Lecture 10汉译英谓语的处理

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Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 12、打得赢就打,打不赢就走。 • Fight when you can win, run away when you can’t win. • 参考译文:Fight when you can win, move away when you cannot.
Lecture 10
• • • 1.对应 2.调整 3.补充
• 二.汉译英中谓语转换的对策
Lecture 10
• 1.对应 •
汉译英中谓语对应式翻译的情况并不少 见,在公文、经贸、科技文体中尤其如此。 其得以实现的依据是人类感知的共性,这 种共性使思维——语言形式获得了同构。
• 2、这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。 • There will build more apartment buildings. • Many more apartment buildings will be constructed here. • 参考译文:More apartment buildings will be built here.
Lecture 10
• • •
• 三.汉译英中谓语的处理 1.汉语连动谓语句的翻译 2.汉语兼语式谓语句的英译 3.英译时语气、时态、语态的表现与 处理
Lecture 10

• 三.汉译英中谓语的处理 由于缺乏形态标记,汉语动词在句子中 占明显优势。许多汉语句子中包括多个谓 语动词。而英语动词由于所受约束多,在 句子中不占优势。除少数并列句外,大多 数英语句子只包含一个谓语动词,其他动 态语义由动词的分词、不定式等非谓语形 式表达,或由其他词类替代。
• 例:这种行为很不道德。(不道德:形容 词) • This conduct is immoral.
Lecture 10
• 例:你们厂里情况怎么样?(怎么样:不 定代词) • What do you think of your factory?
• 例:七月二十二日她生日。(她生日:名 词词组) • July 22 is her birthday.
Lecture 10
• • •
一.汉英语言谓语的差异 二.汉译英中谓语转换的对策 三.汉译英中谓语的处理
Lecture 10
• 一.汉英语言谓语的差异 • 1.英语谓语的基本特征 • 1)英语谓语必须以动词为基础和核心, 除了动词,任何其它次类都不能取代谓语 动词这个主体成分。 2)英语谓语动词和主语必须一致认, 即concord(或agreement,指动词的形式 和主语的人称和数必须一致)。
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 8、这时寂静无声。 • silent / silence • 参考译文:It is very quiet at the moment. • 9、屋里有一位客人。 • 参考译文:There is a guest in the room.
Lecture 10
of Idiomaticness)
• D.惯用法原则(Principle
• 例:There is more than one opinion in this case. • 例:Five times eight is forty. • 例:Only one out of five were present.
• 例:包袱放不下,工作就搞不好。 •
Lecture 10

• 例:红脸好唱,白脸不好唱。 Positive characters are easy to be performed while the negative ones difficult. The discipline is weak.(词类调整) Money is getting tighter and tighter. (词类调整)
Lecture 10
• •
• 2.汉语谓语的独立性、自足性较强 所谓“独立性”,指谓语可以不受主语 人称与数的支配,保持形态上的“原形”。 所谓“自足性”,指汉语的谓语不必非 与主语搭配,不论有没有主语,谓语本身 的句法功能自能显现。 就以上两点而言,汉语谓语远强于英语。

Lecture 10
Lecture 10
• ―You mean me? Well, yes, I think I could make people dance to my tune. But today it’s another story. It’s not me but others who have changed. People’s moods change everyday.‖
Lecture 9
• •
After-class exercises
• 6、能不能提前完成计划呢? Can you achieve / fulfill this project ahead of schedule? Can accomplish the plan in advance?
• 参考译文:Is it possible to carry out the plan ahead of time?
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 3、那个地方讲什么方言? • What is the dialect of that district? • 参考译文:What dialect is spoken there?
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 例:纪律松懈
• •
• 例:银根奇紧
Lecture 10
• 3.补充 •
汉语缺乏形态标定,句子可以非常简约 (或缺主,或缺谓,或主谓皆缺)。这就 迫使我们添词补义,从汉语原文中引出主 谓来。
Lecture 10
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• 例:“说我?那当然,过去够意思。可以 把人逗得如痴如醉。如今,变了,不是我, 是人。喜怒哀乐天天变。” • (“你说的是我吗?那当然,我过去是 够意思的。我可以把人逗得如痴如醉。如 今,情况变了。不是我变,而是人变了: 人们的喜怒哀乐天天在变。”)
Lecture 10

Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 7、到车站只有三英里路。 • You can walk three miles to the station from here. • There are three miles to the station from here • 参考译文:It is only three miles to the station.
• 4、去年发现了一种稀有元素。 • A kind of rare element had been found last year. • A rare element was discovered last year. • Last year saw the discovery of a rare element. • 参考译文:A rare element was found last year.
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 11、只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的 错误。 • The more cautions you pay, the less mistakes you will make. • Only if we being very careful, can we get rid of some errors. • 参考译文:Being very careful, you (we) can avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

Lecture 10
• 构成英语主谓一致这一规范的原则包括: • A.语法原则(Grammatical Principle) • 例:Trousers often bag at the knees. • 裤子常在膝盖处松垂得像个袋子。 • B.逻辑原则(Logical Principle) • 例: Half the boys are here.(可数) • Half the vehicle has been damaged. (不可数)
Lecture 10
• 例:老秤一斤十六两。(十六两:数量词 组) • Sixteen ―liang‖ makes one ―jin‖ by the old system of weights. • 例:那个侦探足智多谋。(足智多谋:联 合词组) • The detective is very resourceful. • 例:河畔草青青。(青青:修饰语) • The grass is green by the riverside.

• 3.汉语谓语构成成分复杂多样 汉语谓语不必是动词性的,很多词类都 可以充当谓语。汉语中可以构成谓语的词 统称谓词,分为三大类: 动词性谓词 形容词性谓词 代词性谓词
• • •
Lecture 10

• 例:诚招天下客。(招:动词) Honesty wins over wider patronage. (patronage: customers’ support for a shop, restaurant, etc.)
Lecture 9
• 1、请讲慢些。
After-class exercises
• Please slow down. • Speak more slowly, please. • 参考译文:Speak a little slower, please.
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
Lecture 10
• 2.调整 • 例:令行禁止 •
Orders and prohibitions are made to be enforced.(语态调整) The load must be taken off your mind before you can work well.(语态 调整)
Lecture 10

• C.靠近原则(Principle of Proximity) 谓语动词的人称和数可以与最靠近它的 词语取得一致。
• 例:Not only the students but the teacher objects to the plan. • 例:Either my children or I am going.
Lecture 10
• 例:中华文明历来注重以民为本。 • The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people. • 例:耶鲁大学是中美教育合作的先行者。 • Yale is a forerunner in Sino-US educational exchanges.
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 5、饿得他话都说不出来了。 • It is so hungry that he can’t talk. • He was too hungry to speak. • 参考译文:It makes him so hungry that he can’t speak.
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 10、想吃什么,只管告诉我。 • Tell me anything you want to eat. • Tell me what you want to eat. • 参考译文:Whatever you like to eat, just tell me.