Building-integrated solar photovoltaic systems—a hybrid solar cooled ventilation technique for hot




这类系统与独立光伏系统相 比有如下特点。
B、独立光伏系统中光 伏方阵所发出的有效电 能要受蓄电池荷电状态 的限制,在蓄电池额定 容量充满后,光伏方阵 所发出的多余电力就只 能白白浪费,而且蓄电 池的自放电和充电过程 都要损耗部分电能,而 并网系统随时可从电网 中存取,可以充分利用 光伏方阵所发的电能。
与建筑相结合的光伏系 统,可以作为独立电源 供电或者并网的方式供 电,而并网发电是当今 光伏应用的新趋势。
将现成的平板光伏组件安装在住房 或建筑物的屋顶或外墙,引出端经 过控制器及逆变器与公共电网相连 接,由光伏方阵及电网并联向用户 供电,这就形成了户用并网光伏系 统。
由于其全部或基本不用蓄电池,造 价大大降低,并且除了发电以外还 具有调峰、环保和代替某些建材的 多种功能,因而是光伏发电步入商 业应用并逐步发展成为基本电源之 一的重要方式。
简单直流光伏 水泵系统
BIPV形式 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 光伏采光顶(天窗) 光伏屋顶 光伏幕墙(透明幕 墙) 光伏幕墙(非透明 幕墙) 光伏遮阳板(有采 光要求) 光伏遮阳板(无采 光要求) 屋顶光伏方阵 墙面光伏方阵 光伏组件 光伏玻璃组件 光伏屋面瓦 光伏玻璃组件 (透明) 光伏玻璃组件 (非透明) 光伏玻璃组件 (透明) 光伏玻璃组件 (非透明) 普通光伏电池 普通光伏电池 建筑要求 建筑效果、结构强度、采 光、遮风挡雨 建筑效果、结构强度、遮 风挡雨 建筑效果、结构强度、采 光、遮风挡雨 建筑效果、结构强度、遮 风挡雨 建筑效果、结构强度、采 光 建筑效果、结构强度、 建筑效果 建筑效果 类型 集成 集成 集成 集成 集成 集成 结合 结合



太阳能光伏建筑一体化中光伏幕墙的设计要点分析Analysis on Design Points of Photovoltaic Curtain Wall inSolar Photovoltaic Building Integration姜文化(中防雅宸规划建筑设计有限公司,山东青岛266075)JIANG Wen-hua(Zhongfang Yachen Planning and Architectural Design Co.Ltd.,Qingdao 266075,China)【摘要】太阳能应用及开发已成为各行业研究的重点及趋势,尤其是在建筑行业,其开发及应用获得了较大突破,太阳能光伏建筑一体化是近年建筑行业研究的重要成果。



【Abstract 】The application and development of solar energy has become the focus and trend of research in various industries,especially in theconstruction industry.Great breakthroughs have been made in its development and application.The integration of solar photovoltaic buildings is an important achievement in the research of the construction industry in recent years.Photovoltaic curtain wall is a key component of solar photovoltaic building integration.It is a photovoltaic module formed by the combination of solar panels and building envelope.It has the dual functions of envelope structure and photovoltaic power generation.Its design points directlyaffect the use value and safety of photovoltaic curtain wall.This paper will take the photovoltaic curtain wall in the integration of solar photovoltaic buildings as the starting point,give a basic overview ofits structureand application,and elaborateitsdesign pointsin detail.【关键词】太阳能;光伏建筑一体化;光伏幕墙;设计要点【Keywords 】solarenergy;photovoltaicbuildingintegration;photovoltaiccurtain wall;design points 【中图分类号】TU18;TM615+.2;TU227【文献标志码】A【文章编号】1007-9467(2022)03-0025-03【DOI 】10.13616/ki.gcjsysj.2022.03.007【作者简介】姜文化(1974~),女,山东烟台人,高级工程师,从事建筑设计与研究。



《太阳能光伏与建筑一体化工程检测规程》(2011年征求意见稿)江苏省工程建设标准DGJJXXXX—201x DGJXX/XX—201x___________________________________________________________太阳能光伏与建筑一体化工程检测规程Guide for testing of building integrated photovoltaicsystems(征求意见稿)201x—xx-xx发布 201x—xx-xx发行xxxxxx 审定发布目次1 总则 (1)2 术语和符号 (2)3 系统基础工程及支架工程检测 (5)3.1 检测项目及要求 (5)3.2 检测方法及设备 (5)4 光伏组件及方阵工程检测 (8)4.1 检测项目及要求 (8)4.2 检测方法及设备 (9)5系统交流输出性能检测 (11)5.1 检测项目及要求......................................................................11 5.2 检测方法及设备 (11)6 储能系统工程检测 (14)6.1 检测项目及要求 (14)6.2 检测方法及设备 (15)7 系统电气安全性能检测 (16)7.1 检测项目及要求 (16)7.2 检测方法及设备 (16)8系统运行状况检查 (18)8.1 检查项目及要求 (18)8.2 检查方法及设备 (19)9 检测报告....................................................................................... (20)本规则用词说明 (32)引用标准 (33)条文说明 (34)1 总则1.0.1为积极推广应用太阳能光伏与建筑一体化发电技术,确保太阳能光伏与建筑一体化工程质量,指导和规范太阳能光伏与建筑一体化系统工程检测,特制定本规范。



由垂直和水平接地极组成的供发电厂、变电站使用的兼有泄流和均压作用的较大型的水平网状 接地装置
110kV 及以上电压等级变电所、装机容量在200MW 及以上火电厂和水电厂或者等效平面面积在 5000m2及以上的接地装置
photovoltaic array simulator
16 干式变压器 17 中性点端子
dry-type transformer neutral terminal
对三相变压器或由单相变压器组成的三相组,指连接星形联接或曲折型联结公共点(中性点) 的端子,对单相变压器指连接网络中性点的端子
18 绕组
异常状态发生到光伏电站停止向电网送电的时间 光伏电站在系统异常发生脱网后,当电网电压和频率恢复正常并经过一个可调的延时时间后重 新并网 具备独立发电单元能力的光伏发电最小单元
56 光伏电站 57 公共连接点PCC 58 光伏电站并网点 59 光伏电站送出线路 60 光伏电站有功功率 61 光伏电站无功功率 62 有功功率变化 63 低电压穿越 64 光伏并网逆变器 65 光伏汇流箱 66 电气间隙 67 爬电距离 68 并网接口 69 光伏系统功率因数 70 发电量 71 交流电 72 断路器 73 配电箱 74 电能表
23 消弧线圈
arc-suppression coil
24 互感器
instrument transformer
25 电压互感器 26 接地极
voltage transformer grounding electrode



1、太阳电池:由太阳光的光量子与材料相互作用而产生电势,从而把光的能量转换成电能,此种进行能量转化的光电元件称为太阳电池(Solar Cell),也可称之为光伏电池。




















以下是一些常见的光伏外贸电池专业名词:1. 光伏电池(Photovoltaic Cell):将太阳能直接转换为电能的装置。

2. 晶体硅光伏电池(Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cell):最常见的光伏电池类型,基于硅晶体的光伏技术。

3. 多晶硅光伏电池(Polycrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cell):由多个小晶体硅晶粒组成的光伏电池。

4. 单晶硅光伏电池(Monocrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cell):由单一晶体硅晶粒制成的光伏电池。

5. 太阳能电池板(Solar Panel):由多个光伏电池串联或并联组成的装置,用于将太阳能转换为电能。

6. 模块(Module):由多个太阳能电池板组成的单元,通常安装在光伏发电系统中。

7. 电池效率(Cell Efficiency):衡量光伏电池将太阳能转换为电能的能力的指标。

8. 开路电压(Open Circuit Voltage):当光伏电池未连接负载时,正负极之间的电压。

9. 短路电流(Short Circuit Current):当光伏电池的正负极直接短路时,通过电池的电流。

10. 最大功率点(Maximum Power Point):光伏电池在特定工作条件下能够输出的最大功率点。

11. 填充因子(Fill Factor):衡量光伏电池实际输出功率与理论最大功率的比值。

12. 转换效率(Conversion Efficiency):光伏电池将太阳能转换为电能的效率,通常以百分比表示。

13. 光伏发电系统(Photovoltaic Power System):由太阳能电池板、逆变器、电池等组成的系统,用于将太阳能转换为可用的电能。

14. 并网光伏系统(Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System):将光伏发电系统与电网连接,将多余的电能出售给电网的系统。


BIPV系统是指将太阳能光伏电池或组件与建筑物外围护结构(如屋顶、幕墙、天窗等)相结 合从而构成建筑结构的一部分并取代原有的建筑材料。
1 建筑一体化光伏系综述
该项目的最大特点是在保持原有现代建筑平面功能布局不变的前提下,引入极具未来感的设 计元素,建筑物幕墙BIPV组件采用龙甲式设计,将不同形状、颜色、透光率的太阳能薄膜组件搭 配使用,并依据采光、遮阳、通风等功能需求进行整体设计。这种设计从建筑美学角度出发,彰 显建筑的特色和新颖,为现代绿色建筑构建无限的可能与活力。
1 建筑一体化光伏系统综述
目前,我国建筑面积已达到约 500亿 m2,每年以 20亿 m2的速度增加 , 预计到 2020年还将新 增300亿 m3。从数量上讲 , 建筑能耗已接近全社会总能耗的1/3, 并且随着我国城市化进程的加快 ,建筑能耗将继续保持增长趋势。加快可再生能源在建筑领域中的规模化应用 , 是降低建筑能耗、 调整建筑用能结构的主要措施之一。
太阳能光伏发电系统作为建筑电源系统或多能互补的建筑能源系统, 如何与建筑有机结合, 是光伏技术工程化应用必须解决的问题 。太阳能光伏建筑一体化提出了一个“建筑物产生能源 ”的概念,实现建筑物与光伏发电的集成化, 成为建筑一体化应用技术的热点和方向。
1 建筑一体化光伏系统综述
2 独立光伏发电系统
独立光伏发电系统也叫离网光伏发电系统。现有的独立式建筑光伏发电系统的研究应用方向 多为:为偏远地区与战乱地区通过小型光伏发电系统提供基本用电的技术性与经济性分析。

光伏项目 英语

光伏项目 英语

光伏项目英语Here is a 1,000-word essay on the topic of "Solar Photovoltaic Projects" written in English:Solar photovoltaic projects have emerged as a crucial component in the global push towards renewable energy and sustainable development. These projects harness the power of the sun to generate clean, renewable electricity, offering a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based power generation. As the world grapples with the pressing issue of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, solar photovoltaic projects have become increasingly attractive and have gained widespread adoption across the world.At the heart of a solar photovoltaic project is the photovoltaic (PV) system, which consists of multiple solar panels that convert the sun's energy into electrical current. These solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, typically made of silicon, that absorb the sun's rays and generate direct current (DC) electricity. This DC electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity through an inverter, which can be used to power homes, businesses, and the wider electrical grid.One of the key advantages of solar photovoltaic projects is their environmental sustainability. Unlike traditional fossil fuel-based power generation, which releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, solar photovoltaic projects produce electricity without any direct emissions. This makes them a clean and renewable source of energy, contributing to the global effort to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce the carbon footprint of our energy consumption.Moreover, solar photovoltaic projects offer a decentralized and distributed approach to power generation. Unlike large-scale centralized power plants, solar photovoltaic systems can be installed on rooftops, in open fields, or in other suitable locations, allowing for a more localized and flexible approach to electricity generation. This decentralized model can help to improve the resilience of the power grid, reduce transmission losses, and provide energy access to remote or underserved areas.Another key advantage of solar photovoltaic projects is their cost-effectiveness. Over the past decade, the cost of solar PV technology has declined significantly, making it increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuel-based power generation. This cost reduction is largely due to advancements in manufacturing processes, economies of scale, and the implementation of supportive policies andincentives by governments around the world. As a result, many countries are now able to deploy solar photovoltaic projects at a utility scale, providing large-scale renewable energy generation to meet the growing demand for electricity.However, the deployment of solar photovoltaic projects is not without its challenges. One of the primary challenges is the intermittent nature of solar energy, as the electricity generation is dependent on the availability of sunlight. This variability can pose challenges for grid integration and the need for energy storage solutions to ensure a reliable and consistent power supply. Additionally, the development of solar photovoltaic projects may face regulatory hurdles, land-use constraints, and grid infrastructure limitations in some regions.Despite these challenges, the global solar photovoltaic industry has continued to grow at a rapid pace. Many countries have implemented supportive policies, such as feed-in tariffs, tax incentives, and renewable energy targets, to encourage the deployment of solar photovoltaic projects. This has led to significant investments in the sector, with major companies and investors pouring resources into the development of new solar PV technologies, project financing, and large-scale deployment.Looking to the future, the potential of solar photovoltaic projectsremains vast. As the technology continues to improve and become more cost-effective, it is expected that solar energy will play an increasingly important role in the global energy mix. The integration of solar photovoltaic systems with energy storage solutions, such as batteries and other storage technologies, can help to overcome the intermittency challenge and provide a more reliable and consistent supply of renewable electricity.Moreover, the development of innovative solar photovoltaic applications, such as floating solar farms, building-integrated photovoltaics, and solar-powered transportation, can further expand the reach and impact of this technology. These advancements, coupled with the growing awareness and commitment to sustainability, suggest that the future of solar photovoltaic projects is indeed bright and promising.In conclusion, solar photovoltaic projects have emerged as a crucial component in the global pursuit of renewable energy and sustainable development. With their environmental benefits, cost-effectiveness, and potential for decentralized power generation, these projects have gained significant traction and are poised to play an increasingly important role in the global energy landscape. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change and the need for clean energy solutions, the future of solarphotovoltaic projects remains bright and filled with immense potential.。



双玻组件简介About double glazing panel1.双玻组件(BIPV—光伏建筑一体化)结合钢结构和建筑特点,灵活,易安装,是公司研究开发的重点和强势产品,实现了建筑美观和环保发电双重功效的美誉。

Double glazing panel(BIPV-building integrated photovoltaic) applies to steel shelf and architecture,which is elastic,easy to install.It is not only beautiful with building,but also environmental protection.Our company,Chendian solar is specialized in double glazing modules.其作用主要有:chief functions★代替传统的建筑材料,美观;Instead of traditional architectural material,artistic.★坚固耐用、防水防潮、抗风、遮阳;Firm and durable;water,wet and wind proof;sunshade.★用于屋顶,天窗,窗户等,电池片间距透过足够的光线,既可发电又可采光;Ideal for roof,skylight,and facade so forth,enough sunlight radiate through space of solar cells,can generate electricity as well as absorb sunshine.★组件规格,功率和光线透过率等结合建筑实际结构,由建筑师量身定做,灵活变动。

Specification,power rating and transparency of one solar module according to actual architecture structure can be changed freely.2.几种重要辅料规格供客户选择:Some major accessory material for client to choose.★单晶或多晶电池片Solar cell:monocrystalline or polycrystalline★玻璃厚度:受光面玻璃一般有3.2mm,4mm,6mm;背光面玻璃一般有3.2mm,4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm Glass thickness:up level—3.2mm,4mm,6mmDown level—3.2mm,4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm ★组件尺寸在2500*2000mm以内,因载重方便,最好在1500mm*1000mm为宜。

CJS01-2010 太阳能光伏与建筑一体化应用技术导则(暂行)

CJS01-2010  太阳能光伏与建筑一体化应用技术导则(暂行)
本导则的主要技术内容为:光伏系统设计、光伏与建筑一体化设计、光伏系统安装和 调试、环保及卫生安全消防、工程质量验收、运行管理与维护。
本导则由杭州市建设委员会负责管理,由浙江省建筑科学设计研究院有限公司负责具 体技术内容的解释。在执行过程中如有修改或补充之处,请将意见或有关资料寄送浙江省 建筑科学设计研究院有限公司(地址:杭州市文二路28号,邮编:310012,电子邮箱: zjjkbipvdz@),以便修订时参考。
杭州市建设委员会 二 O 一 O 年一月二十六日
根据杭州市科技发展计划“太阳能光伏发电建筑一体化集成技术与工程应用研究” (计 划编号20091511A01)的要求,由浙江省建筑科学设计研究院有限公司为主编单位,会同 有关单位组成编制组,共同编制本导则。
编制组进行广泛调查研究,认真总结太阳能光伏与建筑一体化应用的实践经验,参照 国内有关标准,并广泛征求意见,反复讨论修改,制定本导则。
1总 则
1.1.1 为规ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้太阳能光伏系统在建筑中的应用,促进太阳能光伏系统与建筑一体化在杭 州市的推广,制定本导则。 1.1.2 本导则适用于新建、改建和扩建的工业与民用建筑光伏系统工程,以及既有工业 与民用建筑光伏系统工程的设计、施工、验收和运行维护。 1.1.3 新建、改建和扩建的工业与民用建筑光伏系统设计应纳入建筑工程设计,统一规 划、同步设计、同步施工、同步验收,与建筑工程同步投入使用。 1.1.4 既有建筑安装光伏系统应按照建筑工程审批程序进行专项工程的设计、施工和验 收。 1.1.5 工业与民用建筑光伏系统设计除应符合本导则规定外,还应符合现行的国家、行 业和浙江省有关标准的规定。



阅读理解D体裁说明文Glassskyscrapersst One of the main benefits of glass skyscrapers is theirability to maximize natural light and reduce energy consumption. The large windows allow for ample sunlight to enter the building, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. Additionally, the glass façade can be designed to providethermal insulation, reducing the demand for heating and cooling systems and ultimately lowering energy costs.Another concern regarding glass skyscrapers is their impact on bird populations. The reflective surfaces of these buildings often lead to avian collisions, resulting in injury or death for many birds. Various measures, such as the use of bird-friendly glass or patterns on the windows, can help mitigate this issue, but they are not foolproof solutions.Moreover, the construction of glass skyscrapers requires a significant amount of resources, such as glass, steel, and concrete. The extraction and manufacturing processes for these materials have a significant environmental impact, producing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to deforestation, habitat destruction, and other ecosystem disruptions.In response to these sustainability concerns, architects and engineers are exploring innovative solutions to mitigate energy consumption and environmental impact. Some design strategies include incorporating shading devices, using low-emissivityglass, and implementing energy-efficient systems. Additionally, building-integrated photovoltaic systems are being incorporated int o the glass façade, harnessing solar energy to power the building and reduce reliance on the grid.。



光伏系统术语中英⽂对照表序号术语对照英⽂注释1施⼯组织设计construction organization plan以施⼯项⽬为对象编制的,⽤以指导施⼯的技术、经济和组织管理的综合性⽂件。

2光伏建筑附加-BAPV building attached photovoltaics 指将太阳能光伏电池组件附着在建筑物上,引出端经过控制器、逆变器与公⽤电⽹相连接,形成户⽤并⽹光伏系统。


3光伏建筑⼀体化-BIPV building Integrated photovoltaics 指将太阳能光伏电池组件集成到建筑物上,同时承担建筑结构功能和光伏发电功能;引出端经过控制器、逆变器与公⽤电⽹相连接,从⽽形成户⽤并⽹光伏系统。

亦称光伏建筑⼀体化4并⽹光伏电站grid-connected PV power station指接⼊公⽤电⽹(输电⽹或配电⽹)运⾏的光伏电站。

5光伏组件PV module指具有封装及内部联接的,能单独提供直流电的输出,最⼩不可分割的光伏电池组合装置。

6光伏阵列PV array 指由若⼲个光伏电池组件或光伏电池板在机械和电⽓上按⼀定⽅式组装在⼀起并且有固定的⽀撑结构⽽构成的直流发电单元,地基、太阳跟踪器、温度控制器等类似的部件不包括在阵列中。

7汇流箱combining manifolds 指在太阳能光伏发电⼯程中,将⼀定数量规格相同的光伏组件串联起来,组成⼀个个光伏串列,然后再将若⼲个光伏串列并联汇流后接⼊的装置。

8逆变器grid-connected inverter 指将光伏阵列的直流电转化为交流电,同时⼜具备各种保护功能并在满⾜特定的条件下能够实现⾃动并⽹的装置。

9光伏⽀架PV support bracket指太阳能光伏发电系统中为了摆放、安装、固定光伏电池⾯板⽽设计的特殊⽀架。

10调试debugging 指设备在安装过程中及安装结束后、移交⽣产前,按设计和设备技术⽂件规定进⾏调整、整定和⼀系列试验⼯作的总称。

BIPV 与BAPV 在建筑工程设计中的优缺点

BIPV 与BAPV 在建筑工程设计中的优缺点

BIPV 与BAPV 在建筑工程设计中的优缺点发表时间:2015-09-10T15:11:41.717Z 来源:《工程建设标准化》2015年5月总第198期供稿作者:秦小玲潘花[导读] 信息产业电子第十一设计研究院科技工程股份有限公司华东分院广义的理解,安装在所有建筑物上的太阳能光伏发电系统均称为“BIPV”。

秦小玲潘花(信息产业电子第十一设计研究院科技工程股份有限公司华东分院)【摘要】本文主要论述光伏发电系统与建筑的结合应用,主要包括BIPV(BuildingIntegrated Photovoltaic,光伏建筑一体化)、BAPV(Building Attached Photovoltaic,敷着式光伏建筑)。

重点讨论BIPV 和BAPV 的优缺点。

【关键词】太阳能发电;光伏发电;光伏建筑;BIPV;BAPV1.概念产生及区别“太阳能光伏建筑一体化”的概念,据查最早是世界能源组织于1986 年提出的。

我国翻译过来被称为“BIPV”(Building IntegratedPhotovoltaic)。






为了区别两种光伏与建筑结合的方式,在某些文章书籍或会议报告中,将广义的方式称为“BAPV”(Building Attached Photovoltaic),而将狭义的方式称为“BIPV”加以区分。


有鉴于上述,中国可再生能源学会光伏专业委员会建议:用“BMPV”(BuildingMounted Photovoltaic)代替原来的“BIPV”广义的含义。



Architectural & Functional Glass №2 2021- 26 -0 引 言目前,我国光伏产业在全产业链上都走在了世界前列,如何实现更大的发展,需要开拓思路、突破瓶颈,探求“光伏+”模式在不同场景下的新应用。


1 技术及产品分类“光伏+建筑”模式一般可分为两大类,一类是光伏组件与建筑结合(又称普通型光伏构件,BAPV ),即光伏组件依附于建筑物上,建筑物主要作为光伏组件载体;另一类是光伏产品与建筑一体化(又称建材型光伏构件,BIPV ),即光伏组件与建筑集成后成为不可分割的建筑构件,可以代替部分建筑材料使用,见表1所示。

相较BAPV,BIPV 产品不仅能满足光伏发电的功能要求,同时还可以兼顾建筑的功能要求,是光伏产品和建筑材料的结合体,可以替代部分传统的建筑材料,在建筑设计阶段进行一体化设计,在建设中与建筑主体一体成型。


与光伏产业以晶硅作为主流材料不同,BIPV 所需的光伏材料以太阳能薄膜电池为主。

薄膜太阳能电池通常被认为是第二代太阳能电池,主要分为硅基薄膜太阳能电池、铜铟镓硒(CIGS )薄膜太阳能电池、碲化镉(CdTe )薄膜太阳能电池。

其中,碲化镉(CdTe )薄膜太阳能电池更是其中的佼佼者,也是目前产业化最迅速、最具竞争力的产品,具有制造成本低、发电及转换效率高、温度系数低、弱光效应好、色彩均匀、美观大方的优点,能够更好地应用于BIPV 领域。

薄膜类太阳能电池产量细分产国内建筑光伏一体化行业现状分析王 延(中山瑞科新能源有限公司,中山 528437)摘要:近年来,建筑光伏一体化(Building Integrated Photovoltaic —BIPV )技术正在从概念走向落地。



●AC:交流电(Alternating Current)
●Ah:安时(Ampere hour)
●BIPV:光伏建筑一体化(Building Integrated Photovoltaic)
●BOS:光伏系统平衡组件(Balance of System)
●DC:直流电(Direct Current)
●EPC:工程总承包(Engineering Procurement Construction)
●FIT:上网电价补贴政策(Feed-in Tariff)
●IEC:国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)●Inverter:逆变器
●kWh:千瓦时,电能单位(Kilowatt hour)
●O&M:光伏系统的运营与维护(Operation & Maintenance)
●ROC:可再生能源证书(Renewable Obligation Certificate)
●STC:太阳能税收抵免(Solar Tax Credit)

●Wp:峰瓦,光伏组件功率的单位(Watt peak)。




随着人们对环保意识的日渐增强,光伏建筑一体化(Building Integrated Photovoltaics,BIPV)技术得到了广泛的关注和应用。



1. 强制性的安全检测和维护。


2. 针对BIPV系统进行培训。



3. 针对天气和环境因素考虑。


4. 正确地勾结BIPV系统。


5. 密切关注电气安全。




DB11T 881- 建筑太阳能光伏系统设计规范

DB11T 881- 建筑太阳能光伏系统设计规范

1总则1.0.1 为推动北京市太阳能光伏系统(简称光伏系统)在建筑中的应用,促进光伏系统与建筑的结合,规范太阳能光伏系统的设计,保证工程质量,制定本规范。

1.0.2 本规范适用于北京市新建、改建和扩建的建筑光伏系统工程的设计。

1.0.3 新建、改建和扩建的建筑光伏系统设计应纳入建筑工程设计,统一规划、同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。

1.0.4在既有的建筑上安装或改造光伏系统应按行业标准《民用建筑太阳能光伏系统应用技术规范》JGJ 203 第1.0.4条执行。

1.0.5 建筑光伏系统设计除应符合本规范外,尚应符合国家、行业和北京市相关标准的规定。

2术语2.0.1 太阳能光伏系统 solar photovoltaic (PV) system利用光伏电池的光生伏打效应将太阳辐射能直接转换成电能的发电系统。


2.0.2 光伏电池 PV cell将太阳辐射能直接转换成电能的一种器件。

2.0.3 光伏组件 PV module具有封装及内部联结的、能单独提供直流电流输出的、最小不可分割的光伏电池组合装置。

2.0.4 光伏构件 PV components工厂模块化预置的、具备光伏发电功能的建筑材料或建筑构件,包括建材型光伏构件和普通型光伏构件。

2.0.5 普通型光伏构件 conventional PV components与光伏组件组合在一起,维护更换光伏组件时不影响建筑功能的建筑构件,或直接作为建筑构件的光伏组件。

2.0.6 建材型光伏构件 PV modules as building components光伏电池与建筑材料复合在一起,成为不可分割的建筑材料或建筑构件。

2.0.7 光伏方阵 PV array由若干个光伏组件或光伏构件在机械和电气上按一定方式组装在一起,并且有固定的支撑结构而构成的直流发电单元。

2.0.8 光伏建筑一体化 building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)在建筑上安装光伏系统,并通过专门设计,实现光伏系统与建筑的良好结合。



主讲题目:BIPV组件介绍目录•BIPV概念•BIPV的优点•BIPV的分类•BIPV的安装方式•夹层玻璃组件介绍•BIPV的应用实例1.BIPV的概念BIPV,全称Building-Integrated Photovoltaic,中文翻译为“太阳能光电与建筑物一体化”,是目前非常流行的一个名词。


Engineering Training2.BIPV的优点①并网系统光伏阵列一般安装在闲置的屋顶或墙面上,无需额外用地或增建其他设施,适用于人口密集的地方使用。














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Building-integrated solar photovoltaic systemsÐa hybrid solar cooled ventilation technique for hot climate applicationsA.M.Sharaf,M.M.AboulNaga*,R.El DiastyCollege of Engineering,UAE University,PO Box 17555,Al-Ain,United Arab EmiratesAbstractThe paper presents two low-cost photovoltaic utilization schemes (1±50kW)for ventilation and air conditioning loads.Both schemes can be controlled by novel dynamic on-line power tracking regulator.This ensures maximum power utilization and energy e ciency under varying conditions of solar insolation levels.The system could be used to conserve electric energy through the decrease of electric demand particularly in developing countries.In addition,the system o ers bene®ts in other areas such as indoor enhanced air quality.#1999Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Solar electrical systems;Solar energy;Photovoltaic systems;Hot climates;Cooling venti-lation1.IntroductionConventional fossil fuel energy sources such as coal,oil,gas,nuclear,geothermal and others are either dwindling,pose serious environmental hazard or scarce in nature,location and volume.This gives rise in renewed interest in renewable,alternative and abundant non conventional sources of energy such as photovoltaics,wind and fuel cells.These renewable energy sources particularly 0960-1481/00/$-see front matter #1999Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.PII:S 0960-1481(99)00021-XRenewable Energy 19(2000)91±/locate/renene*Corresponding author.Tel.:+971-3-622-318;fax:+971-3-636925/632382.E-mail (M.M.AboulNaga)photovoltaics are proven to be both clean and economical [1,2]due to new advanced technological and e cient cells.Photovoltaic solar powered industrial applications include water pumping,air conditioning,electric-vehicles and ventilation systems [3,4].The essential problem facing photovoltaic utilization as a renewable energy source is solar array sizing,load matching and economic utilization via maximum solar energy tracking controllers and power tapping at all times [5±8].Matching problems such as motor starting performance,energy transfer,starting Torque,etc.,are the key to successful,e cient,and economical selection of PV-energy utilization schemes.The growing interest in alternative renewable energy systems is propelled by environmental concerns as well as economical bene®ts.The technological advances in photovoltaic (PV)systems,namely thin ®lm and low-cost PV-array-amorphous en-capsulation promises competitive electricity generation at a cost below that generated from fossil fuel resources [9].One of the most economic PV application in buildings is a dispersed electric generation integrated with PV renewable energy sources.The PV-array,cost per kW-peak output,is now about US$1500±3000with energy cost in the range of US$0.05±0.08kWh.This range is expected to drop further in the next decade [10,11].PV electricity is most suitable for ventilation and air conditioning applications mainly due to the matching of the supply and demand loads with time of day.The advantages of PV systems have led to a rapid implementation of the `Solar Electric Building Concept'.This is a result of the recent drop in the initial cost of PV and the possible integration into buildings.In the early 1990s,the application of building-integrated solar electrical systems were considered expensive due to the high initial cost of the PV cells [9,10].This paper focuses on a building-integrated hybrid solar electrical system for hot climates.Energy conservation and the decrease of electric demands,particularly in developing countries,are the main goals of this system.In addition,the system o ers bene®ts in other areas such as indoor air quality.2.ObjectivesThe paper aims at regulating solar panel (Volt-Ampere)maximum power operation to ensure maximum tracking for available solar energy utilization under varying solar insolation levels.The economical PV scheme can be utilized as standalone or electrical grid interconnections.3.System descriptionBoth schemes utilize novel e cient DC/DC and CD/AC interface converters to ensure maximum solar energy utilization and minimum impact on the host electrical grid system in terms of supply security,reliability and solar energy e cient utilization.The schemes are low-cost systems and most suitable forA.M.Sharaf et al./Renewable Energy 19(2000)91±9692ventilation and air conditioning applications in buildings and malls.The proposed PV schemes provide an e ective way to utilize renewable energy sources to reduce consumption via demand side-energy management.The two PV interface schemes presented are:1.PV-Battery-permanent magnet motor drive for air conditioning mechanical unit suitable as a standalone (1±15kW),and it is highly suitable for residential and small commercial buildings (Fig.1).2.PV-DC-AC solid-state inverter,driving a three phase induction motor for ventilation and air conditioning loads.The scheme has economic rating of (15±50kW),and is reasonably suitable for large commercial buildings and small industrial electricity generation (Fig.2).Fig.1.PV-PMDC utilization scheme(1).Fig.2.PV±AC link scheme (2).A.M.Sharaf et al./Renewable Energy 19(2000)91±96934.Digital simulation resultsThe uni®ed PV-permanent magnet motor drive was digitally simulated using the MatLab Simulation Software.The novel dynamic regulator,shown in Fig.3,was used to ensure on-line maximum power energy utilization under varying insolation levels.Fig.4depicts the PV scheme tracking and system dynamic states.The (V g ÀI g )characteristics presents the mean-maximum power tracking as the motor load tracks available energy from the Sun.5.ConclusionThe paper presents two low-cost PV utilization schemes (DC and AC).The two schemes are controlled by a similar dynamic maximum energy utilization regulator under varying solar insolation levels,(extract available solar power).The proposed system can be utilized as a standalone or electric grid interconnected.The two schemes are most suitable for ventilation,air-conditioning applications in buildings as well as water pumping.The proposed PV schemes provide an e ective way to utilize abundant renewable energy sources and enhance demand side-energy management especially in the developing countries.Cost is comparable to traditional diesel-generators (US$2±3/W peak).AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the ®nancial support of UAE University,the Scienti®c Research Council,College ofEngineering.Fig.3.Two-loop dynamic nonlinear tracking controller..PWM circuit control (a D)for scheme (1)or (V m )for scheme (2).A.M.Sharaf et al./Renewable Energy 19(2000)91±9694References[1]Buresch M.Photovoltaic energy systems design and installation.McGraw-Hill,Inc,1983.[2]Pulfrey DL.Photovoltaic power generation.Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,1978.[3]Mahmoud AMA,Kandil EA.The feasibility of self sustained remote station for the cultivation of barren land.Cairo International Symposium on Renewable Energy 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