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General Terms
人造板Wood- based Panel
刨光板Dressed board; board scraped
刨花板(碎料板)chipboard; particleboard; saving board
边板side board
标准板standard board
波纹板corrugated board
层积板laminated board;stratificated board; laminates
单板层积材laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
单板条层积材paralleled strand (PSL)
单层板single-layer board
挡板apron board
低密度板low density board
低密度厚板thick board of low density
底板bottom board ;sole plate
垫板caul; caul plate
垫木sole timber
顶板cover board
多层板multi -layer board
防火板fireproof panel
非木质人造板nonwood-based panel
蜂窝板cellular board; hollow panel
复合板composite board; combination board
盖板sheathing board
隔板partition; apron lining;brattice
隔条parting; spacer
隔音板sound insulation board
刮光板scraped board
规格板材stock board
厚窄板deal flooring;parquet floor
护面板board liner
护墙板clap board; weather board
混凝土板cement board; weather board
混凝土模板cement form (shuttering); concrete shuttering panel
夹心板sandwich board
夹心碎料板core stock 建筑用板building board
胶合层积板glued lamination board
结构板structural panel
截边板edged board
径切板edge-grain lumber(quarter-sawed lumber) 冷面板;无节板clear face board
聚氯乙烯贴面PVC film overlay panel
矿物粘合板mineral-bonded insulation
沥青板bituminous board
沥青胶合绝缘板bitumen-bonded insulation
沥青浸渍绝缘板bitumen-impregnated in sulation board
麦秸板straw panel ; straw sheet
门衬板door lining
门嵌板door panel
门扇面板door skin
模压板molded sheets
木隔板wood paneling ;wood casing
木丝板excelsior board ;wood cement board; wood-wool board; wood-wool slabs
木条板芯细木工板battenboard ;block board
挠性胶合板flexible plywood
挠性胶合板flexible plywood
挠性塑料垫板flexible plastic caul
扭曲板twisted board
偏斜板deflect board
拼花地板parquet; wood block flooring; parquet floor
拼花木块parquet block
平板flat board
平纹镶板lay panel
平镶板flush panel
平压刨花板platen-pressed particle board
企口地板joint floor
企口镶板match board board
翘曲板warped boar
去芯厚板center plank
卷片板;大片刨花板;华夫板wafer board
软木板cork board;slab-cork panel
砂光板sanded board
实木板soild wood board
出页式拼板法book matching
树脂板resin plate;resin board
碎料板;刨花板wood chipboard
髓心板heart board
天然板材natural (woo) boards
贴护墙板lining(sheeting of walls by veneers)
贴面刚性绝缘板laminated rigid insulation board 贴面基板substrate
贴面纸板overlay paperboard
桶板材cooperage (blot, stock); cooer’ s-wood ; stave-wood
凸面板rased panel
涂层板coated board
涂漆板lacquered board
屋顶绝缘板insulation roof deck slab
无疵木板clean deal
无机粘合剂粘合板board with mineral(inorganic)binders; mineral-binded board 吸音板acoustic(al)board
弦切板flat board;flat-grain lumber
镶板木阁板wood paneling; wood casing; wood board
镶接木板board and brace work
镶嵌板条parquet strip
楔边板feather edge board
芯板center board; core board
压缩板compressed board
檐糟板gutter board
油浸板oil-treated board
鱼尾板fish plate
羽纹板feather board
预涂装饰板prefinished panel
预制模板prefabricated shuttering units
再生板reconstituted wood board; recycled wood board
蔗渣板bagasse board
中密度亚麻板medium density flax-based board 装饰板decorative board (panel; plaque)
装饰层压板decorative laminate
装饰层纤维压板decorative laminated fiberboard 装饰单板decorative veneer。