武汉理工大学 基础英语 2002
武汉理工大学研招办经济学院西方经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)2007——2009经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)1997——2000,2002——2006(2002——2004,2006有答案)宏观经济学2004——2006(2004有答案)货币银行学2004——2007(2004有答案)国际贸易概论1998——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)国际金融学2002,2004——2009(2002,2004有答案)国际市场营销2002财政学2007产业经济学2002,2006——2009(2002有答案)电子商务概论2008——2009运输经济学2002——2009区域经济学2007人力资源管理2007管理学概论2004——2007(2004有答案)管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007概率论与数理统计2001——2009复试科目:国际贸易学2003加试科目:国际金融学2003;国际市场营销学2003复试科目:产业经济学2003复试科目:数量经济学专业复试2003文法学院伦理学基础综合2007——2009伦理学原理2007——2009伦理学2002——2005民法学2007民商法学2008——2009民商法学综合2007——2009经济法学2002,2004——2009经济法综合2007——2009法学综合2002——2006知识产权2007知识产权法2002——2005法理学与知识产权法2004——2005社会心理学2002心理学2002思想政治教育学原理与方法2002——2009中国化的马克思主义2007——2009马克思主义基本原理及其发展2007——2009马克思主义基本原理2007马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009新闻传播专业综合考试(含广告学、编辑出版学)2004——2005出版发行综合2006——2009广告学综合2006——2009传播学原理2004——2009专业综合(教育学、运动训练学)2007体育教育综合(运动生理学、运动训练学)2008——2009运动生理学2007复试科目:综合复试2003;复试(科技法方向)2003加试科目:专业加试2003;加试(科技法方向)2003高等教育研究所教育学2002——2006,2008——2009教育管理学2002——2006,2008——2009复试科目:综合复试2003加试科目:教育学2003;教育心理学2003外国语学院二外日语2002——2009二外法语2002——2009二外德语2002——2009二外俄语2003——2009基础英语2001——2009(注:其中2002,2003,2005年的试卷名称为“综合英语”)英语语言学2001——2003,2006——2009(2001有答案)语言学及英美文学2004——2005英美文学2007——2009英语写作2002复试科目:外国语言学及应用语言学专业复试2003艺术与设计学院设计艺术学专业综合(含设计艺术史论、工业设计及其理论、环境艺术设计及其理论、视觉传播艺术设计、动画艺术设计及其理论、数字艺术设计及其理论)2008——2009美术学专业综合2008——2009艺术学专业综合2008——2009设计艺术学专业史论2003——2006,2008——2009 美术学专业史论2008——2009艺术学专业史论2008——2009音乐艺术研究专业综合(报考艺术管理方向)2009 视觉传播艺术设计基础2007速写与焦墨山水画2005速写与花卉白描2005——2006速写与人物写生画2005——2006速写与色彩人物写生2005,2007速写与泥塑人物写生2007速写与素描人物写生2005速写与水彩或水粉画创作2005速写与装饰画创作2005——2006中外美术史2002,2005,2007中国美术史专题2006中国画创作基础2007艺术美术专业基础2007美术史论2005——2007美术理论2004艺术学概论2007艺术设计史基础2004——2005,2007艺术史论基础2007艺术设计史论基础2003,2006艺术设计理论2002艺术设计史2002专业史论2007艺术设计学“专业设计基础”2002专业设计2002信息设计基础2004——2005动画创作基础2004——2006艺术管理专业基础2004——2005,2007艺术教育专业基础2007民艺专业基础2004 ——2005民间美术2007民间艺术设计及其原理2006设计基础理论与设计基础表达2002环境艺术设计基础2006——2007环境艺术设计与公共艺术创作专业基础2002动画与数字化设计艺术基础2007动画设计与数码设计基础2002系统设计及传播艺术基础2002系统设计及传播艺术理论2002工业设计理论2002工业设计基础2004——2007数码设计理论2002数码艺术设计基础2003中外建筑史2002动画创作理论2002动画创作基础2003环境艺术设计2002环境艺术设计基础2004——2005公共艺术创作与设计2002公共艺术设计基础2006卡通画创作2002专业设计(计算机艺术设计)2002专业设计(系统设计及传播艺术设计)2002环境艺术设计专业方向(环境艺术设计基础)2003设计艺术学专业工业设计方向设计基础2003平面设计基础2003——2005平面艺术设计基础2006现代美术与公共艺术设计基础2003设计管理2006设计基础(展示设计及理论方向)2006信息设计基础2006影视艺术设计基础2006音乐艺术研究2007复试科目:艺术与设计学院复试2003加试科目:艺术与设计学院加试2003理工学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009弹性力学2002——2004,2007理论力学2002——2009工程力学2004微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)结构力学2002——2009量子力学2004——2009物理光学2002,2004——2009电磁场与电磁波2004电磁场理论2005——2009概率论与数理统计2001——2009数值分析2002,2004——2007高等代数2001——2009数学分析2002——2009常微分方程2002——2007线性代数2002普通物理2002——2009运筹学2002——2008(注:2002年试卷有两种)物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009化学原理2008——2009基础无机化学2007物理化学原理2007高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004高等数学(文)2003——2005复试科目:应用化学专业复试2003复试科目:应用数学专业复试2003复试科目:固体力学专业复试2003资源与环境工程学院物理化学2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)岩石力学与工程2004——2009矿山岩石力学2002无机化学2002——2009浮选2002固体废物处理工程2002水污染控制工程2002大气污染控制工程2002化工基础2002——2007化工原理2002——2009(注:2002年称“环境化工原理”)采矿学2002安全工程学2007——2009爆破工程2002——2009(注:2003年称“凿岩爆破”)流体力学2002——2004胶体化学2003——2009结晶矿物学2003——2006环境学概论2004——2009环境化学2004——2007环境流体力学2002,2005——2007环境工程微生物学2005——2006环境生物学2005——2007矿物加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003采矿工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003环境工程专业复试科目:环境工程专业复试2003;加试科目:环境工程专业加试2003材料科学与工程学院材料科学基础2002——2009普通物理2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009医学综合一(含生物化学、无机化学)2008——2009医学综合二(含生物化学、高分子化学)2008医学综合三(含生物化学、组织学)2008——2009医学综合2002,2004细胞生物学2002——2007组织学2002——2007物理光学2002,2004——2009计算机在材料科学中的应用2007计算机在材料中的应用2004——2005工程材料2002——2007生物化学2002——2007物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009陶瓷工艺原理2002玻璃工艺原理2002复合材料工艺2002铸造合金及其熔炼2002塑性成型原理2002材料成型原理2003——2009焊接冶金2002金属热处理2002金属材料学2007固体物理2002——2009聚合物加工原理与工艺2002胶凝材料学2002无机非金属材料工学2002,2004——2009金属学及热处理2002硅酸盐物理化学2002高分子化学及物理2002高分子化学2003——2009金属学原理2002——2007材料物理与化学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003生物医学工程专业复试科目:生物医学工程专业复试2003;加试科目:生物化学2003;组织学2003机电工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009控制工程基础2002——2009统计质量管理2005——2009传感器原理2003——2009传感检测技术2002——2003传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007人机工程学2002——2006机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(测试技术)机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(机械原理)机电工程学院2003年同等学力考研加试题(机械设计)机电工程学院2003级硕士研究生复试试题汽车工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009汽车理论基础2002——2009发动机原理2002——2009摩托车理论与结构设计2002汽车运用工程2002——2009汽车运输工程2002——2003工程热力学2002——2008汽车运输学2003——2005,2007交通运输学2006汽车营销与策划2009汽车市场学2004——2008动力机械及工程专业复试科目:动力机械及工程复试2003;加试科目:发动机构造2003;发动机原理2003车辆工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:汽车构造2003;汽车理论2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003自动化学院电路1997——2000,2002——2009电工技术基础2002电工原理2003——2006控制理论基础2002自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009信号处理技术2002——2005(注:2002——2003年称“信号分析与处理”)传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002传感检测技术2002——2003传感器原理2003——2009电机及拖动基础2001电力电子技术(一)2007电力电子技术2002——2006,2008——2009微机原理及接口技术2002——2009数字电路2003——2009逻辑设计2004——2006电力电子与电力传动专业复试科目:电力电子与电力传动专业复试2003检测技术与自动化装置专业复试科目:检测技术与自动化装置专业复试2003 控制理论与控制工程专业复试科目:控制理论与控制工程专业复试2003;加试科目:自动控制原理2003;微机原理及接口技术2003计算机科学与技术学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008操作系统1998——2000,2002——2008计算机组成原理2002——2007微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007C语言2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004离散数学2002——2006计算机网络1999——2000,2002软件工程2002——2006数据库原理2002编译原理2002计算机原理2002计算方法2003——2005复试科目:计算机应用技术、计算机软件与理论专业2003加试科目:微机原理及应用2003;数据库应用2003信息工程学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009信号与线性系统2002——2006物理光学2002,2004——2008光纤光学2007现代光学2006高频电路2002微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 脉冲与数字电路1999——2000,2002电子技术基础2002——2009高频电子线路1999——2000,2002微机原理及其通信接口2003——2009信号分析与处理2002——2008传感技术1997——2000电路1997——2000,2002——2009数字信号处理1999——2000,2002,2009土木工程与建筑学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009传热学2002——2007中外建筑史2002——2009建筑历史2004——2007建筑设计2002——2004,2008——2009建筑设计(1)2005——2007建筑设计(2)2005——2007规划设计2007——2008城市规划原理2003——2009建筑结构抗震设计2007抗震结构设计2004结构力学2002——2009工程项目管理2008——2009建筑施工与工程项目管理2003——2007建筑施工技术2002建筑工程经济与企业管理2002工程热力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2007水分析化学2002——2005水分析与物理化学2006——2007水力学与水泵2002——2007水力学与水分析化学2008——2009土力学2002——2009建筑构造2002岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:其中2003年有两种)钢筋混凝土结构2002,2006——2009混凝土结构原理2003钢筋砼结构2005土力学与基础工程2002结构动力学2002结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007桥梁工程2002给水工程2002排水工程2002路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程地质学2004——2006美学2004建筑设计及其理论专业复试科目:建筑设计2003;建筑设计知识2003;加试科目:中外建筑史2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构工程2003;综合复试(建筑工程施工技术、建设工程项目管理方向)2003;加试科目:施工组织学2003;建筑经济与企业管理2003;结构力学2003;混凝土结构2003桥梁与隧道工程专业复试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业复试2003;加试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅰ2003;桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅱ2003岩土工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003市政工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003交通学院高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004交通运输装备2005——2007桥梁设计与施工2005,2007第三方物流理论与实践2007现代物流与运输2005——2006物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007——2009运输经济学2002——2009路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程热力学2002——2009结构分析2008——2009理论力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2006材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009施工组织及概预算2004土工原理与计算2008——2009公路工程施工组织及概预算2003信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)船舶结构力学2002,2004——2009船舶原理2002——2009船舶设计原理2002——2009流体力学2002——2004,2006——2008环境学导论2002国际航运经济与政策2002——2004计算机辅助船体建造2002船舶技术经济学2002传热学2002——2007国际集装箱运输与多式联运2002——2004港口管理(运输企业管理学)2002——2005港口企业管理学2007运输企业管理学2006道路勘测设计2002船舶强度与结构设计2002——2007环境质量评价2002交通环境工程地质与应用2002声学基础2002,2006航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007计算机辅助船舶设计2002船舶营运管理2007船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002结构力学计算2008——2009结构力学与结构电算2003——2007运动生物力学2004划船运动概论2004船体振动学2006液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002流体力学专业复试科目:流体力学2003;加试科目:流体力学2003,工程热力学和传热学、水力学2003工程力学专业复试科目:理论力学2003道路与铁道工程专业复试科目:道路与铁道工程2003,桥梁工程2003;加试科目:土力学2003交通运输规划与管理专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:交通运输设备概论2003船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:船舶与海洋工程学2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构综合2003;加试科目:钢结构2003航运学院船舶管理2002——2009航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)航海学2002船舶操纵与避碰2002——2006航海气象学与海洋学2004,2006——2007(注:2007年试卷共3页,缺第2页)物理海洋数字计算2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009能源与动力学院电力电子技术2008——2009电力电子技术(二)2006——2007测试技术2007A卷,2007B卷工程热力学与传热学2006——2009机械振动学2006热能与动力机械制造工艺学2006——2007轮机自动化2007——2009智能运输系统概论2006——2009专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、内燃机原理)2005专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、机械设计)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、测试技术、计算机技术)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、电工电子技术、计算机控制技术)2005专业综合(含机械设计、测试技术、自动控制理论)2005工程热力学2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009船舶柴油机2009内燃机原理2007A卷,2007B卷内燃机原理2002——2004,2006传热学2002——2007自动控制理论2003——2004,2006——2007自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009动力机械制造与维修2009船舶动力装置原理与设计2002船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002船舶机械制造与修理2003——2004船舶管理2002——2009机械制造工艺学2002轮机工程专业复试科目:轮机工程2003;加试科目:内燃机学2003;轮机概论2003;工程热力学和传热学2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:载运工具运用工程2003管理学院管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)管理经济学基础2005——2007管理信息系统2002——2007(2002——2004部分有答案)概率论与数理统计2001——2009线性代数2002线性代数与概率统计2003——2009会计学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:1998年共3页,缺P3)技术经济学2002——2009(2002——2004部分有答案)运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)现代工业管理2003——2004(2003——2004部分有答案)公司理财原理2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:2002年称“财务管理学”,2003——2004称“公司财务管理”)项目管理2005——2007企业管理学2002(2002有答案)生产管理学2002(2002部分有答案)市场营销学2001(2001有答案)技术创新管理2003(2003部分有答案)工商管理硕士(MBA)专业复试科目:MBA专业综合课2003;加试科目:市场学2003;投资学2003会计学专业复试科目:财务会计与管理会计2003;加试科目:财务管理2003;会计学2003管理科学与工程专业复试科目:企业管理概论2003;加试科目:管理经济学2003;企业管理学2003技术经济及管理专业复试科目:投资分析2003;加试科目:产业经济学2003;投资学2003企业管理专业复试科目:市场营销与生产管理2003;加试科目:市场学2003;管理学原理2003系统工程专业复试科目:系统工程概论与线性规划2003;加试科目:概率统计2003;线性代数2003政治与行政学院邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想2007——2009邓小平理论2002——2006马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009政治学原理2007——2009西方哲学史2007——2009西方政治思想史2008——2009中外政治思想2007高等数学(文)2003——2004思想政治教育理论与方法2002——2005,2007科学技术史2002——2007中共党史2002——2009自然辩证法2002——2009中国近代史2002科学技术哲学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:马克思主义哲学原理2003;现代科技导论2003中共党史专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:政治学原理2003;中国近代史2003物流工程学院机械设计基础2005——2009机械工程基础2004机械CAD基础2006起重运输机械2005——2009起重机械2002物流信息技术2005——2009物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007管理学基础2005——2009画法几何2002——2003,2005——2007材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007工程材料2002——2007工程力学2004运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)运筹学与系统工程2004计算机应用基础与计算机技术基础2004仓储技术与设备2006——2007自动识别技术2007CAD/CAM技术2002液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002机电一体化技术2002液压技术2002机械制造及自动化专业复试科目:机械制造及自动化专业复试2003;面试科目:机械制造专业2003机械电子工程专业复试科目:机械电子工程专业复试2003;面试科目:机械一体化技术(机电专业)2003机械设计及理论专业复试科目:机械设计及理论专业复试2003化学工程学院制药化学2005——2009化工原理2005——2009药物分析2005——2007物理化学2006——2007。
一、武汉理工大学外国语言文学考试科目招生院系:外国语学院招生专业:外国语言文学(050200)(学硕)研究方向:01(全日制)英语语言文学02(全日制)外国语言学及应用语言学03(全日制)法语语言文学04(全日制)日语语言文学考试科目:01、02方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、243 法语、244 俄语一、245 日语一(选一)③619 基础英语④816 英美文学、815 英语语言学(选一)03方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、244 俄语一、245 日语一、246 英语(选一)③635 法语综合④911 法语文学与文化04方向①101 思想政治理论②242 德语、243 法语、244 俄语一、246 英语(选一)③636 综合日语④912 日语语言学和文学二、武汉理工大学外国语言文学分数线2、体检:2018年3月30日(周五)上午8:00-11:00。
学君考研教育学考研资料武汉理工大学非统考历年真题目录武汉理工大学2002年教育学考研真题 (2)武汉理工大学2003年教育学考研真题 (3)武汉理工大学2004年教育学考研真题 (4)武汉理工大学2005年教育学考研真题 (5)武汉理工大学2006年教育学考研真题 (6)武汉理工大学2002年教育学考研真题参考答案 (8)武汉理工大学2003年教育学考研真题参考答案 (10)武汉理工大学2004年教育学考研真题参考答案 (13)武汉理工大学2005年教育学考研真题参考答案 (16)武汉理工大学2006年教育学考研真题参考答案 (20)武汉理工大学2002年教育学考研真题课程:教育学(共2题,共四大题,答题时不必抄题,标明题目序号)一、简答题(共8题,每题3分,3x8=24分)1.在“康德论教育”中,康德接受了卢梭的什么思想?同时又有何不同之处?2.狭义教育的定义是什么?3.“内发论”与“外铄论”的个体身心发展动因观具有片面性,那么推动人的发展的根本力量是什么?4.什么是维果茨基的“最近发展区”的思想?5.杜威的五步法(也称问题法)有那五个步骤?他认为五步法运用教学中有何作用?6.一种观点认为“教师是主题,学生是教育的对象,是客体”;另一种观点认为“教师与学生都是主题”,即“双主体论”。
武汉理工大学研招办经济学院西方经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)2007——2009经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)1997——2000,2002——2006(2002——2004,2006有答案)宏观经济学2004——2006(2004有答案)货币银行学2004——2007(2004有答案)国际贸易概论1998——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)国际金融学2002,2004——2009(2002,2004有答案)国际市场营销2002财政学2007产业经济学2002,2006——2009(2002有答案)电子商务概论2008——2009运输经济学2002——2009区域经济学2007人力资源管理2007管理学概论2004——2007(2004有答案)管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007概率论与数理统计2001——2009复试科目:国际贸易学2003加试科目:国际金融学2003;国际市场营销学2003复试科目:产业经济学2003复试科目:数量经济学专业复试2003文法学院伦理学基础综合2007——2009伦理学原理2007——2009伦理学2002——2005民法学2007民商法学2008——2009民商法学综合2007——2009经济法学2002,2004——2009经济法综合2007——2009法学综合2002——2006知识产权2007知识产权法2002——2005法理学与知识产权法2004——2005社会心理学2002心理学2002思想政治教育学原理与方法2002——2009中国化的马克思主义2007——2009马克思主义基本原理及其发展2007——2009马克思主义基本原理2007马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009新闻传播专业综合考试(含广告学、编辑出版学)2004——2005出版发行综合2006——2009广告学综合2006——2009传播学原理2004——2009专业综合(教育学、运动训练学)2007体育教育综合(运动生理学、运动训练学)2008——2009运动生理学2007复试科目:综合复试2003;复试(科技法方向)2003加试科目:专业加试2003;加试(科技法方向)2003高等教育研究所教育学2002——2006,2008——2009教育管理学2002——2006,2008——2009复试科目:综合复试2003加试科目:教育学2003;教育心理学2003外国语学院二外日语2002——2009二外法语2002——2009二外德语2002——2009二外俄语2003——2009基础英语2001——2009(注:其中2002,2003,2005年的试卷名称为“综合英语”)英语语言学2001——2003,2006——2009(2001有答案)语言学及英美文学2004——2005英美文学2007——2009英语写作2002复试科目:外国语言学及应用语言学专业复试2003艺术与设计学院设计艺术学专业综合(含设计艺术史论、工业设计及其理论、环境艺术设计及其理论、视觉传播艺术设计、动画艺术设计及其理论、数字艺术设计及其理论)2008——2009美术学专业综合2008——2009艺术学专业综合2008——2009设计艺术学专业史论2003——2006,2008——2009 美术学专业史论2008——2009艺术学专业史论2008——2009音乐艺术研究专业综合(报考艺术管理方向)2009 视觉传播艺术设计基础2007速写与焦墨山水画2005速写与花卉白描2005——2006速写与人物写生画2005——2006速写与色彩人物写生2005,2007速写与泥塑人物写生2007速写与素描人物写生2005速写与水彩或水粉画创作2005速写与装饰画创作2005——2006中外美术史2002,2005,2007中国美术史专题2006中国画创作基础2007艺术美术专业基础2007美术史论2005——2007美术理论2004艺术学概论2007艺术设计史基础2004——2005,2007艺术史论基础2007艺术设计史论基础2003,2006艺术设计理论2002艺术设计史2002专业史论2007艺术设计学“专业设计基础”2002专业设计2002信息设计基础2004——2005动画创作基础2004——2006艺术管理专业基础2004——2005,2007艺术教育专业基础2007民艺专业基础2004 ——2005民间美术2007民间艺术设计及其原理2006设计基础理论与设计基础表达2002环境艺术设计基础2006——2007环境艺术设计与公共艺术创作专业基础2002动画与数字化设计艺术基础2007动画设计与数码设计基础2002系统设计及传播艺术基础2002系统设计及传播艺术理论2002工业设计理论2002工业设计基础2004——2007数码设计理论2002数码艺术设计基础2003中外建筑史2002动画创作理论2002动画创作基础2003环境艺术设计2002环境艺术设计基础2004——2005公共艺术创作与设计2002公共艺术设计基础2006卡通画创作2002专业设计(计算机艺术设计)2002专业设计(系统设计及传播艺术设计)2002环境艺术设计专业方向(环境艺术设计基础)2003设计艺术学专业工业设计方向设计基础2003平面设计基础2003——2005平面艺术设计基础2006现代美术与公共艺术设计基础2003设计管理2006设计基础(展示设计及理论方向)2006信息设计基础2006影视艺术设计基础2006音乐艺术研究2007复试科目:艺术与设计学院复试2003加试科目:艺术与设计学院加试2003理工学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009弹性力学2002——2004,2007理论力学2002——2009工程力学2004微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)结构力学2002——2009量子力学2004——2009物理光学2002,2004——2009电磁场与电磁波2004电磁场理论2005——2009概率论与数理统计2001——2009数值分析2002,2004——2007高等代数2001——2009数学分析2002——2009常微分方程2002——2007线性代数2002普通物理2002——2009运筹学2002——2008(注:2002年试卷有两种)物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009化学原理2008——2009基础无机化学2007物理化学原理2007高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004高等数学(文)2003——2005复试科目:应用化学专业复试2003复试科目:应用数学专业复试2003复试科目:固体力学专业复试2003资源与环境工程学院物理化学2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)岩石力学与工程2004——2009矿山岩石力学2002无机化学2002——2009浮选2002固体废物处理工程2002水污染控制工程2002大气污染控制工程2002化工基础2002——2007化工原理2002——2009(注:2002年称“环境化工原理”)采矿学2002安全工程学2007——2009爆破工程2002——2009(注:2003年称“凿岩爆破”)流体力学2002——2004胶体化学2003——2009结晶矿物学2003——2006环境学概论2004——2009环境化学2004——2007环境流体力学2002,2005——2007环境工程微生物学2005——2006环境生物学2005——2007矿物加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003采矿工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003环境工程专业复试科目:环境工程专业复试2003;加试科目:环境工程专业加试2003材料科学与工程学院材料科学基础2002——2009普通物理2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009医学综合一(含生物化学、无机化学)2008——2009医学综合二(含生物化学、高分子化学)2008医学综合三(含生物化学、组织学)2008——2009医学综合2002,2004细胞生物学2002——2007组织学2002——2007物理光学2002,2004——2009计算机在材料科学中的应用2007计算机在材料中的应用2004——2005工程材料2002——2007生物化学2002——2007物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009陶瓷工艺原理2002玻璃工艺原理2002复合材料工艺2002铸造合金及其熔炼2002塑性成型原理2002材料成型原理2003——2009焊接冶金2002金属热处理2002金属材料学2007固体物理2002——2009聚合物加工原理与工艺2002胶凝材料学2002无机非金属材料工学2002,2004——2009金属学及热处理2002硅酸盐物理化学2002高分子化学及物理2002高分子化学2003——2009金属学原理2002——2007材料物理与化学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003生物医学工程专业复试科目:生物医学工程专业复试2003;加试科目:生物化学2003;组织学2003机电工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009控制工程基础2002——2009统计质量管理2005——2009传感器原理2003——2009传感检测技术2002——2003传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007人机工程学2002——2006机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(测试技术)机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(机械原理)机电工程学院2003年同等学力考研加试题(机械设计)机电工程学院2003级硕士研究生复试试题汽车工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009汽车理论基础2002——2009发动机原理2002——2009摩托车理论与结构设计2002汽车运用工程2002——2009汽车运输工程2002——2003工程热力学2002——2008汽车运输学2003——2005,2007交通运输学2006汽车营销与策划2009汽车市场学2004——2008动力机械及工程专业复试科目:动力机械及工程复试2003;加试科目:发动机构造2003;发动机原理2003车辆工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:汽车构造2003;汽车理论2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003自动化学院电路1997——2000,2002——2009电工技术基础2002电工原理2003——2006控制理论基础2002自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009信号处理技术2002——2005(注:2002——2003年称“信号分析与处理”)传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002传感检测技术2002——2003传感器原理2003——2009电机及拖动基础2001电力电子技术(一)2007电力电子技术2002——2006,2008——2009微机原理及接口技术2002——2009数字电路2003——2009逻辑设计2004——2006电力电子与电力传动专业复试科目:电力电子与电力传动专业复试2003检测技术与自动化装置专业复试科目:检测技术与自动化装置专业复试2003 控制理论与控制工程专业复试科目:控制理论与控制工程专业复试2003;加试科目:自动控制原理2003;微机原理及接口技术2003计算机科学与技术学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008操作系统1998——2000,2002——2008计算机组成原理2002——2007微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007C语言2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004离散数学2002——2006计算机网络1999——2000,2002软件工程2002——2006数据库原理2002编译原理2002计算机原理2002计算方法2003——2005复试科目:计算机应用技术、计算机软件与理论专业2003加试科目:微机原理及应用2003;数据库应用2003信息工程学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009信号与线性系统2002——2006物理光学2002,2004——2008光纤光学2007现代光学2006高频电路2002微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 脉冲与数字电路1999——2000,2002电子技术基础2002——2009高频电子线路1999——2000,2002微机原理及其通信接口2003——2009信号分析与处理2002——2008传感技术1997——2000电路1997——2000,2002——2009数字信号处理1999——2000,2002,2009土木工程与建筑学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009传热学2002——2007中外建筑史2002——2009建筑历史2004——2007建筑设计2002——2004,2008——2009建筑设计(1)2005——2007建筑设计(2)2005——2007规划设计2007——2008城市规划原理2003——2009建筑结构抗震设计2007抗震结构设计2004结构力学2002——2009工程项目管理2008——2009建筑施工与工程项目管理2003——2007建筑施工技术2002建筑工程经济与企业管理2002工程热力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2007水分析化学2002——2005水分析与物理化学2006——2007水力学与水泵2002——2007水力学与水分析化学2008——2009土力学2002——2009建筑构造2002岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:其中2003年有两种)钢筋混凝土结构2002,2006——2009混凝土结构原理2003钢筋砼结构2005土力学与基础工程2002结构动力学2002结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007桥梁工程2002给水工程2002排水工程2002路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程地质学2004——2006美学2004建筑设计及其理论专业复试科目:建筑设计2003;建筑设计知识2003;加试科目:中外建筑史2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构工程2003;综合复试(建筑工程施工技术、建设工程项目管理方向)2003;加试科目:施工组织学2003;建筑经济与企业管理2003;结构力学2003;混凝土结构2003桥梁与隧道工程专业复试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业复试2003;加试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅰ2003;桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅱ2003岩土工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003市政工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003交通学院高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004交通运输装备2005——2007桥梁设计与施工2005,2007第三方物流理论与实践2007现代物流与运输2005——2006物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007——2009运输经济学2002——2009路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程热力学2002——2009结构分析2008——2009理论力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2006材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009施工组织及概预算2004土工原理与计算2008——2009公路工程施工组织及概预算2003信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)船舶结构力学2002,2004——2009船舶原理2002——2009船舶设计原理2002——2009流体力学2002——2004,2006——2008环境学导论2002国际航运经济与政策2002——2004计算机辅助船体建造2002船舶技术经济学2002传热学2002——2007国际集装箱运输与多式联运2002——2004港口管理(运输企业管理学)2002——2005港口企业管理学2007运输企业管理学2006道路勘测设计2002船舶强度与结构设计2002——2007环境质量评价2002交通环境工程地质与应用2002声学基础2002,2006航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007计算机辅助船舶设计2002船舶营运管理2007船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002结构力学计算2008——2009结构力学与结构电算2003——2007运动生物力学2004划船运动概论2004船体振动学2006液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002流体力学专业复试科目:流体力学2003;加试科目:流体力学2003,工程热力学和传热学、水力学2003工程力学专业复试科目:理论力学2003道路与铁道工程专业复试科目:道路与铁道工程2003,桥梁工程2003;加试科目:土力学2003交通运输规划与管理专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:交通运输设备概论2003船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:船舶与海洋工程学2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构综合2003;加试科目:钢结构2003航运学院船舶管理2002——2009航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)航海学2002船舶操纵与避碰2002——2006航海气象学与海洋学2004,2006——2007(注:2007年试卷共3页,缺第2页)物理海洋数字计算2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009能源与动力学院电力电子技术2008——2009电力电子技术(二)2006——2007测试技术2007A卷,2007B卷工程热力学与传热学2006——2009机械振动学2006热能与动力机械制造工艺学2006——2007轮机自动化2007——2009智能运输系统概论2006——2009专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、内燃机原理)2005专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、机械设计)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、测试技术、计算机技术)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、电工电子技术、计算机控制技术)2005专业综合(含机械设计、测试技术、自动控制理论)2005工程热力学2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009船舶柴油机2009内燃机原理2007A卷,2007B卷内燃机原理2002——2004,2006传热学2002——2007自动控制理论2003——2004,2006——2007自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009动力机械制造与维修2009船舶动力装置原理与设计2002船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002船舶机械制造与修理2003——2004船舶管理2002——2009机械制造工艺学2002轮机工程专业复试科目:轮机工程2003;加试科目:内燃机学2003;轮机概论2003;工程热力学和传热学2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:载运工具运用工程2003管理学院管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)管理经济学基础2005——2007管理信息系统2002——2007(2002——2004部分有答案)概率论与数理统计2001——2009线性代数2002线性代数与概率统计2003——2009会计学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:1998年共3页,缺P3)技术经济学2002——2009(2002——2004部分有答案)运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)现代工业管理2003——2004(2003——2004部分有答案)公司理财原理2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:2002年称“财务管理学”,2003——2004称“公司财务管理”)项目管理2005——2007企业管理学2002(2002有答案)生产管理学2002(2002部分有答案)市场营销学2001(2001有答案)技术创新管理2003(2003部分有答案)工商管理硕士(MBA)专业复试科目:MBA专业综合课2003;加试科目:市场学2003;投资学2003会计学专业复试科目:财务会计与管理会计2003;加试科目:财务管理2003;会计学2003管理科学与工程专业复试科目:企业管理概论2003;加试科目:管理经济学2003;企业管理学2003技术经济及管理专业复试科目:投资分析2003;加试科目:产业经济学2003;投资学2003企业管理专业复试科目:市场营销与生产管理2003;加试科目:市场学2003;管理学原理2003系统工程专业复试科目:系统工程概论与线性规划2003;加试科目:概率统计2003;线性代数2003政治与行政学院邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想2007——2009邓小平理论2002——2006马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009政治学原理2007——2009西方哲学史2007——2009西方政治思想史2008——2009中外政治思想2007高等数学(文)2003——2004思想政治教育理论与方法2002——2005,2007科学技术史2002——2007中共党史2002——2009自然辩证法2002——2009中国近代史2002科学技术哲学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:马克思主义哲学原理2003;现代科技导论2003中共党史专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:政治学原理2003;中国近代史2003物流工程学院机械设计基础2005——2009机械工程基础2004机械CAD基础2006起重运输机械2005——2009起重机械2002物流信息技术2005——2009物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007管理学基础2005——2009画法几何2002——2003,2005——2007材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007工程材料2002——2007工程力学2004运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)运筹学与系统工程2004计算机应用基础与计算机技术基础2004仓储技术与设备2006——2007自动识别技术2007CAD/CAM技术2002液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002机电一体化技术2002液压技术2002机械制造及自动化专业复试科目:机械制造及自动化专业复试2003;面试科目:机械制造专业2003机械电子工程专业复试科目:机械电子工程专业复试2003;面试科目:机械一体化技术(机电专业)2003机械设计及理论专业复试科目:机械设计及理论专业复试2003化学工程学院制药化学2005——2009化工原理2005——2009药物分析2005——2007物理化学2006——2007。
武汉理工大学英语试题(工程硕士)work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR武汉理工大学考试试题纸Part Ⅰ. Vocabulary (0.5 × 30)Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences. Each of the sentences has an underlined part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,Cand D. Choose the one that best keeps the meaning of the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1.The market management in this city needs to be reinforced by an effective law.A.investigatedB.resistedC.strengthenedD.operated2.This airport is notorious for its bad security.A.appealingB.memorableC.conversingD.infamous3.Further investigation conducted by a group of experts revealed previously hiddenfacts.A.uncoveredB.explainedC.behavedD.encouraged4.Real-life impressions of nature are more memorable than any lesson children canextract from a book.A.evaporateB. deriveC.rewardD.exhort5.Students will find how wind direction and intensity shift at different attitudes.A. enjoyB.exploreC.removeD.change6.She suddenly recalled that her blanket had been taken away.A. releasedB.rememberedC.reassuredD.relieved7.When he checked in a hotel ,it was already nine o’clock in the evening.A. inspectedB.registeredC.realized D .departed8.He expressed his gratitude to her for her favorable help with the experiment.A. congratulationsB.sphereC.thanksD.sympathy9.They spent 3 days in the desert without water, and they could not endure muchlonger.A. faceB.sufferstD.survive10.His concern forbids him to leave the house at such a time.A. persuadesB.permitsC.suspendD.prohibits11.If these bad weather conditions persist ,the game will be cancelled.A. stayB.continueC.permitD.insist12.Steps must be taken to reduce administration costs.A. governmentB.managementanizationD.instruction13.The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 owing to a boom in world trade.A. a birthB.an improvementC.a beginnigD.an increase14.The play was a great success, and it was all thanks to the effort and commitmentof everyone involved.A.because ofB.despite ofC.subject toD.attribute to15.Approximately 113,000 bicycles were reported stolen last yeat.A.TotallyB.ExactlyC.RoughlyD.Actually16.In many Russian cities basic foodstuffs are unavailable.A.not obtainableB.not eatableC.not suitableD.not producible17.You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you boughtthem.A.have the right toB.have the title toC.have the honor toD.have the pleasure to18.He came out with such a(n) elaborate excuse that I didn’t quite believe him.A.goodB.beautifulC.detailedD.fine-sounding19.Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with thedirectors next week.A.practicallyB.mainlyC.repeatedlyD.finally20.In theory ,the journey ought to take three hours ,but in practice it usually takesfour because of roadwork.A.FactuallyB.In factC.TheoreticallyD.In practice21.As more mations acquire nuclear weapons ,the necessity for preventing warbecomes imperative.A.exigentB.superiorC.statisticD.effective22.Some stores make a survey of all goods and materials in their stock once a monthso as to speed up their inventory liquidating.A.inventionB.stockC.discoveryD.capital23.It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the future .A.aspectB.respectiveC.abilityD.outlook24.Because of his mischievous deeds towards his classmate,the child was hauled up before the principal.A.calledB.shoutedC.beatenD.scolded25.He lived in the most penurious manner,and denied himself every indulgence.A.luxuriousB.pitifulC.strictD.frugal26.He has committed such a blunder,no one can save him this time.A.madeB.metC.ceasedD.created27.Sophisticated edit facilities allow complicated musical forms to be created.A.ExpensiveB.High qualityC.Cleverplicated28.He was escorted by a group of soldiers under the command of Sarsfield.A.safe-guardedB.capturedC.arrestedD.lead29.The young man dreamed that a rich relative would die and leave him a legacy.A.heritageB.willC.houseD.lot of money30.Joy was now having her hair done,seated on a mat on the floor.A.chairB.benchC.small carpetD.stoolPart Ⅱ. Multiple Choices(0.5×20)31.He walked into the restaurant it had belonged to him.A.likeB.as ifC.so thatD.if32.Don’t eat that fruit it is ripe .A.unlessB.in caseC.ifD.so that33.He insured his car he had an accident.A.unlessB.ifC.in caseD.since34. we can make laws to protect certain animals,we are frequently incapable of controlling the enviroment.A.Ever ifB.WhateverC.AfterD.However35. you understand this rule ,you’ll have difficulty.A.WhileB.OnceC.ThoughD.Unless36. inspected this radio,he should have put his identification number on the box.A.ThatB.No matter whoC.WhaterverD.Whomever37.Although happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction,itcould occur elsewhere in the world.A.whatB.whichC.howD.itst week he promised today ,but he hasn’t arrived yet.A.that he would comeB.what would he comeC.which he came D .that he would have come39.His family had almost forgotten like.A.how his face wasB.which was his faceC.what his face wasD.that his face was40.It is obvious on more important things.A.which the money should we spendB.what the money should we spendC.that the money should we spendD.that we should spend the money41.At about the same time ,doctors began to understand together.A.which went dirt and diseaseB.what went dirt and diseaseC.that dirt and disease wentD.that did dirt and disease go42.These exercises are different fromA.that you expectB.what do you expectC.what you expectD.which you expect43. will be known tomorrow.A.If the flower will be blackB.When will the flower beC.Whether the flower is blackD.Whether is the flower black44.Not one of us has a clear idea about to do.A.that the others wantB.what the others wantC.which do the others wantD.what do the others want45.I will let you know the meeting will be held.A.whichB.whereC.whatD.that46.I would gladly have attended your wedding if youA.would have invited meB.invited meC.could have invited meD.had invited me47.Jean would go to New York City, but she money mow .A.hadn’t haveB.would not haveC.has noD.would have48. ,he would help us without any hesitation.A.Were he hareB.Was he hereC.If he is hereD.Is he here49.But for the rain,we our destination before 5 yesterday.A.would have reachedB.reachedC.had reachedD.should reach50. Without water ,there no plants on the earth.A.would haveB.would beC.were to beD.werePart Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (2 × 20)Passage 1Two men on a touring holiday of Britain were injured by an explosion in their motor van in the center of Norwich yesterday.Shoppers ,traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were shocked by a loud bang,and seconds later the two men jumped over from the vehicle. Several people rushed to give assistance and helped to put out the fire inside the vehicle.“I heard this explosion .It was pretty loud. I thought it could have been a bomb.”said Mr.Leslie Webster, manager of the market ,who was working in his office in Red Lion Street.”I looked out of the window and saw this lad leap from the van and roll on the ground. Then another lad came out of the van. He seemed to be in a worse state--parts of his trousers were hanging below his knee.”Anyhow they two just got minor burns.“I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher, but by the time I got outside someone from the bank was in the van with an extinguisher.”Mr.Webster, who lives at 71,Trinity Sereet,Norwich ,said both victims were shocked. One was taken into the market’s office to await an ambulance.”The second man insisted on going back into the van to see if everything was all right,and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing.”he added.The explosion was also heard inside the bank. Staff provided a fire extinguisher and telephoned for an ambulance.Although a plastic window was blown out ,damage inside the vehicle was mainly superficial.The two men have spent the last six months touring the Continent and has traveled to Norwich from Snetterton.At the time of the accident their wives were shopping in the city.51.The two men in the vanA.were unhurtB.were slightly hurtC.wer shocked and badly injuredD.needed a long-time treatment52.The word “leap” (Para. 3) most probably meansA.jump overB.step upC.fall downD.get out53.In Mr.Webster’s opinion ,the explosionA.was almost a bombB.wasn’t a bombC.was like a bombD.was a bomb54.In the accident .A.the bank was blown outB.the van was completely destroyedC.everything in the van was all rightD.the van was burned55.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Mr.Webster saw what had happened.B. Mr.Webster helped to put out the fire.C..Mr. Webster didn’t take a fire extinguisher to the van.D. Mr.Webster wanted to help in the accident but he didn’t have a chance. Passage 2It was September of 1620 when their ship ,called the “Mayflower” left port with 102 men,women and children on board.This was the worst season of the year for an ocean crossing ,and the trip was very uneven.After sixty-five days at sea,she landed in Provincetown Harbor,Massachusetts.The Pilgrim(清教徒) leaders knew that they were in unsettled territory which had no governing body.They also knew that in order to survive,every society needed a means of establishing and enforcing proper rules of conduct .Partly to protect themselves from others ,forty-one men aboard the ship held a meeting to choose their first governor and sign the historic Mayflower agreement,the first one for self-government in America.For about a month longer,the Pilgrims lived aboard ship and sent out parties to explore the costline of the bay. They found a harbor ,and cleared land ,which was an Indian village,but a disease a few years earlier had killed the entire Indian ing ashore in their small boat ,the Pilgrims landed on a large rock later named Plymouth Rock.This was the beginning of the second permanent English settement in America.The Pilgrims were poorly trained and poorly equipped to cope with life in the wilderness.During their first winter in the new land ,they suffered a great deal.Poor food ,hard work,diseases,and bitterly cold weather killed about half of them.By the end of this terrible first winter,only about fifty Plymouth colonists remained alive.One spring morning in 1621,an Indian walked into the little village of Plymouth and introduced himself in a friendly ter he brought the Indian chief ,who offered assistance.The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to hunt fish ,and grow food.Because of this help from the Indians ,the Pilgrims had a good harvest.Then the first Thanksgiving dinner was cooked and served out –of –doors ,and the holiday wasa great success.56.Which of the following well describes their trip?A.Happy and smoothB.Uncomfortable and roughC.Uncomfortable but smoothD.Uneven and exciting57.They decided to sign an agreement because .A.they needed rules for self-protectionB.they wanted everyone to be a good personC.they needed a governorD.it was unsettled country58.They stayed aboard for a month because .A.they were waiting for some helpB.they were afraid of IndiansC.they had to make some preparations ashoreD.they needed to make small boats59.In the first winter,the PilgrimsA.had a good timeB.had a big harvestC.had a fight with IndiansD.had a hard time60.The relationship between the Pilgrims and the Indians could be best described as .A.very hostileB.indifferentC.friendlyD.impartialPassage 3The early days of 1942 were dark ones.American troops were bravely trying to hold the Philippine Islands .But island after island fell to the Japanese.The Americans were driven back until all they held was the small island of Corregidor,where was the Philippine government’s gold and lions upon millions of pesos piled up there.It soon was clear that Corregidor was going to fall..The money could not be left there for the enemy.Hastily the gold and some of the silver were loaded on a small ship.Then a strange job was begun:two hundred million dollars of paper money were burned.Nearly sixteen million silver pesos were left,and there was no way to get it to the United States.So it was decided to dump it into the ocean.A ship made trip after trip back to the dock to pick up the silver and dump it in the south Channel.Only three men knew the exact spot where the pesos were dumped.Unfortunately the men were killed in the war.In 1945,the U.S.armed forces decided to find the silver.For a month ,the divers went over the site where most of the silver was thought to have been buried.They covered the bottom inch by inch and found no pesos.Then came a hint.A group of men had gone on an illegal treasure hunt of their own.They had found some five thousand pesos.A Filipino who had led the group was caught ,and he showed where he found the silver.The search went on day after day for ten months.By then the pesos were getting too hard to find. The Army and Navy decided they had done well enough.Some one third of the total had been recovered.In 1946 the new Philippine government gave licenses to anyone who wanted to search for the missing pesos.Some treasure hunters brought up hundreds and hundreds of pesos for their own.Now 1,678,000 pesos are still in the channel mud .The search is probably going on right at this moment.But ,as one of the divers said,“They’ll likely be diving for those pesos for a hundred years to come.”61.Why was the Corrigidor Island important?A.Because the American troops were stationedB.Because it was a part of the Japanese island.C.Because there were millions of pesos there.D.Because it was the last island for the Philippines62.What was the decision for the silver pesos?A.They were to be shipped to the United States.B.They were to be buried in the islandC.They were to be hidden in a Japanese island.D.they were to be dropped in the sea.63.Who first discovered the spot of dropped pesos?A. A FilipinoB.An AmericanC.A diverD. A Japanese64.How much of the silver was found by the American armed forces?A.40%B.30%C.60%D.90%65.Which of the following is true?A.Since 1946,no one is allowed to hunt for the silver.B.Nobody has found pesos since 1945.C.After 1946,people could find the silver by themselves.D.Searching for the silver is illegal.Passage 4Regular child care provided outside home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine (削弱)healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month –old infants ,according to a long-term national study.The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers,,however,the mother-child relationship may be damaged.“This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail,”contends Jay Belsky,a psychologist at Pennsylvania State University.Belsky and several of his colleagues announced their findings last week at the international conferenece.The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston.The youngsters ,no more than 1month old when they entered the study in 1991,will be tracked until the age of 7.Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1,6,and 15 months. Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness.Unlike most previous studies ,this one allows researchers to observe each caretaker’s personality at child nursing ,and kids’emotional reaction by the equipment.After taking family factors into account,other psychologist state that the researchers found no relation between the quality of child care and infants’response.But the experimenters contend that the boys who spent more than 30 hours per week in child care exhibited more emotion for their mothers than other boys who didn’t ,and the girls who spent the same hours per week in child care showed a modest rise in this emotion.Therefore ,quality of child care outside home plays an important role in the connection between mothers and infants.66.From the first paragraph we know that .A.mother care is the best according to a national studyB.child care outside home is the best in accordance with the studyC.regular child care outside home may play a role as a motherD.connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care67.Accordign to the passage,unresponsive care from a mother may .A.ruin a kid’s growthB.harm the mother--child tieC.injure a baby’s emotional reactionD.spoil a child’s personality68.Jay Belsky implies that the study of child care .A.was never carried out in the pastB.was not much done in detail in the pastC.was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchersD.was interesting ,but very difficult to make discovery69.The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that .A.the researchers started with only one month old infantsB.the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soonC.the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homesD.video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly70.The girls who received the same hours of child care outside home as the boysdemonstrated .A.a little more emotion for their mothersB.less emotion for their mothersC.a modest rise in the mental developmentD.a slight decline in the personality developmentPartⅣ.Cloze(10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C),D)on the right side of the paper,You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.It’s an annual back-to–school routine.One morning you wave goodbye,and that 71 evening you’re burning the late-night oil in sympathy.In the race to improve educational standards, 72 are throwing the books at kids. 73 elementary school students are complaining of homework 74 .What’s a well-meaning parent to do? As hard as 75 may be , sit back and chill,experts advise. Though you’ve got to get them to do it , 76 helping too much, or even examing 77 too carefully ,you may keep them 78 doing it by themselves.“I wouldn’t advise a parent to check every 79 assignment ,”says psychologist John Rosemond ,author of Ending the Tough Homework.“There’s a 80 of appreciation for trial and error.Let your children 81 the grade they deserve.”Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their 82 .But “you don’t want them to feel it has to be 83 ,”she says.That’s not to say parents should 84 homework –first,they should monitor how much homework their kids 85 .Thirty minutes a day in the early elementary years and an hour in 86 four,five,and six is standard,says Rosemond.For junior –high students it should be “ 87 more than an hour and a half”, and two for high-school students.If your child 88 has more homework than this ,you may want to check 89 other parents and then talk to the teacher about 90 assignment.71. A)very B)exact C)right D)usual72. A) officials B)parents C)experts D) schools73. A)Also B) Even C)Then D) However74. A)fatigue B) confusion C)duty D)puzzle75. A)there B) we C) they D)it76. A)via B) under C) by D) for77. A)questions B) answers’ C)standards D) rules78. A)off B)without C)beyond D) from79. A)single B) piece C) page D)other80. A)drop B)short C) cut D) lack81. A)acquire B) earn C)gather D) reach82. A)exercises B) defects C) mistakes D)tests83. A)perfect B) better C) unusual D)complete84. A)forget B)refuse C)miss D)ignore85. A)have B) prepare C)make D) perform86. A)classes B) groups C)grades D)terms87. A)about B)no C)much D)few88. A)previously B) rarely C)merely D) consistently89. A)with B)in C)out D)up90. A)finishing B) lowering C)reducing D) decliningPartⅤ: Translation(10%)Section A (5% )Directions :Read the following passage carefully. Then translate it into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.在过去的10年中,中国的经济发生了巨大的变化。
武汉理工大学 基础英语 2003
武汉理工大学2009年研究生入学考试题课程代号619 课程名称基础英语Section One: Reading Comprehension (30)Direction:In this section there are four reading passages followed by 20 multiple-choice questions. You should decide on the best choice and BLACKEN the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEETQuestions 1 to 10Passage OneThe Spaniards and the Portuguese had been exploring the Indian Sea and the Pacific Ocean for more than a century before Holland and England appeared on the stage. This proved an advantage to the latter, because the first rough work had been done. The earliest navigators had often made themselves so unpopular with American natives that English and Dutch, who were both more interested in obtaining spices, gold, silver, and taxes, than influencing the locals, were welcomed as friends and delivers. Later, the French replaced the Dutch as rivals with England. In 1497 Cabot had planted the English flag in the northern part of America, and 27 years later, Verrazano had planted the French flag. Both nations proclaimed themselves the owner of the entire continent.During the 17th century, some ten small English colonies had been founded between Maine and the Carolinas, usually havens for English dissenters such as puritans and Quakers, who began to make a new life free from Royal supervision and interference. In contrast, the French colonies always remained a possession of the crown, populated by people who expected to return to Paris when the chance arose. However, after a century of exploration, a line of sixty French forts cut off the English settlements along the Atlantic seaboard from the interior.From about 1690 until the Treaty of Paris in 1763, both nations sought for possession of North America. The English navy was superior and managed to ensure France was cut off from its colonies, resulting in the entire north of America falling into British hands when peace was declared.However, only a small part of this vast domain was inhabited. From Massachusetts in the north, why the Pilgrims had settled in 1620, to the Carolinas and Virginia, where tobacco-raising profits had been the motivation to settle, the area was sparsely populated. The American colonists hated the restraint and lack of breathing space which had made their lives so unhappy in the old country, and now wanted to be their own masters. This, the ruling classes of England did not seem to understand. The war between England and her American colonies lasted seven years.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(a) the history of early exploration in the Americas (b) colonial exploration in the 17th century(c) the successes of the English and Dutch in colonization (d) European colonial rivalry an the battle for America2. The phrase “appeared on the stage” in tine 2 is closest in meaning to _____.(a) were noticed (b)arrived (c)succeeded (d)influenced3. The word “this” in line 2 refers to _______.(a)the first rough work (c) Spaniards and Portuguese (b)had been exploring(d) Holland and England appeared4. According to the passage, the main difference between the Spanish and Portuguese, and the English and Dutch, was_______.(a) the former had been exploring for longer (b) the latter also had the French as rivals(c) the former were more unpopular (d) the latter were less interested in influence5. The word “havens” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ______.(a) shelters (b) paradises (c) settlements (d) escapes6. The author mentions that “the French colonies always remained a possession of the crown”in tines 10 as an example of ______.(a} why the French were able to cut off the English from the Atlantic seaboard(b) the French preference for building forts(c} comparison with the English colonies(d) Why the Puritans and Quakers chose English locations to settle7. The “Treaty of Paris” mentioned in line 13 _______(a) was signed in North America(b) was signed in 1690(c) did not end the conflict(d) confirmed all of North America under British control8. The word “domain” in line 16 is closest in meaning to _______.(a) America (b) area (c) the Colonies (d) size9. The word “motivation” in line 14 is closest in meaning to _______.(a) incentive (b) necessary (c) requirement (d) occupation10.Which of the following best describes what the ruling classes of England did not seem to understand about the American colonists?(a) they did not like the English class system (b) they wanted a war with English(c) they wanted greater freedom (d) they preferred the fresh air of AmericanQuestions 11-20Passage TwoPatent medicine used in America dates back to the early days of the Republic, when drugs imported from Europe were sold by postmasters, goldsmiths, grocers, and tailors. Their use expanded during the Jacksonian era as Americans rebelled against traditional doctors and enthusiastically endorsed quackery. Increasing urbanization and industrialization also fed the market for patent medicines, as new drugs were needed to combat epidemics. But these sales, by mid-century, were due to two non-medical events.Patent legislation in 1793 made it possible for manufactures to protect their product against counterfeiters. But most manufacturers did not seek patents on the formulas for their medicines, since these were often combinations of common products like alcohol and vegetable extracts which they preferred not to reveal. Instead, they sought patents on the shape of the bottle, promotional materials, and label information.The number of newspapers published in the country grew from 200 during Jefferson's administration to over 4000 at the time of Lincoln's presidency. The penny press, begun by Benjamin Day in 1833, was marked at a mass audience and cost just one cent per issue. To recover revenue lost from subscription prices, Day and others sought profits through advertising. Patent medicine was the perfect product to advertise in penny papers since its sensational claims buttressed the sensational bent of the news and stories in them.“Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound”was the most successful patent medicine of the century, and Mrs. Pinkham’s face was known across the country. Like most Americans, she was convinced that Divine Providence had stocked the promised land with vegetables and herbs unknown elsewhere, which could cure disease. Mrs Pinkham received the basic formula for her nostrum as payment for a debt owed her husband. As a result of severe economic hardships for her family, she began heavy promotion of the medicine in Boston newspapers in 1876, and her son attached his mother's picture to the product. Thus was born modern advertising. Mrs. Pinkham was popular with her female followers for her feminist bent, and for the fact that she encouraged them to write her for advice. An analysis of the compound by the AMA in 1914 revealed it was 20 percent alcohol, with the rest made of vegetable extracts.11. What aspect of patent medicine does the passage mainly discuss?(A) the dangers(C) as an example of quackery (B) why it was so popular (D) the most successful products12. The word “these” in paragraph 1 refers to______.(A) the market (C) new drugs (B) patent medicines (D) non-medical events13. The word “reveal” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to________.(A) hide (B) advertise (C) expose (D) know14. The author implies that which of the following was the reason why most manufactures preferred not to seek patents on their medicines?(A) they made more money from the bottle than the contents(B) they considered it wasn’t necessary because of the high demand for these products(C) the patent legislation was not an effective protection against copies(D) they usually blended common products into medicines15. According to the paragraph 3, the result of marketing the penny press at a mass audience was_______.(A) a decrease in revenue (C) increased advertising (B) decreased subscriptions(D) increased sales of patent medicines16. Which of the following did patent medicine and the penny press have in common, according to the passage?(A) an approach to gaining attention of the public (B) a belief in advertising(C) the need to recover money (D) a mass audience17. What was the origin of the formula for Mrs. Pinkham’s compound?(A) Divine Providence (B) Payment for a debt (C) Vegetables (D) It was unknown18. The word “thus” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.(A) and so (B) in conclusion (C) in summary (D) therefore19. Why does the author mention Mrs. Pinkham’s photo?(A) because of her son (B) to help explain why she was so popular with women(C) because of her husband (D) as an example of the promotional approach20. Women were attracted to Mrs. Pinkham because _______.(A) of her photo (B) of her product (C) of her interest in them (D) of her sonQuestions 21 to 30Passage ThreeCommunication researchers have found that most of a message is carried in non-verbal ways. The importance of this is that awareness of non-verbal messages can significantly influence the effectiveness of any communication. For example, one study found that up to 55% of the impact comes through facial expressions and another 30% from tone of voice and inflection. The research shows that three basic emotions are conveyed non-verbally. First, it is the extent to which we like or dislike others. Eye contact is the major indication of liking. People communicating normally look at each other about 40-60% of the time, and more eye contact than this, indicates liking, while less indicates dislike. Second, it is the extent of submissiveness or dominance. This is conveyed by the environment as well as by the speaker. Third, it is responsiveness --- positive, negative, or mixed - that others arouse in us. Posture, for example, leaning toward or away from another, has a great deal to do with this. Showing, responsiveness by leaning forward, nodding, and increasing eye contact will likely stimulate the speaker to continue on his or her current line of thought, for example.Thus, non-verbal communication, or what is often generally referred to today as "body language", is mostly unconscious communication that shows the actual emotions the speaker or listener feels, and is a reliable indicator of these feelings. It determines how the spoken words will be interpreted, and is difficult to manipulate or disguise in any communication. The listener, by monitoring both verbal and non-verbal communication can get a clearer picture of the message, especially where mixed signals are being sent. Here, the non-verbal messages are more reliable than the verbal ones. For speakers, on the other hand, non-verbal communication presents both problems and potential contributions. Public speakers sometimes talk of a "cough-meter" by which they measure audience reaction; And foran audience, darting eyes, palms not visible, shifting from one foot to another, hand covering mouth or fingers tugging at the ear are clues. Whenever there is a conflict between the words that someone says and their body signals and movements, we almost always believe their body!21. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Communication styles.B. The complexity of communication.C. Non-verbal communication.D. The way feelings affect speaking.22. The author implies that only 15% of the impact of communication comes fromA. facial expressions.B. tone of voice.C. eye contact.D. words spoken23. The word “impact” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A. importanceB. messageC. effectD. achievement24. The wor d “this” in paragraph 1 refers toA. indication of liking.B. communicating normally.C. looking at each other.D. about 40-60% of the time.25. Why does the author mention "the environment" in paragraph 1?A. Because this can influence behavior.B. Because it is as important as the speaker.C. Because submission or dominance involves two people.D. Because it conveys our likes and dislikes.26. According to the passage, leaning forward may be an example ofA. interestB. positive response.C. mixed attitude.D. increased eye contact27. According to the passage, body language is a reliable measure ofA. listening.B. responsiveness.C. meanings.D. feelings.28 The word “here” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.A. in the caseB. at this stageC. howeverD. also29. The word “potential” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.A. unwantedB. unavoidableC. possibleD. welcome30.According to the passage, if a speaker has closed fists it is a sign of _______.A. angerB. emphasisC. a clueD. reactionSection Two:Multiple Choices (20)Directions: There are 20 sentences below, in each of which there is an underlined word. You should choose in the ONE answer that is closest in meaning to it and write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Itinerant preachers played an important role in United States religious history.(A) Protestant (B)Unofficial (C) Evangelical (D) Traveling32. I noticed that the short man had a swarthy complexion, a heavy beard, and kept both hands in his topcoat pockets.(A) pale-coloured (B} pink (C) dark-colour (D) pallid33. The union's grievance committee met with the school board to protest the teachers firing.(A) personnel (B) investment (C) charity (D) complaint34. Natural silk is obtained by unraveling the thin threads of the cocoons spun by the caterpillars of the silkworm moth.(A) unwinding (B) unleashing (C) undulating (D) undertaking35. The rose may grow as a low bush or as a tree, depending on how it is pruned.(A) nourished (B)trimmed (C) planted (D) watered36. A talented actress, Ruth Draper, was able to portray an impressive range of characters by seeming tonothing more than change her attire and props.(A) dialect (B)demeanor (C} clothing (D)delivery37. The difference between the polar and equatorial diameters of Mars has not been unequivocally determined.(A) easily (B)arithmetically (C) conventionally (D)definitely38. Tendons consist of fibers twined helically, as in rope.(A) spirally (B)conically (C) crookedly (D) raggedly39. Distributed judiciously, copper sulfate kills algae without harming fish.(A) neatly (B) generously (C) wisely (D) periodically40. The introduction of the bus signaled the eventual demise of the trolley car as a form of travel.(A) designation (B) disappearance (C) mechanization (D) riskiness41. The degree of declivity of a beach depends on its sediment composition as well as on the action of waves across its surface.(A) graininess (B) downward slope (C) seasonal change (D) resistance42. How long an animal or plant can live is governed by heredity, environment and chance.(A) climate (B) altitude (C) history (D)genetics43. Some cells, such as epithelia, proliferate more rapidly when the body is asleep than when it is awake.(A) cluster. (B)heal (C) adapt (D) multiply44. Seminal contributions to science are those that change the tenor of the questions asked by succeeding generations.(A) nature (B) results (C) direction (D) idea45. Students of the Berry School for Mountain Children helped pay for their education by doing part-time 1abor that pertained to their particular course of study.(A) paid for (B) resulted in (C) related to (D) conveyed with46. Fertilizer applied to soil can replace depleted nutrients.(A) organic (B)acidic (C) exhausted (D) desirable47. As a boy, President Calvin Coolidge was regarded by his family and neighbors as a chatter-box.(A) a sickly invalid (B)an incessant talker (C) an insolent upstart (D) a resolute miser48. The anhinga is a black water bird that frequents the perimeters of the Everglades.(A) edges (B)waters (C) swamps (D) forests49. In astronomy, a scale of magnitude from one to six denotes the brightness of a star.(A) predicts (B)examines (C) contracts (D) signifies50. Most members of the camel family are found in arid habitats.(A) dirty (B)dry (C) sandy (D) harshSection Three Proofreading and Error CorrectionDirections: The following passages contain TEN errors. Each indicated line contained a maximum of ONE error. In each case only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct the following way:So monstrous a discrepancy in evaluation requiring us examine (51) _______basic principles. Just what's a dictionary for? What does it propose to do?What does the common reader go to a dictionary to find? What has thepurchaser of a dictionary right to expect for his money? (52) _______ Before we look at basic principles, it is necessary to interposeto brief statements. The first of these is that a dictionary is concerned (53) _______with words. Some dictionaries give various kinds of other useful information.Some have tables for weights and measures on the flyleaves. Some (54) _______list historical events and some, for home remedies . And there’s (55) _______nothing wrong with its so doing. But the great increase in (56) _______our vocabulary in the past three decades compels all dictionaries to makemore efficient use of their space. And if anything must be eliminated, it (57) _______is sensible to throw out these extraneous things and stick to words.The second brief statement is that there has beeneven much progress in the making of dictionaries in the past thirty years (58) _______than has been in the making of automobiles The difference, for example, (59) _______between the much-touting Second International and the much-clouted (60) _______Third International is not like the difference between yearly models butlike the difference between the horse and buggy and the automobile.Section Four: Cloze (15)Direction: Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words. The first letter of each other has already been given.Write your answers after the corresponding number on the ANSWER SHEET.What Is History?When does history begin? It is tempting to reply “In the beginning”, but like many obvious answers, this soon turns (61) o to be unhelpful. As a great Swiss historian once (62) p out in another connexion, history is the one subject where you cannot begin at the beginning. If we want to,we can (63) t the chain of human descent back to the appearance of vertebrates, (64) o even to the photosynthetic cells which lie at the start of life itself. We can go back further still,to almost unimaginable upheavals which formed this planet and even to the origins of the (65) u . Yet this is not “history”.Commonsense helps here:(66) h is the story of mankind,of what it has done, (67) s or enjoyed. We all know that dogs and cats do not have histories, (68) w human beings do. Even when historians write about a natural process (69) b human control, such as the ups and downs of climate, or (70) t spread of disease,they do so only because it helps us to understand (71) w men and women have lived (and died)in some ways rather than others.This suggests that all we have to do is to identify the moment at (72) w the first human beings step out from the shadows of the remote past. It is not quite as simple as that, (73) t . Physiological tests help us to classify data but do not identify what is or is not human. That is a (74) m of a definition about which disagreement is possible. Some people have suggested that human uniqueness (75) l in language, yet other primates possess vocal equipment similar to our own.Section Five: Paraphrase the following (10)Directions: Write your paraphrase after the corresponding number on the ANSWER SHEET.76. With so much big money and so many big dreams pinned to an idea that is still largely on the drawing boards, there's no limit to the hype.77. Mr. Adams, you have an annoying talent for making such delightful words as “pr opert y” sound quite distasteful.78. King's spick-and-span flagship belonged to a different world than the storm-whipped British vessel.79. It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight.80. He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant.Section Six: English-Chinese Translation (20)Directions: Translate the following from English into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEETSummer, fall, winter, spring, another summer, another fall-- so much he had given of his active life to the incorrigible lips of Judy Jones. She had treated him with interest, with encouragement, with malice, with indifference, with contempt. She had inflicted on him the innumerable little slights and indignities possible in such a case--as if in revenge for having ever cared for him at all. She had beckoned him and yawned at him and beckoned him again and he had responded often with bitterness and narrowed eyes. She had brought him ecstatic happiness and intolerable agony of spirit. She had caused him untold inconvenience and not a little trouble. She had insulted him, and she had ridden over him, and she had played his interest in her against his interest in his work--for fun. She had done everything to him except to criticize him--this she had not done-- it seemed to him only because it might have sullied the utter indifference she manifested and sincerely felt toward him.When autumn had come and gone again it occurred to him that he could not have Judy Jones. He had to beat this into his mind but he convinced himself at last. He lay awake at night for a while and argued it over. He told himself the trouble and the pain she had caused him, he enumerated her glaring deficiencies as a wife. Then he said to himself that he loved her, and after a while he fell asleep. For a week, lest he imagined her husky voice over the telephone or her eyes opposite him at lunch, he worked hard and late, and at night he went to his office and plotted out his years.(F. Scott Fitzgerald: Winter Dreams)Section Seven Chinese- English Translation (30)Directions: Translate the following from Chinese into English and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.长期以来,纽约市一直在不懈地与空气污染和街道垃圾污染进行着一场看似打不赢的战役。
示例〔A〕〔B〕D〕1. How are you, Bob?_______________ Ted.A. How are you?B. I’m fine. Thank you.C. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you.2. Thank you for your help._________________A. My pleasure.B. Never mind.C. Quite right.D. Don’t thank me.3. Hello, I’m Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but_______.A. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me4. Paul, ______________?Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother.A. What is the person over thereB. Who’s talking over thereC. What are they doingD. Which is that5. Hi, Tom, how is everything with you?_______________, and how are you?A. Don’t mention itB. Hm, not too badC. ThanksD. Pretty fast第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。
武汉理工大学2011年研究生入学考试试题课程名称材料科学基础一、(30分)立方ZnS是立方晶系,根据其晶胞图(图1)回答下列问题:1、画出ZnS晶胞在(001)面上的投影图;在晶胞图上画出(111)晶面和[111]晶向(建立坐标系);2、何种离子做何种密堆积?晶胞中有哪几种空隙,空隙利用率分别是多少?何种离子填何种空隙?3、晶胞分子数是多少?结构中各离子的配位数为多少,写出其配位多面体;4、结构中S2-电价是否饱和,为什么?5、对于大多数晶体来说,结合力的性质是属于综合性的,请指出Zn-S键的键性并说明原因;6、像立方ZnS这类晶体(质点的堆积可以近似地认为是刚性球体的堆积,服从最紧密堆积原理),如何揭示、理解晶体的微观结构及其与晶体性质的关系?图1 立方ZnS晶胞结构图2 成核速率和生长速率与过冷度的关系二、(10分)图2为晶体的成核速率和生长速率与过冷度的关系,请根据图解释玻璃形成的动力学条件。
2、指出S A(B)、S B(A)固溶体的晶体结构类型。
图3 A-B-C三元系统相图六、(15分)试讨论从室温到熔融温度范围内,氯化锌添加剂(10-6mol%)对NaCl单晶中所有离子(Na和Cl)扩散能力的影响。
2010年武汉理工大学619基础英语考研真题 2009年武汉理工大学619基础英语考研真题 2008年武汉理工大学619基础英语考研真题 2007年武汉理工大学617基础英语考研真题 2006年武汉理工大学317基础英语考研真题 2005年武汉理工大学317综合英语考研真题 2004年武汉理工大学317基础英语考研真题 2003年武汉理工大学综合英语考研真题 2002年武汉理工大学综合英语考研真题
考试复习重点资料(最新版)资料见第二页封面第1页复习题一Part IVocabulary(20%)Directions A:There are20incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.1.Strangely,Bill keeps his office neat as pin,while his home is always in a state of()A.chaosB.clarityC.CharityD.chorus2.The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to_______a large population.()A.digestB.retainC.sustainD.survive3.Their ambitious schemes for making big money quickly()A.took a chanceB.got to the pointC.came to nothingD.went into action4.These technological advances in communication have_______the way people do business.()A.revolvedB.representedC.AdoptedD.transformed5.Lucy felt she had to be nice to everyone because she never knew who might be a(n)_______customer.()A.prospectiveB.perspectiveC.respectiveD.executive6.Since the energy crisis,these big cars have become a real_______.They cost too much to run.()A.advantageB.liabilityC.reliabilityD.asset7.This_______porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship.()A.requisiteB.prerequisiteC.exquisiteD.appropriate8.After such a confrontation between the two parties,any reconciliation would be()A.out of questionB.within questionC.out of the questionD.without question9.Examinations are not the only means of_______a student’s ability.()A.assumingB.assertingC.assigningD.assessing10.She tried to keep a_______face,but inside she rejoiced at the news.()A.soberB.stableC.StationeryD.stationary11.The success of yesterday’s concert is due in large part to the extensive_______campaign they ran for weeks before the event.()A.persuasionB.publicityC.publicationD.propaganda12.They are_______a change of our present way of life to a greener lifestyle.()A.imposingB.publicizingC.PreachingD.adapting13.In a_______between the management and the union,a4%pay raise was agreed on in return foran increase in productivity.()A.promisepromiseC.collaborationD.cooperation14.The_______of women to men at my college is about two to one.()A.rateB.portionC.percentageD.proportion15.The year1972was marked by publication of a_______book,The Limits to Growth.()A.consistentB.confusedC.considerateD.controversial16.When the flames_______,we will be able to see the extent of the damage.()A.die downB.die offC.die outD.die away17.We need_______improvement in public support.()A.trivialB.resultantC.generousD.substantial18.John kept his money stored away in a secret place,for fear his nephew should()A.wash his hands ofy his hands onC.capitalize onD.make the best of19.They are poor and uneducated._______,they are very unlikely to ever have an opportunity to travel abroad.()A.In caseB.For that matterC.As suchD.At most20.It is hard to_______the death of a member of your family.()A.get offB.get byC.get awayD.get overDirections B:There are20sentences in this section.In each sentence there is a word or phrase underlined.Below each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing its original meaning.21.The growth of a city enhances the value of land close to it.()A.increasesB.decreasesC.emphasizedD.highlighted22.What with dishes to wash and children to put to bed,Susan was late to the meeting.()A.For the sake ofB.Regardless ofC.Because ofD.In spite of23.In relation to the teaching of English grammar,Mrs.Shapiro has much to say.()A.ConcerningB.ConnectingC.In support ofD.Aside from24.His dissertation can be broken down into five parts and each discusses a particular issue in the area.()A.linkedB.connectedC.dividedbined25.Perceiving that he wasn’t happy with the arrangement,I tried to book a different hotel.()A.ForecastingB.ConceivingC.ForeseeingD.Realizing26.It is out of fashion to talk about these pop singers.People are now showing great interest in football.()A.not popularB.popularC.not wiseD.silly27.It was only when I saw the watch at close quarters that I realized how unusual it was.()A.in sightB.close byC.at lengthD.in the way28.With the introduction of advanced technology,our company is now able to build ships of tremendous proportion.()A.rateB.percentageC.sizeD.portion29.She hated to be caught in such embarrassing circumstances,but she knew it was her own fault.()A.be involved inB.be trapped inC.be immersed inD.be rough on30.According to the speaker,there are some supernatural phenomena for which no scientists can offer any rational explanation.()A.virtualB.satisfactoryC.imaginaryD.reasonable31.There is likelihood that she will make a full recovery.()A.probabilityB.explanationC.assertionD.claim32.You have a legal obligation to ensure that your child receive a proper education.()A.formulaB.schemeC.dutyD.liability33.The ingredients of a cake usually include eggs,sugar,flour and flavoring.()A.slicesB.elementsC.essenceD.concept34.I enjoy working with these kids because I’m first and last a school teacher.()A.at mostB.as a matter of factC.at leastD.all in all35.The dispute finally came down to a question of which side should be responsible for the loss.()A.was passed along toB.was faced byC.was reduced toD.was judged by36.That was a wonderful experience,I never expected to come my way.()A.stand in my wayB.belong to meC.get under my controlD.happen to me37.That afternoon I addressed myself to forging a note.()A.enjoyed myself inB.busied myself inC.indulged myself inD.interested myself in38.When he felt out of sorts,he would rave and stamp,or sink into suicidal gloom...()A.in high spiritsB.in a bad temperC.desperateD.helpless39.Big arguments stimulate their interest,and with luck engage their attention.()A.giveB.wake upC.PayD.take up40.Jenny had never been to a big party before and she was ill at ease.()A.enthusiasticB.uncomfortableC.excitedD.sensitivePart IICloze(10%)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blanks there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.We were late as(41)_______.My husband had insisted on doing his(42)_______by himself,and when he discovered that he couldn’t(43)_______he asked me for help at the last(44)_______.So now we had an hour to get to the airport.Luckily,there wasn’t much(45)_______on the road and we were able to get there just in time.We(46)_____in and went straight to the departure hall to wait for our flight to be(47)____.We waited and waited but no(48)____was made.We asked at the information desk and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t(49)_______arrived yet.In the end there was an announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108could collect a(50)_______meal ticket and that the plane hadn’t left Spain because of(51)_______problems.We thought that it wasn’t(52)_______for the plane to fly.We waited again for(53)_______until late evening when we were asked to(54)_______to the information desk again.This time we were given tickets to(55)_______the night at the airline’s expense in the nearby hotel.The next morning after a(56)_______night because of all the planes taking off and landing,we reported back to the airport.Guess what had happened while we were(57)_______!Our plane had arrived and taken off again.All the other passengers had been(58)_______up in the night to(59)_______the plane,but for some reason or(60)_______we had been forgotten.You can imagine how we felt!41.A.always ualC.beforeD.yet()42.A.packing B.wrappingC.bindingD.filling()43.A.solve B.manageC.handleD.deal()44.A.time B.periodC.stageD.moment()45.A.vehicle B.transportationC.trafficD.passengers()46.A.checked B.registeredC.enteredD.appeared()d B.toldC.calledD.made()48.A.statement B.declarationC.announcementD.arrangement()49.A.ever B.evenC.howeverD.still()50.A.expensive B.cheapC.costlyD.free()51.A.scientific B.mechanicC.technologicalD.technical()52.A.safe B.certainfortableD.right()53.A.length B.agesC.timesD.minutes()54.A.report B.contactC.touchD.request()55.A.stay B.spendC.put upD.pass()56.A.sound B.deepC.sleeplessD.poor()57.A.overslept B.oversleepingC.sleepyD.asleep()58.A.woken B.awakeC.awokenD.woke()59.A.seize B.graspC.aboardD.catch()60.A.another B.otherC.elseD.more()Part IIIReading Comprehension(40%)Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Read each passage carefully and decide on the best answer.Passage OneThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands into farmland,and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric(水力发电的)power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes(沼泽)and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.However,man’s changes to the physical environment haven’t always had beneficial results.Today,pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles;smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrial areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea,pollution from oil is increasing and is killing enormous number of algae(海藻),fish and birds.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed.The same problem exists in rivers.Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.61.Man has changed his physical environment with a view to()A.altering the physical features of the earthB.modifying the face of the earthC.bettering his way of lifeD.improving his surroundings62.The ecological balance of the sea is lost when()A.people consume more fish than they used toB.the ecological balance of the river is changedC.the production of marine petroleum is increasedrge numbers of algae,fish and birds are killed63.The underlined word“modified”in Para1means()A.changedB.lessenedC.modeledD.qualified64.Who would most probably disagree with conservationists?()A.industrialistsB.ecologistsC.businessmenD.environmentalists65.The purpose of the writer is()A.to reduce the modern technologyB.to improve man’s way of lifeC.to warn people not to change the natural environmentD.to call attention to the protection of the natural environmentPassage TwoIf we are to help students develop reading skills in a foreign language,it is important to understand what is involved in the reading process itself.If we have a clear idea of how“good readers”read,either in their own or a foreign language,this will enable us to decide whether particular reading techniques are likely to help learners or not.In considering the reading process,it is important to distinguish between two separate activities:reading for meaning(or“silent reading”)and reading aloud.Reading for meaning is the activity we normally engage in when we read books,newspapers,road signs,etc.;it is what you are doing as you read this text.It involves looking at sentences and understanding the message they convey,in other words,“making sense”of a written text.It doesn’t normally involve saying the words we read,not even silently inside our heads;there are important reasons for this,which are outlined below.Reading aloud is a completely different activity;its purpose is not just to understand a text but to convey the information to someone else.It is not an activity we engage in very often outside the classroom;common examples are reading out parts of a newspaper article to a friend,or reading a notice to other people who can’t see it.Obviously,reading aloud involves looking at a text,understanding it and also saying it.Because our attention is divided between reading and speaking,it is a much more difficult activity than reading silently;we often stumble and make mistakes when reading aloud in own language,and reading aloud in a foreign language is even more difficult.66.The purpose of the author is to()A.introduce reading skillsB.explain reading processC.decide whether particular reading skills are likely to help learnersD.emphasize silent reading67.The underlined word“stumble”in Para3means()A.fallingB.speaking in a hesitating wayC.walking with heavy movementsD.being shy68.We can infer from the passage that the author will()A.explain why we needn’t say the words when reading for meaningB.summarize the two reading activitiesC.dwell on reading aloudD.insist that guess work should be important in both reading aloud and reading for meaning69.In daily life,reading aloud is()A.frequently usedB.absolutely importantC.less involved than reading silentlyD.more involved than reading silently70.We can conclude that()A.to understand a sentence,you have to read all the words in itB.silent reading involves looking at a text and saying the words silently to yourselfC.there is no difference between reading in one’s own language and in a foreign languageD.reading silently is easier than reading aloudPassage ThreeIn our system of education today,examinations are a common feature.Our present education system has often been criticized as too examination-oriented(以考试为导向的).However,one must remember that in offices and other areas of work,examinations still feature clearly.There is no doubt that the fear and influence of examination cause much preparation work.So it therefore appears that examinations whether considered good or bad would stay for a while as a test of human knowledge.Examinations are means to test the intellect of a person,how much he knows or how he has learnt from a particular course.It is designed to make students study,which should be their immediate mission in life.In our competitive world of today,examinations have a highly selecting or filtering role.In the university,students have to pass annual examinations before they are allowed to continue,or study a harder syllabus(教学大纲).(81)Moreover,for entrance into a university,preuniversity examination results would provide a guide as to whether a student has the minimum qualifications necessary.In offices whether government or private ones,examination results show clearly whether a person is fit for promotion.The results indicate how much he knows about the work.In all these cases,examinations inculcate(灌输)a spirit of hard work and competition.Students or office workers can refresh their mind again and again on what they have learnt.This maintains a certain individual and overall standard of knowledge.71.The first paragraph mainly indicates that()A.although criticized,examinations are still widely usedB.examinations play a bad role in educationC.one should take an argument in favor of examinationD.examinations serve as a test of human knowledge72.The functions of examinations in offices is that their results()A.show clearly how well a person is prepared for the examinationsB.show clearly whether a person is fit for promotionC.suggest the way in which the employees deal with routine workD.indicate whether an employee has minimum qualifications necessary73.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?()A.Examinations can motivate people to work hard and to be competitiveB.Examinations involve much preparation workC.Through examinations,excellent people can be selectedD.Examinations have produced many people capable of their own field74.The underlined word“filtering”in Para2means()A.passingB.purifying by using a filterC.motivatingD.encouraging75.The author’s attitude to examination seems to be()A.uncertainB.neutralC.positiveD.partialPassage Four(82)“There is a senseless notion that children grow up and leave home when they’re18,and the truth is far from that,”says sociologist Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.Today,unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents.“There is a major shift in the middle class,”declares sociologist Allan Schnaiberg of Northwestern University,whose son,19,moved back in after absence of eight months.Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest.The marriage age is rising,a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people.A high divorce rate and a declining marriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters.For some,the expense of an away-from college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools.Even after graduation,young people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs.A mother says,“It’s ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent.It makes sense for kids to stay at home.”But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all.There are the hassles over bathrooms,telephones and privacy.Some families,however,managing the delicate balancing act.But for others,it proves too difficult.Michelle Del Turco,24,has been home three times—and left three times,“What I considered a social drink,my dad considered an alcohol problem,”she explains.“He never liked anyone I dated,so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends’house.”Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on?Most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake.Many agree that brief visits,however,can work beneficially.76.There was once a trend in the U.S.that()A.young adults left their parents and lived independentlyB.with the marriage age rising,young adults spent more time living with their parentsC.middle-class young adults stayed with their parentsD.divorced young adults moved back to their parents’home77.Which of the following is not the reason for young adults returning home?()A.They want to seek emotional comfort after divorce.B.They are too na?ve to live independently.C.They find housing cost is a serious problem for them.D.It’s difficult for them to afford the expense of away-from home college education.78.The disadvantages of young adults’staying with their parents are the following except()A.the difficulty to support a large familyB.the inconveniences in everyday lifeC.parents’interference in children’s privacyD.excessive restrictions of children’s behavior79.What is the best way for parents and children?()A.Parents should let their children alone.B.Children should share the family expenses.C.Children should visit their parents from time to time.D.Children should live independently when they’re18.80.The underlined word“skyrocketing”means()A.soaringB.of rocketC.fastD.speedingPart IV Translation(15%)Directions A:Translate the two underlined sentences in Passage Three and Passage Four into Chinese.81.(Passage Three)82.(Passage Four)Directions B:Translate the following into English.83.各主要候选人的代表都在努力动员选民支持选举。
武汉理工大学2011年研究生入学考试试题课程名称材料科学基础一、(30分)立方ZnS是立方晶系,根据其晶胞图(图1)回答下列问题:1、画出ZnS晶胞在(001)面上的投影图;在晶胞图上画出(111)晶面和[111]晶向(建立坐标系);2、何种离子做何种密堆积?晶胞中有哪几种空隙,空隙利用率分别是多少?何种离子填何种空隙?3、晶胞分子数是多少?结构中各离子的配位数为多少,写出其配位多面体;4、结构中S2-电价是否饱和,为什么?5、对于大多数晶体来说,结合力的性质是属于综合性的,请指出Zn-S键的键性并说明原因;6、像立方ZnS这类晶体(质点的堆积可以近似地认为是刚性球体的堆积,服从最紧密堆积原理),如何揭示、理解晶体的微观结构及其与晶体性质的关系?图1 立方ZnS晶胞结构图2 成核速率和生长速率与过冷度的关系二、(10分)图2为晶体的成核速率和生长速率与过冷度的关系,请根据图解释玻璃形成的动力学条件。
2、指出S A(B)、S B(A)固溶体的晶体结构类型。
图3 A-B-C三元系统相图六、(15分)试讨论从室温到熔融温度范围内,氯化锌添加剂(10-6mol%)对NaCl单晶中所有离子(Na和Cl)扩散能力的影响。
①正确性②可读性③键状性④可靠性2.指针p所指的元素是双向链表L的尾元素的条件是 A 。
若队列采用链式存储,则该链式队列 B 。
A:①P==L ②P==NULL ③P->Llink==L ④p->Rlink==LB:①存在队满的情况②不存在队空的情况③入队之前必须判断队满否④出队之前必须判断队空否3.二叉排序树是:。
①b+2*j+i-2 ②b+2*i+j-2 ③b+2*j+i-3 ④b+2*i+j-35.已知一棵二叉树的前序序列和中序序列分别是GFDBHCEA和DFHBGCAE,则该二叉树的后序序列为 A ,层次序列为 B ,若由森林转化得到的二叉树是非空的二叉树,则该二叉树是 C ,如果满足条件 D ,线索二叉树中结点p无右孩子。
A、B:①DBHFEACG ②GFCDBEHA ③DHBFAECG ④DFGBCEHAC:①根结点无右子树②根结点可能有左子树和右子树③根结点无左子树④各结点只有一个孩子D:① p->rchild==NULL ② p->rtag==1 ③ p->rtag==0 ④p->rtag==NULL6. 一个加权连通无向图的最小生成树可以使用 A 生成。
一项工程完工所需的最少时间等于某个 BA:①Hash算法②Dijstra算法③prim算法④Huffman算法B:①AOE网中源点到汇点事件最多的路径的长度②AOE网中源点到汇点的最长路径的长度③AOE网中源点到汇点的最短路径的长度④AOE网中源点到汇点活动最多的路径的长度7.用冒泡排序的方法对n个记录进行排序,第一趟共要比较 A 对元素。
2023年武汉理工大学学位英语考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Funny Experience at Wuhan University of TechnologyHi guys! I want to share with you all my funny experience when I took the English degree exam at Wuhan University of Technology in 2023. It was super cool, and I'm so excited to tell you all about it!First of all, before the exam, I was really nervous. I studied so hard every day and my brain felt like it was going to explode! But when I got to the exam room, I saw all my friends there and we started chatting and laughing. It made me feel better right away.Then, the exam started and I looked at the first question. Oh my gosh, it was like a monster from outer space! But I took a deep breath and remembered what my English teacher told me: "Just do your best and everything will be okay." So, I started writing and writing and suddenly, the words just flowed out of my brain like magic! I couldn't believe it!After the exam, we all went to celebrate at the school cafeteria. We ate pizza and drank soda and talked about how crazy the exam was. But we all agreed that it was a fun experience and we were proud of ourselves for doing our best.In the end, I got my exam results and guess what? I passed with flying colors! I was so happy and so proud of myself. It just showed me that if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve anything.So, guys, if you ever feel nervous or scared about an exam, just remember to stay positive, relax, and do your best. You got this! And who knows, maybe you'll have a funny experience just like mine at Wuhan University of Technology.That's all for now. Thanks for listening, and remember to keep smiling and never give up on your dreams. Bye-bye!篇2Title: My Experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree ExamHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my experience at the Wuhan University of Technology EnglishDegree Exam in 2023. It was super exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking, but I had a lot of fun too!First of all, the exam was held in a big room with lots of other kids from my school. We all had to bring our pencils and erasers and sit at our own little desks. The exam started with some easy questions, like matching the words with their correct meanings and filling in the blanks with the right words. I felt pretty confident in these parts, so I finished them quickly and moved on to the next section.The next part of the exam was a reading comprehension section. We had to read a story and answer questions about it. The story was about a boy who found a magic mirror that could show him the future. It was really cool and kind of funny too! The questions were a bit trickier this time, but I tried my best to answer them all.After the reading comprehension, we had to write a short essay about our favorite hobby. I wrote about playing soccer with my friends at the park. I talked about how much fun it was and how it kept me active and healthy. I even drew a little picture of me scoring a goal! I hope the examiners liked it.The last part of the exam was a speaking test. We had to stand up in front of the class and talk about a topic of our choicefor two minutes. I chose to talk about my pet dog, Max. I told everyone how cute he was and all the fun things we did together.I was a little nervous at first, but once I started talking, I couldn't stop!Finally, the exam was over and we all waited nervously for our results. After a few days, we got our scores back and I was so happy to see that I had passed! I got a certificate and a medal to show that I had done a great job.Overall, the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree Exam was a really fun and exciting experience. I learned a lot and had a great time showing off my English skills. I can't wait to see what else I can achieve in the future!That's all for now, thanks for reading! Bye bye!篇3Title: My Experience Taking the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English ExamHi everyone! My name is Lucy and I'm so excited to tell you all about my experience taking the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam. It was a big deal for mebecause I've been studying English really hard and I wanted to do my best.First of all, let me tell you about the exam itself. It was held in a big room with lots of other students. There were different sections like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I was a little nervous at first, but the teachers were really nice and they helped us feel comfortable.The reading section was not too hard for me because I love reading English books. I had to answer questions about the passages and find the main ideas. It was fun because I got to learn new words and improve my reading skills.The writing section was a bit challenging for me because I had to write an essay about my favorite place. I chose to write about a park near my house and I described all the fun things I do there. I also had to write a letter to a friend inviting them to visit the park with me. It was a great opportunity to practice my writing skills.The listening section was really interesting because we had to listen to different conversations and answer questions about them. Some of the conversations were about everyday things like going shopping or having a picnic. It was a good way to improve my listening skills and understand English better.The speaking section was the most nerve-wracking part for me. I had to talk about a topic for a few minutes and answer questions from the teachers. I chose to talk about my favorite hobby which is drawing. I was so happy when I finished because I felt like I did a good job.After the exam was over, I felt relieved and proud of myself for doing my best. I know that no matter what the results are, I worked hard and that's what matters the most.In conclusion, taking the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam was a great experience for me.I learned a lot, challenged myself, and had fun at the same time. I hope that all my friends who took the exam did well too. I can't wait to see the results and continue improving my English skills.That's all for now, see you next time! Bye-bye!篇4Title: My Experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English ExamHey everyone! I'm so excited to tell you about my experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree EnglishExam. It was a big day for me because I had been studying so hard for this exam and I really wanted to do my best.The exam had different sections like reading, listening, writing, and speaking. The reading section was a bit tricky because there were some difficult words, but I tried my best to understand the passages and answer the questions. The listening section was fun because we got to listen to different conversations and answer questions about them. I was a bit nervous during the speaking section because I had to talk about a topic for two minutes, but I practiced a lot at home so I felt more confident.In the writing section, we had to write an essay about our favorite hobby. I wrote about playing soccer because it's something I love to do with my friends. I talked about the rules of the game, why I enjoy playing, and some funny moments we've had on the field. I also wrote about how playing soccer helps me stay active and healthy.Overall, the exam was challenging but I'm proud of myself for completing it. I know I worked hard to prepare and I hope my efforts pay off. I can't wait to see my results and hopefully get my degree in English from Wuhan University of Technology. Wish me luck!篇5Title: My Experience of the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree ExaminationHi everyone! Today, I want to share with you all about my experience of taking the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree Examination. It was such a big deal for me because I really wanted to do well and make my parents proud. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, the exam had four parts - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tricky because they played recordings at a fast pace and I had to answer questions at the same time. But I tried my best to focus and write down the answers quickly.The reading part was not too hard for me because I love reading English stories and articles. There were some challenging vocabulary words, but I managed to understand them by guessing from the context. I also made sure to read the questions carefully before looking for the answers in the text.Now, let's talk about the writing part. This was probably the most nerve-wracking section for me because I had to write an essay in English. The topic was about my favorite hobby and whyI enjoy doing it. I chose to write about playing soccer because it's something I've been passionate about since I was a kid. I talked about how it helps me relax, stay healthy, and make new friends.I made sure to structure my essay properly with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.Lastly, the speaking part was both exciting and scary. I had to talk to the examiner in English about a topic related to daily life. I chose to talk about my last family vacation and what I enjoyed the most about it. I practiced beforehand with my friends and family, so I felt more confident during the actual exam.Overall, the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree Examination was a challenging but rewarding experience for me. I put in a lot of effort to prepare for it, and I hope that my hard work pays off in the end. I can't wait to see my results and share them with all of you!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story, and I hope you enjoyed hearing about my journey through the exam. Good luck to all my fellow students who are also taking exams this year. Let's give it our best shot!篇6Title: My Experience in the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree ExamHi everyone! I want to share with you my experience in the English degree exam at Wuhan University of Technology in 2023. It was a big deal for me, but I was excited to show what I've learned in my time at the university.The exam had different sections, like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. For the reading part, we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. It was challenging because some of the vocabulary was tricky, but I tried my best to understand the main idea of the text.In the writing section, we had to write an essay about a topic given to us. I wrote about the importance of learning a second language and how it can benefit us in today's globalized world. I talked about my own experiences learning English and how it has opened up new opportunities for me.The listening part was a bit nerve-wracking because we had to listen to recordings and answer questions about them. The speakers spoke really fast, but I tried to focus and catch the main points. It was a good practice for my listening skills.Finally, the speaking section was the most challenging for me. We had to have a conversation with a teacher about a topic and answer some follow-up questions. I was nervous, but I tried my best to speak clearly and express my ideas confidently.Overall, the exam was tough, but I felt proud of myself for giving it my all. I learned a lot from preparing for it, and I know it will help me improve my English skills in the future. I'm excited to see my results and continue my journey in learning English at Wuhan University of Technology.That's all for now! Thanks for listening to my experience in the English degree exam at Wuhan University of Technology in 2023. I hope you enjoyed it! Bye bye!篇7Title: My Fun Adventure at Wuhan University of TechnologyHey guys, it's me again, your friendly neighborhood elementary school student! So guess what? I recently took the English exam at Wuhan University of Technology and let me tell you, it was a blast! The exam was super fun and I can't wait to tell you all about it.First off, the exam started off with a listening section where we had to listen to a bunch of conversations and answer some questions about them. It was pretty easy because the voices were clear and the questions were simple. Then we moved on to the reading section where we had to read a bunch of passages and answer questions about them. Some of the passages were really interesting, like one about robots and another about space travel.After that, we had a writing section where we had to write a short essay about our favorite hobby. I wrote about how much I love playing soccer with my friends and how it always brings me so much joy. I even drew a little picture of me scoring a goal in my essay! It was so much fun to write about something I'm passionate about.Finally, we had a speaking section where we had to talk about a topic for a minute. I chose to talk about my dream of becoming a superhero one day and how I would use my powers for good. It was so cool to imagine myself flying through the sky and saving people in need. I even did a little superhero pose at the end of my speech!Overall, the exam was a great experience and I had so much fun. I can't wait to see how I did and I hope I get a good grade.Maybe one day I'll even come back to Wuhan University of Technology as a real student! Thanks for listening to my adventure, and I'll see you all next time. Bye!篇8Once upon a time in 2023, there was a big test at Wuhan University of Technology. It was the degree English exam and all the students were nervous but excited at the same time. We had been studying for this moment for so long and now it was finally here.The test started at 9am and we had three hours to complete it. The first part was reading comprehension, where we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. Some of the questions were tricky, but I remembered to always go back to the passage to find the answers.Next was the listening section, where we had to listen to a recording and answer questions about it. The voices on the recording spoke really fast, so it was hard to catch all the details. But I tried my best to focus and write down important information.After the listening, it was time for the writing section. This was the part I had been dreading the most. We had to write anessay on a given topic and make sure to use proper grammar and spelling. I wrote about my favorite season, summer, and all the fun activities I like to do during that time.Finally, the last part of the test was the speaking section. We had to stand up in front of the class and talk about a topic for a few minutes. I was so nervous, my hands were shaking, but I took a deep breath and talked about my dream job of becoming a teacher.After the test was over, we all felt relieved but also proud of ourselves for completing such a difficult challenge. We knew that no matter what the results were, we had tried our best and that was all that mattered.In the end, we all passed the test and received our degrees in English. We were so happy and grateful for the opportunity to study at such a great university. The experience taught us that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. And we couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for us.篇9Title: My Experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English ExamHey everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam. It was so much fun, but also really challenging!So first things first, on the day of the exam, I woke up super early because I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I had been studying really hard the past few weeks, so I was hoping all that hard work would pay off.Once I got to the exam hall, I saw a bunch of other students also looking super nervous. But we all gave each other encouraging smiles and I knew we were all in this together.The exam started with a listening section, where we had to listen to some conversations and answer questions about them. This part was really tricky because the speakers talked so fast! But luckily I had practiced a lot before the exam, so I think I did okay.Next up was the reading section. We had to read some articles and answer questions about them. Some of the articles were really interesting, like one about new technology trends. I felt like a little detective trying to find the answers in the text!Then came the writing section, which was probably the most challenging part for me. We had to write an essay about a topicof our choice. I chose to write about the importance of education in today's society. It was hard to organize my thoughts at first, but once I started writing, the words just flowed out of me.Finally, we had the speaking section. We had to talk about a random topic for a few minutes. I was so nervous for this part because I'm not really good at public speaking. But I just took a deep breath and started talking about my favorite hobby, reading. I rambled a bit, but I think I got my point across.Overall, the exam was a really great experience. It was challenging, but also really rewarding. I'm so proud of myself for getting through it and I can't wait to see how I did. Fingers crossed for a good grade!And that's it for my experience at the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam. Thanks for listening, and I hope you all have a great day!篇10Title: My Experience of Taking the 2023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English ExamHey guys, guess what? I wanna tell you all about my super cool experience of taking the Wuhan University of TechnologyDegree English Exam in 2023. It was so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you!First of all, let me tell you a little bit about the exam. It's a big test that we have to take to get our degree in English at the university. It's really important because it shows how well we can speak, read, and write in English. So, I was super nervous before the exam, but also really excited to show off all the English skills I've been working on.On the day of the exam, I woke up early and had a big breakfast to give me lots of energy. Then, I got all dressed up in my nicest clothes and headed to the exam room. There were lots of other students there, all looking just as nervous as me. But we all cheered each other on and wished each other good luck.The exam itself was divided into different sections. First, we had to do a reading and comprehension part where we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. Then, we had to write an essay on a given topic. I wrote all about my favorite hobby, which is playing soccer. After that, we had a listening test where we had to listen to some audio clips and answer questions. And finally, we had a speaking test where we had to talk about a topic for a few minutes.I won't lie, the exam was really tough! But I tried my best and put all my English skills to the test. I read carefully, wrote neatly, listened attentively, and spoke confidently. I felt really proud of myself for trying so hard and giving it my all.After the exam, I was so relieved and happy that it was over. I knew I had done my best, and that's all I could ask for. Now, all I have to do is wait for the results to come out. I hope I did well and that my hard work pays off.Taking the Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam was such an amazing experience. It challenged me, pushed me out of my comfort zone, and made me realize how much I love learning English. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my English skills.So, if any of you guys are thinking about taking the exam in the future, don't be scared! Just believe in yourself, study hard, and give it your all. I promise you'll do great and have a fantastic time just like I did.Thanks for listening to my story, guys! I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you soon. Bye for now!。
武汉理工大学大学英语分级考试试题Part I.Listening Comprehension(15%)Section A Short ConversationsDirections:In this section,you will hear10short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.A.$24 B.$12.C.$6.D.$18.2.A.At6:15. B.At6:45.C.At7:15.D.At7:45.3.A.Pass up the food. B.Take a bite of the cake.C.Make a wish.D.Cook a great cake.4.A.Because her clock stopped working.B.Because her arms couldn't move.C.Because her aunt failed to come again.D.Because her sleep was disturbed by the fire alarm.5.A.He doesn't know where the library is.B.He would like to borrow books from the woman.C.The woman doesn't need a map to find the library.D.He also wants to know where the library is.6.A.Fine but cold. B.Sunny and hot.C.Rainy and cold.D.Rainy and hot.7.A.The man should watch the program too.B.The man should leave the television on.C.The program will be over soon.D.She'll watch television later.8.A.Turn off the electricity. B.Pack their clothes.C.Call a taxi.D.Lock the suitcase.9.A.She took a bus. B.She walked.C.She drove herself.D.She was given a ride.10.A.The doctor can see him for a short time.B.He can bring in another chair.C.There will be a short wait.D.His appointment is for another time.Section B PassageDirections:In this section,you will hear a short passage.At the end of the passage,you will hear5questions.Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A.B,C and D.Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions11through15are based on the following passage.11.A.Because they prefer fresh flowers.B.Because they think all false things are ugly.C.Because false things are useless.D.Because they do not like to do“True”or“False”exercises.12.A.Because he didn't think all false things were ugly.B.Because he believed his grandfather had lied.C.Because he thought his grandfather could find no answer.D.Because he wanted to show he was cleverer than his grandpa.13.A.He thought his grandson could give an example.B.He thought his grandson was very clever.C.He thought what he had said was a certain truth.D.He thought his grandson wouldn't agree with him.14.A.He looked ugly.B.He looked younger and lively.C.He looked empty and flat.D.He looked clever.15.A.False things are more beautiful than real things.B.Not all false things are ugly.C.The grandson was cleverer than his grandpa.D.The professor was quite ugly.Part II Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage1It is important for us to know something about drugs.A drug is a chemical substance.It can bring about a physical,emotional,or mental change in people.Alcohol and tobacco are drugs.The caffeine found in coffee,tea,cocoa,and some soft drinks is a drug.Drug abuse(滥用)is the use of a drug,legal or illegal,that hurts a person or someone close to him.A drug user is the person who takes the drug.There are many kinds of drug users. Experimental users are those who may try drugs once or twice.They want to see what the effects will be.Recreational users take drugs to get high.They use drugs with friends or at parties to get into the mood or things.Regular users take drugs all the time.But they are often able to keep up with the normal routine of work,school,housework,and so on.Dependent users can’t relate to anything but drugs.Their whole life centers around drugs.They feel extreme mental or physical pain when without drugs.All drugs can be harmful.The effect of any drug depends on a lot of things.How a drug acts depends on how much or how often it is taken.It also depends on the way it is taken.Some drugs are smoked.Others are swallowed or injected.Drugs act differently on different people.The place and the people around you affect the way a drug works.Sometimes people take more than one drug.Multiple drug use is not only common,but also harmful.A deadly example is the use of alcohol and sleeping pills at the same time.Together these drugs can stop normal breathing and lead to death.In fact,only a few kinds of drugs can cause physical dependence.Tobacco,alcohol,and marijuana(大麻)are three common drugs.They are the first ones most people use and become dependent on.16.Which of the following is not considered as a drug according to the passage?A.caffeineB.teaC.alcoholD.tobacco17.Which of the following are the most serious drug users?A.experimental drug usersB.recreational drug usersC.regular drug usersD.dependent drug users18.The deadly example is mentioned in paragraph4to show that_______.A.multiple drug use is very harmfulB.the use of alcohol can stop normal breathingC.the use of sleeping pills can lead to deathD.drug use is very common19.This passage mainly talks about______.A.harmfulness of drug abuseB.types of drug usersC.facts about drugsD.effects of drug use20.The word“high”in line6,paragraph2is closest in meaning to“_____”.A.tallB.sensitiveC.excitedD.dependentPassage2People everywhere today see and hear advertisements constantly:in signs,in newspapers or magazines,on television,on the radio,even on the internet!No matter where you are,you are probably going to see or hear advertisements,or commercials.Some people say that advertising has a bad influence,or effect.Says writer Noreen Janus:Advertisers use mainly a few themes again and again:happiness,youth,success,status, luxury,fashion,and beauty.They hide class differences and problems in the workplace.Many ads suggest that you can solve all human problems by buying things….They suggest that modern things are good and traditional things are bad….As one ad professional said,“Once the TV set goes to work,the family is like a kid in a candy store.They watch450commercials a week.They see all the beautiful things.And they want everything that they see.”However,not everyone thinks that advertising is a bad thing.Some people say advertising sometimes gives us useful information about different products---for example,the advantages of buying one product instead of another.Also,shopping sometimes makes us feel good.When people see a famous person on TV talking about a certain kind of shoes or jacket,they like how they feel when they buy the same shoes or jacket.According to Writer Judith Williamson: The meaning in most people’s lives comes from what they use than from what they producein their jobs.Clothes,furniture,all the things that we buy involve decisions and the use of our own choice….Shopping is a social event….21.This passage mainly discusses_____.A.the advantages of advertisementsB.the disadvantages of advertisementsC.the happiness in watching advertisementsD.both positive and negative aspects of advertisements22.From paragraph2,we can infer that______.people buy everything they see on TVmodern things are better than traditional onesads often mislead peopleads show people the way to solve problems23.Those who have a positive attitude towards advertising claim that______.advertising sometimes enables shoppers to make the right decision when shoppingadvertising makes ordinary people feel as important as famous peopleadvertising enables shoppers to see famous peopleadvertising brings shoppers good mood24.The attitude of the writer towards advertising is______.negative B.positiveC.neutralD.indifferent25.The word“commercials”in line3,paragraph one is closest in meaning to“______”.themes B.advertisementsC.businessesD.merchantsPassage3With a camera fitted into a pair of sunglasses connected to a computer,a62-year-old blind man,Jerry White,has learned to recognize objects well enough to navigate the New York City subway system independently.It’s been a long time in coming.Jerry’s road to partial sight began in1978,when doctors in New York’s Dobelle Institute implanted68electrodes(电极)on the surface of a region of Jerry’s brain called the visual cortex--where signals from the eyes are processed.By electrically stimulating the area,doctors hoped that they could restore some of Jerry’s vision.But when Jerry tried to focus on objects,he saw only flickers of light appearing like“stars,”called phosphenes. Normally,the rain does not interpret the phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.That’s where the computer comes in.Jerry’s first electronics package was the size of a small refrigerator.Today,Jerry’s sunglasses are outfitted with a tiny view camera that captures images that are processed by a portable computer.The computer weighs10pounds and is no bigger than a dictionary.When Jerry scans an object,he sees a pattern of puter algorithms(算法系统) enlarge the edges of the pattern so that it appears as an outline.The computer then signals a second microcomputer that controls stimulation electronics to send information about the object’s location to Jerry’s brain.Other scientists are studying implants in the retina,the light-sensing tissue at the back of the eye.A major benefit of the Dobelle system is that it can help the estimated1.1million Americans whose blindness has many causes,not just damage to the retina.The system does have its limitations,however.It only covers an area about2inches wide by 8inches tall viewed at arm’s length,giving Jerry tunnel vision.To overcome this problem,the commercial version of the system,which will be marketed abroad by the end of this year,will feature512electrodes.26.The word“phosphenes”in paragraph2is closest in meaning to____.A.sparksB.patternsC.signalsD.objects27.The phrase“tunnel vision”in the last paragraph means_______.A.the image of a tunnelB.a narrow range of viewC.looking through a tunnelD.a limitation of the system28.It can be safely concluded that______.A.with a camera fitted into a pair of sunglasses connected to a computer,Jerry can travel alone in New York.B.the device will be commercially successfulC.the Dobelle system can help all blind people.puters can help the brain interpret the phosphene patterns29.It is implied in this passage that_____.A.eye signals are processed in a special region of the brainB.in1978,doctors restored some of Jerry’s visionC.only one computer is needed for the deviceD.the computer used today for the device can capture images30.This passage is most probably taken from_____.A.a doctor’s prescriptionB.a science magazineC.a daily newspaperD.an advertisementPassage4Children learn orthography--the rules of spelling--through teaching,and also by themselves through reading.The relative influence of these two kinds of learning is an important issue in the study of reading,but it is hard to determine because children have both types of experience with most rules.Here we show that children can learn a sophisticated orthographic rule for themselves,without the help of teaching.In two experiments,we asked eight-and-nine-year-old children(102children in the first experiment and90in the second.to write‘pseudo-verbs’(the made-up verbs)which either had the same or different stems in the present and past tense.If children knew the stem-based rule,they should put‘-ed’endings on the past tense of pseudo-verbs that have the same stem as in the present tense more often than on those that do not.The experiments show that many eight-and-nine-year-old children use a morphemically based,but entirely untaught,orthographic rule.The discovery has important implications for theories of spelling.The dominant theoretical approach to the study of spelling has been the dual-route model,which claims that people spell words either by converting sounds into letters,or through a lexical route in which spellings of known words are retrieved whole from memory.Theidea of whole-word retrieval has been criticized on the basis that the lexical route involves analysis of words into morphemes(词素).Our data support this morphemic view,and indicate that morphemic structure has a radical effect on the way that children spell known and unknown words.31.The author believes that_____.A.children learn the rules of spelling mainly through teachingB.it is difficult to decide whether children learn orthography mainly through teaching or through readingC.with the help of teaching,children will learn orthography betterD.children can learn the rule for verb endings in a short time32.The word“sophisticated”(paragraph1)is closest in meaning to_____.plicatedB.simpleC.falseD.true33.From this passage,it can be inferred that school children________.A.have no difficulty in learning the rules of spellingB.can only spell simple words correctlyC.have the ability to spell unknown wordsD.cannot convert sounds into letters34.The writer of this passage conducted two experiments in order to________.A.prove that children can learn difficult orthographic rule themselvesB.prove that children can write English through teachingC.show the importance of spelling for childrenD.show the importance of teaching children to read35.The significance of the discovery lies in that____.A.many eight-and nine-year old children use a morphemically based ruleB.it proves that people spell words by converting sounds into lettersC.it proves that people spell words through a lexical routeD.it provides evidence against the idea of whole-word retrievalPart III Vocabulary and Structure(15%)Directions:There are15incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.36.This is a very popular film,and it would be wise to______seats well in advance.A.occupyB.bookC.engageD.obtain37.The old lady got into the______of getting up early every morning.A.traditionB.mannerC.favorD.habit38.I’m______to get the tickets for the show tonight,because there are hardly any left.A.anxiousB.afraidC.excitedD.curious39.University teachers don’t go out very often as their work______all their time.A.takes offB.takes upC.takes overD.takes away40.Her name was on the_____of my tongue,but I just couldn’t remember it.A.tipB.edgeC.topD.front41.In spite of the fact that his______experiments had failed,Prof.Smith persisted in his research.A.curiousB.casualC.inevitableD.initial42.There seems to be a highly______type of flu going around.A.influentialB.frequentC.infectiousD.beneficial43.Kindness is one of the most important______a man should have.A.quantitiesB.areasC.effortsD.qualities44.I______to tell you that there is nothing we can do to help you.A.rememberB.regretC.refuseD.pretend45.Wouldn’t it be better for you to complete this course than______a new one?A.takingB.takeC.to takeD.be taken46._________that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A.During the1970’sB.It was in the1970’sC.That it was in the1970’sD.It was the1970’s47.That radio is pretty loud.Can’t you turn it______a little?A.offB.onC.upD.down48.Careful surveys have shown that as many as50percent of patients do not take drugs ______directed.A.likeB.soC.forD.asThe owners of the company granted the demands that the workers_______on them.A.had madeB.are makingC.be makingD.had been made50.The manager lost his____________just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A.moodB.temperC.mindD.passionPart IV Cloze(30%)Directions:T here are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C),and D).You should choose the ONE that best fits into thepassage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson's imagination.51,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work..Stevenson,a Scotsman,had lived52for many years.In1881he returned to Scotlandfor a53With him were his American wife Fanny and his son54.Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long55over the hills.They had been56this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse.Kept indoors by the heavy rain,Lloyd felt the days57.To keep the boy happy,Robert asked the boy to do some58One morning,the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island.Robert59 that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of60.""What's that?"he asked."That's the61treasure,"'said the boy.Robert suddenly62something of an adventure story in the boy's63.While the rain was pouring,Robert sat down by-the fire to write a story.He would make the64a twelve-year-old boy,just like Lloyd.But who would be the pirate(海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henley,who walked around with the65of a wooden leg.Robert had always wanted to66such a man in a story.67Long John Silver.the pirate with a wooden leg,was68.So,thanks to a69September in Scotland,a friend with a wooden leg,and,the magination of a twelve-year-old bey,we have one of the greatest70stories in the English language.51.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Finally52.A.alone B.next door C.at home D.abroad53.A.meeting B.story C.holidy D.job54.A.Lloyd B.Robert C.Henley D.John55.A.talk B.walk C.rest D.game56.A.attempting B.missing C.planning D.enjoying57.A.quiet B.dull C.busy D.cold58.A.cleaning B.writing C.drawing D.exercising59.A.doubted B.noticed C.decided D.recognized60.A.the sea B.Scotland C.the house D.the island61.A.forgotten B.discovered C.buried D.unexpected62.A.saw B.drew C.made D.learned63.A.book B,reply C.picture D.mind64.A.star B.hero C.writer D.child65.A.help e C.problem D.bottom66.A.praise B.produce C.include D.accept67.A.Yet B.Also C.But D.Thus68.A.read B.born C.hired D.written69.A.rainy B.sunny C.cool D.windy70.A.news B,real-life C.love D.adventure。
一、单选( 每题参考分值2.5分 )1、—This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so?— .A.You’re wrongB.I don’t think so, I’m afraidC.Not at allD.No, that’s not real错误:【B】2、I did not expect him to _________ his intentions.A.tellB.indicateC.revealD.expose错误:【C】3、The red rose is her ______.A.favorB.favoriteC.likeD.best错误:【B】4、There’s no need to be frightened of the dog. He’s quite ______.A.happyB.weakC.cheerfulD.harmless错误:【D】5、Excuse me for _____ you with such a small matter.A.questioningB.troublingC.interruptingD.keeping错误:【B】6、--How often do you go dancing? --_________________________A.I will go dancing tomorrow.B.Yesterday.C.Every other day.D.I've been dancing for a year.错误:【C】7、The manager flew into ______ when he heard that his secretary had disobeyed his instructions.A.a rangeB.disappointmentC.a penaltyD.a rage错误:【D】8、_______ it is you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs toA.ThatB.WhatC.WhateverD.However错误:【C】9、That is the present ___________ of government thinking.A.directionB.managementC.supervisionD.guidance错误:【A】10、What’s his mother like? ______.A.She’s very happyB.She’s at homeC.She likes watching TVD.She ’s tall and thin错误:【D】11、Recently the newspapers have reported several ____- on the boundaries of Israel and JordanA.accidentsB.incidentsC.eventsD.happenings错误:【B】12、China has emphasized on raising personal income and consumption recently.A.personB.personalC.personnelD.personally错误:【B】13、---Did you have a good time in Thailand last week? --- ______, it was too hot.A.Not reallyB.Yeah, why notC.Oh, greatD.You’re right错误:【A】14、Mike is better than Peter _______________ swimming.A.forB.atC.onD.in错误:【B】15、Winning or losing is temporary, but friendship ______.A.expectsB.livesC.remainsD.lasts错误:【D】16、---Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?--- ___________.A.Don't ask thatB.Sorry, I'm a stranger hereC.No, you're driving too fastD.No, I can’t say that.错误:【B】17、Don't open the door, no matter ________ comes.A.whoB.whomC.whatD.which错误:【A】18、—Would you like a cup of coffee? — .A.It’s very kind of youB.No, I wouldn’tC.Yes, pleaseD.Here you are错误:【C】19、A great number of colleges and factories ____since 1949.A.has been establishB.have been establishedC.have establishedD.had been established错误:【B】20、You can, the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today.A.whenB.whereC.thoughD.because错误:【A】21、The city is developing _______ and property in the center is becoming more expensive.A.rapidB.rapidlyC.quickD.gradual错误:【B】22、He has been ______ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.A.sadB.satisfiedC.evilD.joyful错误:【A】23、He never ________ being looked on as a stupid student.A.brainsB.headsC.mindsD.wits错误:【C】24、As you _________ the town the first building you see is the church.A.approachB.approachingC.approachedD.approaches错误:【A】25、There are two new hotels under ______.A.ovenB.builtC.shapeD.construction错误:【D】26、She ______ come yesterday.A.doB.haveC.didD.does错误:【C】27、They had so ______ in common that they soon became good friendsA.littleB.fewC.manyD.much错误:【D】28、—I’m going to America for a holiday next week. — .A.GoodbyeB.Wish you successC.For sureD.That’s great错误:【D】29、Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computers.A.to inventB.inventingC.to have inventedD.having invented错误:【C】30、____________?He teaches physics in a school.A.What does your father want to doB.Who is your fatherC.What is your fatherD.Where is your father now错误:【C】31、---Why don’t you go home?---Because the work _______.A.hasn’t finished yetB.can’t finish yetC.would not finish yetD.isn’t finished yet错误:【D】32、She has two best friends. _____of them is in the country.A.AllB.BothC.No oneD.Neither错误:【D】33、The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original _____A.considerationB.judgmentC.estimateD.plan错误:【C】34、Let's play cards _________ watching television.A.insteadB.againstC.instead ofD.and错误:【C】35、There is so much work today. Would you be kind enough to lend me a hand?A.having doneB.to be doneC.being doneD.will be done错误:【B】36、How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the development of the children's character.A.haveB.hasC.havingD.had错误:【B】37、I believe you have ______ some important points in the report.A.left aloneB.left behindC.left offD.left out错误:【D】38、The fruit __________ from the tree when the wind blew hard.A.fell downB.droopedC.dropped offD.dropped down错误:【D】39、It was in 2001_________ this type of car began to be popular with the teenagers.A.whichB.thenC.whenD.that错误:【D】40、Like ____ other language skills, reading requires practice.A.the most ofB.most of theC.much of theD.more of the错误:【B】41、The new order means _______ overtime.A.worksB.workedC.to workD.working错误:【D】42、In the modern technological world the sea offers many ______ to help mankind survive.A.resourcesB.resourceC.aidsD.resourcefulness错误:【A】43、I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt he can do a good job of it.A.whetherB.whatC.whenD.what错误:【B】44、After the war, a new school building was put up _____ there had once been a theatre.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when错误:【B】45、Strict ______ measures have been taken during the President’s visit.A.secureB.securityC.safeD.save错误:【B】46、Some of the students in this class seem ______ to help those who have difficulties in their studies.A.willingB.reluctantC.reliableD.responsible错误:【B】47、The baby is hungry, but there's ________________ milk in the bottle.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few错误:【A】48、We ______ thrifty and simple life.A.call forB.call inC.call onD.call to错误:【A】49、____ girl dressed _____ black is her sister Rose.A.A; InB.A; OnC.The; onD.The; in错误:【D】50、A lot of _______ must be made to the economic system.A.formsB.formationC.reformsD.transforms错误:【C】51、 Many people have the ______ that wealth is the chief source of happinessA.illusionB.imaginationC.visionD.impression错误:【A】52、This type of university course is no longer___________ today's problems.A.relevantB.relevant toC.relevant withD.relevant on错误:【B】53、The buildings and the landscape are well __________ .A.combinedB.alternatedC.gatheredD.integrated错误:【D】54、For a successful business, friendly and ______ staff are essential.A.lovelyB.hardC.efficientD.respective错误:【C】55、The self-important manager didn’t seem to ____ much importance to my advice.A.applyB.attachC.judgeD.consider错误:【B】56、Yesterday was _______ beautiful day ________ we decided to go swimming.A.such …thatB.so …thatC.such a…thatD.a so …that错误:【B】57、---Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to People's Square?--- ____ .A.Don't bother me.B.Sorry, I'm a stranger here, too.C.I don't understand youD.Why don't you take a taxi?错误:【B】58、Many ______ large and big business ______ been built up from small ones.A.a, hasB./, hasC.a, haveD.a, has错误:【A】59、He interrupted the _________ discussion and announced a notice.。
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武汉理工大学2002年研究生入学考试题课程代号619 课程名称基础英语Section One: Reading Comprehension (30)Direction: In this section there are four reading passages followed by 25 multiple-choice questions. Read them and write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneEducation was of primary importance to the English colonists and was conducted at home as well as in established schools. Regardless of geographic location or finances, most Americans learned to read and compute numbers. For many, the Bible and other religious tracts were their only books; however, the excellent language contai ned in such works usually made them good primers. Many families owned one or more of Shakespeare’s works, a copy of John Bunyan’s classic A Pilgrim’s Progress, and sometimes collections of Engli sh literary essays, poems, or hi storical speeches.In 1647 the Massachusetts School Law required every town at least 50 households to maintain a grammar school. The law was the first to mandate public education in America. In the middle colonies at the time, schools were often dependent on religious societies, such as the Quakers and other private organizations. In the South, families employed private tutors or relied on the clergy to conduct education. At the outset, most elementary schools were for boys, but school s for girls were established in the eighteenth century in most cities and large towns. In spite of the informal atmosphere of most American schools, the literacy rate in the colonies of mid-eighteenth century America was equal to or higher than in most European countries.Before the American Revolution, nine colleges had been founded, including Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth, and Kings College (later Columbia University). By 1720 the natural sciences and modern languages were being taught, as well as courses in practical subjects such as mechanics and agriculture. At the end of the 18th century, medical schools were established at the College of Philadelphia and at King’s College.1. Which of the following words best describes the English colonists’ attitude toward education?(A) Indifference (B) Distrustful (C) Enthusiastic (D) Casual2. According to the passage, most Americans learned how to _____.(A) write (B) read (C) farm (D) speak a foreign language3. According to the passage, all of the following sometimes substituted for school books EXCEPT ______.(A) historical speeches (B) works of Shakespeare (C) literary essays (D) biographies4. According to the passage, the Massachusetts School Law applied to every town with how many households?(A)Less than 50 (B)Exactly 50 (C)Fifty or more (D)Fifteen5. According to the passage, the middle colonies often depended upon which group to provide education?(A)Private organizations(C)Established primary schools (B)Colleges (D)Businesses6. According to the passage, who often conducted education in the South?(A)Public school teachers (B)Doctors (C)Clergy (D)Politicians7. How well educated were Americans in comparison to most European countries?(A) Much worse (B)The same or better (C)Far better (D)Less or equal8. According to the passage, all the following subjects are mentioned as being taught in colleges in the 1700s EXPECT_______.(A)languages (B)science (C)medicine (D)economicsPassage T woMAY 18, 1980, dawned clear and cool in the Cascades, but it would pass into history as a momentous day when the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. St. Helens turned a vast area of the pristine Washington countries into a cauldron of devastation. Mt. Helens was one of the most beautiful mountains in the North-east, having been called the Fujiyama of America, but it was also, and still remains, the most active volcano in the Cascade Range.A century of volcanic inactivity has made Washington complacent. However, beneath the tranquil sylvan paradise, molten magma was slowly rising to the surface of the earth, eventually forming a mushroom-shaped lava dome that exploded with force of 10 million tons of TNT at 8:30 a.m., throwing nature into upheaval. A hot plume of ash and debris rose 65,000 feet into the sky, turning day into night. Billowing, hot molten rock avalanches swept down the flanks of the mountain, mowing down everything in their paths. Spirit Lake boiled, and rivers turned black. On the slopes great swaths of trees were blown away from the mountain and tossed in heaps. Fires burned everywhere. In the aftermath, what had been pristine beauty only hours before lay in total devastation. The crest of the mountain had been completely blown away and a thick carpet of ash covered the landscape. Trees were strewn about like toothpicks. There were no signs of life.Most people believed that decades, even centuries, would pass before the land would recover. However, nature proved to be far more resilient than expected. The turn of life, both plant and animal, was remarkable, and today undergrowth carpets the ground and wildlife is abundant. A forest of young trees graces the slopes and valleys below the volcano, and a delicate and serene beauty has returned once more to this vast wilderness area.9. According to the passage, Mt. St. Helens was called the Fujiyama of America because of its _______.(A) height (B) beauty (C) volcanic activity (D) cataclysmic eruption10. According to the passage, what was the mood of Washington before the eruption occurred?(A) They had been expecting the eruption for some time.(B) They didn't know that Mt. St. Helens was an active volcano.(C) They knew that whatever happened, nature would recover.(D) They were not concerned about the eruption at all.11. According to the passage, how long had Mt. St. Helens been inactive?(A) Ten years (B) Fifty years (C) One hundred years (D) Two hundred years12. When St. Helens exploded, which of the following did NOT occur?(A) Molten rock avalanches flowed down mountainside.(B) A plume of ash and debris rose to the sky.(C) The earth cracked and formed a new valley.(D) Fires burned in the forests.13. According to the passage, what does the Mt. St. Helens area look like today?(A) Nature has made a surprising recovery.(B) The land is as devastated as it was the day of the eruption.(C) Nature has not proven to be very resilient(Dl There is undergrowth but no trees.Passage ThreeIn 1912 Frederick G. Hopkins and Casimir Funk suggested that specific human diseases, such as beriberi, rickets,and scurvy, were caused by the absence of certain nutritional substances in the diet. These were termed vitamins ("vital amines"), because the first-such-substance-isolated, thiamin(vitamin B1),was an amine(a compound containing an amino group).When other such essential substances were isolated and analyzed, they proved not to be amines, but the term vitamin was retained to refer to any essential growth factor required in very small amounts. Many vitamins have been discovered since that time. Although the functions of some vitamins are unknown, many have been shown to be coenzymes.Letters of the alphabet were first used to describe the mysterious nutritional factors. These letters (A, B, C, D, E, K, and others) have persisted. It was found, however, that some factors actually consisted of more than one substance. The original B factor has been shown to consist of more than a dozen entities. These factors are now designated as specific substances, for example, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B3), and three related substances, and niacin. Because these commonly occur together, they are referred to as the B-complex vitamins.14. The information in this passage would most likely be of interest to a student of _______.A. engineeringB. nutritionC. psychologyD. farming15. Which of the following best describes the author’s tone?A. ArgumentativeB. NegativeC. CuriousD. Neutral16. This passage would most likely appear in which chapter of a science book?A. Plants and Their benefits C. Food and Human NeedsB. The Transfer of Energy D. Human Diseases17. The author’s main propose in this passage is to______.A. complete and contrast nutritional substancesB. define vitamins and relate their historyC. identify the vitamins humans needD. argue in favor of taking vitamin18. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.A. vitamins cannot be used to treat diseaseB. vitamins work separately in the bodyC. most vitamins are not essential to good healthD. scientists still don't know everything about vitamins19. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage?(A) A general concept is defined, and examples are given.(B) Persuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.(C) Suggestions for the use of vitamins are given(D) Several generalizations are made from which several conclusions are drawnPassage FourElizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown co-patented one of the most widely acclaimed wonder drugs of the post-Second World War years. Hazen and Brown's work was stimulated by the wartime need to find a cure for the fungus infections that afflicted many military personnel. Scientists had been feverishly searching for an antibiotic toxic enough to kill the fungi but safe enough for human use, since, unfortunately, the new "wonder drugs" such as penicillin and streptomycin killed the very bacteria in the body that controlled the fungi. It was to discover a fungicide without that double effect that Brown, of New Y ork State's Department of Health Laboratories at Albany, and Hazen, senior microbiologist at the Department of Health in New Y ork, began their long-distance collaboration. Based upon Hazen's previous research at Columbia University, where she had built an impressive collection of fungus cultures, both were convinced that an antifungal organism already existed in certain soils.They divided the work. Hazen methodically screened and cultured scores of soil samples, which she then sent to her partner, who prepared extracts, isolated and purified active agents, and shipped them back to New Y ork, whereHazen could study their biological properties. On a 1948 vacation, Hazen fortuitously collected a clump of soil from the edge of W.B. Nourse's cow pasture, Hazen fortuitously collected a clump of soil from the edge of W.B. Nourse's cow pasture in Fauquier County, Virginia, that, when tested, revealed the presence of the microorganisms. In farm owner Nourse's honor, Hazen named it Streptomyces noursei, and within a year the two scientists knew that the properties of their substance distinguished it from previously described antibiotics. After further research they eventually reduced their substance to a fine, yellow powder, which they first named “fungiciden,”then renamed “nys tatin” (to honor the New Y ork State laboratory) when they learned the previous name was already in use. Of their major discovery, Brown said lightly that it simply illustrated "how unpredictable consequences can come from rather modest beginnings."20. What is the main topic of the passage?(A) The lives of Hazen and Brown.(C) The New Y ork State Department of Health. (B) The development of a safe fungicide.(D) The development of penicillin.21. What can be inferred from the passage about penicillin?(A) It effectively treats fungus infections.(C) It was developed before the Second World War. (B) It was developed before nystatin.(D) One of its by-products is nystatin.22. Why does the author mention Columbia University in lines 10 and 11?(A) Hazen and Brown developed nystatin there.(C) Hazen did research there. (B) Brown was educated there.(D) It awarded a prize to Hazen and Brown.23. The word “both” in line 11 refers to _______.(A) Hazen and Brown (B) Penicillin and streptomycin(C) The Department of Health laboratories at Albany and New Y ork (D) Double effect24. What substance did Brown and Hazen analyze?(A) Dirt (B) Streptomycin (C) Penicillin (D) Bacteria25. Who was W. B. Nourse?(A) A microbiologist (B) A teacher of Hazen's (C) A collector of fungi (D) A farmerSection T wo Proofreading and Error CorrectionDirections: The following passages contain TEN errors. Each indicated line contained a maximum of ONE error. In each case only one word is involved. Y ou should proofread the passage and correct the following way:For an unnecessary word underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the endof the line.For a missing word mark the position of the missing with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided atthe end of the line.Two and a half years later I slept under tire midnight sun on the other end of our (26) _________planet, in a small tent pitching on a twelve-foot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid (27) _________Arctic Ocean. After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobilesa little miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner——only (28) _________three and a half feet thick——and a nuclear submarine hovering in the water below (29) _________After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resubmerged, Italk with scientists who were trying to measure much accurately the thickness (30) _________of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinking as result of global warmth. (31) _________I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U.S. Nary tosecure the release of previous top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data (32) _________that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap. Now, I wantedto see the pole itself, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we werecrashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautifulsnowscape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by littlehummocks, or "pressure ridges" of ice that pushed un like tiny mountain ranges (33) _________when separating sheets collide. But here too, CO₂levels are rising just as rapidly, (34) _________and ultimately temperature will rise with them——indeed, global warming isexpected to push temperatures up much more rapidly in the polar regions thanin the rest of the world. As the polar air warms, the ice here will thin; and sincethe polar cap effects such a crucial role in the world's weather system, the (35) _________ consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrousSection Three: Paraphrase the following (10)36. I was about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverse.37. The house detective's piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross fowled face.38. “Interactivity” may be the biggest buzzword of the moment, but "convergence" is a close second.39. People from the surrounding hills, mostly fundamentalist, arrived to cheer Bryan against the “infidel outsiders.”40. Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution.Section Four: British and American Literature (20)A. Name the author of each of the following literary works (10)41. A farewell to Arms42. The Man of Property43. The Gilded Age44. To the Lighthouse45. The Financier 46. The Rivals47. Martin Eden48. A Sentimental Journey49. From Walden50. The Apple CartB. Define the literary terms listed below (10)51. Spenserian stanza52. Transcendentalism53. Soliloquy54. Symbolism55. AllegorySection Five: T ranslate the following from English into Chinese (15)Humble Folk the S trenght of Great BritainMake way! Make way! Shakespeare and Milton, Drake, Raleigh, and all. Bright spirits of genius and chivalry, lean from your paradise and welcome The Little People of England!Like soldier they have borne the shock of fire and bombs; like sailors they have gone down unflinchingly to their death in shattered ships; and like aviators they have given their strength to rise “By Labor to the Stars”.Make way! Make way! Keats, Shelley, Frobisher, Nelson, and all. Illustrious shades of Old England, draw into your midst a defenseless army which chose to die rather than be enslavedReceive as one of yourselves this Cockney woman who was found dead, her body shielding that of a neighbor's living child; this blind man who sprang to his feet when walls crashed about him and bearing the weight of falling-timbers on his shoulders saved the lives of others who had eyes to see his magnificent agony. Lay a kind hand upon the old man who slipped out quietly to carry a bomb from under a cottage window to a deep shell-hole half a mile away and never returned to his little family who were keeping his supper hot. Smile gently upon a small thing named Maggie, who begged her sister to tie a scarf over her mouth so that she would notSection Six T ranslate the following from Chinese into English (20)关于文学创作,我早就想文学的真正功用和大家谈谈。