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Philips Lumea IPL 8000 产品说明书

A daptéàvos besoins avec SenseIQProfitez d’une peau lisse pendant 12 mois*Profitez d’une séance rapide et personnalisée avec notre appareilàlumière pulsée intense Lumea série 8000. Technologie SenseIQ avec accessoires intelligents et application Lumea IPL pour une peau lisse pendant longtemps.Doux et efficace pour une peau lisse pendant longtempsDéveloppéen collaboration avec des dermatologues pour assurer simplicitéet efficacitéObtenez des résultats rapides avec seulement 2 séances par moisCordon ultralong pour plus de flexibilitépendant l’utilisationUne solution complète pour le visage et le corpsUne solution complète pour le visage et le corps avec 4 accessoires intelligentsConvientàla plupart des types de peau et de poilsÉpilation personnaliséeàlumière pulséeOptimisez votre routine de soins avec l’application Philips Lumea IPLDouceur et confort avec la technologie SenseIQPoints forts4 accessoiresintelligentsLes accessoires spécialement conçuss ’adaptent parfaitement aux courbes du corps et déclenchent les programmes les plus e fficaces pour chaque partie du corpslorsqu ’ils sont connectés . Visage : conception plate et petite fenêtre avec filtre UV . Corps :conception incurvée vers l ’intérieur et grande fenêtre . Maillot et aisselles : conception courbée vers l ’extérieur pour les zones di fficiles d ’accès .A pplication Philips LumeaIPLNotre application d ’apprentissage gratuite vous aide à organiser et à respecter votre programme de séances , puis vous guide étape par étape à chaque séance .Téléchargée par plus de 2,1 millions d ’utilisateurs .Développé en étroite collaboration avec desexpertsEn tant que leader dans le domaine des technologies de soins de santé, Philips adéveloppé l ’épilateur à lumière pulsée Lumea IPL en collaboration avec des dermatologues ,de manière à permettre un usage domestique facile et e fficace . Dérivé de la technologie utilisée pour les épilations en instituts , le Lumea IPL permet une épilation douce ,même sur les zones sensibles .Des résultats rapides avec 2 séances parmoisCommencer avec un traitement toutes les 2 semaines , ce qui représente la moitié du nombre de traitements nécessaires pour les autres marques , suivi de retouches une fois par mois seulement . C ’est tout . S ’occuper des deux demi -jambes prend 8 minutes et 30 secondes .TechnologieSenseIQL ’épilateur Lumea série 8000 o ffre cinq niveaux d ’intensité lumineuse faciles à régler .Notre capteur SmartSkin détermine votre teint de peau et vous aide à trouver le réglage le plus adapté. Les accessoires intelligents adaptent l ’épilation à chaque zone du corps .CordonultralongPratique à utiliser grâce à son cordon ultralong pour un accès facile et une meilleure maniabilité.Pour la plupart des types de peau et depoilsLa technologie de lumière pulsée nécessite un contraste entre la pigmentation du poil et de la peau . Elle fonctionne donc sur les poils naturellement blond foncé, bruns et noirs et sur les teints de peau clairs à foncés (I -V ).CaractéristiquesCaractéristiques techniques, accessoires Embout pour le traitement du corps: Forme : convexe, Taille de la fenêtre : 4,1 cm², Utilisation adaptée au corps : jambes, bras et ventreEmbout pour le traitement du visage: Forme : plate, Taille de la fenêtre : 2 cm², filtresupplémentaire, Utilisation adaptée au visage : lèvre supérieure, menton et mâchoire Embout pour le traitement du maillot: Forme : concave, Taille de la fenêtre : 3 cm², Utilisation adaptée aux zones sensibles du maillotEmbout pour le traitement des aisselles: Forme : concave, Taille de la fenêtre : 3 cm², Utilisation adaptée aux aissellesSécuritéet réglages modifiablesFiltre UV intégré: Protège votre peau des rayons UV5 réglages d’intensitélumineuse: S’adapteàvotre teint de peauSystème de sécuritéintégré: Évite les flashsaccidentelsCapteur SmartSkin: Le réglage adaptéàlademandeMode d’applicationGlisser et flasher: Pour une utilisation rapideUtilisation avec ou sans fil: Fonctionnementsur secteurTamponner et flasher: Pour une utilisation surles petites zonesSpécificités techniquesTension: 100-240 voltLampe haute performance: Conçu pour durer,450 000 flashs, ce quiéquivautàune duréede vie de la lampe de 39 ans**ServicesGarantie: Garantie mondiale de 2 ans +1 année supplémentaire de garantie si vousenregistrez le produit dans les 90 jours aprèsl’achatÉléments inclusInstructions d’utilisation: Mode d’emploiStockage: Pochette de rangementA daptateur: 19,5 V / 4 000 m AHeure de l’applicationA isselles: 2,5 minMaillot: 2 minZones du visage: 1,5 minDemi-jambes: 8,5 min* Réduction moyenne de la pilositéaprès 12 séances :86 % sur les jambes, 70 % sur le maillot, 67% sur lesaisselles* * En suivant le suivi du programme de séancesrecommandé. Calculée pour une utilisation sur lesdemi-jambes, le maillot, les aisselles et le visage. Ladurée de vie de la lampe ne prolonge pas la garantiemondiale de 2 ans de Philips© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettesàmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriétéde Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2023‑07‑18 Version: 20.20.1E A N: 87 20689 01493 9 。

照明级LED芯片技术及其应用简介潘群峰三安光电股份有限公司内容概要•大功率LED的发展和现状•芯片关键参数的评估•大功率LED芯片的合理应用•LED芯片前沿技术展望(一)大功率LED的发展和现状氮化镓(GaN)基LED芯片Cree, 1997碳化硅衬底,垂直(非薄膜)结构P 面出光(p-side up)Nichia, 1997蓝宝石衬底,水平(正装)结构Ni/Au 半透明电极大功率LED芯片的发展演变(sapphire)正装Ni/Au (Lumileds, 1999年)倒装芯片结构(Lumileds, 2001年)垂直薄膜结构(Osram, 2004年)正装ITO (Elite, 2005年)大功率LED芯片的发展演变(SiC)MegaBright (Cree)XBright(Cree)EZBright(Cree)(OSRAM)倒装芯片(Flip-chip)Philips LumiledsLuxeon K2倒装芯片关键技术sapphirep-Si submountn-GaN MQW p-GaNn+n+NP9p 型反射电极系统9倒装焊基板设计倒装芯片关键技术植球机倒装键合机待倒装芯片硅基板倒装芯片(Flip-chip)Optotech(2006年)UEC(2004年)Genesis(2005年)FD(2004年)Sanan(2005年)APT(2010年)正装芯片OVAMKONLX-5NLX-5S-50ABMUPS-50BBMUP正装芯片关键技术—外延技术平坦面(常规) P面粗化(bump式) P面粗化(pit式) PSS (湿法) PSS (干法) PSS + P面粗化LED业界外延技术发展历程正装芯片关键技术—外延技术p粗化PSSp粗化+PSS正装芯片关键技术—侧壁蚀刻(sidewall etching)正装芯片关键技术—背镀反射镜P-pad ITO GaN N-padsapphireMirror Al SiO2/Al DBR ODR Improvement -+3% +7% +10~15% SiO2 TiO2/SiO2 DBR Al or Ag正装芯片关键技术—电流阻挡层(CBL)P Pad SiO2 ITO Blocking layer(SiO2) N Pad垂直结构芯片Osram Thin-GaN Ge衬底Cree EZBright Thin-film Si衬底Semileds I-core MVPLED Cu合金衬底垂直结构芯片关键技术—衬底转移激光剥离蓝宝石(LLO)垂直结构芯片关键技术—表面粗化功率型GaN-LED技术现状统计截止2011年4月厂商Nichia Cree Lumileds Osram Semileds Epistar 三安 正装、PSS产品特点SiC生长衬底、垂直、Si衬底 薄膜倒装结构(TFFC) 垂直、Ge衬底 垂直、金属衬底 正装、p粗化、PSS 正装、PSS量产100~120lm/W 100~130lm/W 100~120lm/W 100~120lm/W 100~110lm/W 90~120lm/W 100~120lm/W研发183 lm/W 208 lm/W 140 lm/W 136 lm/W 130 lm/W 162lm/W 130 lm/W注:1W功率型LED、冷白光、工作电流350mA功率型GaN-LED技术现状Nichia VSx219A R&D 183lm/W (350mA, 4700K) 图形化衬底,水平结构Epistar V45, HV-LED R&D 162lm/W(47V, 20mA, 5000K) 粗化外延,水平结构,ITOCree EZBright, XLamp R&D 208lm/W(350mA, 4579K) SiC衬底外延,垂直薄膜结构2011-4-28Philips Lumileds Rebel Mass>125lm/W(350mA, 4000K) 薄膜倒装(Thin-film Flip-chip, TFFC)23AlGaInP系芯片发展历程各种AlGaInP芯片结构AS-typeRS-typeTS-typeAlGaInP系大功率产品Lumileds TSOsram RSTaiwan MSAlGaInP系大功率芯片技术Truncated Inverted Pyramid(TIP) Lumileds Buried MircoReflector(BMR) Osram(二)芯片关键参数的评估2011-4-2828芯片评估流程选选尺寸定定规格检检外观测测参数试试品质验验老化输入功率 产品定位 性价比电压 波长 亮度 分档 ……缺陷 沾污 排列 ……规格 公差 K值 ……PR识别 可焊性 推拉力 特性 一致性 ……常规寿测 加速老化 温湿循环 冷热冲击 ……2011-4-2829芯片尺寸S-38 ABMUPChip size: 965 x 965 µm Chip thickness: 150 µm Pad size : 100 µmS-23 CBMUPChip size: 432 x 585 µm Chip thickness: 100 µm Pad size : 85 µmS-45 ABMUPChip size: 1143 x 1143 µm Chip thickness: 150 µm Pad size : 100 µmS-24 ABMUPChip size: 600 x 600 µm Chip thickness: 100 µm Pad size : 100 µmS-50 ABMUPChip size: 1270 x 1270 µm Chip thickness: 150 µm Pad size : 100 µmS-38 BBMUPChip size: 500 x 950 µm Chip thickness: 100 µm Pad size : 100 µm2011-4-2830芯片规格2011-4-2831芯片外观外观OK外观NG 表面划伤外观NG之PSS缺陷 ¾瞬态光电参数良好 ¾老化后漏电严重 ¾老化后VF升高2011-4-2832芯片外观—图形衬底外延缺陷样品 1 2 3 42011-4-28老化前 VF 3.321 3.390 3.401 3.433 IR 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 Φv 14.56 17.48 17.75 17.01 Φe 444.2 461.6 462.2 440.6 VF168hrs,700mA老化后 IR 36.33 47.08 45.17 72.06 Φv 14.76 17.12 17.7 16.73 Φe 453.2 456.1 464.5 435.4333.577 3.519 3.601 3.632芯片参数—光强(亮度)发光强度 IV(mcd) 光功率 Φe(mW)wafer probechip probe2011-4-2834芯片品质(可焊性、推拉力)Pad peeling (拔电极)ITO ring peeling (ITO环掉)P电极脱焊(虚焊)9金属黏附性差 9镀膜前污染 9界面层氧化9焊偏or功率过高 9ITO膜层质量差 9外延表面沾污9电极表面沾污 9外延表面过粗糙 9电极受过高温芯片标签光功率与白光光通量芯片厂商 S公司 E公司 B公司芯片种类 正装 正装 正装芯片标签 封装白光 光功率(mW) 光通量(lm) 390 300 308 120 105 117白光K (lm/mW) 0.31 0.35 0.38注:上述芯片均由同一封装厂采用完全相同之材料、形式封装并在同一机台进行测试。
Philips Lumea IPL 脱毛系统说明书

Lumea Precision PlusFor use on body, face15 minutes to treat lower legsLifetime <gt/>100.000 light pulsesSC2003/11Prevent hair regrowthIPL hair removal: enjoy smooth skin every day Philips Lumea IPL hair removal system works wonders to prevent the reappearance of hair on face as well as body. Gentle pulses of light, applied regularly, keep skin silky-smooth every day.Long lasting smoothnessEffortlessly effectiveEnjoy smooth skin every dayHair removal with IPL technologyAdapted for safe use in the comfort of your own homeSuitable for a wide variety of hair and skin typesGentle and effective application for face and bodySlide and Flash mode for a more convenient applicationPrecision attachment for safe facial treatmentBigger body attachment for fast treatmentFive adjustable light energy settingsSafe and effective even on sensitive areasMaximum freedom, minimum hassleCordless convenienceNo replacement parts, no hidden costsHighlightsEffortlessly effectiveOur clinical studies have shown significant hair reduction in as little as four bi-weeklytreatments resulting in smooth hair free skin. To maintain these results, simply repeat the treatment when needed. Time betweentreatments may vary based on your individual hair regrowth.IPL technologyPhilips Lumea uses an innovative light-based technology called IPL (Intense Pulsed Light),derived from the technology used in professional beauty salons. Philips hasadapted this technology for safe and effective use in the comfort of your own home. Philips worked closely with leading dermatologists to develop our breakthrough hair removal system.For more than 10 years we carried outextensive consumer research with more than 2000 women.Suitable hair and skin typesPhilips Lumea works effectively on (naturally)dark blonde, brown and black hairs. As with other light-based treatments, Philips Lumea is NOT effective on red, light-blonde orwhite/grey hair. Philips Lumea is also NOT suitable for very dark skin.Five light energy settingsPhilips Lumea has five adjustable light energy settings to ensure gentle but effectivetreatment. Used correctly, Philips Lumea's IPL treatment is safe and gentle to use even on sensitive skin and sensitive body areas.Application areasUse with confidence to remove hair on face (upper lip, chin and sideburns) and body parts including legs, underarm, bikini area, stomach and arms.Cordless convenienceLumea's unique cordless design is perfect for maximum reach and ease of use.Extra safety for the faceThe precision attachment is equipped with an extra integrated light filter and enables a safe and convenient application on the upper lip,chin and sideburns. It can also be used on other sensitive areas on the body, such as the underarms, the bikini area and hard-to-reach areas.SpecificationsPowerVoltage: 100-240 VServiceWarranty: 2 years global warrantyT echnical specificationsHigh performance lamp: Delivers <gt/> 100,000 flashesApplication areasBody areas: Legs, Belly, Bikini, Armpits, Arms Face areas: Chin, Sideburns, Upper lip AttachmentsPrecision attachment (2cm2): For safeapplication on faceBody attachment (4cm2): For use below thenecklineItems includedCharger: Multi voltage chargerInstructions for use: Quick Start Guide, UsermanualStorage: PouchPowerCharging time: 100 minRunning time: Minimum 370 flashesSafety and adjustable settingsIntegrated UV filter: Protects skin from UV light5 light energy settings: Adjustable to your skintypeIntegrated safety system: Preventunintentional flashingApplication timeLower leg: 8 minArmpit: 1 minBikini line: 1 minFace areas: 1 minApplication modeSlide and Flash: For convenient applicationStep and Flash: For treatment on curvy areasCorded / cordless use: Cordless© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑08‑09 Version: 9.1.1EAN: 08 71010 35988 00 。
Philips 5000 系列电动刮胡炫效精密刀片电压感应 360度弹性刮胡头部 集成可展开剃须头部

S5885/69scheren, zacht voor de huid SkinIQ-technologieDe Philips 5000-serie zorgt voor een krachtige scheerbeurt en scheert nu nog meer haar per beweging*. Het scheerapparaat is uitgerust met geavanceerde SkinIQ-technologie en detecteert en past zich aan uw haardichtheid aan voor meer huidcomfort.Een krachtige scheerbeurtKrachtige prestaties bij elk gebruikOntworpen voor precisie en scheerefficiëntieFlexibele scheerkoppen volgen uw gezichtscontourenSkinIQ-technologiePast zich aan uw baard aan voor moeiteloos scherenVoor makkelijk scherenGrondige reiniging in slechts 1 minuut voor hygiënisch scherenTot wel 60 minuten draadloos scheren na volledig opladen1 uur oplaadtijd en 5 minuten snel opladenLED-display op het scheerapparaat met intuïtieve bedieningspictogrammenScheer nat, droog en zelfs onder de douchePrecisietrimmer geïntegreerd in het handvatDuurzaamheidHandig op te ladenKenmerkenSteelPrecision -mesjesDe SteelPrecision -mesjes maken tot wel 90.000 knipbewegingen per minuut , scheren glad en meer haar per beweging *. De 45hoogwaardige messen zijn zelfslijpend en gemaakt in Europa .Power A dapt -sensorDe intelligente gezichtshaarsensor meet de haardichtheid 250 keer per seconde . De technologie past het scheervermogen dynamisch en automatisch aan voor moeiteloos en zacht scheren .360-D flexibelescheerhoofdenVolledig flexibele scheerkoppen draaien 360°om uw gezichtscontouren te volgen . Ervaar optimaal huidcontact voor een grondige en comfortabele scheerbeurt .Hair -Guide -precisiescheerhoofdenDe nieuwe vorm van de scheerhoofden is speciaal ontwikkeld voor precisie . Het oppervlak is verbeterd methaargeleidingskanalen , die zijn ontworpen om haar in een e ffectieve scheerpositie te brengen .Draadloze Quick CleanPodMet de krachtige schoonmaakpod reinigt en smeert u uw scheerapparaat grondig in slechts 1 minuut , zodat het langer optimaal blijft presteren . De pod is 10x e ffectiever dan reiniging met water **. Het is de kleinste schoonmaakpod ter wereld , zodat u hetapparaat eenvoudig kunt opbergen en overal kunt gebruiken .Nat &droogKies een scheerroutine die bij u past . Met Wet & Dry kunt u kiezen voor een comfortabele droge scheerbeurt of een verfrissende natte scheerbeurt . U kunt met gel of schuim scheren ,zelfs onder de douche .UitklapbaretrimmerMaak uw look compleet met de uitklapbare precisietrimmer van het scheerapparaat . Deze is geïntegreerd in de behuizing van hetscheerapparaat en dit de perfecte manier om uw snor en bakkebaarden te onderhouden .60 minuten draadloosscherenTot wel 60 minuten draadloos gebruik na één keer volledig opladen van de batterij .1 uuroplaadtijdLaad uw scheerapparaat in slechts 1 uurvolledig op met de krachtige en energiezuinige lithium -ionbatterij . Hebt u haast ? Sluit uw scheerapparaat 5 minuten aan op netstroom en u hebt genoeg vermogen voor 1 volledige scheerbeurt .SpecificatiesA ccessoiresOnderhoud: ReinigingsborsteltjeQuick Clean Pod: Ja, Inclusief 4 cartridges Geïntegreerde uitklapbare trimmer: Yes Reizen en opslag: ReisetuiUSB-A-kabel meegeleverd: Stroomadapter niet meegeleverdVermogenA utomatisch voltage: 5 VOpladen: Volledig opladen in 1 uur, Snel opladen in 5 minutenGebruikstijd: 60 minuten Batterijtype: Li-ionEnergieverbruik in stand-by: 0,04 WMaximaal energieverbruik: 9 WOntwerpKleur: Midnight blauw/zwartHandvat: Rubberen greepScheerhoofden: HoekigService2 jaar garantieVervangend scheerhoofd SH71: Elke 2 jaarvervangen met SH71ScheerresultatenContourvolgend: 360-D flexibelescheerhoofdenScheersysteem: SteelPrecision-mesjesSkinIQ-technologie: Power A dapt-sensorGebruiksgemakNat & droog: Nat en droog te gebruikenReiniging: Open metéén druk op de knop,Volledig wasbaarDisplay: LED-display, Indicatie voor batterijopladen, ReisslotOpladen: Opladen via USB-A* Getest in vergelijking met Philips-serie 3000.* *scheerresten na gebruik van reinigingsvloeistof in plaatsvan water in de cassette© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A lle rechten voorbehouden.Specificaties kunnen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving worden gewijzigd. Handelsmerken zijn het eigendom van Koninklijke Philips N.V. en hun respectieve eigenaren.Publicatiedatum2023‑10‑20Versie: 11.11.1E A N: 87 20689 00804 4 。

了解更多关于 Intematix 远程荧光粉技术知识产权领先地位的信息
ChromaLit 所需配料 设计远程荧光粉系统时,需要问自己三个关键问题: 1)我需要什么颜色和形状的灯? 2)哪种蓝光 LED 可提供最佳效率和光输出? 3)哪种混光室方式最适于我的应用?
ChromaLit 系列产品的颜色和形状都由高性能远程荧光粉成份涂覆(如需了解更多信 息,请参阅 ChromaLit 产品选择指南和产品数据表)。对于其他产品,Intematix 的合作伙伴 可提供明确用途的解决方案。
ChromaLit™ 技术 ChromaLit™ 远程荧光粉的定义
定义:将一层荧光粉复合材料精确地覆盖在基底之上,与蓝光 LED 能量源在空间上分 离开。独立放置的荧光粉在被蓝光激发后放光。因为荧光粉与能量源分离,很容易制成各种 形状和不同的颜色,使固态照明不再存在单向光、热点、不一致性和设计限制等困难。
客户最关心的问题是那种混光室方式最适于我的应用?而混光腔最关键的因素是漫反 射材料,
说到混光室,反射率是关键。其他必须考虑因素有形状、温度和应用方法。以下供应商 提供的材料可确保有利取光。如需详细技术资料,请与供应商联络。
CerFlex International 公司 CerFlex International 公 司 使 用 高 折 射 率 (99.2%) 陶 瓷 材 料 生 产 混 光 室 。 这 种 称 为 CerFlex®TECH 的专利材料根据需要可制成不同形状和大小,并能耐受任何温度。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------古河电工集团 (Furukawa) 古河电工集团 (Furukawa) 生产微聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 (MC-PET),一种具有定型 10 微米 特征尺寸的微发泡材料。性能评定为总反射率高达 99%,最高耐热温度为 177°C。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------万阳光学公司 (WhiteOptics) 万阳光学公司 (WhiteOptics) White97 薄膜是一种高密度聚苯乙烯材料,美国保险商试验室 (Underwriter Laboratories Inc,简称 UL)相对热指数为 100C/110C,变形温度为 124°C。 可提供卷型材料和冲切后经热成型的各种形状带或不带背胶的材料,550nm 的反射率为 97.4%。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Light Beam 公司 Light Beam 公司提供 PolarKote,一种能应用于混光室的反光涂料。所列材料反射系数均在 90% 至 97% 范围内,覆盖涂料的折射率取决于使用涂料的厚度和表面纹理。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Genesis 塑料技术公司 Genesis 塑料技术公司销售 Valar 产品,一种漫反射系数为 96.6 的高漫反射材料。可形成 Genesis Valar 反射物,其功能为可覆涂在附着的螺丝、电线或其他硬件上,提高混光室效率。
Philips Lumea IPL Solo 型号 SC2001 01 商品说明说明书

LumeaSolo para uso corporal15 minutos para las pantorrillas Vida útil >100.000 pulsos de luz Diseño inalámbricoSC2001/01Evita el crecimiento del vello Eliminación del vello con IPL: disfruta de una piel suave todos los díasEl sistema de depilación Philips Lumea IPL te ayuda a evitar el crecimiento del vello corporal. Las delicadas pulsaciones de luz aplicadas de forma regular mantienen a tu piel suave como la seda todos los días.Suavidad duraderaDisfruta de una piel suave cada díaResultados garantizados sin esfuerzoSistema de depilación con tecnología IPLAdaptada para usarla con seguridad desde la comodidad de tu hogarTipos de vello y piel adecuadosSuave y eficaz, incluso en pieles sensiblesCinco niveles de potencia de luz ajustableZonas de aplicaciónMáxima libertad, mínimas molestiasComodidad inalámbricaNo necesita piezas de repuestoDestacadosSuavidad duraderaEl sistema Philips Lumea aplica sutilespulsaciones de luz sobre la raíz del vello para evitar su crecimiento y eliminarlo de forma natural. Si repites el tratamiento de forma regular, tu piel se mantendrá suave todos los días.Resultados garantizados sin esfuerzoNuestros estudios clínicos han demostrado una reducción notable del vello con tan solo dos tratamientos cada dos semanas, con unosresultados sin vello óptimos tras cuatro o cinco tratamientos bisemanales. Para mantener estos resultados, simplemente repite el tratamiento cada cuatro o seis semanas. El tiempo entre cada tratamiento puede variar según tu pauta de crecimiento del vello personal.Tecnología IPLPhilips Lumea utiliza una innovadora tecnología basada en la luz llamada IPL(Intense Pulsed Light, luz pulsada intensa) que tiene su origen en los salones de belleza profesionales. Philips ha adaptado esta tecnología para que puedas utilizarlacómodamente en tu hogar de manera segura y efectiva. Philips ha trabajado junto condestacados dermatólogos para desarrollarnuestro increíble sistema de depilación por luz pulsada. Durante más de 10 años realizamos una extensa investigación sobre losconsumidores con más de 1.500 voluntarios.Aplicación suavePhilips Lumea dispone de cinco niveles de potencia de luz ajustables para asegurar un tratamiento suave y eficaz. Y si las usas de forma correcta, el tratamiento IPL de Philips Lumea es seguro y suave incluso en pieles y zonas sensibles.Comodidad inalámbricaEl diseño sin cables de Lumea es ideal para usar en todas las zonas del cuerpo y en el momento que quieras.No necesita piezas de repuestoPhilips Lumea es una solución completa que se vende lista para usar. Y lo más importante es que no necesita ninguna lámpara de repuesto ni geles.Zonas de aplicaciónPuede utilizarse con confianza para eliminar el vello de las zonas del cuerpo que están por debajo del cuello: piernas, axilas, cavado,brazos y abdomen.Tipos de vello y piel adecuados Philips Lumea funciona eficazmente en el vello rubio oscuro, castaño y moreno(naturales). Al igual que con otros tratamientos basados en la luz, Philips Lumea NO es eficaz cuando se utiliza sobre vello pelirrojo, rubio claro ni blanco o gris. Philips LumeaTAMPOCO es adecuada para pieles muyoscuras.Logotipo ecológico de PhilipsLos productos ecológicos de Philips pueden reducir los costes, el consumo energético y las emisiones de CO2. ¿Cómo? Ofrecen unamejora medioambiental significativa en una o varias de las áreas ecológicas centrales de Philips: consumo eficiente, embalaje,sustancias peligrosas, peso, reciclaje yeliminación de productos y confiabilidad de la vida útil.EspecificacionesEspecificaciones técnicasNivel de potencia de luz (J/cm2): 2 - 6,5 (según la posición)Espectro de luz: >570 nmLámpara de alto rendimiento: Proporcionamás de 80.000 pulsosZonas de aplicaciónÁreas del cuerpo: Piernas, Brazos, Axilas, Vientre, BikiniAccesoriosAccesorio para el cuerpo (3 cm2): Para usar en las zonas del cuerpo que están debajo del cuello Piezas incluidasCargador: Cargador multivoltajeInstrucciones de uso: Guía de inicio rápido,Manual del usuarioAlmacenamiento: FundaEnergíaTiempo de carga: 100 min.Tiempo de funcionamiento: Mínimo 320pulsosVoltaje: 100-240 VConfiguración segura y regulableFiltro UV integrado: Protege la piel de losrayos UVCinco niveles de intensidad de luz: Se adaptaa tu tipo de pielSistema de seguridad integrado: Evita lospulsos de luz accidentalesServicioGarantía: 2 años de garantía completaModo de aplicaciónCon cable / sin cable: InalámbricoPaso y pulsación: Para el tratamiento de zonascurvasTiempo de aplicaciónAxila: 1 minÁrea del bikini: 1 minPantorrilla: 8 min© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones quedan sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Las marcas comerciales son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o sus respectivos titulares.Fecha de publicación 2019‑07‑30Versión: 9.0.1 。

100% 放电时间
30% 放电时间
10% 放电时间
光源:Cree XP-C R2 /XP-G R5
流明:200lm /230lm
电池:2*D 长度:248mm 六种情景模式:100% 、30%、10%、快闪、SOS信号、亮度自选 国际认证LOGO: 干电池 2节 重量: 660g(含电池) 360g(不含电池)
100% 放电时间
30% 放电时间
10% 放电时间
光源:Cree XP-C R2 /XP-G R5
流明:200lm /300lm
电池:3*C 长度:263mm 六种情景模式:100% 、30%、10%、快闪、SOS信号、亮度自选 国际认证LOGO: 干电池 3节 重量: 430g(含电池) 223g(不含电池)
100% 放电时间
30% 放电时间
10% 放电时间
光源:Cree XP-C R2 /XP-G R5
流明:200lm /300lm
电池:3*D 长度:307mm 六种情景模式:100% 、30%、10%、快闪、SOS信号、亮度自选 国际认证LOGO: 干电池 3节 重量: 848g(含电池) 398g(不含电池)

H-SERIES FUEL TRANSFER PUMPS FR1200, FR2400, FR4200, FR4400, FR600, SD1200, SD600Installation and Operation ManualTable of Contents Limited Warranty PolicyFill-Rite Company warrants the goods manufactured shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship. Specific warranty details for individualproducts can be found at .Thank You!Thank you for your loyalty to the Fill-Rite ® brand of fuel transfer pumps.Your safety is important, so please read and thoroughly understandthe procedures set forth in this manual. In addition, please save theseinstructions for future reference and record the model, serial number,and purchase date of your fuel transfer pump. Protect yourself as wellas those around you by observing all safety instructions and adhering toall danger, warning, and caution symbols. Please register your Fill-Rite ®product via /product_registration .IMPORTANT RETURN POLICYPlease do not return this product to the store . For all warranty and productquestions, please contact Fill-Rite Technical Support at 1 (800) 720-5192 or ***********************************(M-F,8AM–5PMET).Limited Warranty Policy .......................................................................2About This Manual ...............................................................................2Symbols and Definitions ......................................................................3Before You Begin .................................................................................3Safety Information ...............................................................................4Installation ..........................................................................................512V DC and 24V DC Wiring Instructions ...............................................7115V AC Wiring Instructions ................................................................10Operation Instructions .......................................................................12Security .............................................................................................12Troubleshooting Guide .. (12)Specifications and Models ..................................................................14Performance Curves ...........................................................................17Accessories ........................................................................................19Pump Service Kits (21)Certifications (22)Motor Tag (22)Before You BeginAbout This ManualFrom initial concept and design through final production, your Fill-Rite fuel transfer pump is built to provide years of trouble-free use. To ensure the safety of yourself and those around you, it is critical that this manual is read in its entirety prior to attempting to install or operate your new purchase. We strongly urge that any installer and operator become familiar with the terms, diagrams, and technical data in this manual and pay close attention to warningsymbols and definitions. At Fill-Rite, your satisfaction with our products is paramount. If you have questions or need assistance with your product, please contact Fill-Rite Technical Support at 1 (800) 720-5192 (M-F, 8am-5pm ET).• Adjustable Electrical Junction Box Rotates 180 degrees to provide ease of electrical wiring installation in tight quarters no matter the inlet bung location • Reliable, Heavy-Duty Power Switch Lever Features a cast metal stop that withstands heavy use in themost rugged environments • Locking Bar Defense Elongated bar simplifies the pad locking process to prevent theft • Focused Component Weight Reduction Preserves expected heavy-duty performance while improving installation ease • Premium Paint ShieldAn exemplary corrosion resistant barrier for long field life• Thermally Protected MotorPrevents overheating to ensure maximum motor life• Telescoping Inlet Metal Suction Pipe*Adjustable from 20 to 34 inches in length, allowing for universalinstallation on a multitude of tank sizes and shapes*Not included with SD models• Intake Strainer SafeguardProtects the pump by blocking particles created by contamination• Certifications – UL, cULFueling RequirementsThe Fill-Rite FR1200, FR2400, FR4200, FR4400, FR600 as well as SD1200 and SD600 models are designed and approved for use with the followingflammable and combustible fluids: gasoline and gasoline blends up to 15% or E15, diesel, biodiesel blends up to 20% or B20, kerosene, and mineral spirits. Please take all necessary precautions when handling flammable liquids.Power Source RequirementsDepending on the Fill-Rite model, supply line power will either be 12V DC, 24V DC, or 115V AC. The pump motor nameplate located next to the switch lever will provide detailed electrical information. Please refer to the appropriate electrical instructions found starting on Page 7 (DC power) or Page 10 (AC power).Items that may be needed for installation:Steel pipe wrench 14-24", open end wrench or socket (7/16", 11mm), T-25 Torx driver, utility knife, angle grinder or hacksaw (optional), wire cutters, wire stripper/crimper, and thread sealant (optional).NOTE : Fill-Rite provides Teflon ® tape for all models as listed on Page 16.H-Series Fuel Transfer Pumps Have the Following FeaturesSafety InformationTo ensure a safe installation and proper equipment operation, please read, understand, and adhere to all DANGER/WARNING/CAUTION and other NOTICES.Installation1-2"Min.1-2"Min.Stationary Tank For stationary fuel tanks, the pump mounts to the tank bung by way of the pump inlet flange. Given the different sizes of stationary fuel tanks, a custom suction or inlet pipe may be necessary. We recommend 1” NPTblack iron pipe that is extended to a length of at least 1-2” from the bottom of the tank, with the bottom of the pipe cut to an angle between 30-45 degrees for improved flow.A stationary tank must be equipped with a vent cap. (Diagram 1)Mobile TankFor mobile fuel tanks, the pump mounts to the tank bung by way of the pump inlet flange.For Telescoping Steel Suction PipeAllow telescoping tube to extend fully to the bottom of the tank. For Custom or PVC Suction PipeTo avoid penetrating the tank, we recommend leaving a minimum of 1-2”of the pipe off the bottom of tank. We further recommend cutting thesuction pipe to a 30-45 degree angle for improved flow.The mobile tank must be equipped with a vent cap. (Diagram 2)Vent CapVent CapInstallation ProcedureStep 1: (Optional) Inlet Flange RemovalLoosen (4) 1/4" bolts using 7/16" wrench or socket. Detach inlet bung from pump, retain bolts, screen, and gasket.Step 2: Using either included suction pipe or custom pipe, threadpipe into inlet bung 1.5 to 2.5 turns past hand tight with pipe wrench.Use appropriate sealant for fuel transfer.Step 3: Thread inlet bung with attached suction pipe onto tank 1.5 to2.5 turns past hand tight. Use appropriate sealant for fuel transfer.Step 4: (Only if Step 1 utilized) Place screen in screen pocket on the inletbung, mount gasket, then place pump on tank bung. Align holes and insert(4) 1/4" bolts and tighten with 7/16" wrench to 40 in.-lbs. minimum.Step 5: Remove junction box cover via (2) T-25 screws and locate wires.DC Voltage: 2 wires, Black and Red; AC Voltage: 3 wires, Black, White,and Green which is attached to internal ground screw. Ensure that gasket remains in place upon re-attachment of junction box.† opening into junction*. For AC models, attach40 in-lbs. The nozzle boot has two available position placements.* Black cable gland only included with DC models†1/2" NPT to cable gland, bronze fitting per ATEX on HE Models(2) T-25 SCREWS JUNCTION BOX CAP GASKETGASKETTANK BUNG SCREEN ½" NPTCONDUIT HOLE, THREADED JUNCTION BOX CAP (CAN BE ROTATED 180°)EARTH GROUNDSYMBOLHOLE POSITION POSTStep 712V DC and 24V DC Wiring InstructionsFR1200 / FR2400 / FR4200 / FR4400 / SD1200 Series DC Transfer PumpInstructions Before Proceeding with DC WiringThe pump needs to be electrically bonded to a vehicle frame for mobile tanks or a ground rod for stationary tanks. To electrically bond pump for mobile application, remove the external factory installed green bonding screw located on the junction box cover (Diagram 3). Insert this screw through eyelet of furnished green bonding wire assembly and refasten it securely to the junction box. The other end of the wire is to be stripped of insulation and the bare wire securely bonded to the vehicle or on/off road trailer frame for mobile tanks (Diagram 4). For bonding with stationary tanks, attach a ground wire to a ground rod and the tank itself (Diagram 5). The distance may be greater than the supplied grounding wire.DC Wiring Instructions Diagram 5ATTACH GROUND WIRE TO GROUND ROD1. Remove pump’s electrical junction box cover and straighten the red and black wire.2. Screw the furnished cable connector into 1/2" NPT conduit opening on the junction box.3. Strip 3" of the outer covering from one end of the furnished electrical supply cable.* Be careful not to damage the black and red wire insulation.4. Loosen cable connector nut and pass the stripped end of the furnished cable through the cable connector. Tighten the cable connector nut.5. Strip 1/2" of the insulation from the ends of the red and black cable wires. Using the furnished wire nuts, connect the cable wires to the pump wires matching the colors. IMPORTANT: Be sure no bare wire is exposed.6. Fold wires into junction box and replace, making sure the cover gasket is in place. Make sure all screws are seated so there is no space between the frame and the junction box (see Step 6 diagram on Page 6). *12 AWG cable not supplied with pump only models ATTACH GROUND WIRE TO VEHICLE BODY½" NPT CONDUIT HOLE, THREADED JUNCTION BOX CAP (CAN BE ROTATED 180°)EARTH GROUNDSYMBOLDiagram 4Mobile Tank Wiring to a Vehicle Electrical System1. Before electrical installation, place the switch lever into the OFF position to prevent accidental spillage once power is engaged to the motor.2. Pass the electrical wires to the source of the vehicle power system, supporting as necessary and protecting them from sharp edges, heat, or anything that could cause damage.3. To determine if the vehicle electrical system is negative (-) or positive (+) ground, check the battery marking of the terminal that is wired to the vehicle frame or motor block. The red wire from the pump will connect to positive battery post and the black wire from the pump will connect to negative battery post. These instructions focus on COMMON negative ground systems. UNCOMMON positive systems are a rare occurrence. Reference the drawing on Page 9 for information on positive ground systems.4. Fill-Rite requires installing a fuse holder and fuse (not provided) for protection of the purchased pump. Attach one end of the fuse holder to the end of the ungrounded wire, making a solid connection. The other end of the fuse holder is then attached to the ungrounded side of the battery, as close to the battery as possible. Make a solid electrical connection to the grounded side of the battery with the remaining wire. Utilizing a battery terminal connection (not provided by Fill-Rite) is required for completion of the electrical circuit.5. Check all connections to make sure they are connected per instructions and all electrical codes. Install fuse (30 amp fuse for 12V DC; 20 amp fuse for 24V DC) into the fuse holder. Installation is now complete.Stationary Tank Wiring1. Before electrical installation, place the switch lever into the OFF position to prevent accidental spillage once power is engaged to the motor.2. Fill-Rite requires installing a fuse holder and fuse (not provided) for the protection of the purchased pump.3. Attach one end of the fuse holder to the red pump wire, as close to the battery or power source as possible. Make a solid connection to the positive terminal of the power source with the other end of the fuse holder. Make a solid connection with the black pump wire to the negative terminal of the power source.4. Check all connections to make sure they are connected per instructions and all electric codes.5. Install fuse (30 amp fuse for 12V DC; 20 amp fuse for 24V DC) into the fuse holder.6. The installation is now complete.Positive Ground System (Uncommon)This electrical system is uncommon within most vehicles utilizing a 12V DC power source. The chassis of the vehicle is connected to the positive (+) terminal of the battery.Fuse to be located outside of hazardous area, as close to the power source as possible. If the wiring from the power source to the pump is greater than 18', refer to the applicable Electrical Code (national, international, or local) to ensure the wire is of the correct size for the application.Negative Ground System (Common) This electrical system is common within most vehicles utilizing a 12V DC power source. In this instance, the positive battery terminal supplies power to all devices such as the ignition system. The negative (-) terminal is connected to the vehicle’s frame. Fuse to be located outside of hazardous area, as close to the power source as possible. If the wiring from the power source to the pump is greater than 18', refer to the applicable Electrical Code (national, international, or local) to ensure the wire is of the correct size for the application.FUSE FUSECOMMON UNCOMMON30 amp fuse for 12V DC 20 amp fuse for 24V DC 30 amp fuse for 12V DC 20 amp fuse for 24V DC Mobile Tank Wiring to a Non-Vehicle SystemWhile rare, there are instances where a 12V or 24V DC Fill-Rite fuel pump does not operate from a vehicle’s electrical system. In these cases, we recommend calling Fill-Rite Technical Support at 1 (800) 720-5192 (M-F, 8am-5pm ET) to discuss your specific situation. Most of these applications will require equipment not supplied by Fill-Rite. In addition, we want to ensure that the circuit will be able to handle the necessary power requirements of the pump.115V AC Wiring Instructions for FR600 / SD600 AC Fuel Transfer Pumps115V AC Wiring Procedure1. Remove the junction box cover and straighten the wires to make sure the stripped wire ends are accessible outside the junction box.2. Install rigid conduit and appropriate wiring from power source to the junction box to maintain the explosion-proof integrity.3. Connect the pump wires to the power supply lines according to the wiring diagram. Be certain to properly insulate the connections with the appropriate wire nuts or other connectors. NOTE : The ground wire MUST be connected. Ground wire connection is inside the junction box (Diagram 6b).4. Fold the wires back into the junction box and replace the cover, making sure the cover gasket is in place.115V AC Pump Junction Box (FR/SD600 Series AC Fuel Transfer Pumps)115V AC Wiring Diagram for FR/SD600 AC Fuel Transfer Pumps.A ground wire must be included within the supply line power cable.This wire must be connected to the ground screw terminal on the inside of the junction box surface.Diagram 6a Diagram 6b115V AC Wiring Diagram INTERNAL GROUND SCREWSwitch Level Installation InstructionsEffective March 7, 2022, the fuel transfer pump on/off switch lever will need to be installed in the field. Please see Figure 1 for a visual guide on the proper installation of this lever.Figure 1Security1. If equipped, reset meter to “0” (do not reset while in use as this3. Move the switch lever to the “ON” position to power the pump (Diagram 7).4. Insert the dispensing nozzle into the container to be filled.5. Operate the nozzle to dispense fluid; release nozzle when thedesired amount of fluid has been dispensed.6. Move switch lever to the “OFF” position (Diagram 8) to turnoff the pump.7. Remove the dispensing nozzle from the container being filled andstore it in the nozzle boot.Operation InstructionsTroubleshooting The following troubleshooting guide is provided to offer basic diagnostic assistance in the event you encounter abnormal service from your Fill-Rite fuel transfer pump. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Fill-Rite Technical Support at 1 (800) 720-5192 (M-F, 8am-5pm ET) or byemail at *************************.Please disconnect all power supply sources from either your AC or DC pump prior to performing any service or maintenance,as well as relieve any pressure within either the suction tube or discharge hose. Failure to do so can result in damage to the "ON" Position "OFF" PositionYour Fill-Rite fuel transfer pump is equipped with a locking link located next to the switch lever for security. With the pumpturned off and the nozzle in the stored position, a padlock can be inserted throughthe locking link and the nozzle handle.Fill-Rite recommends a commercial gradelaminated steel padlock with an adjustableshackle (Diagram 9).Diagram 7Diagram 8Diagram 9SWITCH LEVERNOZZLE BOOT SWITCH LEVERNOZZLE BOOTTroubleshooting (continued)Specifications and Models† Warranty details can be found at *HE pump only models have BSPP outlets*Power cord not included in pump only modelsA series of fuel transfer pumps with UL/cUL, ATEX, IECEx, CE, EAC, and INMETRO certifications that are compatible with gasoline, diesel fuel, blended fuels such as biodiesel up to 20%, gasoline with up to 15% ethanol, mineral spirits, and kerosene.| H-SERIES FUEL TRANSFER PUMPS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUALFR4200 (Dimensions displayed in inches), FR2400, FR4400, FR600, SD1200, and SD600 (Dimensions displayed in inches)H-Series Model Information: FR1200, FR2400, FR4200, FR4400, FR600, SD1200, SD600H-Series Model Information: FR1200, FR2400, FR4200, FR4400, FR600, SD1200, SD600 (continued)HE-Series Model Information: FR1200E, FR2400E, FR4200E, FR4400E2400 Series Performance Curve4400 Series Performance CurveMETER STRAIGHT PIPE FILTER HEADSTRAIGHT PIPEProper Accessory Configuration AccessoriesAccessories (continued)2122*KIT120BD not called out in diagram abovePump Service KitsFIL-MN-712v.3InstallationPump must be installed in compliance with EN 60079-14 or IEC 60079-14, as applicable.Material of ConstructionMaterials of construction of the external surface of the unit: painted steel, painted cast iron, painted aluminum, zinc plated steel.Materials of construction of the wetted parts: cast iron, zinc plated steel, 300 series stainless steel, bronze, carbon, ceramic, polyester, fiber, fluorocarbon, buna.Repair and MaintenanceContact the place of purchase for warranty repair and maintenance.Specific Conditions of Use1. Consult the manufacturer if dimensional information on the flameproof joints isnecessary.2. ISO Class 4.6, M5 hex-head screws (Yield Stress 240 MPa) shall be used to replacethe DC Motor terminal cover fasteners.3. ISO Class 8.8, M6 hex-head screws (Yield Stress 640 MPa) shall be used to replace the DC Motor motor tie-rod fasteners.4. An electrically conductive hose and nozzle must be used with flammable liquids.To minimize static electricity buildup, always keep the nozzle in contact with thecontainer being filled during the fueling process.Motor Tag InformationThe motor tag on your Fill-Rite pump contains important technical and performance information. Be certain this label remains affixed to the pump at all times.Safety Testing ApprovalsThe Fill-Rite line of pumps have been safety tested for regulatory compliance. This product family is approved by UL/cUL. For the “E” series products they are approved to ATEX, IECEx, INMETRO, EAC, and CE.2809The following standards were used to show compliance in the European Union:EN IEC 60079-0:2018, Ed 7 “Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements”EN 60079-1:2014, Ed 7 “Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures “d””EN ISO 80079-36:2016, Ed 1 “Explosive atmospheres – Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres – Basic method and requirements”EN ISO 80079-37:2016, Ed 1 “Explosive atmospheres – Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres – Non electrical type of protection constructional safety “c”, control of ignition source “b”, liquid immersion “k”” Directive 2014/34/EU – Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.Directive 2011/65/EU – Restrictions of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.The following standards were used to show compliance for IECEx certification:IEC 60079-0:2017, Ed 7 IEC 60079-1:2014, Ed 7Motor Tag InformationThe Motor Tag on your Fill-Rite pump contains important technical and performance information. Be certain this label remains affixed to the pumpat all times.II 2 G Ex db h IIA T5 or T6 Gb FM19ATEX0019X IECEx FMG19.0013XEx db IIA T5 or T6 GbFill-Rite Company 8825 Aviation Drive Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809 USAT 1 (800) 720-5192 1 (260) 747-7524 F 1 (800) 866-4681 | | 。

本资料所列数据仅供参考,具体产品数据以产品说明书为准,如有更改恕不另行通知昕诺飞控股版权所有,未经许可,禁止全部及部分复制https:///zh-cn 2022年 印刷于上海产品目录2022年飞利浦专业经销渠道LED 照明产品系列专业经销*本手册所有数据来源于昕诺飞实验室。
目录ContentLED Lamp Series P01 LED光源系列LED Linear LightSeriesP23LED线性灯系列LED Downlight &SpotlightSeriesP49LED筒射灯系列Integrated CeilingSeriesP39集成吊顶系列LED CeilingSeriesP75LED吸顶灯系列Module DrivenSeriesP107模组驱动系列LED WholesaleLuminaireSeriesP113批发专业灯具系列SwitchSeriesP137开关系列恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版娇小玲珑 自然真色彩• 更舒适:舒视光技术,无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,营造舒适的照明环境,确保用眼健康 穹顶光学设计,光线照射角度相比一般球泡增加50度,有效提升光线均匀度并降低40% 眩光,提高视觉舒适度• 更真实:显色指数90以上,完美展现物体如同在阳光下真实而自然的色彩• 更小巧:小巧精致,完美契合各种类型的灯具,小空间、大亮度• 更长寿:15000小时长寿命,出色的流明维持率恒亮型LED小球泡真彩版02恒亮型小球泡真彩版恒亮型球泡真彩版商用LED PAR30L 恒亮型LED 飞碟灯经济型MR16恒亮型LED 灯泡上的交错光学网点有助于提升光线均匀分布及降低眩光• 光线较上一代飞利浦LED 球泡更均匀分布10%• 光线投射角度可增加50度并降低眩光40%穹顶透射光学设计恒亮型LED *舒适优选 怡目设计。
访问/eyecomfort 了解关于闪烁、频闪和其他标准以及产品信息恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3W E27 6500K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 5W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E27 3000K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 8W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 8W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E14 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E14 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E14 3000K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E14 6500K 220V白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色30006500300065003000650030006500300065003000650030006500220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-24025025035035045045055055075075035035055055015000150001500015000150001500015000150001500015000150001500015000150009290029736099290029737099290029740099290029741099290029742099290029743099290029744099290029745099290029746299290029747299290029750099290029751099290029754099290029755093W/E273W/E273.5W/E273.5W/E275W/E275W/E276.5W/E276.5W/E278W/E278W/E273.5W/E143.5W/E146.5W/E146.5W/E149090909090909090909090909090经济型GU10恒亮型Globe 经济型LED恒亮型LED 柱泡全幅大广角 柔光更明亮• 更明亮:柱型设计使发光角度扩大10%,涡型导光设计使出光面增加15%,结合高亮度设计令亮度 提升18%,打造更明亮的空间;长时间使用,亮度依旧• 更舒适:涡型导光设计使光更加均匀,舒视光技术无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,保护用眼健康• 更真实:展现环境和物体在太阳下的真实色彩• 更长寿:15000小时寿命,使用时间是节能灯的2倍• 更省电:达到相同亮度时比节能灯省电43%,节约电费护目低眩光 生活真色彩更舒适:舒视光技术,无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,营造舒适的照明环境,确保用眼健康50度,有效提升光线均匀度并降低以上,完美展现物体如同在阳光下真实而自然的色彩级标准,与白炽灯相比节能高达80%**以上恒亮型LED 柱泡04*舒适优选 怡目设计。

- Office environment (office, school, factory, hospital, canteen) 有阳光照射的几乎所有的室内环境 (办公室, 学校, 工厂, 医院, 食堂, 等等)
2008, BU LEAP Energy efficient office lighting solutions
Conference 豪华会议室/ 行政办公室 Cafe 食堂/休息室/ 接待室/ 饮水间 Corridors / Escape走廊/楼 梯
Landlord 管理办公室 Security安全
Façade 室外装簧/接待大厅
Car Park 停车场
Meeting 会议室
Office 办公室
Facilities 设施/装备/ 洗手间
One cell office (5th floor, Building 2, Philips Innovation Campus)
飞利浦上海科技园区 2号楼5楼一间小办公室
室外照度: 1049 LUX
Saving potential !!!
80% window coverage West side building 11.00 am 墙面80%是窗户,朝西边 上午11点时室外测定照度 :1049LUX Artificial & Daylight 1277 LUX measured 11.03 am 灯光 + 自然光在上午 11.03时测定:1277LUX
Adjustment of LuxSense 系统调整
Light on the working place 工作点的照度 Higher 整体照度变高 Lower 整体照度变低

Philips LumiledsIESNA LM-80 Test ReportPhilips LumiledsIESNA LM-80 Test Report1. Applicable LUXEON® Series part numberThis IESNA LM-80 Test Report applies to the following LUXEON part number:Product Family Part Number Nominal CCTLUXEON Rebel ES LXML-PWC25650K2. L70 Extrapolations per IESNA TM-21-11If = 500mA If = 700mA If = 1000mA3. Number of LED light sources testedEighty or 160 units per test / 25 units reported. Units reported are selected as follows:- The first 25 units from each CCT bin are reported. See section 21 below for more detail.4. Description of LED light sources testedLUXEON Rebel p/n: LXML-PWN2 (nominal CCT 4000K)5. Dates Tests StartedDATA SETs 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61: December 3, 20106. Date Report First IssuedDATA SETs 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61: new to this report.7. Package PicturesFigure 1: Isometric drawings8. Mechanical DrawingFor detailed mechanical drawings, please see individual product data sheet.Figure 2: Mechanical DrawingsNotes for Figure 2:- Drawings not to scale. All dimensions are in millimeters.- The thermal pad is electrically isolated from the anode and cathode contact pads.9. T s Measurement PointFigure 3: LUXEON Rebel with T s thermocouple.For further information on measuring the in-situ T s , please see Philips Lumileds AB33 "LUXEON LED Thermal Management Guidelines", February 28, 2012.10. Description of auxiliary equipmentLUXEON LED devices are soldered to reliability stress boards that can accommodate up to 160 devices. LUXEON LEDs are connected in series strings of up to 20 devices and driven by a constant current source for each series string.Reliability stress boards are mounted in a thermal chamber which provides water or liquid N2 cooling to the bottom-side of the reliability stress board.The reliability stress board is periodically removed from the thermal chamber, allowed to cool to room temperature, and then tested.The tester consists of a computer-controlled x-y table, integrating sphere, programmable current-source meter, and relayswitching-matrix. Each LUXEON LED is positioned underneath the integrating sphere and driven with a constant-current pulse.Luminous flux, (u', v'), and forward voltage are measured for each LUXEON LED.After testing, the reliability stress board is returned to the thermal chamber for additional operation.11. Operating CycleLUXEON LEDs are driven with a constant direct current (DC).12. Ambient conditions including airflow, temperature, and relative humidityThe case temperature within the thermal chamber was characterized by mounting several thermocouples on a sample reliability stress board at the designated thermal measurement point, as shown in the application brief, LUXEON LED ThermalMeasurement Guidelines (AB33). In addition, several thermocouples were mounted in the air at a distance of 1.5mm above the reliability stress board. The reliability stress board was then mounted in the thermal chamber and driven at the specified stress condition. The thermocouple readings were monitored. After the thermocouples reached thermal equilibrium, the thermocouple readings were data-logged and averaged together. The relative humidity within the oven was characterized to be < 65%.The photometry measurement temperature is set and monitored to be within 25°C ± 2°C with no forced airflow and RH < 65%.13. T s and ambient temperatures (ambient temperature measured 1.5mm above reliability stress board)In all cases, both T s and T air meet or exceed the IESNA LM-80-08 limits.14. Drive current of the LED light source during lifetime testSee tables.15. Initial luminous flux and forward voltage at photometric measurement currentSee tables.16. Lumen maintenance for data for each individual light source along with median value, standard deviation,minimum and maximum lumen maintenance value for all of the light sourcesSee tables.17. Observation of LED light source failures including the failure conditions and time of failureNo failures observed in devices reported.18. LED light source monitoring intervalUnits were tested at 0, 24, 168, 500, 1000, then at 1000-hour intervals after 1000 hours.19. Photometric measurement uncertaintyLong-term measurement uncertainty is based on reproducibility tests done over a period of one year, calculated to k = 2 coverage (i.e. 95% coverage)) ± 2%Luminous Flux (ΦvForward Voltage (V) ± 0.4%f1976 UCS color space, u' ± 0.1%1976 UCS color space, v' ± 0.1%Note: u' and v' measurement accuracy may vary by color point location.Note: k = 2 coverage means that the numbers cited represent ± 2 standard deviations of measurement uncertainty based on reproducibility tests done over a period of one year.20. Chromaticity shift reported over the measurement timeSee tables.21. Sampling Method/Sample sizeIESNA LM-80 tests require LED samples to be operated at a minimum of a single current and three temperatures of 55°C, 85°C and a third temperature picked by the LED manufacturer. Philips Lumileds has picked the third temperature in the range of 105°C and 120°C, depending on the maximum ratings of the LED.LED samples for IESNA LM-80 testing consist of units built from a minimum of two manufacturing lots. These manufacturing lots are picked to represent a wide parametric distribution. Samples from each of these manufacturing lots are soldered to all of the reliability stress boards for a given set of IESNA LM-80 tests. A typical IESNA LM-80 test might consist of up to two 40-unit CCT color bins distributed across one 80-LED reliablity stress board, or up to four 40-unit CCT color bins distributed across two 80-LED reliability stress boards. Then the first 25 consecutive units out of the larger 40-unit sample set are reported. These reported 25 unit samples include samples from all of the same manufacturing lots which were used to populate the reliability stress boards.22. ISO 17025-2005 AccreditationNotesData is for reference only and is not an endorsement to exceed the Data Sheet operating conditions.The TM21 extrapolations are based on the IESNA TM21 draft dated April 1st 2011. The TM-21 lumen maintenance model is based on the flux data normalized to 1 at 0 hours and the use of a exponential model for flux(time):Flux(time) = B exp[-alpha*time], where normally B ≅ 1, and alpha > 0.An L70 extrapolation less than 0 means that the model predicts an increasing flux output with time, i.e. alpha < 0 (see graphs). Generally, this means that additional test time is needed to determine the long-term lumen maintenance behavior.The current EPA limits of 91.8% or 94.1% at 6,000 hours are based on the flux data normalized to 1 at 0 hours and the use of a simple exponential model for flux (time):Flux(time) = exp[-alpha*time], where alpha is calculated based on the 6,000 hour flux measurement only.By comparison, the TM-21 method uses a least-squares curve fit of all of the data from 1,000 to 6,000 hours to the exponential model, with the added parameter B.DisclaimerAlthough PHILIPS LUMILEDS LIGHTING COMPANY has attempted to provide the most accurate information and materials and services data (hereinafter "Data"), the Data is provided "as is" and may contain errors. The entire risk of use of the data shall be with the user. PHILIPS LUMILEDS LIGHTING COMPANY makes no warranty, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the contents or correctness of the Data provided or the ability of the Data to meet the user's needs or expectations. PHILIPS LUMILEDS LIGHTING COMPANY reserves the right to make changes without notice. You as user agree to this disclaimer and user agreement with the download or use of the provided materials and Data.In no event shall PHILIPS LUMILEDS LIGHTING COMPANY be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of or related to the use of the Data, however caused, regardless of theory of liability, and whether or not PHILIPS LUMILEDS LIGHTING COMPANY has been advised of the possibility of such damage. This limitationshall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose or any exclusive remedy.Luminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 54 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 500mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 53 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 500mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 52 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 500mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 51 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 500mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 58 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 700mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 57 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 700mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 56 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 105°C, If = 700mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 55 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 120°C, If = 700mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mATM-21 Extrapolation of Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mACIE 1976 u' data for tested unitsDATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mACIE 1976 v' data for tested unitsDATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mADelta u'v' data for tested unitsDATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mAForward Voltage [V] data for tested unitsDATASET 61 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 55°C, If = 1000mALuminous Flux [lm] data for tested unitsDATASET 60 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 1000mANormalized Luminous Flux data for tested units DATASET 60 (LXML-PWC2): Ts = Tair = 85°C, If = 1000mA。

lumileds的产品在300mA 以下,光效可以超过60流明/W,但是当驱动电流达到700mA,光效骤然降低到了30~40流明/W。
尽管如此,CREE是成功的,封装作为LED的外围技术,其技术含量并不高,即使几乎不具备大功率LED核心制造技术的中国大陆,也掌握了一定的封装技术,我相信随着市场对其产品的不断反馈,CREE 能够把其产品的这个缺陷消除掉。

手电筒基础知识与技术汇总一.LED1.发光体LED全名为light-emiting diode,中文名为发光二极管,现在应用于手电方面的白光LED发光原理为核心发光体发出蓝光,而后通过蓝光激发黄色的荧光粉,最终混合成为白光,发出光线。
流明(philips lumileds):飞利浦的全资子公司,在CREE公司出现前保持着量产发光体的最高效率记录,一直是主要的大功率LED供应厂商。
CREE:美国CREE公司,其于06年推出的P4级别LED,P4的发光效率全面超过lumileds 的产品。
ethen的给新手(CREE LED封装形式区分)XR-C XR-E XP-C XP-E XP-G MCE XM-L /viewthread.php?tid=136205韩国汉城半导体(SSC):韩国公司,自己并没有生产LED核心的能力,其采用的核心为CREE 公司的。
欧司朗(Osram):老牌的照明解决方案公司,其受到业界的瞩目是由于其于08年发布的Golden Dragon Plus (亦称金龙)系列LED(以后简称为GDP),此款LED核心体积非常小,发光效率也很不错,非常适合作为手电的发光体。

Philips 1000 seriesVisor de puerta inteligenteamplioDetección del cuerpo con elsensor PIRMonitoreo remoto inteligenteInterconexión con cerradurainteligenteDDA131FCWNuevo horizonte visualSeguridad visible, al alcance de su manoLa lente ultra gran angular de 170° con función de visión nocturna por infrarrojos con cancelación deruido y la detección del cuerpo humano de 24 horas de la IA permiten ver lo que sucede delante desu puerta en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, lo que hace que su hogar sea mucho más seguro.La visión nocturna HD hace que la seguridad sea visible•La lente de 170° y la pantalla HD de 1080P ofrecen una mejor visión•Llamada de audio bidireccional: comuníquese en tiempo real y en todas partes•Pantalla táctil HD de 5 pulgadas: manejo simple para toda la familiaUn chip inteligente permite almacenar más información•Procesador de cuatro núcleos ARM: asegúrese de contar con un sistema estable•Detección de movimiento humano de la IA:La vida inteligente nunca se detiene aquí•Estructura de metal intensivo: con alarma antiapalancamiento•Almacenamiento local y en la nube: permite ver los registros a través de la aplicación encualquier momento•El soporte magnético permite desmontar y cargar fácilmente•Batería de litio grande: hasta 90 días de duración•Enlace con el bloqueo de puerta inteligente: para garantizar una mayor seguridadLente de 170° y pantalla HD Cuenta con una lente de 170° de nivel de monitoreo, el visor de puerta inteligente puede absorber un alto volumen de luz, junto con cuatro luces infrarrojas brillantes, ofrece una mejor visión nocturna, incluso en entornos que tienen poca iluminación.Llamada de audio bidireccionalCuando toque el timbre o presione el botón de llamada en la pantalla, puede iniciar la llamada de audio en tiempo real con elmicrófono y el altavoz integrados. Le permite disfrutar de una experiencia de llamada perfecta.Pantalla táctil HD de 5 pulgadasLa pantalla con tecnología IPS multitáctil HD de 5 pulgadas cuenta con gafas curvas delaminación completa 2.5D, lo que hace que todo luzca fabuloso. El diseño interactivo es simple de manejar para los niños y ancianos.Procesador de cuatro núcleos ARMSe incorpora el procesador de cuatro núcleos ARM, el producto muestra un rendimiento sólido con un menor consumo de energía, que ejecuta varias tareas con mayor facilidad y hace que el sistema de control de alertas de la puerta sea más rápido y estable.Detección de movimiento humano de laIAEquipado con un sensor infrarrojo PIR, cuando alguien aparece en un rango de tres metros hacia el exterior de la puerta, el visor de puerta inteligente realizará la identificación a través del algoritmo de detección de cuerpo humano de la IA y capturará instantáneamente una foto o un video. Al mismo tiempo, envíanotificaciones a la aplicación móvil a través del servidor de cifrado en la nube para monitorear la situación en la puerta.Estructura de metal intensivoCuenta con el diseño de estructura metálica robusta y el sensor integradoantiapalancamiento que, cuando el visor de puerta inteligente reconoce la dinámica anormal y se desconecta de Internet, elproducto activará una alarma para advertir a los extraños y a la familia, luego, recibiránotificaciones automáticas en tiempo real en la aplicación móvil.Almacenamiento local y en la nubeEl almacenamiento local 4G en la nube podría satisfacer sus necesidades diarias, ya que puede guardar los registros incluso sin conexión a Internet. Cualquier foto o video cifrado que se suba al servidor de la nube se puede guardar durante 3 días y puede ver los registros a través de la aplicación Philips en cualquier momento.El soporte magnéticoSimplemente utilice los cuatro imanesintegrados para instalar el producto y retirar la pantalla a fin de desmontar el producto. Con el cable reforzado, el producto podría ser muy duradero.Fecha de publicación 2023-11-29Versión: 3.1.1EAN: 69 71318 50230 9© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones quedan sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Las marcas comerciales son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o sus respectivos titulares. Diseño y apariencia •Color: Cobre rojo Función extendida •Módulo IoT:Wi-Fi Piezas de accesorios •Adaptador de corriente •Soporte magnético •Manual del usuario •Tarjeta de garantía。

Sonic electric toothbrush ProtectiveClean 4300Built-in pressure sensor 1 cleaning modeHX6807/24Whiter teeth. Gently does it. Whitens teeth in just 1 week.Feel the difference of a gentle clean with our Pressure Sensor while whitening your teeth in 1 week.Proven to improve oral healthWhitens teeth in just one weekSafe & gentle on sensitive areas, orthodontics & dental workInnovative technologyLets you know if you’re pressing too hardAlways know when to replace your brush headsPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technologyConnects smart brush handle and smart brush headsDesigned around youEasy start program builds your Philips Sonicare routineEncouragement to brush thoroughlyHighlightsNaturally whiter teethClick on the W2 Optimal White brush head to remove surface stains and reveal a whiter smile. With its densely packed centralstainremoval bristles, it's clinically proven to whiten teeth in just one week.Monitor your brushing pressureBrushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums. To prevent this, your Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean emits a gentle pulsing sound to remind you to ease off on the pressure.Safe and gentleYou can be sure of a safe brushing experience:our sonic technology is suitable for use with braces, fillings, crowns, and veneers, and helps prevent cavities and improve gum health.Philips Sonicare technologyPhilips Sonicare's advanced sonic technology pulses water between teeth, and its brushstrokes break up plaque and sweep it away for an exceptional daily clean.BrushSync replacement reminderAll brush heads wear out over time. But our BrushSync technology tracks how long you've been using your brush head for, and how hard you've been brushing. When it's time toreplace it, a light on your handle and a short beep will let you know. That way, you can be sure your brush head is doing a good job.Helpful timersNeed an electric toothbrush with a timer? Our QuadPacer lets you know when you've spent just the right amount of time cleaning eachpart of your mouth, while our Smartimer tells you when you've brushed for the recommended two minutes.BrushSync technologyA microchip-enabled technology that detects and synchronizes the smart brush head with the smart handle. The smart handle and smart brush head pair is a powerful combination that enables Smart replacement reminders.Ease into your new routineStarting something new can take some getting used to. Our easy-start program gives you the option of a gradual, gentle increase in brushing power with the first 14 uses with your new toothbrush.SpecificationsModesClean: For exceptional everyday clean2 intensities: Low, HighItems includedHandle: 1 ProtectiveCleanBrush heads: 1 W2 Optimal White Charger: 1Design and finishingColor: White and MintCleaning performanceSpeed: Up to 62000 brush movement/min Health benefits: Improves gum health in only two weeks, Helps reduce cavities Pressure feedback: Vibrates handle to alertuserTimer: Quadpacer and SmarTimerSmart sensor technologyPressure sensor: Alerts when brushing toohardBrushSync Replacement Reminder: Alwaysknow when to, replace brush headsEase of useHandle compatibility: Easy click-on brushheadsBattery indicator: Light shows battery statusHandle: Slim ergonomic designBrushing time: Up to 2 weeksT echnical specificationsBattery: RechargeableBattery type: Lithium IONOperating time (full to empty): Up to 2 weeksPowerVoltage: 110-220 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* Removes up to 7x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑07‑11 Version: 6.0.112 NC: 8816 807 24220 。
Philips和Desso Luminous Carpets说明书

Luminous CarpetsTMA unique new wayto interact with peopleThis unique, patented flooring solution combines robust LED lighting from Philips with light transmissive carpet specially developed by Desso.It’s an innovation that fundamentally transforms the way people interact with a space, turning flooring into a dynamic canvas that engages directly with our senses and our natural inclination to seek out light.It brings a new found design freedom to architects and interior designers too, with countless application possibilities. Building managers can create different moods and settings instantly, altering décor and ambience at the touch of a button. And …thecarpets look good even when the LED lighting is off.A unique new way... T o interact with peopleHow to apply How it works4 10ContentInnovative and active buildings set the trend in fusing formand function. Opening up unique new ways to make commercial and public buildings more efficient and enhance the lives of the people using them.Now, the Philips and Desso Luminous Carpets TM solution adds an exciting new dimension to the interiors of offices, banks, conference centers, hotels.The carpets update people with important and usefulinformation . They direct people quickly and intuitively to other parts of a building. They inspire people wherever they gather. They help evacuate guests and staff safely in an emergency.Suddenly, carpeting takes on a new functionHow to applySafetyDirection Information InspirationA unique new way…Toinform people instantly In the innovative buildings of tomorrow, live information streams will play a key role. From ‘ticker-tape’ news updates in modern offices to dynamic content in luxury hotels. We know you are always looking for new ways to create unique customer experiences. Here are some ideas…Take offices for example. Whether purpose-built for open plan use or designed for rental purposes, today’s office buildings are increasingly being occupied by a migratory, flexible workforce. Identifying who, what and where requires more and more signage. And that leads to clutter.Luminous Carpets™ can rebrand an office in seconds, showing company logos or identifying people’s workspaces. By limiting information to the floor, wall spaces are kept simple, uncluttered and attractive. Other possibilities include counting down the minutes to the end of a meeting, updating visitors on current waiting times, and displaying personal greetings to important guests.A unique new way…To direct people intuitivelySimply finding your way can be hard inunfamiliar buildings. We’ve all wanderedaround trying to find an elevator, meetingor conference room, restaurant, hotelroom, toilet or exit.Luminous Carpets TM are ideal for routemarking, with people being naturallyguided by what they see on the floor.With color-coding and smart controls,the carpets can direct visitors withoutcluttering the space. In open-plan officesand creative workspace designs they putan end to all the wandering round lookingfor somewhere to meet. They can indicatewhether multi-purpose rooms andworkplaces are free or occupied.And in hotel rooms, they can provideguests with unobtrusive stumble lights.A unique new way…T o give people animmersive experience Innovative building design is bringing new materials and new ideas to offices and hospitality buildings.Luminous Carpets TM bring yet another – immersive – design element. Colors can change depending on the area’s function, and time of day or time of year. Independent research shows that different types of light can have a fundamental effect on our moods, even our productivity and creativity.Luminous Carpets TM help you take advantage of that. The carpet panels can be used to show versatile and dynamic patterns, inspirational text, and even videos.A unique new way…To guide people to safetyThe emergency path marking signs demanded by national and European safety codes are normally located high up on walls,on ceilings and above emergency exit doors. Not a sensible place, since they are obscured by rising smoke during a fire, which can make them useless – and leave people directionless – exactly when they are most needed.Low markings are already mandatory in airplanes and cruise ships, and several US states now also demand Low Egress Path marking in buildings of six stories and above. Luminaires orglow-in-the-dark strips are often placed at floor level, butthese can themselves be easily obscured. They can be ugly, too, cluttering the clean design lines favored by architects and building/interior designers. Fast evacuation is particularly difficult from complex buildings with open-plan offices, even when following safety codes. Dynamic path marking is starting to become a requirement for real-time responses in an emergency. Already mandatory in Shanghai, this is increasingly being discussed in Germany and elsewhere. Luminous Carpets TM can point clearly to emergency equipment, and help to evacuate buildings. They can instantly give clear dynamic emergency path marking through even complex pathways. Unlike LED strips on airplanes, they even allow foran element of surprise when lit.“T his collaboration has produced exciting potential for the functionality of the carpet. We were very pleased to be able to include this innovation in the Elementsof Architecture exhibition as an example of the future of flooring.“Rem Koolhaas, 2014 Venice BiennaleCurator of the 14th International Architecture ExhibitionFor innovators, the new Philips and Desso Luminous Carpets TM open up a world of exciting possibilities. From pointing out safety exits and giving people directions or information, to creating a fully immersive experience that inspires occupants and visitors alike.While the concept is simple, the technology is advanced. Great care was taken in the development of this solution to match the specific needs of the target locations, without disrupting essential processes like cleaning. For example, latest generation Philips LEDs emitting any color are built into units with the appropriate protection against the spilling of fluids. These are combined with robust office and hotel quality Desso carpets, specially developed for the purpose.The end result is a unique combination of elements – and that means successful installation requires specialist expertise.A unique technologyHow it worksThere are three different installation possibilities, depending on floor type. They are easy to install on top of the raised access floors commonly found in offices, and can be recessed or routed into the concrete floors. Locations can be installed using an underlay that keeps the tiles flush with non-lit floor areas. For all three options the carpet is installed on top of the LED units, so that it remains flush with the non-lit floor area. Keeping the LEDs separate from and below the carpet gives designers more flexibility and also makes for easy maintenance and replacement,Installation made easyThree options for InstallationOn-top Raisedaccess oorRecessedLight sourceLight sourceLight sourcesince the carpet is likely to be replaced more quickly than the LED units (which should last for at least 20 years).Selected installersWith selected partners, we can help you prepare the location, design and install the system, link it to existing or new systems, and provide on-the-job training for your people. And over the lifetime of the installation we can set up a service agreement.The light transmissive carpet tile developed by Desso has been given a further engineered version of EcoBase™ carpet backing. A unique light transmissive backing allows the LED light to pass through, and replaces traditional backings. Unlike bitumen(which is a waste product of the oil industry) the composition is consistent and so recyclable – up to 400 times in Desso’s own Refinity plant. And soft PVCs (which can contain high levels of reprotoxic phthalate plasticisers), the materials are benign. The Econyl yarn is made from 100% regenerated nylon from used carpet tiles and fishing nets. Four carpet textures are initially available from Desso’s standard range: Stratos, Pure, Scape and Flow. There are fourteen neutral, contemporary colors available ranging from white and creams to mochas and greys. There is a choice of four textures with further product and shade options in development.The tiles meet norms for dimensional stability and flatness to ensure a tight-fitting broadloom all-over effect throughout the carpet’s lifetime. The carpets integrated within a subfloor to give a completely flat surface, with the cables being routed through ducting and panels.Specially developed carpetsCarpet collectionStratosPureScapeFlow1255The super thin LED panels and lights have been created using the latest LED technology. Together with the light transmissive carpets this patented solution is unique in the market today.Installed underneath the carpet tiles, the LEDs are built intoenclosed units that are strong enough to be walked on while still protecting against spillages without overheating. Producing a bright, sharp light in any color, they are entirely hidden from view when switched off - unlike LED strips on, for instance, airplanes.Underneath it allThe LC Grid is a metal casing with 1024 high intensity LEDs specialy designed for floormounting indoors and ready to be covered by light transmissive carpet tiles. The 1024 LEDs can be adressed separately, which makes it possible to display static and scrolling text on the panel.The LC Grid panel can be installed in a concrete floor with a special floorbox mounted in the routed concrete. The LC Grid panel can also be installed in a raised access floor.Patented LED technologyPhilips and Desso Luminous Carpets™ can be controlled indifferent ways. The content can be pre-programmed so it can run for longer periods; ideal for branding and other more permanent information like emergency path marking. Linking the Luminous Carpets™ to a building management system is also a possibility, since the units work with either Art-Net or KiNet protocol with input from external systems.Some applications require more flexibility, even to the point that you may want to change the content on the spot. Combining Luminous Carpets™ with control software on a laptop or iPad is also possible. Change the text, the name or choose different content, without complex programming.By choosing to use existing protocols and components we can now offer a range of possibilities to suit most applications. In addition, every customer has access to the extensive experience and broad portfolio of Philips Lighting.Controlling the display。
飞利浦Lumea BRI959, BRI956, BRI954, BRI953, BRI950 2

Lumea BRI959, BRI956, BRI954, BRI953, BRI9502English 6简体中文 31ContentsWelcome_______________________________________________________________________________________________7Device overview________________________________________________________________________________________7Who should not use Lumea? Contraindication_______________________________________________________8General conditions_____________________________________________________________________________________8Medications/History___________________________________________________________________________________8Pathologies/Disorders_________________________________________________________________________________9Skin condition__________________________________________________________________________________________9Location/areas_________________________________________________________________________________________10Important_______________________________________________________________________________________________10Danger_________________________________________________________________________________________________10Warning________________________________________________________________________________________________11To prevent damage____________________________________________________________________________________12Caution_________________________________________________________________________________________________13Electromagnetic fields (EMF)__________________________________________________________________________14How IPL works_________________________________________________________________________________________14Suitable body hair colors______________________________________________________________________________15Recommended treatment schedule__________________________________________________________________15Initial phase____________________________________________________________________________________________15Touch-up phase_______________________________________________________________________________________15Treatment time per area_______________________________________________________________________________16What to expect_________________________________________________________________________________________17After initial treatment phase __________________________________________________________________________17During touch-up treatment phase____________________________________________________________________17Using your Lumea Prestige before and after tanning________________________________________________17Tanning with natural or artificial sunlight_____________________________________________________________17Tanning with creams___________________________________________________________________________________17Before you use your Lumea Prestige__________________________________________________________________18Pretreating your skin___________________________________________________________________________________18Skin test________________________________________________________________________________________________18Using your Lumea Prestige____________________________________________________________________________19Skin tone sensor_______________________________________________________________________________________19Attachments___________________________________________________________________________________________19Body Attachment______________________________________________________________________________________19Facial Attachment_____________________________________________________________________________________19Armpit attachment (BRI956, BRI959)_________________________________________________________________19Bikini attachment (BRI956, BRI959)___________________________________________________________________20Precision attachment (BRI953, BRI954)_______________________________________________________________20Selecting the right light intensity______________________________________________________________________20Handling the device___________________________________________________________________________________21Two treatment modes: Stamp & Flash and Slide & Flash_____________________________________________23After use________________________________________________________________________________________________23Common skin reactions________________________________________________________________________________23Rare side effects_______________________________________________________________________________________24Aftercare_______________________________________________________________________________________________25Charging________________________________________________________________________________________________25Cleaning & storage_____________________________________________________________________________________266EnglishWarranty and support_________________________________________________________________________________26Recycling_______________________________________________________________________________________________26Technical specifications_______________________________________________________________________________27Troubleshooting_______________________________________________________________________________________28WelcomeWelcome to the beauty world of Lumea! You are only a few weeks awayfrom silky-smooth skin.Philips Lumea uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, known as one ofthe most effective methods to continuously prevent hair regrowth. In closecollaboration with skin experts we adapted this light-based technology,originally used in professional beauty salons, for easy and effective use inthe safety of your home. Philips Lumea is gentle and offers convenient andeffective treatment at a light intensity that you find comfortable. Unwantedhairs are finally a thing of the past. Enjoy the feeling of being hair-free andlook and feel amazing every day.To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at/welcome . For further information, please go to/lumea to find our experts' advice, tutorial videos and FAQs and make the most of your Lumea.Note: Keep these instructions with your product at all times.Device overview1Light exit window with integrated UV filter2Attachmentsa Body attachmentb Facial attachmentc Bikini attachment (BRI956, BRI959)d Armpit attachment (BRI956, BRI959)e Precision attachment (BRI953, BRI954)3Skin tone sensor4Integrated safety system5Reflector inside the attachment6Electronic contacts7Opening for electronic contacts8Flash button9On/off button10Confirmation button11Toggle buttons12Intensity light indicators13Setting advice button14Ready to flash indicator15Air ventilation slots16Device socket17Adapter18Small plug7English19Luxurious pouch (not shown)20Cleaning cloth (not shown)Who should not use Lumea? Contraindication General conditions-Never use the device if you have skin type VI (You rarely to never sunburn, very dark tanning). In this case you run a high risk of developing skin reactions, such as hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, strong redness or burns.Note: To check if your skin type allows usage of the device, consultthe skin tone table with number 2 on the foldout page.Never use the device if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as the device was not tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women.-Never use the device if you have any active implants such as a pacemaker, neurostimulator, insulin pump etc.Medications/HistoryNever use the device if you take any of the medications listed below:-If your skin is currently being treated with or has recently been treated in the past week with Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), topical isotretinoin and azelaic acid.-If you have taken any form of isotretinoin Accutane or Roaccutane in the last six months. This treatment can make skin moresusceptible to tears, wounds and irritations.-If you are taking photosensitizing agents or medications, check the package insert of your medicine and never use the device if it is stated that it can cause photo-allergic reactions, photo-toxic reactions or if you have to avoid sun when taking this medicine.-If you take anticoagulation medications, including heavy use of aspirin, in a manner which does not allow for a minimum 1-week washout period prior to each treatment.8EnglishNever use the device:-If you have received radiation therapy or chemotherapy within the past 3 months.-If you are on painkillers which reduce the skin's sensitivity to heat.-If you take immunosuppressive medications.-If you have had surgery in the areas to be treated in the last 3weeks.Pathologies/DisordersNever use the device:-If you have diabetes or other systemic or metabolic diseases.-If you have congestive heart disease.-If you have a disease related to photosensitivity, such aspolymorphic light eruption (PMLE), solar urticaria, porphyria etc.-If you have a history of collagen disorder, including a history of keloid scar formation or a history of poor wound healing.-If you have epilepsy with flashlight sensitivity.-If your skin is sensitive to light and easily develops a rash or an allergic reaction.-If you have a skin disease such as active skin cancer, you have a history of skin cancer or any other localized cancer in the areas to be treated.-If you have a history of vascular disorder, such as the presence of varicose veins or vascular ectasia in the areas to be treated.-If you have any bleeding disorder.-If you have a history of immunosuppressive disease (including HIV infection or AIDS).Skin conditionNever use the device:-If you have infections, eczema, burns, inflammation of hair follicles,open lacerations, abrasions, herpes simplex (cold sores), wounds or lesions and haematomas in the areas to be treated.9English-On irritated (red or cut), sunburned, recently tanned or fake-tanned skin.-On the following areas without consulting your doctor first: moles,freckles, large veins, darker pigmented areas, scars and skin anomalies. This can result in a burn and a change in skin color,which makes it potentially harder to identify skin-related diseases.-On following areas: warts, tattoos or permanent make-up.Location/areas Never use the device on the following areas:-Around the eyes and on or near the eyebrows.-On lips, nipples, areolas, labia minora, vagina, anus and the inside of the nostrils and ears.-Men must not use the device on the face and neck including all beard-growing areas, nor on the whole genital area.-On areas where you use long-lasting deodorants. This can result in skin reactions.-Over or near anything artificial like silicone implants, subcutaneous injection ports (for instance an insulin dispenser) or piercings.Note: This list is not exhaustive. If you are not sure whether you can use the device, we advise you to consult your doctor.Important Danger-Keep the device and the adapter dry.10English-If the device is broken, do not touch any inner part to avoid electric shock.-Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Do not use this appliance in wet surroundings (e.g. near a filled bath, a running shower or a filled swimming pool).Warning-This device is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the device by a person responsible for their safety.-Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.-The device is not intended for children under the age of 15 years. Teenagers aged between 15 and 18 years can use the device with the consent and/or assistance of their parents or the persons who have parental authority over them. Adults of 18 years and older can use the device freely.-Always check the device before you use it. Do not use the device or adapter if it is damaged. Always replace a damaged part with one of the original type.-Do not use the device if the UV filter of the light exit windowand/or attachment is broken.-Do not modify or cut off any part of the adapter or the cord, as this causes a hazardous situation.-Do not use any pencil or pen to mark the areas to be treated. This may cause burns on your skin.-If you have a dark-colored skin, be careful with treating a darker area immediately after a lighter area. The skin tone sensor may not immediately block the treatment on the darker body area.-Hair removal by intense pulsed light sources can cause increased hair growth in some individuals. Based upon currently available data, the highest risk groups for this response are females of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and South Asian heritage treated on the face and neck.-Adapter, light exit window and the filter of the attachments can become very hot after usage. Do not touch the adapter, inner part of the light exit window and the filter or the inner part of the attachments without having these cool down.-This device has a detachable power adapter (see symbol). Only use the adapter provided with this device. The reference number (AD2069x20020HF) can be found on your device. The 'x' in this number refers to the plug type for your country.Note: If you notice a skin tone change from last treatment (e.g. due to tanning), we recommend you to perform a skin test and to wait 30 minutes before your next treatment.To prevent damage-Make sure that nothing obstructs the airflow through the ventilation slots of the device.-Never subject the device to heavy shocks and do not shake or drop it.-If you take the device from a very cold environment to a very warm environment or vice versa, wait approximately 3 hours before you use it.-Store the device in a dust free and dry place.-Do not expose the device to temperatures lower than 15°C or higher than 35°C during use.-To prevent damage, do not expose the device to direct sunlight or UV light for several hours.Caution-This device is only intended for removing unwanted body hair from areas below the cheekbones. Do not use it for any other purpose. Doing so may expose you to a hazardous situation. Men most not use it on the face and neck including all beard-growing areas and the whole genital area.-This device is not washable. Never immerse the device in water and do not rinse it under the tap.-For hygienic reasons, the device should only be used by one person.-Use the device only at settings suitable for your skin type. Use at higher settings than those recommended can increase the risk of skin reactions and side effects.-Never use compressed air, scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the device. -The scattered light produced by the device is harmless to your eyes. Do not look at the flash while using the device. It is not necessary to wear goggles during use. Use the device in a well-lit room so that the light is less glaring to your eyes.-Always return the device to a service center authorized by Philips for examination or repair. Repair by unqualified people could cause an extremely hazardous situation for the user.-Never leave the device unattended when it is switched on. Always switch off the device after use.-Do not use the device if any of the conditions mentioned in chapter ‘Who should not use Lumea? Contraindication' apply to you.-Tanning with natural or artificial sunlight might influence the sensitivity and color of your skin. Perform a skin test to determine the appropriate light intensity setting.Suitable body hair colorsNote: To check if your body hair color allows usage of the device, consult thehair color table with number 3 on the foldout page.Recommended treatment scheduleInitial phaseFor the first 4 to 5 treatments, we advise you to use Lumea Prestige once every two weeks to ensure that all hairs are treated.Note: Replacing one of the IPL treatments with another hair removal method (waxing, epilating, etc.) will not help to reach the desired hair reduction.Note: If you want to remove hairs in between the Lumea treatments, you can use your normal hair removal method.After the initial treatment phase (4-5 treatments), we recommend touch-ups every 4-8 weeks, when you see hairs growing back. This to maintain results and enjoy smooth skin for months. The time between treatments may vary based on your individual hair regrowth and also across different body areas. Tip: You can write the treatment schedule in your agenda to remind yourself of the treatments so you will not forget.Note: Using the device more often does not enhance the effectiveness.What to expectAfter initial treatment phase-After the first treatment, it can take 1 to 2 weeks for the hairs to fall out. Inthe first weeks following the initial treatments, you still see some hairsgrowing. These are likely to be hairs that were not in their growing phaseduring the first treatments.-After 2-3 treatments, you should see a noticeable reduction in hairgrowth. However, to effectively treat all hairs, it is important to keep ontreating according to the recommended treatment schedule.-After 4-5 treatments, you should see a significant reduction of hairgrowth in the areas that you treated with Lumea. A reduction of hairdensity should be visible as well.During touch-up treatment phase-Keep on treating with frequent touch-ups (every 4-8 weeks) to maintainthe result.Note: Occasional and indirect sun exposure does not qualify as tanning. Tanning with creamsIf you have used an artificial tanning lotion, wait until the artificial tan hasdisappeared completely before you use the device.Before you use your Lumea PrestigeBefore you use Lumea, you should pretreat your skin by removing hairs onthe surface of your skin. This allows the light to be absorbed by the hairparts below the skin surface to ensure effective treatment. You can eithershave, short-trim, epilate or wax. Do not use depilatory creams, as chemicalsmay cause skin reactions.Skin testWhen you use Lumea Prestige for the first time or after recent tanning,perform a skin test on each area to be treated. The skin test is necessary tocheck your skin's reaction to the treatment and to determine the correctlight intensity setting for each body area.1Attach the right attachment for the area you want to treat. See chapter:'Attachments'.Note: do not try the device on difficult or sensitive areas (ankle and bonyarea).2Turn on the device. Make sure you select setting 1.3Place the device at a 90° angle on the skin so that the integrated safetysystem is in contact with your skin.The integrated safety system prevents unintentional flashing without skincontact.4Press the flash button to release a flash.5Slide the device over the skin to the next area to be treated.6Increase the setting by one level, apply a flash and slide the device to thenext area. Repeat this for all levels, as long as each level still feelscomfortable. See the table in: 'Selecting the right light intensity'.7After the skin test, wait 24 hours and check your skin for any reaction. Ifyour skin shows reactions, choose the highest setting that did not resultin any skin reaction for subsequent use.Using your Lumea PrestigeSkin tone sensorFor extra safety, the Lumea Prestige has integrated skin tone sensor whichmeasures the skin tone at the beginning of each session and occasionallyduring the session. If it detects a skin tone that is too dark for treatment withLumea, the 'ready to flash' light starts blinking orange and the deviceautomatically disables to prevent you from developing skin reactions. Thismeans that it does not flash when you press the flash button. AttachmentsFor optimal results and safety it is important to change attachments perbody area. Lumea Prestige offers full body specific treatment having up tofour different tailored attachments.Note: The device might not work any more and show an error when there isdirt on the attachment connector. Clean the contact leads when this occurs.The armpit attachment has a specifically curved-out design to treat hard toreach armpit hairs.Bikini attachment (BRI956, BRI959)The bikini attachment has a specialized design for effective treatment ofbikini areas. It has curved out design with transparent bikini filter. Hair in thisarea tends to be typically thicker and stronger then leg hair, therefore thebikini area attachment has a special filter for treating the coarser hair in thebikini area.Precision attachment (BRI953, BRI954)The precision attachment is curved-out for use in bikini and armpit areas. Ithas a medium sized window with an extra transparent filter. It is designedfor precise and effective coverage of bikini and armpit areas. Selecting the right light intensityLumea provides 5 different light intensities and advises you on the rightsetting you should use based on your skin tone. You will always be able tochange to a light intensity setting you find comfortable.1Press the on/off button to turn on the device. The device starts tooperate at light intensity setting 1.Note: To adjust the light intensity setting manually without using the skinadvice, use the toggle button until you have reached the required setting.The corresponding intensity light level lights up white.2Press the SmartSkin sensor () and put the device to your skin.3After the device scanned your skin, the suggested intensity lights willblink white to indicate which intensities you can use based on your skintone.4Press the confirmation button () to confirm that you want to use thesuggested setting advice to start using the device.Philips Lumea will automatically use the highest suggested intensity,indicated by a continuous lighting led indicator.Lumea gives you the freedom to select the light intensity that you findmost convenient. If you want to set the light intensity setting manually,please consult the table below. This table shows settings that for themajority of users provides a comfortable, but still effective setting.5Using Lumea should never be painful. If you experience discomfort,reduce the light intensity setting. You can do this by using the up-downbuttons.Note: The device automatically disables when your skin tone is too dark(skin type VI), to prevent you from developing skin reactions. The ‘readyto flash’ light will blink orange to indicate if the skin tone is too dark.6After moving to another body area or recent tanning, perform a skin testto determine the right light intensity setting. To re-activate the settingadvice feature, press the magnifying glass symbol.Note: Since body areas might differ in skin color, you need to select theright setting for each body area separately.Skin type Skin tone Light intensity setting4/5I White: you always sunburn,never tan.4/5II Beige: you easily sunburn, tanminimally.III Light brown: you sunburn easily,4/5tan slowly to light brown.3/4IV Mid brown: you rarely sunburn,tan easily.1/2/3V Dark brown: you rarely sunburn,tan very easily.You cannot use the deviceVI Brownish black or darker: yourarely or never sunburn, veryNote: Your skin may react differently on different days/occasions for anumber of reasons.Handling the device1Before use, clean the attachment and the light exit window.2Put the small plug in the device and put the adapter in the wall socket.Note: If the device is not fully charged when you start a treatment, the battery will run out during a full body treatment. We advise you to always fully charge the device before you start a treatment or to use it corded.3Switch on the device and select the right light intensity for your skin tone.For selecting the right skin tone, you can make use of the setting advice, see chapter: 'Selecting the right light intensity'.4Place the device at a 90° angle on the skin so that the integrated safetysystem is in contact with your skin.The integrated safety system prevents unintentional flashing without skin contact.5Press the device firmly onto your skin to ensure proper skin contact. The ‘ready to flash light’ on the back of the device lights up white to indicatethat you can proceed with the treatment.Note: When the ‘ready to flash’ light starts blinking orange, your skin is not suitable for treatment. In this case, the device automatically disables.You can try to use the device on other areas with a lighter skin tone.Note: If the ' ready to flash' light does not light up white, the device is not completely in contact with your skin.TIP: If you use Lumea on your bikini area and want to leave some hair in place, make sure that the skin tone sensor is not placed on the remaining hair during the treatment, as this can cause the device to block.6Press the flash button to release a flash. The devices makes a softpopping sound. You should feel a warm sensation because of the flash.Note: The scattered light produced by the device is harmless to youreyes. Do not look at the flash while using the device. It is not necessary to wear goggles during use. Use the device in a well-lit room so that thelight is less glaring to your eyes.7Place the device on the next area to be treated. After each flash, it takes up to 2 seconds until the device is ready to flash again. You can release a flash when the 'ready to flash' light lights up white.8To make sure that you have treated all areas, release the flashes close to each other. Effective light only comes out of the light exit window. Part of the device that is in contact with your skin is slightly larger therefore there should be some overlap. However, make sure you flash the same area only once.Note: Flashing the same area twice does not improve the effectiveness of the treatment, but increases the risk of skin reactions.Note: Do not use any pencil or pen to mark the areas to be treated, as this may cause side effects to your skin.9When you have finished the treatment, press and hold the on/off buttonto switch off the device. Remove the adapter from the wall socket if youused the device corded.Note: If you did not use the device for a long period of time, it is important toperform a skin test again and have it charged to avoid deep discharge. Two treatment modes: Stamp & Flash and Slide & Flash-Your Philips Lumea has two treatment modes for more convenient useon different body areas:-The Stamp & Flash mode is ideal to treat small or curvy areas like kneesand underarms. Simply press and release the flash button to release asingle flash.-The Slide & Flash mode offers convenient use on larger areas like legs.Keep the flash button pressed while you slide the device over yourskin to release several flashes in a row.Note: The device needs up to 2 seconds (when used with cord, or up to3.5 seconds when used without cord) in between two flashes, so makesure you flash on every area you wish to treat. Sliding too fast over theskin will cause missed spots.After useCommon skin reactionsYour skin may show slight redness and/or may prickle, tingle or feel warm. This reaction is absolutely harmless and disappears quickly. Dry skin and itching may occur due to shaving or a combination of shaving and light treatment. You can cool the area with an ice pack or a wet face cloth. If dryness persists, you can apply a non-scented moisturizer on the treated area.。

PhilipsWireless Bluetooth®headphones40mm drivers/closed-back Over-earSoft ear cushionsSHB7250High resolution soundwith digital bass boostThe Philips SHB7250 with Bluetooth connectivity eliminates cables but not sound quality, delivering deep bass and pristine clarity. Easily switch from music to calls and enjoy comfort on the go, thanks to soft-cushioned earshells.Powerful sound - wirelessly•High Resolution audio reproduces music in its purest form•40mm neodymium drivers for deep bass and clear sound•Closed-back design for optimized sound isolation•One-touch bass enhancement for a deep dynamic bassMake life more convenient•Bluetooth technology for unwired freedom and convenience•One-tap NFC connection for easy pairing•Compact foldable design for easy portability on the go•Wireless control and enjoyment of music and calls•Multi-point plays music and calls on two devices at once•Activate Siri and Google Now with a press on earcan buttonComfortable for long use•Adjustable earshells and headband for the perfect fit•Lightweight headphones design for long-wearing comfortHighlights40mm speaker drivers40mm neodymium drivers for deep bass and clear soundAdjustable earshells, headbandYour headphones are ergonomically designed to fit you perfectly, thanks to its adjustable earshells and headband – for true comfort and security on the go.Compact foldable designCleverly designed to give you the best experience on the go, your bluetoothheadphones can be easily folded away for easy portability and storage. Carefully selected components, including hinges that allow the headphone parts to be moved with ease, make these headphones your perfect travel companion.Bluetooth technology Pair your headphones with any Bluetooth device for crystal clear music enjoyment – wirelessly. Even when the batteries run out, your music enjoyment does not have to end. Simply plug in the cable and let the music play on.Closed-back designThe closed-back design isolates your music from any external sounds, allowing you to enjoy all the fine details and rich bass of the original recording.Easy NFC pairingAuto wake-up device with a simple NFC one-tap pairing lets you connect your Bluetooth headphones with any Bluetooth-enabled device – with just a single touch.Wireless music and callsSimply pair your smart device with your headphones using Bluetooth and enjoy the freedom and pleasure of crystal clear music and phone calls – without the hassle of wires. Intuitive buttons let you have easy one-touch control of your music and incoming or outgoing calls.High resolution audioHigh Resolution Audio offers the best in audio performance, reproducing original studio master recordings more faithfully than 16bit/44.1kHz CD formats. This uncompromising quality makes High Resolution Audio the best sound companion for the music lover. These headphones meet the stringent standards required for the Hi-Res Audio stamp of quality.Issue date 2018-04-11 Version: 9.3.712 NC: 8670 001 22129 EAN: 06 92597 07006 27© 2018 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsSound•Frequency range: 8 - 40 000Hz*/ 8 - 23 000Hz (BT mode)•Impedance:32Ohm•Magnet type: Neodymium•Maximum power input: 40 mW •Sensitivity: 104 dB•Speaker diameter: 40 mm•Acoustic system: Closed•Diaphragm: PETConnectivity•Audio Connections: 3.5mm Line in •Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP •Bluetooth version: 4.0•Maximum range: Up to 10 m•Cable Connection: single sided•Finishing of connector: gold-plated Accessories•Audio cable: Extra 1.2 m audio cable•Quick start guide: Included•USB cable: Included for charging Convenience•Call Management: Answer/End Call, Reject Call, Microphone mute, Call on Hold, Switch between call and music, Switch between 2 calls •Volume control•Call waitingPower•Battery Type:LI-Polymer•Rechargeable•Music playtime: 11* hr•Standby time: 200* hr•Talk time: 11* hr •Digital noise/ echo reduction•Low battery warningOuter Carton•Gross weight: 3.071 lb•Gross weight: 1.393 kg•GTIN: 1 69 25970 70062 4•Outer carton(L x W x H): 29.5 x 21.2 x 23.4 cm•Outer carton(L x W x H): 11.6 x 8.3 x 9.2 inch•Nett weight: 1.382 lb•Nett weight: 0.627 kg•Number of consumer packagings: 3•Tare weight: 0.766 kg•Tare weight: 1.689 lbPackaging dimensions•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):19.5 x 20 x 8.9 cm•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):7.7 x 7.9 x 3.5 inch•EAN: 69 25970 70062 7•Gross weight: 0.3575 kg•Gross weight: 0.788 lb•Nett weight: 0.461 lb•Nett weight: 0.209 kg•Number of products included: 1•Packaging type: Carton•Tare weight: 0.327 lb•Tare weight: 0.1485 kg•Type of shelf placement: BothProduct dimensions•Product dimensions (W x H x D):5.7 x 7.2 x 3.1 inch•Product dimensions (W x H x D):14.5 x 18.2 x 7.9 cm•Weight: 0.369 lb•Weight: 0.1675 kg*Actual results may vary*When using the headphone cable supplied。

1.1 根据特性曲线确定拟合公式LED的正向电压是电流的函数。
图1为Philips Lumileds的LUXEON Rebel LED 在25℃时的I-V特性曲线。
电流的变化范围从100~1 000mA。
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成立于 1999 年
Philips Lumileds Lighting Company 是世界领先的高功率 LED 制造商,同时也是将固态照明解决方案应用到日常生活中的先驱,包括室内和室外照明、汽车、显示器、电视机、手机相机闪光灯、便携照明和信号照明等。
公司推出了已获专利的 LUXEON? 高功率光源,率先实现了传统照明的高亮度与 LED 的小体积、长寿命和其他优势的结合。
公司还提供核心 LED 材料和 LED 包装,每年生产数十亿颗LED,是一家能够制造出世界上最明亮的白色、红色、琥珀色、蓝色和绿色 LED 的生产商。
通过高功率 LED 技术,将基于发光二极管 (LED) 的固态照明所具有的小体积、长寿命和其他优势带到各种通用照明应用中,如灯泡、灯具、发光体、交通信号、汽车、信号和显示器等。
Lumileds 的历史可以追溯到近 40 年前,最初是 Hewlett-Packard (HP) 的光电事业部。
Hewlett-Packards 的专家真正创立了 LED 的技术规则。
20 世纪 90 年代末,HP 和作为世界领先照明企业之一的飞利浦认识到固态照明的潜力,开始探索如何携手向市场提供新的固态照明解决方案。
1999 年,HP 拆分为两家公司,光电团队划入了新成立的 Agilent Technologies。
同年 11 月,由于认识到 LED 的巨大潜力,Agilent Technologies 和飞利浦 (NYSE:PHG) 成立了合资企业 Lumileds,这家新企业的使命是:开发和营销全世界最明亮的 LED,开创全新的照明世界。
2005 年,飞利浦收购了 Agilent Technologies 在 Lumileds 中的股份。
Philips Lumileds Lighting Company 是全面一体化的制造商,生产 LED 单元、封装 LED 和专门集成到常规照明产品中的高亮度 LED (LUXEON?)。
公司销售专为普通照明、汽车应用、显示器、便携应用、标牌、交通信号和其他细分市场设计的 LED 解决方案。
Philips Lumileds 制造世界上最明亮的白色、红色、琥珀色、蓝色和绿色 LED 光源。
Philips Lumileds 的 LUXEON 技术使 LED 拥有了足以媲美传统光源的亮度,而且它也使体积更小、寿命更长且更节能的 LED 第一次有能力取代众多产品中所采用的白炽灯、卤素灯和荧光灯。
LUXEON 让照明设计师能够设计出全新的照明灯具,这些灯具大幅度减少了光源占用的空间,无需更换灯泡,而且可以提供精确的光束控制。
LUXEON 还可以降低交通信号照明成本,为液晶显示器和笔记本电脑屏幕提供丰富逼真的色彩,为车辆刹车灯提供即时的照明,从而提供更多的安全保护,还能为很多其他应用带来巨大的好处。
Philips Lumileds 总部设在美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞,在荷兰、日本、马来西亚、新加坡和马来西亚建有生产基地,销售办事处遍布全球。