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【摘要】利用FLUENT软件对在聚酯生产中应用的双层搅拌桨搅拌槽内疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺AP-P4溶解过程的流场进行数值模拟分析,采用标准k-ε模型和多重参考系法(MRF).分析了AP-P4溶解过程中刚加入聚合物颗粒时在搅拌槽内的混合情况.得到了搅拌槽内流场状况和固体颗粒的体积分数分布.并对流场的分布规律、固体颗粒体积分数分布特点加以分析,由模拟结果计算出搅拌轴的功率,为搅拌槽的设计和实际应用提供有益的结论.%The FLUENT was used to simulate dissolution process' flow field of hydrophobic associating poly-acrylamide AP-P4 in the stirred tank is mixed with dual impellers, in the simulation, both turbulent model ( k-e)and multiple reference method(MRF) were used. Through analyzing mixed condition in the tank when polymer particles is put in the AP-P4 dissolution process, the flow field changes in the stirred tank and the volume fraction distribution of the solid particles were obtained; meanwhile, through analyzing the flow field' s regularities of distribution and the volume fraction characteristics of solid particles as well as the simulation, the agitator shaft' s power can be calculated to provide the reference for stirred tank design and practical application.【总页数】5页(P193-196,202)
1.疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺溶解槽内流动特性的数值模拟 [J], 谢明辉;周国忠;龙湘犁;虞培清
2.超短接触旋流反应器混合腔内气固混合特性的数值模拟 [J], 张玉春;王振波;金有海;马艺
3.管式液固静态混合器内流场的数值模拟 [J], 吴玉雷;陈光辉;王伟文;李建隆
4.混合澄清槽澄清室内流场特性测量 [J], 叶思施; 唐巧; 王运东
5.二元熔盐在螺旋槽管内流动和传热特性数值模拟 [J], 方立军; 杨泽良; 李阳; 高照因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
