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9.0%袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤遥 结论 与沐舒坦糖浆比较袁欧龙马滴剂能进一步改善鼻-鼻窦炎患儿症状袁
[关键词] 鼻-鼻窦炎曰欧龙马滴剂曰治疗效果曰安全性
[中图分类号] R765.4
[文献标识码] A
mL/time, 1-6 years old children of group B were given the dose of 2 mL/time, >6-12 years old mL/time, group C was
given Mu Shu Tan syrup treatment, 1-6 children 2.5 mL/time, >6-12 years old 5 mL/time. The clinical efficacy of the
[文章编号] 1673-72m efficacy and safety of Oulongma Drops in children with nasal-
MENG Xiangtao1 Y A NG Xiao2
1.Department of ENT, Zhuozhou City Hospital, Hebei Province, Baoding 072750, China; 2.Department of Paediatrics,
test-20 (SNOT-20) scale and the adverse events were recorded. Results The total effective rates of group A and group
B were 90.0% and 89.0% respectively, which were higher than that of group C (72.0%), the difference was statistically
1 月~2017 年 1 月涿州市医院收治的鼻-鼻窦炎患儿 300 例袁 采用随机数字表法将其分为 A尧B尧C 三组袁 每组各
100 例遥 A 组和 B 组均采用欧龙马滴剂治疗袁其中 A 组 1~6 岁起始剂量为 4 mL/次袁于 5 d 后调整为 2 mL/次曰>6~
12 岁儿童为 6 mL/次袁于 5 d 后改为 3 mL/次曰B 组 1~6 岁患儿给药剂量为 2 mL/次袁>6~12 岁为 3 mL/次曰C 组予
Zhuozhou City Hospital, Hebei Province, Baoding 072750, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the long-term efficacy of Oulongma Drops in children with nasal sinusitis and to ana鄄
number table, patients of the group A and group B were treated with Oulongma Drops, 1-6-year-old children of group
A with starting dose of 4 mL/time, after 5 d adjusted to 2 mL/time, >6-12 years old children 6 mL/time, after 5 d to 3
渊P 约 0.05冤遥A尧B尧C 三组治疗 3 个月后的总有效率分别为 88.0%尧86.0%及 61.0%袁复发率分别为 2.0%尧3.0%及 11.0%袁C
组总有效率低于 A 组和 B 组袁复发率高于 A 组和 B 组袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤遥 A尧B 组治疗后的鼻塞尧黏
膜充血评分均低于 C 组袁差异有统计学意义渊P 约 0.05冤遥 B 组不良反应发生率为 2.0%袁低于 A 组和 C 组的 9.0%和
two groups in 1 and 3 months after treatment were observed, and the recurrence rate was analyzed after 8 months fol鄄
low-up. The nasal, mucosal hyperemia, sleep disorders, runny nose scores were assessed by the nasal sinus outcome
lyze the safety of treatment. Methods A total of 300 cases of nasal-sinusitis were enrolled in Zhuozhou City Hospital
from January 2016 to January 2017. They were divided into 100 cases of group A, B and C according to the random
以沐舒坦糖浆治疗袁1~6 岁儿童 2.5 mL/次袁>6~12 岁为 5 mL/次遥 观察两组治疗 1尧3 个月的临床疗效袁并随访 8 个
月袁分析复发率遥 利用鼻腔鼻窦结局测试-20渊SNOT-20冤量表评估鼻塞尧黏膜充血尧睡眠障碍尧流涕评分袁并记录用
药后不良反应发生情况遥 结果 A尧B 组总有效率分别为 90.0%和 89.0%袁高于 C 组的 72.0%袁差异有统计学意义
窑 妇幼医学 窑
中国医药导报 2018 年 6 月第 15 卷第 18 期
欧龙马滴剂用于小儿鼻 - 鼻窦炎的近远期疗效 及安全性观察
孟祥涛 1 杨 霄 2 1.河北省涿州市医院耳鼻喉科袁河北保定 072750曰2.河北省涿州市医院儿科袁河北保定 072750
[摘要] 目的 探讨欧龙马滴剂在小儿鼻-鼻窦炎治疗中的近远期疗效袁分析该药治疗安全性遥 方法 纳入 2016 年