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cal gastrectomy under general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthe鄄
sia and general anesthesia alone
ZHI Xiaoyan1 XUE Xiaoyun1 TIA N Y i1 Y A NG Liqiang2 MA Jun3 LU Guijun4 LI Y an2银
短于单纯全身麻醉组渊MD = -1.50袁95%CI院-2.62袁-0.39冤袁差异均有统计学意义渊均 P < 0.05冤遥 结论 全麻复合硬
膜外麻醉可能改善胃癌根治术后患者生存率和肺部感染率袁缩短住院时间遥 以上结论可能存在混杂偏倚和检测
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
偏倚袁临床使用时需谨慎遥 更加明确结论有待大样本随机对照试验验证遥
间遥 结果 最终纳入 8 篇研究袁共 5105 例患者袁其中接受全麻复合硬膜外麻醉 1817 例袁接受单纯全身麻醉的患
者 3288 例遥 meta 分析结果显示袁两种麻醉方式对生存率改善袁差异无统计学意义渊HR = 0.78袁95%CI院0.60袁1.01袁P 跃
0.05冤遥 全麻复合硬膜外麻醉组肺部感染的发生率低于单纯全身麻醉组渊RR = 0.28袁95%CI院0.15袁0.52冤袁住院时间
ture database and CNKI database were searched by computer from the establishment of the database to January 2018.
Chinese search words: general anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, gastric cancer, gastric malignancy, gastrectomy, case -
性肿瘤尧胃切除尧病例对照研究尧队列研究尧随机对照试验曰英文检索词院epidural anesthesia袁general anesthesia袁gas鄄
tric cancer遥 文献筛查及资料提取由 2 名工作人员独立进行袁筛查结果及数据提取由第 3 名工作人员核对袁若存在
不一致则进行讨论袁达成一致遥 主要观察指标为院患者生存率袁肺部感染发生率等并发症的发生情况及住院时
1.Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Central South University Xiangya School of Medical Affiliated
Haikou Hospital (Haikou People忆 s Hospital), Hainan Province, Haikou 570208, China; 2.Department of Pain
versity Affiliated Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Beijing 102218, China
[Abstract] Objective To systematically evaluate the effects of general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia
and general anesthesia alone on postoperative pain and prognosis of radical gastrectomy, and to conduct meta-analysis.
Methods The Cochrane library, PubMed database, MEDLINE database, EMBASE database, Chinese biomedical litera鄄
4.清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院疼痛科袁北京 102218
[摘要] 目的 系统性评价全麻复合硬膜外麻醉与单纯全身麻醉对胃癌根治术术后疼痛及预后比较袁并进行 meta
分析遥 方法 计算机检索 Cochrane 图书馆尧PubMed 数据库尧MEDLINE 数据库尧EMBASE 数据库尧中国生物医学文
献数据库及 CNKI 数据库袁检索时间从建库开始至 2018 年 1 月遥 中文检索词院全身麻醉尧硬膜外麻醉尧胃癌尧胃恶
control study, cohort study, randomized controlled trial. English search words: epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia,
[关键词] 全身麻醉曰全麻复合硬膜外麻醉曰胃癌曰Meta 分析
[中图分类号] R614
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-7210渊2020冤02渊a冤-0117-06
Systematic evaluation and meta-analysis of pain and prognosis after radi鄄
中国医药导报 2020 年 2 月第 17 卷第 4 期
窑 麻醉与疼痛 窑
全麻复合硬膜外麻醉与单纯全身麻醉 对胃癌根治术术后疼痛及预后比较的
系统性评价与 meta 分析
支晓雁 1 薛小云 1 田 毅 1 杨立强 2 马 骏 3 路桂军 4 李 岩 2银 1.中南大学湘雅医学院附属海口医院渊海口市人民医院冤麻醉与疼痛医学科袁海南海口 570208曰 2.首都医科大学宣武医院疼痛科袁北京 100053曰3.首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院麻醉中心袁北京 100029曰
Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China; 3.Center for Anesthesiology, Beijing
Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China; 4.Department of Pain Medicine, Tsinghua Uni鄄