
Thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Easy does it. 慢慢来。
Don't push me. 别逼我。
Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。
What is the fuss?吵什么?Still up?还没睡呀?It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
God works. 上帝的安排。
Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。
Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?Don't flatter me. 过奖了。
Big mouth! 多嘴驴!Sure thing! 当然!I''m going to go. 我这就去。
Never mind. 不要紧。
Can-do. 能人。
Close-up. 特写镜头。
Drop it! 停止!Bottle it! 闭嘴!Don''t play possum! 别装蒜!Break the rules. 反规则。
There is nobody by that name working here. 这里没有这个人。
How big of you! 你真棒!Poor thing! 真可怜!Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋Make it up! 不记前嫌!Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。
Any urgent thing?有急事吗?Don't over do it. 别太过分了。
Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?You want a bet?你想打赌吗?What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?Who wants?谁稀罕?Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。
Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。
I'll be seeing you. 再见。

全麦whole wheat n.淘宝人sniper n.淘宝snipe v.你个幸运的家伙!You lucky duck.伙计们/各位!guys n.楼顶roof n.马上In a minute.呕吐throw up v.真是个性感的万人迷!Talk about your chick magnets. 赞成!Seconded.撮合fix sb up with sb v.可悲到了极点! Completely pathetic.事情是这样!Here’s the thing.显而易见!Clearly stands on its own. 和….鬼混hook up whith sb. v.荒谬!That’s absurd.有我在!I’ve got you.井野semen n.同性恋keebler elf n.打成平手! It’s a stalemate.乳糖不耐症lactose intolerant n. 把…掰下来scrape sth off我占卜过你的星座!I did your horoscope.正式声明下 for the record无论如何 nevertheless打包 wrap up v.算了吧! Pass.别对我吼! Don’t yell at me.不要耍我! Don’t toy with me.我的天哪! Holy crap。
不要脸的! Jerk face.去死吧! Drop dead.自恋 self-centered adj.无话可说 rendered speechless.趁虚而入 coop a feel.好奇问一下! Out of curiosity.亲热 make out v.喜欢 crush n.你又让我跑题了! You diverted me.我没明白! I don’t get the point.第六感 psychic n.要你管! Bite me.老天啊! Good lord。

美国习惯用语」第一讲Words & Idiomsgive me a handfoot the bill1、规模很大的聚会2、车胎炸blow out全部lock, stock and barrel全部,( 带有受骗)hook, line and sinker每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。
比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。
”另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.”“Foot”的意思是“一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。
“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。
就拿下面一句话来作例子吧:例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charle‟s birthday because our c ar had a blow-out.”这句话里第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。
一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。
Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。
我们先来举一个Lock, stock and barrel的例子:例句-2:“Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock, stock and barrel.”这句话的意思是:“洛克菲勒先生把整个石油公司买了下来”。

美剧笔记--口语精华口语精华:1.On the plus side在好的方面看来2.He?s so dreamy!他太迷人了。
3.I [w=snap]snapped[/w].我抓狂了。
4.Huddle up,gang.伙计们,围过来。
5.I hate to play this card.我不想出这招。
6.You are my real bro.你是我真正的好兄弟。
7.We are so meant to be . 我们是天造地设的一对(我们注定要在一起。
)8.we got this [w=wrap]wrapped[/w] up in one[w]session[/w] .我们把问题一次性解决了。
9.I was trying to steal him back .我是想把他抢回来。
10.It's tough feeling like the third wheel.做电灯泡的感觉是很难受的。
口语精华:1.It shakes you up.那个让你后怕。
2.It's a [w]cache[/w] of chaos.这是混乱中被隐藏的。
3.We'll meet on your terms.我们会按照你的方式来见面。
4.No time for [w]sarcasm[/w], Suit.没时间讽刺了,制服叔。
5.It's been way too long!太久太久没见你啦!6.All in good time.耐心点,时候自然会到的。
7.You ran from the truth.你逃避现实了。
8.You want to get out of here?你要离开这?9.I've got an update on the case.我有这个案子的最新进展。
10.My [w]instinct[/w] kicked in,all right?我的本能起作用了,行吗?11.Well, theories are meant to be disproved.理论都是注定要被推翻的。

NO.1 Friends1、central perk(1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称(2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up.张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可(1)可以为自己辩解开脱(2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气4、some:不确定的某个通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词Are you kidding?There must be some mistake.开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧He must be in some kind of trouble.他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了5、colleague = co-worker 同事my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事)6、come on(1)通常用来加油鼓劲Come on! Don't be so shy.(2)得了吧,少来了Come on,we all know that‟s not true.少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题There's something wrong with my damn computer.我那该死的电脑出问题了10、there’s gotta be肯定是有There‟s gotta be a reason.肯定是有原因的There…s gotta be a catch.肯定有诈11、all right:此处用在句首,表示不耐烦、不满或者愤怒的情绪be nice to sb. 对人好He‟s a nice person 他人很好此处的nice 指人个性好,易相处mean刻薄的my mean boss我刻薄的上司12、hump :n 驼背hairpiece:n 假发套wear a hairpiece 戴假发wig 假发big wig = a person of importance 大人物he is a big wig in our company他在公司是个叱咤风云的人物13、go through 遭遇experience sth. very unpleasantI have been going through a had patch recently.我近来真不走运啊put someone through折腾人,折磨人They really put me through it.他们实在把我折腾了一番get through :熬过来,撑过来14、表示惊讶的感叹句:Oh my god!Oh gee!Oh gosh!15、I'm such a +(贬义色彩的名词)我真是一个…..I‟m such an idiot(笨蛋白痴)I…m such a jerk.(混蛋奇怪的人)I‟m such a loser.(失败者)16、should have done sth(虚拟语气)应该做却没有做的事I should have dumped himI should…ve dumped him(更地道)我早就应该甩了他了17、catch on人做主语:理解,明白= understandHe is very quick to catch on things.物做主语:流行,时髦The online game of stealing vegetables has caught on white-collar workers.偷菜游戏在白领中很流行18 、mess:状况不佳一片混乱The whole situation in my company is a mess.咱们公司,如今的形势,整个一团乱。

第一季第01集口语笔记001. Pick up!上菜!002. She burned you. 她完胜你呀!003. Do not think we're on the same team. (on the same team:站在同个阵线)别以为我跟你是一国的。
004. We have nothing in common. 咱俩到死都不是同路人005. You have tattoos to piss off your dad.(piss off:惹怒)你的纹身是想气死你爹。
006. It's on the house.(on the house:免费;由店家出钱)本店请客。
007. I've waited on tables, I've waited in bars,(waited on tables:在餐厅当侍应)在餐厅和酒吧都做过服务生。
008. Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone,另外,这个芥末色和我的肤色不太搭。
009. You are really judgmental, you know that?(judgmental:吹毛求疵的;评头论足的)你也太以貌取人了吧?010. You look so beautiful, I forgot how bad your personality is. 你美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了。
011. He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly. 他将会不停地用烂招泡你012. Miss, could we have some menus?小姐,可以给份菜单吗?013. Don't smile. Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile, and I can't be doing that. 不要微笑,你拉高服务标准,我就得跟上,那样太累人了。

1.Any interest in the fresh air?想出去走走透透气吗?*来自Gossip Girl.大家以后想邀请别人出去散散步,终于可以不用“Would youwanna ....”啦!2.Game on.游戏开始了。
*来自Gossip Girl.活学活用,用On很多表达都可以变简洁,譬如说“穿鞋”,就可以不用说“put on your shoes"了,试下shoes on 吧3.A:No offense.B:None taken.--没有冒犯的意思--我没有介意*来自Gossip girl.很经典的表达,本人喜欢。
4.Move plz.请让一下。
*来自Gossip Girl.同一意思的表达有很多,譬如excuse me,outta my way 5.Done and done.成交。
*来自Gossip Girl.还有一个单词"Deal"也可表达同样的意思,不过这个大多数人知道吧。
*来自Gossip Girl.美国人较常用的道晚安的说法吧,大家如果认真听的话,很多英文电影中都有用到。
7.You set me up.你陷害我/你设计我*来自Gossip Girl.比较常见吧,不过蛮好用。
8.Someone pours that man a drink.有人要使他难堪了。
*来自Gossip Girl.很surprise的意思吧。
PS:想表达倒酒到某人身上的话,应该用:somebody poured a drink on him.9.Be careful what you fish for.对你调查的东西要小心点哦。
*来自Gossip Girl. fish for用得挺新颖的。
10.I was born loaded.我含着金钥匙出生的。
*来自Gossip Girl.原来金钥匙是这样表达的。
看美剧学口语 笔记

1-4笔记1、perk up 来劲儿了,精神头上来了2、There's nothing to + 动词没什么可...(为自己辩解;安慰别人)3、同事:colleague > co-worker > people I work with4、come on 加油,鼓劲;得了吧,少来了。
5、go out with someone 和某人约会(=have a date with someone)6、gotta=got to必须There's gotta be...肯定是有...7、something wrong 不对劲,有问题8、I smell a rat. 我觉得不对劲。
9、all right 用在句首,表示不耐烦、不满或恼怒的情绪。
10、be nice to sb. 对某人好11、nice:个性好的,易相处的mean:刻薄的12、hump n.驼背13、hairpiece:n.假发套wear a hairpiece/wig 戴假发big wig:大人物14、go through:经历不愉快的事情put someone through:折磨人,折腾人get through:熬过来,撑过来15、Oh my god! Oh gee! Oh gosh!16、I'm such a + 贬义名词我真是个...17、should have done sth. 早应该做...18、catch on 人做主语:理解,明白;物做主语:流行,时髦19、I mean/ you know/ you see/well 插入语20、mess 状况不佳,一片混乱He's such a mess.21、go for 选择了...22、wanna=want to23、kill 痛死了,疼得让我受不了了;让人感到备受折磨24、pain-killer 止疼片lady-killer 把女性迷得神魂颠倒的男子middle-aged woman killer 师奶杀手25、关心人的几种说法:Are you okay?What's the matter?Is something bothering you?What's on your mind?26、sweetie/darling/sweetheart/pumpkin 亲爱的,甜心27、feel like doing sth. 很想做...28、grab 相当于seize;在口语中多表示匆匆地取/拿/抓一把29、up for grabs 供人竞争的(被争抢的东西+ be + up for grabs + by + 争抢者)30、stuff 可以用来只带任何名词,没有复数,等于thing或者things。

走遍美国学习笔记精校版Episode1 46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT 1速读句子:1 May I take a picture of you and your little boy2 It's an album of pictures of the United States表达方式0 表示同意,欣然接受:It's fine to take our picture.1 比thanks更诚挚的感谢:I appreciate your help.It was very nice of you.thanks a lot2 描述住处的简洁说法:They are in Thessaloniki3 不得不的另一种表达:I've got to go.4 失陪的表达:Will you excuse me5 那是干嘛的What's it for单词Hispanic 西班牙的46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT 2速读句子:1 ..... and dinner's at six thirty.2 lost-and-find office 弱读,d不发音表达方式1 原指望:I was expecting him here at five forty-five.2 现在的另一种说法:at this hour3 试穿:try it on4 棒极了:Terrific5 请问.....:The number, please, oflost-and-found office单词officer 警官uptown 住宅区downtown商业区platform 月台canvas 帆布sweater 毛衣lost-and-find office失物招领处提示:of 几乎全部弱读,注意分辨ACT 3速读句子:1 And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. 超快的,after every meal 全连一块了2 Marilyn and Richard 'll be here soon, and then we'll eat.注意节奏和连读3 Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.注意连读4 I hope it's pasta. 注意连读5 Oh, it was no trouble. 注意弱读6 I'm late for dinner at my house. 注意节奏7Where does she live 注意弱读8 With a family in the Bronx.注意弱读9The train is just up the street. It won't take me long at all. 速读,注意节奏10 It migh t be a little cold.注意弱读表达方式1冰淇淋的量词:Scoop of2胶卷的量词:8 Rolls of film3不辞辛劳的:Took the time and trouble to......4 好的,谢谢接受对方的建议:I'd appreciate that.5 只能以前偶用just比较多:I can only stay a few minutes.6 地铁就在前面:The train is just up the street. eg:Two miles up the road.路的前方两英里处7 花时间:take sb long eg: It won't take me long at all.单词pasta 通心粉Episode 2 The Blind Date 相亲ACT 1速读句子:1 Don't worry about being late. It's fine. 弱读加连读2 Are we too late for our dinner reservation连读表达方式:1 距离的简洁描述:Wooster Street is two blocks...... 还有两个街区The 83 is about two house2 左转:make a left turnmake left at green streetturn to the left3 靠左的:The 83 is to the left4 口语对妇女的礼貌称呼夫人, 太太, 女士, 小姐:ma'am5 为某一状况而抱歉的简洁表示:Excuse the mass.....6 和某人很熟:I know the owner very well.手边的电话是:Hi, Betty. I'll be at 555-1720辨音:I am on the top floor<----> I am on the top four单词:红绿灯:Traffic light 停车:ParkingACT 2速读句子:1 Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's.连读,弱读2 It's our first date. 弱读3 I'll phone you..连读表达方式:1 nice to meet you 的另一种说法:Please to meet you.2 表示赞同我也是: I do too.3 点菜我要:I'd like a glass of teaI'll have .....4推荐某物:would you like....May I bring you....5我去准备了:I'll take care of everything.6 饿的另一种说法:Starving.辨音:I know europe CPA.<--------->I know you 're a CPA.单词:姜:ginger 蒜garlic 葱:shallot淡啤酒,麦芽酒:ale酥炸,煎:Crispy fried花瓣:petal会计:cpa = certified public accountant.注册会计肚痛:stomachacheACT 3速读句子:1 You ordered enough for three or four people, 连读2 Your downstairs neighbor let me in3 It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment.4 Does that mean that I can see you again 连读5 we'll go out to dinner. 弱读连读6 I won't leave early./ 注意语气和节奏表达方式:1 什么都没吃Didn't get a thing to eat .Didn'teat anything.语气略有不同2表示原因的另一种说法:I think it's important for me to be there since因为her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了;3老实说... As a matter of fact.. To be frankTo be honest Frankly4 失陪:Excuse myself.5不介意:Not at all I'm not complaining6关系好:You two must be close.7 偶尔:Oh, I date occasionally8忙于某事的另一种说法:my work keeps me busy9 时光流逝:With time....10 早起:I have an early start tomorrow11 时间过得好快:Where did the time go12 路上小心:Have a safe trip home.13 试探人家是否有异性朋友:Is there anyone else in your life单词:盆景bonsai tree 肚子疼不严重的tummy acheEpisode3 grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱ACT 1 速读句子:1 At six o'clock this evening.连读2 Are we picking himup at the station连读3 It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.连读4 Won't he miss being in Florida 弱读连读5 But I think he'll like being here with the family.弱读6 I'll put together some photos of Grandpa 连读,失音7 Grandpa is tells us he'll get here by himself.粘连8 But I'm sure he has his a few bags with himwithinm on the train.连读9 I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. 弱读10 how's everything here 连读表达方式0 咖啡好了:There's coffee ready1 去接某人:pick sb. up at somewhere2 收拾房间:set the room3 说的也是:That's for sure.4好主意的另一种说法:neat idea. 绝妙5 他了不起:He is something 汤姆真是个了不起的人物;口语要素1Tom is really something.6 can't leave till tonight口语用till较多单词trunk大衣箱,用扣的大行李箱grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱ACT2速读句子:1 A man next to me was smoking,连读2 I'm fromTitusville, too.连读,m不发音3 Some people don't mind being alone. 连读,t不发音辨音:theater --------Seattle表达方式:1 这个座位有人吗Is this seat taken2 帮人做某事,help witheg:let me help you with this3 我比较喜欢某物一些:I like sth better4 受不了某事:sth really bothers sb4问候的另一种说法:pleased to meet you5 抽空:take time off...eg:he couldn't take time off to go to Beijing with me6 准确地说: to be exact7 在某处作了多久He started with them almost forty years ago.8 慢慢来Take your time.9在这呢: here it is10 表示没错,确实如此,确实indeed11现在确定为时尚早it's too early to know for sure.单词:大工程: big stuff 女用小包Purse传教士:preachergrandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱ACT3速读句子:1 let's give him our presents 连读,h 弱读our发单音2 she call to say the plan was delayed. 注意节奏3 she looks just like grandma that age 弱读4 unpack---back注意p 和b的区别5after a good nightsleep,i'l l enjoy breakfa st even more 注意连读及节奏6i researched it for over the year...确证表达方式:1 别遗忘随身用品:please check to be sure you have your belonging.2 在某处玩的开心点:have a good stay in big apple3 请和我联系,请来看我们:please look us up.4温馨家庭:caring family5 定日子:you name the day6 记起往事:bring back memories7好梦:pleasant dreams单词:全美铁路客运公司:Amtrack 休假:day off难以置信:FabulousA Piece of Cake 小菜一碟ACT1速读句子:1 Aren't you going to theaerobics class this morning弱读the 连读2 The advanced class starts at ten o'clock. 粘连表达方式:1小事一幢:a snap,2不费事的:no sweat3一点事没有,没感觉:not feel a thing4说定了: it's a bet5马上就来I'm on my way over6 很累:It's tough7很艰难:It's rough单词:有氧运动:aerobics 举重:lift weightA Piece of Cake 小菜一碟ACT2速读句子:1 when was you last complete physical2 do you have any back and knee problems 连读3 I am in perfect health连读h弱读,粘连注意th的发音4 I can't remember taking pictures of people in exercising 弱读t 弱读of don't forget to invite Susan for dinner.粘连your arms up like this.7 几个常用连读发音waddaya = what do you dodijia = did youdontcha = don't you表达方式:1你是做什么职业的:what do you do fora living2身体很好:I am in wonderful condition3排好位置: let's get in our lines4坐到地板上:hitthe floor5表达完美的,理想的,不错的另一个方法:Ideal blood pressure发音纠正:advertising 重音在前单词:体检:physical 景象:Scene senarioA Piece of Cake 小菜一碟ACT 3速读句子:0 How much broccoli do I need for the seven people1 Don't forget to breath 蓝色弱读2 The advanced exercise class is not easy, huh3 Very few people last in this class for the full hour at very first time4 Skip, hop , front5 the advan ced exercise class 连读,蓝色失音表达方式:1 某项约定仍然有效:sth is still on2身体状态很好: In great shape3加快节奏:pick up the pace4 几乎不: I can barely move;I can hardly move,以及We scarcely used the reserve generator 我们几乎没用过这台备用发动机5 坚持下来: last The war lasted four years6买菜: Shop for the groceries7 结束,吃完,完成: Finish offShe finish off her education at the SorbonneFinish off by jogging in place单词:Instructor:教师,教练hop:单脚跳skip:跳走交替的跳法scissors:夺命剪刀脚...呵呵..就是交叉双腿的跳法jogging: 慢跑jog:晃动,摇晃,颠簸broccoli: 花椰菜,甘蓝,源于意大利语cucumber:黄瓜lettuce:莴苣叶groceries:食物,杂货The right magicACT 1速读句子:1 you going to the basball game today 连读为:gonna2 It's perfect day for it.. 弱读I3 I have a new math program ,I want to learn how to use it. 连读Ivenue4 Take him to the game today 连读弱读,重读5 I am really feel bad about it.连读,升调6 they need me at the hospital today速读连读hospitalday7 may be we can spend some time together next weekend 速读8 I've got to run... 连读9 You're working pretty hard these days连读,弱读10 We didn't catch anything 弱读,失音11 fell out of the boat 速读连读12 don't you have to work 速读13 It'll be like old time for you and me 连读14 What's the weather going to be like.....速读15 though out the midwest this afternoon....速读16 It's going t o snow some more= It's gonna snow some more.连读表达方式:正需要,的确需要:Yes ,indeed.俚语多到可以劳军: Enough for an army.宜人而温暖: nice and warm不过,话说回来:she is not a pretty girl ,anyway“改天”的表达方式:may be you can teach me somedaywork on 和work at:使用和练习钻研工作如何还那样:How's work oh, the usual problems.没啥事: Nothing much. Wahat's up我要走了的表达方式: I've got to run...暂缓,推迟某项工作: my paper work will wait...天气如何: what's the weather going to be like.....速读勇敢者的家园即美国: home of the brave自由女神的家园即纽约:home of the statue of liberty熊猫的家乡: home of the panda度假胜地: a popular vacation spot....却不是这样: not so in ....单词:冰箱:refrigerator ---refrigerate制冷辞源:frig冷松脆的:crispy ~ fragile病房:ward --children's ward激动异常的: thrilled宜人的天气: mild --a mild spring day华氏:Fahrenheit Fah-ren-heit华伦海特-德国物理学家摄氏: CelsiusThe right magicACT 2速读句子:1 How do you know "so much" about fishing 连读2 I see some fish "right under us", Dad. 连读3 Does he know you're here速读4 Yes, "but" you did, and we've got our lunch.弱读B5 Come on, Albert, "you can help us" 连读help中h,p弱读6 Bring a blanket and my medical bag.这句超快的...完全没有听清的说表达方式:1 风景太棒了的表达驴友经常会用到: It was really neat2 一个人,独自的形容词词组: all long东风破一盏离愁孤单伫立在窗口我在门後假装你人还没走........All alone in wait by the window,Stands a sad lamp in parting sorrow..........3 我去买点吃的..常用哦,:I can go up to there for some hotdog and brabrabra..... 因为地势原因所以加了up,当然也可以加down,比如:Go down to the harbour4 起作用了真有效: It works5 生火: build a fire6 顺序表达法斜体的两个俺用得相对少,以后注意: First, next, after that, later on..之后, finally.单词:州的北部: upstate小旅馆,小屋,汽车旅馆旅游区的lodge厨师: chefThe right magicACT 3速读句子:1 he's going to be fine.还是连读..老生长连阿2 He pulled him out of the water. out of 弱读加连读加失音,听懂不难,模仿起来可就...舌头酸啊..3 One of my patients has a high fever. One of弱读加连读patients has 连读听成了patien test4 i've to go the hospital: I've to 连读5 Philip had to go back to the hospital had to go连读hatogo6 well , did you do any fishing这句完全晕菜,听不出也读不出,都不知道是怎么给连起来的.表达方式:1 征求意见的表达,你们说怎样: what do you say we brabrabra.....maybe we can...why don't we do it again...2 就这样,继续这样: that's it3 某人真不赖,赞的: You dad is quite a guyhe is somethingyou are really someone4 为什么那么早回来: Why are you back so early这句吧,按我的习惯直接就why do you 了,后来一想不对,why are you 强调的是early 而why do you 强调的是back来的.5 再见的另一种表达: So long6 扫某人的兴: ruin someone's day7 "我想,可能"的另一种表达: I guess8 What a day:今天真忙,今天真爽,今天真累,今天真是没治了,反正都是whata day9 我以前一直不怎么关心医学:Until today, I was never really interested in medicine.10 干某事很有意思: is fun to play单词:spoil 搞糟spoil the game; spoil your funBonus一个关于so long的故事再见,谢谢你的鱼The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 银河系漫游指南. 影片开头有一首歌,讲述在地球第二等智慧生物海豚人类只是第三等,不断向人类发出地球即将被毁灭而徒劳无功,唯有向人类讲声道别:So long and thanks for all the fish这首歌取名自The Hitchhiker’s Guide 系列的其中同名一集,词中除了感谢之情,也暗暗透露人类对这地球的不尊重,和其可爱之处. 歌词如下:So long and thanks for all the fishSo long and thanks for all the fishSo sad that it should come to thisWe tried to warn you all, but oh dearYou may not share our intellectWhich might explain your disrespectFor all the natural wonders that grow around youSo long, so long and thanks for all the fish Your world’s about to be destroyedThere’s no point get ting all annoyedLie back and let the planet dissolve around youDespite those nets of tuna fleetsWe thought that most of you were sweetEspecially tiny tots and your pregnant womenSo long, so long, so long, so long, so longSo long, so long, so long, so long, so longSo long, so long and thanks for all the fishIf I had just one last wishI would like a tasty fishIf we could just change one thingWe would all have learned to singCome one and allMan and mammalSide by sideIn life’s great gene poolSo long, so long, so long, so long, so longSo long, so long, so long, so long, so longSo long, so long and thanks for all the fishThanksgivingACT 1速读句子:1 This is your third cup of coffee. this 弱读2 If there is any cinnamon...速读there's 弱读if3 Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie.这句太快了...完全听不出似乎是put4 your heavyj ackon4 Well, do you have the phone number there连读并注意语调5 Try to come by later for desser有点口音这句6 Here's your cinnamon表达方式:1 开始的另一种表达方式: get to work2 最后的但并非最不重要的: Last but not least3 我去一趟杂货店加了down,也许还是因为地势的原因: I'll go down to Henry's grocery4 立即回电话:I'll call her right back. 类似的right now5 绕到这来吃点甜点:Try to come by later for desser6他怎么了: What's gotten into him单词:配料: ingredients 面粉: Flour 核桃: walnuts 肉桂: Cinnamon蒜: garlic 亲戚,表兄妹等: cousins 发牢骚: grouchy感恩节又叫: Turkey dayThanksgivingACT 2速读句子1 Philip, would you join me in the kitchen, please2 It's getting have vegetables to prepare.3 I've got to start thinking about college soon表达方式1 中央公园西路: Central Park West2 我知道,不过他会好的: Yes, I know, but he'll get over it3 这是我喜欢的.... :It's my favorite4 叫某人帮忙: I'll get you to help serve later ...即get . to do5 叫我想起某事或某人:....reminds me so much of Grandma 即sth or sb remindsb so much of sb or sth6 喜欢或不喜欢的表达方式心仪: be fond of 热爱: be crazy about..狂热的: be wild about... 喜欢的:favorite受不了:can't stand sth 不喜欢: hate doing sth or hate sth单词1 小丑: clowns2 花车,浮舟: float3 调料:dressing 相关词汇ingredient配料, accessory配件4 诀窍,配方,处方: recipe5 一餐, 一顿饭: meal6 甜点:dessert7 John Philip Sousa: 苏萨,这是美国的进行曲之王,游行时伴奏的曲子十有八九是他的作品ThanksgivingACT3速读句子:1 Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks. Each in his own way.2 I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient. for being 较为含糊,但也牵涉到语法不够熟悉.3 We should all take a little break before dessert.4 I invited her to come by for dessert.5 Lots to be thankful for表达方式:1 准备好做某事: get ready to do sth..2 活的健康: being well3 享受和大家在一起简洁表述法: I enjoy you all.4 及格的分数: a passing grade不及格的分数: A failing grade.Flunking Math 数学不及格刚刚及格:Scrape through an examinationSqueaked through the examination.5 幸运: lucky to......luckilyprovidential神奇的,上天眷顾的6 赞同,支持,顶: go along with .second7 邀请: invite sb to do sth8 上菜,分菜,在某人面前放: serve coffe9 倒咖啡: pour coffee10 晚饭如何: How was your dinner11 绕道过来: I'm glad you came by.单词:清教徒:pilgrim 收获: harvestMan's Best Friend 19-21集ACT 1速读句子1 If they come home and they're on ... 速度2 It sounded like a dog barking right here. 注意right的发音表达方式1 考虑周到的:They're so thoughtful.2 别隐瞒了,你有事情,我能感觉到:yes,there is , I can tell3 询问什么状况的表达式:What's the matterWhat's upWhat happens hereWhat's wrongwhat's happeningWhat go on4 待某人很好: The Molinas treat me so nicely5 看起来可笑I know I must seem silly.This is ridiculous可笑的It is enough to make a horse laugh.极其可笑;6 打起精神来cheer you upChirk upHe finally bestirred himself. 他让自己振作了起来Come, bestir yourselfYou must try to pull yourself together.Gather oneself together.be up and doing.he roused himself to talk to Christine.他打起精神来与克里斯廷谈话;Spunk up before the public at least. 至少你要在公众面前打起精神来;7否则的另一种表达方式: or elseI have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry.我得关掉灯,不然我爸会生气.8 别客气: Make yourself at home.Do not stand on ceremony.9 无家可归:You've lost your family.homeless.He was left completely on the pavement.She was with no real roof over her head.10 电话停机,空号:The number's no longer in service.单词1 傻,可笑: silly2 起士汉堡: cheeseburger3 炸薯条:french fries4 使某人高兴的:Chirk5 激励:bestir6 Springer Spaniel 斯宾格猎犬,激飞猎犬,Spaniel是一个庞大的犬家族,全舍俱乐部AKC认证的Spaniel有12种之多7 Beagle 小猎犬猎兔犬Man's Best Friend 19-21集ACT 2速读句子:1With a little help from the ASPCA 弱读with2 I'd like to bring to you. d k失音3 They're still open are弱读4 They're open until nine o'clock.实际分解读音为They're openun til nine o'clock.5 I'll adopt her. 速读句子实际分解读音为I'll la dopt her表达方式:1 找他们没错:They're the ones.2 就是那个,没错:that's it3 被树卡住:was caught in the branches of our tree4 你们开到多晚:how late are you open5 九点之前: by nine6 把...带来,进口: bring over sth. or bring sth. over7 把...带去: take sth. by there8 无法抗拒,人见人爱:She's hard to resist.9 出门在外都不容易:It's not easy being away from home.10 出发去某地:We're off to the animal shelter.11 要你的名字你的证件就够了:Your nameID will do.单词:1 the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.全美防止虐待动物协会2 学期:semester3 爱和关怀love and affection4 美俚豿: poochie.Man's Best Friend 19-21集ACT 2速读句子:1 With a little help from the ASPCA 弱读with2 I'd like to bring to you. d k失音3 They're still open are弱读4 They're open until nine o'clock. 实际分解读音为They're openun til nine o'clock.5 I'll adopt her. 速读句子实际分解读音为I'll la dopt her表达方式:1 找他们没错:They're the ones.2 就是那个没错:that's it3 被树卡住:was caught in the branches of our tree4 你们开到多晚:how late are you open5 九点之前: by nine6 把...带来,进口: bring over sth. or bring sth. over7 把...带去: take sth. by there8 无法抗拒,人见人爱:She's hard to resist.9 出门在外都不容易:It's not easy being away from home.10 出发去某地:We're off to the animal shelter.11 要你的名字你的证件就够了:Your nameID will do.单词:1 the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.全美防止虐待动物协会2 学期:semester3 爱和关怀love and affection4 美俚豿: poochie.Man's Best Friend 19-21集ACT 31 We want to be sure that you're tha ture responsible 连读2 and that you can take good弱读care of an animal. 连读3 Then you have to fill out this form about your连读4 your reasons for wanting an animal. an animal连读实际发音a na nimal5 Just to have as a pet 注意as速读6 Then an adult must sign for you. must弱读7 Her eyes look so sad. her弱读8 I see you're both animal lovers. I弱读9 We'll call in a couple of days. We'll 连读10 Even if they are kind to Gemma, 连读速读Even if--实际发音为E-venif11 Ginger ale with lots of ice for me 速读12 The owners claimed Gemma 注意熟悉claimed的使用13 And some will even come when you call. 连读粘连wil leven14 We like to think of them as our friends 速读15 Some live under water. Some live in a cage. live 弱读表达方式:1 填表: fill out this form2 就这样么Is that it3 还有一些: No, there's连读more.4 还有什么:anything else5 抱抱,搂抱,依偎: cuddle with it6 热心的,主动的,帮忙的,殷勤的: being so helpful例如麦兜说:I want to help you to wash the dishes.麦太说:How come you being so helpful麦兜说:I failed in the test.麦太说:OhHow come7 How come约等于Why区别是:“How come you didn't call me last night”你为什么昨晚没打电话给我呢这句话如果换成用“why”就须要用一般的问句形式“Why didn't you call me last night”;8 行了么伙计们可以点菜了Ready, folks9 半熟的: medium rare10 生洋葱: raw onion11 什么时候来一趟: come by someday单词:1 介绍人: references2 好伙伴: a pal3 索取,声称: claim4 Folks,父母,家人,亲戚,人们,很不正式的说法,但没有任何不敬的含义.5 调味酱:Salad dressing6 droopy 下垂,无精打采的droop eyes7 floppy 松软的,懒散邋遢的floppy ears22-24ou're Going to Be Fine1 and we should remove them as soon as possible. 速读2 I'll try to arrange the schedule连读,弱读Dr. Stewart速读,其中t弱读3 after we remove his tonsils. 连读4 When you come out重读of the hospital.4 does your throat hurt连读5 It's a problem, isn't it速读6 you won't get so many colds anymore速读表达方式:1 Thank you for your reassurance2 sore throats 喉咙疼3 put it off 拖延,推迟4 talk it over 好好商量一下5 Let me try to work something out 让我想个办法6 She has a special way with kids 有一套办法7 Everything will be just fine.一切都会好的词语:pajama and robe 睡裤睡袍reassurance 放心eg:A good doctor combines reassurance with fellow feelings for his or her patients.好医生善于把对他或她的病人的同情与消除疑虑结合起来;。

or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
be susceptible to 易受到。。(感染得病)
ransomnd off 挡开,保护
viable 可行的
specifically 特定的,明确得.
substantial 真实的,可观的
out of equation 不在考虑之中
bang and burn 硬碰硬
victory party 庆功会
make a wager 打赌
This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.
看美剧 学口语 常用生活口语

一.优雅骂人1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。
27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。
The Big Bang Theory S04E23 Wind-VDS笔记系列 看美剧学英语美语口语单词

【看美剧学英语/美语/口语/单词】【 Wind-VDS笔记系列】The Big Bang Theory S04E23作者: Wind-VDS创作于:2011年5月15日*转载请保留笔记完整,未经作者许可不得用于商业用途*地道口语篇1 1分10秒,餐厅,Sheldon 一席恶语,Raj 怒了正文 Raj:H ey! That's my sister and my country you're talking about. Leonard may have defiled one,but I won't have you talking smack about the other.Talk smack讲解 Smack 是打击,talk smack 是用说话来攻击举例 Leonard: Raj: 你真的觉得Penny 会对Priya 说我坏话 不,但我有可能(杜撰对白)Leonard: Raj: you really think Penny would talk smack about me to Priya?No, but I might.类似 表达-I will not stand you abusing my sister virbally like this.-U are not gonna trash my sisiter or my country like that.2 4分10秒,Sheldon 客厅,Howard 表示但愿老娘别把Berni 给吃了正文 Leonard : Howard:girlfriend and mom having a get-to-know-you lunch?That sounds lovely.Hopefully. Of course, if history is any indication,my mother will swallow her wholeand spit out her bones like an owl.If ***讲解 加上If 的结构弱化了语气 比较based on the past events, my mother is goona ** 类似形式 Berni: Howard: 你怎么能认为你妈因我犯了心脏病,你个傻瓜 额,如果这让你好受点的话,现在我们可以确定我妈不介意我和一个信奉天主教的女孩在一起不是?(杜撰对白)Berni: Howard: How could you think your mum had a heart attack becauseof me? You little putz.Well, if it ’s any consolation , now we are sure that mymum is ok with me marring a Catholic girl类似形式 Berni: Sheldon: 为什么你就认定是我导致你妈躺在临死之床上? 如果我能插一句话,根据事情发生的时间顺序,认定这事和你有关乃最正确的假设,你也是个科学家,你应该懂这个(杜撰对白)Berni: Why did you just assume I was responsible for your mumbeing on a deathbed?Sheldon: if I may jump in , based on the chronological events thattook place, it is only fair to assume it has something to dowith you. You are a scientist, I ’d think you know that.3 11分10秒,医院,Berni 得知自己可能要对Howard 母亲的心脏病复发负责 正文 Berni: Howard: Penny: You told her we were going to get marriedand she had a heart attack?You can't take that personally .How else is she supposed to take it?Take thatpersonally讲解 认为**是争对自己举例 Raj: Leonard: 嗨,我不能让你这么说我的妹妹 别激动,不是争对她的,Sheldon 只是极其的害怕细菌。

走遍美国精讲笔记【1-26课】LTAlexandra: Oh, she's very pretty.Richard: Thanks.【语言点精讲】1. Would you like some coffee?Would you like...相当于“你想要...吗?”,在客气地请对方做某事或请客时用。
如本文中,Richard问Alexandra“想来一点咖啡吗”,他说"Would you like some coffee?"在谈到自己的书Family Album, U.S.A.时,他问对方“想要看一看吗”,"Would you like to see them?"如果我们不想接受,就说"No, thank you."如果愿意接受,则说"Yes. I'd like that." 或者"Yes. Please."2. Here they are.把东西给别人看时用。
单数时用Here it is.3. Thanks.在本情境中出现的两次"Thanks"都是对于别人赞美的回应。
所以无论是人家说你的英语好--"Your English is very good.",还是称赞你的夫人很漂亮--"Oh, she's very pretty.",都不必不好意思,只要说声"Thank you" 就可以了。
ACT 1-4 “很高兴认识你。

MJE口语笔记尼基塔第二季第五集口语精华:1. It slipped my mind.我记不起来了。
2. It is a setup?这是个圈套?3. You're blackmailing me?你在要挟我?4. We have a situation.我们出状况了。
5. The decision is yours.你自己决定吧。
6. Ready to fire.做好了开火的准备。
7. Glad you approve.很高兴你赞成。
8. What you're doing is incredibly brave.你所做的一切真的非常的勇敢。
9. Why in the world would I do that?为什么我要这么做呢?10. Are you sure you're ready for this?你确定你已为此做好准备了吗?11. Can I talk to you privately?我们能借一步说话吗?12. This is a great honor.这是至高的荣幸。
经典台词:1. Sean: You screw with one of us, you screw with all of us.你跟我们中的一个过不去就是跟我们所有人过不去2. Sean: You know, sometimes it's the little things in life that can make all the difference. 你知道,有时候正是生活中一些微乎其微的小事,使一切都变得不同。
3. Sean : You can't build your whole life around revenge. There needs to be something else.你不能把自己的生活都建立在复仇之上,人生必须有其它的支撑。
4. Cassandra:In our world, families are a liability. Our loved ones are our weaknesses. 对于我们这些人,家人就是负担,我们的至亲至爱就是我们的弱点。

看美剧学口语之摩登家庭第一季笔记地道口语Modern Family第一季笔记超级有用的地道的英语口语大全含解释1 Just a sec. =just a second.2 yell at sb3 That's not gonna happen. gonna= going to4 衣服:outfit5 亲昵词语:honey sweetheart sweetie6 it is way too short .Way:副词,表程度,远远地,大大地Way too 很常用Eg:Steve Jobs was way smarter than Bill Gates.7 banister :栏杆8 baby oil :婴儿润肤油9 on bedside tab : 床头Bedside:床边tab10 come on :A,表示请求、鼓励、劝说等如:Come on, Lucy, come on. Don’t be so shy.2. 用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点。
如:Come on, it’s getting dark.3. 表示责备或不耐烦等,如:Come on, don’t sit there dreaming.4. 用于挑战或激怒对方,如:Come on! I’m not afraid of you. 来吧,我不会怕你的。
5. 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油。
如:"Come on! Come on!" shouted the audience again and again. You gotta take that kidout.11 naked :12 job:A,i’ve done my job 完成任务13 vamos :西语加油14 penalty: 罚款,罚金;处罚15 0发音为ou16 take it down a notch : Notch:刻痕Take it up a notch17 murder18 damn it : 该死19 adorable :20 precious:可爱的人21 thrilled : 非常兴奋的;极为激动的?22 snack23 initially24 lesbian friends:lesbian:adj and n25 surrogate mother :代孕母亲26 认为:A,figure27 mean28 ’em=them的缩写29 vietnam30 fawn over sb :奉承31 cream puff:泡芙娘娘腔32 orphanage33 shame on you为你感到耻辱34 small-minded,ignorant35 she’s got sthShe’s=she has got过去分词比gotten常用36 headset:耳机37 兄弟:A buddy:用于男子间,好朋友Playa:花花公子38:keep doing sth39 specialist:专科医师40 have sb over把某人请到家里来?Invite sb over41 easy:放松冷静42 might as well:倒不如43 embarrass44 等等:A hang on a second45 I’m bound to be surprised ?Be bound to do sth :必然46 camcorder:便携式摄像机47 脏话WTF =what the fuck 他妈的Eg:what the fuck are you doing??Little bitchWhat the hell is that supposed to mean48 mean to do sth :故意49 that’s it ? 就是这样吗?50 we are serious about it我们是认真的51 liar :撒谎!52 gotta=have to53 quit:quit sth or quit doing sth54 blowup55 天啊Geez56 passionate :多情的,狂热的57 barely58 wide:adv,很大地She’s still wide awake59 awake60 be supposed to do 应该61,Maternal,primal,reassuring,gay62 what’s up ? I don’t blame you63 I’m so relieved64吓:scare65 there you go :。

E Noun Explanation 16memoirsprecautionlouse pl. Lice 虱子ridicule mock, scornsewage sewersuspense feeling of tenseness, worry, etc about what may happenout-take segment of film or tape, etc edited out before it is released because it contains a mistake 删减的片段grand sl 1000 dollars 1000美元dirt malicious gossip 流言蜚语fling short period of enjoyment in some, often irresponsible, activity check-up thorough examination, esp a medical one 全身检查anecdote ['?nik,d?ut]bug any small insect 小虫子measles infectious disease, esp of children, with a fever and small red pots that cover the whole body 麻疹camp-out live in a tent 露营John a prostitute’s customer嫖客DA District Attorneyupshot outcome; result 最终结果apricot 杏hose 軟管llama['lɑ:m?] 美洲驼,无峰驼standalleypeach thing that is exceptionally good or attractive of its kind; excellent, usu a personfriendthing that is very helpful or familiar Persistence has always been my friend.port-a-pottytilelimestone 石灰岩Jacuzzi bath-tub with underwater jets of water that massage the bodybongo 用手指敲打的小鼓exclusivity 独特性17ward patient roomcustodian person who take care of or look after sthperimeter boundary of an area 边界barrack any large ugly buildingrecidivism persistent offending 屡犯heart-to-heart frank conversation about personal matters 谈心belfry part of a church tower in which bells hang 钟楼archplea statement made by or for a person charged with an offence in courtbargain agreementdrape curtain 窗帘veneer [v?'ni?] n. 1. 2. ;外饰veneer(,)roots ; 祖籍blueprint detailed plan or scheme , 具体规划contractor person or firm that does jobs, esp construction, under contract sucker gadget; thing 玩意儿burrito [b?:'rit?u] () allowanceklutziness foolishness; stupidness 愚蠢 klutzy foolish; stupidbuggy 轻便马车padre ['pɑ:dri] priestcryptElectrolyte [i'lektr?u,lait] 电解质saint unselfish or patient persondeodorant odor smellmoron very stupid person 大傻瓜nacho n. ()jalapeno [,hɑ:l?'peinj?u] 墨西哥辣椒foremanhottie a sexually attractive personlasik LASIK Laser in Situ Keratomileusisstench very unpleasant smell 臭味con convictcompulsionlitigation lawsuitscratch-off 刮彩票的动作18drink alcoholic liquor 酒pantyhose (pantyhose = panty + hose)manslaughter crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally 过失杀人term 条款savingsweed cigarettes 烟hysterectomypaperbackgut abdomen; stomach 腹部shack roughly-built house19etiquette ['eti'ket] formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession 礼节;礼仪freezer 冰柜rosary string of beads for keeping count of prayers used in religion 念珠tombstone ['tu:mst?un] 墓碑counseling advice, esp from a professional person 咨询salsa kind of Latin American style of music and dance SALSAATM automatic teller machine 自动提款机guacamole[gwɑk?'mol?] 鳄梨色拉酱() batchwhispermandarin official standard spoken language of Chinachest large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大皮箱bratwurst['br?tw?st]refreshments snacksflat A term for wine lacking a refreshing, tart or sour taste, or sparkling wines that have lost their bubbles. Flat: Wine lacking a refreshing slightly sour taste and sparkling wines that have lost most of their carbon dioxide.bubbly champagne 香槟ministry 全体牧师sodomy anal sexual intercourse between a man and esp another man sodomite person practicing sodomybunion painful swelling 胀痛basementcouponcapper ['k?p?] the climax or clincher of sthWhen the butler tripped and served Mr. Wilson the entire dessert, in his lap, that was the capper to an exciting evening.casepink-eye 红眼病pharmacy drug storepiccolo['pik?l?u] 短笛outpouring uncontrollable expression of strong feelingscomplication new illness, or new development of an illness, that makes treatment more difficult 并发症heterosexual[,het?r?'sek?u?l] 异性恋的service20gravel small stones, as used to make the surface of road, etc 小石子pebblecornea['k?:ni?] 角膜cocoon [k?'ku:n] 茧nectar花蜜cardiologistdosage amount of medicine to be taken at a time or over a period 剂量sabbatical[s?'b?t?k!] 休假;公休calf小牛皮革boob woman’s breastpaperworksludge sewage 污水trench战壕sentiment attitude or opinion, usu influenced by emotionfalling-outall-nighter a person who often stays up all nightE Adjetive Explanation16sordid (of people, behavior, etc) dirty, displaying selfishness, meanness, etc down sad; depressedborderline between two different groups or categories 边缘性的sluggish slow-moving; not alert or livelyjuicy interesting, esp because scandaloushigh-profile keep a low-profilecrappy sl bad; worthless; unpleasantmaterialistic excessively interested in material possessions, bodily comforts, etc while neglecting spiritual valuesiffy doubtful; uncertainbouncydiscreet careful or showing good judgment in what one says or does; not too obvious 谨慎的everyused with abstract nouns all possible I have every intention of sleeping with him.I have every chance of success.I have every reason to punch him.skanky ugly; repellent, usually said of a woman 丑陋的cocky conceited, arrogant 自大的mortifyingdistasteful unpleasantcreepy causing or having an unpleasant feeling of fear or horror cold-blooded without pity; cruel 冷血的speedyhypocritical17thankless (of an action) not likely to win thanks, appreciation, or reward for the person performing itbleak bare; exposed 光秃秃的hand-engraved hand-carved hand-painted far-fetched (of a story, an account, etc) exaggerated; unbelievable orderly well-behaved; peacefulfaux (French) imitation; not genuinewacky loony; silly and giddy loony sl crazy or eccentric giddy having the feeling that everything is turning around and that one is going to fallphony false, faked, faux 虚假的perfect total, absolute 完全的hideous very ugly; frightfulpossessive treating sb as if one owns him, demanding total attention or love sketchy incomplete; roughhypothetical 假设的18dead no longer effective; no longer of any consequence That guy is dead—out of power.common (of people, their behavior and belongings) typical of the lower classes of society, showing a lack of taste; vulgar Don’t be common.unsubstantiated not provedblessed fortunateimpeccable free from mistakes; excellent or faultless 完美无暇的hollow empty; not solid 空洞的heated angry; excitedvibrant full of life and energy 活力四射的19god-awful extremely bad; terriblestunning impressive; splendidleastsmallest in size, amount, extent, etc That ‘s the least of my anxieties.Arthritis is the least of my problems.limber supple; flexible 灵敏的blue sad; depressedungrateful not recognizing a kindness, service, etc; not grateful ,gray 灰白的righteous morally justifiableproactive taking charge of a situation and causing things to happen by intervention, rather than reacting after the event /提前行动的ticklish(of a person) sensitive to tickling 痒的crabby bad-tempered; irritable20platonic [plei't?nik] of love or a friendship between two people close and deep but not sexualtender painful when touched; sensitiveachey painful continuously 持续疼痛的roomy having plenty of space to contain things or people 宽敞的torrid passionate; eroticembittered filled with bitter feelings 痛苦的dumb stupiddense stupidrock-solid immovable; dependableparanoidinviting tempting; attractive 吸引人的hazy not clear; vague so you'll forgive me if I'm hazy on the details. extensive large in amount; wide-rangingpreoccupiedinattentive because one is thinking of or worrying about sth else。

[S1E1]The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate [第一季第一集]莫妮卡的新室友[Scene: Central Perk]Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!Joey:C'mon1, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta2 be something wrong with him!Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump3? A hump and a hairpiece4?Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk? Just, 'cause5, I don't want her to go through6 what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. ①C'mon : Come on的缩写。
②gotta : 口语,got to的缩写,意为“必须、不得不、一定”。
③hump : 此处作为名词意为“驼背”。
另外还有“驼峰、土墩、山脉、危机”等意思;hump还可作为动词(humps, humped, humping),意思有“隆起、使烦恼、急速行进(俚语)、努力(俚语)、与女子性交(粗话、俚语)”。
习惯用语over the hump,意思为“已度过最困难的阶段、已经过严峻考验”④hairpiece : 假发。

跟美剧学英语口语跟美剧学英语口语大全跟美剧学口语:美少女的谎言(5)原文:S'dad: Hey. Those are for you. Butter creams. They're your favorite, right?S: Yeah, they were...when I was, like seven. Thanks, daddy. So, you finally spoke to wren?S'dad: No, but I spoke with Mr.Sheldrake. You didn't really think you were gonna be able to keep this essay secret, did you? Spencer, this is a coup for you. I mean, if the ivies weren't onto you already, they are now.重点单词发音讲解:butter英['b?t?] 美['b?t?]n. 黄油;奉承,谄媚,甜言蜜语v. 涂黄油于...;用黄油烹调;把黄油放入wren英[ren] 美[ren]n. 鹪鹩;少女;女子essay英['esei] 美[e'sei]n. 论说文;散文,随笔;尝试;企图v. 作…尝试;试图跟美剧学口语:破产姐妹(2)原文:Bye-bye, Brangelina.Mommy loves you.Guys? Before you leave,stop at this one.Angelina could use a little help.Contour that neck, she's a fatty.Peach, come on, that's baby fat.Still, kids can becruel.Don't you listen to your mommy, Angelina.She never eats.Oh, no, she doesn't.重点单词发音讲解:contour英['k?ntu?] 美['k?ntu?]n. 轮廓v. 画轮廓cruel英[kru:?l] 美[kru:?l]adj. 残忍的;残酷的;令人极痛苦的;刻毒伤人的;惨痛的.跟美剧学口语:Gossip Girl原文:M: I'm on my way. Uh,I'm late for my blowout at Arden's.N: Mom,please. The drugs were dad's. I mean,I guess he thought it'd be easier on everyone, if I took the hit,but they were his.M: I don't understand.N: No, he promised me he would flush the coke,then I caught him buying more.M: The lengths that you will go to to get out of trouble,Nate.N: Mom, he has a problem. I need your help, please. You look down at the floor every time someone tries to tell you the truth.Just look at me. Mom. I saw dad buying drugs yesterday.M: He's been under a lot of pressure, and if you hadn't beenso difficult lately...N: What?M: Your latest rebellions have been very hard on your father, Nate. All this business withDartmouth, your issues with Blair.N: Mom,dad needs your help.M:Not another word of this. We have a celebratory dinner to get to. Please wear a tie.跟美剧学口语:老友记(七)原文:Ross: And you didn't marry him because...?Rachel: I mean, do you think there are people that go through life, never having that kind of...Ross: Probably. But you know, I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated.Rachel: Yeah right.Ross: It is. Eventually, it kind of... burns out. But hopefully, what you're left with is trust, and security, and... well, in the case of my ex-wife, lesbianism. So, you know, for all of those people who miss out on that passion... thing, there's all that other good stuff.Rachel: (sigh) OK.Ross: But, um... I don't think that's going to be you.Rachel: You don't.Ross: Uh-uh. See, I see....big passion in your future.Rachel: Really?Ross: Mmmm.Rachel: You do?Ross: I do.Rachel: Oh Ross, you're so great.重点词汇发音讲解:passion英 [?p?n] 美 [?p??n]n. 激情,热情;热心,好;热恋;酷爱vt.&vi. [诗歌用语]表露强烈感情,显示巨大热情overrate英 [v??re?t] 美 [?ov??ret]vt. 对(质量、能力等)估价过高eventually英 [??vent?u?li] 美 [??v?nt?u?li]adv. 终于,最后;竟;总归;终究burn outv. 烧坏,烧掉,烧尽;燃烧security英 [s??kj??r?ti] 美 [s??kj?r?ti/s?'kjur?t?]n. ;保证,担保;保护,防护;有价证券adj. 安全的,保安的,保密的lesbianism[?lezbi?niz?m][法]女性同性恋;[医]女子同性恋in the case of 至于……,就…来说miss out 遗漏忘];(被)略去;错过机会;不理睬(某人)go through 经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期),(法律、合同等正式)通过;用完;检查;完成跟美剧学口语:老友记(二)原文:Shelley: Question.You're not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you.Chandler: Ah, y'see, perfect might be a problem. Had you said 'co-dependent', or 'self-destructive'...Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday?Chandler: Yes please.Shelley: Okay. He's cute, he's funny, he's-Chandler: He's a he?Shelley: Well yeah! ...Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet, now...Okay, goodbye...重点单词发音讲解:perfectadj. 完美的;完好的,理想的v. 完善n. 完成式destructiveadj. 毁灭性的,破坏的,有害的flushv. 脸红;使激动;冲刷,冲洗n. 涌出;冲洗;面红;激动adj. 大量的;丰足的;齐平的跟美剧学口语:老友记(一)原文:Mr. Geller: I was just thinking. When my time comes -Monica: Dad!Mr. Geller: Listen to me!when my time comes, I wanna be buried at sea.Monica: You what?Mr. Geller: I wanna be buried at sea, it looks like fun.Monica: Define fun.Mr. Geller: C'mon, you'll make a day of it! You'll get a boat, pack a lunch...Monica: ...And then we throw your body in the water... Gee,that does sound fun.重点单词发音讲解:buried英[be?rid] 美[be?rid]adj. 埋葬的;埋藏的v. bury的过去式和过去分词define英[di'fain] 美[di'fain]v. 解释;给...下定义;使明确;规定;为...的特性下载全文。

生活大爆炸第一季第1集What’s your point? 你到底想说什么?We’ll be right back. 马上就好I know, I do yearn for faster downloads. 我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度pin one’s hope on 寄希望于,把希望寄托在…wind up with 最后得到的却是wind up..最后却成为,沦落为What’s the protocol for leaving?renege on 反悔,出尔反尔renege on one’s promise 食言proffer n&vt 提供,贡献be mad about sth 为某事而生气,对什么痴迷be mad at sb 生某人的气trip 绊倒trip over sth 被绊倒transvestite 异装癖we need widen our circle 我们得扩大下我们朋友的圈子That’s the beauty of it. 这正是其美妙之处I know that moving can be stressful. And I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect.我知道搬家可能会很累,并且我发现当我身心俱疲时,美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦。
Also, curry is a natural laxative…还有,咖喱本身有通便功效laxative 泻药,通便的spoof n&v 欺骗,恶搞,讽刺Holy smokes! 我的妈啊,天啊,上帝啊You’re lactose-intolerant乳糖不耐受,不能吃乳糖You? No, you’ll only make it worse. 你?算了,你只会越帮越忙。
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NO.1 Friends1、central perk(1)、central park(中央公园)的戏称(2)、本身就是一个单词,有“更加振奋”之意,与咖啡馆的主题不谋而合2、perk up 来劲儿了精神头上来了Mr.Zhang,you perk up every time your girlfriend shows up.张先生,每次你女朋友一来,你就来劲了3、There's nothing (for sb.)to + do sth. 没什么可(1)可以为自己辩解开脱(2)可以安慰别人,给他们打气4、some:不确定的某个通常形式是:some + 单数的可数名词Are you kidding?There must be some mistake.开什么玩笑,肯定有什么地方搞错了吧He must be in some kind of trouble.他铁定是遇到什么麻烦事了5、colleague = co-worker 同事my co-worker in the legal department(我法务部的同事)6、come on(1)通常用来加油鼓劲Come on! Don't be so shy.(2)得了吧,少来了Come on,we all know that‟s not true.少来这一套,谁不知道那是假的7、go out with someone = have a date with someone与某人约会8、gotta(美国俚语)=got to必须9、something wrong 不对劲,有问题There's something wrong with my damn computer.我那该死的电脑出问题了10、there’s gotta be肯定是有There‟s gotta be a reason.肯定是有原因的There…s gotta be a catch.肯定有诈11、all right:此处用在句首,表示不耐烦、不满或者愤怒的情绪be nice to sb. 对人好He‟s a nice person 他人很好此处的nice 指人个性好,易相处mean刻薄的my mean boss我刻薄的上司12、hump :n 驼背hairpiece:n 假发套wear a hairpiece 戴假发wig 假发big wig = a person of importance 大人物he is a big wig in our company他在公司是个叱咤风云的人物13、go through 遭遇experience sth. very unpleasantI have been going through a had patch recently.我近来真不走运啊put someone through折腾人,折磨人They really put me through it.他们实在把我折腾了一番get through :熬过来,撑过来14、表示惊讶的感叹句:Oh my god!Oh gee!Oh gosh!15、I'm such a +(贬义色彩的名词)我真是一个…..I‟m such an idiot(笨蛋白痴)I…m such a jerk.(混蛋奇怪的人)I‟m such a loser.(失败者)16、should have done sth(虚拟语气)应该做却没有做的事I should have dumped himI should…ve dumped him(更地道)我早就应该甩了他了17、catch on人做主语:理解,明白= understandHe is very quick to catch on things.物做主语:流行,时髦The online game of stealing vegetables has caught on white-collar workers.偷菜游戏在白领中很流行18 、mess:状况不佳一片混乱The whole situation in my company is a mess.咱们公司,如今的形势,整个一团乱。
19、accidentally 不小心的valuable 贵重的20、go for 选择我就想要一碗面I think I will just go for the noodles.No.2 Friends1、wanna = want toI wanna meet you.I wanna fly to the moon.2、kill(1)表示“痛死了,疼得让我受不了了”My stomach is killing me!我的胃疼死了!(2)表示“让人感到备受折磨”My job is killing me!killer 杀手/迷人的事物pain-killer 止疼片lady-killer 把女性迷得神魂颠倒的、既有吸引力的男子meddle-aged woman-killer 师奶杀手3、Are you okay,sweetie?其他表示关切的常用语:(1)What's the matter?(2)Is something bothering you?你是不是有什么烦心事?(3)What's on your mind?你在想什么?4、表示亲爱的词:sweetiedarlingWhat's the matter,darling?sweetheart 甜心Is something bothering you,sweetheart?pumpkin(南瓜)What's on your mind,pumpkin?5、feel like:have a desire for(具有...的欲望)feel like doing sthI feel like crying right now.Do you feel like doing sth?你想要做某事么?Do you feel like going out to dinner with me?你想不想和我出去吃顿饭呢?Do you feel like taking a walk in the park?你想和我一起去公园散步吗?6、grab(口语)匆匆地取\拿\抓一把grab a sandwichgrab a bite 匆匆吃了几口I wanna grab a bite.Let's grab a bite.7、up for grabs争夺激烈争夺Hundreds of jobs opportunities are up for grabs at the job fair.招聘会上提供了数百个职位,供人争夺。
应届生:fresh college graduates公务员:civil servantsup for grabs的用法结构:被争抢的东西+ be动词+up for grabs + by + 争抢者Posts of civil servants are up for grabs by millions of fresh college graduates every year.每年都有数百万大学应届生争抢政府公务员的职位8、万能小词:stuff特别可以用来指代任何名词stuff 没有复数形式,等于thing或things一般说法:The things in the supermarket are very expensive.稍牛说法:The stuff in the supermarket is very expensive.注意:动词应该用第三人称单数形式I really hate that kind of stuff.我对那种做法真的烦透了。
9、cleanse:净化,清楚(多加抽象的东西,比较文学的说法)aura:灵气,气场10、leave … alone:单独放在一边;不理了,不管了Just leave me alone,ok?别烦我,让我一个人行不?Would you please do me a favor and leave me alone?您能不能行行好,别来烦我呢?11、murky:黑暗的,朦胧的Be murky! 继续倒霉下去吧!12、hell:地狱to hell someone去他的,让..见鬼去吧(传达一种愤怒厌恶的情绪)To hell you!去你的!the hell:放在句中,可以增强语气:What the hell is going on?到底发生了什么事?What the hell are you talking about?你到底在说什么啊?hell通常用在疑问词后面来加强语气公式:疑问词+ the hell + 其他.13、back in + 具体事件\年份back in 1998 早在1998年back in high school 早在高中的时候14、major:主要的、重要的本句解释为very huge(非常):I had a huge crush on you.我曾经很迷恋你。
15、have a crush on someone:表示迷恋喜爱某人have a little crush on someone 小小的迷恋某人have a huge crush on someone 十分迷恋某人have a major crush on someone 十分迷恋某人16、figure此处相当于think 表示深思熟虑17、geek 书呆子18、let sth become a factor让某种事情成了影响某事的因素I will not my personal affection become a factor in my judgement.我不会让自己的私人感情成了影响我判断的因素。
19、vulnerability 脆弱性vulnerable:脆弱的固定搭配:be vulnerable to:对...特别抵挡不住Young women are vulnerable to fashion advertisements.年轻女性对时尚广告特别没有抵抗力。
20、约人:Would you like to go out with me tonight?Are you free tonight?Do you have plan tonight?No.3 Prison Break1、tattoo = tatoo 纹身2、That’s it.(1)表示赞同,相当于“that's right”意为:对,正是如此。