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盒■界速砌tth|&出命小兄靜晝菖*用忖星耙暮站十上时AAt M的务竇林** 厲.*需政却.
1 •雅鬼乂恳和#H #一畀靈画・
第一审C共5小K■毎小« i.S5}.rt^7.s^}
侧)H QW mu<h i»i he shin?
A. £19.15. R £&. IB,
■3U C.
1. Whit do«(he woman wini to do ti the weekend?
A. tX> some rrAtlin^. K H JIYC & binhday partjr.
2. What i» the woman busy now?
甩Wriiing A book B. Skiing
工* Whtrc dde^ lhe nun pbn to RO?
A. Sydney. El Parii
札What is the speaken lurking about7
A. A different plan,
K A 化riouB timoapherei
C. The liyhti n«of tbe reMau rank
5, Which clu« )o«i the (ooibtll ratch? CfllS ・
CL Go to see hrr friends.
C Collecting 冊mp«k C. Shanghai.
G CI A» Th ret.
A,Chas & Qua Twa
fl i BtftievriO]
集二书(A 15小唸[毎小晉】-5井朋分5井》
晰下页£段对话改独白.每飪珥话衣玖白石冇几牛那■.从R 申所给的A.BX 三个連珥 中遼岀选:序・肝包股对话或發白萌,阿出时闾P8读鼻T 小越,每小馳5秒加听左乩善 小题林给出5苗并的
柞捋时間.毎国附培喊連0读期确』 听常§园材料 & Why is the woman crying for help? A. Sh* los, her necklire. R She wa» cbcaicd by a C Sb* fuwd her PUTK mi 如叫 7. What c 】©*hm w»!u the suspe^l wearing? 诗.WTicrt the oral icuchtr eonw from 字
扎 ChiiuL B EnslintL C Arncrk*.
16. What <kxa the nwn'a ©rd Engliati t«Ehcr advise the ALudemn TO da]
A_ IkimTnunicait morr 丄
R Redie for PJUUTW .
A, Pants *nd JI shirt. Hl Jc^ns ar>d a long coat. CL Jeans and « T-sJiirt, 听柯7廉材料■网蓉flUJUOg. 瓦 Where is ihf nrum's mother naw? A. In the h»!(piul. K. In th* office 9. Why do^B lh« ftMn AA I C a week 6(f? A. He has to 5w a doctor, B, He- necck ic look alter hi$ motben G Ht twan't hirt4 unyont to help him yrL 10. Why d«a the women admire ihe m*n? A. He u helpful B Hr ia « good wn. Q He i.» t Auccetsful man. 听第E 段村料*回荐第1】3? 13H. 11. Wh*c's the probable re lari on ship bctwerfi ih# Speikers? A. SchooIm&iM. Bt Teacher Hid aiudent G Pirent ind child 12. Why Tony abuhf ffo«i school? A» He was ill at hdme” t- R He didn't like hz ieadher* CL He w&» «<klict«d k> computer guncs, 13" Whai'> tlw woman's opinion on Tony 1® absence from school* A, Tetnagcra thou Id be prewnted {rom 取 iryi to the Imcmet ctfc« B SluM 血橹 ihovld do »ociKthin£ more inatructivc wd imaeati 隔 Ct Fartnci should care more about their children. 听爲9段材料,同答第14 £ W V. 14. Which teicher does the rnan ditlike? A. The rrulh& teaclier.
EL Th* Chinrw leicher. C, Tlw
onl leuher. (0癌三MMX * ZTii^kOK^}
C Study hftnj far cvnu.
斬期10 RH44.回善購1T^ 2fl«・
E7.. When urn the Dubmi comphtcd7
A. In 2010. R In $00* C. In 20曲
t<, Where is rht Idc&hon af th*? ull«i buiIdingA?
A. In Europe ” d I he Mtcirilfl Eut.
R !n North Ainpric^ RTI4 A^ip,
C. In Aflj# «.rkd thff Middle £1=14*
1$L Whjr do propk build so many tall builth隔is?
A. Tall bBldi轉H save mort roourrei
it F^plc tike io livt in ull huildiiME\
C. Tait butldinfli look wonderfuL
20, Whnt is the heijihi; of the Empire Swr Huitdinc?
A. Abuui 40Q mtienu
KL About 200 mtur^
C, A bom 300 metep?,
IT二诃分«ata«[共壽苇"牌分牝井i 摘一节<M15小■凶小扃?甘曲莎游知
Head g one thtw vvla and jrou'l] find critic<l]y prfl >Kd bunds T firM^raif literal un- finA peaceful Mtling» for enjoying (rrsh juict «s I I K sun gev-* down.
Prim^trk Sound. S*rcrhm« Spain
Mity ^1-J UIK 1
Prime vejk ha5 hreomt the Ko-fo frscivAl for iho址who love good lunni bui an\bear (hr thouRhl uf »wefkend's imping.
Barwh pliy 昭thr Plrt <k【Forutn・ with pdiny flornt ctifwi 3RyinR in hohris or renfeii
apari[Twni!< Thi« year s ・rii辑” irwludr Wild Be■軾⑺ Hroken Social Scene ind JipndroiiK MdU GnbrehhaUkhen* OrmsBy
Joly [讣
Mfh's r#putAtion F UTO(W S bins^nr jurty hj* bwn Jt^un'd for yt*fik
TwhnOond houw pjwide loit? «f cnEt?rtAinintnt r fill]nft pttfett ly wilh the aKraehve netting tn an mJu?t ri al mi i^um between L jcipzi^ And Bcrliiu
1% 秤rr include»too, Ktwh llw inSmled WarpeLnt a nJ tbw JrrpF 0 扌Humjbo, R««^lkk > Drkunwii
Jurw 2<JJy 1
One of Europe* bi网申M frsny^hi Rfwkiltk 怡renruricH Ion* in mus-ic history.
td豊三莫追号姒«3 3S4A
ACM like F(» Fighitn tni The Wtektnd provide tbc nuin draw.
h i in the outrr firtth where ihiriKS Ret iRtcrrjnnK»wiih wrerE Ari in Graffiti City and thr GhciTcbluTtr f<Jr hardcart 阳“y Attioa
Pwl ComwiiiL UK
July £7-34)
S« in the girmndM of a bnuiiful staldy htwrir in Si G MTHAII乩CormwilL Port Eliot EI diriy nt her feu冷麻I轧F F瞇iwU soers nn explare lb« ro*ms of ihe Mirartive I IOUM^tc> witel swimmifig in ihr
nvrt 占M “lie p<rr hh 阴““cn eVfrylhirii:frofr-i ehHM'rr^kitifl to taod-tfarthin^. Or lhc> ti&n SMtipIy spend tmu? “ I be brsl illef ftativ# nujiic Oltl chert. Unis » a reUxiT^g festival for Truxlerr Eife\
£1. In whirh caum ry tin people m WJJ H TA^IS*n Junt 2?
凡曲*in^ l\<j«nmny t CL Oenirw rk D. The UK-
22. Whirh futivftl has a history of over 100 yti-t?. aevordi w thf Ten?
A, Priina-Ycrfl 5ound>. 歳MtlL
G Roakilde. El Pon Elid.
23. Whii ii specitL about Port Elxii?
A, h gives p*ny gocrarhmets TO P I AJ^ music,
K It provide* rootnn for piny 辟凸To Vivr in.
C. 【t pro widen p*rty jroorn wilh hnndfr-on rjtpcritnirtfit,
D. Its ho«t city M Iwtted between the rivtr ・nd the st*.
A] I t(fa oftrn* whm clii jdr*n tin di-if{noaed with n diubtlity Or ^eriau »iElne»・lheir world i»filled with Appointments .md diMppoiniinenth The^ mijht ltftgihy hospital tu.fi-*nd pailful uraunenLi t not to meniLon Eni±»d opportunKin to be a kid
Suinej^ ni ckrumed "Pearh*—is mak:njt A日iff^renct in ih«? children'f tives by gi 划铭ibnn iht fik E rtwgnuing their individualhy tl»t shinw ihrou«h their health rondiiion^
In Z01L decidnl B put her ahn< on cuivai【帆新〕一but instead of turtilne to A 禹rt Ecdiuni* nbc Girted pAir)(injt Anesk^ for chiMren living with Miioui
hwlih 4cndhi0«!i b
A» her gi 旳ng sir+nsth- Si ci ner Founded ・n&nprofit orxtrvmicni Pe^eh's Neer Fee" baud tn her lw>nr S L B U捕Ntvtf MeitirtK Toda^・ With tbt h«lp of dou-fl.« ©f ArtbAl A JCrCU the U£・Pmrh s Nwt Fwt provides 50 pairs of ^boes- to children «ch mdolK Rfch 帥汗is cu^Goniiird for > specific ohild s iraTcrwrs «nJ cout*ifwud fi^hu The orfaniMtion ccwr&Liiitr f 海理)donaiiun>t wiih rrwiTc t tun 30 ho»pil&ls at*d o-thvi nonprofit cries nationwide.
Since 201 I * PpJirh's Neel Fe^t has dunstesl morr than COO pairs Cif shoes and helped IhOOQ ftmiliw wjib o-lhcr 呻indvding C*rt 戶tgc for children <wilh t舸*nd *rt ‘l ippliC. HKREiid fot Kamilin fecring Lctigihy huipLial siayst u Peach Pjirtits** ond other 亡vmti io rtiLM F UTK H end comrmi ni(y
and 出底ppou ntiwnrk hr diiMren and fAEnilim
In 201鑫Steineri work w»bonorfd 福the winner of ibt Random Actji of KindiKM FautHlAUoti ^ Exlrcnw Kindness thdleng" which Fmh s Neel Feer the npporiunjiy io

暮=翼诗曲试H4XA1U "弭审*。
