Lockout Tagout锁定挂牌

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In the truck photo, the upraised truck bed has hazardous stored energy because gravity could move it down on top of a mechanic working under it, if the bed is not physically blocked in the up position.” 上图所示卡车,升高的车存 在蓄积的危险能量,因为在 重力作用下,它会下降。因 此在升高位置需要物理锁定

Amputations 切断 Lacerations 破口 Fractures 骨折 Loss of life 丧命
Potential Energy Hazards 潜在能量的危害
Energy stored in machinery 设备内积蓄的能量 Weights & Springs 重力和弹性 Pistons under pressure 带压的活塞 Hydraulic controls液压控制 Stored potential energy can be released during work causing injury or death 蓄积的潜在能量会在工作过程中释放从 而导致伤害或死亡。
Relieve pressure slowly into a proper container 将压力缓慢释放到适当的容器内
Pneumatic Energy Hazards气压危害
Energy of Compressed Gases 压缩气体的能量会 – uncontrolled release can cause injury 释放失控会造成伤害 – rapid de-pressurization creates extreme low temperature 急速泄 压会产生低温 Properly vent all systems before starting work 在工作开始前对 系统应进行适当的排空
Stored mechanical movement in machinery 设备中蓄积的机械能 3
“Stored mechanical movement means some part of a machine can be moved by electricity, hydraulic fluid, air pressure, water pressure or gravity. This energy can sometimes still exist or be stored when the machinery is turned off. For example, hydraulic fluids can move machinery parts even when the motor or electricity is off, if a certain valve is opened. 蓄积的机械能指设备中的某些部件被电、 蒸汽、压缩空气、水或重力所驱动。当设 备关闭时, 这些能量有时会继续存在或蓄 积下来。例如,如果阀门打开,即使当马 达或电源关闭, 蒸汽依然可以驱动设备部 件
What This Training Will Cover:本次培训包括
Who needs training?谁需要培训 What is hazardous energy?什么是危险能量源 What is lockout/tagout?什么是挂牌上锁
What are the different types of lockout devices? 锁定的不同方式
Hazardous Energy Source Examples 危险能量源示例
“Other examples include forklifts with the forks in the up position, steam and hot liquid pipes, fuel lines such as natural gas to heaters. 其他包括叉板处在高位的叉车,蒸汽和热水管道,天然气 管道 These examples are considered hazardous, because just “turning them off” does not guarantee they won’t accidentally be turned on again during maintenance or repair, or they continue to have stored energy after being “turned off”. 这些只所以认为是危险的,是因为只是关闭并不意味着在 维护或修理过程中它们不会意外开启或是在关闭状态下依 然蓄积能量。
Affected employees –people who use machines or equipment on which servicing is performed under lockout/tagout. 涉及人员-操作在维修时锁定挂牌设备的人员 Other employees –people who work in the area of locked out machinery or equipment 其他员工-在锁定设备区域工作的人员
Mechanical Energy Hazards机械能量危害
2 Types 两种类型 • Kinetic – in motion动力的-运转的 • Potential – stored 潜在的-积蓄的 Energy of moving machinery can cause 运行设备的能量会导致
All of these can be fatal when severe 严重时会导致死亡
Electric shock can kill电击是致命的
as low as 30 volts can carry enough current to kill 30伏的电压也会具有足够的电流而使人致命
Use non-conducting tools 使用绝缘工具 Check circuits dead before working 工作前检查电路 Lock & Tag source breakers not switches 锁定电器开关 Ensure all control power is de-energized 确保所有的控制开关已经切断 Discharge all capacitors after Lockout 锁定后将电容放电
What is the requirement for tags?挂牌的要求 What lockout/tagout procedures are required?挂牌锁定程 序的要求 1
Who Needs Training?谁需要培训
Authorized employees –people who lock or tag out machines or equipment to perform servicing. 授权人员-在维修设备时锁定和挂牌的人员
Chemical Energy Hazards化学能量危害
Chemicals have energy that can 化学品 的能量会 cause skin burns 造成皮肤灼伤 generate harmful gases or fumes 产生有害的气体或烟雾 start fires 引发火灾
Before working – release, drain or vent chemicals safely 开始工作前-释放、排空或通风
Thermal Energy Hazards 热能危害
Energy of Heat (and cold) 热能(冷)
• Hot equipment & fluids will burn you 灼热的设备或流体会灼伤 • Cold fluids can cause injury also 低温流体也会导致伤害 • Quick release of compresses gases can freeze your skin 急剧释放的压缩气体会冻伤皮肤 • Allow equipmentrting work. 在开始工作前确保 设备达到安全温度
Hydraulic Energy液压能量
Energy of Liquids Under Pressure 液压能量会 pressure can cause equipment to move 压力会使设备运转 rapid release can cause injury 快速释放会造成伤害 or ejection of system parts 从系统部件中喷出
Lockout/Tagout and Confined Spaces 挂牌上锁和狭窄空间
Lockout/Tagout is important in confined spaces since it is easy to get trapped and hard to escape.挂牌 上锁对于狭窄空间非常重要,因 为狭窄空间易于受困和难以逃离 Pipelines leading into tanks must be blanked off before entering the space.进入前必须清空通向容器 的管道 All electrical and mechanical hazardous energy must be addressed and locked out or tagged as needed.所有的电和机械能量源 必须标识并挂牌锁定
What is Hazardous Energy? 什么是危险能量源
Stored heat (steam lines or hot liquids)蓄积的热量(蒸汽或热水管道) Chemicals in pipelines under pressure or force of gravity带压或重 力作用的化学品管道
What is Hazardous Energy? 什么是危险能量源
Hazardous energy is one of the following: 危险能量源包括
Electricity – live or stored 电-带电或蓄积的
Moving machinery parts 运动的机械部件
What kind of injuries can happen? 会导致什么样的伤害
Electrocution from live parts带电部件电击
Scalding from steam or hot liquids蒸汽或热水管道烫伤 Chemical burns or poisoning化学品灼伤或中毒 From machinery: 来自机械的 - Deep cuts and gashes切割伤害 - Crushing injuries挤压伤害 - Amputations断肢
Any other active or stored energy sources that could harm a worker 其他可能伤害员工的蓄积能量
Hazardous Energy Source Examples 危险能量源示例 Live electrical lines 带电导线 Electrical capacitors电容器 Lasers激光 Engines that move machinery parts 机械运动部件 Hydraulic lifts 液压机 Pneumatic (air pressure) lines 压缩空气管道 Springs弹簧