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Un it 1 Cultural Relics
Think of your hometow n and discuss the follow ing questi ons with your part ner.
1 Is there any cultural relic worth protecting in your hometown? What is it? Write it down
and give a reas on.
2 What do you think you can do to protect it?
3 Here are some suggestio ns. Discuss them in pairs and add your own idea.
Sample discussi on:
S1: First we n eed to th ink of somewhere that n eeds protect ion. Do you know of any cultural relics that are in bad repair?
S2: Well, there sthat temple near my grandfather 'house. It 'very old and some of it looks as if it n eeds more care. Perhaps we could try to preserve that!
S1: That 'a good idea. Perhaps we should go over and visit it today after school so we can see what n eeds doing.
S2: A good idea. Any way how do you thi nk we can preserve it?
S1: My mum could raise some money by selling her pictures. She makes woodcut pictures and sells them for charity. I 'ask her.
S2: That 'great! Maybe we could write a letter to our local newspaper and tell them about
the situati on. Perhaps some one would be willi ng to give us some money to preserve
the buildi ng.
S1: Yes, I 'm going to ask all my mum 'frie nds as well. Perhaps you can ask the people liv ing n ear your gran dpare nt 'house.
S2: That 'be easy. Goodness! We have a good action plan already:。
