江苏省太仓市第二中学七年级英语上册《Unit 6 Fashion Grammar》课件 牛津
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Unit 6 Fashion
1. To use ‘can’ and ‘may’ to ask for permissions from other people.
1.2. To recognize and use adverbs to
2.order events.
3. Your school bag is too old. You want your mother to buy you a new one.
Buy a new school bag
1 Go to the shopping centre. 4 Pay for the bag. 5 Take away the school bag. 3 Ask the price of the bag. 2 Choose(选择) a new school bag.
How to use the instant camera?
First, __lo_o_k_th_r_ou_g_h_t_he__lit_tl_e_w_in_d_o_w_. Then, _p_o_in_t_th_e_c_a_m_e_ra_a_t_th_e_s_u_b_je_c_t . Next, __h_o_ld__th_e_c_a_m_er_a_s_te_a_d_y ____. Afterwards, __p_r_es_s_t_h_e _bu_t_to_n____. Finally, __w_ai_t _fo_r _th_e_p_ic_tu_r_e_to_c_o_m_e_o_u_t.
2. We use “may” to ask teachers, parents and other adults for permission.
Millie: It’s very hot in the classroom. May I open the window?
Mr Wu: Yes, you may.
Simon’s Day
1. First, _S_im__o_n__ch__o_o_se_s_w__h_a_t_t_o_w__e_a_r.__ 2. Then, h__e_d_r_e_s_se_s_u__p_i_n_w__h_it_e__tr_o_u_s_e_r_s. 3. Next, h__e_d_o_e_s_t_h_e_s_h_o_w__. ___________ 4. Afterwards, h__e_t_a_lk_s__to__K_i_tt_y_._______ 5. Finally, _h_e_g_o_e_s_h_o_m__e_.____________
Practise: How to use a camera?
Ben has a new camera. It is an instant camera. His father is showing him how to use it. “It’s very easy to use the camera ,” his father says. “Look through the little window and point the camera at the subject. Hold the camera steady (稳定的). Then press the button and wait for the picture to come out.” Ben points the camera at his father. He looks through the little window. He can see his father. He presses the button and the picture comes out. He waits for 30 seconds, then he holds it up. He looks at it. To his surprise, he sees only half of his father is on the picture. He shows it to his father. Mr. Wilson laughed. “You moved the camera ,” he said. “Hold it steady. Try again.”
Can can’t
Caete the sentences using “can” or “may”
1. Simon: __C_a_n____ I fly your kite? Daniel: Yes, you __c_an_____.
2. Daughter: __M_a_y____ I watch TV after I finish my homework, Mum? Mum: Yes, you ___m_a_y_____
1. We use “can” to ask our friends for permissions.
Simon: I don't have my English book here. Can I use your book?
Daniel: Yes, you can. Here it is.
Sandy’s Day
_F_i_r_st__, she__g_et_s__ up. _T__h_e_n_, she __g_o_es__ to school. _N__ex_t__, she __d_o_e_s_ after-school activities. A__ft_e_r_w_a_r_d_s_, she __d_o_e_s_ her homework.
. 3. Tom: ___M_a_y___ I ask you some questions?
Mr Wu: Yes, you __m__a_y___. 4. Amy: __C_a_n____ I have a look at your album?
Sandy: Yes, you __c_a_n____. Here you are.
Afterwards,…… Finally,……
•1、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •2、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 •3、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。 •4、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。 •5、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。 •6、做老师的只要有一次向学生撒谎撒漏了底,就可能使他的全部教育成果从此为之失败。2022年1月2022/1/172022/1/172022/1/171/17/2022 •7、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。2022/1/172022/1/17January 17, 2022 •8、教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。2022/1/172022/1/172022/1/172022/1/17
5._F_i_n_a_l_ly__, she _d_o_e_s__ her homework.
What does Sandy do every day?
1. First, I get up. 2. Then, I go to school 3. 3. Next, I do after-school activities. 4. 4. Afterwards, I do my homework. 5. 5. Finally, I go to bed.
Write a passage about your own day, using “the sequencing events”
Work in pairs
1. You and Sandy are shopping. You want to buy a pair of shoes. But you don’t have enough money.
2. You forget to bring your dictionary to school. You want to use Miss Li’s.
Amy’s Day
1._F_ir_s_t__, she_g_o_e_s__ to school. 2._T_h_e_n__, she __h_a_s__ lessons. 3._N_e_x_t__, she _g_o_e_s__ swimming. 4.A__ft_e_r_w_a_r_d_s_, she _h_a_s___ dinner with her family.
Sequencing events
First, I go to school.
Then, I have lessons. Next, I go swimming. Afterwards, I have dinner with my family.
Finally, I do my homework.
__F__in_a_l_ly_, she _g_o_e_s__ to bed.
What do you often do on Sunday?
What does Simon do?
do the show
go home
dress up in white trousers
talk to Kitty choose what to wear
1. To use ‘can’ and ‘may’ to ask for permissions from other people.
1.2. To recognize and use adverbs to
2.order events.
3. Your school bag is too old. You want your mother to buy you a new one.
Buy a new school bag
1 Go to the shopping centre. 4 Pay for the bag. 5 Take away the school bag. 3 Ask the price of the bag. 2 Choose(选择) a new school bag.
How to use the instant camera?
First, __lo_o_k_th_r_ou_g_h_t_he__lit_tl_e_w_in_d_o_w_. Then, _p_o_in_t_th_e_c_a_m_e_ra_a_t_th_e_s_u_b_je_c_t . Next, __h_o_ld__th_e_c_a_m_er_a_s_te_a_d_y ____. Afterwards, __p_r_es_s_t_h_e _bu_t_to_n____. Finally, __w_ai_t _fo_r _th_e_p_ic_tu_r_e_to_c_o_m_e_o_u_t.
2. We use “may” to ask teachers, parents and other adults for permission.
Millie: It’s very hot in the classroom. May I open the window?
Mr Wu: Yes, you may.
Simon’s Day
1. First, _S_im__o_n__ch__o_o_se_s_w__h_a_t_t_o_w__e_a_r.__ 2. Then, h__e_d_r_e_s_se_s_u__p_i_n_w__h_it_e__tr_o_u_s_e_r_s. 3. Next, h__e_d_o_e_s_t_h_e_s_h_o_w__. ___________ 4. Afterwards, h__e_t_a_lk_s__to__K_i_tt_y_._______ 5. Finally, _h_e_g_o_e_s_h_o_m__e_.____________
Practise: How to use a camera?
Ben has a new camera. It is an instant camera. His father is showing him how to use it. “It’s very easy to use the camera ,” his father says. “Look through the little window and point the camera at the subject. Hold the camera steady (稳定的). Then press the button and wait for the picture to come out.” Ben points the camera at his father. He looks through the little window. He can see his father. He presses the button and the picture comes out. He waits for 30 seconds, then he holds it up. He looks at it. To his surprise, he sees only half of his father is on the picture. He shows it to his father. Mr. Wilson laughed. “You moved the camera ,” he said. “Hold it steady. Try again.”
Can can’t
Caete the sentences using “can” or “may”
1. Simon: __C_a_n____ I fly your kite? Daniel: Yes, you __c_an_____.
2. Daughter: __M_a_y____ I watch TV after I finish my homework, Mum? Mum: Yes, you ___m_a_y_____
1. We use “can” to ask our friends for permissions.
Simon: I don't have my English book here. Can I use your book?
Daniel: Yes, you can. Here it is.
Sandy’s Day
_F_i_r_st__, she__g_et_s__ up. _T__h_e_n_, she __g_o_es__ to school. _N__ex_t__, she __d_o_e_s_ after-school activities. A__ft_e_r_w_a_r_d_s_, she __d_o_e_s_ her homework.
. 3. Tom: ___M_a_y___ I ask you some questions?
Mr Wu: Yes, you __m__a_y___. 4. Amy: __C_a_n____ I have a look at your album?
Sandy: Yes, you __c_a_n____. Here you are.
Afterwards,…… Finally,……
•1、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •2、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 •3、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。 •4、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。 •5、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。 •6、做老师的只要有一次向学生撒谎撒漏了底,就可能使他的全部教育成果从此为之失败。2022年1月2022/1/172022/1/172022/1/171/17/2022 •7、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。2022/1/172022/1/17January 17, 2022 •8、教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。2022/1/172022/1/172022/1/172022/1/17
5._F_i_n_a_l_ly__, she _d_o_e_s__ her homework.
What does Sandy do every day?
1. First, I get up. 2. Then, I go to school 3. 3. Next, I do after-school activities. 4. 4. Afterwards, I do my homework. 5. 5. Finally, I go to bed.
Write a passage about your own day, using “the sequencing events”
Work in pairs
1. You and Sandy are shopping. You want to buy a pair of shoes. But you don’t have enough money.
2. You forget to bring your dictionary to school. You want to use Miss Li’s.
Amy’s Day
1._F_ir_s_t__, she_g_o_e_s__ to school. 2._T_h_e_n__, she __h_a_s__ lessons. 3._N_e_x_t__, she _g_o_e_s__ swimming. 4.A__ft_e_r_w_a_r_d_s_, she _h_a_s___ dinner with her family.
Sequencing events
First, I go to school.
Then, I have lessons. Next, I go swimming. Afterwards, I have dinner with my family.
Finally, I do my homework.
__F__in_a_l_ly_, she _g_o_e_s__ to bed.
What do you often do on Sunday?
What does Simon do?
do the show
go home
dress up in white trousers
talk to Kitty choose what to wear