三一口语七级风俗习惯National Customs

中国国庆节的节日风俗英语国庆节的习俗英文:national day customs例句:chinas national day, people like to watch the performances, like to watch the beautiful fireworks fly. the state council held a grand military parade procession.中国的国庆节,人们喜欢去看热闹的`演出,喜欢看美丽的焰火腾空。
例段:all countries in the world have their own national day, national day in different countries of the festive way, as the traditional and customs of the differences, and different.the national day is an important feast for every country, but the various countries national day nameis different. many countries in the world is called "national day" or "national day", and some countries called "independence day" or "independence day", also some call "republican", "republic day day", "revolution day", "liberation", "national rejuvenation day" and "constitution day", still have to add the name directly "day", such as "australia day", "pakistan day", others in the kings birthday or coronation day as the national day, such as the case of the king, the date of the national day changes will be replaced.national day each year, countries have a different forms of celebration activities to strengthen its peoples patriotic consciousness, strengthen the countrys cohesive force. between the various countries to also congratulate each other. the national day every ten every five, some will expand to celebrate. to celebrate the national day, governments usually we will hold a national day conference, by national heads of state or government or foreign minister, invited presiding in all countries in the local ambassadors and other important foreign guests to attend. but some countries do not held a reception, such as the united states, britain are not held a reception.世界上每个国家都有自己的国庆节,由于传统和习俗的差异,各国庆祝国庆节的方式也各不相同。

Contents 目录1.Introduction 四级考试简介-----------------------------------------------------2-42.Grammar 四级语法----------------------------------------------------------5-123.Prepared Topic 四级自选话题----------------------------------------------13-144.Holidays 假期-------------------------------------------------------------15-255.Shopping 购物-----------------------------------------------------------------26-346.School and Work 学校和工作------------------------------------------------35-407.Hobbies and Sports 爱好和运动---------------------------------------------41-458.Food 食物----------------------------------------------------------------------46-499.Weekend and seasonal activities 周末和季节活动------------------------ 49-54Introduction of GESE - 7GESE-7考试介绍FormatTotal time: 15 minutes The examination consists of three assessed phases:Candidate-led discussion of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5 minutes)Interactive task (up to 4 minutes)Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner (up to 5 minutes)Candidate performanceIn performing the required tasks, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and use the language items listed below.Communicative skillsIn the Topic phase⏹Show understanding by responding appropriately to the examiner⏹Communicate a variety of facts, ideas and opinions, and account for these, about a chosen topic linkedacross a series of extended turns⏹Engage the examiner in discussion of the topic⏹Be prepared to ask and answer questions about the content of the topic⏹Handle interruptions or requests for clarification throughout the discussion of the topicIn the Interactive task phase 互动交流⏹Initiate the discourse 主动引导交流⏹Maintain the discourse by asking for information不断提问获取更多信息,使交流持续进行⏹Help the discussion along by inviting comment from the examiner 请考官发表看法⏹Take and give up turns when appropriate to do so⏹Where appropriate to the individual task, make use of the functions listed belowIn the Conversation phase⏹Show understanding by responding appropriately to the examiner⏹Share the responsibility for the maintenance of the interaction with the examiner⏹In case of a breakdown in communication, show awareness and take basic steps to remedy itTwo subject areas for discussion will be selected by the examiner from the list below:Education 教育National customs 民族习俗Village and city life 城市与乡村生活National and local produce and products 全国和地方性物产和产品Early memories 早期记忆Pollution and recycling 污染和再生利用Functions⏹Giving advice and highlighting advantages and disadvantages劝告,陈述优缺点和不利因素⏹Making suggestions 建议⏹Describing past habits 讲述过去的习惯⏹Expressing possibility and uncertainty 表达可能性和不确定性⏹Eliciting further information and expansion of ideas and opinions 获取更多信息、扩展想法观点⏹Expressing agreement and disagreement 表达同意和不同意的意见Language productionThe candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to use the items listed below, in addition tothe items listed for the previous grades.Grammar⏹Second conditional(第二条件句,即虚拟语气)⏹Simple passive (简单的被动语态)⏹Used to (过去常常做某事)⏹Relative clauses (关系从句)⏹Modals and phrases used to give advice and make suggestions e.g. should/ought to, could, you’d better(表示劝告和建议的情态动词和短语)⏹Modals and phrases used to express possibility and uncertainty may, might, I’m not sure(表示可能性和不确定性的情态动词和短语)⏹Discourse connectors because of, due to (连词词组)Lexis⏹Vocabulary specific to the topic area (和自选话题相关的词汇)⏹Vocabulary specific to the subject areas (和对话话题相关的词汇)⏹Expressions of agreement and disagreement (表示同意、不同意的词汇)⏹Appropriate words and expressions to indicate interest and show awareness of the speaker, e.g. Really? Ohdear! Did you? (表示对对方的话内容感兴趣的用语)⏹Simple fillers to give time for thought, e.g. Well … Um... (为赢得短瞬思考时间所用的简单用语)Phonology⏹The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific to the topic and subject area⏹Rising intonation to indicate interest and surprise as appropriate (正确运用升调以表示对事物的兴趣或惊讶)⏹Falling intonation to indicate the end of a turn (运用降调表示一段对话结束)⏹Intonation and features of connected speech beyond sentence level (用多个句子连续表达式正确运用语调、连续、重读等语音手段)Examiner and candidate languageThe sample exchanges below show some ways in which examiners and candidates might express themselvesduring the conversation. These are only examples, not models to be learned.Examiner CandidateAnd what are you going to talk about today? Today I’d like to tell you about ‘Dolphins’. I’ve been interested indolphins since I was eleven.A friend of mine has asked me to lend him an Why does he want to borrow this money? amount of money.I thin k I’ve lost something very important. Oh dear! What exactly have you lost?If you were me, what would you do? I’d probably go to the police.I’m thinking of moving from the UK to live in Well, one advantage is the weather but the Greece. disadvantages might be…Who do you think should be responsible for recycling? I think it’s mainly the government’sresponsibility but we should all take part.I used to hate green vegetables when I was small. So did I — but my mother used to make me eatthem. Did you like fruit?Tell me about some of the marriage customs in your country. Well, the ceremony is usually held in achurch and the bride is dressed all in white. Do you think yo u might go to university when you finish school? I’m not sure, though my brother isstudying medicine and enjoying universitya lot.An example of a prompt and the possible development of the interaction at Grade 7 is given below. Sample exchange in the Interactive phase at Grade 7Examiner: This is the first time I’ve ever been to this area and I have a free weekend.Candidate: What are you interested in?Examiner: Well, I like visiting museums but I don’t like noisy or crowded places.Candidate: Oh, yes. I feel the same. There are three very good museums in the town. Do you like modern art? Examiner: Not really, I prefer history.Candidate: Well, I think you should definitely go to the Archaeological Museum. It’s an oldcastle which was converted into a museum last year. There are many Romanremains in this part of the country and the museum displays these very well.Examiner: What’s a good time to go?Candidate: The best time to go is probably Sunday morning —it’s usually quite empty then.Examiner: Right. Actually, I went to an archaeological museum in England not long ago.Candidate: Did you? Where in England was that?Examiner: Have you heard of Cambridge?Candidate: Yes, it’s very famous, isn’t it? Was the museum very good?Examiner: Yes, they’ve done a lot of work to the museum to make the displays moreinteresting for visitors —and there’s also a wonderful cafeteria there.Unfortunately, there’s nowhere to eat or drink inside the museums here. It isn’t so common in thiscountry……The Gramma of GESE-7GESE-7语法重点1. if 引导的非真实条件句虚拟语气可以表示过去,现在和将来的情况,时态的基本特点是时态往后推移。

It is learning how to behave at the dinner table.
• 5.What does she find surprising ?
French people put their bread on the table, not on the plate.
6. You should leave a spoon to lie flat. (a coffee spoon on the saucer, a soup spoon on the service plate beside the soup bowl.)
7. When Americans eat the bread, they hold it in their fingers, usually break it first.
2. In the west if you were invited to have a meal at someone’s home, there would often be only one or two dishes. Even if it was a formal dinner, it would be usually just three courses: soup, main dish, and dessert. But in China, an informal dinner would have four dishes and a soup and a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.

三⼀⼝语七级风俗习惯NationalCustomsNational Customs1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (⼊乡随俗)In different countries and different cultures, people have different customs and practices. So it’s important and necessary to know their customs when you travel abroad or get along with foreign friends. You should remember the saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or it’ll be very easy to offend people or seem rude silly. My uncle is presently studying English in New York. He has not been there long, and he is quite amazed at the great differences between American and Chinese cultures. For one thing, Americans and Chinese are different in arranging a visit. Chinese prefer to call on their friends unexpectedly. Americans on the other hand, prefer making an appointment in advance. An unexpected visitor is regarded as impolite.2. The differences between Chinese and Western CustomsI’d like to talk about five differences between Chinese and Western Customs.Firstly in China, when meeting people, Chinese like to ask the questionsconcerning name, age, nationality, salary and state of marriage etc., while the western countries conversation doesn’t involve the private questions such as age, salary and state of marriage, etc.Secondly, the family name is followed by the given name. While the western countries, the family name comes after the given name.Thirdly, among the numbers, 4 is regarded as a symbol of bad luck, as itspronunciation is similar to that of “ death”. On the contrary, 6 and 8 are regarded as the lucky numbers. While the Western countries, among the numbers, 13 is deserted by most people for example, there is no ROOM 13 in the hotels,no important events are on the 13th.Fourthly , the Spring Festival is the most important festival, and people send best wishes only to the family, friends and colleagues, with no greetings among strangers.While the Westerncountries Christmas is the most important festival , when people meet in the Christmas season or on the New Year Day, they exchange best wishes toone another.Last but not the least, when receiving presents, people usually thank first, and open the presents after the guests leave . While the presents are not usually very expensive but with great convention. It is polite to open the gift in front of the guest and to send appreciation and thanks.3. The Lantern FestivalDuring the Spring Festival, people visit each other, with a great deal of exchanging of gifts. Then the festive atmosphere of New Year begins to wind down 15 days later as the Lantern Festival sets in. This Festival, believed to have Daoist origins,is for people to just have fun N carrying lanterns into the street, watching lions or dragon dancing , playing Chinese riddles and games, and lighting firecrackers.A typical food is tangyuan , a kind of dumplings made of sweet rice rolled into balls and stuffed with sweet fillings. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the New Year season and afterwards life returns to its daily routine.4. Whether our traditional festivals would be replaced by other culturesEvery culture has its own history and developing background. One culture can never replace another. So our Chinese customs and traditional culture would never be replaced by western culture. In recent years, with the development of the society, we let in some western cultures. At the same time some foreigners begin celebrating Chinese traditional festivals like the Spring Festival. In fact, Spring Festival is losing its traditional flavor, while young people seem to enjoy celebrating weste rn holidays, when they can have more fun on their own. It’simportant to maintain China’s cultural tradition, but with influx of western cultures, our traditional culture is diminishing. Some people holds that without traditional culture, it's meaningless no matter how strong China becomes.5. Chinese national holidaysThe national holidays are an important part of national customs and traditions. Each nation has its own traditional method of celebrating festivals. China has many important traditional festivals, the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival and so on. Different festival has different customs. The government's decision to make three more traditional festivals national holidays gives Chinese people time off from work to celebrate these traditional festivals properly, with traditional activities. The shorter holidays also mean many Chinese are staying closer to home, it has also spurred interest in Chinese culture. The move has helped the festivals to revive their traditions.6. Should we observe Chinese traditional customs?Yes, we should definitely observe our Chinese traditional customs. With the development of society, foreign customs become more and more popular among young people. Many people worry about the decline of Chinese traditions and customs. Some even appealed to the government for help to honor our national traditions by including more traditional festivals into the official holiday system. Some think we should because as Chinese, we live in China, the traditional customs can date back to thousands of years ago .They are the symbol of China. Even though we accept foreign customs, but we still should observe our own customs. In this age, we can't always insist on traditional customs. And we should combine traditional customs with foreign customs. In this way, we can catch up with the world.7. What's special about each traditional festivalOn the Lantern Festival, various traditional customs and activities are held, including eating yuanxiao, watching lanterns and fireworks, guessing lantern riddles, performing folk dances and so on, It's called yuanxiao festival because every household eats yuanxiao on this day. The MId-Autumn Festival is the second most important and traditional festival in China. It’s also called the mooncake festival because mooncake is the food people can’t miss that day. Family members gather together for a reunion dinner. After dinner, they go out to enjoy the bright and round full moon which stands for harmony and reunion. Those who can’t return h ome watch the moon and feel deep longings for their loved ones.。

脑筋急转弯 Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么害怕日光浴?
They don't want to be hot-do10%— 15%小费。 而快餐店和售货机不用付。 但美 国的快餐店一定要自助, 多数自己取好食品去 柜台算帐。 要饮料的话,服务员给你一个杯 子, 自己去接。 吃完的餐后垃圾自己倒掉。 但 好处是不用付小费。 在美国, 收付小费是公 开的,如果用卡结账时,账单上有一栏可填入 小费数额。 美国是一个多种族融合之地, 在城市里, 可以尝 到世界美食。 中国餐馆是最重要的外来菜之 一。 意大利比萨、法国大餐、印度咖哩、日本 料理、墨西哥风味、泰国菜等等也不难找到。
主要英语国家的衣食住行 英语国家的日常生活交往礼仪 英语国家的主要节日庆典
说到穿衣,人们必然会想到英国绅士风度翩翩, 西服革履。实际上并非如此。除了有的工作场合, 男人一般不着西装。大多数时候人们衣著随便。休 闲是这里的主要潮流。在大学里,甚至大学教授, 平时也只是夹克、衬衫或T恤衫,休闲鞋。女士们上 班族自然穿套装,或者制服。但如果你走在街上, 看到的可就五花八门了。与男士的衬衫T恤相比, 女士们的衣着要丰富多采的多。各种长裙,短裙, 吊带裙,长袖,短袖,背心,细跟鞋,粗跟鞋,松 糕鞋。
在美国人们的打扮以休闲为主。 在街上看到最 多的就是T恤衫。 在美国所有的室内几乎都有 冷气, 而且冷气开到很冷。 所以即使是盛夏, 一 定要带外套。 如果坐火车或准备长时间待在室 内,一定要带足衣服, 或带上毛毯。 那个温度 穿上棉袄都不会热。 在美国买衣服, 号码一定要看清。 一般美国人 比中国人大一号, 所以即使你本来穿大号,在美 国小号也许就足够了。 在美国最适合给大胖子 买衣服, 无论有多胖, 在美国都不用发愁买不到 衣服。 衣服大多数是中国, 韩国产的, 与中国相 比还是贵。

三一口语七级常见问题总结National Customs1.Is it important to follow customs and traditions?Well, I think it’s important to follow customs and traditions because they represent the culture of a nation. Without them, the country and its people lose their sense of identity. However, some customs are old and they may no longer be suitable for the modern society. So we should be flexible in how we follow customs and traditions. For example, people in China used to think that the primary responsibility of women was only to take good care of their families. They were not supposed to get a good education. But in modern times, women are more educated and they are playing a much more important role in society than before.2.What are the traditions during the Lunar New Year?The Lunar New Year is the most important festival in China. It’s often celebrated in late January or early February. Generally speaking, the festival lasts for 15 days, during which family members get together. On New Year’s Eve, people watch CCTV New Year’s Gala while eating dumplings. In my family, my mom often wraps a coin into one of the dumplings when she makes them. The person who eats that dumpling will have the best luck in the coming year. Throughout the festival, people often visit relatives and give them their warmest wishes for the New Year.3.What are the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival?People often celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in early June. The origin of this festival can be traced back to the Warring States Period. There was a patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. He was removed from office by treacherous officials and was sent to a remote area. When he heard his country was conquered by his enemies, he was very sad. He jumped into the river and drowned to show his loyalty. When people heard about this, they threw Zongzi, which was made of sticky rice, into the river to feed the fish and protect Qu Y uan’s remains. Today people still make Zongzi and go dragon boat racing in memory of Qu Yuan.4.What are the customs on Mid-Autumn Day?People often celebrate Mid-Autumn Day on the 15th day of eighth lunar month. On that day, the moon turns into a full one. Family members reunite to admire the bright moon.Legend has it that there were once ten suns in the sky. It was very hot on the earth and many crops died in the heat. The earth was saved by a young man named Hou Yi, who succeeded in shooting down nine of the suns. As a reward, Yi got a precious elixir, which would send the person who ate it to the moon, from the goddess. He gave it to his wife Chang E. One day, Yi wasn’t at home and a hunter came to steal the elixir. To protect it, Chang E drank it herself. Suddenly she became lighter and flew to the moon. Yi was very sad when he found out about this. He looked up to the moon with tears and saw that the moon was very round and bright on the night. To honor Chang E and Hou Yi, people began to celebrate this day as a festival for family reunions.5.Can you tell me something about Qingming Festival?Well, Qingming Festival usually occurs in early April. From that day, the weather begins to get warm and rainfall begins to increase. Qingming Festival is a time for many different activities. Tomb sweeping is the most important one of all. People clean the tombs of their deceased relatives and offer them food and drinks. They also burn paper money at night. It’s believed that their ancestors will receive it in heaven.Another activity is spring outing. Everything in nature will take on a new look at this time. Trees turn green and flowers blossom. It’s a good time to enjoy various outdoor activities such a hiking on mountains or flying kites in parks.6.Can you talk about the wedding traditions in China?In the early morning, a line of cars will take the groom to the bride’s house. He needs to bring some red envelope money and give it to his bride’s female friends in exchange for “letting the bride go”. When the new couple arrives at the groom’s house, they eat some sweet dumplings together, which represent smoothness and happiness in their future lives. Then they chat with their relatives and friends for a while and head to the reception hall. An MC will host the wedding reception. After his speech, all relatives and friends will toast together and give the new couple their best wishes. A wedding is such an important moment in one’s life that he or she will never forget it.7.Why did people use to think that sons were more important than daughters for families inChina?In China, people used to prefer sons to daughters because boys stayed with their parents even after marriage. They were supposed to provide for their ageing parents and continue the family tree. However, such attitudes have changed over time. Nowadays women are taking a much more important position in society than before. In my family, sons and daughters are treated equally.8.Can you talk something about Christmas?Christmas falls on December 25th. It’s a religious festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and it’s one of the most important festivals in Western countries. On Christmas Eve, parents often put an evergreen tree in the living room and decorate it with colorful lights and cute handicrafts. They also place a number of wrapped gifts for their kids under the tree. Children hang their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep, because they believe Santa Claus is going to fill their stockings with Christmas gifts quietly at night.In some countries such as Germany, you can find Christmas Markets during the holiday season in almost every city, town and village. There you can buy all kinds of Christmas gifts, especially traditional stuff like hand-made candles and wood carvings.9.Can you talk something about Halloween?Halloween falls on October 31st. People celebrate this festival by doing something scary. For example, they attend parties, carve jack-o’-lanterns, tell scary stories and watch horror movies.At costume parties, adults often dress up as ghosts, witches and monsters to scare each other. Children go from house to house, asking for treats such as candies, with the question “trick or treat”. It means if you don’t give them candies, they will play a trick on you. They usually get a lot of candies from house owners at the end of the day.10.Can you talk something about Easter?Easter is a Christian festival to celebrate Jesus Christ’s coming back to life. It occurs in spring. On Easter, families dye boiled eggs into beautiful colors because eggs are a symbol of rebirth. These eggs are called Easter eggs. Parents hide the eggs in various places for their kids to find, and this game is called the Easter egg hunt. The Easter Bunny is another character that symbolizes this festival. He brings a basket of colored eggs, candies and toys to the kids’ houses. Kids all love him a lot!11.Can you talk something about Thanksgiving Day?Thanksgiving is America's preeminent day. It is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. It has a very interesting history. Its origin can be traced back to the 16th century when the first thanksgiving dinner is said to have taken place.Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the Christmas shopping season. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends.12.Can you talk something about April Fools’ Day?My favorite festival is April Fools’ Day. I like it so much because on that day we’re allowed to make fun of each other. Last year, I lied to my classmate that our teacher asked us to read our essays aloud. He believed me and did it. Then he found out he was fooled. All my classmates laughed at him loudly. It was really funny.Village and City Life13.What are the advantages of village life?The living environment in villages is much better than that in cities. The sky is always crystal-clear. People can enjoy various outdoor activities without worrying about the air quality. The pace of life in villages is slow and people have more free time to enjoy what they like. Also, the population density in rural areas is rather low. People from villages don’t have to suffer from so much stress due to the competitive job market. I think those are the reasons why more and more city dwellers would like to take a break and spend their vacations in the countryside.14.What are the disadvantages of village life?Well, in my opinion, the disadvantages of village life include the following: first, public transportation and communication channels in villages are not as developed as those in cities. It often takes a long time for village people to travel around. Meanwhile, they can hardly get updated information because it’s hard for them to connect to the Internet. These all leave village people relatively isolated from the outside world; second, villages offer fewer job opportunities than cities and people there are often paid less; lastly, you can hardly find movie theatres and amusement parks in villages, which makes life a bit boring. These are the main reasons why many people leave their villages and look for jobs in cities.15.What are the advantages of city life?Cities offer people a wide variety of choices to do shopping, dine and have fun. Compared with villages, cities provide better education. Most of the top universities in China are located in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. There are also more job opportunities in cities. I believe these are the reasons why many people migrate to big cities to pursue a better life.16.What are the disadvantages of city life?Although cities provide people with convenient and colorful lives, there are quite a lot of disadvantages of city life. Traffic congestion occurs from time to time especially during the rush hour. The heavy traffic makes the air quality in cities worse, which causes many people to get sick. Also, the cost of living in cities is rather high. It’s reflected in education fees, healthcare expenses and housing prices. Many people who live in big cities are renting their apartments because they can’t afford to buy their own houses.17.Is it good to maintain the rapid development of cities?It cuts both ways. Rapid growth makes city dwellers enjoy higher salaries and standard of living. But on the other hand, growth causes a number of social problems. An obvious example would be pollution. When I was little, I used to play games in the park near my house. Now due to urban development, the park has become a chemical factory that discharges a large amount of wastewater every day.18.Do you think the differences between cities and villages are becoming smaller?Yes, I think so. People from villages enjoy much higher standard of living than before. This is reflected in a lot of aspects. For example, because of the railway construction, public transportation in villages has become much more convenient than before. Besides, a number of villages are able to provide Internet access for the public which makes communications more efficient. And thanks to real estate development, many villagers are living in spacious and well-furnished houses now.Early Memories19.What are the important things in one’s childhood?From my point of view, happiness is the most important thing in one’s childhood. Kids should have supportive parents, so that they can get enough freedom to do what they’re interested in. They need a lot of friends too, with whom they’ll never fell lonely. It’s also important for them to have good teachers, from whom they learn the skills to solve problems.20.How was your childhood?I had a happy childhood. My parents were kind. They never scolded me. My teachers were knowledgeable and patient. They were ready to help us solve problems all the time. My happiest memory is of my grandma. She always kept candies in her pockets. Every time we went to visit her, she would give me some. My mom used tease me and say, “No more candies next time!” But my grandma gave me some anyway.21.What is the most unforgettable thing in your childhood?The most unforgettable thing in my childhood is my trip to Germany when I was in Grade 1. I went there by plane with my parents. It was my first time on a plane, so I was really excited. Germany is a lovely country. We visited a great many places such as its capital city Berlin, its second largest city Hamburg and a small town called Neuschwanstein. Neuschwanstein is famous for its castle, which was the inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Since I was a fan of Disney stories, I found this castle really romantic. Although we only spent a few days in Germany, I’ll never forget this exciting trip.22.Do you still remember your first school day? How was it?Of course, I remember my first school day so well. At first, I was very nervous because everything was new to me. I felt relaxed soon since my teachers were kind and friendly. They played games with us to make us feel at home. To my surprise my school was really beautiful. There were trees and flowers everywhere. The most unforgettable thing was that I met a lovely girl Jean. We walked around the schoolyard and had lunch together. She became my best friend and we maintained our friendship ever since.23.What kind of boy/girl were you when you were little?I used to be noisy and naughty when I was a little boy. Whenever my grandma was out of my room, I took all my toys out of the drawers and spread them all over the ground. In spite of this, my grandma never punished me because I always told jokes and made her laugh in the end.I used to be a quiet girl when I was little. I seldom cried. As long as I got rag dolls to play with, I would spend the whole day sitting in the sofa. My parents always say I never caused them any trouble. They’re really proud of me.24.Are there any bad memories from your childhood?Yes, I have some bad memories from my childhood. When I was in Grade 2, I disliked my Chinese teacher because he was really impatient with us. He never welcomed creative questions. Because of this, it was hard for us to develop our independent thinking. Luckily he left our school when I was in Grade 3.Education25.What do you know about the education system in China?The education system in China is highly developed. All children must finish the nine years of compulsory education, which include six years of primary school and three years of junior middle school. After that, they can either attend high schools for general education or vocational schools for technical training. This usually lasts for another three years. Outstanding high school graduates will then become university students, while vocational school graduates will directly apply for jobs.26.What do you think of the education system in China nowadays?From my point of view, the education system in China focuses too much on exams, so thatstudents work hard only in order to pass the exams. Although they get good marks on paper, they may not be able to apply the knowledge in real life. The exam-oriented education system should be replaced by education that focuses more on practical skills. There should also be more extracurricular activities to help students develop a variety of interests and broaden their view.27.What is the best way to educate children?There are many good methods of educating children. In my opinion, the best way is to trust them, that is, to give them freedom to do things they like. For example, parents can allow children to arrange their spare time on their own. As long as they finish their homework on time and put enough efforts in studies, there is no need to push them too hard. Meanwhile, parents should also be tolerant by allowing children to make and correct their own mistakes. In this way, they’ll not only educate children effectively, but also become their friends.28.How is the education quality in your school?The quality of education in my school is good. There is a large collection of books in our library. We can find almost any books that we’re interested in. Teachers are dedicated to the students. They especially pay attention to fostering our critical thinking and independent learning skills. Because of this, we’re always eager to solve problems on our own.29.How do you like your school life?My school life is very colorful. I like the subjects I’m studying, especially English. By studying English, I not only learn a foreign language but also something useful about Western Culture. There are also plenty of exciting activities in our school like the chess club, the football team and even a rock band. I take part in the chess club in my spare time. I’ve made many new friends in this way.30.If you were the headmaster, what would you do to improve your school?If I were the headmaster, I would do three things to improve my school. First, I would try to relieve some pressure from the students by reducing the amount of homework they have to do. Second, I would organize more extracurricular activities like basketball games. In this way, students will learn the importance of teamwork. Finally, would also promote the communication between teachers and students. Good communication helps teachers better understand their students and create a friendly atmosphere in classes.31.Do you want to go to university in the future?Of course I do. My grandma often says people should never stop learning. I totally agree. With a university degree, it’ll be easier for me to find a better job. Also, I’ll become more independent in university because I’ll have to handle my daily routines on my own. This is an important lesson for everyone to learn.National and Local Produce and Products32.What would you recommend I eat in your hometown?Roast duck is one of the most popular local foods in Beijing. I highly recommend you try it inQuanjude, a famous chain restaurant with the best taste. It normally costs around 100 Yuan per person. Roast duck is very delicious. People often eat it with thin pancakes, cucumbers, green Chinese onions and sweet sauce as a set. It’s quite oily and fat, so you’d better not eat too much at a time.33.What do you recommend I buy as a souvenir in your hometown?I highly recommend you buy a set of Fuwa dolls as a souvenir from Beijing. A full set includes five little children and each of them has a name. They symbolize the different cultures and characteristics of China. For example, Nini is like a kite which stands for a traditional Chinese recreational activity. Jingjing is a panda which is rare species of bear native to China. Why don’t you buy a full set and figure out what the other three Fuwa dolls symbolize?34.What crops do people in your hometown grow?My hometown is Beijing. As it’s the capital city of China, you can hardly find any crops downtown. However, if you take a tour of the suburbs, you’ll be surprised by the wide variety of crops there. In Huairou District you’ll find tasty chestnuts, and in Pinggu District you can try the sweetest peaches in North China.35.What products is China famous for?China is good at producing many types of products and it’s most famous for its silk cloth. Chinese silk cloth is sold all over the world and it’s regarded as one of the finest textile products in Asia. Besides silk, China is also a good place to buy tea. When foreign travelers come to China, they often taste various Chinese teas and buy some as souvenirs.Pollution and Recycling36.What kinds of pollution do you know?There are many different types of pollution. As far as I know, they include air pollution, water pollution, water pollution, solid waste, noise pollution, light pollution as well as nuclear pollution, among which I believe air pollution is the most serious, not only in China but also globally.37.Do you think pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem?Yes. In my opinion, pollution has become a serious problem in my city. My dad often tells me about his childhood when he went fishing with his neighbors. It seems I have rarely seen a lake that is clean enough to fish in. it’s really a pity! Air pollution is also severe. From time to time, I see smoke coming out of the factory smokestacks near my house. I wonder whether there are sufficient controls to ensure these emissions are not harmful.38.What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China?Of all the different types of pollution, I think nuclear radiation is the most serious problem facing the environment. Nuclear power stations seemed to be one of the cleanest sources of energy before. However, after the Japanese earthquake in 2011, nuclear safety has become a big issue. Many countries such as Germany have given up nuclear power development plans for the time being. The damage from nuclear waste is difficult to see, which makes it even more dangerous. I learned from a TV program that a vast area around the Chernobyl plant is still uninhabitable now, thoughit’s been over 25 years since the disaster.39.What do you do to protect the environment?When I do my homework, I often write or print double-sided. Paper is made from trees and trees are able to absorb carbon dioxide in the air, so we should protect trees by saving paper. And when my grandparents throw away rubbish, I always ask them to sort it into the appropriate bins. Although my efforts seem to be limited, if everyone does the same, I’m sure it’ll have a positive effect in the long run.40.What do you know about recycling?Recycling is the process of changing used materials into new ones. It’s an important way of protecting the environment because it keeps us from throwing away things that can be reused and reduces the consumption of new materials. In my daily life, I often donate my old books to poor children instead of throwing the away. I also collect waste plastics and make them into toys. I believe if everyone contributes a little, it’ll make a big difference in the end.41.Do you know any types of renewable energy? How are they different from traditionalenergy?As far as I know, renewable energy includes solar power, wind power and geothermal power. For traditional power sources such as coal and natural gas, emissions and pollution are a key concern. Coal-fired plants that dominate global energy production produce over 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide for every megawatt hour of energy generated, which is more than any other energy source. Natural gas---the second most common source of energy in the world---products around 1000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour. Compared with traditional power sources, solar, wind and geothermal power sources produce little amount of emissions. They’re much more environmentally friendly and have been highly promoted by the government in recent years.42.If you were a government official, what would you do to protect the environment?If I were a government official, I would encourage people to plant more trees. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide in the air and help reduce the greenhouse effect. They also help hold soil and water thus preventing flash flooding and soil erosion. Trees are so important to human beings that we can’t live without them. I would also promote the use of clean energy such as solar power and try to reduce the consumption of coal. In this way, less waste gas would be released into the atmosphere and the air would be much cleaner.43.Do you think the limitation on car sales is a good solution to the environmental problem inBeijing?Yes, I think so. There are too many cars running on the streets in Beijing. This not only results in traffic congestion but also causes serious environmental problems. To solve this problem, Beijing’s government decided to limit the sales of cars from 2010. This measure has been very effective. Take my family for example. My father decided to buy a car in late 2009 because he wanted to drive me to school. However, due to the new policy, we had to delay our purchase. Now I need to go to school on foot. Instead of feeling disappointed, I’m happy that I’m doing something good for the environment. Because of the efforts of all citizens, we can now see theblue sky more often.44.Why the environment was seriously polluted?There are many reasons why the environment has been damaged. First, as a result of the rapid industrialization process, more and more factories have been constructed in recent years. These factories produce a large amount of waste gas and water. Without proper treatment, the industrial waste is released into the air and rivers and does harm to the environment. Second, due to the accelerated population growth, more energy is needed and more waste is produced. Third, many people are still not aware of the serious consequences of pollution and the importance of sustainable development. People’s indifference to the environment makes the situation even worse.。
圣三一口语考试7-9级官方辅导材料GESE Grades 7-9 - Lesson Plan 4 - Preparing the Conversation (Final)

GESE Gra ades 7-9: preparing the Conversa ation Ph hase
Leve el:
GESE E Grades 7-9 (CEFR B2)
Time e:
1 x 60 0 minutes + optional 15 mi prepare vo ocabulary for the Subj jects for Co onversation To o practise asking and answering a q questions on the Subjects for Con nversation
Grades 7-9 (B2) - Lesson plan 4: preparing the Conversation Phase
1. Students remember questions/prompts (10 minutes) Put all of the students together according to their Grade 7, 8 or 9. Then put all of the students into small groups of 2 (or 3, if necessary), with students from the same Grade working together. Ask the students to try and remember as many questions as possible that they can ask for their Grade. (The students should try to remember questions from Lesson Plan 1 or 2 which they have already done.) Tell the students they have 6-7 minutes 2. Stimulate interest: show objects that represent the Subjects for Conversation (10 minutes) Show each Grade of students the objects that you brought for their Grade. Tell them they have 5 minutes to decide what the objects represent. After 5 minutes, give the H/O1 to the Grade 7 students, H/O2 to the Grade 8 students and H/O3 to the Grade 9 students. 3. Question preparation (20 minutes) Give the students the example prompt cards for their Grade (H/0s 4, 5 and 6). Tell the students they now have to use the prompt cards to create at least 2-3 questions for each Subject for Conversation. The students should write their questions on their handouts. The students can use the question cards to help them. They can use the question that they thought of at the beginning of the lesson. The students can also think of new questions if they want to. Tell the students they have 15 minutes to think of all of their questions. 4. Students interview each other (20 minutes) The students have now made their questions. Tell them to sit with a new person from the same Grade (e.g. Grade 7 students change partners with other Grade 7 students and Grade 8 students change partners with other Grade 8 students, etc.) There should be 2 students of the same Grade in each group. If the numbers of people are not perfect, then you can allow 3 students in one group. Tell the students that one of them is the ‘examiner’ and one of them is the ‘candidate’. (If necessary, you can have 2 examiners in one group of 3 people.) Give them 1 minute to decide who is who. They are now going to talk about themselves. Tell the students that the ‘examiner’ has 5 minutes to interview the ‘candidate’, using their own prompts. After 5 minutes, tell the ‘examiners’ and ‘candidates’ to change roles: the ‘examiner’ becomes the ‘candidate’ and the ‘candidate’ becomes the ‘examiner’. Stop the activity after another 5 minutes and ask the class for feedback/any questions. 5. Optional: reflection (15 minutes) In groups, students select and write down the 10 most useful questions/phrases of the lesson.

元宵节The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New YearCelebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration. After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond. Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats. Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. The most popular type of lantern is the "horse-racing" one, in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern. The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.翻译如下:年底举行的中国新年庆祝活动,在正月15月的这一天. 灯笼一直是几个世纪以来中国人的节日,所以没什么吃惊.人们通常灯笼挂在花园外面的房子、船上. 这些指示标志灯的客人,是祖先的新年庆祝活动. 15点后两天大餐,这些灯照亮了回神后的世界.丝绸、造纸、塑料灯笼形状和大小各不相同,通常多彩. 有蝴蝶形的、鸟、花、船. 其他都像龙、水果和动物的象征,一年. 最受欢迎的是一种花灯" 赛马" 一、人物、动物,轮流在各地纵轴的花灯.特别是粮食的元宵圆善或汤圆. 这些都是用与糯米粉圆、甜零食熟了汤,蔬菜、肉、虾米来填补。

中国习俗英语口头作文China's Unique Customs: A Captivating JourneyChina is a country steeped in rich cultural traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. As a land of ancient civilizations, China's unique practices and beliefs have captivated the world, offering a glimpse into the vibrant and diverse tapestry of its heritage. From the intricate ceremonies that mark significant life events to the daily rituals that infuse everyday life with meaning, China's customs are a testament to the enduring spirit of its people.One of the most iconic Chinese customs is the Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, a celebration that transcends borders and resonates with people of Chinese descent around the globe. This annual event, which typically falls between late January and mid-February, is a time of immense significance, marked by reunions, feasting, and the exchange of red envelopes filled with monetary gifts. The vibrant decorations, the thunderous fireworks, and the joyous atmosphere all contribute to the overwhelming sense of community and tradition that permeates this beloved festival.Another deeply ingrained custom in Chinese culture is the venerationof one's ancestors. This reverence is often expressed through the observance of Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day. During this solemn occasion, families gather at the gravesites of their ancestors to clean the tombs, offer incense, and pay their respects. The act of tending to the graves and honoring the memory of those who came before is a testament to the enduring importance of familial bonds and the deep-rooted respect for one's heritage.The art of tea-making and tea-drinking is another quintessential aspect of Chinese customs. The elaborate tea ceremony, or Cha Dao, is not merely a means of consuming a beverage but a ritualistic practice that encompasses the principles of harmony, respect, and tranquility. The meticulous preparation of the tea, the delicate movements of the host, and the focused attention of the guests all contribute to the creation of a serene and contemplative atmosphere, where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual world seem to blur.Chinese wedding customs are also rich in tradition and symbolism. The intricate rituals, from the betrothal ceremony to the grand wedding procession, are steeped in centuries-old beliefs and superstitions. The wearing of the traditional red dress, the exchange of vows, and the sharing of a symbolic cup of wine all hold profound meaning, reflecting the deep-rooted values of family unity, fertility, and the everlasting bond between the newlyweds.Beyond these well-known customs, China also boasts a wealth of regional traditions that add to the tapestry of its cultural diversity. In the province of Sichuan, for instance, the Sichuan Opera, with its mesmerizing face-changing performances and the captivating sounds of the Huqin, a traditional Chinese string instrument, has captivated audiences for centuries. In the southwestern region of Yunnan, the minority ethnic groups, such as the Naxi and the Bai, have preserved their unique customs, including intricate textile weaving and the practice of ancient Dongba religion.The enduring presence of these customs in the face of rapid modernization is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Chinese people. As the country continues to evolve and embrace the influences of the global world, the preservation of its cultural heritage remains a priority, ensuring that the rich tapestry of Chinese customs continues to captivate and inspire generations to come.In conclusion, China's unique customs are a testament to the country's vibrant and diverse cultural heritage. From the grand celebrations of the Lunar New Year to the intimate rituals of tea-making and ancestral veneration, these customs offer a window into the heart and soul of the Chinese people. As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, the preservation and appreciation of these time-honored traditions will play a crucial rolein fostering cross-cultural understanding and preserving the rich diversity that makes China such a captivating and enigmatic nation.。
介绍中国的风俗 英语作文 范文模板

介绍中国的风俗英语作文范文模板China is a country rich in traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. These customs reflect the diverse and vibrant culture of the Chinese people. From the way they celebrate festivals to the rituals they observe in daily life, Chinese customs are a window into the country's history and values.One of the most important customs in China is the celebration of festivals. Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy special traditional foods, and exchange gifts. The festival is marked by dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and the giving of red envelopes filled with money for good luck.Another important custom in China is the practice of filial piety. Filial piety is the virtue of respecting and honoring one's parents and ancestors. It is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and is considered one of the most important virtues a person can have. In China,children are expected to care for their parents as they age and to honor their memory after they have passed away.Chinese tea culture is another custom that is deeply rooted in Chinese society. Tea is more than just a beverage in China; it is a way of life. The Chinese have a long history of tea cultivation and consumption, and tea plays an important role in social gatherings and ceremonies. Tea is often used to show respect, express gratitude, and build relationships.In Chinese weddings, there are many customs and traditions that are observed to ensure a happy and harmonious marriage. Red is the traditional color for Chinese weddings becauseit symbolizes happiness and good fortune. The bride and groom often wear traditional red wedding attire, and the wedding ceremony is filled with symbolic gestures andrituals that are meant to bring luck and prosperity to the couple.In conclusion, Chinese customs are an integral part of the country's culture and identity. They reflect the values,beliefs, and traditions that have been passed down through generations. By observing and understanding Chinese customs, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the rich and diverse culture of China.。

中国的习俗英语作文60词Chinese Customs。
China is a country with a long history and rich culture. Its customs are an important part of its culture. Here are some of the most significant customs in China.First of all, the Chinese New Year is the mostimportant festival in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar, which usually falls in late January or early February. People usually clean their houses, decorate them with red lanterns and couplets, and prepare special food for the New Year's Eve dinner. They also give red envelopes with money to children as a symbolof good luck.Secondly, the Dragon Boat Festival is another important festival in China. It is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which usually falls in June. People usually eat zongzi, a kind of sticky rice dumpling wrappedin bamboo leaves, and race dragon boats on the river to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.Thirdly, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditionalfestival for family reunion. It is celebrated on thefifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, which usuallyfalls in September or October. People usually eat mooncakes, a kind of pastry with sweet fillings, and appreciate thefull moon with their families.Finally, Chinese people have many taboos in their daily life. For example, they avoid giving clocks as gifts, because the word for "clock" sounds like the word for "death" in Chinese. They also avoid wearing black clothesto weddings, because black is a color of mourning in Chinese culture.In conclusion, Chinese customs are an important part of Chinese culture. They reflect the wisdom, values, andbeliefs of the Chinese people. By understanding and respecting these customs, we can better appreciate the beauty and diversity of Chinese culture.。

三一口语七级新增对话题目:教育民族习俗城市与乡村生活青年文化童年记忆污染和废物回收利用三一口语7级自选话题范围及优秀范文Selecting a topicAnything you can talk aboute. g. Blog. Senior citizen’s life in BeijingHow to reduce work pressure shopping on lineComment on a movie my holiday planHow to save water should we compete all the time?Should Chinese people be encouraged to buy cars?My plan of starting a private businessI hate car alarmsEarly Memories三一口语七级好话题世博会吉祥物The Mascot of 2010 Shanghai World Exposition —Haibao1. The Desgining of HaibaoThe mascot of 2010 Shanghai World Expo Haibao is very important for interpreting the the me of this world expostion and expressing the culture of the hosting country—China, just like ot her mascots for huge worldwide events such as Olympics and World Cup. The emblems and i mages of past World Expos have turned into the unique intangible legacy. The World Expo ma scots have not only become the representatives of Expo images, but also embody the culture a nd spirit of hosting countries and cities.Mascot, as the symbol featuring the hosting country, will embody the history, development, culture, concept and social background of the country and will play an important role in the co mmunication in political, economical and cultural fields.2. The main characters of Haibao.Created from the Chinese character "ren," which means people, the mascot embodies the c haracter of Chinese culture and echoes with the designing concept of the emblem of World Ex po Shanghai. Using the Chinese character as the mascot of an international event is an innova tion.4. The manifestationHair: the hair of the mascot is like the wave of the sea, which represents its open charact er and stated the character of its birth place—the coastal city of Shanghai.Face: its cartoon expression_r_r shows its confidence and friendly character.Eye: big, round eyes show his anticipation of the city.Blue: the color shows its latitude and imagination, which represents the rising and potential China.Body: its round body represents a well-off life, which is also lovely and cute.Fist: he thumbs up to show the appreciation and warm welcome to the friends from all ove r the world.Big feet: he stands steadily on the big feet and embraces the world with big arms, which s hows that China has the ability and faith to host a successful Expo.The Chinese character 人has two strokes supporting each other. This structure shows the concept that a good life should be created by all the people. The world should be supported b y "people," and people should have harmonious relationships with nature and society, so that th e life in cities would be better.The mascot will surely become the lucky symbol and cultural remark of Shanghai Expo.5. The birth of the name of Haibao.The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Hai Bao, which means th e treasure of the sea. The name of Hai Bao is easy to remember, echoes with the color of its body and is a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition.Hai Bai is the good well ambassador of Shanghai Expo. He is embracing friends from all o ver the world with his arms and confident smile.Mascot selectionHuman beings, as the creators of good life, are the core to push the city development. Th at’s why the designing of the mascot chose th e Chinese character of people to be the main im age. The blue color mascot represents the elements including earth, dream, sea, future, technol ogy and manifests the theme of World Expo "Better City, Better Life."The image of the mascot is simple, easy to remember and to communicate. Though it is a single mascot, with the different motions and costumes, it could also have various appearance s.The mascot "Haibao," which means the treasure of the seas, is another Expo symbol creat ed from Chinese character following the Expo emblem in the shape of "世" (world).Water is the source of life. The main character of the mascot is water. The blue color stat ed Chinese brand-new gesture to embrace the world. Hai Bao is the wish to colorful life and the warm invitation to friends from all over the world to Shanghai.6. The selection of mascotThe final winner is selected out of 26,655 entries from the four-month worldwide public soli citation for the mascot idea. Instead of asking designated teams to create the mascots, like mo st of the other World Expos and Olympics, the organizers launched a public solicitation to hear what common people think.The staff of the mascot selection office traveled to more than 50 cities in China and across the world. It also did a door-to-door promotion to over 80,000 people, asking them to submit i deas for the Expo mascot.Among the 26,655 entries to the Expo, the youngest person to submit an entry was only t hree years old, and the oldest was 83.About seven percent of the entries are designed by children less than 10 years old. The d esigners are of all kinds of professions, including students, retired people, sportsmen, nurses, d esigners, clerks, painters, writers, teachers and actors. Nearly 70 percent of the designers are f rom eastern costal cities.7. Other world Expo mascotFluvi is a water creature, the Expo Zaragoza 2008 mascot. His body is semi-translucent an d jelly-like.He is a positive character, purifying, cleaning and nourishing everything he touches. It form s part of the Posis family. As it moves around quickly it gives off tiny drops of water. It is innocent, generous and kind to nature. Wherever he steps, he leaves footprints that nourish, fertilise and give life.Kiccoro ( Forest Child )The Forest Child has only just been born. Jumping around everywhere, he's (she's) full of energy! The Forest Child wants to see and do everything! He's (she's) looking forward to makin g lots of friends at the Expo.Morizo ( Forest Grand Father )The Forest Grandfather has been living in the forest since long ago. He's an easy-going a nd kind old man, he has seen many things and knows everything, but he hasn't lost his curiosi ty. Hearing about the Expo, he's enthusiastic about lending a hand.Twipsy is the World Expo 2000 Hannover, Germany mascot. Twipsy is a multi-coloured cre ature: with a large mouth, a big nose, a plant for left arm, an human hand for right arm, a ma n's foot and a woman's foot.My Arrival to BritainWhen I was four years old, my father was sent to work in Britain so he took me and my mother with him to London. We got to London on a mid-summer’s evening but the sky was stil l quite light. My father told me that London is much nearer to the North Pole than Beijing so d ay is much longer than night in summer, while night is much longer than day during the winter.London is a really big city with lots of cars and heavy traffic. My first impression of London w as old and crumbling unlike Beijing, where there are lots of new and modern buildings.Did you like the school life there?My father put me in a primary school which is called Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary sc hool. The first several months were quite hard to me. I could not understand what they were ta lking about and what I knew were simple words like toilet, water, good morning and bye-bye. T he teachers and classmates were very kind to me and step by step I made progress with my English. I made lots of friends there. This photo was taken when I was in Year One. Look, her e’s my best frie nd Laurie Rankin. She once invited me to her birthday party. These two are Al exandra Craze, (Alex for short) and Ivana Nicolaou. This is our teacher Miss Clarke. And look, that’s me! Back then as you see from this picture my hair was very short, I looked r eally like a boy. When I was in reception I was in the nativity play. I was to be one of the three wise m en giving out gifts when‘Jesus’was born. The school organized lots of Activities like visiting Lon don Zoo, Tate Modern Museum and going to the church. This photo was taken by my mother i n the school sports day. I won three races.What did you do in the weekends?Nearly every weekend my parents took me out to parks. There are lots of parks in London and my favorite is the Greenwich Park. Greenwich Park is well-known for its Observatory and Greenwich Meantime. There is also a playground and a deer park within it. In the deer park th ere are lots of deer and squirrels. The squirrels like to eat peanuts. Once I put a peanut in myhat and placed it on my lap. The squirrel bounded forwards and ate the peanut in the hat! I nearly touche d the squirrel’s soft fur.What was my hobby in London?Reading was and still is my hobby. I really liked to go to local libraries near our home. Th e first time my father helped me ask for a library card so you can borrow twelve books at one go. I started with picture books with more pictures than words, and later I could read books w ith more words than pictures, some with no pictures at all. I also started to borrow audio books so I could listen to them at home. Sometimes my parents took me to the bookstores so that I could read newly published books. I usually sit on the floor while reading. I could always find some books of my liking. My favorite author is J. K. Rowing. She wrote the book Harry Potter series. I have read all the English version of the seven books now. Roald Dah l’s books are go od too: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator are the m ost entertaining. I also like Enid Blyton, David Henry Wilson, C.S.Lewis and Lemony Snicket. I l ike reading because it can make me more imaginative and give me more knowledge.How do you spend you holidays?In the school holidays I traveled with my parents to different places in or out of Britain. W e’ve been to the capital of France-Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower; we visited France’s Disn eyland too. Then we traveled to the capital of Italy-Rome and ate pizza on the street. Venice i s a beautiful Water City in Italy. It is a marvelous place to have a holiday, but in the summer t he mosquitoes were very bothering. I got stung twenty times in three days.Once, me, my mother and my father went to Edinburg for the EasterHolidays. We stayed in an old house which had once been the home of the famous author of Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson. The book is about a boy called Jim Hawkins going on an adventure with pirates.Cambridge is a good place for education and boating. My father steered the boat when we went boating in Cam River. He had the oar and was standing on the deck all on his own. Me and my mother were afraid that my father would fall into the water! He didn’t fall in the water; he didn’t even scrap the sides of the boat when we were under the bridge.How do you like the food there?When I was in Britain I really liked western food. At our school we could choose between eating school dinners and bringing packed lunches. English children like to pack sandwiches, cri sps, biscuits, fruit and vegetables and sometimes a handful of sweets in their packed lunches b ut school dinners are different. We have fish and chips twice a week with carrots and peas. So metimes we eat garlic bread and shepherd pie, and sometimes we ate mashed potato. There were sauces to make the food taste better: gravy, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc and delicious pudd ings. There are puddings that I disliked too, for example custard and rice pudding. The rice pu ddings were not anything compared to my mother’s porridge. Although I ate a lot of English foo d I still liked Chinese food. When the Spring Festival came, my father’s colleagues would come to our flat and made Chinese dumplings together. They were delicious.How did you feel about going back to China?I stayed in London for two years. We came back to China when I was six years old. I wa s very sad to leave my friends and my school in London and as a result I had a fever. I was so ill that I had to be carried to the hospital in an ambulance. The doctor said I was attacked by‘some kind of virus that we don’t know. She didn’t give me any medicine apart from some li quid to make me feel better. She also told me to drink a lot of water and have a rest. Several days later my parents took me to the hospital again to have a check. The doctor said I had b een very brave and had defeated the virus and I would be healthy soon. Ten days later, I was healthy enough to go back to China.London has given me a lot of good memories. I hope one day in the future I could go ba ck there, to study English and to meet my old friends.1. Tell the differences between Chinese primary school and British primary schoola. Boarding schools ,living conditions, accommodationb. Teaching methodc. Study process, pressure, class rules, school rulesd. School tradition2. Let’s discuss the cultural toysa. feature of toys in Britainb. price and packing3. You are what you eat---the British style of food and Chinese style of fooda. Style of cuisineb. Taste and flavorc. Cook way of themTry to explain these points clearly and creative三一口语七级话题范文M y U n f o r g e t t a b l e E x p e r i e n c e i n U S A1. Who I went to America withMy Mom was a visiting scholar of MIT, so I went to America with my mom in 2007 and studied for one whole year. It was an unforgettable experience for me.2. The first glimpse of the city of BostonFirst, let me talk about my first glimpse of the city of Boston.I flew to America in August of 2007. When I first landed on the world’s famous city—Boston, I thought it was very beautiful: blue sky, white clouds, grass and trees. The streets also seemed very quiet with few people and no car horns. When we crossed the street, all the drivers would stop to let us cross. I felt very secure and happy. I loved America at my first sight.3. The one-month visit around AmericaNext, I’d like to talk about my one-month visit around America.The school life in America began in September. So I had one whole month to travel. My mom and I visited a lot of places in America. We went to Disneyland in Alanto. We played in Magic Kingdom, Escort and Disney-MGM Studio. We played in Sea world. All of them were exciting and interesting. I love them very much. We went to Washington and New York. We visited all kinds of museums and learned a lot. We traveled from the great Niagara Fall in the east to Yellow Stone Park in the west. With my boyish mind, I felt excited and curious about what was in front of me. Everything was different from that of China. If I had to uate it, I thought the two words—big and novel.4. Difficulties in American school lifeThe first day I went to Bulter Elementary school, I met my greatest difficulty. I couldn’t speak English and I couldn’t understand what the teachers and students said. When I was in China, I was a boy without any care. I had good friends; good teachers and I could make friends with everyone easily. But everything changed when I was in Bulter School. I had no friends. I felt very lonely and depressed in this new city. Fortunately I made a new friend Michael. He was a Chinese. And he had a sister Lingling. We often played together after school. Michael helped me a lot to adapt to the new school. When I couldn’t understand what other students said, he translated it into Chinese. And he taught me how to play “four square battles”. Then I could play with other students. Once I made new friends, I felt comfortable and had confidence. I am a boy without any care again. (What subjects did you like most?)5. Comparison of Family Education in China and AmericaMy mom always told that family education was very important to the children. I was arranged withassorted extracurricular classes where they are taught to learn piano, drawing, singing, etc., partly because parents wish children to develop in an all-round way and have a head-start in studies than other children. She tries to do nearly everything for me in my childhood, like helping me with dressing, having meals, bathing, etc... And because of the heated competition of the current society, they also hope that their children will have the high level of the education.She Chinese parents do always however, on the contrary, and much to my surprise, American parents are liable to inject the idea of independence to their children since their childhood, mainly because of which American children might have learned that they should be self-dependent andself-reliant at a very early age, and strive to handle things themselves.6. What I liked the most about AmericaI love America’s public libraries and museums most. I could borrow many books and DVD what I like. I could request books and DVD through the internet. On weekend my mom and I went to all kinds of museums, such as Boston Science Museum, Harvard Natural History Museum, MIT Museum. I learned a lot through reading books and visiting museums. (Which libraries and museums in Beijing have you been to?)7. What I learned from the experienceI think the year experience in America is always unforgettable. First of all, it provided me a new insight that I have to face difficulties squarely. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Before going to America, I thought I was a little boy so that I have the right to depend on adults—mum, dad and so on. But what if adults are not near you? So I think we should be brave and strong-minded.And then it is also important for us to ask for help. I mean when I have something difficult to deal with, I will ask to friends or teachers or Mum or Dad for advices.Everything is a small cake and I could cope with it. That is an unforgettable experience to give me.American parents are liable to inject the idea of independence to their children since their childhood, mainly because of which American children might have learned that they should beself-dependent and self-reliant at a very early age, and strive to handle things themselves.三一口语七级好话题The Battle of Chibi1. Why do I like the Battle of Chibi?1) The Battle of Chibi is one of the most famous battles in C hinese history. In this battle, the numerically(数量上) inferior(劣势的)troop defeated the numerically superior one. Although Caocao boasted of commanding 800 thousand elite soldiers, he still couldn’t resist the 50 thous and allied force of Liubei and Sunquan.2) The allied force was not frightened by the numerically superior enemy and was not puzz led by superficial phenomenon. However, through calm analysis, it figured out the real situation and overcomed all the difficulties. In this way, it gained itself the foundation of winning this battle.3) The power of uniting is overwhelming. Facing such a strong army, the two warlords, Liu bei and Sunquan, converted the whole situation by allying together. By doing this, they created the favorable condition for themselves to win this battle.4) The allied force made good use of its advantage of being good at naval battle and une xp ectedly adopted the method of using fire to attack Cao’s army. Cao’s army was defeated bec ause it was very poor in the skills of fighting naval battle and at the same time it underestimat ed the strength of the allied force.In my study, I also should try my best to overcome all the difficultis. Now I am in the prime of my life time. All I need to do is set up a stable foundation for my future study and work.2. What’s the historical background of the Battle of Chibi?By the early 3rd century, the Han Dynasty, which had ruled China for four centuries was crumbling. Emperor Xian had been a political figurehead since 189. He had no control over the actions of the various warlords because they controlled their respective territories. One of the most powerful rulers in northern China was the warlord Cao Cao. By the year 207, he had unif ied northern China. And then his army started a sounthern campaign in the hope of uniting the whole country. The Jing province in the area of Yangtze River was key to the success of this strategy. So Cao Cao himself commanded 800 thousand soldiers and conquered Jing province in no time. At the sound of the victory of Cao Cao, Liu Bei’s troop started to retreat towards south. Later, Cao’s force took up Xin Ye and run after Liu’s troop. At last, two forces met and Liu’s troop was defeated at Chang Banpo. Liu retreated to Xia Kou. But Cao’s force continued to chase him and marched to the east of Yangtze River.3. Can you compare the strength of Caocao’s force and the allied forc e?At that time, Caocao boasted of commanding 800 thousand soldiers. Besides, after winning several battles, Cao’s force conquered Jing province and the whole navy of Jing province surr endered to Caocao. Thus, his force was said to be enlarged to about 1 million.In the contrary, after Cao conquered Jing province, Liu only had a command of thousands of soliders and he didn’t had a base. Superficially, the strength of millitary forces of Cao and Liu are in great contrast. However, with deep analysis, Zhou Yu estimated Cao Cao's actual tro op strength to be closer to 220,000. Furthermore, this total included 70,000 surrendered troops. So the loyalty and morale of a large number of Cao Cao's force was uncertain. Zhou Yu also observed that Cao Cao's generals and soldiers mostly consisted of cavalry and infantry, and f ew had any experience in naval battle. Cao tried to convert them into navy with only a few da ys of drills before the battle. Besides Cao Cao's troop suffered from sea-sickness and unfamilia r environment. Just as Zhuge Liang observed: "Even a powerful arrow at the end of its flight c annot penetrate a silk cloth". On the other hand, although Liu only had a command of thousan ds of soldiers, he had the support from Sunquan whose troop were very good at naval battle. This is the comparison of the strength of two forces.4. Can you tell me something about the alliance of Liubei and Sunquan?Seeing the great power of Cao’s force, Liu realized that it was impossible for him to defeat Cao just by himsel f. Meanwhile, he figured out that although Cao’s force was powerful, most o f them consisted of cavalry and infantry who were not good at naval warfare. As a result, he d ecided to ally with Sunquan.At the same time, Sunquan also realized that if Liu was eliminated by Cao, the next to be destroyed would be himself. So he figured out that the best way to defeat Cao was to ally with Liu.5. How did Huaggai help to defeat Cao’s force by using tricks?Zhugeliang and Zhouyu all agreed to use fire to attack Ca o’s headquarter. The problem wa s that who could do this job and how could he succeed. So Zhouyu wanted Huanggai to prete nd to surrender to Caocao. But it was very difficult to win Caocao’s trust because he was very suspicious. Fortunately, they already kne w that Caizhong and Caihe who were Cao’s generals just pretended to surrender to them. So Zhouyu wanted to seriously punish Huanggai in public and made use of Caizhong and Caihe to pass the news to Caocao to make him believe that Huang gai really wanted to surrender to him. Huanggai was willing to suffer from serious punis hment because he wanted to pay Sunquan back (pay sb back 报答某人). The next day, Zho uyu summoned millitary conference to discuss how to prepare to defeat Caocao. Huanggai put forward a lot of disagreement. Zhou yu pretended to be furious and ordered other soldiers to m ake him beheaded. All the generals and soldiers asked mercy for him. And Zhouyu changed th e punishment into beating him 50 times with a very thick stick. This trick not only deceived all the officers and soldiers on this side, but also deceived Caocao. At last, Huanggai pretended to surrender to Caocao and burned all the warships of his force when they were not alert at all. This was a key action for the success of Sin-Liu allied force.6. Can you talk about the reason why Caocao was defeated in this battle?I think there are three reasons for the defeat of Cao’s force. First, Cao Cao's generals and soldiers mostly consisted of cavalry and infantry, and few had any experience in naval warfare. So they couldn’t display their best side in Chibi. Furthermore, most of Cao’s navy were surren dered soldiers, so the loyalty was uncertain and the morale was low. Second, the Battle of Chi bi took place in summer. Cao’s force camped along the river for a long time. Plagues (瘟疫)b roke out in a large scale. The strength of Cao Cao's troop was seriously decreased. Third, Cao was deceived by the trick of Huanggai and zhouyu which resulted in the destroy of his headq uarter by a big fire.7. Can you talk about the reason why the allied force of Liubei and Sunquan won this batt le?I think there are three reasons for the success of Sun-Liu allied force. First, the allied force was not frightened by the numerically superior enemy and was not puzzled by superficial phen omenon. However, through calm analysis, it figured out that Cao’s force was just apparently fier ce but actually soldiers were very tired after long expedition and they were not familiar with en vironment and very poor in naval warfare. In contrast, Sun-Liu allied force were very good at n aval warfare which paved the foundation for their success. Second, the alliance of Sun and Liu was the key to success. Although they also had contradition between themselves, if they didn’t ally together, they would be destroyed separately sooner or later(迟早). But the alliance chan ged the whole situation and created the favorable condition for themselves to defeat Cao. Third, they made good use of their advantages of being good at naval warfare to attack t he enemy’s disadvantages and they were good at attacking enemy unexpectely with fire when the enemywere not alert at all. All the above reasons led to the final defeat of Cao’s force and the succe ss of Sun -Liu allied force.三一口语七级的新增语法项目如下:第二条件句,即:与现在事实相反的条件句If I were…, I would…第二条件句是虚拟语气的一种,当你使用这个句子的时候,表示你在假设一个现在不可能发生的情况,比如,if I were 6 years old now, I would still go to my present school.你不可能回到6岁,所以这种情况你必须要用第二条件句来表达,如果你用if I am 6 years old now, I will still go to my present school. 就是错的啦,相应的语法方面你就得不到分数了。

元宵节The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New YearCelebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration. After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond. Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats. Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. The most popular type of lantern is the "horse-racing" one, in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern. The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.翻译如下:年底举行的中国新年庆祝活动,在正月15月的这一天. 灯笼一直是几个世纪以来中国人的节日,所以没什么吃惊.人们通常灯笼挂在花园外面的房子、船上. 这些指示标志灯的客人,是祖先的新年庆祝活动. 15点后两天大餐,这些灯照亮了回神后的世界.丝绸、造纸、塑料灯笼形状和大小各不相同,通常多彩. 有蝴蝶形的、鸟、花、船. 其他都像龙、水果和动物的象征,一年. 最受欢迎的是一种花灯" 赛马" 一、人物、动物,轮流在各地纵轴的花灯.特别是粮食的元宵圆善或汤圆. 这些都是用与糯米粉圆、甜零食熟了汤,蔬菜、肉、虾米来填补。

作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编精心整理的关于中国风俗习惯的英语作文(精选10篇),欢迎大家分享!中国风俗习惯的英语作文篇1The Chinese manners is differend from other countries .In China,people first meet to shake hands.When people eat,Besides soup,table all food use chopsticks.Certain foods can move chopsticks eyes.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.If you feel uncomfortable with this,you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls,so this is not polite.Also,when the food is coming too slow in a restarant,people will tap their bowls.If you are in someones home,it is like insulting the cook.翻译:中国的礼仪是不同于来自其他国家。

元宵节The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Y earCelebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration. After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond. Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats. Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. The most popular type of lantern is the "horse-racing" one, in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern. The special food for the Lantern Festival is Y uen Sin or Tong Y uen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.翻译如下:年底举行的中国新年庆祝活动,在正月15月的这一天. 灯笼一直是几个世纪以来中国人的节日,所以没什么吃惊.人们通常灯笼挂在花园外面的房子、船上. 这些指示标志灯的客人,是祖先的新年庆祝活动. 15点后两天大餐,这些灯照亮了回神后的世界.丝绸、造纸、塑料灯笼形状和大小各不相同,通常多彩. 有蝴蝶形的、鸟、花、船. 其他都像龙、水果和动物的象征,一年. 最受欢迎的是一种花灯" 赛马" 一、人物、动物,轮流在各地纵轴的花灯.特别是粮食的元宵圆善或汤圆. 这些都是用与糯米粉圆、甜零食熟了汤,蔬菜、肉、虾米来填补。
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National Customs1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (入乡随俗)In different countries and different cultures, people have different customs and practices. So it’s important and necessary to know their customs when you travel abroad or get along with foreign friends. You should remember the saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or it’ll be very easy to offend people or seem rude silly. My uncle is presently studying English in New York. He has not been there long, and he is quite amazed at the great differences between American and Chinese cultures. For one thing, Americans and Chinese are different in arranging a visit. Chinese prefer to call on their friends unexpectedly. Americans on the other hand, prefer making an appointment in advance. An unexpected visitor is regarded as impolite.2. The differences between Chinese and Western CustomsI’d like to talk about five differences between Chinese and Western Customs.Firstly in China, when meeting people, Chinese like to ask the questionsconcerning name, age, nationality, salary and state of marriage etc., while the western countries conversation doesn’t involve the private questions such as age, salary and state of marriage, etc.Secondly, the family name is followed by the given name. While the western countries, the family name comes after the given name.Thirdly, among the numbers, 4 is regarded as a symbol of bad luck, as itspronunciation is similar to that of “ death”. On the contrary, 6 and 8 are regarded as the lucky numbers. While the Western countries, among the numbers, 13 is deserted by most people for example, there is no ROOM 13 in the hotels,no important events are on the 13th.Fourthly , the Spring Festival is the most important festival, and people send best wishes only to the family, friends and colleagues, with no greetings among strangers.While the Westerncountries Christmas is the most important festival , when people meet in the Christmas season or on the New Year Day, they exchange best wishes toone another.Last but not the least, when receiving presents, people usually thank first, and open the presents after the guests leave . While the presents are not usually very expensive but with great convention. It is polite to open the gift in front of the guest and to send appreciation and thanks.3. The Lantern FestivalDuring the Spring Festival, people visit each other, with a great deal of exchanging of gifts. Then the festive atmosphere of New Year begins to wind down 15 days later as the Lantern Festival sets in. This Festival, believed to have Daoist origins,is for people to just have fun N carrying lanterns into the street, watching lions or dragon dancing , playing Chinese riddles and games, and lighting firecrackers.A typical food is tangyuan , a kind of dumplings made of sweet rice rolled into balls and stuffed with sweet fillings. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the New Year season and afterwards life returns to its daily routine.4. Whether our traditional festivals would be replaced by other culturesEvery culture has its own history and developing background. One culture can never replace another. So our Chinese customs and traditional culture would never be replaced by western culture. In recent years, with the development of the society, we let in some western cultures. At the same time some foreigners begin celebrating Chinese traditional festivals like the Spring Festival. In fact, Spring Festival is losing its traditional flavor, while young people seem to enjoy celebrating weste rn holidays, when they can have more fun on their own. It’simportant to maintain China’s cultural tradition, but with influx of western cultures, our traditional culture is diminishing. Some people holds that without traditional culture, it's meaningless no matter how strong China becomes.5. Chinese national holidaysThe national holidays are an important part of national customs and traditions. Each nation has its own traditional method of celebrating festivals. China has many important traditional festivals, the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival and so on. Different festival has different customs. The government's decision to make three more traditional festivals national holidays gives Chinese people time off from work to celebrate these traditional festivals properly, with traditional activities. The shorter holidays also mean many Chinese are staying closer to home, it has also spurred interest in Chinese culture. The move has helped the festivals to revive their traditions.6. Should we observe Chinese traditional customs?Yes, we should definitely observe our Chinese traditional customs. With the development of society, foreign customs become more and more popular among young people. Many people worry about the decline of Chinese traditions and customs. Some even appealed to the government for help to honor our national traditions by including more traditional festivals into the official holiday system. Some think we should because as Chinese, we live in China, the traditional customs can date back to thousands of years ago .They are the symbol of China. Even though we accept foreign customs, but we still should observe our own customs. In this age, we can't always insist on traditional customs. And we should combine traditional customs with foreign customs. In this way, we can catch up with the world.7. What's special about each traditional festivalOn the Lantern Festival, various traditional customs and activities are held, including eating yuanxiao, watching lanterns and fireworks, guessing lantern riddles, performing folk dances and so on, It's called yuanxiao festival because every household eats yuanxiao on this day. The MId-Autumn Festival is the second most important and traditional festival in China. It’s also called the mooncake festival because mooncake is the food people can’t miss that day. Family members gather together for a reunion dinner. After dinner, they go out to enjoy the bright and round full moon which stands for harmony and reunion. Those who can’t return h ome watch the moon and feel deep longings for their loved ones.。