大学英语视听说教案Unit 6.doc

Exercise 2
Watch the video clip again and answer the questions below. 1. What is Sierra Madre known for?
It’s natural beauty and panorama of the Copper Canyon.
Never refuse and invitation. Never resist the unfamiliar. Never fail to be polite. Never outstay your welcome.
Exercise 2
Listen and fill in the missing information.
places of historic interest and scenic beauty 名胜古 迹 Sierra Madre马德雷山脉 Copper canyon 铜谷 Tarahumara Indian塔拉胡 马拉族印第安人 Chihuahua墨西哥奇瓦瓦 州
Sierra Madre Tourism
Ecotourism: A Different Way to Travel
Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. 1. What are eco-tourists like? 2. When does the ecotourism start? And how is it growing now? 3. How can tourists reach Ecuador’s remote Amazon Basin mentioned in the listening? 4. How do the local Achuar guides explain the forest ? 5. What can tourists experience from the ecotourism? 6. What is one thing you could do on your next trip to be more of an eco-tourist?

Listen to the audio clip again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. Six Olympic venues have been opened to the public one year after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. T
With the first anniversary of the 2008 Beijing Olympics (August, 8th), just around the corner, people are assessing the legacy the Olympic Games has left the city, both materially and spiritually. There can be little doubt that the Games have brought substantial benefits. Our national sports culture has continued to develop and flourish. Local people are delighted that the Beijing municipal government has decided to open Olympic venues to the public, providing alternative gymnasiums as well as a chance to see the venues up close. Currently, six Olympic venues have been opened to the public. In choosing which venues to visit, people tend to select the ones nearest their homes. During the Olympics a hundred thousand volunteers impressed the world with their charming smiles and quality service. Many of them have chosen to continue serving the city as volunteers after the Olympics. They consider it to be a way of spreading the volunteer spirit far and wide and of developing a sense of civic responsibility. The Olympics have brought about significant changes in people‟s ways of life. Greater interest in sport, greater awareness of environmental protection and a greater willingness to volunteer are all valuable outcomes of the Games. Although the Olympics are now history, our lives have become richer as a result of them.
视听说教案unit 6

Unit 6 The truth can be stranger than fictionTeaching objectives:1. To learn and remember the common English expressions of famous world wonders;2. To introduce some listening skills of CET4 and finish some exercises related to the unit topic;3. To master the relevant sentences of study and establish relationship in oral communication .Teaching contents:1. Warm-up activity2. Part I lead-in3. Listening Practice, including Part II Basic listening practice, Part III Listening in-Task 1 and 3, and Part VI Further listening and speaking-Task 2.4. Summarize useful words and expressions.5. Group discussion and presentation: describe world wonders and their features.6. Introduction and strategies of CET4 listening comprehension.Teaching focus:Important points:1. Remember words and expressions related to famous world wonders, like mascot, monitor, crucify, unrest, ambiguity, launch, talisman, resemble, abduct, get one’s fingers crossed, pull off, count someone in, lucky charm, go nuts.2. Master listening strategies for CET4 by practicing listening materials from text book and CET4 samples.Difficult points:1. How to describe the features of the world wonders and memorize some key words.2. How to master listening skills for CET4.Teaching methods: Task-based and Communicative teaching methods.Teaching aids: MultimediaTeaching periods: 3 periodsTeaching procedures:Period 1:1.Warm-up Activity: review unit 5 and check how much Ss have done for this unit.2.Part I Lead in: this part is about some strange truth and mystery.3.Mysteries in the picture. Teacher will ask Ss to discuss them and then talk aboutthem.4.Listening practice:1)Practice listening skills by Part II Basic listening practice and Part III Listeningin-Task 1 which are about magic tricks. Ss need to preview options and are taking key words down for short conversations while listening.2)This part will go to Period 2.Period 21.Continue to practice listening skills: 2) Part III Listening in-Task and Part VIFurther listening and speaking-Task 2 which are about views on S uperstitions or real bad luck. Besides preview and key words, Ss also need to judge the speakers meanings by theirs tones.2.Teacher will summarize some useful words and expressions in the selectedlistening materials.3.Teacher will ask Ss to discuss what they have listened in groups and choose one ortwo candidates to express their ideas group by group.Questions which will be offered by teacher:1)How many mysteries do you know? Do you believe in them?2)Is there anybody around you who is superstitious? What’s your opinion aboutsuperstition?3)What would you do when you found something that cannot be explained by truthand science?Period 31.Teacher will introduce new strategies of listening comprehension of CET4,especially news listening and lecture listening.2.Listening practice:1)Take a whole test of the CET4 listening with new forms.2)Group work: surf the internet to find some frequent-use words of news listeningand share in the class.。
大学体验英语听说I unit6

at school √ in their yard
at their house 6. √ at their grandmother’s house
√ at Phil’s parents’ house
Third Listening
Listen and rewrite the underlined part of each statement. 1. Beth thought it kind of fun to live in the same room with share a room her sister. _______________ 2. Beth, in the picture with her brother, hadn’t graduated from high school yet. was almost out of _______________ 3. Beth’ grandma was wonderful and deserved her amazing admiration. _______________
The Abbot family T ___ Glenn works in a bank. F ___ Liz works at the Sydney Opera House. F ___ Alex and Louise are in college. T ___ The younger kids love to surf.
Eze Nigeria
Martinez Honduras
Abbot Australia
Get The Main Ideas
Write T (true) or F (false). The Martinez familh. T ___ Doña Maria has three children. T ___ Doña Maria is the head of the family. F ___ Doña Maria lives with her daughter’s family.

UNIT 6 What’s in fashion?I.Lead-inWatch the video clip and answer the following questions.1.Do you agree with the point that the more charming you are as a girl, themore confident you will be in seeking a good job?2.Do you think it’s fair to deprive young people of their chances to demonstratetheir beauty at an early age?II.Listening Skills1.Pair Work: Work with your deskmate to retell the following sentences withthe suffix –mate.a.This is Jack. He and I share a flat.b.My granddad still writes to his old friends he was at sea with.c.We were in the same class together in 1988, weren’t we?d.She’s not really a friend, she’s just someone I work with.Answers: This is Jack. He’s my flatmate. (He and I are flatmates.)My granddad still writes to his old (or former) shipmates.We were classmates in 1988, weren’t we? (You were a classmate of mine…)She’s not really a friend, she’s just a workmate.2.Group Work: How many relationships can you find between the people in column Aand column B?Useful words: best friend, good friend, friend, acquaintance; close colleague, colleague/workmate; lover, steady boy/girlfriend, ex-lover, ex-boy/girlfriend;wife/husband/partner, ex-lover, ex-boy/girlfriendA:John Silver: owns a language school for business people in Bath. Worked at the Sun School, Oxford, 1994-1995.Josh Yates: politician, was married to Eve Cobb 1983-1990. Met Bill Nash a couple of times.Ada Brigg: was married to Bill Nash 1991-1994. Swam for Britain in 1992 Olympics.Ana Wood: has lived as a couple (unmarried) with Bill Nash for the last five years.B:Nora Costa: was in GB Olympic swimming team in 1992. Was in same class at school as Ada Brigg.Bill Nash: works every day with John Silver. Shared a flat years ago with Eve Cobb.Fred Parks: politician. Knew Ada Brigg years ago, but not very well.Lorna Fitt: taught at Sun School, Oxford, 1990-1997. Lives with Josh Yates.Some possible answers:John Silver and Lorna Fitt were colleagues in 1994-1995.Josh Yates is Eve Cobb’s ex-husband.Eve Cobb is JoshYates’ ex-wife.Eve Cobb used to be Bill Nash’s flatmate.Bill Nash and John Silver are colleagues.Ada Brigg and Nora Costa were Olympic teammates.Ana Wood is Bill Nash’s partner. (or vice versa)Nora Costa and Ada Brigg were classmates.Bill Nash and Eve Cobb were flatmates.Bill Nash is Eve Cobb’s ex-flatmates. (or vice versa)Fred Parks and Ada Brigg were once acquaintances.3.Word Tips:ex- can be used with or without (informally) another word: She’s my ex.(girlfriend, etc.)Mate is a colloquial word for a good friend. It can also be used in compound nouns to describe a person you share something with, e.g. classmate, shipmate, workmate, flatmate. The stress is on the first word in each case.Workmate is usual in non-professional contexts or in informal contexts;colleague is more common among professional people, and sounds more formal.Fiancé/ée can still be used for someone you are engaged to, but a lot ofpeople feel it is dated nowadays. You will sometimes seehusband-/wife-to-be in journalistic style.English has no universally accepted words for ‘person I live with but am not married to’, but partner is probably the commonest.III.Listening In1.Pair Work: Talk about what is in or out of fashion in your country byUseful words and expressions:Sneakers, boots, miniskirts, sweat shirts, T-shirts, chinos, flared pants, jeans, long hair for men, long hair for women, shaved head for men or women,dreadlocks, jogging, skateboarding, hip-hop dancing, playing computer games, bungee jumping, behind the times, go out, out of fashion, out of date,out-dated, keep in styleSamples:1.Hip-hop dancing is in and jogging is out.2.Sneakers are out and boots are in this year.3.Jeans are always in fashion.Word Tip: We usually say something is “in” or “out” instead of in fashion and out of fashion.2.Discussion:a.Which is most important to you in deciding what to buy: brand name,quality, or price? Why? (Links to Useful Words and Expressions)b.Do you spend much money on fashion? (Links to Useful Words andExpressions)c.What kind of clothes do you like to wear? (Links to Useful Words andExpressions)d.Why do many young people today go after famous name brands ineverything they buy? (Links to Useful Words and Expressions)e.What do you think of those people who judge others by the clothes theywear? (Links to Useful Words and Expressions)f.Do you believe in the saying “Clothes make the man”? (Links to UsefulWords and Expressions)3.Cultural knowledge: JeansJeans first became popular in the U.S. during the California Gold Rush of the mid-nineteenth century when a German immigrant, Levi Strauss, started making hard-wearing practical pants from a fabric he brought from Germany.He called the pants Levi’s. In 2002, the Levi’s company paid approximately $44,000 for the oldest-known pair of jeans dating back to the 1880s. They were originally owned by a Nevada miner. Five hundred replicas of the pair were made, and they sold at $400 each.IV.Speaking Out1.Discussion:a.How many expressions do you know about asking for opinions?(Samples)b.How many expressions do you know about giving opinions? (Samples)c.Some useful expressions for going shopping (Samples)2.Group Work:.a.Choose one of the situations below and with your group members, decideyour roles.b.Think about what you might say to explain your opinion and persuade theother group members to agree. Make short notes. Then practice yourconversation. (words or expressions)c.Take turns acting out your role-plays for the class. (samples)d.Discuss the role-plays with the class. Who had some interesting ideas?Do you agree or disagree with them?Situation 1:A: You are a teenager and you want to color your hair bright red.B: You are A’s mother. You think A’s natural hair color looks very nice.C: You are A’s friend. You think A worries about fashion too much.Situation 2:A: You are the manager of the most expensive department store in your city.You want all your employees to dress formally.B: You are a salesperson in the department store. You have just had your hairdone in a very unusual style and you really like it.C: You are B’s coworker. You think that styles are important because theyshow our personality.Situation 3:A: You are a 40-year-old mother or father; and your hair is getting gray. Youwant to color it so you can look young again.B: You are A’s teenage son or daughter. You think people shouldn’t try tohide their age.C: You are A’s hairdresser. You want people to have fun with new styles.These expressions are often used when talking informally about fashion:I’m not into it.It’s not me.That’s not my style.3.Jokes:a.My husband said he wanted a tie for his birthday that matched the colorof his eyes—but where can I find a bloodshot tie?b.I t’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow. Last week I asked her what she wantedas a present.“Oh, I don’t know,”she said. “Just give me something with diamonds.It’s in fashion now.”That’s why I gave her a pack of playing cards.V.Let’s Talk1.Activity:a.Work with the class and brainstorm all the information you have aboutthe four most popular brand names in your country and write them incolumn 1. Then brainstorm their most popular products and completecolumn 2 and 3.b.Pair work: Discuss your opinions of the products and reasons for youropinions.Example:S1: What do you think of (insert brand name) ______ clothes?S2: They’re really comfortable. I enjoy wearing them.S1: Yeah, me, too, and they’re not expensive at all. What about (insert brandname) ______ footwear?S2: I wouldn’t dream of buying (insert brand name) shoes!S1: Oh, why not?S2: They’re much too expensive.2.Discussion:Do you own any brand name products? Why do you think certain brand names are so successful?Samples:a.I like brand name products because they’re good quality, not justbecause they’re fashionable.b.People buy brand name items because they want to follow the crowd.c.People today are so worried about image. Tha t’s why brand names areso popular.3.Cultural Knowledge:Sneaker culture is no longer the preserve of the hardcore sneaker freak: it is a full-blown mainstream phenomenon. Walk into any shoe shop today and you’ll be faced with a dizzying array of new designs, ‘old skool’ favourites, limited edition models and ‘rare’ shoes, all in a myriad of colourways. The sneaker has moved out from the sports arena and exploded into popular culture, a fashion staple that transcends race and class yet defines who you are in today’s urban tribes.VI.Important Words and Expressions1.Dictation: Listen to the recording and fill in the following blanks.a.Has the first speaker succeeded in persuading the second one to change hermind? (T75)链接:List as many expressions that have the similar meaning of the words you fill in the blank. (sample)try successfully to do be triumphant in doingdo sth. with flying colors victorye.g. Has the first speaker tried successfully to persuade the second oneto change her mind?Is the first speaker triumphant in persuading the second one tochange her mind?b.And although you have been chosen for your looks that are suitable forcertain dresses, as a model, you are just an advertisement for the designer.(T84)。
大学英语(四)听说unit 6讲稿

That night, Soliman came up with a name for his new business: College Hunks Hauling Junk. He distributed flyers the next day, and within hours, his phone was ringing. He asked his friend Nick Friedman to help out. They made $220 inthree hours cleaning out a woman’s garage.
At first they had trouble finding a bank willing to lend them money as they didn’t have much of a credit rating. After five turndowns, one bank decided to gamble $50,000 on their idea. They put together another $60,000 from their parents and their own savings. They bought a truck, hired a graphic artist to design a logo, ran newspaper and radio ads and recruited haulers on campuses. Wearing bright orange hats and green polos and khakis, these college “hunks” will haul away everything from construction materials to old couches. To cut down the cost of unloading at landfills, they have learned to recycle metals and electronics and donate to charities over 60 percent of what they collect. They also give away a portion of their earnings from each job to local college scholarship programs.
视听说课件Unit 6

• Spare the rod, spoil the child.棍棒出孝子. • spare .v. to not harm or kill somebody or something.饶 恕,宽容. • rod. n. Stick used for hitting people as a punishment.棍 棒. • Like father, like son.有其父必有其子. • As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.上梁不正下梁歪. twig. n. small shoot on the end of the branch.嫩枝 • The child is a chip off the old block.子肖其父 • a chip off the old block---a man or boy who is like his father in character.性格象父亲的人。
Vocabulary Building
• Conscience. n. the ideas and feelings you have that tell you whether something you are doing is right or wrong.良心, 良知. • with a guilty conscience---a bad feeling because you have done something wrong.内疚. • It’s hard to imagine how people live with a guilty conscience. • with a clear conscience ---the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong.问心无愧. • We want to leave with a clear conscience ,knowing we did the job right.
英语视听说UNIT6 Listening Skills

• Regular exercise can be extremely beneficial for all individuals. It can help prevent or delay a long list of diseases.
L Useful Sentence Patterns
Unidentified female
Upward as you inhale, and downward as you exhale. Weiss
For a change of pace from the workout room, Healthpoint in Waltham, Massachusetts offers no sweat, big gain, a relaxation class where participants can relax from the day.
L Interview: Exercise reduce stress (CNN)
You don’t have to break a major sweat to chill out with exercise. Experts say just 30 minutes of brisk physical activity most or all days of the week can offer a powerful benefit.
Liz Weiss, CNN Correspondent
Exercise offers all of the obvious benefits, bigger muscles and a healthier heart. But it also calms our nerves.
大学英语视听说教程课件 Unit 6 Shopping

D) Below $1,000.
2. A) $70.
B) $140.
3. A) $3.00.
B) $3.20.
4. A) Over $999. B) Over $1,998.
5. A) $140.
B) $70.
C) $35. C) $9.60. C) Over $40. C) $35.
D) $105. D) $15.60. D) Over $100. D) $75.
B. Listen to the conversation again and supply the missing words.
Sally (Salesgirl): Hi, are you being _h__e_lp_e_d__ ? Susan: No, I’m not. I’m interested in some scarves. Sally: All our scarves are in this __s_e_c_ti_o_n_. What do you think of this one here? It’s made of silk. Susan: Hm, it looks __n_i_c_e___, but I’d like to have something __w__ar_m___ for the winter. Sally: Maybe you would like a __h_e_a_v_y__ wool scarf. How about this one? Susan: I think that’s what I want. How much is it?
Part 2 Conversation Listening
Conversation 1
英语视听说unit6 Let's Talk

Role-play: Health checkup Activity: Eating habits
Q uestions:
Let’s Talk
Do you do regular body checkups? How about your family members? What’s the importance of regular checkups?
Getting a regular checkup when you're not sick helps keep you healthy.
Health tip:
Most experts agree that if you are healthy, you should get a regular checkup at least twice during your 20s (every 5 years), three times during your 30s (every 3 to 4 years), four times during your 40s (every 2 to 3 years), five times during your 50s (every 2 years), and every year once you reach age 60.
Hale Waihona Puke Role-playSituation: Doctor A gives some suggestions to B based on the test results of a regular Health checkup.
Activity: Eating habits

大学英语视听说教案【篇一:大学英语视听说教案unit 6 】unit 6 home sweet home i. teachingaimsby learning this unit, the student should be able to describehome and house in english fluently.in this unit, students will be able to:1. listen for the main idea and the key information of everypassage;2. grasp the language points and grammatical structures ;3. learn to talk about home, houses and apartments;4. arouse ss interests for the topic of this unit and participateactively.ii. teaching important points1. lesson a speaking, communication2. topic understanding and content understanding of eachpassage3. improving the students listening and speaking abilityiii. teaching difficult points 1. lesson b video course2.speaking with logical thinking3.vocabulary about home, houses and apartments.iv. teaching methods1. task-based teaching in while-listening procedure2. listening and practicing3. speaking and communication4. mediainstruction5. communicative methods: answering, discussion,presentation, team work... v. teaching hours10 class periodsvi. teaching procedures 1. lead-in /warming uptry to describe your sweet home like the examples.2. lesson a : vocabulary link1. direct ss ’attention to the pictures. present the vocabulary.have them read the sentences and number the pictures. matcheach word with a place in the apartment. check answers.demonstration to the class.3. lesson a : listening(1). apartment huntingfamiliarize ss with the new words. have them read the newwords aloud after you. explain the task. play the recording.check answers.tell ss to listen again and mark their answers. play therecording. check answers. introduce the topic that the mantalks about three apartments. number the apartments 1 to 3 asyou listen. have ss listen and fill in the blanks with words theyhear. play the recording. check answers. have ss read throughthe questions and possible answers. tell ss to listen again andcheck the correct boxes. play the recording. check answers.(2). a housing problemintroduce the topic :listen to graciela talk to an adviser at herschool. then answer the questions. then tell them to listen andnumber the steps in order. play the recording. check answers.tell ss to listen again and answer the questions. play therecording. check answers.(3). the davis family wants a new home.tell ss they are going to listen to the program “places for rent. ”. direct ss ’attention to the picture anadsk them to readthe questions. tell ss to listen and answer the questions. playthe recording. check answers.tell ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words in thebox. play the recording. check answers.(4). make yourself at home!introduce the topic. tell ss they are going to listen to apassage. tell ss to listen carefully and write short answers tothe questions. play the recording.check answers.have ss lookat the pictures carefully. tell them to listen to the recording andnumber the pictures to match them with the explanations. playthe recording. check answers.tell ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words theyhear. play the recording. check answers.(5). object-shaped housesdirect ss ’attention to the title. w hat will they hear? present thenew words and have ss read aloud after you. answer anyquestions about vocabulary.with the class, go over the list of questions. tell ss to listenand number the questions in the order they are asked duringthe interview. play the recording. check answers.have ss read the statements. explain that all these statementsare false. tell ss to listen again and correct the statements. playthe recording. check answers.tell ss to listen again and write answers to the questions. playthe recording. checkanswers.4. lesson a : pronunciation1. remind students rising intonation to show surprise. play therecording. have ss work in pairs to practice the conversations.2. have ss listen and read the sentences. play the recording.ask ss to work inpairs to read the sentences. check their pronunciation..5. lesson a : speaking and communicationactivity one1. introduce the situation. how many rooms are there? ask ssto listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. play therecording.check answers.2. put ss in groups of three. present the conversations again.ask ss to listen and read along in their groups. play therecording again. ask ss to practice the conversations ingroups. remind ss to keep eye contact with their groupmembers while speaking.3. ask ss to work in groups of three. ask ss to read the modelconversation. answer any questions about vocabulary. ifnecessary, play the recording. elicit or explain to ss who thefamous celebrities are.4. have ss work in groups of three. each student should role-play a famous person. have ss work in their groups to createand practice a new conversation where they introduce eachother. when all groups【篇二:大学英语视听说3-unit1 教案及首页】北华航天工业学院教案unit 1 interests and hobbiesi. dictationask the students to do the dictation of the words in text a unit1.ii. lead-in and video-watchingask the students to work in groups, learn to express likes ordislikes i (don ’t) like ⋯⋯is my favorite. i prefer ⋯to ⋯i care for ⋯⋯is the last thing i would do watch the video and do the exercisesiii. listening skills for short passages1. a few ways to help students conclude the main idea 1).explaining what a topic sentence isusually placed in the beginning, or at the end of a passage, orsome times appears in the middle of the passage where thekey words are frequently repeated. 2). listening for general idearead and analyze the choices first. infer the question. find therepeated words. listen to the passage and pay special attentionto the beginning or the ending part of the passage.2. skill practice: listen to the following three passages andanswer the questionsiv. comprehensive training put the skills into practice1. 5 short conversations and a long conversation2. 1 shortpassage 3. dictationv. assignment1. further listening practice in unit 12. remember the new words, phrases in the listening exercises3. finish the exercises left in unit 1 in students ’textbooks北华航天工业学院教案unit 2. life and fashioni. dictationask the students to do the dictation of the words in text a unit2.ii. lead-in and video-watchingask the students to work in groups, learn to seek advice fromothers how do you feel? what about...?how do you think about ?whats your opinion? what is your view? what do you think? watch the video and do the exercises iii. listening skillsfor short passages1. make the students familiar with different kinds of numbers2.explain how the numbers are tested.3. tips: pay attention to the digit; pay attention to the ways ofreading numbers; pay attention to the use of commas; payattention to the calculation.4. skill practice: listen to the following three passages andanswer the questionsiv. comprehensive training put the skills into practice1. 5 short conversations and a long conversation2. 1 shortpassage 3. dictationv. assignment1. further listening practice in unit 22. remember the new words, phrases in the listening exercises3. finish the exercises left in unit 2 in students ’textbooks北华航天工业学院教案【篇三:《新视野大学英语视听说教程3》课时10 教案】《新视野大学英语视听说教程3》课时10 教案(unit 1 part Ⅱ~unit 1 part Ⅳmodel 1 )授课人:成诚文章大意:墨菲和一个美国人去应聘同一个职位,由于他们学历相同, 所以主管对他们进行了一次测试,结果他们都有一个问题没有回答出来,但最终美国人却被录取,这是为什么呢?(原因:美国人在不会的题目上写的是”我不会”而墨菲写的是”我也是”.★word tips:1.dublin: 都柏林(爱尔兰首都)①(令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事2.coincidence:[ k?uinsid?ns][n] ②同时存在③(意见等的)相同,相符,一致3.bewilder:[ biwild?][v] 使迷惑,使糊涂4.indignant:[ indign?nt][adj] ~(at/about something) 愤慨的,愤怒的,义愤的★words in text:irish[ai?ri?][n] ①爱尔兰语②爱尔兰人[adj] 爱尔兰的,爱尔兰人的,爱尔兰语的文章大意:本文讲述了在应聘时常被问到的一些难题,作者通过本文教你如何去应对这些问题.★word tip:customize:[ k?st?maiz][v]( 以满足顾客的需要)订制,订做,改制★words in text:1.relevant:[ reliv?nt][adj] ①紧密相关的,切题的②有价值的,有意义的①(用于有害事物)面临,遭受(危险或不快)②(用于揭露事实)揭露2.exposure:[iksp?u??][n] ③(用于电视,报章等)(在电视,报纸等上)亮相,被报道④(用于身体状况)挨冻,受寒⑤(用于照相机胶片)⑴(拍依仗照片的)软片,底片,胶片⑵暴光时间时间⑥暴露,显露文章大意:susan 要找工作,但都没有合适的,于是找john 帮忙出主意,那么最终susan选到合适的工作了吗?★word tips:1.job fair:劳务市场2.sue: [sju:] ①要求、请求;控告②控告、起诉3.ad=advertisement: 广告4.update:[v] ①使现代化,更新②向⋯⋯提供最新信息,给⋯⋯增加最新信息5.it=information technology: 信息技术文章大意:susan 即将去面试,向john请教如何才能更好的通过面试.★word tip:fringe[frind?] benefit:[n]( 工资外的)额外补贴,附加福利★words in text:aggressive:[ ?gresiv](line 5)[adj] ①好斗的,挑衅的,侵略的,富于攻击性的②进取的文章大意:helen 所在的公司准备从头开始,招收新人。

课程名称:新世纪大学英语视听说教程2授课对象:大学英语二年级学生教学目标:1. 知识目标:- 掌握与Unit 6主题相关的词汇和短语。
- 理解并运用与环境保护相关的表达方式。
- 熟悉环境保护相关的背景知识。
2. 技能目标:- 提高学生的听力理解能力,能够捕捉并理解听力材料中的关键信息。
- 培养学生的口语表达能力,能够就环境保护话题进行简单讨论。
- 增强学生的跨文化交际能力,了解不同文化背景下对环境保护的态度和做法。
3. 情感目标:- 增强学生对环境保护的认识和责任感。
- 激发学生对社会问题的关注和思考。
教学重点:- 环境保护相关的词汇和短语。
- 环境保护话题的听力理解。
- 环境保护话题的口语表达。
教学难点:- 环境保护话题的深度理解和批判性思维。
- 环境保护话题的跨文化交际。
教学准备:- 教学PPT- 相关听力材料- 互动讨论话题教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 利用PPT展示环境保护相关的图片或视频,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 提问:你们认为环境保护对我们来说有多重要?3. 引出Unit 6的主题:Environmental Protection。
二、听力训练(15分钟)1. 播放听力材料,让学生初步理解文章大意。
2. 播放第二遍,引导学生捕捉关键信息,如环境保护的原因、影响和应对措施。
3. 课后作业:根据听力材料,完成相关的练习题。
三、词汇学习(10分钟)1. 引导学生总结听力材料中的关键词汇和短语。
2. 利用PPT展示词汇和短语,并提供例句。
3. 学生分组练习,运用所学词汇和短语进行口语表达。
四、口语表达(20分钟)1. 提出讨论话题:你认为我们应该如何保护环境?2. 学生分组讨论,并选出代表进行发言。
3. 教师点评并给予建议。
五、总结与反思(5分钟)1. 回顾本节课的学习内容,强调环境保护的重要性。
2. 引导学生思考如何将所学知识应用到实际生活中。
六、课后作业1. 完成听力材料的练习题。
2. 撰写一篇关于环境保护的短文。
英语视听说UNIT6 Let's Talk.

f. I would never do this on a normal basis, but for a superstition test... no problem. Besides, $10 is $10!
Group Work
Let’s Talk
Some possible replies and explanations
a. I will probably do this for money as I am not rich. I am superstitious, though!
b. This experiment is distasteful because no one wants to scratch out the eyes of his loved one's picture.
l. I will not try it because I think there's a difference between being superstitious and not wanting to be disrespectful.
out the eyes for ten dollars? (Suggested by
Professor John Stilgoe, Harvard Magazine, (Jan.-Feb. 1996) pp. 36-42. )
Group Work
Let’s Talk
c. See whether you and your partner can do this and explain why.

Unit 6 Wit and fitListening to the world6-2 SharingPracticePractice-1参考:The podcast is mainly about what things people do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they have.Practice-21) exercise2) full-time3) runningPractice-31) A,EPractice-41) C2) E3) F4) A5) D6) G7) BPractice-51) a sweet tooth2) sweet3) coffee4) chocolate5) Eating late6) regularly7) too much8) fast food9) far too many10) cake6-3 ListeningUse the skillsUse the skills-11. I think this may be true. As people are increasingly realizing the importance of health, they would get rid of unhealthy foods and eat only healthy foods. / I don't think this will be true. People enjoy different kinds of food. So a diet without a variety of food will be too boring and life will sound dull and meaningless.2. Food pills may become more popular, but I don't think they can be a substitute for normal meals. They can be supplementary to normal meals, but they should not be the standard food because they are not as healthy as real food. Besides, we are accustomed to eating different kinds of food with different kinds of flavors. Life will be boring if we could only eat food pills. / I think this prediction will be true. As the pace of life is getting faster, people are looking for convenient and efficient way to eat. Food pills could be the solution.3. I don't think this will happen. Certain food has certain flavor. When people get the same food, it should taste the same. It's hard to imagine that the same food can change its flavor for different people. / I think this may happen. In the future, with some advanced technology, it may be possible to program different flavors for the same kind offood. As a result, with the same food, different people can have different flavors by simply pushing a button.Use the skills-31) eating problems2) replace normal3) eat only food pills4) taste different5) change its flavor,change its flavour6) become commonUse the skills-41) B6-4 ViewingGet a clue1) Corbett finds it difficult to keep calm probably because he is beaten by Barker, who has never played squash before.View itView it-11) C2) A3) C4) D5) DView it-21) A2) A3) A4) B5) B6) A7) B8) A9) B10) B参考:= Ronnie Barker; = Ronnie CorbettI say, that was, that was really jolly good that was. I must say I really enjoyed that. Thanks very much.That's fine. Fine.I say, it's, it's a super game, isn't it? I, I can't understand why I've never tried it before. Absolutely lovely. I loved it. But thanks to you, old boy, of course, from now on, I shall be a dedicated squish player.Squash.Pardon?The game is called "squash".Oh squash, yes, that's right. I'm sorry. Um ... who actually won? I mean, I couldn't quite grasp the scoring mechanism. I mean, did I, did I win?Yes, you ... yes, you won, you won.Oh, that's good. How many goals did I get?Goals?!Well, you know, er ... thingies, er ... whatever ... runs ...Points!... runs ... ah, points!Points!Points, yes.Points.How many points did I get?Well, the score was, if you want to know, game-love, game-love, game-love, game-love. You see?Yes.You won ... four games to love!Oh, I see. So, I got four and you got love.Yeah.I see. But how many is love?Love is nothing.Oh no, no. That's not right, I'm sure, because I'm sure you got a goal, earlier on, right at the beginning.A point!A point, I mean.A point, yes, well of course I did. That was when you ...Oh, I know, I was holding the thing by the wrong end. I must remember, hold the bat by the thin end.The racket!Racket, I mean.The racket!Yes.This is ... this is a ball.Yes.The game is called "squash".Yes.Let's start from basic principles.Yes.The whole thing is called "squash".Squash.This is a ball.Yes.This is a ... racket when you do that. That's what that is. That is a racket.I see. Will it work now you've done that?Ah ... I don't much care, to be honest. I mean ... I'm not going to be playing squash anymore ever!Oh, I say. That's a pity, because I was hoping we could have another game next week. I mean, I can, I thought, well you know, I thought I might get a bit better.A bit better? A bit better?! Look matey, I'm the secretary of this squash club. You know. I, I, I mean, I captain the A-team. You know. I'm one of the best players round here, as a matter of fact. You know, I won the area finals last year, all that sort of thing, you know. You know, I'm good. You know, good. And you come along here, if I may say so. You've never played the game before. You're vastly overweight, if I may say so. You're very slow on the court. You've gone out on that court, and you've thrashed me. You've pounded meinto the ground. You pulverized me, in front of my friends, four games to love! Well, how do you do it?Beginner's luck?It's a fluke. That's what it is, a fluke, matey. It won't happen again. I'll tell you what ... It won't happen the next time.No, well, there won't be a next time, will there? Because you've broken your rocket.My racket! I'll get a new one. I don't care. I'll get a new one. Look, mate. I'll get a new one, and tomorrow morning, here, 10 o'clock, things will be different!Oh no, no. Sorry, old boy. No, not tomorrow. No can do.What do you mean, "No can do"?I've got to go up to a place called Lords tomorrow. I've got to play a game called "cracket" or something.Speaking for communication6-6 Role-playingNote them downNote them down-11. D,d2. B,b3. F,f4. E,e5. A,a6. C,cNote them down-21) tea and coffee2) one small cup3) painkillers4) three times a day,3 times a day5) Foot pain6) worry about6-7 PresentingGet ideasGet ideas-11. feel relaxed2. much exercise3. sporting hero4. walk a dayGet ideas-21) A,B,D,FOrganize ideas1) 1) How often do you do sports?2) What is your favorite sport?3) Which do you prefer, individual sports or team sports?4) Who is your sporting hero? / Do you have a sporting hero? Who is it?5) What sport did you enjoy most in the past? / What sport did you often do in the past?6) What sport would you like to try?More practice in listening6-8 More practice in listeningConversationsShort conversations1. C2. B3. D4. B5. DLong conversation1. C2. B3. A4. APassagesPassages-11. B2. D3. B4. APassages-21) pressures2) disappear3) compromise4) alcohol5) intense6) interferes with7) undermine8) pay attention to9) suffers from10) competitiveNewsNews-11. D2. DNews-21. C2. AMoral education6-9 Lead-inQuizTask 11.D2.A3.C4.BTask 2参考:Open-ended.6-10 World storyViewing and understanding1) B2) D3) B4) C5) DSpeaking1) impact2) eliminate3) commonplace4) efficiency5) generating6-11 China talkListening and understanding1) B2) A3) B4) A5) BSpeaking1) fitness2) customized3) enthusiasm4) awareness5) pursueUnit test6-14 Unit test短对话1) A. Taking medicine.2) A. Being in hospital.3) C. Finish his breakfast.4) D. Teeth.5) B. The speakers will probably stay at home.长对话6) A. Because she has been lifting weights.7) C. Twice a week.8) B. It hurts to strengthen one's muscles.9) B. Working out regularly and consistently.10) A. Persuade her husband to do some jogging. 短文理解11) C. Stress-reducing measures.12) C. Slow deep breathing.13) D. It can be an effective way to lower stress.14) O. Heart rate.15) D. High blood pressure.复合式听写16) perfectly17) sewing18) distant19) suffer from20) at arm's length21) cloudy22) judging23) slightly24) background25) eye views。

• Many such dieters may end up with very s erious disorders. Princess Diana suffered f rom an excessively strong appetite; Karen Carpenter, a popular singer of the 1970s, died of the less of appetite. You should kn ow that looking good is important but not w hen it comes at he risk of your health and l ife. Better eating habits and proper exercis e are all you need to be fit and look good.
stoms, socializing…even body language a nd gestures are all different from those in my own country.
• D: How long have you lived here? • S: Almost three months now. It seems muc
• M: School is important, but so is your hea lth. Maybe you should talk to a doctor. Doc tors see people all the time for this very pr oblem. They can help you.
• The woman asks the man to smoke outsid e because she wants to live long and healt hy. She believes secondhand smoke causes cancer too.
视听说文本Unit 6

Unit 6 The MindListeningAudio Track 2-6-1A: Do you usually remember or forget things?B: I have a bad memory. I sometimes forget people’s birthdays.A: That’s terrible. I think you should get a diary to help you remember.A: Have you ever been shocked or not able to believe how much someone has changed over time? B: Sure! My childhood friend was very shy. Now, he is a TV actor. I don’t believe it. He’s changed so much!Audio Track 2-6-2Manolo: Galina, let’s get some lunch before our next class.Galina: Okay. Wow, that English test was difficult!Manolo: I know.Galina: For me, the hard part is the vocabulary. I just can’t remember it all.Manolo: Well, there are things you can do ...Audio Track 2-6-3Galina: Really?Manolo: Yeah. One thing I do is label things in English.Galina: What do you mean?Manolo: For example, I write the word chair on a small piece of paper. Then I put the paper on a chair in my house.Galina: Hmmm ... Good idea.Manolo: And here’s another idea: When I learn a word, I als o learn related words.Galina: For example?Manolo: Well, when I learned the word film, I made a note of a similar word ...Galina: Movie!Manolo: Exactly! Then I added related words like actor and movie star , and verbs like rent and see . Here’s another idea ...Audio Track 2-6-4(Audio Track 2-6-2 + Audio Track 2-6-3)Audio Track 2-6-5/Audio Track 2-6-6Conversation 1Woman: Morning, Simon. Wow, you look tired.Man: Oh, I didn’t sleep very well last night. I had a weird dream. I was in a classroom at school, but I didn’t have any clothes on! No one looked at me, but I was really embarrassed. Conversation 2Woman: Jesse, Jesse! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare.Mala child: Oh, what a terrible dream! I dreamed I was on a dark street. Suddenly, there was a large dog behind me. It ran toward me, but I couldn’t move.Woman: Don’t worry, Jesse. It was only a dream. Go back to sleep.Conversation 3Man1: Morning Tim.Man2: Morning. Hey, I had an amazing dream last night. I was on a beautiful boat. The sun was warm and the ocean was really blue. I jumped into the water, and I began to swim with the fish. The thing is, I can’t swim! But in the dream, I could. It was pretty cool.Audio Track 2-6-7/Audio Track 2-6-8/Audio Track 2-6-9I had an amazing dream last night. At first, I was standing outside of a strange big house. The house was painted pink, a very unusual color for a house. It had a lot of big windows, both round and rectangular. The house had large square pillars and twisted columns. I remember thinking that there must be a big living room, several bedrooms, a kitchen, and a guest room in such a big house.I was wondering whose house it was when I suddenly heard a voice saying: “welcome home.” Wow, so this dream house was mine!I went inside and walked into my living room. It was spacious. There were sofas, a table, a big-screen TV, and a stereo system. It was pretty cool. All of my best friends were there, too. But for some reason they didn’t speak, didn’t smile, and didn’t even move. And then sudden ly they all disappeared. I was scared. This dream was turning into a nightmare.I then went to the kitchen. It was also spacious. There were all kinds of kitchen equipment such asa gas stove and oven. There were also many electric appliances, such as a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an electric mixer, and a food processor. I liked the food processor the most, those certainly make life much easier. There was also a dining table in the middle of the room. The whole family was sitting around the table, waiting for a meal to be served. The kids were hungry and started to cry. But the gas stove didn’t work and there was no electricity for the microwave oven or the food processor.I wanted to help so I looked in the fridge but it was empty. I started to despair, what more could I do? That’s when I suddenly woke up.Audio Track 2-6-10/Audio Track 2-6-11Scientists know that the brain is very active when a person is sleeping. There are five stages, or parts, of sleep. Stage 1 starts after you fall asleep, If there is a noise or a bright light, you wake up very easily. In Stage 2, your brain waves are very slow. In Stage 3 and Stage 4, you are in deep sleep. It’s very difficult to wake up then. Your body rests and grows during these stages.Stage 5 is when you dream. Your eyes move a lot, and your brain waves are fast. This stage of sleep is very important for your memory. After Stage 5, you wake up a little, and then Stage 1 starts again. We go through the five stages of sleep four or five times every night, so we have many dreams in one night. How much sleep do you need? The answer depends on your age. Babies should sleep fifteen to sixteen hours every day. Children and teenagers need nine or ten hours of sleep, but older people only need six to eight hours. If you sleep for only four hours one night, you may just feel tired the next day. But many nights of bad sleep can be bad for your health. People who don’t get enough sleep get sick more often. And sleep is very important for learning. It’s one reason why studen ts should go to bed early!Audio Track 2-6-12For centuries, people have asked: Why do we dream? What do our dreams mean? Today, science doesn’t have definite answers to these questions, but we do know some things about dreams. First, we all dream, often four to five times a night. Second, we don’t usually remember most of our dreams. And finally, when we dream, our brains are very active.Thousands of years ago, people began to study dreams. In many cultures, people believed dreams were messages from spirits or gods. Later, the ancient Greeks and Romans had a new idea: Dreams come from a person’s mind. Doctors studied dreams to help sick or worried people.Audio Track 2-6-13/Audio Track 2-6-14In the past, some cultures used dreams to predict the future. They thought dreams could help a person choose a husband or wife, guess a baby’s birthday, or start a business. In some places, this practice is still common.Today, scientists think dreams are about our thoughts and feelings. Our minds send us messages about our lives. Unfortunately, many messages are often strange or confusing. People wake up and think: What did that dream mean?So, how can you understand the messages in your dreams? Think about the events in the dream. What do they say about your life? For example, one common dream is about flying. Sometimes this dream means you feel free or want freedom. Other times it means you feel afraid. What do your dreams tell you about your life?Audio Track 2-6-15/t/ /d/ /id/watched studied waitedwished explained handedSpeaking & CommunicationAudio Track 2-6-161. I liked the movie.2. They moved to Tokyo.3. It started to rain.4. She reminded me of you5. Grandma hugged us.6. We laughed loudly.7. We enjoyed the visit.8. Nobody believed us.9. Dad stopped at a store.10. We asked directions.11. They memorized the song.12. I hated math class.Audio Track 2-6-17Mia: Come on, Justin. Let’s go. The concert starts in an hour. Justin: OK, I’m coming.Mia: Do you have the tickets?Justin: Yes, they’re here in my jacket. Oh, wait a minute.Mia: What’s wrong?Justin: I can’t find the tickets. They’re not in my pocket.Mia: Oh no! Where are they? Are they in the desk?Justin: I don’t think so.Mia: Try to remember. Maybe they’re in your backpack.Justin: Wait … I found them. They were in my other jacket. Let’s go. Audio Track 2-6-18A: Are the people at their ten-year college reunion?B: Definitely, there is a “ten-year reunion” banner in the picture. A: Are you certain? I didn't notice it.B: I am certain.A: Are there six men in the picture?B: I’m not sure.A: Is there a bottle on the table?B: Sure, there IS a bottle on the table.Audio Track 2-6-19A: What did your dream house look like?B: My dream house was light blue. I liked the color. The house was huge, and it had a lot of windows. The windows were all open.A: I think that shows you have a big, outgoing and open personality.A: What did the living room look like?B: It was the most spacious room in the house and my grandma was there. She was sitting on a comfortable sofa watching a big-screen TV.A: I think that means you care about your grandma and you want her to feel comfortable.Audio Track 2-6-20When I was a small kid I often dreamed that I was a grown-up and that my favorite movie star was in love with me. The weird thing is that I can't remember exactly how we met or what we said to one another.Recently, I had a terrible nightmare. I remember it vividly. A gigantic dinosaur with huge claws was chasing me, and it very nearly caught me. It was unusual because I felt so scared that I screamed and woke up.Video CourseVideo Track 2-6-1Agnes: I have a very good memory when it comes to faces and images and drawings and things like that. I don’t remember numbe rs very well. I even forget my ATM code sometimes. Alyssa: I can usually remember people’s names when they tell me. However I can’t remember numbers very well. I need to write down the telephone numbers when people tell them to me. Daniel: I have a good memory for numbers especially phone numbers. I usually only need to hear it once. I have a bad memory for foreign languages.Gian: I have a bad memory for names so I try to use a characteristic to remind me. Such as Becky is blonde — Becky blonde. Tom is tall — Tom tall.Dan: Usually I have a good memory but sometimes I have problems remembering names. Sometimes I have to say to people “Hey Bro. Hey Sis.”Video Track 2-6-2Gian: I have a bad memory for names so I try to use a characteristic to remind me. Such as Becky is blonde — Becky blonde. Tom is tall — Tom tall.Dan: Usually I have a good memory but sometimes I have problems remembering names. Sometimes I have to say to people “Hey Bro. Hey Sis.”Video Track 2-6-3Dave: When I was a small kid I had a dream that I swam to Europe and bought cheese and swam back home. The cheese tasted great.Malinda: Last night I had a nightmare that I was lost in the forest and I forgot where I was and when I woke up I was very afraid and I ran out of my room.Alyssa: L ast night I had a dream about a friend who’s living very far away from me. When I woke up I felt sad because I miss her.Woo Sung: After I saw Jurassic Park I had a dream that dinosaurs were chasing me and it was really scary.Dan: I had a strange dream where a bird ate me. It was really weird.Video Track 2-6-4Alyssa: Last night I had a dream about a friend who’s living very far away from me. When I woke up I felt sad because I miss her.Video Track 2-6-5Claudia: Hi!Roberto: Hi.Claudia: What’s the matter?Roberto: I had a really strange dream last night.Claudia: Really? Do you remember it?Roberto: I think so … maybe … I don’t know. But it was really weird.Claudia: Come on! Try.Roberto: Well I remember … in my dream it was daytime, and I was in m y pajamas … and I saw a man in the street. I stopped and asked him where to buy a ticket.Claudia: A ticket? A ticket for what?Roberto: I don’t know!Claudia: And then what happened?Roberto: I’m not sure … but I remember that I began talking to him, and I really enjoyed it. We laughed a lot. He reminded me of someone …Claudia: Yeah, and then?Roberto: … and then he hugged me! And it was Mike!Claudia: No! Really? Do you remember anything else?Roberto: No, but something else happened. I’m sure of it.Claudia: Oh, think!Roberto: I got it! We talked some more … and then …he shook my hand … and then … he began to dance … like this!Claudia: Oh, like a ballet dancer?Roberto: Yeah. And then … I woke up.Claudia: This is so scary …Roberto: Why? What are those?Claudia: They were a surprise. I got us two tickets to a show tonight … the New York City Ballet.Video Track 2-6-6Claudia: Hi!Roberto: Hi.Claudia: What’s the matter?Roberto: I had a really strange dream last night.Claudia: Really? Do you remember it?Roberto: I think so … maybe … I don’t know. But it was really weird.Claudia: Come on! Try.Roberto: Well I remember … in my dream it was daytime, and I was in my pajamas … and I saw a man in the street. I stopped and asked him where to buy a ticket.Video Track 2-6-7Claudia: And then what happened?Roberto: I’m not sure … but I remember that I began talking to him, and I really enjoyed it. We laughed a lot. He reminded me of someone …Claudia: Yeah, and then?Roberto: … and then he hugged me! And it was Mike!Claudia: No! Really? Do you remember anything else?Roberto: No, but something else happened. I’m sure of it.Claudia: Oh, think!Video Track 2-6-8Roberto: I got it! We talked some more … and then … he shook my hand … and then … he beganto dance …like this!Claudia: Oh, like a ballet dancer?Roberto: Yeah. And then … I woke up.Claudia: This is so scary …Roberto: Why? What are those?Claudia: They were a surprise. I got us two tickets to a show tonight … the New York City Ballet.。
应用型大学英语视听说教程Unit 6 Language

Part 1 Lead-inTeaching tipsHelp the students understand that body language is the type of communication in which a person uses the body, including facial expressions, to react to situations. It will be of great benefit to develop one's ability to read and understand signals and signs of body language as this will help in easily understanding the nature of other human beings and also improve communication with them.ACTIVITY 1 LISTENINGBody LanguageTapescript:Some of us think that what we say (verbal communication) is more important than how we say that. Researches show that we could not be more wrong. Do you know what the numbers 55% - 38% - 7% mean? 55% body, 38% tone and 7% words. How 1 incredible! Non-verbal communication is more important than verbal. We can be saying wise and clever things but if they are not 2 coherent with our body language, no one will believe us. When we are talking to other people we want to be sure that they are listening and understand us, otherwise we are wasting our precious time. We can see whether a person is listening to us by 3 observing their body movements. Let's make an experiment. When speaking to people, observe if:(1). they 4 maintain eye contact(2). their hands are 5 inclined forward(3). they are nodding their heads(4). their feet are pointing towards the speaker(5). they often smile.Check the answers:1. incredible2.coherent3. observing4. maintain5. inclinedTeaching tipsAllow the students to listen to the passage once to get the general idea of the passage. Then let the students listen to the tape again to pay attention to some details.ACTIVITY 2 VIEWINGDirections: Watch the video on How to Talk to Your Cat twice, and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. If it is false,correct it.Video Transcript:How to Talk to Your CatSure, you talk to your cat now, but does he know what the heck you’re saying? And do you understand his purrs and meow s? If not, it’s time to have a good chat with your furry friend.You will need:o A willingness to look sillyo Attention to pay to his soundso A working knowledge of cat body languageStep 1: Mimic his soundsCreate greater intimacy with your cat by mimicking his meows. Just knowing that you’re attempting to speak his language will make him feel closer to you.Step 2: Use his nameIncrease your chances of your cat listening to you by using his name when you’re issuing a command.Men should use a higher-pitched voice when speaking to their cats, because cats respond better to sopranos.Step 3: Watch your toneLike humans, cats seek clues about a person’s mood by listening to his voice. So when you talk to your cat, be sure that your tone matches the message you want to convey.If you want your cat to know you’re upset that he just peed on the rug, do what his mom would do: Gently pick him up by the scruff of his neck and growl.Step 4: Learn his languageCats have about 100 words in their vocabulary in the form of meows, growls, purrs and hisses. Pay close attention and you’ll begin to learn the sounds he makes when he’s hungry, angry, fearful and so on.Step 5: Read his tailLearn how to read your cat’s tail. If only the tip is moving, he’s irritated. If the ta il is swinging from side to side, he’s PO’d. If he’s carrying his tail tall and proud, he’s happy.Step 6: Interpret speed and volumeFigure out kitty’s mood by paying attention to the speed and volume of his mewling. Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety, while slow, quieter sounds convey confidence. Did you know, in ancient Egypt, cats were so revered that when one died, the owner placed embalmed mice in the cat’s coffin so he’d have food in the afterlife.Note:PO’d:very angry (slang; not polite)Check the answers:Statements True / False Correct Answers 1. In order to have a good chat withyour cat you only need a willingness to look silly. FalseIn order to have a good chat withyour cat you will need:A willingness to look sillyAttention to pay to his soundsA working knowledge of cat bodylanguage2. When you talk to your cat, be surethat your tone matches the messageyou want to convey.True3. Cats have about 100 words in their vocabulary in the form of meows, growls, purrs and hisses.True 4. Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety,while slow, quieter sounds indicate intimacy. FalseFast, loud sounds indicateanxiety, while slow, quietersounds convey confidence.ACTIVITY 3 SPEAKINGDirections: Work in pairs, discuss the following questions. Then share your opinions with the whole class.How Do We Communicate?⏹Ask the students to work in pairs, and then ask one or two groups to present theirown discussions.⏹Some ideas for reference:Animals communicate with each other and other species in the same ways we do, through vocalization and body language cues.We can communicate by words, by gestures, symbolic expressions and various other methods of communication. For example the way you walk, your posture, and the clothes you wear can communicate about you to others. Similarly, it is said that a mere cheerful look makes a dish a feast.A person will assume different roles to fit different situations, such as a) when talking to a business associate, b) when talking to an intimate friend, c) when talking to a subordinate, d) when talking to a spouse and e) when talking to a pet dog.Teaching tipsACTIVITY 1 ORAL FUNCTIONSDirections: Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the way of clarification.Help the students know more about clarification:While clarifying doesn’t actually sort out the problem, it does help to ensure that both parties have the same understanding about what the problem is. It also gives each the opportunity to agree or amend their understanding, and in this way enables them to move forward towards a resolution.The difficulty is that when we hear something negative it is human nature to take it as criticism. This immediately puts us on the defensive and/or we start fighting back before really having a full understanding of the issue being presented to us.ACTIVITY 2 ORAL PRACTICETask1ListeningDirections: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.Tapescript:On HouseworkA: I know I don’t help much with the children, but I’m at work all day. It’s such a rush in the mornings and by evening time I’m tired and there’s usually only about an hour before they go to bed. What you forget is that although my wo rk isn’t physical, it is very stressful! I usually spend part of the weekend doing jobs around the house or gardening and shopping with you, and I also play with the children as much as I can.B: So you don’t think my job looking after the children and the home is as difficult as yours and I shouldn’t complain?A: No –I’m not saying that, I think it is a difficult job which you do extremely well. What I’m trying to tell you is why I feel I can’t do much more.B: But do you think I’m being unfair to say you don’t spend enough time with the children?Check the answers:I know; you don’t think; I’m not saying that; What I’m trying to tell you;do you think;Task 2 ViewingDirections: Watch the video clip of Titanic twice. Pay attention to the following two examples of clarification and fill in the blanks.Video Transcript:JACK: Don’t do it!ROSE: Stay back! Don’t come any closer!JACK: Come on! Just give me your hand and I’ll pull you back over.ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!ROSE: What do you mean, no, I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.ROSE: You’re distracting me. Go away!JACK: I can’t. I’m involved now. You let go, and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you.ROSE: Don’t be absurd. You’d be killed.JACK: I’m a good swimmer.ROSE: The fall alone would kill you.JACK: It would hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?JACK: Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever, uh, ever been toWisconsin?ROSE: What?JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out in Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!Check the answers:Example 1:ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I’ll let go!JACK: No you won’t!ROSE: What do you mean, no, I won’t? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’t know me.JACK: Well, you would have done it already.Example 2:JACK: It would hurt, I’m not saying it wouldn’t. To tell you the truth, I’m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.ROSE: How cold?JACK: Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever, uh, ever been to Wisconsin?ROSE: What?JACK: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out in Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you…ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!Task 3 SpeakingDirections: Work with a partner and then come up with two dialogues that include clarification.Try to use as many as possible of the usefulexpressions and ideas that you learned in this unit.Teaching tipsSample:A: I’m so fed up with the arguments. There’s such an atmosphere - when you walk into the office you can cut it with a knife! I’ve started dreading going to work and on some mornings when I’m getting ready, I actually start feeling sick. She doesn’t seem to be affected by it at all, but I just don’t enjoy my job any more.B: So you’re finding it difficult to go to work because of this woman’s behavior, and it sounds like you’re thinking about leaving?A: No –that’s just it! I used to love my job, and I still love the work. It’s just her that I’m finding difficult. What I want is for her to behave differently.In this instance, while Person A seemed to be saying that she wanted to leave her job, in fact what she was saying that she wanted the situation in the office to change, so that she could once again enjoy her work.Notes:you could cut the atmosphere with a knife: something that you say to describe a situation in which everyone is feeling very angry or nervous and you feel that something unpleasant could soon happen.Part 3 In-putting & Out-puttingACTIVITY 1 LISTENING TO LEARNIn this section, you will hear a passage about baby sign language. Before you listen, think about the following questions:⏹What is baby sign language?⏹Does baby signing help or hinder?Background information:Baby sign language is a method in which you and your infant (or toddler) uses specific handshapes and motions to convey words and meaning (quickly and easily) with each other.Tapescript:Baby Sign LanguagePrior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicating his needs to you. This can cause frustration for you both -- yet there is a solution. Baby sign language is rapidly becoming popular as a means of recognizing -- and responding to -- a young baby's needs.Babies can be taught sign language from any age, but they really begin to take notice of the signs from around six months and may begin using them from as early as seven to eight months of age. As many parents will testify, babies understand an awful lot more than they are able to communicate through speech at this stage.Some parents fear that using baby sign language may hamper their child's speech development later on. Research into this subject, however, shows that children taught baby sign in infancy go on to develop superb language skills. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.There are other benefits to introducing baby sign language - studies indicate that children who sign often develop a higher than average IQ. The major advantage for parents, of course, is to be able to identify their babies' needs and respond appropriately -- easing the frustrations that can lead to tantrums. Once this channel of communication is open, many parents feel that a deeper bond with their child is formed, creating a great sense of harmony.Task 1 Listening for InformationDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. If it is false, correct it.Statements True/ False Correct Answers1. Baby sign language is becomingpopular as a means of recognizing-- and responding to -- a youngbaby's needs.True2. Babies can be taught signlanguage from any age.True3. Baby sign language hampersbabies’ speech development. FalseResearch shows thatchildren taught baby signin infancy go on todevelop superb languageskills.4. Studies indicate that children whosign often develop an average IQ. FalseStudies indicate thatchildren who sign oftendevelop a higher thanaverage IQ.Task 2 Listening for DetailsDirections: The following sentences are taken from the passage you have just heard. Listen carefully again and fill in the blanks.1. Prior to mastering the art of speech, your baby has great difficulty in communicatinghis needs to you.2. As many parents will testify, babies understand an awful lot more than they are ableto communicate through speech at this stage.3. In some cases, they may learn to speak earlier and often have an increased ability to learn a second language.4. Once this channel of communication is open, many parents feel that a deeper bond with their child is formed, creating a great sense of harmony.Task 3 Oral PracticeDirections: Take a survey. Ask your classmates about their opinions on the importance of body language. Then explain the results of yoursurvey to the class.Teaching tips■Allow students time to share their ideas.■Circulate and help students with vocabulary as needed.More for teachersBenefits of using baby sign languagePromotes the development of language skillsReinforces language skills already developedReduces frustration at not being able to express needsIt is true that eyes are the mirror of the soulThe facts about negative emotions, confusion, not understanding, lying, distracted, non-interest and anger is very well expressed with eyes. If you look away in an airy fairy manner, it clearly suggests you are not comprehending the topic of group discussion.It takes ten seconds to make a first impression and a lifetime to undo itAccording to some studies, 93% of communication is non-verbal. Out of this 55% is through body language and 38% is tone of voice and balance 7% of total communication is verbal. ACTIVITY 2VIEWING TO LEARNIn this section, you will watch and hear Alison Doyle, a Job Searching Guide, talking about the importance of body language during a job interview.Video Transcript:Hi, I'm Alison Doyle for . What you don't say during an interview is as important as what you do say. How you dress, your body language, and your communication skills will all be evaluated by the interviewer. Today I'm going to show you the best ways to use them to your advantage.Job Interview Communication College Journal reports that, according to some studies, body language comprises 55% of the force of any response, whereas the verbal content only provides 7%, and paralanguage, or the intonation -- pauses and sighs given when answering -- represents 38% of the emphasis. To maximize the perceptions you communicate, you want to use these non-verbal impressions to your advantage.Job Interview AttireFirst, consider your interview attire. Surveys show that dressing unprofessionally or untidily is the leading reason that candidates are excluded from consideration. This candidate already has more strikes against her than she can afford: inappropriate clothing, chewing gum, drinking coffee, and overall unprofessionalism. Dressing appropriately in a clean and professional interview outfit can increase your chances of getting a job offer.Nonverbal Communication in InterviewsNonverbal communication is as important, or even more important, than verbal communication. The evaluation of your nonverbal communication will start as soon as you walk into the company's lobby and continue until the interview is finished.Turn off your cell phone before you enter the building. Talking on the phone during an interview is not only disruptive, it's rude.Prepare for the InterviewPrepare answers to typical interview questions in advance, so you're comfortable responding.Job Interview Body LanguageIt's important to make eye contact with your interviewer and to focus on the question. Stay relaxed, but do not laugh or crack jokes at inappropriate times. You should show personality, but don't overdo it because you're nervous or over-eager.Relax and lean forward a little towards the interviewer so you appear interested and engaged. Don't lean back or slump in your chair. You will look too casual and relaxed. Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair. Pay attention, be attentive, and look interested. Focus on the interviewer, and don’t get distracted.A polished and professional image is what is going to get you to the next stage of the hiring process, a second interview or even a job offer. Thanks for watching. To learn more, visit us on the Web at .Task 1 Viewing for InformationDirections: Watch the talk once and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Check the answers:1. A2. B3.CTask 2 Viewing for DetailsDirections: In this talk, Alison Doyle gives us several tips on how to speak through appearance and body language in order to create a positiveimpression. Watch the video clip again and write down the tipsmentioned.Check the answers:1. Dress professionally2. Utilize non-verbal communication3. Avoid interruptions4. Come prepared5. Maintain body languageTask 3 Oral PracticeDirections: Work with a partner and use the clues given below to re-create two paragraphs. Student A does the first paragraph, while Student B listens and checks it. Then change roles and continue with paragraph two.1.According to some studies, body language comprises 55% of the force of any response, whereas the verbal content only provides 7%, and paralanguage, or the intonation -- pauses and sighs given when answering -- represents 38% of the emphasis. To maximize the perceptions you communicate, you want to use these non-verbal impressions to your advantage.2.It's important to make eye contact with your interviewer and to focus on the question. Stay relaxed, but do not laugh or crack jokes at inappropriate times. You should show personality, but don't overdo it because you're nervous or over-eager. Part 4 Follow-up ActivitiesACTIVITY 1 LISTENING TO LEARNTask 1 Listening for InformationDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanksnumbered 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. Forblanks numbered 9 to 11, fill in the missing information, using theexact words you have just heard or your own words. Finally, whenthe passage is read for the third time, check what you have written. Tapescript:On LanguageWhen each of you in this room were born, there were 6,000 languages spoken on the (1)planet. Now, a language is not just a body of (2)vocabulary or a set of grammatical rules. A language is a (3)flash of the human spirit. Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind, a watershed, a thought, an ecosystem of spiritual (4)possibilities.And of those 6,000 languages, as we sit here today in Monterey, fully half are no longer being (5)whispered into the ears of children. They're no longer being taught to babies, which means, (6)effectively, unless something changes, they're already dead. What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in (7)silence, to be the last of your people to speak your language, to have no way to pass on the (8)wisdom of the ancestors or anticipate the promise of the children? And yet, (9)that dreadful fate is indeed the plight of somebody somewhere on Earth roughly every two weeks, because every two weeks, some elder dies and carries with him into the grave the last syllables of an ancient tongue.And I know there's some of you who say, "Well, wouldn't it be better? (10) Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all just spoke one language?" And I say, "Great, let's make that language Yoruba. Let's make it Cantonese. Let's make it Kogi." And you'll suddenly discover (11)what it would be like to be unable to speak your own language.Task 2 Oral PracticeDirections: Look carefully at the following cartoons and topics, then pick one of them. Present a three-minute speech on it before your class. Try touse as many as possible of the useful expressions and ideas thatyou learned in this unit.Teaching Tips●Put the students into groups and ask them to prepare for this part before class.●Encourage students to use the Internet and other resources.●Evaluation is necessary after the students’ presentations.ACTIVITY 2 VIEWING TO LEARNTask 1 Viewing for InformationDirections: Watch the video On the World's English Mania. Then answer the three questions below.Background information:Jay Walker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English -- "the world's second language" -- by the thousands.Video Transcript:On the World's English ManiaLet's talk about manias. Let's start with Beatle mania. Hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium. Sports mania. Deafening crowds. All for one idea: Get the ball in the net. Okay, religious mania. There's rapture. There's weeping. There's visions. Manias can be good. Manias can be alarming. Or manias can be deadly. The world has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.Teacher: ... change my life!Students: I will change my life.T: I don't want to let my parents down.S: I don't want to let my parents down.T: I don't ever want to let my country down.S: I don't ever want to let my country down.T: Most importantly ...S: Most importantly ...T: I don't want to let myself down.S: I don't want to let myself down.Jay Walker: How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them.Students: A T-shirt. A dress.JW: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China. If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law. That's why this year China will become the world's largest English speaking country. (Laughter) Why English? In a single word: Opportunity. Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table. Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days. Her score on this one test literally determines her future. She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare. 25 percent of her grade is based on English. It's called the Gaokao. And 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test. The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable. Unless you witness it.T: Perfect! S: Perfect!T: Perfect! S: Perfect!T: I want to speak perfect English.S: I want to speak perfect English.T: I want to speak -- S: I want to speak --T: perfect English. S: perfect English.T: I want to change my life!S: I want to change my life!JW: So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami, washing away other languages? Not likely. English is the world's second language. Your native language is your life. But with English you can become part of a wider conversation. A global conversation about global problems. Like climate change or poverty. Or hunger or disease. The world has other universal languages. Mathematics is the language of science. Music is the language of emotions. And now English is becoming the language of problem solving. Not because America is pushing it. But because the world is pulling it. So English mania is a turning point. Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English represents hope for a better future. A future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems. Thank you very much. (Applause)Task 2 Oral Practice1. Directions: Read the following dialogue and discuss with your partner aboutLanguage Learning according to the key points listed in the box.Dashan’s Feelings about Language LearningZhao Wei: You have been in China for so many years, what’s yo ur feeling about living in China? Do you enjoy it?Dashan: Well, actually, I lived in China full time for 7 years, from 1988 to 1995. But now since 1995, I live half in Canada and half in China. I really enjoy that, because I enjoy my work in China and my friends and everything here. But I also enjoy Canada. So I find the best thing for me is to go back and forth, because that way I can continue with my career here and have my normal life in Canada where nobody recognizes me. For me, both of those together are really the best combination.Zhao: I think Chinese people are more familiar with you speaking Chinese, but our magazine needs you to speak English. So it’s lucky for us to hear your English this time. I just wonder which language do you speak more in your daily life, Chinese or English?Dashan:It’s hard to say, because sometimes it depends on what you are doing, whom you are talking with and what subject you are talking about. But I find talking about something very Chinese is difficult to do in English. And also from the opposite way, sometimes trying to explain something about western culture in Chinese is difficult too.Zhao: You are considered a successful foreign language learner, could you share with us your experience in learning foreign languages?Dashan: I studied Chinese for 4 years in my university in Canada. I think one of the things my teacher did very well was to get away from traditional textbooks as soon as possible. We used the standard textbooks for the first 2 years, because you have to learn the pinyin, you have to learn the basic characters and basic grammar. For those things, textbooks are the best, because they are very scientific. Everything is nicely arranged for you to learn in order. But language itself is not like that. In many ways, it’s not really a very scientific thing. I think many people in China who study English have a mistake. They try to use very scientific methods to study something that itself is very unscientific.Key Points in Discussionfeelings about living in Chinadepend onexperiences in learning foreign languages。
视听说第二册 UNIT 6

Lesson B Strange dreams
Speaking I don’t think so.
Memory game. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions, and see who remembers more. Use the expressions of different degrees of certainty.
1. It’s difficult for Galina to pronounce / remember / spell words in English.
Lesson A How's your memory?
Lesson B Strange dreams
Listson A How's your memory?
Lesson B Strange dreams
Speaking I don’t think so.
Practice the conversation with a partner. Underline the expressions of varying degrees of certainty. Mia: Justin: Mia: Justin: Mia: Justin: Mia: Justin: Mia: Justin: Come on, Justin. Let’s go. The concert starts in an hour. OK. I’m coming. Do you have the tickets? Yes, they’re here in my jacket. Oh, wait a minute. What’s wrong? I can’t find the tickets. They’re not in my pocket. Oh no! Where are they? Are they in the desk? I don’t think so. Try to remember. Maybe they’re in your backpack. Wait … I found them. They were in my other jacket. Let’s go.
英语视听说UNIT6 Listening In

2 Should I take vitamin pills?
Listening In
Not necessarily. If you are active and have a good appetite, you can get a lot of vitamins in your diet. Without a doubt, fruits and vegetables are the best sources of important nutrients.
Listening In
You are freshmen living away from your parents for the first time. A, who is very fat (or actually very slim), plans to go on a diet and asks suggestions from his /her roommates. His/her roommates offer very different suggestions…
You can also eat extra snacks and larger portions at meals.
6 Is food produced with
chemical fertilizer just as nutritious as food grown with natural fertilizer?
Any other suggestion?
I really need to lose some weight. You’ve got any good idea?
Can you recommend some diet products?
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Unit 6 Home Sweet HomeI. Teaching AimsBy learning this unit, the student should be able to describe home and house in English fluently.In this unit, students will be able to:1. Listen for the main idea and the key information of every passage;2. Grasp the language points and grammatical structures ;3. Learn to talk about home, houses and apartments;4. Arouse Ss interests for the topic of this unit and participate actively.II. Teaching important points1. Lesson A Speaking, Communication2. Topic understanding and content understanding of each passage3. Improving the students' listening and speaking abilityIII. Teaching difficult points1. Lesson B Video Course2.Speaking with logical thinking3.vocabulary about home, houses and apartments.IV. Teaching Methods1. Task-based teaching in while-listening procedure2. Listening and practicing3. Speaking and communication4. Media instruction5. Communicative Methods: answering, discussion, presentation, team work...V. Teaching hours10 class periodsVI. Teaching Procedures1.Lead-in / Warming upTry to describe your sweet home like the examples.2. Lesson A : Vocabulary Link1. Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures. Present the vocabulary. Have them read the sentences and number the pictures. Match each word with a place in the apartment. Check answers.2. Have Ss work in pairs. If there is one student left, ask him or her to join a pair to make a group. Imagine that you have your own apartment or house. Describe it to your partner. Have Ss create more conversations. Invite one or two pairs to give a demonstration to the class.3. Lesson A : Listening(1). Apartment huntingFamiliarize Ss with the new words. Have them read the new words aloud after you. Explain the task. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and mark their answers. Play the recording. Check answers.Introduce the topic that The man talks about three apartments. Number the apartments 1 to 3 as you listen. Have Ss listen and fill in the blanks with words they hear. Play the recording. Check answers. Have Ss read through the questions and possible answers. Tell Ss to listen again and check the correct boxes. Play the recording. Check answers.(2). A housing problemIntroduce the topic :Listen to Graciela talk to an adviser at her school. Then answer the questions. Then tell them to listen and number the steps in order. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and answer the questions. Play the recording. Check answers.(3). The Davis family wants a new home.Tell Ss they are going to listen to the program “Places for rent.”. Direct Ss’attention to the picture and ask them to read the questions. Tell Ss to listen and answer the questions. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Play the recording. Check answers.(4). Make yourself at home!Introduce the topic. Tell Ss they are going to listen to a passage. Tell Ss to listen carefully and write short answers to the questions. Play the recording.Check answers. Have Ss look at the pictures carefully. Tell them to listen to the recording and number the pictures to match them with the explanations. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Play the recording. Check answers.(5). Object-shaped housesDirect Ss’attention to the title. What will they hear? Present the new words and have Ss read aloud after you. Answer any questions about vocabulary.With the class, go over the list of questions. Tell Ss to listen and number the questions in the order they are asked during the interview. Play the recording. Check answers.Have Ss read the statements. Explain that all these statements are false. Tell Ss to listen again and correct the statements. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and write answers to the questions. Play the recording. Check answers.4. Lesson A : Pronunciation1. Remind students rising intonation to show surprise. Play the recording. Have Ss work in pairs to practice the conversations.2. Have Ss listen and read the sentences. Play the recording. Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the sentences. Check their pronunciation..5. Lesson A : Speaking and communicationActivity One1. Introduce the situation. How many rooms are there? Ask Ss to listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Play the recording.Check answers.2. Put Ss in groups of three. Present the conversations again. Ask Ss to listen and read along in their groups. Play the recording again. Ask Ss to practice the conversations in groups. Remind Ss to keep eye contact with their group members while speaking.3. Ask Ss to work in groups of three. Ask Ss to read the model conversation. Answer any questions about vocabulary. If necessary, play the recording. Elicit or explain to Ss who the famous celebrities are.4. Have Ss work in groups of three. Each student should role-play a famous person. Have Ss work in their groups to create and practice a new conversation where they introduce each other. When all groupsActivity Two1. Have Ss work individually to write three sentences about themselves, and another three sentences about themselves.2. Collect and redistribute the papers.Pair work: Introduce the topic. Look at the pictures of this famous house. Use three adjectives to describe the house. Share your ideas with the class.Have Ss read the information. Ask Ss to discuss the events in pairs.6. Lesson B: Video Course Student housingGlobal Viewpoints Where I live1. Say the list of vocabulary items aloud as Ss repeat for pronunciation practice. If necessary, explain the meaning of the words. Have Ss complete the sentences using the correct words from the New words. Check answers.2. Explain to Ss that they are going to watch several people talking about student housing. Before viewing, have Ss read the statements so they know what to watch and listen for. Ask Ss to watch and circle True if the statement is completely correct. If it is False, they must listen for information to correct for it. Play the video. Check answers.3. Tell Ss they will watch the interviews. Ask Ss to fill in the missing words as they watch the video. Play the video. Check answers.7. Lesson B:City Living Mike needs a changeIntroduce the main and minor characters to Ss.1.Introduce the situation. In this video, we learn how Mike and Takeshi became roommates.2. Have Ss use the information from the pictures and captions to complete the sentences. Check answers.8. Lesson B:City Living Mike needs a change “While You Watch”1. Before viewing, have Ss read the sentences so they know what to watch and listen for. Ask Ss to watch and then match the sentence parts to make true sentences. Play the video. Check answers.2. Give Ss time to study the pictures and sentences. Tell Ss: What’s the story? Watch the video. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.Play the video and allow time for Ss to answer. Check answers.3. Give Ss time to study the pictures and questions. Ask Ss to pay attention to what people say in the video. Play the first episode of the video. Check answers.4. Give Ss time to study the pictures and questions. Ask Ss to pay attention to what people say in the video. Play the second episode of the video and allow time for Ss to fill in the blanks. Check answers.Class work: Show the script of the second episode of the video on the screen.Explain that some of the words are missing. Play the 2nd episode and ask Ss to act out the lines of the script as a class. Check answers.5. Give Ss time to study the pictures and script. Play the third episode of the video and allow time for Ss to fill in the blanks. Check answers.6. Give Ss time to study the question. Play the whole video once again and allow time for Ss to answer. Check answers.9. Lesson B:City Living Mike needs a change “After You Watch”1. Read the useful expressions dialogues aloud, emphasizing the expressions in blue. Encourage students to think of how the phrases were used in the video before matching the expressions to the definitions. The teacher checks the answers.2. Read the examples given from the video. Have Ss fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Check answers.3. Ask Ss to write a short summery of the City Living story.VII. Assignments1.Review: Oral practice: to describe home and house (pair work)2. Learn the key words and expressions by heart.3. Role-play some conversations.4. Write a short summary of the City Living story.5. Talk about home, houses and apartments.。