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1、Take an egg carton. Using a pair of scissors and a pot of paint turn it into an alligator.(拿个装鸡蛋的盒子,用一把剪刀和一桶油漆把它变成一只鳄鱼。
2、His manly figure was adorned and enriched by a beautiful pair of donkey's ears.(他的男子气概被一双美丽的驴耳朵修饰的更加饱满。
3、Something is still missing tho. A belt, cuff links and a shiny pair of shoes.(但是仍然缺点东西,一条腰带,扣和一双光亮整洁的皮鞋。
4、I want a pair of enameled leather shoes in size 38. (我要一双38号的亮漆皮鞋。
5、Sprouting from their backs are a pair of huge feathered wings.(它们的后背长有巨大的一对翅膀。
6、This is a good pair of scissors to cut cloth with (这是一把裁布料的好剪刀。
7、Stop trying to pair me off with your cousin-i'm not interested.(不要再撮合我和你堂兄了——我没兴趣。
)8、Go and put on a clean pair of jeans.(去穿上一条干净的牛仔裤。
9、The clock struck six and, having swept up the hearth, Beth put a pair of slippers down to warm.(时钟敲响六
)10、A pair of skis of 170cm long and a pair of 27cm boots please.(一副170厘米的滑雪板和一双27厘米的靴子。
11、First up will be an article on a pair of test tools straight out of Mother Goose.(首先将是一篇关于Mother Goose直接推出的两个测试工具的文章。
12、The Dirac equation is decomposed into a pair of equations of two spinors.(把狄拉克方程分解成了两个单旋量的联立方程组 .)
13、Could you help me find a pair of matching shoes for this outfit?(可以帮我找一双和这套衣服相配的鞋好吗?)14、The 2 condemnatory strength that should increase pair of enterprises to violate compasses act.(二要加大对企业违规行为的处罚力度。
15、He went there for a new pair of shoes.(他去商店买双新鞋。
16、Pair of Gloves:"We fit like a glove"(一副手套:"我们配对真是非常合适。
17、There is a pretty portable pair of steps in one corner of the room.(屋角放着一架小巧玲珑的折梯。