day, we're just kids. We shouldn't have to deal with this kind of thing on our own. We need the grown-ups in our lives to step up and make our schools a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
So, what do you say? Will you help us put an end to bullying and make our school a better place? We're counting on you!。
