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2019-2020 年高中英语必修2U4Cyberspace--municationWorkshop
■To make no tes from in formati on on an Internet page.
■To write an Internet page with the help of a model and instructions.
■To liste n to a song and extract importa nt words.
■To liste n to a radio programme for main facts.
■To discuss and plan a scientic experiment in space and give a talk about it.
Resources used
Cassette, Writ ing Help 1.
Possible problems
Some stude nts may have fewer imagi native ideas tha n others and so careful group ing is n eeded.
Backgro und
Liste ning: Kraftwerk are a Germa n group and were the first group to start produc ing
“ tech no ” music in the 1970s, using syn thesisers and puters.
Routes through the material
■If you are short of time, omit the Talkback stag e of the writi ng and speak ing workshops.
■If you have time, students can do the Options activities.
■If you have two periods for this less on, the n atural break is after the writi ng activity.
Lan guage Power: pages 62?C63.
Writ ing: An Internet Page
Before you start
■Ask students what they already know about Sydney ?C encourage them to say as much as possible.
■Students work in pairs reading the text and pleting it with the extra information.
■Check students ' answers by having them read out the plete text.
An swers
1 Pacific coast/over 500,000/orig inal n ame - Gas Tow n
2 Gallery of Tribal Art/Va ncouver Aquarium
3 skii ng/ice hockey
■In pairs, stude nts choose one of the sect ions of the text and give the in formati on
in full sen ten ces as if in a talk, e.g. 'There are a lot of in terest ing thi ngs to see whe n you visit Syd ney. …'
■Remind students that the first stage of writing is always planning.
■You may wish to let students prepare some of this project for homework if they
wish to find out information from reference sources.
■ Students makenotes for the three paragraphs about History, Things to see, Things to do. Monitor
the activity, assisting students if necessary.
Stages 2
■ Remind students that the first sentence of a paragraph is usually the key sentence because it gives the topic for the rest of the paragraph.
■ Students write their key sentences.
Stages 3
■ Students write their texts. Refer them to Writing Help 1 and remind them of the linking words they have practised.
■ Students underline the “hot words ” in their texts which someone could click on
to get more information about the topic.
Stages 4
■ In pairs, students read their texts and check language used, using Writing Help
1 (checking).
■ Encourage students to improve their own and their partner 's texts.
■ Form small groups and read the example exchange with the class.
■ Students read their texts and ask for more information about the underlined words.
■ Groups should ensure that all the group members ' texts ar e read and discussed. Move around and monitor the activity but do not interrupt.
■ ment on any important mistakes you hear and try to get the class to suggest corrections.
■ Ask students what words they would expect in a song called “The Telephone Call ”.
■ Students read the seven sentences and guess what the missing words might be.
■ Play the tape for students to plete the sentences. Answers
1 number
2 time
3 telephone
4 far
5 night
6 day
7 time
8 voice
■ Students discuss why the singer is always phoning. If students
have different opinions, ask them to give reasons for their opinion. Tapescript
The number you have reached has been disconnected.
The number you have reached has been disconnected.
I give you my affection and I give you my time. Trying to get a connection on the telephone line. You're so close, but far away,
I call you up all night and day.
I call you up from time to time
To hear your voice on the telephone line.
The number you have reached has been disconnected.
Speaking: Planning a scientific experiment Before you start Exercise 1
■ Students look at the pictures and discuss in pairs about the scientific experiments that have ever
been done in space.
■ Collect information from students and elicit more just to ar ouse their interest
and confidence in doing the project.
Exercise 2
■ Students read the questions and, in pairs, guess what the answers are.
P: Hello and wele to this Science Programme. Last week we asked students to tell us their ideas for scientific experiments they would like to do in space. To our surprise, hundreds of our student listeners sent in brilliant ideas. Today, we have invited two students, Wang Wei and Li Tao, to the studio to explain their space experiment to us.
W:Well, I was interested in carrying out a small experiment about ants. You know, ants like digging holes.
P: Ants in space? How interesting!
Li: Yes, but I couldn 't really think of a good reason for doing that.
P: Mm, well, maybe you could learn about gravity.
W: That's what I thought. But then Li Tao had a better idea.
P: What was your idea, Li Tao?
L: Well, I like silkworms very much. One day, when I was feeding them and watching them eat, I suddenly wondered what would happen if they lived in space. Howlong would they live? Could they still make silk? What kind of silk would they make?
W: I thought that was a great idea too, so we decided to do that.
P: Oh, I see. Silkworms are important to China. I think it is very meaningful to find out more about them.
L: Yes, you're right. Maybe they'll produce better silk in space. Then we might have better material for clothes.
P: Wow,I can't wait to see. Thank you for ing today. If any listeners have any other ideas for space experiments, please don't hesitate to share them with us. Call us on 80397582. Thanks for listening.
Stages 1
■ Refer students to Writing Help 1 to help them as they work through the four stages. ■ Students listen to the radio programme and check their predictions.
■ Play the cassette again, pausing it to ask more detailed questions, e.g. What were students asked to do last week? Whydid the presenter feel surprised? What would they like to find out through the experiment?
Exercise 3
■ Stimulate classroom discussion about why scient ific experiments are carried out
in space. Make notes on the blackboard to help expand students ' understanding of scientific experiments in space.
Stage 1
■ In groups, students discuss and choose a subject they are most interested in from the given three. If they like none of them, they can decide their own subject.
■ Elicit what each group thinks what would be their reasons for the subject and what they would find out in the experiment.
Stage 2
■ Elicit the language of agreeing, disagreeing and maki ng suggestions.
■ In groups, students discuss what specific questions they would like to ask, following the examples. Make notes of the questions they raise. Remind students to note that the questions should be effective for their experiment.
Stage 3
■ In groups, students make a plan for their experiment,including the subject and the questions they want to raise.
■ Students prepare notes for their report to the class.
Encourage them to speak from notes rather than reading a plete text.
■ When the rep ort has finished the other students can ask questions if they wish.
■ The class can then find out what subject each group has decided and how they have made their plan.
■ Students discuss the problems they had when giving their talks. Also, en courage them to say what they felt was better this time than in previous talks and which parts of their talk they felt most fortable with.
In groups, students write an Internet page for their school. Elicit what information is appropriate, e.g. location, history, building, number of students and staff, subjects.
Students write their pages and underline the “hot words”. The groups can then show their pages to the class and the other students can ask for more information about the “hot word ”.
Students discuss with their imagination: what they think experiments in space would bring to human beings? Would they really think they could visit space some day and
do their experime nt there? And why? What would happe n in space in fifty years time?…
2019-2020 年高中英语必修2U4Cyberspace-丄esson2Websites
■To practise exte nsive and inten sive liste ning skills.
■To find information from a website.
■To focus on prominently stressed words as an aid to understanding ?C the key content words in
every sentence that are stressed.
■To practise making pla ns and suggestio ns over the telepho ne.
Resources used
Cassette, in formati on about local eve nts duri ng the n ext
week and weeke nd e.g. from local n ewspapers.
Possible problems
Students may panic when faced with the listening task (Exercise 3). If it is helpful,
play the cassette several times and pause the tape after each question to give students time to an swer.
Backgro und
This less on gives some of the history of the Internet and shows some of the possible uses. merce on the Internet has grown dramatically in the last few years, but the
USA is way ahead of Europe with importa nt e-merce bus in esses like Amaz on, the most successful virtual bookstore.
The quote is from Pablo Picasso (1881?C1973), Spanish painter and sculptor. He was
the most in flue ntial of twen tieth cen tury artists and also one of the most prolific.
Routes through the material
■If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework.
■If you have time, have some of the students give a short talk about “What I know about the Internet ” .
■If you have two periods for this less on, a suitable n atural break is after Exercise 4.
Lan guage Power: pages 56?C57.
Liste ning
Before you start
Exercise 1
■St udents work in pairs, asking and answering the questions.
■Have some of the pairs the n report back to the class.
Exercise 2
■ Students read through the questions and note down what they think are the answers. Listen to learn
Exercise 3
Useful vocabulary: military, nuclear war, network.
Do not pre-teach these words. Students will probably be able to guess the meanings from the context. After students have checked their answers to the exercise, you can play the tape again for more intensive prehension and check the meaning of these words at that stage.
■ Play the tape two or three times if necessary, pausing for students to mark their answers. Answers a 3 b 1 c 6 d 2 e 5 f 4 Tapescript
Presenter: Wele to “Future Now”. Today we are going to discu ss the Internet with
Dr Jennifer May from Manchester
University. Dr May, how did the Internet begin?
Dr May: Well, it 's strange but the Internet was started by the military. In the 1960s the Pentagon were worried about munications after a nuclear war. And in 1969 they thought of linking puters into a network so that if one part of the network was destroyed, other parts could continue working. Presenter: And then scientists started to use the network, right?
Dr May: Yes, people in universities all over the world began to use the network to share ideas. They used it for work and for fun. In the 1980s, people started calling it the Internet.
Presenter: Then it was in the mid-1990s that the Internet really began to grow fast. Dr May: Yes, now the Internet is important for entertainment, email, playing games and getting information.
■ After checking the answers, play the tape again, pausing to check new vocabulary and to ask more detailed prehension questions, e.g. What worried the Pentagon in the 1960s? What did people in universities use the network for?
Exercise 4
The newwords on the website pages, e. g. archaeological sites, boutique, mindblowing, etc. are not meant to be taught. When students have pleted the exercise, see if they can guess the meaning of these words.
■ Students work in pairs, matching the uses in the list with the website texts. Answers
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
Exercise 5
■ Read the rubric with the class. Elicit which text the people are probably looking at (number 3, the one about Brighton).
■ Students then look at the Internet page and listen for the one item of information (which thing the two people decide to do). Answers
Go to the cinema on Friday evening to see Richard Bailey's new film, Virtual Planet. Tapescript Mother: Hello. 973273.
Mandy: Hello, Mrs Turner. This is Mandy.
Mother: Ah, hello Mandy. How are you?
Mandy: Fine thanks. Can I speak to Lucy, please?
Mother: Yes, just hang on a second, I'll get her.
Mandy: Thanks.
Mother: (shouts away from the telephone) Luuucy!
Lucy: Hello.
Mandy: Hi, Lucy. This is Mandy. What are you up to this weekend?
Lucy: Me, nothing. I'm not doing anything this weekend. Why?
Mandy: Let's do something. I've printed out the Internet page.
Lucy: What's on?
Man dy: Just hang on a sec ond …
Man dy: On Friday there's a fashi on show …
Lucy: Sorry?
Mandy: There's a fashion show this weekend.
Lucy: Oh, good. Why don't we go on Saturday morning?
Mandy: Well, I can 't … mm … I've got a music lesson on Saturday morning. Do you
fancy doing something on Friday night?
Lucy: Mmmm. Maybe.
Mandy: Well, there's that newRichard Bailey film on at the … er the Colosseum. Would you like to go?
Lucy: Yeah, great. I'd love to. Richard's my hero you know.
Mandy: Yeah, and mine.
Lucy: Mmm. Well, I'd better go now. I've got homework to do.
Mandy: OK. Let's meet at 6:30, outside the cinema.
Lucy: Right. See you tomorrow.
Mandy: See you.
Exercise 6
■Students read the phrases and look at the telephone conversation in the Function
File. Ask them to guess some of the missing phrases in the dialogue.
■Students then listen to the tape and plete the dialogue.
I 973273 2 This is 3 please 4 hang on 5 are you up to 6 Sorry 7 Why don't we 8 Do you fancy 9 Would you like 10 I can't
II I'd love to 12 I'd better 13 Let's 14 See you
■When students have checked their answers, have them read the sentences aloud.
Exercise 7
■ Read the Strategies box with the class. Ask students if the same strategies apply in their own language (e.g. when listening to announcements at stations or airports, when listening to TV or radio, when listening to someone telling them about their holiday).
■ Students listen to the seven sentences on the cassette. Pause after each sentence for students to identify the stressed words.
■ Then play the cassette for students to repeat the sentences. Answers and tapescript The stressed words are underlined.
1 Hello, Mrs Turner. This is Mandy.
2 What are you up to this weekend?
3 Oh good. Why don 't we go on Saturday morning?
4 Well, I can ' t …mm …I ' ve got a music less on on Saturday morning.
5 Do you fancy doing something on Friday night?
6 Well, I 'd better go now.
7 Let 's meet at 6:30, outside the cinema.
Exercise 8
■If you have information about what is happening in your area the following week or weekend, bring it so that students can include it in the things they would like
to do.
■Read through the examples with the class and elicit more things to do.
■Each student makes notes of what he/sh e would like to do from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.
Exercise 9
■Before stude nts do the pairwork, revise teleph one Ian guage by look ing back at the Function File and having students say the expressions aloud.
■Students then work in pairs phoni ng each other, making suggestions of what to do at the weekend, accepting or rejecting the suggestions and finally agreeing what to
do and making arrangements.
■The pairs tell the rest of the class what they decided to do.
■Some of the pairs can say th eir conversations again for the rest of the class to hear.
■Ask students what they know of Pablo Picasso. Do they like his paintings? (Why/Why not?) Which of his paintings have they seen?
■Readthe quote and ask students what Picasso meant ?C Whydid he think giving answers was useless? What is more important?
Ask students if they agree that puters can only give answers. Options
Practice Students look back at the What 's on in Brighton text and make further telephone conversations about what to do at the weekend.
Those students who have access to the Internet may like to bring in a copy of a page giving information about Brighton or about one of the latest English language films.。
