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Research on Damage Characteristics of Double Bottom Structure in Ship Hard Grounding and measures for escaping from the shallow
Accidents of ship grounding will cause such disasters as ship hull damage, environmental pollution, lost lives and so on. Rese arching ship grounding is not only good for people’s secularity on sea and preventing marine pollution, but also can present foundation for ships in crowd water transport area in terms of standardizing velocity and operation rules. In this paper, internal mechanics of ship hard grounding is studied by numerical simulation method. Results of damage deformation, contact forces, and energy dissipation are analyzed. A new anti-grounding double bottom structure—YF is presented. The study shows that damage deformation is focused in the area where the structure and the rock contact. So the research on internal mechanics of hard grounding may mainly consider local ship structure; Existence of floors increases remarkably the ability of resisting grounding of bottom structure; in hard grounding process, the vertical penetration of rock into double bottom will decrease slightly because of vertical contact force; energy absorption ability of longitudinal girder can not perform and its resisting grounding effect will be negligible, when it is far from grounding area; Both energy absorption ability an d grounding force of YF double bottom structure are evidently higher than routine structure.
As the world's economic growth, water traffic is increasingly busy, accidents of ship grounding occur frequently. Usually, the grounding situation is not serious in the early. As time goes by, the situation becomes more complicate because of the change of the tide, the affection of wind and wave and other various factors, therefore, mastering the force and stability changes after the ship ran aground and choosing the correct measures from shallow is significant for taking off the shallow smoothly. The following have given the methods for calculating the force on the bottom and the position of the center, still the relationships between the supporting force, the depth at the supporting point and angle of transverse inclination according to hydrostatic principle when point or minor area gets stranded, analyzed with a case example, have given judge being able to take advantage of that tide taking off the shallow and several measures for escaping from the shallow. With the hope of giving relevant personnel correct guidance, the ship can escape from the shallow smoothly as soon as possible with the least loss.
Ship grounding is a serious accident. It often results in such disastrous aftermaths as ship structure’s severe damage, spill of goods, environment pollution and personnel casualty. Researching
ship grounding is not on ly good for people’s secularity on sea and preventing ma rine pollution, but also helpful for understanding ship grounding as a non-linear dynamic response process under huge impact loads in very short time, and can present foundation for ships in crowd water transport area in term s of standardizing velocity and operation rules. Due to complexity of this problem and the restriction of research conditions, the research depth and width of ship grounding is extremely lesser than ship collision, the domestic research works of ship grounding is very lacking.
According to the kinds of ground, ship grounding mainly has two cases: stranding on relatively soft ground, which is called soft grounding; grounding on a rigid rock, which is called hard grounding. Generally, the research of ship grounding can be divided into two parts: external dynamics is related to ship’s rigid motion in six freedoms (surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw), all kinds of response forces acting on ship hull and energy dissipation of rigid motion; internal mechanics is about local damage, deformation and energy absorption of each component in the area where ship hull is contacted with the rock.
Most large tankers made recently have the structure hull damage in hard grounding is probably more severe of double bottom and shell, and ship than in soft grounding.Consequently, this paper is focused on researching the int ernal mechanics of large tanker’s double bottom structure.
2. Grounding model of double bottom structure
The double bottom structure researched in this paper is selected from parallel mid-hull of a 159000DW T oil tanker. The grounding model includes two parts of a double bottom structure and a rock. The rock is idealized to be conic and it adopts rigid material. The rock impacts the double bottom structure by the velocity of 10m/s. The double bottom structure adopts elastic—plastic material and some related data thereof are: material density 7800kg/m3 , plastic modulus 2.1 x 1011N/m2,Poisson ratio 0.3. yielding stress 2.35x108N/m2,maximum plastic failure strain 0.15. Nowadays, friction energy is still an uncertain variable in analysis of hard grounding, because it is related with many factors, such as the material of rock, shape, surface roughness and etc. This paper simplifies the calculation of friction. The static and dynamic coefficients are assumed to be 0.1.
3. Results of numerical simulation and analysis
MSC/DYTRAN, the commercial non—linear finite element analysis software of instantaneous
response, is used to simulate the internal mechanics of hard grounding. The calculation traces till the moment of t=2.694588s.
3.1 Motion
Fig. displays the initial and ending states of grounding simulation. Relative to double bottom structure, the rock turns in certain degree, which resembles longitudinal trim in practical grounding accidents. Fig. gives the displacement of rock in X, Y and Z directions. Comparing to X and Z, the displacement of Y direction is very small. The rock moves mainly in longitudinal and vertical orientations. The velocity of rock decreases from 10m/s to 8.7m/s as shown in Fig.4.
3.2 Damage deformation
The damage deformation of double bottom structure in hard grounding has evident local characteristics. The deformation is concentrated in the area contacted with the rock. Ship structure in other area has little deformation. Therefore,the research of internal mechanics of ship hard grounding may only consider local ship structure, and need not to analyze the total ship.
Serious tearing occurs in outer bottom plating and floors, as well as bending and membrane. Longitudinals encounter rupture, bending and twisting, and the phenomenon of lost stability is observed. Girders and inner bottom plating have slight deformation, such as bending in a small area and membrane respectively.
Fig. shows damage deformation process of the first floor (namely being contacted will the rock foremost). Before rock contacts it, the floor mainly endures outer extrusion of bottom plating. The load is in a plane and deformation is mostly crushing. When rock reaches it, the floor is cutting directly by the rock and has tearing and bending deformation. Otherwise, as shown in the figure, the size and shape of the deformation area floor accords well with the rock, which explains again the ship hull’s deformation in hard grounding has intensively local trait.
3.3 Contact force
As shown in Fig. before the rock contacts the first floor, the forces in X and Z directions increases along with spread of contacting area. The floor space of double bottom structure is 4.8m.Thus, it can be thought that the four extremum points of X and Z directions correspond respectively to the failure of four anterior floors. These four extrema of contact forces are degressive as a whole. In the process of hard grounding, the rock endures simultaneously horizontal and vertical resistance, and has vertical displacement. Its penetration to double bottom structure decreases gradually. That is the vertical
contact force may abate ship’s breakage due to rock by degrees. As a result of the 45。
angle between the generatrix and the bottom of the ideal rock. The contact forces in X and Z directions have almost the same magnitude and trend. Comparing with X and Z forces, the contact force in Y direction is relatively small, but it cannot be ignored in the hard grounding analysis of double bottom structure. According to the figure of damage deformation in above paragraphs, outer bottom plating, floors and longitudinals are extruded laterally in different degrees, which is owing to the Y force.
3.4 Energy dissipation
Fig. is the distortional energy curve of double bottom structure. Energy dissipation in the grounding process is shown in Tab. Most dynamic energy of rock is changed into distortional energy of double bottom structure. Moreover,some is transform ed into friction energy between the rock and the double bottom structure. Local kinetic energy of double bottom structure, and hourglass energy that is inevitable in nonlinear finite element calculation with reduced integration. Both local energy and hourglass energy can be ignored, because they are much less than distortional energy ,and the difference is two orders of magnitude.
Outer bottom plating absorbs the most energy, Energy absorption capacity of inner bottom plating is not entirely brought into play. This is what we hope in practical grounding accidents, because the rupture of inner bottom plating will leads to catastrophic aftereffects of the ship and environment. 0n account of little initial penetration of rock to double bottom structure(vertex of rock is only 0.55m higher than inner bottom plating), and vertical displacement of rock, the contact area between the rock and inner bottom plating decreases and the rock has the trend of leaving inner bottom plating. In the numerical simulation of this paper, inner bottom plating does not rupture, but has certain plastic deformation and absorbs partial energy.
Longitudinals and floors are also main components of absorbing energy. Longitudinals existence enhances the longitudinal strength of bottom plating and the capacity of resisting the motion of rock. Moreover, such plastic deformation of longitudinals themselves as rupture, flexure and bending may absorb a considerable part of energy. Floors do not absorb as much energy as outer bottom plating and longitudinals. However, floors existence improves markedly the resistance of double bottom structure and strengthens the ability of structure’s resisting grounding (see the extremum points of contact forces in X and Z directions in Fig.)
Girders are strong components of ship bottom structure, but they absorb the least energy in the numerical simulation of this paper, because they are far from grounding area and do not contact the rock directly. As shown in Fig, most deformation of girders appears at their forepart (that is their free boundary). At the beginning, when the rock contacts double bottom structure, bending of big deflection occurs in outer bottom plating. Then girders receive lateral pressing of outer bottom plating
and have bending deformation. After rupture of outer bottom plating, the effect of outer bottom plating upon girders decreases evidently. Hence,most area of girders except the front does not deform clearly.
4. A new anti-grounding type of double bottom structure
This paper presents a new anti-grounding type of YF double bottom structure with Y floors, which is based on the design idea of increasing energy absorption and grounding force and control structure weight in an acceptable level.
4.1 The design ideas of YF double bottom structure
The energy absorption ability of transverse components (such as floors) is evidently higher than longitudinal components (such as girders), which are possibly far away from the grounding area. And the transverse structure can increase grounding force markedly. Consequently, making transverse components stronger is the main design idea of YF double bottom structure. Adding Y—floors to the original structure forms the new structure, and its section profile is shown in Fig. The reasons not to select conventional floors but Y-floors mostly are:
(1)In the same hard grounding condition, the deformation area of Y—floors is larger than conventional floors;
(2)The machining of Y—floor is relatively easy. A nd the new structure’s manufacture technology is not difficult.
4.2 Simulation research compared with the original structure
With the help of MSC/DYTRAN, this paper gets simulation results of YF double bottom structure at the instant of t=2.029259s,which is compared with the results of the original model.
As shown in Fig, the YF structure has higher grounding force than the original structure. The maximal force of cutting double bottom is 19949KN and 17346KN respectively. The YF structure’s maximal force is increased by approximately 15%. The mean force is 11200KN and 7500KN. The YF structure’s mean force is increased by approximately 49%. Obviously, Y-floors enhance the anti—grounding ability of double bottom structure and make it able to endure higher grounding loads.
On the Condition of the same kinetic energy of same rock, when the kinetic energy decreases to
about 60MJ, the displacement of rock of original model is about 27m, while the other rock in the YF model has only the displacement of 18m, see Fig. The YF structure’s damage length is evidently shorter that the original.
Tab. accounts for the energy dissipation of the YF structure and the original, when penetration of rock is 19.176m. Noticeably, the distortional energy of YF is 35.495MJ more than the original’s, while total energy absorption is 43.1 20MJ more than the original’s,for friction mechanism absorbs approximately 7.630MJ. Since the steel flats in the middle of Y—floors increase contact area between the double bottom and the rock, the effect of friction is more distinct, and more kinetic energy of rock turns into friction energy. The distortional energy of Y—floors is 46.240MJ, while the total energy loss is 1 94.560MJ. Evidently, Y—floors absorb a considerable quantity of energy. Mass of YF is 252.9447t, which is equal to the original structure. Energy absorption of YF in unit mass is 0.7692MJ/t, while the original’s is 0.5987, so YF is 28.5%more than the original in this key item.
5 work to be done before taking off the shallow
After the ship ran aground, we shall take all feasible measures as far as possible to minimize the damage to the ship and environment because of the stranded ship. Concrete steps: (1) investigate and judge the situation after the ship ran aground; (2) Temporarily fix of the ship ran aground.
5.1 investigate and judge the situation after the ship ran aground
In the sailing of the ship, no matter what contributed to the reasons for departure from the ship course, to make the ship in the danger of being stranded or running aground, emergency measures should be taken to reduce the extent of damaged hull and the prevention of expansion to the environment. For example, when there are shallow reefs in front of the ship, she should be promptly reversed, or to reduce the ship dragged anchor of Momentum, when in front of isolated reef, avoid hunting in time with the rudder, not to stern to be aground to preserve the ship mobility as far as possible.
When the ship has been stranded, she should be stopped immediately, measures to be done in the way according to the emergency grounding. It is forbidden to reverse without knowing the situation clearly, thereby increasing the losses.
(1) Continuous measuring the water level of double bottom, bilge holes and fore and aft peak tank. Clearly know the damage extent, location and the speed of incoming water.
(2) Continuous bathymetric surveys and sediment around the ship to determine the direction from the shallow, further determine the grounding location. Soundings should be alongside the vessel like the radiation, while under observation in mind, high tide and time of high, low ebb. Conducted the sampling to estimate the shallow and the friction of the grasp of the anchor as much as possible when do the submarine sounding.
(3) To identify whether main engineer and auxiliary engineers are normal, whether the rudder and propeller are damaged.
(4) Whether the transfer of goods, record the draughts of both two sides of fore, middle and aft, write down time, high tide and time of high and low tide in order to calculate the loss of displacement.
(5) Accurately locate and record the direction and ran aground at the bow to the stranded. Large-scale should be targeted on the charts. Re-test at a certain time.
(6) Make the best of weather and tidal conditions, the person assigned to observe hearings. The preparation of high tide table, a clear upsurge in the trend of the time and direction, size, on time and make records.
The good division should be made for the above investigation, record at the same time, and strive to correct. Investigation and the measures taken should try to report to ship owners and their agents as soon as possible in order to obtain advice and assistance in the matter and recorded in the logbook.
5.2 Temporarily fix of the ship ran aground
After the ship ran aground, if we do not take measures to temporarily fix the ship hull, the damage will expand because of the influence of tide gauges, the trend of the wind and waves, to bring greater difficulties to salvage, even the ship be completely destroyed or simply no way to do salvage. There are basically two ways to temporarily fixed the ship ran aground: by anchoring and filling water.
5.2.1 Fix by anchoring
When the bow grounded in the shoal or reef, the ship can be easily abeam if not fix its stern, resulting in the hull to the shore. The ship may be in danger of squatting or even broking to sinking If any possible surge. The way which the salvage boat takes proper measures to fix grounding ship by anchoring according to the influence of ambinent force the up and down of sea bottom and the grounding situation is called fixing by anchoring. The method is very significant to prevent being abeam and re-grounded, but not so good to prevent squatting.
The method to arrange anchors should be based on actual need, when the hull is vertical to shoreline, the ship ran aground with both vessels in both lines into the direction of 45 degrees on the anchor, after the end of the necessary configuration is required from the anchor fixed hull and
beneficial to both the shallow target. When the ship is parallel with the shoreline the focus should be considered to withstand the impact of the tide and swell. Not only to be 45 degrees in both directions but also to be in force may be great position (Against flow direction, the direction of welcome to surge) supported by re-anchoring of long-chains, so that the hull fixed to play a major role.
5.2.2 Fixing by filling water
When there are no suitable anchors, chains, ropes or even if there are such items but it is difficult to move, we can take measures to fix the hull by filling water into the cargo holds, which is called fixing by filling water. This is a positive approach of the fixing hull in shallow can not escape in a short period of time, and the ship ran aground on the storm may be sufficient to lead to the collapse of the ship and cargo when the enormous losses suffered.
So called fixing by filling water includes not only the water tank, but also the use of ballast tank, including the use of the cargo holds. For the merchant ship, under normal circumstances, it meets the requirement with two cabins filling water , and it also need to further increase irrigation module when bad weather, which needs to make the right choice as per the goods installation, quantity and variety .
However, we must be very careful when use the method of filling water, to fill the holds means the loss of buoyancy, to be sure to take in water after the weather conditions of the ship floating such as the circumstances allowed to use.
6 Measures for taking off the shallow
Generally speaking, the ways for taking off the shallow can be divided into two parts, self-reliance from shallow and taking off by help.
6.1 Taking off the shallow by itself
Basic operations should be completed as follows for self-reliance from shallow:
(1) After the ship ran aground in water damage, plugging leaks, all finished, and have good drainage and strengthening support work.
(2) Moving heavy objects (oil, water and goods) has revised the ship ran aground in the trim and Wang dumping and, if necessary, to be set to split the work or are abandoned.
(3) Along the direction of shallow ready to be used from shallow scheduled to throw the anchor position and be able to complete the reel, wire rope, such as the anchor chain of guitar so that the package be able to drag all the appliances in place.
(4) To main and auxiliary steering gear, anchors of the full inspection, full and ready to do a good job in car steering and to be able to use shallow anchor preparation.
(5) General upsurge in one hour before moving cars and activities with steering the boat, started to be able to Anchorage and to be able to cope with car steering, in the height of the shallow.
6.2 Taking off by help
If The ship ran aground seriously, such as the broken hole is bigger, the speed of incoming water is faster and it lost buoyance, or damage to main engineer, steering gear and propeller, or the force required to take off the shallow is too big to be provided, in efforts to rescue themselves at the same time, Did not hesitate to request foreign aid, so that the ship early from shallow.
The information and material provided to salvage boat:
(1) The principal of ships, including the main headquarters of home-scale hydro static map of the original DWT and a few, while Bian mechanical aspects of the deck, such as mechanical power.
(2) Of cargo and be able to receipt of the subdivision map, water and the number of sites, such as carrying dangerous goods should set out the number of accommodation and attention to issues and help to advance .
(3) The course speed before ran aground, the bow and ran aground time.
(4) Before and after the grounding of the draft and changes, and ran aground after it was adopted emergency measures, including the tidal measuring vessel position and sounding data.
Operations from shallow in the use of anchors, cables and other appliances:
(1) Anchors, cables and other appliances, parking, should be of high strength and can
withstand the powerful tensions, they get greater weight and diameter than the anchors,
cables, chains, valves on the deck of a grounded ship.
(2) The arrangement of anchors should be in accordance with the principle that the
grounding ship can escape from the shallow best. However, the common requirement
is that it should be towards the deep water and against wind and flow. As to the choices
that the anchors should be fastened to the bow or he stern, we should consider the use of
the anchors, it is the general requirement that to protect propeller and rudder.
(3) It is often difficult to take off the shallow because of surge and swell, but also given the
opportunity to create the chance to escape from shallow. keep the tension of the state of
maintaining a chain or cable in the process to take off , once the current surge changes
in the approach of the ship surging, it issue a strong and sustained power, which is
extremely favorable to take off the shallow.
7. Conclusions
(1) Damage deformation is concentrated in the area where structure is contacted with the rock. The research of internal mechanics in hard grounding may only consider local ship hull structure.
(2) Floors existence remarkably enhances capacity of ship bottom structure’s resisting grounding.
(3) Due to vertical contact force, the penetration of rock to double bottom will decrease appreciably in the process of hard grounding.
(4) Girders can not exert themselves on absorbing energy, and their performance of resisting grounding will be very poor, if they are far from grounding area.
(5) According to simulation analysis and comparative research, both energy absorption ability and grounding force of YF double bottom structure are evidently higher than routine structure.
1 结构研究介绍
2 双层底结构的搁浅模式
岩石影响双层底结构,由速度10m/s.双层底结构采用弹塑性材料及一些相关的数据有:材料密度7800kg/m3 ,塑胶模量2.1 x 1011n/m2,泊松比0.3.拉伸应力2.35x108n/m2,最大塑性失效应变0.15。
本文简化计算因素.静态和动态系数均假定为0.1 。
MSC/DYTRAN ,商业非线形有限元分析软件的瞬态响应,是用来模拟硬搁浅的内部力学计算的轨迹直到时刻为2.694588s。
让移动的岩石在X ,Y和Z 方向.相对与到X和Z ,位移Y方向是非常小。
岩石的速度跌幅从10m/s 到8.7m/s。
3.2 破损变形
在x和z方向的接触力有几乎相同规模和大小,与X和Z 方向上的作用力相比,在Y方向的接触力是相对较小,但在硬搁浅分析双层底结构时它不能被忽略.
4.1 YF双层底结构的设计理念
在原来的结构形式上增加 Y底板新结构,其资料表明,不选择传统的底板选择但Y型底板的理由大多是:
( 1 )在相同的硬搁浅情况下,Y型底板的变形区的大于常规底板;
( 2 )加工Y型底板相对比较容易,新结构的制造技术并不难。
4.2 与原结构仿真研究相比
在MSC/DYTRAN 的帮助下,本文得到了在瞬时2.029259s YF双层底结构的模拟结果,这是与原来的模型比较的结果。
显示表明, YF结构比原来的结构具有更强的抗搁浅力,切割双层底最大的力量分别是19949kn和17346kn。
YF结构的最大力量是增加了大约15 %。
平均作用力是11200kn 和7500kn。
YF结构的平均力是增加了大约49 %。
显然, Y型地板加强了双层底结构抗搁浅的能力,使它能够承受较高的搁浅负荷。
值得注意的是,YF 结构的变形的能量是35.495MJ,比原来的更多,而总的能量吸收比原来的结构多43.120MJ 以上,摩擦的机制吸收了大约7.630MJ。
因为Y 底板结构船中处的钢板增大了双层底和礁石的接触面积,摩擦的影响更加明显,更多的岩石动能转化为摩擦耗能。