高中英语 M4 Reading and vocabulary课件 外研版选修6

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A. Chinese music is like the Chinese
B. Chinese music and language use the same tones
4. Chinese classical pieces often have poetic titles, ______.
2. When people listening to her playing _______.
A. they also hear her singing B. they think they can hear singing
3. Liu Fang thinks that ______.
第二十一页,共36页。Fra bibliotekComplete the passage use the correct words in the text.
Liu Fang, who was _b_o_r_n_ in 1974, is an _i_n_te_r_n_a_t_io_n_a_l_ music star. Since the age of six, she has played _p_i_p_a, and since the age of eleven she has given concerts including the performance for _t_h_e_Q_u_e_e_n__o_f_E_n_g_la_n_d__.
The atmosphere in a concert hall.
2) What makes her feel depressed or lonely?
When she has no concert for along time
3) What does she want to do with other musicians?
concert conservatory repertoire
soloist technique tune
3.another word for melody or in the air_t_u_n_e__
4.an event where musicians play _c_o_n_c_e_r_t _
Challenge combine interpret
3) I like listening to ___tr_a_d_it_io_n_a_l_ Chinese folk songs.
4) It's a great __c_h_a_l_le_n_g_e_ to play an instrument like the pipa.
5.all the pieces of music that a musician can play _re_p_e_r_t_o_ir_e_ 6.a school where musicians study
Directions: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
soloist technique tune Directions: Match the words with their meanings: 1.a musician who performs alone _s_o_l_o_is_t__ 2.a way of doing something, for example, playing an instrument _t_e_ch__n_iq_u__e
3)...I have been living there since then. Where
has she been living?
4)...each one has its special way of interpreting the classical pieces. Each what?
1)...during her visit to China. Who visited China?
(The Queen of England)
2)... she taught me to play the yueqin. Who
taught her to play? Her mother.
Chinese music ___is__s_im__il_a_r_tothe Chinese language.Chinese classical pieces have poetic titles, which is ________________. ____________ in Chinese paintings are like thuenderstandable Empty spaces silent parts of Chinese music.
(Module 4)
Reading and vocabulary
外研版 高二(上)
Reading and Vocabulary
Teaching aims and demands:
1.To know about some English vocabulary related to music. 2.To catch the general idea of the
The main influence on Liu Fang is _tr_a_d_i_ti_o_n_a_l_s_i_n_g_in_g_. When she is playing, listeners say that they can _____________
inhehaerr sminugsiicn.g
Directions: Read part 2 of the passage and
choose the correct answers.
1.Traditional singing is ______.
2. A. the most important influence on Liu Fang’s style B. not such an important influence
5) Sometimes there is a long ___s_il_e_n_ce_ in the middle of the piece.
6) I like the way she ___i_n_te_r_p_re_t_s_
classical pieces.
Directions:Read part 1 of the passage and explain the the following references.
A. which is understandable B. Which is very surprising
5. Empty spaces in Chinese paintings
______. A. are like the silent parts of Chinese
Activity 1: find out the information about Liu Fang
Year of birth hometown
The place she is living now The school she went to
The person who first taught her the instruments
She studied _g__u_z_h_e_n_g_a_n_d__p_i_paduring her university.
When she was five years old, her mother, who was _a__D_i_a_n_ju__a_c_t_re__s,staught her to play the ________y.uIen q1i9n96, she and her husband moved to ________. FCoarnhaedra, the biggest challenges of playing the pipa and guzheng are _to__r_es_p_e_c_t_t_h_e_t_r_a_d_it_io_n_s__b_u_t _a_d_d_h_e_r_______ _o_w_n__s_ty_l_e.
1.How many the musical instruments she plays?
The pipa, the guzheng, the yueqin.
2.What has an influence on her in her
music career?
The main influence is traditional singing.
(Pipa school)
5)The same is true of my second instrument. What is true about the second instrument?
(To respect traditional but add
her own style when playing)
Work with them
4 ) What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?
She wants to compose her own music and introduce classical pipa and guzheng music to every corner of the world.
3.What’s her ambition regarding Chinese music?
She wishes to introduce classical Chinese pipa and guzheng music to
every corner of the world.
concert conservatory repertoire
B. mean the pictures have no life
Directions: Read part 3 of the passage and
answer the following questions.
1) What does Liu Fang enjoy about performance?
Challenge combine interpret
1) She likes to _c__o_m__b_i_n_e_ musical styles from
east and west.
2) What is the _t_i_t_le_ of the piece she
The musical instruments
she plays
Canada Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Her Mother
The pipa and the guzheng
Activity 2: Find out the answers to the following questions, while listening and reading the text:
whole passage.
3.To understand the affection of the
author. 4. To be good at grasping the key
words and recognizing the new words according to the context.