美剧邪恶力量第十四季结尾BGMGod was never on your side歌词翻译


Harmonized System

Harmonized System

General informationThe Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, generally referred to as “Harmonized System”or simply “HS”, is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). It comprises about 5,000 commodity groups, each identified by a six digit code, arranged in a legal and logical structure and is supported by well-defined rules to achieve uniform classification. The system is used by more than 177 countries and economies as a basis for their Customs tariffs and for the collection of international trade statistics. Over 98 % of the merchandise in international trade is classified in terms of the HS.The HS contributes to the harmonization of Customs and trade procedures, and the non-documentary trade data interchange in connection with such procedures, thus reducing the costs related to international trade. It is also extensively used by governments, international organizations and the private sector for many other purposes such as internal taxes, trade policies, monitoring of controlled goods, rules of origin, freight tariffs, transport statistics, price monitoring, quota controls, compilation of national accounts, and economic research and analysis. The HS is thus a universal economic language and code for goods, and an indispensable tool for international trade.The Harmonized System is governed by “The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System”. The official interpretation of the HS is given in the Explanatory Notes (4 volumes in English and French) published by the WCO. The Explanatory Notes are also available on CD-ROM, as part of a commodity database giving the HS classification of more than 200,000 commodities actually traded internationally.The maintenance of the HS is a WCO priority. This activity includes measures to secure uniform interpretation of the HS and its periodic updating in light of developments in technology and changes in trade patterns. The WCO manages this process through the Harmonized System Committee (representing the Contracting Parties to the HS Convention), which examines policy matters, takes decisions on classification questions, settles disputes and prepares amendments to the Explanatory Notes. The HS Committee also prepares amendments updating the HS every 4 – 6 years.Decisions concerning the interpretation and application of the Harmonized System, such as classification decisions and amendments to the Explanatory Notes or to the Compendium of Classification Opinions, become effective two months after the approval by the HS Committee. These are reflected in the amending supplements of the relevant WCO publications and can also be found on this web site.If you wish to obtain more information about the Harmonized System, please go to “WCO Publications”on this web site.____________________List of countries, territories or customs or economic unions applying the HSAlbania (x)Algeria ..................................... + Antigua & Barbuda (x)Argentina ................................. + Australia .................................. + Austria ..................................... + Azerbaijan.. (x)Bahamas (x)Bahrain .................................... + Bangladesh ............................. + Barbados. (x)Belarus..................................... + Belgium.................................... + Belize (x)Benin (x)Bermuda (x)Bolivia (x)Botswana................................. + Brazil........................................ + Brunei Darussalam. (x)Bulgaria.................................... + Burkina Faso............................ + Cameroon................................ + Canada..................................... + Cape Verde .. (x)Central African Rep................. + Chad ........................................ + Chile . (x)China ....................................... + Colombia (x)Comoros (x)Congo (Dem. Rep. of).............. + Congo (Rep. of).. (x)Cook Islands (x)Costa Rica (x)Côte d'Ivoire ............................ + Croatia ..................................... + Cuba ........................................ + Cyprus ..................................... + Czech Republic ....................... + Denmark .................................. + Djibouti (x)Dominica (x)Dominican Rep. (x)Ecuador (x)Egypt ....................................... + El Salvador (x)Equatorial Guinea (x)Estonia .................................... + Ethiopia ................................... + Fiji ............................................ + Finland .................................... +France ..................................... + Gabon . (x)Gambia (x)Germany ................................. + Ghana . (x)Greece .................................... + Grenada . (x)Guatemala (x)Guinea .................................... + Guinea Bissau.. (x)Guyana (x)Haiti ......................................... + Honduras .. (x)Hong Kong (x)Hungary .................................. + Iceland .................................... + India ........................................ + Indonesia ................................ + Iran .......................................... + Ireland ..................................... + Israel ....................................... + Italy ......................................... + Jamaica . (x)Japan ...................................... + Jordan ..................................... + Kazakhstan (x)Kenya ...................................... + Kiribati . (x)Korea (Rep.) ........................... + Kuwait . (x)Latvia ...................................... + Lebanon .................................. + Lesotho ................................... + Liberia.. (x)Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ........... + Liechtenstein (x)Lithuania ................................. + Luxembourg ............................ + Macao . (x)Madagascar ............................ + Malawi ..................................... + Malaysia .................................. + Mali ......................................... + Malta ....................................... + Mauritius ................................. + Mexico .................................... + Mongolia ................................. + Morocco .................................. + Mozambique (x)Myanmar ................................. + Namibia .. (x)Netherlands ............................. +Nepal (x)New Caledonia (French Terr.) . x New Zealand ........................... + Nicaragua .. (x)Niger ........................................ + Nigeria ..................................... + Niue .. (x)Norway .................................... + Pakistan .................................. + Panama ................................... + Papua New Guinea .. (x)Paraguay (x)Peru ........................................ + Philippines ............................... + Poland ..................................... + Polynesia (French Terr.) . (x)Portugal ................................... + Qatar (x)Romania .................................. + Russia ..................................... + Rwanda ................................... + Saint Kitts and Nevis (x)Saint Lucia (x)Saint Pierre and Miquelon(French Terr.) (x)Saint Vincent andthe Grenadines (x)Saudi Arabia ............................ + Senegal ................................... + Sierra Leone . (x)Singapore (x)Slovakia ................................... + Slovenia .................................. + Solomon Islands . (x)South Africa ............................. + Spain ....................................... + Sri Lanka ................................. + Sudan ...................................... + Suriname. (x)Swaziland ................................ + Sweden ................................... + Switzerland .............................. + Syrian Arab Rep....................... x Tanzania (x)Thailand .................................. + The Former Yugoslav Republicof Macedonia ......................... + Togo ........................................ + Tonga .. (x)Trinidad and Tobago (x)Tunisia .................................... + Turkey ..................................... + Tuvalu . (x)Uganda ................................... + Ukraine .. (x)United Arab Emirates (x)United Kingdom ...................... + United States .......................... + Uruguay . (x)Uzbekistan .............................. + Vanuatu . (x)Venezuela ............................... + Viet Nam ................................. + Wallis and Futuna(French Terr.) (x)Yemen (x)Zambia .................................... + Zimbabwe ............................... + EC ........................................... + Andean Community (CAN)....... +x Carribean Community(CARICOM)............................. +x Common Wealth of the Independent States (CIS)............................ +x Economic and MonetaryCommunity of Central Africa(CEMAC) (former CACEU) ..... +x Economic Community of WesternAfrican States (ECOWAS)....... +x Golf Co-operation Council(GCC)..................................... +x Latin American IntegrationAssociation (LAIA)................... +x Southern Cone CommonMarket (MERCOSUR) ............ +xNotes :+Acceptance (i.e., Contracting Party to the Harmonized System Convention).x Indicates application only.+x Some Members are Contracting Parties to the Harmonized System Convention.____________________INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ONTHE HARMONIZED COMMODITY DESCRIPTIONAND CODING SYSTEM(done at Brussels on 14 June 1983)(As amended by the Protocol of Amendmentto the International Convention on the Harmonized CommodityDescription and Coding System of 24 June 1986)PREAMBLEThe Contracting Parties to this Convention, established under the auspices of the Customs Co-operation Council,Desiring to facilitate international trade,Desiring to facilitate the collection, comparison and analysis of statistics, in particular those on international trade,Desiring to reduce the expense incurred by redescribing, reclassifying and recoding goods as they move from one classification system to another in the course of international trade and to facilitate the standardization of trade documentation and the transmission of data,Considering that changes in technology and the patterns of international trade require extensive modifications to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950,Considering also that the degree of detail required for Customs and statistical purposes by Governments and trade interests has increased far beyond that provided by the Nomenclature annexed to the above-mentioned Convention,Considering the importance of accurate and comparable data for the purposes of international trade negotiations,Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to be used for the purposes of freight tariffs and transport statistics of the various modes of transport,Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to be incorporated into commercial commodity description and coding systems to the greatest extent possible,Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to promote as close a correlation as possible between import and export trade statistics and production statistics,Considering that a close correlation should be maintained between the Harmonized System and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) of the United Nations, Considering the desirability of meeting the aforementioned needs through a combined tariff/statistical nomenclature, suitable for use by the various interests concerned with international trade,Considering the importance of ensuring that the Harmonized System is kept up-to-date in the light of changes in technology or in patterns of international trade,Having taken into consideration the work accomplished in this sphere by the Harmonized System Committee set up by the Customs Co-operation Council,Considering that while the above-mentioned Nomenclature Convention has proved an effective instrument in the attainment of some of these objectives, the best way to achieve the desired results in this respect is to conclude a new international Convention,Have agreed as follows :ARTICLE 1DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Convention :(a)the "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System", hereinafter referred toas the "Harmonized System", means the Nomenclature comprising the headings and subheadings and their related numerical codes, the Section, Chapter and Subheading Notes and the General Rules for the interpretation of the Harmonized System, set out in the Annex to this Convention;(b)"Customs tariff nomenclature" means the nomenclature established under thelegislation of a Contracting Party for the purposes of levying duties of Customs on imported goods;(c)"statistical nomenclatures" means goods nomenclatures established by a ContractingParty for the collection of data for import and export trade statistics;(d)"combined tariff/statistical nomenclature" means a nomenclature, integrating Customstariff and statistical nomenclatures, legally required by a Contracting Party for the declaration of goods at importation;(e)"the Convention establishing the Council" means the Convention establishing aCustoms Co-operation Council, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950;(f)"the Council" means the Customs Co-operation Council referred to in paragraph (e)above;(g)"the Secretary General" means the Secretary General of the Council;(h)the term "ratification" means ratification, acceptance or approval.ARTICLE 2The AnnexThe Annex to this Convention shall form an integral part thereof, and any reference to the Convention shall include a reference to the Annex.ARTICLE 3Obligations of Contracting Parties1.Subject to the exceptions enumerated in Article 4 :(a)Each Contracting Party undertakes, except as provided in subparagraph (c) ofthis paragraph, that from the date on which this Convention enters into force inrespect of it, its Customs tariff and statistical nomenclatures shall be in conformitywith the Harmonized System. It thus undertakes that, in respect of its Customstariff and statistical nomenclatures :(i)it shall use all the headings and subheadings of the Harmonized Systemwithout addition or modification, together with their related numerical codes;(ii)it shall apply the General Rules for the interpretation of the Harmonized System and all the Section, Chapter and Subheading Notes, and shall notmodify the scope of the Sections, Chapters, headings or subheadings ofthe Harmonized System; and(iii)it shall follow the numerical sequence of the Harmonized System;(b)Each Contracting Party shall also make publicly available its import and exporttrade statistics in conformity with the six-digit codes of the Harmonized System,or, on the initiative of the Contracting Party, beyond that level, to the extent thatpublication is not precluded for exceptional reasons such as commercialconfidentiality or national security;(c)Nothing in this Article shall require a Contracting Party to use the subheadings ofthe Harmonized System in its Customs tariff nomenclature provided that it meetsthe obligations at (a) (i), (a) (ii) and (a) (iii) above in a combined tariff/statisticalnomenclature.2.In complying with the undertakings at paragraph 1 (a) of this Article, each ContractingParty may make such textual adaptations as may be necessary to give effect to the Harmonized System in its domestic law.3.Nothing in this Article shall prevent a Contracting Party from establishing, in itsCustoms tariff or statistical nomenclatures, subdivisions classifying goods beyond the level of the Harmonized System, provided that any such subdivision is added and coded at a level beyond that of the six-digit numerical code set out in the Annex to this Convention.ARTICLE 4Partial application by developing countries1.Any developing country Contracting Party may delay its application of some or all of thesubheadings of the Harmonized System for such period as may be necessary, having regard to its pattern of international trade or its administrative resources.2. A developing country Contracting Party which elects to apply the Harmonized Systempartially under the provisions of this Article agrees to make its best efforts towards theapplication of the full six-digit Harmonized System within five years of the date on which this Convention enters into force in respect of it or within such further period as it may consider necessary having regard to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.3. A developing country Contracting Party which elects to apply the Harmonized Systempartially under the provisions of this Article shall apply all or none of the two-dash subheadings of any one one-dash subheading or all or none of the one-dash subheadings of any one heading. In such cases of partial application, the sixth digit or the fifth and sixth digits of that part of the Harmonized System code not applied shall be replaced by "0" or "00" respectively.4. A developing country which elects to apply the Harmonized System partially under theprovisions of this Article shall on becoming a Contracting Party notify the Secretary General of those subheadings which it will not apply on the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of it and shall also notify the Secretary General of those subheadings which it applies thereafter.5.Any developing country which elects to apply the Harmonized System partially underthe provisions of this Article may on becoming a Contracting Party notify the Secretary General that it formally undertakes to apply the full six-digit Harmonized System within three years of the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of it.6.Any developing country Contracting Party which partially applies the HarmonizedSystem under the provisions of this Article shall be relieved from its obligations under Article 3 in relation to the subheadings not applied.ARTICLE 5Technical assistance for developing countriesDeveloped country Contracting Parties shall furnish to developing countries that so request, technical assistance on mutually agreed terms in respect of, inter alia, training of personnel, transposing their existing nomenclatures to the Harmonized System and advice on keeping their systems so transposed up-to-date with amendments to the Harmonized System or on applying the provisions of this Convention.ARTICLE 6Harmonized System Committee1.There shall be established under this Convention a Committee to be known as theHarmonized System Committee, composed of representatives from each of the Contracting Parties.2.It shall normally meet at least twice each year.3.Its meetings shall be convened by the Secretary General and, unless the ContractingParties otherwise decide, shall be held at the Headquarters of the Council.4.In the Harmonized System Committee each Contracting Party shall have the right toone vote; nevertheless, for the purposes of this Convention and without prejudice to any future Convention, where a Customs or Economic Union as well as one or more of its Member States are Contracting Parties such Contracting Parties shall togetherexercise only one vote. Similarly, where all the Member States of a Customs or Economic Union which is eligible to become a Contracting Party under the provisions of Article 11 (b) become Contracting Parties, they shall together exercise only one vote.5.The Harmonized System Committee shall elect its own Chairman and one or moreVice-Chairmen.6.It shall draw up its own Rules of Procedure by decision taken by not less than two-thirds of the votes attributed to its members. The Rules of Procedure so drawn up shall be approved by the Council.7.It shall invite such intergovernmental or other international organizations as it mayconsider appropriate to participate as observers in its work.8.It shall set up Sub-Committees or Working Parties as needed, having regard, inparticular, to the provisions of paragraph 1 (a) of Article 7, and it shall determine the membership, voting rights and Rules of Procedure for such Sub-Committees or Working Parties.ARTICLE 7Functions of the Committee1.The Harmonized System Committee, having regard to the provisions of Article 8, shallhave the following functions :(a)to propose such amendments to this Convention as may be considereddesirable, having regard, in particular, to the needs of users and to changes intechnology or in patterns of international trade;(b)to prepare Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions or other advice as guidesto the interpretation of the Harmonized System;(c)to prepare recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation andapplication of the Harmonized System;(d)to collate and circulate information concerning the application of the HarmonizedSystem;(e)on its own initiative or on request, to furnish information or guidance on anymatters concerning the classification of goods in the Harmonized System toContracting Parties, to Members of the Council and to such intergovernmental orother international organizations as the Committee may consider appropriate;(f)to present Reports to each Session of the Council concerning its activities,including proposed amendments, Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions andother advice;(g)to exercise such other powers and functions in relation to the HarmonizedSystem as the Council or the Contracting Parties may deem necessary.2.Administrative decisions of the Harmonized System Committee having budgetaryimplications shall be subject to approval by the Council.ARTICLE 8Role of the Council1.The Council shall examine proposals for amendment of this Convention, prepared bythe Harmonized System Committee, and recommend them to the Contracting Parties under the procedure of Article 16 unless any Council Member which is a Contracting Party to this Convention requests that the proposals or any part thereof be referred to the Committee for re-examination.2. The Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions, other advice on the interpretation ofthe Harmonized System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation and application of the Harmonized System, prepared during a session of the Harmonized System Committee under the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 7, shall be deemed to be approved by the Council if, not later than the end of the second month following the month during which that session was closed, no Contracting Party to this Convention has notified the Secretary General that it requests that such matter be referred to the Council.3.Where a matter is referred to the Council under the provisions of paragraph 2 of thisArticle, the Council shall approve such Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions, other advice or recommendations, unless any Council Member which is a Contracting Party to this Convention requests that they be referred in whole or part to the Committee for re-examination.ARTICLE 9Rates of Customs dutyThe Contracting Parties do not assume by this Convention any obligation in relation to rates of Customs duty.ARTICLE 10Settlement of disputes1.Any dispute between Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application ofthis Convention shall, so far as possible, be settled by negotiation between them.2.Any dispute which is not so settled shall be referred by the Parties to the dispute to theHarmonized System Committee which shall thereupon consider the dispute and make recommendations for its settlement.3.If the Harmonized System Committee is unable to settle the dispute, it shall refer thematter to the Council which shall make recommendations in conformity with Article III(e) of the Convention establishing the Council.4.The Parties to the dispute may agree in advance to accept the recommendations of theCommittee or the Council as binding.ARTICLE 11Eligibility to become a Contracting PartyThe following are eligible to become Contracting Parties to this Convention :(a)Member States of the Council;(b)Customs or Economic Unions to which competence has been transferred to enter intotreaties in respect of some or all of the matters governed by this Convention; and(c) Any other State to which an invitation to that effect has been addressed by theSecretary General at the direction of the Council.ARTICLE 12Procedure for becoming a Contracting Party1.Any eligible State or Customs or Economic Union may become a Contracting Party tothis Convention :(a)by signing it without reservation of ratification;(b)by depositing an instrument of ratification after having signed the Conventionsubject to ratification; or(c)by acceding to it after the Convention has ceased to be open for signature.2.This Convention shall be open for signature until 31 December 1986 at theHeadquarters of the Council in Brussels by the States and Customs or Economic Unions referred to in Article 11. Thereafter, it shall be open for their accession.3.The instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the SecretaryGeneral.ARTICLE 13Entry into force1.This Convention shall enter into force on the earliest first of January which falls at leastthree months after a minimum of seventeen States or Customs or Economic Unions referred to in Article 11 above have signed it without reservation of ratification or have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession, but not before 1 January 1988. 2.For any State or Customs or Economic Union signing without reservation of ratification,ratifying or acceding to this Convention after the minimum number specified in paragraph 1 of this Article is reached, this Convention shall enter into force on the first of January which falls at least twelve months but not more than twenty-four months after it has signed the Convention without reservation of ratification or has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession, unless it specifies an earlier date. However, the date of entry into force under the provisions of this paragraph shall not be earlier than the date of entry into force provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.ARTICLE 14Application by dependent territories1. Any State may, at the time of becoming a Contracting Party to this Convention, or atany time thereafter, declare by notification given to the Secretary General that the Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, named in its notification. Such notification shall take effect on the first of January which falls at least twelve months but not more than twenty-four months after the date of the receipt thereof by the Secretary General, unless an earlier date is specified in the notification. However, this Convention shall not apply to such territories before it has entered into force for the State concerned.2.This Convention shall cease to have effect for a named territory on the date when theContracting Party ceases to be responsible for the international relations of that territory or on such earlier date as may be notified to the Secretary General under the procedure of Article 15.ARTICLE 15DenunciationThis Convention is of unlimited duration. Nevertheless any Contracting Party may denounce it and such denunciation shall take effect one year after the receipt of the instrument of denunciation by the Secretary General, unless a later date is specified therein.ARTICLE 16Amendment procedure1.The Council may recommend amendments to this Convention to the ContractingParties.2.Any Contracting Party may notify the Secretary General of an objection to arecommended amendment and may subsequently withdraw such objection within the period specified in paragraph 3 of this Article.3.Any recommended amendment shall be deemed to be accepted six months after thedate of its notification by the Secretary General provided that there is no objection outstanding at the end of this period.4.Accepted amendments shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties on one of thefollowing dates :(a)where the recommended amendment is notified before 1 April, the date shall bethe first of January of the second year following the date of such notification,or(b)where the recommended amendment is notified on or after 1 April, the date shallbe the first of January of the third year following the date of such notification.。

英语歌曲华丽魅惑Ghost Town---Adam Lambert

英语歌曲华丽魅惑Ghost Town---Adam Lambert

美国偶像第八季人气选手,流行男歌手Adam Lambert第三张录音室专辑《The Original High》首单《Ghost Town》单曲版发行。

灰烬夹杂着猩红的火苗不停跃动,如当爷Adam Lambert忽高忽低却魅惑不已的唱腔!当爷备受期待的新单《Ghost Town》发布歌词版MV,犹如独自一人漫步在四下无人的荒野,路过静谧的墓地,躁动的灵魂吹起悠远的口哨,难以忘怀的琅琅上口,让人燥热难耐地在墓碑林立的草地上起舞!英语歌词:Ghost TownAdam LambertDied last night in my dreamsWalking the streets of some old ghost townI tried to believeIn god and James deanBut Hollywood sold outSaw all of the saintsLock up the gatesI could not enterWalked into the flamesCalled out your nameBut there was no answerAnd now I knowMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost town Died last night in my dreams All the machinesHad been disconnected Time was thrown at the windAnd all of my friendsHad been disaffectedNow I'm searching for trustIn a city of rustA city of vampiresTonight Elvis is deadAnd everyone's spreadAnd love is a satireAnd now I know my heart is a ghost town My heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townThere's no one left in the worldI'm gunslinginDon't give a damn if I goDown Down DownI got a voice in my headThat keeps singingOh my heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost town精彩推荐:企业英语培训/。



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《Ghost Town》Adam Lambert版歌词带翻译完整版

《Ghost Town》Adam Lambert版歌词带翻译完整版

Died last night in my dreamsWalking the streets of some old ghost townI tried to believe in God and James DeanBut Hollywood sold outSaw all of the saints lock up the gatesI could not enterWalked into the flamesCalled out your name but there was no answer And now I know my heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townDied last night in my dreamsAll the machines had been disconnectedTime was thrown at the windAnd all of my friends had been disaffected Now I'm searching for trust in a city of rust, A city of vampiresTonight Elvis is deadAnd everyone's spread and love is a satire And now I know my heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townThere's no one left in the world I'm gunslingin Don't give a damn if I go down down downI got a voice in my head that keeps singingOHMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townOHMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost townMy heart is a ghost town昨夜一梦梦里丧生我徒步在灵魂散落荒败的城镇我极力保持虔诚信神崇拜詹姆斯•迪恩好莱坞卖尽了信奉我看见那些圣人贤能锁闭上大门门外我孤身一人陷入了烈焰火坑我声嘶力竭传唤你的名声却始终得不到回声而今我已重识我的灵魂我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城昨夜一梦梦里丧生机械分离溃奔时间消逝于风我的朋友与我背道离分如今我独自寻求信任在这座锈迹斑斑的城在这座泣血幽魅的城威尔斯于今夜丧生众人流言纷纷人言爱是刺讽而今我已重识我灵魂我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城这世上从未有离开发生我持枪游荡一生若我远走请勿恶语中伤我身坠落粉身坠落粉身坠落粉身我脑海里乐音阵阵我心荒败如同废城噢我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城噢我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城我心荒败如同废城。



目录第11集 (2)第12集 (19)第13集 (38)第14集 (52)第15集 (70)第11集There's this cage in hell,E011地狱里有个笼子and it's where they keep Lucifer, and I've been in it. 路西法被关在里面我也曾被关在里面I think god wants me to go back. 上帝好像想让我回到那里It wasn't God inside your head, Sam. 进入你头脑的并不是上帝萨姆It was me. 是我Y our brother's in hell... 你弟弟在地狱The darkness, she's the end of everything. 黑暗她可是万物的终结We can beat her. 我们可以打败她...With Lucifer. 和路西法一起Y ou want a vessel? 你想要皮囊- No. - Plan "B." -不-B计划Last words? 有遗言吗Can you really beat her? 你真的能打败她吗- I can. - Then, yes. -我可以-那么好Lucifer. 路西法The Darkness, what is she to you? 黑暗她对你来说算什么Y ou'll never hurt me. 你永远不会伤害我I'm sorry, Amara. 抱歉阿玛拉We're bound, Dean. 我们是联系在一起的迪恩- I told you. - We'll always be bound. -我告诉过你-我们会永远联系在一起I can't be resisted. 我是不可抗拒的That feeling that you have when you're with me, just bliss. 你跟我在一起时就会有的感觉是极乐Why wouldn't you want that? 你为什么不想那样Y ou and I will be together forever. 你和我将永远在一起{\an8}如今{\bord0\pos(190.8,208.646)\shad1.6\fad(360,380)\c&HC9C7C5&}爱尔兰科克郡\N三十年前Padraic? Oh, what are you doing? 帕德里克你干什么呢She loves this song. 她喜欢这首歌It's the only thing that will put her to sleep. 只有这个能哄她入睡Oh, besides... 再说This is our song. 这是我们的歌啊It's good to see you smiling, mo chuisle. 很高兴你又笑了亲爱的I'm trying, Maura. 我在努力莫拉I'm trying. 我在努力Do you hear that? 你听到了吗That would be our daughter. 那是我们女儿No. I hear... 不是我听到了...a scream. 尖叫声It's... 是...Hold on, Padraic! 撑着帕德里克Just hold on! 撑住Get it out of my head! 把它从我脑袋里弄出去Hold on! 撑住Get away from him! 离他远点No! 不It'll be okay, sweet. 没事了亲爱的It'll be o...kay. 不会有事的{\fs20\bord0\shad1\fad(500,500)\fn方正准圆_GBK\c&H24EFFF&}凶鬼恶灵\N{\fs17\c&HFFFFFF&}第十一季第十一集{\fn方正水柱_GBK\fad(150,145)\bord0\shad1.8\fs22\pos(192,239)\c&HD2D2D2&}探索神秘When your brother was trapped in purgatory, 你哥哥被困在炼狱里you were here with a girl and a dog. 你却在这儿泡妞逗狗Y ou can't win this, Sam. Y ou're just not strong enough. 你赢不了了萨姆你不够强大Y ou didn't even bother trying to find him. 你根本没努力去找他And I know that if you're gonna beat the Darkness, 我知道如果你想击败黑暗you have to be ready to watch the people you love die.你得准备好看着你所爱的人死去How long you been up? 你起来多久了I don't know. 我不知道Y ou okay? 你没事吧Y eah, I'm fine. 嗯没事Are you sure? 'cause you haven't left the bunker in days. 你确定吗你好几天没出地堡了I'm fine. 我没事Well, good. 'cause I think I found us a case. 好啊我好像找到件案子Harold Miller, 65. 哈罗德·米勒65岁A resident of Oak Park, an old folks' home, 橡树公园养老院的住户was found yesterday in his room with his head bashed in. 昨天被发现死在屋中头被打碎But get this... 但听好了the doors were locked and there was no sign of break-in. 门紧锁也没有闯入迹象Ghost? Demonic possession? 鬼恶魔附身I figure it's worth a look. What do you think? 我觉得值得一看你说呢Oh, and best part is, 最棒的是Oak Park is 15 minutes from here. 橡树公园离这儿就15分钟It's in our backyard. 就在我们附近And what about the Darkness? 黑暗怎么办What about Cass? We haven't heard from them. 小卡怎么办我们一直没他的消息Okay, first of all, we've got zero on Amara. 首先阿玛拉没有丝毫消息And Cass... Cass will be fine. 小卡不会有事的He always is. 他一向都没事All the parks in the world, 全世界那么多公园and I pick one with an angel in it.我偏偏选了个有天使的I saw you. Couldn't believe my eyes. 我看到你了简直不敢相信Well, believe them. 那就信吧It's beautiful out here, isn't it? 这里真美是吧It's funny. 有意思The things you think you're not gonna miss at all, 那些你以为自己根本不会想念的东西you end up missing the very, very most. 结果却是你最想念的Enjoy it while you can. 趁现在赶紧享受吧I come in peace, brother. 我没有恶意兄弟I am not your brother, Lucifer. 我才不是你的兄弟路西法Well, I'm not looking for a fight. 我不想打架In fact, I am your only hope at beating the Darkness. 事实上我是击败黑暗的唯一希望I heard you, uh... 我听说heard you kids had your big shot at the title,你们这帮熊孩子对她发起了攻击and you missed it. 结果没得手Y ou don't need to be afraid, brother. 不用害怕兄弟I am out of that awful, awful cage. 我已经离开了那个讨厌的笼子And I'm here to save you all.我是来拯救你们所有人的Lucifer ex machina. 战神路西法It cannot be destroyed. 她无法被毁灭But you can be! 但你可以That's the problem with you rank-and-file angels... 你们这些基层天使啊no vision. 毫无远见{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家接送服务{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家Seriously? 不是吧This place is an old folks' home? 这里是个养老院Looks awesome. 看上去好棒{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家早鸟特价今天就预定你的明天吧Maybe we ought to make a reservation. 或许我们该做个预约Y eah, we should be so lucky to live long enough. 能活那么久还好了As I told the police, 我跟警察说了I was walking by Harold's room, 我当时经过哈罗德的房间and I heard a loud banging noise. 听到了很响的撞击声And then I heard Harold yell from inside of his suite, 然后我还听到房间里的哈罗德大喊"Get it out of my head"" "把它从我脑袋里弄出去"So I knocked on the door and called to him. 所以我就敲门喊他And when he didn't reply, 但他没有回应I used my pass key to get into his room. 我就用了我的万能钥匙开门进去了That's when I saw him. He was on his back. 于是看到了他他躺着His skull was, um... 他的头well, there was a lot of blood. 反正流了很多血- And nobody else was in the room. - No. -当时房间里没有别人-没有The windows and doors were locked. 门窗紧锁I even checked the security logs. 我还查了安保记录Nobody was in or out of Harold's room all night. 整晚没人出入哈罗德的房间I don't really understand what could have happened. 我真不明白怎么会出这种事Hey, Mildred. 穆尔德Oh, good morning, Arthur. 早啊亚瑟This is Mildred, one of our residents. 这是穆尔德我们一位住户Good morning. 早上好Um, do you always work late at night? 你总工作到那么晚吗I've been, uh, staying here, actually. 其实我最近一直住在这里My wife left me. 我妻子离开了我Via text, if you can believe it... 还是用短信分的手能相信吗a whole series of emojis. 一连串的表情符号What did you do? 你怎么做的Oh, I didn't stand for that. Unh-unh. Fought fire with fire. 我可没忍着以火攻火了Sent her the poop emoji. 给她发了大粪符号表情Well, that's one way to fly. 这也是个办法I should have sent the heart. I can be so stupid. 我应该发心的我有时候好蠢I just wish she'd call me back. 真希望她回我电话Oh, no, no, I think you did the right thing. 不不我觉得你做得对Um, hey, listen... 听我说Since you've been staying here, uh, a lot, 由于你经常待在这里uh, have you noticed any strange... 你有注意到有什么奇怪的sounds, smells, uh, cold spots? 声音气味或冷点吗What? Uh, no. Why? 什么没有怎么了Oh, just routine questions. 这是例行问题Um, what about enemies? Harold have any enemies? 敌人呢哈罗德有什么敌人吗Actually... 其实he had quite a few. 他还有不少呢What the hell? 怎么回事Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' viagra. 哈罗德在偷其他住户的伟哥I know. A real dick move, huh? 我知道真混"蛋" 是吧So I got an EMF hit in his room, 我在他房间检测到了电磁场but I got an EMF hit on pretty much every floor in the building. 不过几乎每层楼都能检测得到电磁场How many people died in this place? 这里死过多少人啊Arthur, the, uh... heartbroken manager, 亚瑟那个心碎的经理he gave me access to all the residents' files. 他让我查看了所有的住户档案This is everyone who has passed here. 这是所有在这里去世的人Now, uh... 看看this guy, Jake Townsend, had beef with Harold, 这家伙贾克·汤森跟哈罗德有仇but it wasn't over blue pills. 但不是为了小蓝药丸Jake filed a formal complaint against Harold? 贾克对哈罗德提出过正式投诉啊Y eah, apparently Harold was stealing his pension checks 嗯据称哈罗德在偷他的养老金支票and cashing them for himself. 自己去兑现Now, when Jake died, 贾克死后his family filed a civil suit against Harold,他家人向哈罗德发起了民事诉讼but it just got caught up in the courts 但结果在庭上纠缠and never went to trial.并没能进行庭审So maybe Jake stuck around as a vengeful spirit, 或许贾克作为复仇怨魂回来纠缠took matters into his own hands. 自己解决了问题All right. 好吧So where's Jake Townsend buried? 那么贾克·汤森葬在哪里{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}贾克·汤森挚爱的丈夫和父亲Dude? 哥们Oh, you got this. 你来吧Y ou got it. Y ou're doing great. 你来吧你做得很好So no retirement, huh? 不打算退休吗Hey, you're the one who's always wanted 是你一直打算to go out blaze of glory style... 英勇就义的Preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing. 最好还有邦·乔维的音乐做背景乐I'm a candle in the wind. 我是《风中之烛》Y eah, but the way you said it, 是啊但你说得it was like that blaze of glory was gonna 好像英勇就义happen sooner rather than later. 会来得比较早Are you okay? 你没事吧No, I'm not, actually. Not at all.不其实我不好很不好Being so close to Lucifer again, that... 再次接近路西法brought stuff up. 让我回想起好多Stuff I thought I forgot about. 我以为已经忘记的事Y ou want to talk about it? 你想谈谈吗No. 不想Well, look. Lucifer is never getting out of that cage, ever. 听我说路西法从未出过那个笼子And you are never going back, period. 而你是永远不会回去了So...case closed. 所以这事到此结束And so is this one. 这个案子也结了Kind of nice being back on a case, huh? 又来查案感觉不错吧Get your mind off of things. 能换换心情Let's burn the bones so we can go home. 赶紧烧了骨头回家吧{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家See you then. Okay. 回头见好Y ou up to some trouble, young lady? 你想惹麻烦吗小姑娘Always, Arthur. 总是的亚瑟Do you hear that? 你听到了吗No. Are you all right? 没有你没事吧It's okay. We've got backup generators. 没事我们有备用发电机- Really? Y ou can't hear that? - No. -不是吧你真没听到吗-没It's sounds like someone's screaming. 像是有人在尖叫What is that? 那是什么I don't see anything. 我什么都没看到Get it out of my head! 把它从我脑袋里弄出去Arthur, I don't hear anything! 亚瑟我什么都没听到啊Tell me what to do! 告诉我该做什么Oh, my god! 天呐Arthur! 亚瑟Arthur! 亚瑟Arthur! 亚瑟{\*}Arthur said he heard something, like a scream. 亚瑟说他听到了什么像是尖叫And did you hear anything? 你听到了吗I didn't hear a thing... 我什么都没听到Except the sound of Arthur bashing his head through that window. 只能听到亚瑟拿脑袋撞碎玻璃窗的声音He just wanted that noise to stop. 他只想让那声音停下He said, "Get it out of my head." 他说"把它从我脑袋里弄出去" Did you notice anything else, a drop in temperature? 你还注意到别的了吗气温下降No. But the power went out. 没有但断电了And when I looked through the broken window, 我从撞碎的窗户往外看时I saw something. 看到了什么What did you see, exactly? 具体是什么东西Y ou're not gonna believe me. They certainly didn't. 你不会相信我的他们是没信But I know what I saw. 但我知道我看到了什么This isn't my first brush with something like this. 我不是第一次接触这种东西了I saw a ghost 10 years ago. 我10年前就见过鬼Nobody believed me then, either. 当时也没人信我We believe you, Ms. Baker. 我们信你贝克女士Agent Osbourne, thank you. 奥斯本探员谢谢你I feel so much safer knowing the FBI is looking into this. 有联调局在调查我觉得安全多了Well, that's... 这...I'm just gonna need my hand back. 我得需要拿回我的手啊Okay. 好吧Ms. Baker, what did you see? 贝克女士你看到了什么It was a woman. 是个女人Long, flowing hair, 有长长的飘散的头发blood-red robes, sunken eyes, 血红的袍子深陷的眼睛and... and she was... 而且她在feeding on Arthur's head. 吃亚瑟的头I'm so sorry. Um, excuse me one second. 很抱歉失陪一下Please don't leave me, Agent Osbourne. 别离开我奥斯本探员No, no. We're not going anywhere. 不不我们不会离开的Excuse me. Ma'am? 打扰女士Ma'am? 女士Sorry. 抱歉Marlene, Special Agent Butler, FBI. 玛琳特别探员巴特勒联调局的Do you know anything 你知道about what happened with Arthur last night? 昨晚亚瑟的事吗Sorry. I wasn't working last night. 抱歉我昨晚没来上班Were you working the night Harold Miller died? 那哈罗德·米勒死的那晚呢All right. 好吧Thanks. 谢谢It's, um... "Thanks." 是"谢谢"Right, of course. Uh, sorry. 嗯当然抱歉I-I only know a little. 我就学过一点I-I took some back in college, but that was a while ago. 我大学时学过一点过去好久了Most people don't know any. 大部分人连一点都不知道呢I appreciate the trying. 多谢你努力I should probably, uh, get back. 我得继续了Y es. Uh, thank you. 嗯谢谢- Witness? - No. -证人吗-不是Okay. So, apparently, not a ghost. 好吧看来不是鬼No. No. Ghosts don't feed on busted-open heads. 不是鬼是不会吃爆开的人脑的Y eah. 嗯All right, I'll check with the coroner, 我去验尸官那里问问see if, uh, anything was missing from our first vic's brain. 看第一位被害人脑子里是否少了什么Fingers crossed it's zombies, 但愿是僵尸and we can get our "Walking dead" on. 我们就能《行尸走肉》一把了{\bord0\pos(190.8,218.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}不管是什么我们得查明白{\bord0\pos(190.8,235.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}赶在它下次进食之前Y eah, I got it. Okay, thanks again. 知道了好再次感谢So, according to the coroner, 据验尸官说part of Harold's frontal lobe was missing. 哈罗德部分前额叶不见了And that tracks with banshees. 这符合死亡女妖的特征Banshees? 死亡女妖I thought banshees were good. 死亡女妖不是好的吗The ones tied to fairy lore are. 仙女传说里的是好的They cry out as a warning to a victim's impending death. 他们的喊声是为警告那些将遭遇死亡的人But these guys... 但这些呢are malevolent banshees... total dick bags. 是坏死亡女妖一群混球They use their piercing scream to drive their prey crazy. 他们利用自己的尖叫逼疯猎物Forces the vics to crack open their own eggs, 逼迫被害人自己撞破大脑and then the banshees feed on the yolk. 然后死亡女妖就开吃了而且只有被害人能听到Oh, and he only people who can hear the banshee'sscreamare the vics. 死亡女妖的尖叫怪不得穆尔德什么都没听到Well, that would explain why Mildred didn't hearanything.Oh, and they, uh, travel through mist, 而且他们能穿雾而行which explains how they got into Harold's locked room. 所以就怪不得能进入哈罗德上锁的房间了And they only prey on the vulnerable.而且他们只以弱者为目标Harold did just have hip replacement surgery. 哈罗德刚做过髋关节置换手术And Arthur's wife just left him. 亚瑟的妻子刚离开了他Broken heart. 心碎了That's a kind of vulnerable, I guess. 这也算是"弱"吧They hunt the same place until it's picked clean. 他们在一个地带反复作案直到全吃干净And they only hunt at night, 而且只晚上出没so that just gives us a few hours to figure out who's next. 这样我们有几小时可以锁定下一个受害者Then how do we kill it? 我们怎么杀了它Gold blade. I don't have any in the trunk, 金刀后箱里可没带这个so I got to head back to the bunker and grab a couple. 所以我这就回地堡去拿几把来你留下查明这里谁是"弱者"Y ou stay here and figure out who in this place isvulnerable.Cass? 小卡What the hell are you doing, man? 你在干什么呢Hello, Dean. 你好迪恩Right, yeah. 嗯We don't hear from you for days, 我们好几天没你的信儿了Y ou show up, you start wrecking the joint. 你跑来就搞个天翻地覆I'm sorry. 抱歉Okay. W-what are you doing? 好吧你干什么呢Well, I'm... looking for a spell, 我在找一个咒语something to draw Amara out, but there's... 把阿玛拉引出来但是there's nothing. 毫无发现I had her in my sights. 我都看到她了She was hurt. I should have ended it. 她受伤了我本该了结一切Wait. What? 等等什么How? 怎么了结Well, I don't know. But there has to be something. 我不知道但肯定应该有办法的And how many more chances are we gonna get? 我们还能得到几次机会Y eah, I know. 是啊Saying you're gonna kill is one thing, but... 说要下杀手是一回事actually doing it's something totally different. 但真做又是另一回事了What do you mean? 什么意思I've had two shots at Amara. 我有两次杀阿玛拉的机会I struck out both times. 两次都没得手What are you talking about? 你说什么呢I don't even know where to start. 我都不知道从何说起Dean... 迪恩tell me everything. 全都告诉我Come in. 进来Oh, Agent Butler. 巴特勒探员啊- Well, please, do come in. - Sure. -请进吧-好Where's that partner of yours? 你的搭档呢Oh, he, um... he'll be back soon. 他...就回来Is this you? 这是你吗Y es, that was a long time ago. 嗯那是很久以前了Before I got so good-looking. 那时我还没这么好看呢{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}致敬佩茜·克莱恩Please, have a seat. 请坐吧Sure. 好- Like some tea? - Uh, no, thank you. -喝茶吗-不用了谢谢Ms. Baker? 贝克女士Please, Mildred. 叫我穆尔德吧Mildred. 穆尔德I need to be honest with you. 我必须跟你说实话My partner and I, we're not really FBI. 我和我搭档并非是联调局的We're brothers, and we hunt monsters. 我们是兄弟我们是猎魔人I knew it. I knew it! 我就知道我就知道I -- you two are too cute to be FBI agents. 你俩太帅了根本不像联调局探员And I knew that damn ghost I saw years ago was real. 我也知道我多年前看到的那个鬼是真的Does this, um... 你看这个Does this look familiar? 你看这个像吗Oh, my God, yes. 天哪是的- It's a banshee? - It is. -是个死亡女妖-是的Banshees scream at their victims, 死亡女妖会对被害者尖叫让他们自残然后再去吃他们的getting them to harm themselves, and then they feed ontheir --Brains. 脑子Right. 对Now, banshees prey on the vulnerable,死亡女妖捕食弱者so I checked out all of the residents' medical records, 所以我去查了所有的住户医疗记录and you have an atrial fibrillation,你患有心房纤颤which can be treated with meds. 可以用药物治疗But it means that -- 但这也意味着I'm vulnerable? 我是弱者Am I next? 下一个就是我吗My brother and I aren't gonna let that happen. 我和我哥哥不会让它得逞的We're gonna protect you, okay? 我们会保护你的好吗Y eah. 好Now, banshees only hunt at night, 死亡女妖只在夜晚捕猎so you're safe right now. 所以你现在很安全我们需要你趁现在多休息一下And we really need you to try and get some rest whileyou can.We'll be back. 我们会再过来的One more thing. 还有一件事Do you know a housekeeper named Marlene? 你认识一位叫玛琳的清洁工吗She's deaf. 她是聋子I think maybe you got your names mixed up. 你们大概是弄错了名字吧There is one person on staff named Marlene, 这里的确有位叫玛琳的员工but she's on vacation. 但她休假了Agent Butler, my granddaughter is deaf, 巴特勒探员我孙女也是聋子and I could really use some practice signing.我真心需要练习手语So if there is a staff member that's deaf, 如果真有员工是聋子I would love to talk to them. 那我会很想跟他们谈谈So would I. 我也想{\*}Dressing up as FBI to cover up your kills? 扮成联调局探员来掩盖你杀人的真相It's almost clever. 真是聪明呢Never met a banshee that could blend in.我还从没见过这么融入生活的死亡女妖Wait. What? 等一下什么I read your friend's lips. 我读出你朋友的唇语了"It's feeding time"" 该进食了No, no, no, you're mixed up! Y ou're mixed up. 不不你弄错了你弄错了W-we're not banshees. We're hunters. 我们不是死亡女妖我们是猎人It's my brother. W-we're all hunting the same thing here, 那是我哥咱们追捕的是同一样东西A-a banshee. 死亡女妖In -- in blood red robes, right? 穿着血红长袍对吧I swear. 我发誓Look, test me. Test me, please. 你验证一下试我一下吧See? 看吧Wait a minute. No. 等一下不要Thanks. 谢谢My name is Sam Winchester. 我叫萨姆·温彻斯特Eileen Leahy. 艾琳·莱希The banshee you're hunting... 你们追捕的那个死亡女妖...it killed my parents. 害死了我的父母Oh, God! ? 天呐A hunter found me in my crib, ears bleeding. 有个猎人在婴儿床上发现了我双耳流血Lillian O'Grady, this was hers. 莉莲·奥格雷迪这就是她的遗物She'd been tracking the banshee. 她一直在追捕那个死亡女妖Never found it, though. 但一直没找到So Lillian raised you. 这么说莉莲养大了你More like trained me. 应该说是训练了我She died when I was 16. 我16岁时她便去世了On the job? 猎魔时牺牲的Cancer. 癌症And you've been on your own ever since? 那之后你就一直一个人过吗I prefer working alone. 我喜欢单打独斗Trust issues. 信任问题Y eah. I know. 嗯我懂So, was your mom a hunter or a witch? 那么你妈妈是猎人还是女巫No. Her father was part of this secret organization.不是她父亲是个秘密组织的一员It's defunct now. 现在已经没了The men of letters? 记录者吗Y eah. 对How'd you know? 你怎么知道的My brother and I... 我和我哥哥we're like you. 我们跟你差不多We're legacies. 我们是传人I tried to kill her.我想杀了她的你们俩似乎通过血印联系在了一起Well, the two of you are connected somehow by themark.Y eah, no, it's, uh... it's more than that. 不没那么简单Attraction? 互相吸引吗Oh, Dean. 迪恩I know. 我知道I know. Okay? 我知道的Whatever it is, a... 不管是什么Attraction, connection... 吸引联系I got to tell you, man, it scares me. 我跟你讲真的吓到我了I don't know that I can stop it. 我不知道我能不能阻止它I don't know that I can resist it. 我都不知道我能不能抗拒它Hey, it scares me, too. 我也害怕But we will find out what this is, I promise. 但我们会查个明白的我保证In the end, it may help draw her out. 最终这或许能帮我们引她出来This could be a good thing. 这或许是好事- Sam? - Dean, look up Edward Durbin II. -萨姆-迪恩查一下爱德华·德宾二世- Wait. What? - In the men of letters' files. -等一下什么-在记录者的档案里Oh, son of a bitch. She ain't lying.该死的她没说谎According to the men of letters' records, 根据记录者的档案记载Edward Durbin II was inducted in 1939, 爱德华·德宾二世于1939年加入part of a small delegation that was sent to Europe. 是被派往欧洲的一小支代表团的一员Right. 好吧{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\fad(0,0)\c&HC9C7C5&}另一个我要了{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\fad(0,0)\c&HC9C7C5&}高个子归你了Y eah, her father had just lost his job. 嗯她父亲当时刚失了业He had a nervous breakdown. 他当时精神崩溃了- So, he was vulnerable. - Right. -那他是弱者喽-没错And her mom only knew some basic spells. 而她妈妈只知道一些基本的咒语She used one to banish the banshee, 她用了一个咒驱逐了死亡女妖{\bord0\pos(190.8,220.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}我现在没力气登山了saved Eileen's life.救了艾琳一命Dean, the banshee we're hunting 迪恩我们在追捕的死亡女妖{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}你确定你不想两个一起要吗is the same one that killed Eileen's parents. 就是杀了艾琳父母的那个A wesome. 真棒All right. What's the plan? 好吧有什么计划Well, we're gonna use the same Celtic spell eileen used to trap me. 我们要用艾琳用来困住我的那个凯尔特咒语When the banshee comes for Mildred tonight, 等今晚死亡女妖来找穆尔德时we trap it. 我们就困住它And we hit it with gold. 然后用金子杀了它Right. 没错I don't like using Mildred as bait. 我不喜欢把穆尔德当成诱饵Are you worried about her? 你在担心她吗So does this mean she has a shot? 这是不是意味着她真有机会Well, I always did have a thing for Blanche on "Golden girls." 我确实喜欢《黄金女郎》里的{\u1}布兰奇{\u0}{\fn微软雅黑\b1\fs14\3c&H000000&\shad1\bord0} {\an9}该角色形象和本集的穆尔德相似Seriously? 真的吗Hey, don't judge what you don't understand, Sammy. 别对自己不了解的东西评头论足萨姆No, I'm -- I'm not judging. 我没在评头论足I-I just always had a thing for Sophia. 我只是一直喜欢索菲亚Y eah, I could see that. 是啊我看得出来Look, I don't like using anyone as bait. 听着我不想把任何人当成诱饵But this is all we got. 但我们只能这么办I'm on my way. 我这就来Cass, I got to get back to Sam. 小卡我得赶回萨姆身边Listen, about what we talked about, 听着我俩谈的事let's just keep that between you and me... 在我们了解更多情况前...till we know more, okay? 先别和别人说好吗Dean, that's not -- 迪恩那可不...Cass, just...trust me. 小卡相信我就好All right. 好吧But the next time you face Amara, 但下次你面对阿玛拉时you won't be alone. 你不会孤身一人了Thanks, Cass. 谢了小卡{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}关闭清洁中Not bad. 不错嘛All right. 好了I guess all we have to do now is, uh... 我猜现在我们只需要...Wait. 等着Y eah. 没错Eileen? 艾琳Y ou okay? 你还好吧I'm nervous. 我很紧张If this really is the banshee I've been looking for... 假如这真是我在追踪的那个死亡女妖...Eileen, in my experience... 艾琳以我的经验来看... Revenge is not all it's cracked up to be. 复仇并没有人们说得那么好Killing this banshee 杀死这个死亡女妖is not gonna bring your parents back. 并不能带回你的父母I never met them. 我从没见过他们They're just pictures to me. 他们对于我而言只是几张照片But... 但是...they're family. 他们是亲人My family. 我的亲人I understand. Believe me.我懂的相信我But after you get your revenge, then what? 但复仇之后呢又该怎么办I have no idea. 我不知道My mother was a lawyer. 我妈妈是个律师Be nice to follow in her footsteps. 能追随她的脚步就挺好I was studying law at Stanford 我哥哥来找我去复仇时我正在斯坦福读法律when my brother came and got me so we could get ourrevenge.Y ou've been hunting together ever since? 你俩从那之后就一直一起猎魔了吗Y eah. I-I wouldn't do this without my brother. 是啊没有我哥哥的话我不会干这行的He's had my back every step of the way. 他一直都在罩着我Even when I let him down. 就算我让他失望时他也如此Eileen, this is my brother, Dean Winchester. 艾琳这是我哥哥迪恩·温彻斯特Dean, this is Eileen Leahy. 迪恩这是艾琳·莱希Eileen, it's good to meet you. 艾琳很高兴认识你So you're a... a legacy, too. 那么你也是一个...传人I guess so, yeah. 我猜是的Uh, right, well. 对了Let's see here. 我看看There's one for you. 这是给你的And I'm guessing you already have one. 我猜你已经有一把了Uh, guess we got an extra one for Mildred. 那我们就有多余的一把给穆尔德了Where's Mildred? 穆尔德去哪了Agent! 探员- I'm glad you're back. - Y eah. -真高兴你回来了-是啊I feel safer already. 我已经觉得安全多了Come here. I want to show you something. 过来我想给你看点东西Well, come on and sit down. 过来坐下嘛I'm not gonna bite. Never really was my thing. 我又不咬人我一直不太喜欢那套Okay. 好吧I have the same view from upstairs. 我在楼上也能看到同样的景色West-facing rooms, they cost extra. 面西的房间要额外收费Y ou know, you got to pay for the view. 你得为这景色付钱It's not bad. 挺不错的Not bad. 不错Honey, it's almost as gorgeous as you are. 美人这景色几乎和你一样美了Y ou know, tell me something. 告诉我When's the last time you watched a sunset 你上一次看着落日而不用担心without waiting for something to go bump in the night? 夜里有什么东西冒出来是什么时候的事了Y ou should try it sometime. 你该找机会试试Y eah. 是啊I just hope this one isn't my last. 我只希望这不会是我最后一次I mean, does this stuff really work? 这些东西真的能起作用吗A banshee shows up and... you cut your hand 死亡女妖出现...你就把手割破and slap it on one of those things, 按在那些符号上and it gets trapped. 然后它就被困住了I mean, is this actually something that happens? 真的能行吗Y ep. 能行And then it gets one of these. 然后它就会挨上一刀Mildred...everything's gonna be fine. 穆尔德...一切都会没事的Okay? 好吗Tell me something. 告诉我What did you do before you retired? 你退休之前是做什么的I was in a Patsy Cline tribute band. 我是一支佩茜·克莱恩翻唱乐队的- No. - I'm deadly serious. -不会吧-没错Y ou ever miss life on the road? 你怀念在路上的日子吗Nah. Nah, I had my fun. 不不我玩够了。




第一季的结尾曲是《Carry On Wayward Son》。

这首歌由美国摇滚乐队Kansas演唱,歌词中的“Carry on my wayward son”与剧中两兄弟之间的羁绊和冒险经历相呼应,让观众对接下来的剧情充满期待。


这首歌由美国摇滚乐队Styx演唱,歌词中的“Come sail away with me”与剧中角色所要面临的冒险和危险密切相关,给人一种紧张刺激的感觉。

第三季的结尾曲是《Good Time》。

这首歌由美国乡村音乐歌手Leroy Van Dyke演唱,歌词中的“Good time, good time”与季节的结束和角色所面临的种种挑战形成了鲜明的对比,给观众带来一种沉重的情绪。


这首歌由澳大利亚摇滚乐队AC/DC 演唱,高强度的节奏和强烈的吉他演奏带来了一种战斗和挑战的氛围,与季节的剧情高潮相得益彰。




3GPP TS 36.101v1.0.0(2007-12)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception;(Release 8)The present docu ment has been developed within the 3r d Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3G PP. The present d ocument has not been subject to any approval process by the 3G PP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for fu ture development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsEUTRA, User Equipment (UE), radio, RF requirements3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2006, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.ContentsForeword (6)1Scope (7)2References (8)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (9)3.1Definitions (9)3.2Symbols (9)3.3Abbreviations (10)4General (11)4.1Relationship between Minimum Requirements and Test Requirements (11)5Frequency bands and channel arrangement (12)5.1General (12)5.2Frequency bands (12)5.3TX–RX frequency separation (12)5.4Channel arrangement (12)5.4.1Channel spacing (12)5.4.2Channel bandwidth (13) Nominal channel bandwidth (13) channel bandwidth (14)5.4.3Channel raster (15)5.4.4Channel number (15)5.4.5EA RFCN (16)6Transmitter characteristics (17)6.1General (17)6.2Transmit power (17)6.2.1Maximum Output Power (MOP) (17)6.2.2UE Power class (17)6.2.3Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) (18)6.2.4Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) (18)6.3Output power dynamics (19)6.3.1Power control (19)6.3.2Minimum output power (19)6.3.3Transmit ON/OFF power (20)6.4Control and monitoring functions (20)6.4.1Out-of-synchronization handling of output power (20)6.5Transmit signal quality (20)6.5.1Frequency Error (20)6.5.2Transmit modulation (20) Vector Magnitude (20) requirement (20) (21) requirements (21) emissions (21) requirements (21)6.6Output RF spectrum emissions (21)6.6.1Occupied bandwidth (22)6.6.2Out of band emission (22) emission mask (22) requirement (22) Spectrum Emission Mask (23) requirement (network signalled value “NS_03”) (23) requirement (network signalled value “NS_04”) (23) requirement (network signalled) (24) Channel Leakage Ratio (24) requirement E-UTRA (24) requirements UTRA (25) ACLR require ments (25) requirements (network signalled value “NS_02”) (25)6.6.3Spurious emissions (26) requirements (26) emission band UE co-existence (26) spurious emissions (27) requirement (network signalled value “NS_05”) (27) requirements (network signalled) (27)6.7Transmit intermodulation (27)7Receiver characteristics (29)7.1General (29)7.2Diversity characteristics (29)7.3Reference sensitivity power level (29)7.3.1Minimum requirements (QPSK) (29)7.3.2Maximum Sensitivity Reduction (MSR) (30)7.4Maximum input level (30)7.4.1Minimum requirements (31)7.5Adjacent Channel Selectivity (A CS) (31)7.5.1Minimum requirements (31)7.6Blocking characteristics (32)7.6.1In-band blocking (32) requirements (32)7.6.2Out of-band blocking (33) m requirements (33)7.6.3Narrow band blocking (34) requirements (34)7.7Spurious response (35)7.7.1Minimum requirements (35)7.8Intermodulation characteristics (35)7.8.1Wide band Intermodulation (35) requirements (35)7.8.2Narrow band Intermodulation (36) requirements (36)7.9Spurious emissions (36)7.9.1Minimum requirements (36)8Performance requirement (37)8.1General (37)8.1.1Dual-antenna receiver capability (37) unicast and MBMS operations (37) receiver capability in idle mode (37)Annex A (normative): Measurement channels (38)A.1General (38)A.2UL reference measurement channels (38)A.3DL reference measurement channels (38)Annex B (normative): Propagation conditions (39)B.1General (39)B.2Propagation channel s (39)B.2.1Static propagation condition (39)B.2.2Multi-path fading propagation conditions (39)B.2.2.1Delay profiles (39)B.2.2.2Doppler spectrum (40)B.2.2.3Multi-Antenna channel models (42)B.2.2.4Combinations of channel model parameters (46)Annex C (normative): Downlink Physical Channels (47)C.1General (47)C.2Set-up (47)C.3Connection (47)Annex D (normative): Characteristics of the interf ering signal (48)D.1General (48)D.2Interference signals (48)Annex E (normative): Environmental conditions (49)E.1General (49)E.2Environmental (49)E.2.1Temperature (49)E.2.2Voltage (49)E.2.3Vibration (50)Annex F (informative): Change history (51)ForewordThis Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:Version x.y.zWhere:x the first digit:1 presented to TSG for information;2 presented to TSG for approval;3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.1 ScopeThe present document establishes the User Equipment (UE) minimum RF characteristics of E-UTRA for both FDD and TDD modes2 ReferencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.∙References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.∙For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.∙For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.[1] 3GPP TR 21.905[2] ETSI ETR 273: "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Improvement ofradiated methods of measurement (using test sites) and evaluation of the corresponding measurementuncertainties; Part 1: Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Sub-part 2: Examples and annexes".[3] Recommendation ITU-R SM.329-10, “Unwanted emissions in the spurious domain”[4] Recommendation ITU-R M.1225, “Guidelines for Evaluation of Radio Transmission Technologies forIMT-2000”, ITU-R, 1997.[5] 3GPP TR 25.943 V6.0.0 (2004-12), “Deployment aspects (Release 6)”.[6] 3GPP TR 25.913: “Requirements for Evolved UTRA and UTRAN”.[7] 3GPP TS 45.005 V7.8.0 (2006-11), “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification GroupGSM/EDGE Radio Access Network; Radio transm ission and reception (Release 7)”.[8] R4-070752, “Proposal for LTE channel models”[9] 3GPP TR 25.943 V6.0.0 (2004-12), “Deployment aspects (Release 6)”.3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.<defined term> : <definition>.For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 [x] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905 [x].Channel edge: The lowest and highest frequency of the carrier, separated by the channel bandwidth.Channel bandwidth: The RF bandwidth supporting a single E-UTRA RF carrier with the transmission bandwidth configured in the uplink or downlink of a cell. The channel bandwidth is measured in MHz and is used as a reference for transmitter and receiver RF requirements.Maximum Output Power: The mean power level per carrier of UE measured at the antenna connector in a specified reference condition.Mean power: When applied to E-UTRA transmission this is the power measured in the operating system bandwidth of the carrier. The period of measurement shall be at least one subframe (1ms) for frame structure type 1 and one subframe (0.675ms) for frame structure type 2 excluding the guard interval, unless otherwise stated.Occupied bandwidth: The width of a frequency band such that, below the lower and above the upper frequency limits, the mean powers emitted are each equal to a specified percentage β/2 of the total mean power of a given emission.Output power: The mean power of one carrier of the UE, delivered to a load with resistance equal to the nominal load impedance of the transmitter.Reference bandwidth: The bandwidth in which an emission level is specified.Transmission bandwidth: Bandwidth of an instantaneous transmission from a UE or BS, measured in Resource Block units.Transmission bandwidth configuration: The highest transmission bandwidth allowed for uplink or downlink in a given channel bandwidth, measured in Resource Block units.3.2 SymbolsFor the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:BW Channel Channel bandwidthF FrequencyF Interferer (offset) Frequency offset of the interfererF Interferer Frequency of the interfererF C Frequency of the carrier centre frequencyF DL_low The lowest frequency of the downlink operating bandF DL_high The highest frequency of the downlink operating bandF UL_low The lowest frequency of the uplink operating bandF UL_high The highest frequency of the uplink operating bandN DL Downlink EARFCNN Offs-DL Offset used for calculating downlink EA RFCNN Offs-UL Offset used for calculating uplink EARFCNN RB Transmission bandwidth configuration, expressed in units of resource blocksN UL Uplink EA RFCNRav M inimum average throughput per RBP Interferer Modulated mean power of the interfererΔF OOB Δ Frequency of Out Of Band emission3.3 AbbreviationsFor the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage RatioACS Adjacent Channel SelectivityA-MPR Additional Maximum Power ReductionAWGN Additive White Gaussian NoiseBS Base StationCW Continuous WaveDL DownlinkEA RFCN E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberE-UTRA Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio AccessEUTRAN Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access NetworkEVM Error Vector MagnitudeFDD Frequency Division DuplexFRC Fixed Reference ChannelHD-FDD Half- Duplex FDDMCS Modulation and Coding SchemeMOP Maximum Output PowerMPR Maximum Power ReductionMSR Maximum Sensitivity ReductionOOB Out-of-bandPA Power A mplifierREFSENS Reference Sensitivity power levelSNR Signal-to-Noise RatioTDD Time Division DuplexUE User EquipmentUL UplinkUMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications SystemUTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio AccessUTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access NetworkOther abbreviations used in the present document are listed in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].4 General4.1 Relationship between Minimum Requirements and TestRequirementsThe Minimum Requirements given in this specification make no allowance for measurement uncertainty. The test specification TS 36.xxx section y defines Test Tolerances. These Test Tolerances are individually calculated for each test. The Test Tolerances are used to relax the Minimum Requirements in this specification t o create Test Requirements.The measurement results returned by the Test System are compared - without any modification - against the Test Requirements as defined by the shared risk principle.The Shared Risk principle is defined in ITU-R M.1545 [3].5 Frequency bands and channel arrangement5.1 GeneralThe channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the frequency bands and channel bandwidths defined in the present release of specifications.NOTE: Other frequency bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.5.2 Frequency bandsE-UTRA is designed to operate in the frequency bands defined in Table 5.2-1.Table 5.2-1 E-UTRA frequency bands5.3 TX–RX frequency separation5.4 Channel arrangement5.4.1 Channel spacingThe spacing between carriers will depend on the deployment scenario, the size of the frequency block available and the channel bandwidths. The nominal channel spacing between two adjacent E-UTRA carriers is defined as following:Nominal Channel spacing = (BW Channel(1) + BW Channel(2))/2where BW Channel(1) and BW Channel(2) are the channel bandwidths of the two respective E-UTRA carriers. The channel spacing can be adjusted to optimize performance in a particular deployment scenario5.4.2 Channel bandwidthRequirements in present document are specified for the channel bandwidths listed in Table 5.4-1.Table 5.4-1 Transmission bandwidth configuration N RB in E-UTRA channel bandwidthsFigure 5.4-1 shows the relation between the Channel bandwidth (BW Channel) and the Transmission bandwidth configuration (N RB). The channel edges are defined as the lowest and highest frequencies of the carrier separated by the channel bandwidth, i.e. at F C +/- BW Channel /2.Figure 5.4-1 Definition of Channel Bandwidth and Transmiss ion Bandwidth Configuration. Nominal channel bandwidthTable 5.4.2-1 specifies the nominal channel bandwidth which are supported for the E-UTRA bandTable 5.4.2-1: E-UTRA channel bandwidth5.4.2.2 Additional channel bandwidthThe following additional channel bandwidth can be supported if certain relaxations of the UE performance are allowed or UE functionality is limited. These relaxations and limitations are TBD.Table Additional E-UTRA channel bandwidth5.4.3 Channel rasterThe channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 100 kHz.5.4.4 Channel numberThe carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EA RFCN). The carrier frequency in MHz for the downlink is given by the following equation, where F DL_low and N Offs-DL are given in table 5.4.4-1 and N DL is the downlink EA RFCN.F DL = F DL_low + 0.1(N DL– N Offs-DL)The carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation where F UL_low and N Offs-UL are given in table 5.4.4-1 and N UL is the uplink EARFCN.F UL = F UL_low + 0.1(N UL– N Offs-UL)Table 5.4.4-1 E-UTRA channel numbers5.4.5 EARFCN6 Transmitter characteristics6.1 GeneralUnless otherwise stated, the transmitter characteristics are specified at the antenna connector of the UE with a single transmit antenna. For UE with integral antenna only, a reference antenna with a gain of 0 dBi is assumed.6.2 Transmit power6.2.1 Maximum Output Power (MOP)The Maximum Output Power (MOP) defined in Table 6.2.1-1 is the broadband transmit power of the UE, i.e. the power in the channel bandwidth (clause 5.2) for all transmit bandwidth configurations (resource blocks).Table 6.2.1-1: Maximum Output Power (MOP)6.2.2 UE Power classThe following UE Power Classes define the nominal maximum output power. The nominal power is defined as the broadband transmit power of the UE, i.e. the power in the channel bandwidth (clause 5.2) of the radio access mode. The period of measurement shall be at least one [timeslot/ frame/TTI].Table 6.2.2-1: UE Power ClassThe transmission bandwidth configuration (resource blocks) for the maximum output power specified in Table 6.2.2-1 is defined in Table 6.2.2-2 below for QPSK modulation.Table 6.2.2-2: UE Power Class / channel bandwidth / transmission configuration6.2.3 Maximum Power Reduction (MPR)For UE PowerClass 3, the allowed Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for the nominal maximum output power in 6.2.2 due to higher order modulation and transmit bandwidth configuration (resource blocks) is specified in Table 6.2.3-1.Table 6.2.3-1: Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) for PC 36.2.4 Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR)Additional ACLR and spectrum emission requirements can be signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet also additional requirements in a specific deployment scenario. To meet these additional requirements the concept of A-MPR is introduced.For UE Power Class 3 the specific requirements and identified sub-clauses are specified in table 6.2.4-1 along with the allowed A-MPR values that may be used to meet these requirements. The allowed A-MPR values specified below are in addition to the allowed MPR requirements specified in clause 6.2.3.Table 6.2.4-1: Additional Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) / Spectrum Emission requirements6.3 Output power dynamics6.3.1 Power control6.3.2 Minimum output powerThe minimum controlled output power of the UE is defined as the broadband transmit power of the UE, i.e. the power in the channel bandwidth (clause 5.2) for all transmit bandwidth configurations (resource blocks), when the power is set to a minimum value. requirementThe minimum output power is defined as the mean power in one sub-frame (1ms). The minimum output power shall be less than [-30] dBm.6.3.3 Transmit ON/OFF power6.4 Control and monitoring functions6.4.1 Out-of-synchronization handling of output power6.5 Transmit signal quality6.5.1 Frequency ErrorThe UE modulated carrier frequency shall be accurate to within ±0.1 PPM observed over a period of one sub-frame(1ms) for generic frame structure type 1 and one sub-frame (0.675ms) for frame structure type 2 excluding the guard period (Cyclic prefix).6.5.2 Transmit modulationTransmit modulation defines the modulation quality for expected in-channel RF transmissions from the UE. This transmit modulation limit is specified in terms of; an Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) for the allocated resources blocks (RB), an I/Q component and an in-band emissions for the non-allocated RB. Error Vector MagnitudeThe Error Vector Magnitude is a measure of the difference between the reference waveform and the measured waveform. This difference is called the error vector. Before calculating the EVM the measured waveform is corrected by the sample timing offset and RF frequency offset. Then the IQ origin offset is removed from the measured waveform.The measured waveform is further modified by selecting the absolute phase and absolute amplitude of the Tx chain. The EVM result is defined after the front-end IDFT as the square root of the ratio of the mean error vector power to the mean reference power expressed as a %. The measurement interval is one [timeslot] except when the mean power between slots is expected to change whereupon the measure ment interval is reduced by [] μs at each end of the slot. The IQ origin offset shall be removed from the evaluated signal before calculating the EVM; however, the removed relative IQ origin offset power (relative carrier leakage power) also has to satisfy the applicable requirement. M inimum requirementThe RMS average of the basic EVM measurements for [10 consecutive sub-frames] for the different modulations schemes shall not exceed the values specified in Table for the parameters defined in Table Minimum requirements for Error Vector MagnitudeTable Parameters for Error Vector Magnitude6.5.2.2 IQ-componentThe IQ origin offset is the phase and amplitude of an additive sinusoid waveform that has the same frequency as the reference waveform carrier frequency. Minimum requirementsThe relative carrier leakage power (IQ origin offset power) shall not exceed the values specified in Table Minimum requirements for Relative Carrier Leakage Power6.5.2.3 In-band emissions6. M inimum requirements6.6 Output RF spectrum emissionsThe output UE transmitter spectrum consists of the three components; the emission within the occupied bandwidth (channel bandwidth), the Out Of Band (OOB) emissions and the far out spurious emission domain.Figure 6.6-1: Transmitter RF spectrum6.6.1 Occupied bandwidthOccupied bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth containing 99 % of the total integrated mean power of the transmitted spectrum on the assigned channel. The occupied bandwidth for all transmission bandwidth configurations (Resources Blocks) shall be less than the channel bandwidth specified in Table 6.6.1-1Table 6.6.1-1: Occupied channel bandwidth6.6.2 Out of band emissionThe Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the assigned channel bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of band emission limit is specified in terms of a spectrum emission mask and an Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio. Spectrum emission maskThe spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (Δf OOB) starting from the edge of the assigned E-UTRA channel bandwidth. For frequencies greater than (Δf OOB) as specified in Table the spurious requirements in clause 6.6.3 are applicable. Minimum requirementThe power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table for the specified channel bandwidth.Table General E-UTRA spectrum emission maskNote: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smalle r than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Additional Spectrum Emission MaskThis requirement is specified in ter ms of an “additional spectrum emission” requirement. Minimum requirement (network signalled value “NS_03”)Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.When “NS_03” is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table6.6.2.2-1.Table Additional requirements (FCC Part 22)Note: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled value “NS_04”)Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.When “NS_04” is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table6. Additional requirements (FCC Part 27)Note: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equiv alent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Minimum requirement (network signalled) Adjacent Channel Leakage RatioAdjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (A CLR) is the ratio of the] filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency. ACLR requirements are specified for two scenarios for an adjacent E -UTRA and /or UTRA channel as shown in Figure -1.Figure Adjacent Channel Leakage requirements6. Minimum requirement E-UTRAE-UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (E-UTRA ACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequenc y. The E-UTRA on channel and adjacent channel power is measured with a [rectangular measurement bandwidth filter.] Minimum requirements UTRAUTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (UTRA ACLR) is the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the assigned E-UTRA channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency. UTRA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio is specified for both the first UTRA 5 MHz adjacent channel (UTRA ACLR1) and the 2nd UTRA 5MHz adjacent channel (UTRA ACLR2) .The UTRA channel is measured with a 3.84 MHz RRC bandwidth filter with roll-off factor α =0.22. The E-UTRA channel is measured with a [rectangular measurement bandwidth filter]Table Additional requirements6.6.2.4 Additional ACLR requirementsThis requirement is specified in terms of an additional UTRA ACLR2 requirement. Minimum requirements (network signalled value “NS_02”)”NS_02” is signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet this additional requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.The Additional ACLR requirements is specified for the 2nd UTRA 5MHz adjacent channel (UTRA ACLR2) .The UTRA channel is measured with a 3.84 MHz RRC bandwidth filter with roll-off factor α =0.22. The E-UTRA channel is measured with a [rectangular measurement bandwidth filter.]。



吸血鬼日记歌曲(第一季至第四季)吸血鬼日记第一季所有插曲第一季;【原声音乐】1 Closer To Love -- Mat Kearney2 I Got A Round(吸血鬼日记插曲) -- The Vampire Diaries3 Gravity (吸血鬼日记插曲) -- The Vampire Diaries4 Chances -- Five for Fighting5 Off Track --The Features 6 This Is Beautiful -- Tyrone Well7 Cut 割掉爱割掉伤痛吸血鬼日记插曲 --The Vampire Diaries 8 Come Back When You Can 吸血鬼日记插曲 --The Vampire Diaries 9 Yet -- Switchfoot10 Sleep Alone 吸血鬼日记插曲寂寞女声-- The Vampire Diaries 11 BOOM --Anjulie12 Say (All I Need).mp3 延续出Apologize不一样的风格 --OneRepublic 13 I m A Lady -- Santogold 14 I m Not Over -- Carolina Liar15 Shadows Of Ourselves -- Thievery Corporation 16 all we are --Matt Nathanson 17 Brightest Hour -- The Submarines18 Temptation 诱惑Moby 音乐天堂杂志推荐曲目 -- Moby 19 Down Down 吸血鬼日记插曲感人 -- The Vampire Diaries 20 kids -- MGMT21 siren song -- Bat For Lashes22 Back To Me -- The All-American Rejects 23 Running Up That Hill --Placebo 24 Thinking of You.. -- Katy Perry25 Consoler of the Lonely -- The Raconteurs 26 Help I am Alive -- Metric27 Hang You From The Heavens -- The Dead Weather 28 White Lies -- death.29 I am An Animal -- Neko Case 30 Heavy Cross -- The Gossip31 Never say never --Fray32 All the same to me--Anya Marina(为小镇纪念日挑选小姐,在男女对跳的舞里的歌曲) 33 It is what it is第二季第一集: 1:Sara BareillesAnd One Republic - Come Home 2:Piano Tribute Players - How to Save a Life3:Gemma Hayes - Out of our hands4:Hurts - Wonderful Life5:Mads Langer - The River Has Run Wild第二集:1. "Animal" by Neon Trees. Elena 和Bonnie讨论Katherine2. "Geraldine" by Glasvegas. Elena和 Bonnie准备嘉年华3. "Currency Of Love" by Silversun Pickups. Damon 和Stefan 观察 Tyler 和Mason的腕力比赛4. "The Ladder" by Andrew Belle . Caroline 在嘉年华与Matt 相遇5. "All This Time" by OneRepublic. 片尾曲第三集: 1. Meiko "Under My Bed" Matt 去 Caroline家,但是caroline不能见光2. Lifehouse "In Your Skin" Stefan 尝试劝服bonnie帮caroline 做个戒指.3. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour "Fantasy Friend Forever"4. The Duke Spirit "Send A Little Love Token"5. Stars "Changes" Caroline 向matt道歉6. A Fine Frenzy "Ashes And Wine" matt与Caroline分手第四集: 1. Haydn "Quartet For Strings In C Major, Emperor" 暂缺 (一个纯配乐)2. Collide "Rock On"3. Ballas Hough Band "Together Faraway"4. Howls "Hammock"5. Goldfrapp "We Radiate"6. Tyrone Wells "Time Of Our Lives"7. Sara Bareilles "Breathe Again"第五集:1. The Smashing Pumpkins “The Fellowship” –Available on The Vampire Diaries: Original Soundtrack October 12th2. Trent Dabbs “Counting Sleep” –3. Athlete “Superhuman T ouch” –4. The Rifles “Sometimes” –5. The Fast Roma ntics “Cool Kids” –6. The Naked And Famous “Punching In A Dream” –Unavailable7. Sky Ferreira “Obsession” –8. Title Tracks “Steady Love” –9. New Politics “Yeah YeahYeah” –10. The Pass “Colors” –11. Kris Allen “I Need To Know”第六集: 1. The Script "This Love"2. The Black Keys "Tighten Up"3. The Temper Trap "Science Of Fear"4. Athlete "Wires" 片尾曲第七集:1. Cruel Black Dove "Love My Way" (Psychadelic Furs Cover)2.Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (Feed Me Remix)3. Digital Daggers "Head Over Heals" (Tears For Fears Cover)4. Morning Parade "Under The Stars"5. Joel & Luke "People Change" - just as long as a live version, but the quality is good6. Kaskade Feat. Dragonette "Fire In Your New Shoes"7. Tawgs Salter "Brave"第八集:1.Sleeperstar --- I Was Wrong2. TvOn The Radio --- Wolf Like Me3. Editors --- Blood4. Andrew Belle ft Erin McCarley --- In My Veins5. Cruel Black Dove --- Love Song6. Afters ---Ocean Wide7.Dragonette --- We Rule The World第九集:1. Atomic Tom - You Always Get What You Want2. David Gray - A Moment Changes Everything3. Pete Yorn - Precious Stone4. Matt Duncan - Puritan Heart5. Free Energy - Light Love6. The Pass - Trap of Mirrors7. Ben Harper - Amen Omen第十集:1.Kat Graham -- Only Happy When It Rains2.Joel and Luke --- Love's To Blame3.Rie Sinclair --- No Way Out第十一集:1. Ra Ra Riot - Shadowcasting2. Goldhawks - This Time Next Year3. The Drums - Let's Go Surfing4. Agent Ribbons - I'm Alright5.Superchunk - Everything At Once6. Land Of Talk - Quarry Hymns7. Howie Day - Longest Night第十二集:1、Anberlin - Impossible2、 The Daylights - The Last Time3、 Broken Bells - The Mall & Misery4、Stars - Take Me to the Riot5、 Telekinesis - Country Lane6、 Death Ships - I Like It Alot7、 TV on the Radio - DLZ第十三集:1. Adele "Do not You Remember"2. Alex Band "Only One"3. Hurts "Stay"4. Natasha Bedingfield "Strip Me"5. Ryan Star "Losing Your Memory第十四集:1 .Free Energy - All I Know - 320 kbps2 . Smith Westerns - All Die Young3 .Ladyhawke - Manipulating Woman4. Kyler England - You Wait For Rain5. Matthew West - Family Tree第十五集:1 Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks -2 Pet Lion - When I Grow Old -3 The XX - Islands - 320 kbps4 The National - Lemonworld -5 The Airborne T oxic Event - Happiness Is Overrated第十六集:1. Angel Taylor - Epiphany2. S.O.Stereo - I'll T ake the Bullet3.1 Eternal Flame - Candice Accola (Caroline) with S.O.Stereo4. S.O.Stereo - Hello Miss Heels5. James Morrison ft Nelly Furtado - Broken Strings第十七集:1. Piano Tribute Players - Halfway Gone. Caroline 问Lockwood太太Matt 哪儿去了; Stefan 和 Elena和Caroline说他们会帮忙寻找Matt.2. Snow Patro - Give Me Strength. 片尾第十八集: 1. Patrick Stump - Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)2. Kula Shaker - Hush3. The Mamas and the Papas - Dedicated to the One I Love4. Trent Dabbs - Last Kiss5. The Birthday Massacre - I Think We're Alone Now6. The Manhattans - I wannaBe (Your Everything)7. The Dollyrots - Dream Lover第十九集:1. Foster The People - Helena Beat2. Doves - Compulsion3. Lykke Li - Get Some第二十集:1. Cheyenne Marie Mize - Not2. The Vaccines - Wolf Pack第二十一集:1 . Birdy - Skinny Love第二十二集:1. Ingrid Michaelson - Turn To Stone2. Days Difference - Speakers3. Girl Named Toby - Holding A Heart4. Levi Kreis - I Should Go第三季E01The Civil Wars --Barton HollowTrent Dabbs --Means To An EndMartin Solveig and Dragonette --HelloThe Kicks --Hawk EyesWalk The Moon --Anna SunLocation Location --StarpusherE02Delta Spirit --ParadePortugal The Man --Got It All (This Can’t Be Living Now)Smith Westerns --Still NewThe Joy Formidable --A Heavy AbacusE03Gloria's 1920's Band - St. James InfirmaryGloria's 1920's Band - My Sweet Hunk O' TrashPink Frost - You Should KnowSnake!Snake!Snakes! - We Come Out At NightThe Elliots - Blood CallNerves Junior - KaleE04Aidan Hawken - Wanna Be Sure 【很好听的一首】Yeah YeahYeahs - PhenomenaPortugal. The Man - Floating (Time Isn't Working My Side)E05TV On the Radio - Will Doelekinesis - Please Ask For HelpIda Maria - 10,000 LoversE06OK Go - This T oo ShallThe Gods Of Macho - Black Iron LungYoung The Giant - My BodyArctic Monkeys - Brick By BrickCults - Rave OnThe Kills - SatelliteE07The Airborne Toxic - EventChangingEmpires - HitchhikerMichael Johns &The Ontic - Come On Come On NursesFever - DreamsE08Nadine Coyle - Put Your Hands UpThe Cadillac Black - I'm RockinThe Cadillac Black - Get Your Buzz OnThe Cadillac Black - Turn It OnTrent Dabbs - Losing GroundThe Kicks - Shake It LooseE09Only Children - Don't Stop (Bit Funk Remix)My Morning Jacket - First LightMy Morning Jacket - Holdin' On To Black MetalMy Morning Jacket - The Day Is ComingE10Apex Manor - Teenage BloodThe Trigger Codeb - Come On Let's Do It OK!PreviewE11The Naked and Famous - Punching In A DreamThe Daylights - You AreTrent Dabbs - False AlarmE12Delta Spirit - Money SavesE14Mates Of State – At Least I Have YouSugar and The Hi Lows - Stubborn Lover * Mathclub - Brand NewE15Civil Twilight - Fire EscapePreviewWe Were Promised Jet - packsMedicinePreviewDum Dum Girls - T eardrops On My PillowPreviewUme - RubiconE16Gary Clark Jr. - Don't Owe You AThangGods Of Macho - Let's DanceBlack Daniel - Snakeskin HeartMagic Wands - Black MagicThe Features - How It StartsPreviewE17Telekinesis - Country LaneAWOLNATION - Guilty Filthy SoulThe Kills - Future Starts SlowE18Yeah YeahYeahs - Shame And FortuneSleigh Bells - DemonsE19Civil Twilight - Dying To Be Born ChristelAlsos - When The Light Dies Out Mississippi Twilight - Starting NowThe Strange Familiar - RedemptionE20The Fray - Be Still 很好听Caro Emerald - That ManE21The Gods Of Macho - RenoMiddle Class RutStartTo RunAnalogue RevolutionLightWe Were Promised JetpacksActOn Impulse James Carrington - AcheE22Pink - So WhatLow vs. Diamond - WastedShadow Rewind - AirplaneMetric - Sick Muse第四季S04 E18歌曲: “Why Try”歌手: Young Summer時刻: Stefan 和 Damon 的談心對話關於 Elena.歌曲: “Forget Me Not”歌手: The Civil Wars時刻: 餐廳裡面放的歌Song: “Days Long Gone”Artist: Don GallardoS04E17歌名: “Psycho Killer”歌手: Talking Heads音乐时刻: Damon 告诉一个男的他将要吸他的血歌名: “Ask the Angels”歌手: Dead Sara音乐时刻: Damon回想与Lexi向另一名女的吸血歌名: “Loudmouth”歌手: Cary Brothers音乐时刻: Damon 闪回歌名: “Lemon Scent”歌手: Dead Sara音乐时刻: Rebekah 告诉 Elena 她们应该联合起来歌名: “Let's Dance”歌手: Ramones音乐时刻: Damon 回想和Lexi亲热歌名: “Heartbeat”歌手: Kopecky Family Band音乐时刻: Rebekah 和 Elena 偷了Damon的车.歌名: “Arms and Enemies”歌手: The Quiet Kind音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Klaus 把巫师们埋葬. S04E16歌曲: 5 to 9歌手: FIDLAR音乐时刻: Elena 看到Jeremy的追悼传单.歌曲: “Temporary”歌手: White Rabbits音乐时刻: Elena 到达啦啦队比赛现场歌曲: “Lions of Least”歌手: Pontiak音乐时刻: Caroline 责骂 Elena 吸啦啦队员血歌曲: “I Love It”歌手: Icona Pop音乐时刻: Elena 开了一个派对歌曲: Miracle Mile歌手: Cold War Kids音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 看着 Elena 跳舞的时候歌曲: Professional Griefers歌手: Deadmau5音乐时刻: Elena tries to bite Sheriff Forbes.歌曲: Dance With Me歌手: Ra Ra Riot音乐时刻: Damon告诉Rebekah她最好做一个吸血鬼的时候歌曲: Control歌手: Garbage音乐时刻: Klaus 和and Hayley 厮混的时候歌曲: Anymore of This歌手: Mindy Smith and Matthew Perryman Jones音乐时刻: Caroline 接到Tyler的信的时候歌曲: White on White歌手: FIDLAR音乐时刻: Elena 和 Damon 去纽约的时候S04E14/15Song: “Family”Artist:NoahGundersenMusic moment: Elena (Nina Dobrev) burns down the house Song: “Been a Long Day”Artist: Rosi GolanMusic moment: Caroline (Candice Accola) tells Tyler (Michael Trevino) to live his life without herS04E12歌曲: “Another Girl”歌手: Wild Belle時刻: Stefan在Rebekah身邊起來, 想要逃開的時候歌曲: “99 Luftballons”歌手: Gothic Sluts, Inc.時刻: Bonnie 在吹氣球的時候歌曲: “Lovesong”歌曲: “Wanted Dead or Alive”歌手: Bon Jovi時刻: Stefan 在緬懷 Lexi 的時候歌曲: “If You Were Here”歌手: Cary Brothers時刻: Stefan 和 Rebekah 在玩 Breakfast club 滑動的時候歌曲: “Maneater”歌手: Bird and the Bee時刻: Rebekah在挑裙子去舞會的時候S04E 11曲目: “Sleep Alone”歌手: Two Door Cinema Club時刻: Stefan裸上半身和Bex聊天的時候曲目: “Missing”歌手: The xx時刻: Bex告訴 Stefan 愛是黯淡的的时候曲目: “Skin”歌手: Zola Jesus時刻: Stefan 告訴 Elena 當他不再愛她的時候她不會再看見他的時候。



Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler TownsendAesop's Fables (1)Translated by George Fyler Townsend (1)Preface (7)The Wolf and the Lamb (11)The Bat and the Weasels (11)The Ass and the Grasshopper (12)The Lion and the Mouse (12)The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller (12)The Father and His Sons (12)The Boy Hunting Locusts (12)The Cock and the Jewel (12)The Kingdom of the Lion (13)The Wolf and the Crane (13)The Fisherman Piping (13)Hercules and the Wagoner (13)The Ants and the Grasshopper (13)The Traveler and His Dog (13)The Dog and the Shadow (14)The Mole and His Mother (14)The Herdsman and the Lost Bull (14)The Hare and the Tortoise (14)The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble (14)The Farmer and the Stork (15)The Farmer and the Snake (15)The Fawn and His Mother (15)The Bear and the Fox (15)The Swallow and the Crow (15)The Mountain in Labor (15)The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion (16)The Tortoise and the Eagle (16)The Flies and the Honey−Pot (16)The Man and the Lion (16)The Farmer and the Cranes (16)The Dog in the Manger (17)The Fox and the Goat (17)The Bear and the Two Travelers (17)The Oxen and the Axle−Trees (17)The Thirsty Pigeon (18)The Raven and the Swan (18)The Goat and the Goatherd (18)The Miser (18)The Sick Lion (18)The Horse and Groom (19)The Ass and the Lapdog (19)The Lioness (19)The Boasting Traveler (19)The Cat and the Cock (19)The Boy and the Filberts (20)The Lion in Love (20)The Laborer and the Snake (20)The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (20)The Ass and the Mule (21)The Frogs Asking for a King (21)The Boys and the Frogs (21)The Sick Stag (21)The Salt Merchant and His Ass (21)The Oxen and the Butchers (22)The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox (22)The Vain Jackdaw (22)The Goatherd and the Wild Goats (22)The Mischievous Dog (23)The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail (23)The Boy and the Nettles (23)The Man and His Two Sweethearts (23)The Astronomer (23)The Wolves and the Sheep (24)The Old Woman and the Physician (24)The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle (24)The Charger and the Miller (24)The Fox and the Monkey (24)The Horse and His Rider (25)The Belly and the Members (25)The Vine and the Goat (25)Jupiter and the Monkey (25)The Widow and Her Little Maidens (25)The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf (25)The Cat and the Birds (26)The Kid and the Wolf (26)The Ox and the Frog (26)The Shepherd and the Wolf (26)The Father and His Two Daughters (26)The Farmer and His Sons (27)The Crab and Its Mother (27)The Heifer and the Ox (27)The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice (27)The Thief and His Mother (27)The Old Man and Death (27)The Fir−Tree and the Bramble (28)The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk (28)The Man Bitten by a Dog (28)The Two Pots (28)The Wolf and the Sheep (28)The Aethiop (29)The Fisherman and His Nets (29)The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar (29)The Fox and the Crow (29)The Two Dogs (30)The Stag in the Ox−Stall (30)The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons (30)The Widow and the Sheep (30)The Wild Ass and the Lion (31)The Eagle and the Arrow (31)The Sick Kite (31)The Lion and the Dolphin (31)The Lion and the Boar (31)The One−Eyed Doe (32)The Shepherd and the Sea (32)The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion (32)The Mice and the Weasels (32)The Mice in Council (32)The Wolf and the Housedog (33)The Rivers and the Sea (33)The Playful Ass (33)The Three Tradesmen (33)The Master and His Dogs (33)The Wolf and the Shepherds (33)The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat (34)The Ass Carrying the Image (34)The Two Travelers and the Axe (34)The Old Lion (34)The Old Hound (34)The Bee and Jupiter (34)The Milk−Woman and Her Pail (35)The Seaside Travelers (35)The Brazier and His Dog (35)The Ass and His Shadow (35)The Ass and His Masters (36)The Oak and the Reeds (36)The Fisherman and the Little Fish (36)The Hunter and the Woodman (36)The Wild Boar and the Fox (36)The Lion in a Farmyard (37)Mercury and the Sculptor (37)The Swan and the Goose (37)The Swollen Fox (37)The Fox and the Woodcutter (37)The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock (38)The Monkey and the Fishermen (38)The Flea and the Wrestler (38)The Two Frogs (38)The Cat and the Mice (38)The Doe and the Lion (39)The Farmer and the Fox (39)The Seagull and the Kite (39)The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury (39)The Mouse and the Bull (39)The Lion and the Hare (40)The Peasant and the Eagle (40)The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter (40)The Bull and the Goat (40)The Dancing Monkeys (40)The Monkeys and Their Mother (41)The Oaks and Jupiter (41)The Hare and the Hound (41)The Traveler and Fortune (41)The Bald Knight (41)The Shepherd and the Dog (41)The Lamp (42)The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass (42)The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter (42)The Oak and the Woodcutters (42)The Hen and the Golden Eggs (42)The Ass and the Frogs (42)The Crow and the Raven (43)The Trees and the Axe (43)The Crab and the Fox (43)The Woman and Her Hen (43)The Ass and the Old Shepherd (43)The Kites and the Swans (44)The Wolves and the Sheepdogs (44)The Hares and the Foxes (44)The Bowman and Lion (44)The Camel (44)The Wasp and the Snake (44)The Dog and the Hare (45)The Bull and the Calf (45)The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep (45)The Peacock and the Crane (45)The Fox and the Hedgehog (45)The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow (46)The Thief and the Innkeeper (46)The Mule (46)The Hart and the Vine (46)The Serpent and the Eagle (47)The Crow and the Pitcher (47)The Two Frogs (47)The Wolf and the Fox (47)The Walnut−Tree (47)The Monkey and the Dolphin (48)The Jackdaw and the Doves (48)The Horse and the Stag (48)The Kid and the Wolf (48)The Prophet (48)The Fox and the Monkey (49)The Thief and the Housedog (49)The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog (49)The Apes and the Two Travelers (49)The Wolf and the Shepherd (50)The Hares and the Lions (50)The Lark and Her Young Ones (50)The Fox and the Lion (50)The Weasel and the Mice (50)The Boy Bathing (51)The Ass and the Wolf (51)The Seller of Images (51)The Fox and the Grapes (51)The Man and His Wife (51)The Peacock and Juno (52)The Hawk and the Nightingale (52)The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox (52)The Wolf and the Goat (52)The Lion and the Bull (52)The Goat and the Ass (53)The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (53)The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape (53)The Fly and the Draught−Mule (53)The Fishermen (53)The Lion and the Three Bulls (54)The Fowler and the Viper (54)The Horse and the Ass (54)The Fox and the Mask (54)The Geese and the Cranes (54)The Blind Man and the Whelp (54)The Dogs and the Fox (55)The Cobbler Turned Doctor (55)The Wolf and the Horse (55)The Brother and the Sister (55)The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer (55)The Crow and Mercury (56)The North Wind and the Sun (56)The Two Men Who Were Enemies (56)The Gamecocks and the Partridge (56)The Quack Frog (56)The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox (57)The Dog's House (57)The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat (57)The Spendthrift and the Swallow (57)The Fox and the Lion (57)The Owl and the Birds (58)The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner (58)The Ass in the Lion's Skin (58)The Sparrow and the Hare (58)The Flea and the Ox (58)The Goods and the Ills (58)The Dove and the Crow (59)Mercury and the Workmen (59)The Eagle and the Jackdaw (59)The Fox and the Crane (59)Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus (60)The Eagle and the Fox (60)The Man and the Satyr (60)The Ass and His Purchaser (60)The Two Bags (61)The Stag at the Pool (61)The Jackdaw and the Fox (61)The Lark Burying Her Father (61)The Gnat and the Bull (61)The Bitch and Her Whelps (61)The Dogs and the Hides (62)The Shepherd and the Sheep (62)The Grasshopper and the Owl (62)The Monkey and the Camel (62)The Peasant and the Apple−Tree (62)The Two Soldiers and the Robber (63)The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods (63)The Mother and the Wolf (63)The Ass and the Horse (63)Truth and the Traveler (63)The Cat and Venus (65)The She−Goats and Their Beards (65)The Camel and the Arab (66)The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass (66)The Crow and the Sheep (66)The Fox and the Bramble (66)The Wolf and the Lion (66)The Dog and the Oyster (67)The Ant and the Dove (67)The Partridge and the Fowler (67)The Flea and the Man (67)The Thieves and the Cock (67)The Dog and the Cook (67)The Travelers and the Plane−Tree (68)The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant (68)The Lamb and the Wolf (68)The Rich Man and the Tanner (69)The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea (69)The Mules and the Robbers (69)The Viper and the File (69)The Lion and the Shepherd (69)The Camel and Jupiter (69)The Panther and the Shepherds (70)The Ass and the Charger (70)The Eagle and His Captor (70)The Bald Man and the Fly (70)The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree (70)The Eagle and the Kite (71)The Ass and His Driver (71)The Thrush and the Fowler (71)The Rose and the Amaranth (71)The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun (71)LIFE OF AESOP (71)Aesop's FablesTranslated by George Fyler Townsend This page copyright © 2001 Blackmask Online.•PrefaceThe Wolf and the Lamb••The Bat and the Weasels•The Ass and the Grasshopper•The Lion and the Mouse•The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller•The Father and His Sons•The Boy Hunting Locusts•The Cock and the Jewel•The Kingdom of the Lion•The Wolf and the Crane•The Fisherman Piping•Hercules and the Wagoner•The Ants and the Grasshopper•The Traveler and His Dog•The Dog and the ShadowThe Mole and His Mother••The Herdsman and the Lost Bull•The Hare and the Tortoise•The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble•The Farmer and the Stork•The Farmer and the Snake•The Fawn and His Mother•The Bear and the Fox•The Swallow and the Crow•The Mountain in Labor•The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion•The Tortoise and the Eagle•The Flies and the Honey−Pot•The Man and the Lion•The Farmer and the Cranes•The Dog in the Manger•The Fox and the Goat•The Bear and the Two Travelers•The Oxen and the Axle−Trees•The Thirsty Pigeon•The Raven and the SwanThe Goat and the Goatherd••The Miser•Aesop's Fables The Ass and the Lapdog••The Lioness•The Boasting TravelerThe Cat and the Cock•The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat•The Boy and the Filberts•The Lion in Love•The Laborer and the Snake•The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing••The Ass and the MuleThe Frogs Asking for a King•The Boys and the Frogs•The Sick Stag•The Salt Merchant and His Ass•The Oxen and the Butchers••The Lion, the Mouse, and the FoxThe Vain Jackdaw•The Goatherd and the Wild Goats••The Mischievous DogThe Fox Who Had Lost His Tail•The Boy and the Nettles••The Man and His Two SweetheartsThe Astronomer•The Wolves and the Sheep••The Old Woman and the PhysicianThe Fighting Cocks and the Eagle••The Charger and the Miller•The Fox and the MonkeyThe Horse and His Rider•The Belly and the Members•The Vine and the Goat•Jupiter and the Monkey•The Widow and Her Little Maidens•The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf••The Cat and the BirdsThe Kid and the Wolf•The Ox and the Frog•The Shepherd and the Wolf•The Father and His Two Daughters•The Farmer and His Sons••The Crab and Its MotherThe Heifer and the Ox•The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice••The Thief and His MotherThe Old Man and Death•The Fir−Tree and the Bramble••The Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Man Bitten by a Dog•The Two Pots••The Fisherman and His Nets••The Huntsman and the Fisherman•The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar•The Fox and the Crow•The Two Dogs•The Stag in the Ox−StallThe Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons••The Widow and the Sheep•The Wild Ass and the LionThe Eagle and the Arrow••The Sick Kite•The Lion and the Dolphin•The Lion and the Boar•The One−Eyed Doe•The Shepherd and the SeaThe Ass, the Cock, and the Lion••The Mice and the Weasels•The Mice in Council•The Wolf and the Housedog•The Rivers and the Sea•The Playful Ass•The Three Tradesmen•The Master and His Dogs•The Wolf and the Shepherds•The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat •The Ass Carrying the Image•The Two Travelers and the Axe•The Old LionThe Old Hound••The Bee and Jupiter•The Milk−Woman and Her Pail•The Seaside Travelers•The Brazier and His Dog•The Ass and His Shadow•The Ass and His Masters•The Oak and the ReedsThe Fisherman and the Little Fish••The Hunter and the WoodmanThe Wild Boar and the Fox••The Lion in a Farmyard•Mercury and the SculptorThe Swan and the Goose••The Swollen Fox•The Fox and the Woodcutter•The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock •The Monkey and the Fishermen•The Flea and the Wrestler•The Two Frogs•The Cat and the Mice•The Lion, the Bear, and the FoxThe Farmer and the Fox••The Seagull and the Kite•The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury•The Mouse and the Bull•The Lion and the Hare•The Peasant and the EagleThe Image of Mercury and the Carpenter••The Bull and the Goat•The Dancing MonkeysThe Monkeys and Their Mother••The Oaks and Jupiter•The Hare and the Hound•The Traveler and Fortune•The Bald Knight•The Shepherd and the DogThe Lamp••The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass•The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter •The Oak and the Woodcutters•The Hen and the Golden Eggs•The Ass and the Frogs•The Crow and the Raven•The Trees and the Axe•The Crab and the Fox•The Woman and Her Hen•The Ass and the Old Shepherd•The Kites and the Swans•The Wolves and the SheepdogsThe Hares and the Foxes••The Bowman and Lion•The Camel•The Wasp and the Snake•The Dog and the Hare•The Bull and the Calf•The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep•The Peacock and the CraneThe Fox and the Hedgehog••The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild SowThe Thief and the Innkeeper••The Mule•The Hart and the VineThe Serpent and the Eagle••The Crow and the Pitcher•The Two Frogs•The Wolf and the Fox•The Walnut−Tree•The Gnat and the Lion•The Monkey and the Dolphin•The Jackdaw and the Doves•The Horse and the StagThe Prophet••The Fox and the Monkey•The Thief and the Housedog•The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog •The Apes and the Two Travelers•The Wolf and the ShepherdThe Hares and the Lions••The Lark and Her Young Ones•The Fox and the LionThe Weasel and the Mice••The Boy Bathing•The Ass and the Wolf•The Seller of Images•The Fox and the Grapes•The Man and His WifeThe Peacock and Juno••The Hawk and the Nightingale•The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox•The Wolf and the Goat•The Lion and the Bull•The Goat and the Ass•The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse •The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape•The Fly and the Draught−Mule•The Fishermen•The Lion and the Three Bulls•The Fowler and the Viper•The Horse and the AssThe Fox and the Mask••The Geese and the Cranes•The Blind Man and the Whelp•The Dogs and the Fox•The Cobbler Turned Doctor•The Wolf and the Horse•The Brother and the Sister•The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer The Crow and Mercury••The North Wind and the SunThe Two Men Who Were Enemies••The Gamecocks and the Partridge•The Quack FrogThe Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox••The Dog's House•The Wolf and the Lion•The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat•The Spendthrift and the Swallow•The Fox and the Lion•The Owl and the Birds•The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner•The Ass in the Lion's SkinThe Flea and the Ox••The Goods and the Ills•The Dove and the Crow•Mercury and the Workmen•The Eagle and the Jackdaw•The Fox and the CraneJupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus ••The Eagle and the Fox•The Man and the SatyrThe Ass and His Purchaser••The Two Bags•The Stag at the Pool•The Jackdaw and the Fox•The Lark Burying Her Father•The Gnat and the BullThe Bitch and Her Whelps••The Dogs and the Hides•The Shepherd and the Sheep•The Grasshopper and the Owl•The Monkey and the Camel•The Peasant and the Apple−Tree•The Two Soldiers and the Robber•The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods •The Mother and the Wolf•The Ass and the Horse•Truth and the Traveler•The Cat and Venus•The She−Goats and Their BeardsThe Camel and the Arab••The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass•The Crow and the Sheep•The Fox and the Bramble•The Wolf and the Lion•The Dog and the Oyster•The Ant and the Dove•The Partridge and the FowlerThe Flea and the Man••The Thieves and the CockThe Dog and the Cook••The Travelers and the Plane−Tree•The Hares and the FrogsThe Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant••The Lamb and the Wolf•The Rich Man and the Tanner•The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea•The Mules and the Robbers•The Viper and the File•The Lion and the Shepherd•The Camel and Jupiter•The Panther and the Shepherds•The Eagle and His Captor•The Bald Man and the Fly•The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree•The Eagle and the KiteThe Ass and His Driver••The Thrush and the Fowler•The Rose and the AmaranthThe Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun••LIFE OF AESOPPrefaceTHE TALE, the Parable, and the Fable are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special characteristics. The Tale consists simply in the narration of a story either founded on facts, or created solely by the imagination, and not necessarily associated with the teaching of any moral lesson. The Parable is the designed use of language purposely intended to convey a hidden and secret meaning other than that contained in the words themselves; and which may or may not bear a special reference to the hearer, or reader. The Fable partly agrees with, and partly differs from both of these. It will contain, like the Tale, a short but real narrative; it will seek, like the Parable, to convey a hidden meaning, and that not so much by the use of language, as by the skilful introduction of fictitious characters; and yet unlike to either Tale or Parable, it will ever keep in view, as its high prerogative, and inseparable attribute, the great purpose of instruction, and will necessarily seek to inculcate some moral maxim, social duty, or political truth. The true Fable, if it rise to its high requirements, ever aims at one great end and purpose representation of human motive, and the improvement of human conduct, and yet it so conceals its design under the disguise of fictitious characters, by clothing with speech the animals of the field, the birds of the air, the trees of the wood, or the beasts of the forest, that the reader shall receive advice without perceivingthe presence of the adviser. Thus the superiority of the counsellor, which often renders counsel unpalatable, is kept out of view, and the lesson comes with the greater acceptance when the reader is led, unconsciously to himself, to have his sympathies enlisted in behalf of what is pure, honorable, and praiseworthy, and to havehis indignation excited against what is low, ignoble, and unworthy. The true fabulist, therefore, discharges a most important function. He is neither a narrator, nor an allegorist. He is a great teacher, a corrector of morals, a censor of vice, and a commender of virtue. In this consists the superiority of the Fable over the Tale or the Parable. The fabulist is to create a laugh, but yet, under a merry guise, to convey instruction. Phaedrus, the great imitator of Aesop, plainly indicates this double purpose to be the true office of the writer of fables.Duplex libelli dos est: quod risum movet,Et quod prudenti vitam consilio monet.The continual observance of this twofold aim creates the charm, and accounts for the universal favor, of the fables of Aesop. "The fable," says Professor K. O. Mueller, "originated in Greece in an intentional travestieof human affairs. The 'ainos,' as its name denotes, is an admonition, or rather a reproof veiled, either from fear of an excess of frankness, or from a love of fun and jest, beneath the fiction of an occurrence happening among beasts; and wherever we have any ancient and authentic account of the Aesopian fables, we find it to be the same." lThe construction of a fable involves a minute attention to (1) the narration itself; (2) the deduction of the moral; and (3) a careful maintenance of the individual characteristics of the fictitious personages introduced into it. The narration should relate to one simple action, consistent with itself, and neither be overladen with aand so intimately interwoven with, and so necessarily dependent on, the narration, that every reader should be compelled to give to it the same undeniable interpretation. The introduction of the animals or fictitious characters should be marked with an unexceptionable care and attention to their natural attributes, and to the qualities attributed to them by universal popular consent. The Fox should be always cunning, the Hare timid, the Lion bold, the Wolf cruel, the Bull strong, the Horse proud, and the Ass patient. Many of these fables are characterized by the strictest observance of these rules. They are occupied with one short narrative, from which the moral naturally flows, and with which it is intimately associated. "'Tis the simple manner," says Dodsley, 2 "in which the morals of Aesop are interwoven with his fables that distinguishes him, and gives him the preference over all other mythologists. His 'Mountain delivered of a Mouse,' produces the moral of his fable in ridicule of pompous pretenders; and his Crow, when she drops her cheese, lets fall, as it were by accident, the strongest admonition against the power of flattery. There is no need of a separate sentence to explain it; no possibility of impressing it deeper, by that load we too often see of accumulated reflections." 3 An equal amount of praise is due for the consistency with which the characters of the animals, fictitiously introduced, are marked. While they are made to depict the motives and passions of men, they retain, in an eminent degree, their own special features of craft or counsel, of cowardice or courage, of generosity or rapacity.These terms of praise, it must be confessed, cannot be bestowed on all the fables in this collection. Many of them lack that unity of design, that close connection of the moral with the narrative, that wise choice in the introduction of the animals, which constitute the charm and excellency of true Aesopian fable. This inferiority of some to others is sufficiently accounted for in the history of the origin and descent of these fables. The great bulk of them are not the immediate work of Aesop. Many are obtained from ancient authors prior to the time in which he lived. Thus, the fable of the "Hawk and the Nightingale" is related by Hesiod; 4 the "Eagle wounded by an Arrow, winged with its own Feathers," by Aeschylus; 5 the "Fox avenging his wrongs on the Eagle," by Archilochus. 6 Many of them again are of later origin, and are to be traced to the monks of the middle ages: and yet this collection, though thus made up of fables both earlier and later than the era of Aesop, rightfully bears his name, because he composed so large a number (all framed in the same mould, and conformed to the same fashion, and stamped with the same lineaments, image, and superscription) as to secure to himself the right to be considered the father of Greek fables, and the founder of this class of writing, which has ever since borne his name, and has secured for him, through all succeeding ages, the position of the first of moralists.7The fables were in the first instance only narrated by Aesop, and for a long time were handed down by the uncertain channel of oral tradition. Socrates is mentioned by Plato 8 as having employed his time while in prison, awaiting the return of the sacred ship from Delphos which was to be the signal of his death, in turning some of these fables into verse, but he thus versified only such as he remembered. Demetrius Phalereus, a philosopher at Athens about 300 B.C., is said to have made the first collection of these fables. Phaedrus, a slave by birth or by subsequent misfortunes, and admitted by Augustus to the honors of a freedman, imitated many of these fables in Latin iambics about the commencement of the Christian era. Aphthonius, a rhetorician of Antioch, A.D. 315, wrote a treatise on, and converted into Latin prose, some of these fables. This translation is the more worthy of notice, as it illustrates a custom of common use, both in these and in later times. The rhetoricians and philosophers were accustomed to give the Fables of Aesop as an exercise to their scholars, not only inviting them to discuss the moral of the tale, but also to practice and to perfect themselves thereby in style and rules of grammar, by making for themselves new and various versions of the fables. Ausonius, 9 the friend of the Emperor Valentinian, and the latest poet of eminence in the Western Empire, has handed down some of these fables in verse, which Julianus Titianus, a contemporary writer of no great name, translated into prose. Avienus, also a contemporary of Ausonius, put some of these fables into Latin elegiacs, which are given by Nevelet (in a book we shall refer to hereafter), and are occasionally incorporated with the editions of Phaedrus.。


Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 0: General requirements (IEC 60079-0:2004, modified); German version EN 60079-0:2006
Matériel électrique pour atmosphères explosives gazeuses – Partie 0: Règles générales (CEI 60079-0:2004, modifiée); Version allemande EN 60079-0:2006
Gesamtumfang 83 Seiten DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE
© DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. und VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V. Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN, Berlin, und des VDE, Frankfurt am Main, gestattet.
EN 60079-18:2004
EN 60079-18 Corr. 2006-04
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EN 60079-25:2004 Corr. 2006-04
EN 60079-26:2004
EN 60086-1:2001 – EN 60192:2001 EN 60216-1:2001


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DIN 86086:2008-02
Vorwort ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 6.1 6.2 Anwendungsbereich ............................................................................................................................ 4 Normative Verweisungen..................................................................................................................... 4 Herstellung ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Anforderungen, Prüfungen.................................................................................................................. 5 Chemische Zusammensetzung ........................................................................................................... 5 Mechanische Eigenschaften................................................................................................................ 5 Schweißnahtprüfung ............................................................................................................................ 6 Maße....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Oberflächenbeschaffenheit ................................................................................................................. 6 Kennzeichnung ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Verfahrensprüfung................................................................................................................................ 7 Allgemeines........................................................................................................................................... 7 Antrag auf Verfahrensprüfung ............................................................................................................ 7 Auswahl der Prüfstücke....................................................................................................................... 8 Durchführung der Verfahrensprüfung................................................................................................ 8 Beurteilung ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Zulassungsbescheinigung .................................................................................................................. 9 Prüfungen an der Lieferung, Bescheinigungen ................................................................................ 9 Prüfungen an der Lieferung................................................................................................................. 9 Bescheinigung ...................................................................................................................................... 9



吸血鬼日记第四季插曲吸血鬼日记第四季插曲bekah 告诉 Elena 她们应该联合起来歌名: “Let&#39;s Dane” 歌手: Ramones 音乐时刻: Damon 回想和Lexi亲热歌名: “Heartbeat” 歌手: Kopek Famil Band 音乐时刻: Rebekah 和Elena 偷了Damon的车. 歌名: “Arms and Enemies” 歌手: The Quiet Kind 音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Klaus 把巫师们埋葬. S04E16 歌曲: 5 to 9 歌手: FIDLAR 音乐时刻: Elena 看到Jerem的追悼传单. 歌曲: “Temporar” 歌手: White Rabbits 音乐时刻: Elena 到达啦啦队比赛现场歌曲: “Lions of Least” 歌手: Pontiak 音乐时刻: Caroline 责骂 Elena 吸啦啦队员血歌曲:“I Love It” 歌手: Iona Pop 音乐时刻: Elena 开了一个派对歌曲: Mirale Mile 歌手: Cold War Kids 音乐时刻: Caroline 和Stefan 看着 Elena 跳舞的时候歌曲: Professional Griefers 歌手: Deadmau5 音乐时刻: Elena tries to bite Sheriff Forbes. 歌曲: Dane With Me 歌手: Ra Ra Riot 音乐时刻: Damon告诉Rebekah 她最好做一个吸血鬼的时候歌曲: Control 歌手: Garbage 音乐时刻: Klaus 和and Hale 厮混的时候歌曲: Anmore of This 歌手: Mind Smith and Matthe Perrman Jones 音乐时刻: Caroline 接到Tler的信的时候歌曲: White on White 歌手: FIDLAR 音乐时刻: Elena 和 Damon 去纽约的时候S04E1415 Song: “Famil” Artist:Noah Gundersen Musi moment: Elena burns don the house Song: “Been a Long Da” Artist: Rosi Golan Musi moment: Caroline tells Tler to live his life ithout her S04E12 歌曲: “Another Girl” 歌手: Wild Belle 時刻: Stefan在Rebekah 身邊起來, 想要逃開的時候歌曲: “99 Luftballons” 歌手: Gothi Sluts, In. 時刻: Bonnie 在吹氣球的時候歌曲: “Lovesong” 歌曲: “Wanted Dead or Alive” 歌手: Bon Jovi 時刻: Stefan 在緬懷 Lexi 的時候歌曲: “If You Were Here” 歌手: Car Brothers 時刻: Stefan 和 Rebekah 在玩 Breakfast lub 滑動的時候歌曲: “Maneater” 歌手: Bird and the Bee 時刻:Rebekah在挑裙子去舞會的時候 S04E 11 曲目: “Sleep Alone” 歌手: To Door Cinema Club 時刻: Stefan裸上半身和Bex聊天的時候曲目: “Missing” 歌手: The xx 時刻: Bex告訴 Stefan 愛是黯淡的的时候曲目: “Skin” 歌手: Zola Jesus 時刻: Stefan 告訴 Elena 當他不再愛她的時候她不會再看見他的時候曲目: “16 Years” 歌手: Phantogram SE04 10 曲目: “Shooting the Moon” 歌手: Mona 时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 聊天, 当他在 Msti Grill 喝酒的时候曲目: “Go Right Ahead” 歌手: The Hives 时刻: Damon 听着Elena的语音留言, Jerem和Matt 对打的时候曲目: “Ne York” 歌手: Sno Patrol 时刻: 当Elena 告诉Damon她爱他的时候曲目: “Nothing Will Ever Change 03. Dragonette - Let it Go 04. Morning Parade - Speehless 05. Morning Parade – Speehless 第九集1. Have Yourself a Merr Little Christmas——Digital Daggers Christmas Song——Ravonettes3. Oblivion——Bastille4.O Hol Night——Car Brothers年度工作计划格式(范文)一、为什么要写工作计划:1、计划是提高工作效率的有效手段工作有两种形式:一、消极式的工作(救火式的工作:灾难和错误已经发生后再赶快处理)二、积极式的工作(防火式的工作:预见灾难和错误,提前计划,消除错误)写工作计划实际上就是对我们自己工作的一次盘点,年度工作计划格式:1、让自己做到清清楚楚、明明白白,计划是我们走向积极式工作的起点。



有一个压缩包和单独一首歌,约113MB.4.01: Lazarus RisingYou Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DCFight Song by The Republic TigersVision by Jason MannsWrapped Around Your Finger by Martyn LaightI'm So Blue by Katie Thompson & Martyn Laight4.02: Are You There God? It's Me, Dean WinchesterLonely is the Night by Billy Squier4.03: In The BeginningRamblin' Man by The Allman Bros BandGo For Your Self by Kenny Smith & The Loveliters4.04: MetamorphosisPhillips Theme by Hound Dog Taylor & The HouseBreakers4.05: Monster MovieToccata & Fugue in D Minor by Bach4.06: Yellow FeverEye of the Tiger by Survivor4.07: It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam WinchesterJust As Through With You by Nine Days4.08: Wishful ThinkingN/A4.09: I Know What You Did Last SummerN/A4.10: Heaven and HellReady For Love by Bad Company4.11: Family RemainsN/A4.12: Criss Angel Is A DouchebagDouchebag Theme by Christopher Lennertz and Steve Frangadakis She Makes Me Fall Down by Buva4.13: After School SpecialLong, Long Way From Home by Foreigner4.14: Sex and ViolenceThunder Kiss '65 by White ZombieSteal The World by Brian Tichy4.15: Death Takes a HolidayPerfect Situation for a Fool by George Highfill & Jai Josefs4.16: On The Head Of A PinN/A4.17: It’s A Terrible LifeWell Respected Man by The KinksHollow by Brian Tichy4.18: The Monster At The End Of This BookTraveling Riverside Blues by Led ZeppelinRamble On by Led Zeppelin4.19: Jump The SharkLittle bity tear by Burl Ives4.20: The RaptureN/A4.21: When The Levee BreaksN/A4.22: Lucifer RisingCarry On My Wayward Son by Kansas注:4.12的Douchebag Theme(I Am The Douchebag)不在压缩包里,是我后找到的,后面单独补上。



Hitman: BloodMoneyGame Guideby Html version of this guide can be found at:/hitmanbloodmoneyUser comments for this guide can be submitted and read at:/hitmanbloodmoney/comments.aspMore game guides can be found at: Copyright © GRY-OnLine.pl for . All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, brands, logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. This document or any of its part may not beTable of Contents:Introduction (3)Hints (4)Walkthrough (5)Death of a Showman (5)A Vintage Year (9)Curtains Down (12)Flatline (15)A New Life (19)The Murder of Crows (22)You Better Watch Out (25)Death of the Mississippi (29)Till Death Do Us Part (32)The House of Cards (34)Dance with the Devil (37)Amendment XXV (41)Requiem (45)IntroductionWelcome to out Hitman: Blood Money strategy guide. The game is the newest and probably the best part of agent 47’s murderous adventures. In the guide you’ll find a few hints to begin with, and then the full walkthrough of all 12 missions you’ll be sent on. As the game offers quite a lot of freedom when it comes to making choices on how to perform your tasks, the steps we outline are not the only possible ones. We tried to choose the most efficient ones, of course, but feel free to experiment on your own, even just to see some parts of the maps that are not visited when doing things our way.The guide is based on normal difficulty setting.HintsHere are a few basic things to know about the game and about our guide:* Each level can be completed in a few different ways. The solutions indicated below will get you the Silent Assassin rank, which gives you the most money. No witnesses, no bodies, no screw-ups, full pro. One has to admit, though, that shooting guns and being loud and brutal can be quite enjoyable in Hitman, so keep in mind that you can also do things the hard way. * The NPC behavior is mostly cyclic, so they repeat their actions once at a time. Sometimes though there are situations when you have to be very quick and take a chance, because there will be no opportunities to do the same thing again. When using the guide, each mission should take you from 10 to 20 minutes to complete, so you generally can’t take your time.* Remember that you can’t be seen when picking locks. When approaching a door, look to the upper-left corner to see whether it requires lockpicking or not.* Don’t hesitate to upgrade your weapons and equipment, you won’t be lacking funds.* Remember to close doors behind you. It can save a day.* Use your saves. Their number depends on the difficulty settings you’re playing on.* You won’t be taken to your hideout between the missions, but you can access it through the main menu, just as if you were choosing a scenario to play. The only thing to do in there is to check out your gun collection.47 won’t hesitate to wear any costume, just to get to his victim.WalkthroughDeath of a ShowmanThe first stage of the game is a tutorial in which you’ll be guided through the game’s controls and features. Your goal is to assassinate a man called The Swing King, proprietor of a closed funfair, whose ignorance let to a tragic accident a few years ago.You also have to ensure that the last thing your victim will see will be the picture of a boy who died in the tragedy.Go up and approach the gate. Go through the cut-scene in which 47 will take care of the guard. Go to the left, through the door. Throw a coin at a target to the right to distract the guards and sneak to the theater on the other side. Enter it and sneak-kill a man torturing the prisoner. Go up the red trellis to the right and jump across to the balcony.There’s a shotgun near the box, grab it if you like. Kill the two guards and hide their bodies in the containers here. Enter the closet – when a chemist enter, sneak-kill with your fiber wire. Take his key card and wear his clothes.Use the card to open the door to the atrium. Enter the first door on the left and put a pistol in the box, then pick the box up. Approach the guard who’ll scan you for weapons and then enter the room he’s guarding. Close the door and take the gun from the box. Jump down to the elevator and use the fiber wire to choke a guard underneath. Go down. Disable the power box to the right.Sneak through the big room – first go forwards, then right. Enter the toilet. Sneak to the gangster in there and grab him to use as a shield. Drag him to the next room and shoot all the people in there.Go up the ladder and pick up the suitcase with a rifle. Take Dragunov out of it and stand by the window. You have to take out three guards: one is on the roof, second is near the big wheel, and the third is patrolling the alley below. When you’re done with them, leave the room and go down using the pipe.The guard on the big wheel.The guard on the roof.The guard in the alley.Go to the office through the door on the left. Take the syringe and go up the stairs. When the guard is done walking, push him out of the window. Enter the office and use the syringe on her drink. Enter the closet and wait until she’s off.Enter the Swing King’s room to see a cut-scene. Kill him and leave through the window. Take a mine and a detonator from the box, and then go along the balcony to the next room. Place the mine on the device in front of you. Detonate it and finish off any survivors using your gun. Use the door to exit.A Vintage YearThe first “real” mission, for which you are to choose your equipment and a way to complete it. You have to deal with two targets: Manuel Delgado and Fernando Delgato, two drug lords. The operation will take place in their luxury mansion in Chile.Run along the wall to the right and go through the door you’ll see. Go up the boxes and jump to the other side of the wall. You’ll see a VIP Guard entering the building. There’s a second one sleeping to the left – he won’t notice you. Follow the former, careful so se doesn’t hear you. Enter the wardrobe and wait for him to return. When he’s looking away from you, sneak on him and sedate him. Take his uniform and place him somewhere in the corner of the room. If you’re quick enough, you can do that without waiting in the closet, just follow the guard to the next room and get him when he’s looking out of the window. You now have a suit that will get you anywhere on this level.Find the stair and go to the second level of the mansion. There are two guards here. Wait so neither of them is looking at you and pick the lock in the door leading to the drug lord’s private rooms. Now you get rid of Delgado – if he’s playing the violin, use the fiber wire, and if he’s looking out of the window, just push him out of it.Half-way through. Go back down and go through the door (*). Go down the stairs and you’ll find yourself in a drug factory. Check the map –you’ll see Manuel wandering around. Wait until he enters the factory. When he’s going back to the wine cellar (the passage is through the fake barrel in the middle of the map), he should be all alone. Kill him quietly and hide somewhere in the shadows.You can leave the area the short way –using the elevator in the factory. This way you won’t get back your suit, though. You can go back for it and leave through the courtyard –guards’ suspicion will rise a bit, but they won’t interfere as long as you’ll quickly get back to the tourist part of the mansion. Head to the Exit marker on the map. When you’re going there, someone might find Manuel’s body, but it doesn’t matter really. If you’ve done everything clean, you’ll get the Silent Assassin rank either way.Curtains DownApproach the cloak room on the left and talk to the guard there. You’ll get an antique WWI pistol. Go to the toilet to the right of the cloak room and wait for one of the workers to enter. Be careful not to raise his suspicion or he’ll leave. When he’s using the toilet, sedate him and take his clothes. Put the body in the container to the right. You now have access to most parts of the level.Leave the toilet, go around the cloak room and go through the door to the left of it. Go down the stairs and past the carpenter. When you enter a bigger room, you’ll see two workers having a break there. Wait until they get back to work and pick the lock in the door ahead when neither of them is watching. When you’re in a long corridor, use the first door to the right. You’ll eventually see a door with a golden star by it. That’s not the one you want –find the one with the silver star (to the right of the golden one) and enter when the bodyguard is away. Enter the closet and wait for one of the actors to come here. It might take a while, but there’s nothing you can do about it. When he enter, he’ll say a few lines facing the mirror and leave for the toilet. Quickly leave the closet and swap the gun he left with the one you have in your inventory. Malevolent, isn’t it?Go back to the closet and wait for the actor to return and take the gun. When he’s out, leave the room at last and go through the door just across the corridor. Go up to the light controls. Go past the worker to the next room and place a bomb at the device shown at the screenshot below.Now you’re ready. Go back to where you left your original suit and wear it, then go to the main room of the opera and watch what happens. The actor will be shot using the gun you replaced. When everyone realizes something’s not right, your second target will run down to the stage. When he’s running though the audience, he’ll fall down for a brief moment. When he’s down, detonate the bomb. Checkmate – leave the opera and be proud.FlatlineFirst you have to get patient’s robes. In order to do that, you can sedate a sole patient who’s standing near the recycle bins, then drop his body into one of them. It’s not easy, as the area is being watched by the guards. Do it when none of them is watching.HINT: There’s another, easier way to get the robes. Just grab the admission papers from the guy waiting near the bench (screenshot below). Give the papers to the lady at the desk to get your robes the official way.Here you can hide the body. And here you can steal the papers.Enter the main building. Leave your weapons in a safe room of your choice, then let the guard scan you. Enter the clinic, turn right and go up the stairs. In a room with an open door you’ll find a doctor’s outfit – wear it.Here you’ll find the doctor’s outfit. Dr 47.Go back to the ground floor and go to the West, to the Medical Wing. Enter the security room and take the keycard (the guard won’t mind) from the dest, and then use it on the gate.Here you’ll find a keycard. Doctor’s suit won’t get you any further. You’ll get to a room where you’ll see two orderlies through the window. Wait for one of them to leave and then jump through the window and sedate the second one. Take his uniform and drop the body in the container nearby. Take two keycards from the desks.Agent’s room.Go down the stairs and enter the agent’s room (see map above). After talking to him, use Death Serum on him. Watch out so nobody sees you through the window, as it will look like murder. You’ll get a call from the agency saying that there are two more optional targets around the clinic – each one will give you 50 grand extra. To finish the game you just have to kill one of the three, but we’ll take care of them all.He won’t be lifting any more. A globe with a hidden drink inside.Go up the stairs and wear the doctor’s suit once more. Your first target is the patient who’s working out at the Eastern end of the clinic. Approach him when he’s exercising and choke him with his weight. Two more to go.Messing up with the gas… … may lead to a serious accident.You now have to set two traps. The first one is the stove that can be seen on the screenshot above. Go to the first floor and enter room A. Use the balcony to reach the cook’s room. Mess up with the stove and leave. The second thing to do is to inject some poison into a bottle hidden in the globe at the ground floor (see the screenshot above). Leave the clinic and head to the morgue, where Smith should be laying by now. Use the antidote on him and wait for the two accidents you set up to happen. Take your suit from where you left it and leave the area.A New LifeIn this lovely neighborhood you’ll have to eliminate Vinnie Sinitra, a snitch who is under witness protection program. The area is crawling with agents, so you’ll have to be careful.Approach the catering van and use the sedative on the donuts in there (ha ha!). The waiter will take them to the second van, which turns out to be secret agents’ comm central. When they’re fast asleep, enter their car and take the suit from one of them. You now have access to the whole map.Go to the back of the house to see the victim’s wife taking a bath. She has a microfilm in her necklace, and you’re here to get it back. When she leaves the pool, follow her and sedate her near the sauna (no one should see that naturally). Take the microfilm (a shame you can’t wear her clother, huh) and place the body inside the sauna.* - Vinnie’s TV.You now have to take care of Vinnie. Leave the house and mess up with the power box near the entrance. Go to the TV Room, marked above. Vinnie will send his personal bodyguard to see what’s wrong with the TV, and you’ll be with him alone. That’s your chance –kill him quickly and leave the house. Change back to your original clothes and scram.The Murder of CrowsYou set off in a restaurant, following a guy in a red bird suit. Keep track of him –it’s easy to loose him with all the crowds out in the streets. His path is somewhat random, he won’t be taking the same way each time. You have to sedate him before he reaches the bookstore in the North-Western corner of the map. Do it when he enters a back alley, preferably with a container nearby to store a body. Wear that idiotic costume of his and take the suitcase. Recovering it is an optional task in this mission, so you’ll be carrying it the rest of the level.Enter the bookstore and go to the first floor. Place the suitcase on the desk when you’re told to. Don’t listen to the guard who orders you to leave. Instead, wait for him to leave (duh). Your first target is here for you to kill. Get rid of him and place the body in a container. Take his radio.You now have to leave the bookstore – it won’t be easy, as long as you want to take the suitcase with you (and you do). To do that, you’ll have to get a yellow costume. Wait for the guard to enter the room and sedate him. You don’t have to hide the body. Take the suitcase and wear his costume, then leave the building.The two targets you now have to kill are talking through the radio. The woman is walking around the streets and you should see her on yours map when you’re close enough (listen to what they’re saying to know where she is). Wait for her to enter a back alley and strangle her. Remember to do that near a container to hide the body, as the back alleys are also being patrolled by the cops. Don’t forget the suitcase –if you leave it alone for too long, one of the policemen will grab it.To get the final target, you’ll have to enter the club he’s in (it’s chosen randomly from among 3 available on the map). The procedure is the same in each case – you first go to the back to find a waiter/partygoer having a break, then sedate (or knock out, it you’re out of sedatives) him and take his clothes. You’re free to enter the building (remember that as a guest you can’t go to the kitchen or so). The birdie you’re hunting for is at the top floor. Go there and get rid of him. Grab your suit on your way to the exit.HINT: There’s a fine sniper rifle near the last target, but taking it will alert everyone around, so don’t do it unless you’re not running for Silent Assassin on this one.You Better Watch OutThere are 3 targets before you on this one: to kill some senator’s son, caught on killing a prostitute, to eliminate the owner of the grotto, and to retrieve a video tape.Watch out for the camera.Near the place where you start a level, there are a few security cameras, so watch out. Go right and along the railing. Go under the camera when it’s turned left.Stand in the spot shown on the screenshot above and wait for the guard to approach the coke machine and sneak into his room to hit the switch that turns of the lasers ahead. Go past them and sneak into the elevator.A sausage.Go to the personnel floor and turn right. There’s an agent sitting here – sedate him and take his uniform. Go forwards to the room where guards are listening to the radio. Get past them and go up the stairs to join the party.Pass through the kitchen. Along the way, use the poison syringe on the sausage you see and take it. Find the bar and talk to the bartender, who’ll give you an aphrodisiac. Use it on a Martini glass laying nearby. Go to the Jacuzzi and wait a few minutes. You’ll see Chad drinking the Martini you spiced up for him, and leaving with one of the girls. Follow them to a room and wait for them to have fun. When Chad leaves, he’ll go to a small balcony to have a smoke. Push him through the railing and you’re done.Go back through the red-walled corridor all the way to the “waterfall” passage. Go under it and reach the next elevator. Go up to the Studio level. The guards won’t stop you.Leave the elevator and go through the door with a blinking heart over it. Turn left, and you’ll end up in a security room. The video tape you’re looking for is on one of the desks. Grab it when nobody’s watching.Check the map and find your last target. Wait until he’s on the balcony. Throw the poisoned sausage somewhere around here to stop his dog from barking too loud, and then push the man into the abyss. That’s it for this level –you can either leave using a boat (and grabbing your suit on your way back) or take the elevator up to steal a helicopter.Death of the MississippiThis time you’ll have plenty to do – you have to kill the ship’s captain and six member of a certain gang. Besides, you have to retrieve some photos. Let’s get to work, then.Hide between the crates to the right (looking from the starting position) and wait for the sailor to get near. Sedate him and hide his body somewhere around here. Pick the lock in the door to the machine room and find your first target on your map. Wait until he’s looking down the machinery over the railing and push him into it.Find the stairs around the stern and get to the 4th Deck. Along the way you’ll see another gang member, but you can’t stealth-kill him right now. You’ll end up in a restaurant. Go forward to the next room and leave your guns in the toilet (1). Go on to reach a bar. Before you’ll be able to proceed, one of the guards will scan you for weaponry. Go forth, and in a room (2) you’ll find a waiter’s uniform. There’s another gangster wandering around the stern. He’s easy to deal with, as he’s alone and near the railing. Just use your fiber wire and dispose of the body by throwing it to the river. Go to the kitchen (3) and grab a cake. Go to the toilet with it and drop in on the floor, then inject some poison into it. Take the stairs to get to the top deck and let another sailor scan you. Enter the captain’s quarters and leave the cake on the table.When you see that the captain’s dropped dead because of the poison, get back to his room and enter the bedroom. There’s a safe in there, take the photos out of it. You’ll find two or three gang member on this deck. You deal with each of them in the same way –just wait until no one is watching and fiber-wire them, then dispose of the body. It’s not difficult, as there’re not many witnesses who scoop around.You’re left with one target to take down, the guy who passed you when you walked to the restaurant. You’ll take care of him the same way as you did with the previous ones –now he’ll be walking along the railing of the ship. When you’re done, take your weaponry and your suit, then leave using the boat hanging at the stern.HINT: On the second deck there’s a cool weapon to pick up, together with a suitcase you can hide it in. It’s marked on the map above (*).Till Death Do Us PartYou’ll be attending a redneck wedding this time, where you’ll have to kill the groom and the bride’s father. Cool.Turn right and go through the gap between the cottages. You should see a wasted party guest nearby. Wait for him to enter the building and go to sleep. Take his invitation and his revolver, then wear his clothes (now, this guy IS asleep, isn’t he?). Enter the main building. You’ll need a gangster outfit to feel comfortable in here. Grab one from the guard marked on the map below (*), sneak-sedating him. Get to him through the toilet. Throw his body into the small closet nearby. Now you can walk freely.First we’ll get rid of the bride’s father. He’s paying a visit to the family graveyard in the North-Western part of the map from time to time. Sneak on him when he’s standing in front of the open grave and push him into it.Get back to the mansion. Go to the kitchen and use the poison syringe on the cake. The groom will soon come here to have a taste –and that will be his end. Run fast, before someone finds his body. Get back your suit and escape the level using the appropriate spot near the starting position.The House of CardsA casino in Las Vegas. You are to eliminate three targets. Despite quite a lot of security, this level is fairly easy, provided you know what you’re doing.Go inside the building, to the main hall, and call the left elevator. Go up the hatch in it and wait until your first victim enters it. When the man is inside, use the fiber wire to choke him. Take his keycard and grab his suitcase. Get back to the ground floor and go to the second elevator.Wait until Hendrik Schmutz, your second target, enters the elevator and repeat the whole process. Wear his clothes and take his keycard. Leave the Payment Briefcase and your guns in here as well – you’ll get back for everything when leaving the level.A briefcase. Fire alarm.Go to the 7th Floor and enter Room 707 to take the DNA Briefcase. Now to the 8th Floor, where you have to enter Room 803. To distract the guards, set off the fire alarm (screenshot above). Once you’re inside, use the phone from the table, and your final target will leave the casino area and make himself easy to assassinate.The phone.Quickly go to the casino at the ground floor, still carrying the DNA Briefcase. Get to your target (don’t go through the main floor of the casino, there are security cameras). You should manage to get there in time and kill the man when he’s still alone in the staircase. If you’re too late, though, just meet him in person. He’ll think that you’re Schmutz and call of his guard. Take the opportunity to strangle him quickly and leave the area. The exit is at the casino level (check the map). Remember to get your things from the elevator.Dance with the DevilUse the front door to enter. The camera will get you, but it doesn’t matter. Approach the desk and talk to the clerk. Follow him to the back room and sedate him, then take his uniform.A videotape.Go outside the building and go to the garage entrance. Enter the security room and grab a videotape when the guards are not looking.Go to the garage. Behind the van (*) you’ll find a stylish costume – wear it. Watch out that nobody sees you changing. Now you have to leave your weapons. Get rid of the guns and approach the guards with the golden masks. One of them will scan you and you’ll be free to enter the elevator. Go to the Top Floor.When you’re there, go up the hatch in the elevator and wait for one of the targets to enter. It might take several minutes, but will eventually happen. Use the fiber wire on him and take his golden-devil costume.Now join the party. When the singer is on the stage, go to the office (*). Use the laptop there to know that there are two assassins tailing you in the building. One of them is the singer you’ve just passed by. Wait by the door until she’s back, then kill her. You can take her stiletto and her gun if you want to.Get back to the elevator and go down. Move to the second elevator. This one will take you to the basement. Now that’s my kind of party!Heaven… … and hell.Approach the devil bartender and you’ll be challenger for a duel (he’s the second assassin that’s after you). Follow him to the Torture Chamber and face him. The weaponry is on the table where you finish talking. It’s better to use a pistol on this one, as the SMG is not accurate enough. When you’re done with him, take a key from his body. It will enable you to leave the room.The last target is a girl who’s performing at the stage with the pyrotechnics. You can set up a trap by messing up with the fireworks controls (behind the stage she’s on). If you don’t want to wait, just talk to her (you’re wearing her man’s costume) and she’ll take you to a private room. In there you shouldn’t have any problem killing her.You can leave the level by using the van near the elevators in the garage. You might want to take your time to take back your suit, though.The pyrotechnics panel.Amendment XXVTime to pay a visit to the White House. It’s good to have a sniper rifle on this one, as it will save you a difficult boss-fight at the end of the level (you must buy a special briefcase to carry it inside). All other weaponry is redundant, as you’ll have to leave it before entering anyway. If you’re trying to get the Silent Assassin rank, that is.Enter the building and place your briefcase on the scanner, then take it from the other side. Enter the small bathroom (1) and sedate the museum worker in there.Go through the door (2) and sedate the guard who’s patrolling the courtyard. Wear his uniform – now you can walk freely around most of the rooms.Go to the room (3) to grab a keycard and a security camera tape (just in case you’re caught on one of them). There’s also a weapon crate here, but you can also take a gun from there (it’d make everyone panic if you carry around a rifle, which is kind of weird provided you are wearing the Marine uniform). Go to the corridor leading to the West and use the keycard to get past the door (4).You’ll see the vice-president on your map. Get to his room by picking the lock (1). Watch out not to be seen when doing it. Once you’re inside, stealth-kill him and throw his body into the container near the piano (2).Go through the door (3) and go down the stairs. When you’re outside, go up the trellis to the left. Somewhere around the roof there’s an agent wandering around – knock him off (you’re out of sedative now) and take his clothes and his keycard. Go through the door he was guarding.Go to the lower level. On the map you’ll see the Oval Cabinet on your map – go there. You’ll see a cut-scene in which Parchezzi makes his escape. Run after him back to the roof, where you’ll be forced to duel him. If you have the sniper rifle with you, just take it out of the briefcase and use it to kill him from way out of his shooting range. A single shot will put him out of his misery. That’s all – go back to the starting point, grabbing your trademark suit along the way.RequiemAn interactive outro, in which the two main plots finally meet each other. 47 rules again. Just kill everyone around and you’re done with the game.Best Game Guides on Net at: 。



美剧邪恶力量第十四季结尾BGMGodwasneveronyourside歌词翻译《邪恶力量》第十四季结尾BGM—God was never on your side 歌词翻译If the stars fall down on me,如果星星向我坠落,And the sun refused to shine,如果太阳没有了光,Then may the shackles be undone,也许这样才能断了枷锁,May all the old words cease to rhyme,也许这样才能脱离旧的牢笼,If the sky turned into stone,就算天空凝结成了顽石,It will matter not at all,也并没有什么大不了,For there is no heaven in the sky,因为天堂无路,Hell does not wait for our downfall!地狱无门!Let the voice of reason chime,让钟声敲响吧,Let the friars vanish for all time,让修道士们都消失,God's face is hidden, all unseen,上帝躲在暗处,永不露面,You can't ask him, What it all means,你无法问他,这一切有何意义,He was never on your side,他从来都不与我们同在,God was never on your side,上帝从来都不与我们同在,Let right or wrong alone decide,让是非对错自己决断,God was never on your side.上帝从来不与我们同在。

See ten thousand ministries,万千圣人都是一副嘴脸,See the holy, righteous dogs,道德君子匆匆而行,They claim to heal, But all they do is steal,满嘴仁义道德,满腹男盗女娼,Abuse your faith, Cheat and rob,践踏你的尊严,欺骗、抢劫你的信仰,If god is wise, Why is he still,上帝若有智慧,为何他仍旧,When these false prophets, Call him friend, 与这些伪君子称兄道弟,Why is he silent, Is he blind?!他为什么依旧沉默,他是瞎了吗?!Are we abandoned in the end?还是我们已经被抛弃了?Let the sword of reason shine,让刀剑闪烁吧,Let us be free of prayer and shrine,让我们不再做无谓的诉求,God's face is hidden, turned way,上帝他转身离去,藏了起来,He never has a word to say,他从来也没有说一句话,He was never on your side,他从来都不与你同在,God was never on your side,上帝从来都不与你同在,Let right or wrong alone decide!让对与错自行决断吧God was never on your side! No, no, no!上帝从来不与你同在!从来,从来,从来没有!(Guitar solo)He was never on your side, God was never on your side,他从不与你同在,上帝从没在你身边Never! Never! Never! Never! Never on your side! Never on your side!从没!从没!从没!从没!从不与你同在!从没在你身边!God was never on your side, Never on your side...上帝从不与你同在,从没在你身边。



邪恶⼒量主题曲英汉翻译歌词Carry On My Wayward Son -- KansasCarry on my wayward son任性的孩⼦紧随我的脚步吧There'll be peace when you are done当你到达之时安宁近在咫尺Lay your weary head to rest疲惫之⼼找到解脱Don't you cry no more不要再为悲伤哭泣Once I rose above the noise and confusion曾今我远离尘世纷扰Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion只为⼀窥超越⼈世的真理I was soaring ever higher我曾翱翔于蓝天之上But I flew too high然⽽我太过胸怀⼤志Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man⾃以为我看透⼀切却仍旧⽬光短浅Though my mind could think I still was a mad man⾃以为能理性思考却仍是井底之蛙I hear the voices when I'm dreaming在梦中我听见⼀阵⽿语I can hear them say我听见他们说Carry on my wayward son任性的孩⼦紧随我的脚步吧There'll be peace when you are done当你到达之时安宁近在咫尺Lay your weary head to rest疲惫之⼼找到解脱Don't you cry no more不要再为悲伤哭泣Masquerading as a man with a reason冒充成⼀个做事合乎情理的⼈My charade is the event of the season我的宿命就是这个时代的产物And if I claim to be a wise man, well如果我声称成为⼀代哲⼈,那么It surely means that I don't know这明确的代表我已茫然失措On a stormy sea of moving emotion在反复⽆常的情感海洋之上Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean我像是⼀艘随时下沉的⼩船I set a course for winds of fortune我为命运之风扬起风帆But I hear the voices say但我却听见⼀阵声⾳说Carry on my wayward son孩⼦紧随我探寻梦想的脚步吧There'll be peace when you are done当你到达之时安宁近在咫尺Lay your weary head to rest疲惫之⼼找到解脱Don't you cry no more不要再为悲伤哭泣Carry on, you will always remember 坚持住,你将永远铭记于⼼Carry on, nothing equals the splendor 坚持住,辉煌⽆可⽐拟The center lights around your vanity 虚荣之⼼被圣洁之光包围But surely heaven waits for you毫⽆疑问天堂之门永远为你打开Carry on my wayward son孩⼦紧随我探寻梦想的脚步吧There'll be peace when you are done 当你到达之时安宁近在咫尺Lay your weary head to rest疲惫之⼼找到解脱Don't you cry no more不要再为悲伤哭泣。



艾福杰尼、黄旭《杀无赦》歌词You can shoot meI can give up everything Only for my familyIn anywayI don't careThose day were nightmare 我无法呼吸就算结果毫无意义我也要胜利揭开神秘的布走出疑惑的雾一层层的秘密这谜底意义和无尽的路没有赢或是胜因为爱生了恨都在焦急的等或是无奈的忍这条命我不认夜幕降临用绷带蹦住我的拳头勇士将行被命运挑出来的选手但是却没得选那我就背水一战血色蒙住了眼冲锋前我不留遗憾谁在主宰谁在涂改命运因为盒子里的照片危险地带亲手屠宰人性的恶魔在若隐若现用一万种思考以防万一在异国他乡穿防弹衣无辜的生命危在旦夕就放手一博求一线生机捍卫我发过的誓咬紧牙上膛我手里的枪让我砸碎这囚禁的框砸碎这黑暗欲盖弥彰这条长路漫漫磕磕绊绊黑幕的背后谁是最高惯犯睿智判断通宵达旦杀出重围哪怕孤军奋战I can give up everythingI can give up everything You can shoot meI can give up everything Only for my familyIn anywayI don't careThose day were nightmare 我无法呼吸就算结果毫无意义我也要胜利I don't careThose day were nightmare 我无法呼吸就算结果毫无意义我也要胜利嘿是谁在诉说杀无赦是谁在判断功与过是谁在上演杀无赦希望的光在照射。

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《邪恶力量》第十四季结尾BGM—God was never on your side 歌词翻译
If the stars fall down on me,
And the sun refused to shine,
Then may the shackles be undone,
May all the old words cease to rhyme,
If the sky turned into stone,
It will matter not at all,
For there is no heaven in the sky,
Hell does not wait for our downfall!
Let the voice of reason chime,
Let the friars vanish for all time,
God's face is hidden, all unseen,
You can't ask him, What it all means,
He was never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Let right or wrong alone decide,
God was never on your side.

See ten thousand ministries,
See the holy, righteous dogs,
They claim to heal, But all they do is steal,
Abuse your faith, Cheat and rob,
If god is wise, Why is he still,
When these false prophets, Call him friend, 与这些伪君子称兄道弟,
Why is he silent, Is he blind?!
Are we abandoned in the end?
Let the sword of reason shine,
Let us be free of prayer and shrine,
God's face is hidden, turned way,
He never has a word to say,
He was never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Let right or wrong alone decide!
God was never on your side! No, no, no!
(Guitar solo)
He was never on your side, God was never on your side,
Never! Never! Never! Never! Never on your side! Never on your side!
God was never on your side, Never on your side...
