常用网络摄像头使用手册 V1.9

一、安装网络摄像头1. 硬件连接1. 将网络摄像头插入计算机的USB接口,并确保连接牢固。
2. 如果使用网络摄像头需要连接到路由器,请根据摄像头说明书提供的指引连接至路由器。
2. 驱动安装1. 将随附的驱动光盘插入计算机,或者从官方网站下载最新版的驱动程序。
2. 根据驱动安装向导的指引,逐步完成驱动程序的安装。
3. 设置网络摄像头1. 打开计算机上的网络摄像头设置软件。
2. 按照软件提供的指引,进行网络摄像头的基本设置,比如设置分辨率、帧率等。
二、使用网络摄像头1. 软件启动1. 打开计算机上的网络摄像头相关软件。
2. 确保摄像头已经成功启动并连接到计算机。
2. 视频监控1. 在监控软件中选择摄像头设备,并点击“播放”按钮。
2. 观察监控画面,在需要时可以进行适当的调整,比如调整镜头方向、放大缩小画面等。
3. 录像功能1. 进入录像设置界面,在设置中选择录像保存位置和录像格式。
2. 点击录制按钮开始录像,在需要时再次点击停止录像。
4. 远程访问1. 如果网络摄像头支持远程访问,可以打开手机客户端或者通过浏览器访问摄像头的IP地址。
2. 根据产品说明书提供的指引,进行远程访问的相关设置。
注意事项:1. 在安装过程中,请遵循产品说明书提供的安装步骤。
2. 请勿将摄像头暴露在日光直射的环境下,以免影响图像质量。
3. 定期检查摄像头镜头是否清洁,保持图像清晰。
4. 在远程访问中,为了确保网络摄像头的安全性,建议设置强密码并定期更改。


电气触点在线测温装置Installation & Operation Manual说明书V1.9安全和注意事项危险和警告■本装置只能由专业人士进行安装和维护。
■对设备进行任何操作前,应隔离电压输入和切断设备的工作电源. ■要有一台可靠的电压检测设备来确认电压是否已切断。
不注意这些预防措施就有可能会引起严重损害!目录一、概述 (4)二、无线测温系统结构 (4)2.1 无线测温系统结构图 (4)2.2 无线温度传感器 (5)2.3 无线测温主机 (14)三、显示与参数设置 (16)3.1 显示面板 (16)3.2 参数设置 (17)3.2.1 报警开关设置 (17)3.2.2 参数查看 (17)3.2.3 参数设置 (18)3.2.4 极限温度记录 (21)3.2.5 温度报警记录 (21)3.2.6 温度失衡记录 (22)3.2.7 恢复出厂设置 (23)3.2.8 清除所有用户数据 (23)四、接线方式 (25)五、外形尺寸及安装方式 (26)七、维修及维护 (26)7.1 有限保用条款 (26)7.2 有限保用范围 (27)7.3 法律责任范围 (27)一、概述高压电气设备温度监测点都处于高电压、大电流、强磁场的环境中,甚至有的监测点还处在密闭的空间中,由于强电磁噪声和高压绝缘、空间的限制等问题,通常的温度测量方法无法解决这些问题而无法使用。


Байду номын сангаас
1.产品概述 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.简介 .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.应用领域简介 ..............................................................................................................................1 1.3 识别网络摄像机部件 ...................................................................................................................2 1.3.1 产品外观图.............................................................................................................................2 1.3.2 网络摄像机接口说明.............................................................................................................2 2.功能介绍 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.基本功能介绍 ..............................................................................................................................3 2.2.高级功能介绍 ..............................................................................................................................3 3.系统需求 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 4.安装向导 ........................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1.网络摄像机的网线及电源连接; ..............................................................................................5 4.2.网线连接到路由器(ROUTER)/交换机(SWITCH)/集线器(HUB) ......................................... 6 5.访问摄像机 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1.网页浏览器访问摄像机 ..............................................................................................................7 5.2.使用查找器 .................................................................................................................................. 7 5.3.系统登录 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 5.4.功能操作 .................................................................................................................................... 10 5.5.摄像机设置................................................................................................................................ 11
网络摄像机 说明书

目录前言 (4)主要特征 (6)安装 (9)网络摄像机视频浏览和系统设置窗口 (14)网络摄像机视频浏览 (14)操作工具条 (16)从移动电话上访问网络摄像机 (17)网络摄像机系统设置界面 (18)摄像机 (20)摄像机设置 (20)媒体流设置 (21)视频叠加设置 (23)夜视设置 (红外摄像机) (24)网络功能 (25)无线网络设置 (25)TCP/IP设置 (27)PPPoE拨号设置 (28)动态域名设置 (29)UPnP设置 (30)警报功能 (32)移动侦测设置 (32)时间表设置 (34)警报传送设置 (35)周期传送设置 (37)照片缓存传送设置 (39)报警服务器 (40)FTP服务器设置 (40)邮件服务器设置 (41)HTTP服务器设置 (42)SD卡功能 (43)警报录像 (43)警报拍照 (45)定时录像 (46)定时拍照 (47)SD卡FTP传送 (48)浏览SD卡 (49)SD卡格式化 (50)系统工具 (51)系统特性 (51)用户管理 (52)日期和时间 (53)备份和重置 (54)固件升级 (55)快速设置网络摄像机 (56)向导 (56)状态 (57)支持 (57)重启 (57)高级设置 (58)端口映射 (58)重置摄像机 (59)默认设置 (60)规格 (64)常见问题解答 (65)名词解释 (66)前言非常感谢您购买我们的网络摄像机产品!该网络摄像机能够通过个人电脑/膝上型电脑的网页浏览器从局域网或因特网进行远程访问和控制。
注意该产品可能会与其他工作在2.4GHz ISM 频段的无线设备相互干扰。

注意事项:1. 在安装和设置网络摄像头之前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并确保已完全理解其中的内容。
2. 操作过程中,请确保网络摄像头的电源线与电源插座连接良好,以避免供电不稳定的问题。
3. 网络摄像头设置过程中,需要连接到您的无线网络,请确保您的无线网络信号稳定,并输入正确的无线网络密码。
4. 设置网络摄像头时,请选择安全、独特的密码,以保护设备免受潜在的外部攻击。
设置准备:1. 打开网络摄像头包装盒,确保配件齐全,并检查是否有任何运输损坏。
2. 确定您拥有一台笔记本电脑或台式电脑,并确保已连接到可靠的互联网供应商。
3. 在您的手机或电脑上下载恰当的网络摄像头设置应用程序。
设置步骤:1. 连接电源:将网络摄像头的电源适配器插头插入设备背面的电源插座。
2. 连接网络:使用网线将网络摄像头连接到您的路由器或无线网络适配器。
3. 启动网络摄像头:按下电源按钮,并等待网络摄像头启动。
4. 下载并打开设置应用程序:根据您所购买的网络摄像头品牌和型号,在您的手机或电脑上下载相应的设置应用程序。
5. 添加设备:在设置应用程序中,选择添加设备。
6. 连接到无线网络:在应用程序中,选择无线网络设置选项。
7. 设置密码:在应用程序中,找到设备设置选项。
8. 完成设置:在应用程序中,完成所有设置选项,并等待网络摄像头重新启动。
使用建议:1. 定期更改密码以提高安全性,并确保密码不易被猜测。

网络摄像机用户使用指南目录第一章产品介绍 (2)第二章产品安装 (3)第三章搜索设备 (3)第四章视频属性设置和云台控制操作 (3)第五章系统设置选项 (3)第六章网络设置 (3)第七章系统工具 (3)第八章退出登录....................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
第九章通过广域网访问网络摄像机 ................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
第一章产品介绍1.1系统配置需求:在电脑上观看网络摄像机的图像,您的机器需要的最低配置:1.Pentium III以上CPU,1GHz或更高主频;2.至少有256M内存;3.windows xp,2000以上操作系统,安装internet explorer 4.0以上浏览器,建议使用internet explorer 6.0观看。
1.2产品特征:安装简易:网络摄像机安装非常简单,不需要传统模拟摄像机专业的布线,只需要电源和网络络连接,如果是采用WIFI无线连接,则只需要提供电源即可;适用范围:适用于家庭、办公室、企业、超市、学校以及其他需要监控的公共场所;多协议支持:内部嵌入式操作系统,支持TCP/IP 网络协议、SMTP (简单邮件发送协议),HTTP,UPNP等;配置简单——管理配置界面使用标准的Web浏览器,用户能够通过局域网或者因特网控制和管理网络摄像机;视频观看和录像:提供简洁的用户界面以观看实时图像,并可以录在你的电脑上,以备随时查阅。

二、产品特性1. 视频质量优异:网络摄像头采用先进的摄像技术,能够提供清晰、细腻的高清画面,确保用户能够获得更真实的视觉体验。
2. 远程监控功能:通过手机应用程序或电脑客户端,用户可以随时随地远程监控摄像头所连接的区域。
3. 智能侦测:网络摄像头内置智能侦测功能,当有异常情况发生时(如移动物体或人体进入监控区域),摄像头会自动触发警报并向用户发送通知,确保用户能够及时获得相关信息。
4. 云存储服务:网络摄像头支持云端存储服务,用户可以将重要的录像文件上传至云端进行备份,以防止数据丢失或设备损坏导致的录像丢失。
5. 双向语音通话:网络摄像头内置麦克风和扬声器,用户可以通过手机应用或电脑客户端进行双向语音通话,方便交流和沟通。
三、使用指南1. 安装准备:在开始使用网络摄像头之前,请确保已满足以下条件:- 一个可使用的无线网络,确保网络信号稳定;- 下载并安装手机应用程序或电脑客户端;- 一个有效的账号,并完成注册和登录。
2. 连接网络摄像头:将网络摄像头连接到电源,并确保摄像头与无线路由器处于同一局域网中。
3. 配置无线网络:打开手机应用程序或电脑客户端,并根据操作指南将网络摄像头连接到无线网络。
4. 视频监控:登录手机应用程序或电脑客户端,即可查看所连接网络摄像头的实时画面。
5. 录像和拍照:在实时画面页面,用户可以点击相应按钮进行录像和拍照操作。
6. 远程监控:无论用户身在何地,只要手机应用程序或电脑客户端与网络连接,即可远程监控已连接网络摄像头的区域。

一、开始使用1. 检查摄像头包装箱,确保摄像头及其附件完好无损,包括摄像头本体、电源适配器、连接线等。
2. 将摄像头正确连接到您的电脑或网络设备,根据需要选择合适的连接方式(USB、Wi-Fi等)。
3. 启动您的电脑或网络设备,等待摄像头被正确识别并安装驱动程序。
4. 打开您的浏览器或摄像头配套的客户端软件,输入默认的IP地址或访问链接,进入摄像头的设置页面。
二、配置摄像头1. 登录设置页面后,首先需要设置管理员账号和密码,确保摄像头的安全性。
2. 进入网络设置,配置摄像头的IP地址、子网掩码、网关等参数,确保摄像头与您的网络设备能够正常通信。
3. 进入视频设置,调整图像的亮度、对比度、色彩饱和度等参数,以获得清晰、真实的图像效果。
4. 进入音频设置,配置摄像头的麦克风和喇叭,测试录音和播放效果。
5. 进入存储设置,选择存储介质(SD卡、网络存储等)以及存储方式(实时录像、定时录像等)。
6. 进入移动侦测设置,根据需要启用移动侦测功能,并设置灵敏度和告警方式(邮件、手机推送等)。
7. 其他高级设置,根据需要设置时区、时间同步、远程访问等功能。
三、远程访问1. 在外网访问摄像头前,确保您的网络环境已开启摄像头访问端口,并设置了合适的防火墙规则。
2. 在手机或电脑上下载并安装与您的摄像头相匹配的客户端软件,输入摄像头的IP地址或访问链接。
3. 使用正确的账号和密码登录客户端软件,即可实时查看摄像头的视频画面并进行相关操作。
四、常见问题解决1. 如何重置摄像头?在摄像头通电的情况下,长按摄像头背面的重置按钮,直到指示灯变为红色,释放按钮即可完成重置。
2. 为什么无法远程访问摄像头?检查网络设置是否正确,确保摄像头处于正常联网状态,并确认网络环境下摄像头访问端口是否已开放。

网络摄像机(Network Camera)2012-3用户手册注意事项:请勿将重物至于本设备上;请勿让任何固体或液体,掉入或渗入设备内;请定期用刷子对电路板、接插件等进行除尘,在进行机体清洁工作前,请关闭电源并拔掉电源;请勿自行对本设备进行拆卸、维修或更换零件。
目录第一章产品介绍1.1 产品概述本设备是专为安防领域设计的一款优秀的数字监控产品。
1.2 产品主要功能实时监视·具备模拟输出接口可通过监视器或DVR等监控设备实现监视功能存储功能·最大支持32G TF卡(部分产品支持),实现录像抓图文件本地存放·通过客户端软件或监控平台,实现录像抓图文件远程存放·存储数据采用专用格式,无法篡改数据,保证数据安全压缩方式·音视频信号由独立硬件实时压缩,实现声音与图像保持稳定同步备份功能·客户端电脑可通过网络下载TF卡上的文件进行备份录像回放功能·实现独立全实时录像,还可同时实现检索、网络监视、录像查询、下载等·支持快放、慢放等多种回放模式·可选择画面任意区域进行局部放大网络操作功能·可通过网络(包括手机)进行远程实时监视·远程云台控制·远程录像查询及实时回放报警联动功能·报警联动录像、抓图、邮件等通讯接口·具备RS485接口,实现云台控制·具备标准以太网接口,实现网络远程访问功能及远程升级维护功能。

高清网络摄像机 用户手册说明书

高清网络摄像机用户手册版本:1.0日期:2022.04目录1说明 (2)2安全注意事项 (3)3接口说明 (3)4功能使用说明 (4)4.1网络连接拓扑图 (4)4.2网络访问配置 (4)4.2.1浏览器设置 (4)4.2.2登录界面 (5)4.3实时预览 (6)4.4电子放大 (7)4.5其它功能 (7)4.6参数配置 (7)4.6.1设备信息 (8)4.6.2时间设置 (9)4.6.3音频设置 (10)4.6.4语音报警输出 (10)4.6.5报警灯输出 (11)4.6.6显示设置 (12)4.6.7编码设置 (13)4.6.8图像参数 (14)4.6.9移动侦测 (15)4.6.10遮挡报警 (16)4.6.11隐私遮蔽 (17)4.6.12人形检测 (17)4.6.13网络设置 (18)4.6.14HTTP/HTTPS (19)4.6.15RTSP设置 (19)4.6.16多播配置 (20)4.6.17用户管理 (20)4.6.18自动维护 (21)4.6.19恢复默认 (21)4.6.20本地设置 (21)4.6.21开发者选项 (22)4.7文件管理 (22)4.8退出系统 (22)5常见故障排查 (23)1说明本手册为用户正确使用我司网络摄像机提供了必要的操作说明。

无线网络摄像机用户使用手册{本类型的摄像头操作功能基本一致,功能或多或少而已. 以下是针对720P摄像头说明书}本手册可能在某些技术细节方面描述不够准确或存在印刷错误,假如您在使用过程中按照使用手册无法解决问题时,请联系我公司技术部垂询相关操作方法。
1、安装环境✋ 远离高温的热源和环境;避免阳光直接照射;✋ 注意防水, 有水接触到设备时, 立即断电.✋ 避免在过于潮湿的环境使用, 请在参考的适用湿度范围(85%RH以下)内使用。
✋ 避免在过热或过冷环境使用, 请在参考的适用温度范围(-10℃~ +50 ℃)内使用。
✋ 本机应水平安装或壁挂安装,避免安装在会剧烈震动的场所,勿将其它设备放于本机上。
2、运输与搬运✋ 本机的包装经过抗震设计和实验,确保在运输过程中摄像机不会受到意外损坏,所以在搬运本机时,最好使用原来的包装材料和纸箱;✋ 避免在过冷、过热的场所间相互搬动摄像机,以免机器内部产生结露,影响机器的使用寿命;✋ 严禁带电搬动本机,否则会损坏主板;注意:1. 在让摄像机运行之前,请检查供电电源是否正确。
2. 请勿将此产品摔落地下或受强烈敲击。
3. 请勿直接碰触到图像传感器光学元件,若有必要清洁,请将干净布用酒精稍微湿润,轻轻拭去尘污;当摄像机不使用时,请将防尘盖加上,以保护图像传感器。
4. 避免对准强光(如灯光照明、太阳光等处)聚焦,否则容易引起过亮或拉光现象(这并非摄像机故障),也将影响图像传感其寿命。
5. 激光束可能烧毁图像传感器,在激光装置被使用的情况下,请您一定注意不要让图像传感器的表面暴露于激光束之下。
6. 如果设备工作不正常,请联系购买设备的商店或联系服务中心,不要以任何方式拆卸或修改设备(未经许可的修改或维修所导致的问题,责任自负)。
目录产品介绍---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21.1(功能概述)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31.2(产品包装)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31、设备安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42、软件下载-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43、PC电脑客户端观看--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53.1内网观看--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53.10 外网观看-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------84、电脑客户端功能使用介绍·--------------------------------------------------------------------------104.1设置-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------104.3 TF卡录像--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----114.4 WIFI设置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------124.5 修改密码---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------124.9 录像计划---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144.10 录像查看---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144.12 报警设置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------155、搜索工具使用--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------176、手机观看--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 1.功能概述该型号网络摄像机我公司开发的即插即用网络摄像机产品,采用H.264编码格式,该系列设备接入互联网,不需要进行复杂设置,即可在接入互联网的电脑或者手机上,通过我公司发布的专用软件访问摄像机的音视频。
SkyLine v1.9 用户和安装手册说明书

SkyLinev1.9User and Installation ManualREVISION F© 2022 uAvionix Corporation. All rights reserved.uAvionix Corporation300 Pine Needle LaneBigfork, MT 59911https:///https:///support/Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this guide may be reproduced, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of uAvionix. uAvionix grants permissions to download a single copy of this guide onto an electronic storage medium to be viewed for personal use, provided that the complete text of this copyright notice is retained. Unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.uAvionix® is a registered trademark of uAvionix Corporation and may not be used without express permission of uAvionix.1 Revision History2 Warnings / DisclaimersAll device operational procedures must be understood prior to operation. uAvionix is not liable for damages arising from the use or misuse of this product.3 Limited WarrantyuAvionix products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from purchase. For the duration of the warranty period, uAvionix, at its sole option, will repair or replace any product which fails under normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labor, provided that the customer shall be responsible for any transportation cost.This warranty does not apply to cosmetic damage, consumable parts, damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, water, fire or flood, damage caused by unauthorized servicing, or product that has been modified or altered.IN NO EVENT, SHALL UAVIONIX BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF, MISUSE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR FROM DEFECTS IN THE PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.Warranty ServiceWarranty repair service shall be provided directly by uAvionix.4 Contents1Revision History (3)2Warnings / Disclaimers (4)3Limited Warranty (5)5Introduction (7)6SkyLine User Interface (UI) (8)6.1SkyLine UI Map (9)6.1.1Map Layers (9)6.1.2Measure Tool (9)6.2Devices Tab (10)6.3Flights Tab (11)6.4Admin Tab (Users) (12)Roles (12)6.4.1 (12)Email Alias (12)6.4.2 (12)7Device Registration (13)7.1Ground Radio (13)7.2Air Radio (17)7.3pingStation (19)8SkyLine Operation (22)8.1Create Flight (22)8.2Flight Operation (26)8.3Connect Ground Control Station (28)8.4End Flight (31)9Support (31)5 IntroductionSkyLine is an enterprise command and control infrastructure management service for critical UAS and UAM applications used to manage Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) solutions. CNPC links provide Command and Control (C2) functionality of a UAS, and specifically exclude payload data that does not serve the CNPC function. SkyLine is what is known by RTCA DO-377A1 as a C2 link Communications Service Provider (C2CSP) platform.SkyLine is a cloud-based solution which communicates in real-time to all components of the CNPC link system (including all ARS and GRS) and provides real-time telemetry, health and status, radio performance statistics to a remote pilot in command (RPIC), flight crew, or other operations personnel. SkyLine has many additional features including data storage, detect and avoid (DAA) functionality, and frequency allocations.SkyLine is available as an application/service from uAvionix or as an API for integration into Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) or Ground Control Station (GCS) platforms.When SkyLine is used with multiple GRS, SkyLine manages make-before-break (MBB) functionality to allow roaming of a single ARS from one GRS to another in a safety-case compliant manner.SkyLine leverages uAvionix radios, autopilots, and software for seamless mission operation and monitoring. To accompany this installation manual, reference your uAvionix radio manual, SkyLine GRS IM (UAV-1006973-001) and SkyLine ARS IM (UAV-1006972-001).1 Safety-of-flight information is any information/data sent to or received from the UA that is necessary to ensure the UAS is operated/operating in a manner that protects people and/or property from harm due to unintentional events.6 SkyLine User Interface (UI)The SkyLine UI is where the user has access to manage their SkyLine network and perform flight operations. The SkyLine UI is accessible by opening a web browser and entering the SkyLine domain name assigned to you by uAvionix. Example below:http://{YOUR_SKYLINE_TENANT}/From the Main UI, the user can add devices, view existing device status, view previous flights, change user permissions, and change map type and overlays.6.1 SkyLine UI MapThe SkyLine Map is available in the Flights Tab (see Section 6.2) and dedicated Maps Tab. From the map the user can view active and inactive ground devices, monitor ADS-B traffic, and view active flight statistics. 6.1.1 Map LayersMap layers and filters can be changed by selecting the layers button in the bottom right corner of the map. Layers are in two categories Base and Overlay. Base layers are the background of the map. There can be only one base layer active. Overlay layers are drawn on top of the base layer. Overlays can be turned on and off by toggling the checkboxes.6.1.2 Measure ToolThe measure tool located just above the layers tool. This tool allows for drawing multiple points and measuring the distance between them. The ↦icon will turn the measure tool on. Pressing it again will remove the measurements and turn the tool off. The button below will change the units of measure. While on each click on the map will add a point to measure. Clicking on the last point again will stop the current line. Shift+Click on a point to remove it.6.2 Devices TabThe Devices tab allows the user to view, add, remove, and edit devices by clicking on any device in the browser.6.3 Flights TabThe “Flights” tab opens the Flights browser which shows past flights and active flights. In the flights list, new flights can be created (see Section 8) and clicking on a flight will go to its live or replay view.6.4 Admin Tab (Users)The SkyLine UI can be set up for anonymous access or restricted access with users. Users can login through Microsoft or Google on a specific email domain.6.4.1 Roles•Observer – Allows the user to view and read information but not to alter anything•Contributor – Allows the user to edit devices and flights, but not start or end flights.•Flight Operator – Allows the user to start and end flights, but not create them.•Admin – Allows all permissions including user editing6.4.2 Email AliasEmail Aliases are for users that have alternate email addresses and want to login under those secondary addresses.7 Device Registration7.1 Ground RadioReference SkyLine GRS IM (UAV-1006973-001) Ground Radio System (GRS) installation procedures. When the Ground Radio System is installed and successfully connected to a network, the device will automatically be registered in SkyLine for use.GRS settings are accessed via web browser from a PC or mobile device on the same Local Area Network (LAN) as the powered Ground Radio. The IP address of the Ground Radio is assigned by the DHCP server and is the base URL. The MAC address for the Ground Radio is printed on the product label.1. Navigate to the settings page.http://###.###.###.###/NOTE: “###.###.###.###” is the IP address of the GRS.2. Set the SkyLine WebSocket URL using your SkyLine installationURL. Replace {YOUR_SKYLINE_TENANT} with the SkyLine tenant provided by uAvionix. This url can also be found on the “New Device”section of the Devices tab.ws://api.{YOUR_SKYLINE_TENANT}/grs3. Press the “Save” button.4. When the GRS is registered into SkyLine, you can view the devicestatus on SkyLine under the Devices tab. Active devices have a green icon while inactive devices have no background.5. Device connection can also be verified from the Map. All GRS thathave been connected to SkyLine will be represented by a towersymbol. These symbols are located in the last known GPS position of the GRS. Active GRS will be indicated by having a green dotassociated with the symbol.7.2 Air RadioReference SkyLine ARS IM (UAV-1006972-001) for Airborne Radio System (ARS) installation procedures. Ensure the ARS is in range of the ground radio and can acquire a GPS fix.1. Launch SkyLine UI in a compatible web browser:http://{YOUR_SKYLINE_TENANT}/2. Navigate to the “Devices” tab then press the “+” Icon.3. Enter the Name, Radio ID, Frequency, and press “Save.”a. The Name can be changed. It is for display only.b. The Radio ID can be found on the ARS device label. It mustmatch exactly when put into SkyLine. Radio ID’s must beginwith “0x”c. For SkyLink radios only, enter the ARS frequency. Referencethe SkyLine ARS IM (UAV-1006972-001) to find the ARSfrequency. The frequency box will only be available when usinga SkyLink5060 ARS.d. For muLTElink devices it is recommended that you power thedevice, and it will automatically register to your system. Ifneeded the system will allow you to manually enter the device,but you must first add the attached radios.4. You can view successful registration by finding the new device in thedevices list. ARS systems will be noted with a diamond symbol next to their name.Note: An ARS will always show as DISCONNECTED unlessit is an LTE device.7.3 pingStationWith a uAvionix pingStation, live ADS-B air traffic can be displayed in SkyLine. Reference the pingStation 3 User and Installation Guide (UAV-1005950-001) for pingStation installation and setup. The IP address of the pingStation is assigned by the DHCP server and is the base URL. The MAC address for the pingStation is printed on the product label.1. Navigate to the pingStation settings page.http://###.###.###.###/NOTE: “###.###.###.###” is the IP address of the pingStation.2. Input the following settings in the settings page then click “Update.”a. Output Format: UDP JSONb. UDP Target IP Address or Hostname: air-c. UDP Target Port: 70003. ADS-B Traffic will be displayed in SkyLine as an airplane symbol.Click on the airplane symbol to display additional information on the selected traffic.8 SkyLine Operation8.1 Create Flight1. Select the “Flights” tab then in the flight list click the plus symbol inthe upper right corner.2. In the dialogue box enter a name forthe flight. Then from the dropdownselect the Aircraft that will be used forthe flight. Finally, from the list of active Ground Radios, select all the GRS’ that will be used for the flight.muLTElink will show the status of theLTE connection as well as providing aGRS selection dropdown for each ARS on the Aircraft3. You will notice as GRS are selected, an orange operating area willpopulate on the map. The boundary can be modified to match the flight’s actual operating area by clicking and dragging the corners of the boundary. This boundary only affects the supplemental recording of information (like ADS-B, Radar).4. Click “Create Flight” when ready. The flight has now been created.When ready to begin the flight click “Start Flight” on the new dialogue box. Only the Flight Operator Access Role can start and end flights.5. The flight status will change to “Active” when the flight is active.8.2 Flight OperationObserver access role can view a flight while it is in progress.When the flight is active, the GRS and the aircraft used for the flight will appear on the SkyLine UI Map when a link has been established. GRS will appear as the same tower symbol with a green dot. The Aircraft will appear on the map as a blue diamond.When a GRS receives messages from the aircraft, a binding line between the two devices will appear. These lines will be either green, yellow, or red in color based on the signal strength. A blue binding line indicates that the aircraft is linked to that GRS. When the device roams, the blue line will switch to the next linked GRS.Expand/Collap se Flight CardFlight Name and IDCurrent Flight State. Possible Values:· CREATED · INITIALIZING · ACTIVE · ENDEDWill showReplaying when not viewing live data Everything in the brown area shows a historical view of the data. All gray areasare live data.Shows GCS connection statusShow/hide ARS statsClicking these willshow detailed information aboutthe deviceBlue indicates Lead GRS8.3 Connect Ground Control StationWhen a flight is active, a Ground Control Station (GCS) WebSocket (WS), TCP Host, and TCP port will be active through SkyLine. Use this information to connect to your GCS. An example using Mission Planner is shown below.1. Open ArduPilot Mission Planner and in the communication drop downmenu in the upper right corner, select TCP or WS, then press“Connect.”2. From the SkyLine mission, copy the “GCS TCP Host” or “GCS W SURL” depending on your communication type.a. TCP: enter the host and press OK, then enter the port andpress OK.b. WS: enter the entire “GCS WS URL” and press OK.3. Mission Planner will now connect and display aircraft telemetry data.8.4 End FlightOnce the flight operations have completed, you can end the flight by pressing “End Flight” in flight window. This will release the ground and aircraft radios from the mission and return them to a Standby state.9 SupportFor support visit https:///support/UAV-1005905-001 Page 31 | 31。

Operating InstructionsNetwork CameraModel No. WV-SW390 SeriesWV-SC380 SeriesWV-SW170 SeriesWV-ST160 SeriesWV-SW396WV-SW175This manual covers the models: WV-SW390 Series (WV-SW396, WV-SW395, WV-SW396E, WV-SW395E,WV-SW395R, WV-SW395PJ), WV-SC380 Series (WV-SC386, WV-SC385, WV-SC384, WV-SC386E,WV-SC385E, WV-SC384E, WV-SC385R, WV-SC384R, WV-SC385PJ), WV-SW170 Series (WV-SW175,WV-SW174W, WV-SW172, WV-SW175E, WV-SW174WE, WV-SW172E), and WV-ST160 Series (WV-ST165, WV-ST162, WV-ST165E, WV-ST162E).Before attempting to connect or operate this product, please read these instructionscarefully and save this manual for future use.The model number is abbreviated in some descriptions in this manual.WV-SW395R, WV-SC385R, and WV-SC384R do not support the HTTPS function.PrefacePrefaceAbout the user manualsThere are 2 sets of operating instructions for the WV-SW396, WV-SW395, WV-SC386, WV-SC385,WV-SC384, WV-SW395PJ, WV-SC385PJ, WV-SW175, WV-SW174W, WV-SW172, WV-ST165, WV-ST162 (P model), WV-SW396E, WV-SW395E, WV-SC386E, WV-SC385E, WV-SC384E, WV-SW395R,WV-SC385R, WV-SC384R, WV-SW175E, WV-SW174WE, WV-SW172E, WV-ST165E, WV-ST162E (E model) as follows.•Installation Guide: Explains how to install and connect devices.When you use the WV-SW396/WV-SW396E or WV-SW395/WV-SW395E/WV-SW395PJ, refer toWV-SW396/WV-SW395/WV-SW396E/WV-SW395E/WV-SW395PJ Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SW395R, refer to WV-SW395R Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SC386/WV-SC386E, refer to WV-SC386/WV-SC386E Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SC385/WV-SC385E/WV-SC385PJ or WV-SC384/WV-SC384E, refer toWV-SC385/WV-SC384/WV-SC385E/WV-SC384E/WV-SC385PJ Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SC385R/WV-SC384R, refer to WV-SC385R/WV-SC384R Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SW175/WV-SW175E or WV-SW172/WV-SW172E, refer to WV-SW175/WV-SW172/WV-SW175E/WV-SW172E Installation Guide.When you use the WV-SW174W/WV-SW174WE, refer to WV-SW174W/WV-SW174WE InstallationGuide.When you use the WV-ST165/WV-ST165E or WV-ST162/WV-ST162E, refer to WV-ST165/WV-ST162/ WV-ST165E/WV-ST162E Installation Guide.•Operating Instructions: Explains how to perform the settings and how to operate this camera. This Operating Instructions covers the models: WV-SW396, WV-SW395, WV-SC386, WV-SC385, WV-SC384, WV-SW396E, WV-SW395E, WV-SC386E, WV-SC385E, WV-SC384E, WV-SW395R, WV-SC385R,WV-SC384R, WV-SW395PJ, WV-SC385PJ, WV-SW175, WV-SW174W, WV-SW172, WV-ST165,WV-ST162, WV-SW175E, WV-SW174WE, WV-SW172E, WV-ST165E, WV-ST162E.The model number is abbreviated in some descriptions in this manual.The screens used in these operating instructions show the case of WV-SW396 (P model). Depending on the model used, the screens shown in the explanations may differ to the actual camera screens.The model numbers are abbreviated in the following manner in some descriptions in this manual.Model number Abbreviation Model number Abbreviation WV-SW396SW396WV-SW395SW395WV-SC386SC386WV-SC385SC385WV-SC384SC384WV-SW175SW175WV-SW174W SW174W WV-SW172SW172WV-ST165ST165WV-ST162ST162About notationsThe following notations are used when describing the functions limited for specified models.The functions without the notations are supported by all models.*Notation Model Notation ModelSW396WV-SW396SW395WV-SW3952Operating InstructionsPrefaceNotation Model Notation ModelSC386WV-SC386SC385WV-SC385SC384WV-SC384SW175WV-SW175SW174W WV-SW174W SW172WV-SW172ST165WV-ST165ST162WV-ST162*Except for the HTTPS function for WV-SW395R, WV-SC385R, and WV-SC384R.Trademarks and registered trademarks•Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Media, Internet Explorer, ActiveX and DirectX are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.•Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.•iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.•Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.•SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.•All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations are used in these operating instructions.Microsoft® Windows® 7 is described as Windows 7.Microsoft® Windows Vista® is described as Windows Vista.Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3 is described as Windows XP.Windows® Internet Explorer® 9.0, Windows® Internet Explorer® 8.0, Windows® Internet Explorer® 7.0 and Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 are described as Internet Explorer.SDHC/SD memory card is described as SD card or SD memory card.Universal Plug and Play is described as UPnP™ or UPnP.Operating Instructions3Viewer softwareIt is necessary to install the viewer software “Network Camera View 4S” to display images on a PC. This software can be installed directly from the camera or by selecting the [Install] button next to [ViewerSoftware] on the menu of the CD-ROM provided, and then following the on-screen instructions.IMPORTANT•The default setting of “Automatic installation of viewer software” is “On”. Follow the instructions on page 241 when the message is displayed on the information bar of the browser.•When the “Live” page is displayed for the first time, the install wizard of the ActiveX ® control required to display images from the camera will be displayed. Follow the instructions of the wizard.•When the install wizard is displayed again even after completing the installation of the ActiveX, restart the PC.•The viewer software used on each PC should be licensed individually. The number of installations ofthe viewer software from the camera can be checked on the [Upgrade] tab of the “Maintenance” page (®page 217). Refer to your dealer for the software licensing.4Operating InstructionsPrefaceTable of Contents Table of Contents1Monitor images on a PC (9)1.1Monitor images from a single camera (9)1.2About the “Live” page (12)1.3Monitor images from multiple cameras (19)2Monitor images on a cellular phone/mobile terminal (20)2.1Monitor images on a cellular phone (20)2.2Monitor images on a mobile terminal (23)3Record images on the SD memory card manually (SW396/SW395/ SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (31)4Action at an alarm occurrence (33)4.1Alarm type (33)4.2Action at an alarm occurrence (33)5Transmit images onto an FTP server (35)5.1Transmit an alarm image at an alarm occurrence (Alarm imagetransmission) (35)5.2Transmit images at a designated interval or period (FTP periodic imagetransmission) (35)5.3Save images on the SD memory card when images fail to transmit using the FTPperiodic image transmission function (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (36)6Display the log list (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/ SW172/ST165/ST162) (37)7Playback of images on the SD memory card (SW396/SW395/SC386/ SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (41)7.1About the playback page (42)7.2Download the images (When “H.264” is selected for “Recording format” of the SDmemory card) (44)8About the network security (46)8.1Equipped security functions (46)9Display the setup menu from a PC (47)9.1How to display the setup menu (47)9.2How to operate the setup menu (49)9.3About the setup menu window (51)10Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic] (53)10.1Configure the basic settings [Basic] (53)10.2Configure the settings relating to the SD memory card [SD memory card] (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (58)10.3Access copy images saved on the SD memory card onto the PC [SD memory cardimages] (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (65)10.4Configure the settings relating to the logs [Log] (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (73)10.4.1How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for “Alarm” (75)Operating Instructions5Table of Contents10.4.2How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for “Manual/Schedule” (76)10.4.3How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for “FTP error” (78)11Configure the settings relating to images and audio [Image/ Audio] (79)11.1Configure the settings relating to the aspect ratio [JPEG/H.264] (79)11.2Configure the settings relating to JPEG images [JPEG/H.264] (or [JPEG/MPEG-4]) (80)11.3Configure the settings relating to H.264 images [JPEG/H.264] (82)11.4Configure the settings relating to MPEG-4 images [JPEG/MPEG-4] (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384) (88)11.5Configure the settings relating to the camera operations [Cam. Function] (94)11.6Configure the settings relating to images and the preset positions [Image/Position] (98)11.6.1Configure the settings relating to image quality (“Image adjust” setup menu) (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385) (99)11.6.2Configure the settings relating to image quality (“Image adjust” setup menu) (SC384/SW175/SW174W/SW172/ST165/ST162) (106)11.6.3Set mask areas (111)11.6.4Configure the settings relating to the preset positions (“Preset position” setupmenu) (113) the preset positions (115)11.6.5Configure the settings relating to the auto pan function (“Auto pan” setup menu) (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384) (117)11.6.6Configure the settings relating to patrol (“Patrol” setup menu) (SW396/SC386) (118)11.6.7Configure the settings relating to auto track (“Auto track” setup menu) (SW396/SC386) (120)11.6.8Configure the settings relating to direction (“Direction” setup menu) (SW396/SC386) (126)11.6.9Configure the settings relating to the privacy zone (“Privacy zone” setup menu) (127)11.7Configure the settings relating to audio [Audio] (129)12Configure the multi-screen settings [Multi-screen] (132)13Configure the alarm settings [Alarm] (134)13.1Configure the settings relating to the alarm action [Alarm] (134)13.2Configure the settings relating to the camera action on alarm occurrence[Alarm] (136)13.2.1Configure the settings relating to Preset per sender (“Preset per sender” setup menu)(SW396/SC386) (138)13.3Configure the settings relating to the alarm image [Alarm] (138)13.4Configure the settings relating to H.264 recording [Alarm] (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (140)13.5Configure the settings relating to the alarm output terminal [Alarm] (141)13.6Change the AUX name [Alarm] (142)13.7Configure the VMD settings [VMD area] (143)13.8Configuration of the settings relating to the mail notification [Notification] (147)13.9Configure the settings relating to Panasonic alarm protocol [Notification] (148)14Configure the setting relating to the image recognition [Advanced func.] (152)14.1Configure the settings relating to the XML notification [XML notification] (152)14.2Configuration of the settings relating to the face detection [Face detection] (154)6Operating InstructionsTable of Contents 15Configure the settings relating to the authentication [User mng.] (156)15.1Configure the settings relating to the user authentication [User auth.] (156)15.2Configure the settings relating to the host authentication [Host auth.] (157)15.3Configure the settings relating to the priority stream [System] (158)16Configure the settings of the servers [Server] (161)16.1Configure the settings relating to the mail server [Mail] (161)16.2Configure the settings relating to the FTP server [FTP] (162)16.3Configure the settings relating to the NTP server [NTP] (163)17Configuring the network settings [Network] (166)17.1Configure the network settings [Network] (166)17.2Configure the HTTPS settings (174)17.2.1Generation of the CRT key (SSL encryption key) (175)17.2.2Generation of the self-signed certificate (security certificate) (176)17.2.3Generation of CSR (Certificate Signing Request) (178)17.2.4Installation of the server certificate (179)17.2.5Configuration of the connection protocol (180)17.3Access the camera using the HTTPS protocol (181)17.3.1Install the security certificate (181)17.4Configure the settings relating to DDNS [DDNS] (191)17.4.1Configuration of the DDNS service (Example of the “” service) (192)17.4.2When using the “” service (193)17.4.3Procedure to register information for the “” service (194)17.4.4Checking the information registered for the “” service (195)17.4.5When using “Dynamic DNS Update” (195)17.4.6When using “Dynamic DNS Update(DHCP)” (196)17.5Configure the settings relating to SNMP [SNMP] (196)17.6Configure the settings relating to the FTP periodic image transmission [FTP img.trans.] (197)17.7Configure the schedule settings of the FTP periodic image transmission [FTP img.trans.] (199)17.7.1How to set the schedules (200)17.7.2How to delete the set schedule (201)18Use the camera on a wireless LAN [Wireless] (SW174W only) (202)18.1Manually connecting the camera to a wireless LAN (manual settings)[Basic] (202)18.2Connecting the camera to a wireless LAN with WPS (automatic settings)[Basic] (206)18.3Using the camera's Wireless QoS [Basic] (210)18.4Confirming the camera's wireless information [Status] (210)19Configure the settings relating to the schedules [Schedule] (213)20Maintenance of the camera [Maintenance] (216)20.1Check the system log [System log] (216)20.2Upgrade the firmware [Upgrade] (217)20.3Check the status [Status] (218)20.4Reset the settings/Reboot the camera [Default reset] (220)21Using the CD-ROM (222)21.1About the CD launcher (222)Operating Instructions7Table of Contents21.2Installing Panasonic “IP Setting Software” (223)21.3Installing the manuals (224)21.4Installing the Viewer software (224)21.5Configure the network settings of the camera using the Panasonic “IP SettingSoftware” (225)22About the displayed system log (227)23Troubleshooting (231)24Directory structure of drive B (SW396/SW395/SC386/SC385/SC384/ SW175/SW172/ST165/ST162) (243)8Operating Instructions1 Monitor images on a PCThe following are descriptions of how to monitor images from the camera on a PC.1.1 Monitor images from a single cameraNote•SW175/SW174W/SW172/ST165/ST162 do not support MPEG-4.1.Start up the web browser.2.Enter the IP address designated using the Panasonic “IP Setting Software” in the address box of thebrowser.•Example when entering an IPv4 address: http://URL registered using IPv4 addresshttp://•Example when entering an IPv6 address: http://[URL registered using IPv6 address]http://[2001:db8::10]/<Example of IPv4 access><Example of IPv6 access>IMPORTANT•When the HTTP port number is changed from “80”, enter “http://IP address of the camera + : (colon)+ port number” in the address box of the browser. (Example:•When the PC is in a local network, configure the proxy server setting of the web browser (under [Internet Options...] under [Tools] of the menu bar) to bypass the proxy server for the local address.Note •Refer to page 181 for further information about the case in which “HTTPS” is selected for“HTTPS” - “Connection” on the [Network] tab of the “Network” page (®page 166).3.Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.SW396SW395 SC386 SC385 SC384:When “On” is selected for “User auth.”, the authentication window will be displayed before displaying live images. Enter the user name and password. The default user name and password are as er name: admin Password: 12345SW175 SW174W SW172 ST165 ST162:The authentication window will be displayed before displaying live images. Enter the user name and password. The default user name and password are as follows.User name: admin Operating Instructions 91 Monitor images on a PC1 Monitor images on a PCPassword: 12345→The “Live” page will be displayed. Refer to page 12 for further information about the “Live” page.IMPORTANT•To enhance the security, change the password for the user name “admin”. It is recommended to change this password periodically.•When displaying multiple H.264 (or MPEG-4) images on a PC, images may not be displayed depending on the performance of the PC.Note•When “H.264” is selected for “Video encoding format”, H.264 video will be displayed. When “MPEG-4” is selected, MPEG-4 images will be displayed.•The maximum number of concurrent access user is 14 including users who is receiving H.264 (or MPEG-4) images and users who are receiving JPEG images. Depending on the set values for“Bandwidth control(bit rate)” and “Max bit rate (per client)*”, the maximum concurrent access numbermay be 14 or less users. When 14 users are concurrently accessing, the access limit message will bedisplayed for users who subsequently attempt to access. When “Multicast” is selected for“Transmission type” of “H.264” (or “MPEG-4”), only the first user who accessed to monitor H.264 (orMPEG-4) images will be included in the maximum number. The second and subsequent users whoare monitoring H.264 (or MPEG-4) images will not be included in the maximum number.•When “On” is selected for “H.264 transmission” (or “MPEG-4 transmission”) (®page 84, page 90),H.264 (or MPEG-4) images will be displayed. When “Off” is selected, a JPEG image will be displayed.It is possible to display a JPEG image even when “On” is selected for “H.264 transmission” (or“MPEG-4 transmission”).•The refresh interval may become longer depending on a network environment, PC performance, photographic subject, access traffic, etc.<Refresh interval of JPEG images>When “On” is selected for “H.264 transmission” (or “MPEG-4 transmission”)SW395SC385:max. 10 fps (1280x960, 1280x720, 800x600)max. 15 fps (Other image capture sizes)SW396SC386SC384SW175SW174W SW172ST165ST162:10Operating Instructions1 Monitor images on a PCmax. 5 fpsWhen “Off” is selected for “H.264 transmission” (or “MPEG-4 transmission”)max. 30 fps1.2 About the “Live” pageNote•SW175/SW174W/SW172/ST165/ST162 do not support MPEG-4.ACDEF H IJ KGBR T U V W XY S N M O PQ L [select language] pull-down menuThe camera’s display language can be selected. The default language can be set in the [Language] in the[Basic] settings. (®page 53)[Setup] button *1Displays the setup menu. The button will turn green and the setup menu will be displayed.[Live] button Display the “Live” page. The button will turn green and the “Live” page will be displayed.[Multi-screen] buttons Images from multiple cameras can be displayed on a multi-screen by registering cameras on the setup menu. (®page 19)[Compression] buttons•[H.264]/[MPEG-4] button: The letters “H.264” (or “MPEG-4”) on the button will turn green and an H.264 (or MPEG-4) image will be displayed. When “On” is selected for “H.264 transmission” (or“MPEG-4 transmission”) of “H.264(1)”, “H.264(2)” (or “MPEG-4(1)”, “MPEG-4(2)”), the [H.264] (or[MPEG-4]) button will be displayed. (®page 84, page 90)•[JPEG] button: The letters “JPEG” on the button will turn green and JPEG image will be displayed.[Stream] buttonsThese buttons will be displayed only when an H.264 (or MPEG-4) image is displayed.1 Monitor images on a PC1 Monitor images on a PC •[1] button: The letter “1” will turn green and images in the main area will be displayed in accordance with the setting of “H.264(1)” (or “MPEG-4(1)”). (®page 84, page 90)•[2] button: The letter “2” will turn green and images in the main area will be displayed in accordance with the setting of “H.264(2)” (or “MPEG-4(2)”). (®page 84, page 90)[Image capture size] buttonsThese buttons will be displayed only when a JPEG image is displayed.[VGA]The letters “VGA” will turn green and images in the main area will be displayed in VGA size.[QVGA]The letters “QVGA” will turn green and images in the main area will be displayed in QVGA size.[640x360]The letters “640x360” will turn green and images in the main area will bedisplayed in 640 x 360 (pixels).[320x180]The letters “320x180” will turn green and images in the main area will bedisplayed in 320 x 180 (pixels).SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384SW175SW174W ST165:[1280x960]The letters “1280x960” will turn green and images in the main area will bedisplayed in 1280 x 960 (pixels).[1280x720]The letters “1280x720” will turn green and images in the main area will bedisplayed in 1280 x 720 (pixels).SW396SW395SC386SC385SW172ST162:[800x600]The letters “800x600” will turn green and images in the main area will bedisplayed in 800 x 600 (pixels).NoteSW396SW395SC386SC385SC384SW175SW174W ST165:•The buttons [VGA], [QVGA] and [1280x960] are displayed only when “4:3”*2 or “4:3 (VGA)”*3 is selected for “Aspect ratio”.•The buttons [640x360], [320x180] and [1280x720] are displayed only when “16:9” is selected for “Aspect ratio”.•When “1280x960” or “1280x720” is selected for the image capture size, it may become smaller than the actual size depending on the window size of the web browser.SW172ST162:•The buttons [VGA], [QVGA] and [800x600] are displayed only when “4:3” is selected for “Aspect ratio”.•The buttons [640x360] and [320x180] are displayed only when “16:9” is selected for “Aspect ratio”.[Image quality] buttonsThese buttons will be displayed only when a JPEG image is displayed.•[1] button: Images in the main area will be displayed in accordance with the setting for “Quality1” of “Image quality setting”. (®page 80)•[2] button: Images in the main area will be displayed in accordance with the setting for “Quality2” of “Image quality setting”. (®page 80)[AUX] buttons*4These buttons will be displayed only when “AUX output” is selected for “Terminal 3” of “Alarm” on the setup menu. (®page 134)•[Open] button: The letters “Open” on the button will turn green and the status of AUX connector will be open.•[Close] button: The letters “Close” on the button will turn green and the status of the AUX connector will be closed.Note•The names of “AUX”, “Open” and “Close” can be changed. (®page 142)[Rec. on SD] button*4SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384SW175SW172ST165 ST162This button will be displayed only when “Manual” is selected for “Save trigger” on the setup menu.(®page 60)Click this button to manually record images on the SD memory card. Refer to page 31 for descriptionsof how to manually record images on the SD memory card.[Log] button*1SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384SW175SW172ST165ST162[List] button will be displayed only when “On” is selected for “Save logs” on the setup menu.(®page 73)When this button is clicked, the log list will be displayed and images saved on the SD memory card can be played.Refer to page 37 for further information about the log list and for how to play images on the SD memory card.[Zoom] buttons*4•: Click this button to adjust the zoom ratio to the “Wide” side.•: Click this button to set the zoom ratio to x1.0.•: Click this button to adjust the zoom ratio to the “Tele” side.[Focus] buttons*4SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384•: Click this button to adjust the focus automatically.•: Click this button to adjust the focus to the “Near” side.•: Click this button to adjust the focus to the “Far” side.Note•When shooting the following place or the following subjects, focus may not be adjusted automatically. Adjust the focus manually.–Shiny or strongly reflective subject–Subject through the glass with dew or smudge–Two subjects whose distances from the camera are different–Less contrast subject (e.g. white wall)–Horizontal-striped subject such as a window blind–Inclined subject–Dark subject[Auto mode]*4Select an operation from the pull-down menu and click the [Start] button. The selected operation will start.Click the [Stop] button to stop the operation.The selected operation will stop when the camera (panning/tilting/zooming/focusing) is operated or when an action that is to be taken according to the settings for “Self return” (®page 95) or for “Camera action on alarm” (®page 136) starts.•Auto track SW395SC385: Automatically tracks objects in the shooting area.Note•The auto track function works only when the size of the object is larger than 1/300 of the main area and also the contrast ratio between the object and the background is more than 5%.•The auto track function of this camera is the simplified function that tracks a moving object in the shooting area. It may be impossible to track a moving object in the following cases.1 Monitor images on a PC1 Monitor images on a PC–When there are multiple moving objects in the shooting area–When the contrast ratio between a moving object and the background is almost none–When an object moves quickly–When a moving object is too small or too big–When the shooting area is dark–When there is a flicker in the shooting area•When the zoom ratio is set to the “Tele” side, it may be difficult to obtain accuracy with the auto tracking function. It is recommended to use the auto tracking function with setting the zoom ratio to the “Wide” side.•Auto track SW396SC386: Automatically tracks objects in the shooting area.Note•With the Auto track feature, objects moving in the screen are picked out and automatically tracked.•In the following situations, targets may not be able to be tracked, or false detections may occur.–when there is little contrast between the subject and the background–when the dome is dirty or wet–when there are large changes to the lighting intensity–when there are many moving objects other than the subject–when there is a change to the axis of the camera’s lens–when the subject moves directly underneath the camera–when there is harsh flickering–when there are reflections from light entering the dome due to reflections from a window or road, or from a backlight–when the target is hidden behind a utility pole or other objects–when the subject passes by other moving objects–when the target moves too fast or too slow–when the camera is shaking•When the zoom ratio is set to the “Tele” side, it may be difficult to obtain accuracy with the auto tracking function. It is recommended to use the auto tracking function with setting the zoomratio to the “Wide” side.•Auto pan SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384: Automatically pans between the start position and the end position set in advance (®page 117).Even when the camera is operated for zooming or focusing, the camera continues panning.(However, panning will stop when the zoom button (x1) is clicked.)•Preset sequence SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384: Automatically moves to the preset positions (®page 113) orderly (start from the lowest preset position number).•360 map-shot SW396SW395SC386SC385SC384: Moves 45° horizontally at a time and repeats 8 times to shoot images of each 45° position (45° x 8 = 360°), and then displays 8 thumbnail images of each 45° position (45° x 8 = 360°) on a newly opened window. When a thumbnail image is clicked, the camera moves to the respective position and live images will be displayed on the “Live”page.•Preset map-shot: Eight thumbnail images of the preset position 1-8 (®page 113) will be displayed orderly on a newly displayed window. When a thumbnail image is clicked, the camera moves to the respective position and live images will be displayed on the “Live” page.Note•Do not operate the browser until all the thumbnail images are displayed and the camera returns to the original position (where the camera was when “360 map-shot” or “Preset map-shot” was carried out).。
网 络 摄 像 机使 用 手 册

使用注意事项1、安装环境I 远离高温的热源和环境;避免阳光直接照射;I 注意防水, 有水接触到设备时, 立即断电.I 避免在过于潮湿的环境使用, 请在参考的适用湿度范围(-10℃~ +55 ℃)内使用。
I 避免在过热或过冷环境使用, 请在参考的适用温度范围(85%RH以下)内使用。
I 本机应水平安装或壁挂安装,避免安装在会剧烈震动的场所,勿将其它设备放于本机上。
2、运输与搬运I 本机的包装经过抗震设计和实验,确保在运输过程中摄像机不会受到意外损坏,所以在搬运本机时,最好使用原来的包装材料和纸箱;I 避免在过冷、过热的场所间相互搬动摄像机,以免机器内部产生结露,影响机器的使用寿命;I 严禁带电搬动本机,否则会损坏主板;1 产品简介1.1产品简介感谢您使用本公司产品,我们将向您提供最好的服务。
网络摄像机的管理、配置和监控等功能都很容易通过浏览器(Internet Explore)来完成,操作简单方便1.2功能简介Ø 标准H.264视频压缩格式Ø G.722音频压缩格式。
Ø 支持D1、Half-D1,CIF格式Ø 内置Web Server,全面支持IE浏览器监视、配置和升级,操作简单、方便。
Ø 动态的码率控制,保证Internet上音频实时传输。
Ø 支持语音对讲Ø 用户管理支持三级密码。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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网络摄像机集中监控客户端软件(I P C M o n i t o r)2013年5月版本 V1.9使用手册目录1.简介 (3)2.电脑和系统要求 (3)3.软件安装 (3)4.设备列表 (4)4.1添加一台设备 (4)4.2搜索添加局域网内的设备 (5)4.3修改设备信息 (5)4.4删除设备 (6)4.5播放和停止播放设备 (6)5.设备设置 (6)6.云台控制 (7)7.分组管理 (8)7.1设置分组 (8)7.2分组播放 (8)8.计划录像 (9)9.告警设置 (10)10.系统设置 (11)11.录像回放 (12)12.管理NVR (13)13.其它操作与说明 (13)13.1基本视频操作 (13)13.2设备列表框的其它说明 (14)13.3录像策略 (14)14.注意事项 (14)1.简介IPCMonitor是厂家提供的一款网络集中监控软件,支持局域网和互联网对多个IP Camera 的监看、对讲、录像、告警检测等多种功能。
在使用该软件前请参考相应IP Camera的使用手册,确定该IP Camera所属的产品类别(支持M/L/B/H/B1/Q六个系列产品),确保设备已经可以通过浏览器在局域网或者互联网上被访问。
2.电脑和系统要求为了稳定使用IPCMonitor软件,建议使用的最低电脑配置如下:CPU:双核CPU内存:1G以上硬盘:500G以上操作系统:使用windows xp或以上版本操作系统屏幕分辨率:≥1024*7683.软件安装安装前的准备:在电脑上插入光盘,或者通过其它方式下载IPCMonitor安装程序; 安装过程:双击IPCMonitor安装程序,将弹出对话框,请用户按照对话框提示的步骤完成软件安装。
图1 软件运行界面4.设备列表用户在使用该软件之前,必须首先对所有使用的IP Camera设备进行规划,安装,并通过光盘上附带的搜索软件更改设备的IP地址与端口,并通过浏览器登陆到IP Camera,设置这些IP Camera的用户名和密码、告警触发方式(外部告警或者移动侦测)、系统时间;如果需要通过互联网访问设备,还需要设置设备的动态域名并在相应的路由器上进行端口映射。
第一次使用该软件,请首先在设备列表栏中添加IP Camera,设备列表栏目如图2。
图2 设备列表栏4.1添加一台设备如果需要添加一台设备,点击图2中的增加设备按钮,将弹出对话框,要求用户输入相应设备信息(示例如图3),即可添加局域网或者公网上的一台设备到客户端软件,添加完成后,将在设备列表框中显示这台设备。
图3 添加一台设备●在设备列表栏中,设备名称一定是唯一的(注意:设置该名称后,不要随意更改,否则无法再添加这台设备);●选择要添加的设备所属的产品系列(必须选定);●“域名/IP”“端口”“观看账号”“观看密码”这四个部分必须正确填写,用户可在网页浏览器中输入相应信息验证是否可以访问设备。
图4 搜索添加设备4.3修改设备信息选中列表中的设备,点击,会弹出编辑对话框(如图3),可对相应的设备基本信息进行修改。
图5 修改当前设备名4.4删除设备选中列表中的某一台设备,点击,可以删除该设备,如果一次要删除多台设备,可以按住Ctrl键或者Shift键,选择多台设备,然后点击删除。
图6 设备参数设置注意:针对不同的产品系列,设备设置对话框不一致,同时建议不要轻易设置设备参数。
6.云台控制点击云台控制按钮,即可进入云台控制界面,如图7所示:图7 云台控制界面主要功能有:●控制云台上、下、左、右转动●针对H系列的高速球机,可以在云台控制区点击把镜头拉近拉远●针对H系列高速球以及外接云台的机器,点击如下按钮:可实现预置位的设置、调用,点击自动还可以自动巡航,点击停止,将停止自动巡航。
7.1设置分组点击添加,弹出分组设置界面;输入分组名,点击添加,则在下面的分组列表框中会显示该分组;在分组列表框中,选中分组名,并在右边的设备栏中,勾选要添加到该分组的设备; 设置各个分组循环播放的间隔时间。
如果要编辑分组,也需点击添加,分组设置界面示例如图8:图8 分组设置示例7.2分组播放在分组列表框中,选中某一分组,双击鼠标即可播放该分组的所有设备;不选某个分组,点击下面的播放按钮,则轮循播放各分组;不选某个分组,点击下面的停止按钮,则停止播放各分组。
1)点击,弹出计划录像预案设置界面,如图9所示;图9 计划录像预案设置界面2)点击“添加预案”,弹出计划录像预案设置对话框,点击添加录像时间段,如图10,点击保存;图10 计划录像预案设置3)选中录像预案,勾选设备列表框中的设备,即可把这些设备添加到该录像预案中,这些设备将按照该预案所设置的录像时间进行录像,如图11。
图11 计划录像预案设置示例4)在计划录像列表框中,选中某预案,点击编辑,可以修改计划录像预案参数;5)在计划录像列表框中,选中某预案,点击删除,可以删除该计划录像预案。
1)点击,弹出告警预案设置界面,如图12;图12 告警预案设置界面2)点击“添加预案”,在弹出对话框中编辑一个预案,如下图所示,点击保存,如图13;图13 告警预案设置对话框3)选中预案,并勾选要添加到该预案中的设备,所有这些设备将采用该预案所设置的方式进行报警。
示例如图14;图14 报警预案设置示例4)在告警设置栏中选中某个预案,点击,可编辑该预案,重新设置告警方式;5)在告警设置栏中选中某个预案,点击,可删除该预案。
图15 系统设置该对话框的几项说明如下:1)报警动作选项:用户可以选择其它声音文件(.wav文件)作为警笛声音,如果不选择,将使用软件默认的声音;用户还可以设置警笛持续时间、报警抓拍图片的数量、报警录像的时长等参数。
图16 录像回放12.管理NVR点击图标,将启动NVR播放软件,为详细了解该软件使用,请查看厂家提供的NVR配套说明书。
图17 视频窗口状态栏注意: 用户只能监听当前窗口所对应设备的声音,并只能与当前窗口所对应的设备进行对讲,如果其他用户正在使用对讲,则无法打开对讲功能。
13.2设备列表框的其它说明正在播放视频的设备,使用绿色字符显示;正在进行告警的设备,将在列表框右侧显示告警图标,如图18;图18 设备列表在列表框右侧告警图标区域,双击鼠标,将显示该设备对应的告警记录,如图19;图19 报警记录13.3录像策略软件可以响应三种录像,分别为报警录像、计划录像和手动录像;●如果查看到窗口的录像状态按钮是红色的,表示正在录像中;●只有录像状态按钮为绿色时,可以用鼠标点击该按钮,则启动手动录像,该状态按钮变成红色;再次点击该按钮,则停止手动录像;如果忘记停止手动录像,则在一个小时后自动停止手动录像;●在同一时间段,计划录像、告警录像都被触发时,将只进行计划录像。
14.注意事项确定您的网络摄像机设置正确,能正常通过浏览器访问;在vista或windwos 7及以上的版本安装软件时需要操作系统的管理员权限;在对设备进行集中监控时,如果速度很慢,或者软件运行不够稳定,请打开windows 的任务管理器,查看cpu资源的占用情况,如果占用80%以上,cpu处理能力可能不够,可将视频的分辨率降低,或减少监控数量。