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One day, I was feeling overwhelmed with assignments and projects. I had a lot on my plate, and I didn't know how I was going to finish everything. That's when I remembered that a classmate had offered
to let me copy their homework if I ever needed help. 一天,我感到任



I felt torn about whether I should take my classmate up on their offer. On one hand, I knew that it was technically cheating and against the school rules. On the other hand, I didn't want to disappoint my parents by getting bad grades. I also didn't want to let my classmates down by not contributing to group projects. 我对是否接受同学的提议感到犹豫。




In the end, I decided to not take my classmate up on their offer. I knew that cheating was not the right thing to do, and that I needed
to find a way to manage my workload on my own. It was a tough decision, but I felt proud of myself for making the right choice. 最终,我决定不接受同学的提议。



However, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when I saw my classmates who did take up the offer getting good grades without putting in the same amount of effort. I wondered if I had made the right decision, and if I was putting myself at a disadvantage by choosing not to cheat. I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe I was missing out on an easy way to succeed. 然而,当我看到那些接受了提议的同学不需要付出同样的努力就能获得好成绩时,我忍不住感到一丝嫉妒。



As time went on, I started to see the consequences of cheating unfold for my classmates. Some of them were caught by the teacher and faced serious consequences, while others found themselves lacking the necessary knowledge for exams and struggled to keep up in class. I realized that taking the easy way out wasn't worth it in the
long run, and I was glad that I had stayed true to my values. 随着时间的推移,我开始看到作弊对我的同学们产生的后果。




In the end, I learned that hard work and honesty are more important than taking shortcuts. I found ways to manage my workload and sought help from teachers and classmates when I needed it. I realized that by putting in the effort, I could achieve success on my own terms, and that was a much more fulfilling feeling than any easy way out could provide. 最后,我意识到,努力和诚实比走捷径更重要。


