
The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket.
译文1:他对气候的唯一让步就是穿 了一件白色的短餐衣。
译文2: 气候变化,他仅稍稍作了一 点变通,赴宴时穿了件白色的短礼服。
If certain animal psychologists are right, a dog adopts his family in a most literal way -- taking it for granted that the family is the
译文1:在他母亲去世36年之后,海 明威又想起了那次历险奇遇,并试图 写一部小说。
译文2: 大约36年过后,在他母亲去 世后的不久海明威又想起了那次遭遇 的险情,并试图就此写一部小说。
外语腔是初学翻译者不知不觉地 会在汉语译文中表现出来的一种不当 倾向。翻译时所要表达的内容来自外 语原文,原文的词语和结构形式随着 内容一起进入到我们的大脑,于是原 文的语言形式被带入译文,造成了译 文的外语腔。
译文2: 我发现音乐史上有三类作曲家, 他们各自的音乐创作方式有所不同。
The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established

二、 原文具体,译文抽象
一般人认为,西方人喜欢抽象,中国人 喜欢具体, 因此英译汉时往往运用化抽象为 具体的方法。这只是问题的一个方面,在英译 汉时,抽象与具体的转换其实是双向的:原文 抽象的概念可以化为具体,具体的概念也可以 化为抽象。
man for the field and woman for the hearth; man for the sword and woman for the needle; man with the head and woman with the heart; man to command and woman to obey --------- Tennyson
抽象与具体 西方人喜欢抽象 中国人喜欢具体
一、原文抽象,译文具体 二、 原文具体,译文抽象
一 原文抽象,译文具体
(一) 英语抽象名词具体化
英语喜欢抽象,主要表现在大量使用抽象名词。 抽象名词往往难以直接翻译,经常需要采取 “化抽象为具体”的方法。
四种翻译方法: 1.用动词取代抽象名词; 2. 用范畴词使抽象概念具体化; 3. 用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义; 4. 用形象性词语使抽象意义具体化。
All the irregularities of the students in that university resulted in punishment.
惩罚。 范畴词用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念 所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。
在过去的一百年间,中国人民历经沧桑,在奋 起斗争的过程中进行了伟大的历史变革。

新编实用英语综合教程2第四版汉译英答案Unit 1P141) 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?2) 警察想知道她长什么样儿。
The police wanted to know what she looked like.3) 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?Do you know what she was wearing?4) 在报告中他们问到银行里有几个监控摄像头。
In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.5) 面试官问他已经工作几年了。
The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.6) 你想知道他什么时候去上海吗?Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai?7) 我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色, 红色还是黄色。
I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.填空题1) What’s your guideline in choosing songs for your audience?2) The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future.3) Barclays appointed Bob Diamond, the head of its investment-banking business, as its new chief executive from March 2011.4) Frankly speaking, I cannot uphold such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal intere st.5) However, just because you can write statements in purely mathematical notations, this doesn’t mean that you necessarily should.6) That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the project plan.7) Those studying abroad will most likely return home for better employment because of the tigh t job market abroad.8) It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.P191) 2) 3) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。
新编英汉翻译教程5 Comparison between English and Chinese

That is our policy and that is our declaration. —— W. Churchill 这就是我们的国策。这就是我们的宣言。
发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 Promote physical culture, and build up People’s health.
3. 普通人在办公处和家庭中使用电子计算机的时代 已经到来。 The time has come when ordinary people can use electronic computers both in the office and at home. 4. 学科技、学英语,对社会主义现代化建设很重要。 学科技、学英语,对社会主义现代化建设很重要。 It is important to study English as well as science and technology for our socialist modernization drive.
Ⅴ. Static vs. Dynamic
A mastery of Chinese and English is essential for E-C or C-E translation.
做英汉/汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。 做英汉 汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。 汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语
The very sight of it makes me feel nervous. 一看到它,我就感到紧张。 一看到它,我就感到紧张。 I am sure of it. 对此我深信不疑。 对此我深信不疑。
Ⅶ. Passive vs. Active Ⅷ. Indirect vs. Direct Ⅸ. Substitutive vs. Repetitive Ⅹ. Synthetic vs. Analytic
新编英汉互译教程,谭卫国,第2章:Pricinples for Translation

(i.e. tourism/advertising texts)
Principles of Translation
P15:Yan Fu严复
2.Normativeness/elegance:The version itself should be normative.(i.e.,proper words,expressionsandsentencesshould be employed in a normative manner, or in accordance with thegrammatical rulesof the target language)
P18:Liu Zhongde
Triple principles信达切
3.Closeness:The TT should be as close to the original style as possible.
P19 VS严复&泰特勒
3.The translation should have all theeaseof original composition.
P13:Eugene A. Nida
Dynamic → Functional Equivalence(功能对等论):
“动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面:1. 词汇对等,2. 句法对等,3. 篇章对等,4. 文体对等。在这四个方面中,奈达认为“意义是最重要的,形式其次”(Translatethe meaningof the original in such a way.)
《新编英汉互译教程》第三版 第一讲

About the Course
• Evaluation 30% :presence+ in-class performance +presentation 70%: Final Test: sentence translation: E-C, C-E (50%from in/after class materials) passage translation :E-C , C-E
• Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. – Bacon , On Studies • 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也, 最见于独处幽居之时;其博彩也,最见于高谈阔 论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。-王佐 良译
Definition of Translation
• In China: 许渊冲:translation is an art only 刘重德: translation is both an art and a science
Principles for Translation
• What is a good translation ?
Principles for Translation
• Limitations of Yan Fu’s principle: Different texts have different styles, “elegance” cannot be the only criterion.
新编英汉翻译教程2. What is a good translation

3. Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. 职业和工作带来很大的幸福和满足,而我们大多 数人并不意识到这一点。 职业和工作对于获得幸福和满足起了很大的作用, 我们大多数人对此却认识不足。
III. 课堂练习(1)(努力按照忠实原文和译文流畅两项标准, 课堂练习( )(努力按照忠实原文和译文流畅两项标准, )(努力按照忠实原文和译文流பைடு நூலகம்两项标准 把下列句子译成汉语): 把下列句子译成汉语):
1. She couldn't have come at a better time. 2. She has been a widow only six months. 3. I believe the speech was needlessly stubborn. 4. The Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality. 5. From a physical standpoint, there ought to be as many colours as there are different wave lengths. 6. As a human being, we should demonstrate our intellectual and moral superiority by respecting others for who they are -- instead of rejecting them for who/what they are not.
in the wake of .尾随, 紧跟, 仿效 turned back使停止往前, 往回 走;重新提到,


Unit 11) I'm tired. I should not have gone to bed so late last night.我累了。
(should not + 动词完成式)2)I don't/didn't know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯。
(occasional)3)We are supposed to meet her at the train station.我们应该去火车站接她。
(be supposed to)4)You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them.你可以清楚地看到有人快要淹死(drown),而你却没有采取行动救他们。
(take action)5) Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.包括周末在内,仅仅还有十二天时间可以用来买圣诞(Christmas)礼物。
(including)6) Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger.如果不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。
(without, hunger)Unit 21)That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.那首歌总是使她会想起在芝加哥度过的那个夜晚。
(remind...of...)2)There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way.街角处刚好有一位警察,我便向他问路。

(1) But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”*, caught between kids and parents.
但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是 个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。
(2) People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss.
桑拿浴(源于芬兰的一种蒸汽浴) 爱滋病(一种性免疫缺损综合症)
Saint Valentines Day 圣挖伦廷节(情人节,2月14日)
2. 音译加注法也可以用来翻译句中的词语,例如: (1) Like a son of Bachus, he can drink up two
bottles of whisky at a breath. 他简直像酒神巴赫斯*的儿子,能一口气喝光两瓶威 士忌. *巴赫斯是古希腊神话中的酒神.
She and her mother are as like as two peas.
Like many other Southerners, I came to seek my fortune in one of those pot-atthe-end-of-the-rainbow factories along Euclid Avenue.

本门课程要求:1. 期末卷面考试成绩占80%,平时成绩占20%;2. 平时成绩由出勤、作业、课堂测验、课堂表现构成;3. 一学期不定期点名六次,缺课一次期末卷面成绩扣5分(迟到三次相当于缺课一次),累计6次缺课者取消考试资格;4. 一学期可以请假三次(短信或电话),请在上课前十分钟请假,事后请假无效;5. 上考研班、病假、事假均需提供相关证明且需事先经过老师本人同意;上考研班者请提供上课证,病假者请提供医院开具的医疗证明,事假者请提供系部盖有公章的事假条;6. 本课程期末考试不划重点;7. 未经允许拷贝老师带答案课件者、迟到早退缺乏礼貌报告者,酌情扣分。
8. 严格按课程要求执行,谢绝一切说情或求情;9. 对于本课程或本人教学和工作有任何建议或意见,欢迎致电本人或发邮件至rg.peng@。
10. 祝学习、生活愉快。
《英汉双语翻译理论与实践》参考书目(迷你版):[1]陈宏薇、李亚丹. 新编汉英翻译教程(第二版)上外教, 2010年[2]邓炎昌、刘润清. 语言与文化. 外语教学与研究出版社, 1989.[3]古今明. 英汉翻译基础. 上海外语教育出版社,1997年版[4]华先发、邵毅. 新编大学英译汉教程. 上外教出版社,2004年版[5]柯平. 英汉与汉英翻译教程. 北京大学出版社,1993.[6]李长栓. 非文学翻译理论与实践. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004.[7]李运兴. 英汉语篇翻译(第二版). 清华大学出版社, 2003.[8]连淑能. 英汉对比研究. 高等教育出版社, 1993.[9]吕瑞昌等编著. 汉英翻译教程. 陕西人民出版社,1983.[10]邵志洪. 汉英对比翻译导论. 华东理工大学出版社, 2005.[11]孙致礼. 新编英汉翻译教程. 上海外语教育出版社, 2003.[12]叶子南. 高级英汉翻译理论与实践. 清华大学出版社,2001.[13]余光中. 余光中谈翻译. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2002.[14]张培基. 英汉翻译教程. 上海外语教育出版社, 1983.英汉翻译讲义Instructor: Mr. Peng第一章翻译的性质、标准及过程1.1 “翻译”古今称呼之由来。
新编英语教程unit1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11 课文翻译

(insinuate,futile)暗示,无用的;无效的His attempt at insinuating that John was the culprit turned out to be futile.2、当他未能完成期望他做的事时,他很善于临时找个借口来为自己开脱。
(improvise)临时做He is very clever at improvising excuses when he fails to do what is expected of him.3、他此行去西藏可以满足他想参观布达拉宫的愿望了。
(gratify)使满足;使满意,使高兴His trip to Tibet will gratify his desire to see Potala. (the Potala Palace)4、这个公司拥有雄厚的人力资源。
(command)命令,指挥;控制This corporation commands excellent/rich/abundant human resources.5、另外想个办法去款待你的客人。
(alternative)二中择一;供替代的选择Think of an alternative way of entertaining your guests. Don’t always show them VCDs.6、沉溺于胡思乱想和心血来潮是有害的。
(caprice)任性,反复无常;随想曲It is harmful to indulge in whims and caprices.7、不属于你的东西不要作非分之想。
(lay one’s hands on,be entitled to)2有权;有…的资格Try not to lay your hands on anything that you are not entitled to.8、他没有来参加竞赛。
《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案

广西师范学院《英汉互译(一)》课程教案编号: 15-1 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作课程名称:《英汉互译(一)》授课教师:唐旭光教材:《新编英汉互译教程》,授课对象:06级英语专业2、3、5班《英汉互译(一)》第一讲翻译简论与主要翻译方法(A Brief Discussion of Translation and Major Translation Approaches)1. IntroductionTranslation studies started along with translation practice. Translation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century.In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, literary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approaches and strategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad.2.The Origin of TranslationLanguage makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life.Theodore Savory points out, “Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and as complex as that of any other branch of literature”(申雨平, 2002:4).In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. “Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, andYi in the north(东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译)”(陈福康, 2000:3).3. Function of TranslationIt has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation (佛经翻译)in China and the Bible translation in Western countries.Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to all.4. Nature of translationOne school of theorists maintain that any interpretation is translation. Translation thus defined includes intra-lingual rewording(语言内的重新措辞), inter-lingual (语言之间的翻译或语际翻译)translation and inter-semiotic transmutation(符号转换).But most scholars who are interested in translation maintain that translation is a communicative activity which entails a most adequate or identical reproduction in a target language of a written message or text in a source language.5. Definition of translation in our textbook as follows: Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text. In terms of its nature or character, translation is both an art and a science as well, since it calls for a good command of at least two languages, a flexible application of their rules, and some knowledge of at least two cultures, as well as a good grasp of the necessary translation theories.6. Other scholars’ viewpoints about the translation1). The traditional viewpoint about the nature of translation is that translation is an art only. This viewpoint is still maintained by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲), a well-known professor at Beijing University, and a few other scholars.2). Professor Liu Zhongde vigorously advocates that translation is a science as well as an art mainly because of the following reasons:Firstly, like any other art and science, translation requires a good grasp and a flexible use of the necessary specialized knowledge and skills.Secondly, like any other art and science, translation calls for independent, honest and creative effort.Thirdly, just like any other art and science, translation demands that the translator be very careful about and highly responsible for his or her work.7. Principle for translationThe 13 statements on page 81). A translation must reproduce the words of the SLT(Source Language Text).2). A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT.3). A translation should read like an original work.4). A translation should read like a translation.5). A translation should reflect the style of the original.6). A translation should possess the style of the translator.7). A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT.8). A translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature.9). A translation may add to or omit from the original.10). A translation may never add to or omit from the original.11). A translation should let the readers of the SLT and the target language text (TLT) have essentially the same response.12). A translation should convey what the SLT author intends to convey.13). A translation should satisfy the need of the client.Evidently, though each of the above statements is right in a certain sense, yet it is not adequate or comprehensive enough to serve as a translation principle. Some of the principles proposed by various translation theorists can find their expression in the statements given above. Interlinear translation is an illustration of the first statement. Yan Fu’s three-character principle can be a combination of statements 2, 3 and 6. Nida’s functional equivalence is best express ed in statement 11.8. Yan Fu’s Considerations for translation?Strictly speaking, a translation theory in its true sense in China originated from Yan Fu(严复). He proposed the famous triple principle for translation, namely, faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅).1). His faithfulness means that the translated text should be faithful to the original text, ie, the version should keep the content or ideas of the original.2). His expressiveness means that the translated text should be expressive and coherent without anything awkward. In other words, his expressiveness requires that the version should be fluid, smooth, and easy to read and understand.3). His elegance demands that the translated text should be exquisite and that its style ought to be very graceful.9. Professor Liu Zhongde argues against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original styleHe argued eloquently against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original style. We all know that not all works are characterized by the elegant style. Different writers display different styles. For instance, Lenin wrote in a bold style, and Hemingway wrote in a simple, symbolic style. Even the same writer shows different styles on different occasions for different purposes. Naturally, different works demonstrate different styles. Thus, it is impossible & absolutely wrong to achieve the effect of elegance in the translated text if the style of the original is not elegant.10. The compiler of the textbook in favor of “closeness”1). We are in favor of Professor Liu’s triple translation principle. He changed Yan Fu’s “elegance” into “closeness”, which represents his contribution to the translation theory. His “closeness” is central in meaning. It is suitable for translation of all types of texts with different styles.2). If the original text is characterized by the elegant style, the translator should do his utmost to render it into a graceful text in the target language whose style is close to the original elegant style.If the original style is highly technical with a wealth of technical terms, thetranslator ought to employ plenty of corresponding technical terms in the target language and make the translated style as close to the original technical style as possible.3). If the original style is colloquial with a lot of informal words and colloquial sentences, the translator should translate it into a text with an informal style as close as possible to the original one by using many colloquial words and informal sentences.If the original style is ornate, the translator should follow suit and make effort to render the translated style as close to the original as possible.If the original text contains some vulgar words and sentences, the translator is not entitled to replace them with elegant words or sentences, and he should reproduce the original by using some corresponding vulgar words and sentences in the receptor language. Translators are duty-bound to do so, for the simple reason that they are translators.4). As we know, Yan Fu’s triple translation principle is highly concise and well rhymed and quite easy to learn by heart, which is one of the reasons why it is still very popular in China today.Professor Liu’s triple principle is similar to Yan Fu’s in that it is equally concise and easy to remember.Though Professor Liu’s triple principle is n ot rhymed, yet it is very forceful and impressive, for the Chinese character “切” is uttered in the falling tone, carrying the implication that faithfully conveying the original style or rendering the translated style as close to the original as possible is absolutely necessary and worth the translator’s great effort.11. Nida’s principle for translationEugene A. Nida and Taber stated emphatically (1969:12): “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.His dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle, according to which the translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the target language text wording will produce the same impact on the target text audience as the original wording does upon the source text audience. Later on, Nida changed “dynamic equivalence” into “functional equivalence”, because it seemed much more satisfactory to use the expression “functional equivalence” in describing the degree of adequacy of a translation.12. The literal translation approachProfessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.”ExamplesHe is said to be a rough diamond.人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)-第1章 绪 论【圣才出品】

第1章绪论1.1 复习笔记一、翻译的性质与类型1. 翻译的意义翻译是将一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。
翻译活动涉及诸多因素:译者(translator)、作者(author)、原文(source text)、原文读者(source-text readers)、译文(target text/translated text/target version)、译文读者(target-text readers)等。
2. 翻译的类型①就文本而言,翻译可分为文学翻译、科技翻译和应用文翻译。
三、汉英翻译的标准1. 中国的翻译标准在中国,严复的“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)是影响最深、流传最广的翻译标准。
另一位翻译家刘重德先生在严复的基础上,提出了“信达切”(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness)的翻译标准。
“信”指信于原文内容(to be faithful to the content of the original);“达”指具备原文一样的表现力(to be as expressive as the original);“切”指尽可能切近原文风格(to be as close to the original style as possible)。

关键词:翻译教材,术语,理解错误Abstract:k for English majors in the university of China, there is an obvious misunderstanding in the translation of a scientific term.Key words:translation textbook, term, misunderstanding上海外语教育出版社出版的《新编大学英译汉教程》(华先发、邵毅,2007)中有这样一个例子:and drag substantially.(第263页)教材提供的中文参考译文为:位于德比郡的铁路技术中心的英国铁路工程师大大削减了列车的重量,增加了牵引力。
把trimmed the train’s weight翻译成“削减了列车的重量”,没有任何问题。
但“增加了牵引力”是如何翻译出来的呢?有两种可能:第一种可能是由于粗心大意误解原文结构,把drag理解为动词,而drag确实有“拖,拉,牵引”的意思;第二可能是译文对trimmed drag作了正反转换处理。
查词典可知,该词是多义词,根据语境可以确定,该词在本句中的意思应该是:the retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water或the force of the air that acts against the forward movement of an aircraft or vehicle,即“阻力”或“空气阻力”。

四川省 西南交通大学
外语学院 357 英语翻译基础[专业硕士] 外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础[专业学位] 外国语学院 837 写作与翻译 MTI 教育中心 357 英语翻译基础[专业硕士] 外国语学院 873 专业综合 外国语学院 804 专业英语 国际翻译学院 646 综合英语 英语教育学院 801 英语写作与翻译; 高级翻译学院 801 英语写作与翻译; 国际商务英语学院 801 英语写 作与翻译; 英语语言文化学院 801 英语写作与翻 译; 词典学研究中心 801 英语写作与翻译 外国语言文化学院 709 英语写作与翻译 外国语学院 804 英语写作与翻译 外国语学院 841 作文与翻译 外国语学院 620 英语写作与翻译;外国语学院 815 写 作与翻译(教硕)[专业硕士] 外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础[专业硕士]; 外国语学 院 812 翻译与写作 外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础
外国语学院 819 英语写作与翻译(写作与翻译各占一 半) 外国语学院 829 写作翻译(写作与翻译各占一半)
吉首大学 中南林业科技大学
外国语学院 830 英语专业综合
英语学院 801 英语语言文学(翻译及同声传译方 向);高翻学院 801 英语语言文学(翻译及同声传译方 向)
新编英汉翻译教程3. What is a good translationⅡ

Ⅴ. 什么是好的译文?(2)
1. There is a mix of confrontation and cooperation between them. 他们之间既有对抗,又有合作。 2. He died, and was survived by wife and three children. 他死了,撇下了妻子和三个孩子。 3. Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof. 司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是失职。 4. Evidently he had the first quality of an angler, which is not to measure the pleasure by the catch. 他显然具备了垂钓者的首要品质,即以钓为乐,钓多钓少 无所谓。
4. I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so. 我走到售票台。女售票员一看见我,她那原本颇 为动人的脸刷地一沉,变得怒气冲冲。 5. In their rush, these companies have neglected the`sour go/turn hardest part of doing business in China: theunfavourable or The resultturn out become people part. unpleasant; is that many badly 变得令人不愉快; 变坏; 变糟: have jeopardized their performance in the long run. Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了. 这些公司在一拥而入之中忽略了在中国经营最艰 •His original enthusiasm has turned sour. 巨的问题,即人的问题,结果许多公司严重损 害了他们的远期经营业绩。 •他当初的积按照忠实原文和译文流畅两项标准,把下列句子译成汉语,翻译时既要 避免拘泥于原文结构的形式主义译法,又要防止偏离原文内容的自由主义 译法)

汉英翻译考研陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》考研真题一、汉英翻译考研真题一Ⅰ. 填空题1. 按照文本类型来分,翻译可分为_____、_____、_____、_____。
2. 就翻译方式而言,主要有_____、_____、_____,其中_____是翻译最基本的方式。
3. 汉语和英语均具有的语言层级为_____、_____、_____、_____、_____。
5. 对于初学者来说,_____是较为理想的翻译单位。
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For Nat Nakasa the pledge he was required to sign -- to leave his country and never return proved too much; he committed suicide in New York.
译文1:纳特 . 纳卡萨不得不发誓离开 祖国,不管情况如何永不返家,并自 杀于纽约。
译文1:假如某些动物心理学家的分析正 确,狗在很大程度上代表着它的家人— —理所当然这一家也就属于狗帮了。
译文2:假如有些动物心理学家的分析 正确,狗对于他所在家庭的认同是非常 实际的——它理所当然地认为这一家人 就是它所归属的一群狗。
现代西方著名翻译理论家 Eugene A. Nida 在其理论著述中经常谈到读者反应的问题。他认 为:翻译的服务对象是读者,要评判译文质量的 优劣,必须看读者对译文的反应如何,同时必须 把这种反应与原作读者对原文可能产生的反应进 行对比,看两种反应是否基本一致。 除了忠实和流畅这两项基本标准之外,好的 译文还必须保持原文的风格,包括民族风格、时 代风格、语体风格、作者个人的语言风格等。文 艺作品的翻译尤其要求这样做。译者不能破坏或 改变原文的风格,不能以译者的风格代替原作的 风格。
I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.
译文1:我能看到音乐史上有三种不同 的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不 同的方式创作音乐。
译文1:公共舆论在政治领域起着生 命力的、健康的作用。 译文2: 舆论在政治领域起着极其重 要的、有益的作用。
What is good translation?
义基本符合原文,但汉语表达有欠正 确;另一类是汉语表达尚有可读性, 但译文语义不符原文。 目前翻译界普遍接受的,也是作 为一般翻译学习者必须努力掌握的标 准,简而言之是两条:忠实 (Faithfulness) 和流畅 (Smoothness)。
Free Translation
Armed to teeth. Tooth for tooth Eye for eye
Passive Voice
Americans prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.
译文1:在他母亲去世36年之后,海 明威又想起了那次历险奇遇,并试图 写一部小说。
译文2: 大约36年过后,在他母亲去 世后的不久海明威又想起了那次遭遇 的险情,并试图就此写一部小说。
外语腔是初学翻译者不知不觉地 会在汉语译文中表现出来的一种不当 倾向。翻译时所要表达的内容来自外 语原文,原文的词语和结构形式随着 内容一起进入到我们的大脑,于是原 文的语言形式被带入译文,造成了译 文的外语腔。
The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket.
译文1:他对气候的唯一让步就是穿 了一件白色的短餐衣。 译文2: 气候变化,他仅稍稍作了一 点变通,赴宴时穿了件白色的短礼服。
If certain animal psychologists are right, a dog adopts his family in a most literal way -- taking it for granted that the family is the band of dogs he belongs to.
A stream of new residents, highly-skilled and well-qualified, are attracted by new and sophisticated industries growing in and around Los Angeles, who have moved into their new homes and gardens scattered over a vast area of suburbs.
The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults.
The USA is reputed to be a classless society.
It is believed that nuclear power is among the greatest innovations of our time. But it is also feared it will bring the end of the world.
The builders vowed that they will do their best to complete the expressway within this year.
建设者们发誓,一定要竭尽全力,在 年内建成这条高速公路。
Literal Translation Word for word translation
译文2: 我发现音乐史上有三类作曲家, 他们各自的音乐创作方式有所不同。
Hale Waihona Puke The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established pattern.
译文2: 对纳特 . 纳卡萨来说,要他 签字保证离开祖国永不返回是难以接 受的:他在纽约自杀了。
In the wake of his mother's death some thirty-six years later, Hemingway turned back to the adventure and tried to write a novel about it.
A New Coursebook on English-Chinese Translation
严复:信 达 雅
Faithfulness, fidelity, truthfulness Smoothness, expressiveness Elegancy
德国译学教授 Wolfram Wilss 在 The Science of Translation:Problems & Methods一书中说: Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning, but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language. Translating is always meaning-based, i.e. it is the transfer of meaning instead of form from the source language to the target language.
这说明了翻译是语义的翻译,不是语 言形式的翻译,是运用另一种语言的适当 方式来表达一种语言所表达的内容,而不 是在另一种语言中寻找与一种语言中含义 相似的某些词语或结构。翻译必须跳出原 文语言层面的束缚,必须着眼于传达原文 的内容和意义。
换句话说,翻译的基本单位应该是语篇,而 不是词语结构。根据系统功能语言学家的观点, 语言的实际使用单位是语篇这样的言语单位,而 不是词语结构这样的语法单位。实际使用的语篇 有可能是一个句子、一个句段、一个句群,也有 可能是一个词语。翻译作为语言交际的一种形式, 其实质是用一种语言的语篇材料代替另一种语言 与其意义对等的语篇材料。翻译是运用一种语言 把另一种语言所表达的内容和意义准确而完整地 重新表达出来的语言活动。
发现自我,如实地表现自我,你自然会为人 们所喜欢——为那些尊重你的真正个性的人 们所喜欢。
Where do you expect Shanghai to be in five years?
你预计今后五年上海的发展目 标如何?
Public opinion plays a vital and healthy role in the political realm.
Present-day concern with music is shown by the existence of over 100 summer schools in music in England which cater for all grades of musicians from the mere beginner to the skilled performer.
译文1: 传统主义型作曲家始于某种格 调而非某种主题。帕莱斯特里纳的创 作行为不太像对固定格调进行个性化 处理的主题概念。 译文2: 传统型作曲家是从形式出发而 不是从主题出发进行创作的。帕莱斯 特里纳的创作不是主题的构思,而是 对固定形式的个性化处理。
Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come -- with the people who respect you for who you are.
The trend toward informal dress was strongly influenced by the boom in ebusiness, which was also an attempt to compensate for the rising stress of working life.