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1.By the end of next month, he will have been working on this project for three months. He______it for a long time.
A.will have been working on
B.will have worked on
C.would have been working on
D.would have worked on


选项A 表示将来完成进行时,强调在将来某一时间之前一直在进行的动作,符合题意。

选项B 是将来完成时,只强调动作的完成,没有强调持续进行。

选项 C 和 D 是过去将来完成时和过去将来完成进行时,与本题的时间状语不符。

2.She said that by the time she graduated from college, she______on her thesis for six months.
A.would have been working
B.would have worked
C.will have been working
D.will have worked


根据时间状语“by the time she graduated from college”可知,动作是在过去某一时间之后的将来完成进行,所以用would have been working。

选项B 是

选项 C 和 D 是将来完成进行时和将来完成时,与本题的时间状语不符。

3.If he keeps working so hard, by the end of this year he______on this book for two years.
A.will have been working
B.will have worked
C.would have been working
D.would have worked


时间状语“by the end of this year”表示将来的时间,“for two years”表示持续的时间,所以用will have been working。

选项B 是将来完成时,没有强调持续进行。

选项 C 和 D 是过去将来完成时和过去将来完成进行时,与本题的时间状语不符。

4.They promised that by the end of next year they______on this new building for a year.
A.will have been working
B.will have worked
C.would have been working
D.would have worked


时间状语“by the end of next year”表示将来的时间,“for a year”表示持续的时间,所以用will have been working。

选项B 是将来完成时,没有强调持续进行。

选项 C 和 D 是过去将来完成时和过去将来完成进行时,与本题的时间状语不符。

5.By the time we arrive at the party, they______dancing for an hour.
A.will have been
B.will have been working
C.will have worked
D.would have been working


“by the time we arrive at the party”表示将来的时间,“for an hour”表示持续的时间,跳舞是一个持续的动作,所以用will have been working。

选项 A 缺少动词;选项 C 是将来完成时,没有强调持续进行;选项 D 是过去将来完成进行时,与本题的时间状语不符。

6.In the movie, by the end of the story, the hero______fighting the villain for three days.
A.will have been
B.will have been working
C.will have worked
D.would have been working


在电影中,“by the end of the story”表示将来的时间,“for three days”表示持续的时间,战斗是一个持续的动作,所以用will have been working。

选项 A 缺少动词;选项C 是将来完成时,没有强调持续进行;选项D 是过去将

7.If she continues to practice every day, by the end of next month she______playing the piano for four hours a day for a month.
A.will have been
B.will have been working
C.will have worked
D.would have been working


“by the end of next month”表示将来的时间,“for four hours a day for a month”表示持续的时间,弹钢琴是一个持续的动作,所以用will have been working。

选项 A 缺少动词;选项C 是将来完成时,没有强调持续进行;选项D 是过去将来完成进行时,与本题的时间状语不符。

8.By the time he finishes writing this novel, he______on it for two years.
A.will have been working
B.will have worked
C.would have been working
D.would have worked

11.By the end of next year, I will have been learning English for ten years and I will still be learning it. This sentence is in future perfect continuous tense. Which of the following sentences is also in future perfect
continuous tense?
A.I will have learned English for ten years by the end of next year.
B.I will be learning English for ten years by the end of next year.
C.I had learned English for ten years by the end of last year.
D.I was learning English for ten years by the end of last year.

A 选项是将来完成时;B 选项是将来完成进行时,与题干一致;C 选项是过去完成时;D 选项是过去进行时。

12.In the future, scientists will have made many breakthroughs. At that time, they will still be researching new technologies. This is an example of future perfect and future continuous tense. Which sentence has a similar tense combination?
A.Scientists will make many breakthroughs and then start researching new technologies.
B.Scientists will have made many breakthroughs and be researching new technologies.
C.Scientists made many breakthroughs and are researching new technologies.
D.Scientists had made many breakthroughs and were researching new technologies.

A 选项只是一般将来时和一般将来时的简单组合;B 选项是将来完成时和将来进行时的组合,与题干一致;C 选项是一般过去时和现在进行时;D 选项是过去完成时和过去进行时。

13.By 2025, the company will have developed a new product. After that, they will still be promoting it. What tense is used in this sentence?
A.Future perfect and future continuous tense.
B.Future simple and future continuous tense.
C.Present perfect and present continuous tense.
D.Past perfect and past continuous tense.

“By 2025, the company will have developed a new product.”是将来完成时,“After that, they will still be promoting it.”是将来进行时。

14.In the future, people will have lived on Mars for some time. At that moment, they will still be exploring the planet. Which of the following is incorrect about this sentence?
A.It uses future perfect and future continuous tense.
B.It shows a future scenario where people have accomplished living on Mars and are still in the process of exploration.
C.It could be rewritten as “People will live on Mars and be exploring the planet at some point in the future.”
D.It is in past perfect and past continuous tense.

A 选项正确,句子用了将来完成时和将来进行时;B 选项解释了句子所表达的未来场景;C 选项给出了一种改写方式;D 选项错误,句子不是过去完成时和过去进行时。

15.By the time the new technology is widely used, we will have been
working on improving it for years. What does this sentence imply?
A.We will start working on improving the new technology when it is widely used.
B.We have been working on improving the new technology before it is widely used.
C.We will finish working on improving the new technology when it is widely used.
D.We had been working on improving the new technology before it is widely used.


A 选项说在新技术被广泛使用时才开始改进,与原句不符;
C 选项说在新技术被广泛使用时完成改进,原句没有这个意思;
D 选项是过去完成进行时,与原句时态不符。

16.In the future, the world will have changed a lot. At that time, people will still be adapting to the changes. What is the tense of the second part of this sentence?
A.Future perfect tense.
B.Future continuous tense.
C.Present perfect tense.
D.Past continuous tense.

“At that time, people will still be adapting to the changes.”

17.By the end of this decade, we will have achieved many goals. After that, we will still be striving for more. What is the combination of tenses in this sentence?
A.Future perfect and future continuous tense.
B.Future simple and future continuous tense.
C.Present perfect and present continuous tense.
D.Past perfect and past continuous tense.

“By the end of this decade, we will have achieved many goals.”是将来完成时,“After that, we will still be striving for more.”是将来进行时。

18.In the future, education will have evolved
21. By the end of next year, he will have been teaching for twenty years and he will have been learning Chinese for five years. He will have been thinking about visiting China for a long time. He says he will have been planning his trip to China since he started learning Chinese. What will he have been doing when he finally arrives in China?
A. He will have been teaching.
B. He will have been learning Chinese.
C. He will have been planning his trip.
D. He will have been visiting China.


中提到他从开始学中文就一直在计划去中国旅行,当他最终到达中国时,他将会一直在进行的动作是“visiting China”,即正在中国旅行。

A 选项是教学,与到达中国后的动作不符;
B 选项是学中文,到达中国时不是在学中文;
C 选项是计划旅行,到达中国时已经不是在计划旅行了。

22. Marie Curie had discovered radium by 1902. By 2025, scientists will have been researching the effects of radium for over a century. What will they have been doing with radium by then?
A. They will have been discovering radium.
B. They will have been researching the effects of radium.
C. They will have been using radium for medical purposes.
D. They will have been hiding radium.

题干中明确提到到2025 年科学家们将会一直在研究镭的影响超过一个世纪了,所以那时他们正在进行的动作是“researching the effects of radium”。

A 选项发现镭是过去的动作;C 选项用镭做医疗用途题干未提及;D 选项隐藏镭也不符合题意。

23. In 1969, humans landed on the moon. By 2030, space exploration will have advanced greatly. What will astronauts have been doing in space by then?
A. They will have been landing on the moon again.
B. They will have been exploring other planets.
C. They will have been building a space station on the moon.
D. They will have been returning to Earth.

随着时间推移到2030 年,太空探索会有很大进步,那时宇航员在太空正在进行的动作更可能是探索其他星球。

A 选项再次登陆月球不是最符合未来发展趋势的动作;C 选项在月球上建空间站题干未提及;D 选项返回地球不符合一直在太空做某事的题意。

24. Shakespeare wrote many famous plays. By next century, his works will have been studied for centuries. What will scholars have been doing with Shakespeare's works then?
A. They will have been writing new plays based on Shakespeare's works.
B. They will have been analyzing Shakespeare's works.
C. They will have been performing Shakespeare's plays.
D. They will have been ignoring Shakespeare's works.

题干中提到莎士比亚的作品被研究了几个世纪,那么到下个世纪学者们正在进行的动作是“analyzing Shakespeare's works”,分析莎士比亚的作品。

A 选项写新剧本基于莎士比亚作品不是主要一直在进行的动作;C 选项表演莎士比亚的戏剧不是一直做的事;D 选项忽视莎士比亚作品不符合题意。

25. The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. By 2040, air travel will have become even more common. What will people have been doing with airplanes by then?
A. They will have been inventing new types of airplanes.
B. They will have been taking long-distance flights.
C. They will have been repairing old airplanes.
D. They will have been avoiding air travel.

从1903 年到2040 年,航空旅行会更加普遍,那时人们正在进行的动作是“taking long-distance flights”,乘坐长途航班。

A 选项发明新型飞机不是大多数人在做的事;C 选项修理旧飞机不是普遍行为;D 选项避免航空旅行与题意不符。

26. Einstein developed the theory of relativity. By 2100, scientists will have been expanding on his theories for decades. What will they have been doing then?
A. They will have been disproving Einstein's theories.
B. They will have been teaching Einstein's theories.
C. They will have been applying Einstein's theories.
D. They will have been forgetting Einstein's theories.

到2100 年,科学家们一直在扩展爱因斯坦的理论,那时他们正在进行的动作是“applying Einstein's。
