Paradox 悖论

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In songs In works
In poetry
Britney Spears
used this paradox in her song "Cold as Fire". As to what she meant we can only speculate. Attractive women sometimes act cool, (or even cold as a reaction to unwanted male attention). Some men respond to this "coolness" with even more passion. But Coldness is likely to put certain fires out.
The day of the hanging will be a surprise, so it cannot happen at all, so it will be a surprise. The surprise examination and Bottle Imp paradox use similar logic.
This is an example of a paradoxical saying, where you give two things which are the opposite of each other.Oddly enough, something that is very hot and something that is very cold with both burn your skin. It is a paradox, but one based on illogic, false assumptions or point of view. A sophism(诡辩) that can lead to further faulty reasoning . It is true extremely hot and extremely cold do cause a burn, both physically and as a sensation(感觉). That we would call an "apparent" paradox because of lack of supporting knowledge or wrong assumptions . Then we have to ask, what is the nature of a physical burn . Is a burn really a reaction to extremes in temperature? if so, do we need an alternative name for the condition? Alternatively, the temperature of a hearth fire, is cold in comparison to the sun's temperature. Ice is hot compared to the depths of space or Liquid nitrogen(氮).
A list of paradoxes
Crocodile Dilemma
Drinker paradox Lottery paradox Unexpected hanging paradox
If a crocodile steals a child and promises its return if the father can correctly guess what the crocodile will do, how should the crocodile respond in the case that the father guesses that the child will not be returned? Catch-22 (logic): In need of something which can only be had by not being in need of it.
• A creaking gate hangs long. 病夫多长命。 (比较:善游者溺,善骑者堕。) • Still waters run deep. 静水流深。(深水流静) (比较:大智若愚;大辩稀音。)
• The more you give, the more you have. 奉献越多越富有(如爱 心)。 (比较:赠人玫瑰,手留余香。) • We’ve learned from history that we‘ve learned nothing from history. 我们从历史中学到的教训就是:我们从历史中什么也没有学到。 (比较:程教授教课的规律就是没有规律。) • Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. 有时,为了实现你的善意,你丌得丌残酷无情。 (比较:打是亲,骂是爱。)
Why can paradox used in poetry: Words are mutable and meaning shifts when words are placed in relation to one another The special function of paradox in poetry: In the writing of poems, paradox is used as a method by which unlikely comparisons can be drawn and meaning can be extracted(摘录) from poems both straightforward(坦率的) and enigmatic(神秘的).
--- William Wordsworth
We may outline the initial and surface conflict, which is that the speaker is filled with worship, while his female companion does not seem to be. The paradox, discovered by the poem's end, is that the girl is more full of worship than the speaker precisely because she is always consumed with sympathy for nature and not - as is the speaker - in tune with nature while immersed in it.
• If we want peace, be prepared for war. 想要和平,先准备好战争。 (比较:练武是为了丌动武。丌赌为赢--[某赌王的遗言] )
• There’s nothing permanent in life but change. 变是唯一的丌变。 (比较:世上除了骗子是真的,其它都是假的。)
"For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch and palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss." 神明的手本许信徒接触, 掌心的密合远胜如亲吻。
---Romeo and Juliet
Meaning: Tension at the surface of a verse can lead to apparent contradictions and hypocrisies
• A rich man is no richer than a beggar. • You can save money by spending it. • I'm a liar. How do you know if I'm telling the truth?
There is one winning ticket in a large lottery. It is reasonable to believe of a particular lottery ticket that it is not the winning ticket, since the probability that it is the winner is so very small. But it is obviously not reasonable to believe that no lottery ticket will win. Raven paradox (or Hempel's Ravens): Observing a green apple increases the likelihood of all ravens being black.
It is a beauteous evening It is a beauteous evening,calm and free, The holy time is quiet as a Nun Breathless with adoration;the broad sun Is sinking down in its reanquillity; The gentleness of heaven broods o'er the Sea: Listen!The mighty Being is awake, And doth with his eternal motion make A sound like thunder-everlastingly. Dear Child!dear Girl!that walkest with me here, If thou appear untouched by solemn thought, Thy nature is not therefore less divine: Thou liest in Abraham's bosom all the year, And worship'st at the Temple's inner shrine, God being with thee when we know it not.
In any pub there is a customer such that, if he or she drinks, everybody in the pub drinks.
Paradox of entailment: Inconsistent premises always make an argument valid.
• There's no such thing as equality.
• I'm nobody.
Definition of paradox
Paradox is a figure of speech in which a statement appears to be self-contradictory , but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true , well-founded, and even to contain a succinct(精炼的)point.
Rhetorical paradox
“I can resist anything except temptation” --- Oscar Wilde “spies do not look like spies" --- G.K.Chesterton
Literary paradox
“The pike(梭子鱼) flew to the tree to sing" The literal meaning is illogical, but there are many interpretations for this metaphor.
• cold as fire

hot as ice