全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 《A Telephone Call》


【知识学习】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)

【知识学习】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)

全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案ATelephonecall(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学鲍当洪)I.TeachingmaterialATelephonecallA:mayIspeaktojim,please?B:Sorry.He'snotathome.A:whereishenow?B:Hewenttothebookshop.A:wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?B:Sure.A:TomorrowisTeachers'Day.we'llhaveapartyatschool.B:whattimeistheparty?A:Atthreethirtyintheafternoon.B:ok,I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.A:Thankyou.II.TeachingAims)EnablethestudentstomaketelephonecallsinEnglish andgetthemtoknowhowtobehavethemselvesonthetelephone.2)Raisethestudents'interesttolearnEnglish.3)Encouragethestudentstohavegoodcooperationwithonea nother.III.Teachingcontents)Patterns:mayIspeakto...?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?2)Vocabulary:message,party,takeamessageIV.teachingAidsFourtoytelephones,acD-Rom,atoySantaclaus.V.TeachingproceduresStep1.warming-upExerciseSingthesong"Greetings".Step2.PresentationandPractice)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothet alkbetweentheteacherandthepersoninthescreen.2)Afterthetalk,theteachertellsthestudentshowtomakea telephonecallinEnglish.writethepattern"mayIspeakto...?"ontheblackb oardandteachthemhowtouseitonthephone.3)Usingthefourtoytelephones,askthestudentstomaketel ephonecallsinpairswiththefollowingpatterns:----mayIspeakto...?----Speaking.Thosestudentswhodonothavetoytelephonescanusetheirpe ncil-boxesinstead,ortheycanputtheirfingerstotheirearsasasignt omakephonecalls.4)Askonestudenthis/hernameandhis/herhometelephonenu mber,usingthefollowingsentences:wouldyouplease'tellmeyourname?wouldyoupleasetellmeyourhometelephonenumber?5)makeatelephonecalltoastudentandgetthestudentstole arnthefollowingshortdialogue:T:Hello.Isthat8614761?S:yes.T:mayIspeaktoXiaoLong?S:Sorry,heisnotintheoffice.T:wouldyoupleasetakeamessageandaskhimtocometoschool thisafternoon?S:Sure.T:Thankyou.6)Askthestudentstomakecallsingroups.Thenasksomepairstoactouttoseeiftheyknowhowtousethep atternsbelow:mayIspeakto..,?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?7)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothedial ogue"ATelephonecall"withthefollowingquestionsinmind:whatisthemessageabout?whattimeistheparty?Thenaskthestudentssomequestionsiftheyhaveunderstood thedialogue.8)Askthestudentstolookatthedialogueonthescreenandli stentoitagain.9)Theteachertellsthestudentsthemeaningoftheword"tom orrow"withthehelpofacalendarandthefollowingsentences:we'llhaveapartyatschool.I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.0)Askthestudentstoreadthenewwordandthesentencesonth eblackboard.1)Askthestudentstoretellthedialogueintheirownwordsi npairs.2)Playthegame"ThrowingSantaclaus"toseeifthestudentscansaythesentenceswell.TheteacherthrowsthetoySantaclaustoastudent.whenthes tudentcatchestheSantaclaus,heorshemustsayoneofthesentencesontheb lackboard,andthenthrowstheSantaclaustoanotherstuden t.3)Askthestudentstoactoutthedialogueinroles.Step3.)Showthestudentsthreepicturesonthescreen.Askthe mtomaketelephonecallsingroupsbasedonthepicturetheyhave chosen.Pictureone:youwanttoinviteTomtoplayfootbaUwithyou,b utTomhasn'tgotatelephoneathome.youaskRosetotakeames sagetoTom.PictureTwo:misswuisill.youwanttopayavisittoherwithjack.Butjackisnotatme.Hissisterpicksupthephone.PictureThree:youwillholdabirthdaypartyonSunday.youphonetoLilytoinvitehertoyourparty,butsheisn'tathome .Howdoyouspeaktohermother,whoisathomeatthattime?2)Asksomepairstoactouttheirtelephonecalls.3)Askthestudentstomakephonecallstotheteacherswhoare sittingaroundthedassroom.Theteachertellsthestudents:"TherewillbeapartyonNewy ear'sDay.wewillinvitesometeacherstocometoourparty.writethenamesandthetelephonenumbersofsometeachersan dmaketelephonecallstothem".Step4.SummaryTellthestudentsthewayofmakingaphonecallintheirdaily life.Step5.HomeworkAskthestudentstomakephonecallstotheirfriendsandtell themtheirschoollifeafterclass.Step6:EndingSingthesong"Happyweekend".专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的ATelephonecall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。



ATelephoneCall(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)ATelephonecallI.TeachingaterialATelephonecallA:ayIspeatoji,please?B:Sorry.He'snotathoe.A:hereisheno?B:Heenttothebooshop.A:ouldyoupleasetaeaessage?B:Sure.A:ToorroisTeachers'Day.e'llhaveapartyatschool.B:hattieistheparty?A:Atthreethirtyintheafternoon.B:o,I'lltellhihenhe'sbac.A:Thanyou.II.TeachingAis)EnablethestudentstoaetelephonecallsinEnglishan dgetthetonohotobehavetheselvesonthetelephone.)Raisethestudents'interesttolearnEnglish.)Encouragethestudentstohavegoodcooperationithon eanother.III.Teachingcontents)Patterns:ayIspeato...?ouldyoupleasetaeaessage?)Vocabulary:essage,party,taeaessageIV.teachingAidsFourtoytelephones,acD-Ro,atoySantaclaus.V.TeachingproceduresStep1.aring-upExerciseSingthesong"Greetings".Step2.PresentationandPractice)Asthestudentstolooatthescreenandlistentothetal beteentheteacherandthepersoninthescreen.)Afterthetal,theteachertellsthestudentshotoaeat elephonecallinEnglish.ritethepattern"ayIspeato...?" ontheblacboardandteachthehotouseitonthephone.)Usingthefourtoytelephones,asthestudentstoaetel ephonecallsinpairsiththefolloingpatterns:----ayIspeato...?----Speaing. Thosestudentshodonothavetoytelephonescanusetheirpencil-boxesinstead,ortheycanputtheirfingerstotheirear sasasigntoaephonecalls.)Asonestudenthis/hernaeandhis/herhoetelephonenu ber,usingthefolloingsentences:ouldyouplease'telleyournae?ouldyoupleasetelleyourhoetelephonenuber?)aeatelephonecalltoastudentandgetthestudentstol earnthefolloingshortdialogue:T:Hello.Isthat8614761?S:yes.T:ayIspeatoXiaoLong?S:Sorry,heisnotintheoffice.T:ouldyoupleasetaeaessageandashitoetoschoolthisafte rnoon?S:Sure.T:Thanyou.)Asthestudentstoaecallsingroups.Thenassoepairstoactouttoseeiftheynohotousethepatter nsbelo:ayIspeato..,?ouldyoupleasetaeaessage?)Asthestudentstolooatthescreenandlistentothedia logue"ATelephonecall"iththefolloingquestionsinind: hatistheessageabout?hattieistheparty?Thenasthestudentssoequestionsiftheyhaveunderstood thedialogue.)Asthestudentstolooatthedialogueonthescreenandl istentoitagain.)Theteachertellsthestudentstheeaningoftheord"to orro"iththehelpofacalendarandthefolloingsentences: e'llhaveapartyatschool.I'lltellhihenhe'sbac.0)Asthestudentstoreadtheneordandthesentencesonthebl acboard.1)Asthestudentstoretellthedialogueintheironordsinpa irs.)Playthegae"ThroingSantaclaus"toseeifthestudent scansaythesentencesell.TheteacherthrosthetoySantaclaustoastudent.henthestu dentcatchestheSantaclaus,heorsheustsayoneofthesente ncesontheblacboard,andthenthrostheSantaclaustoanoth erstudent.3)Asthestudentstoactoutthedialogueinroles.Step3.)Shothestudentsthreepicturesonthescreen.Asthetoaetelephonecallsingroupsbasedonthepicturetheyhavech osen.Pictureone:youanttoinviteTotoplayfootbaUithyou,butT ohasn'tgotatelephoneathoe.youasRosetotaeaessagetoTo.PictureTissuisill.youanttopayavisittoherithjac.Butj acisnotate.Hissisterpicsupthephone.PictureThree:youillholdabirthdaypartyonSunday.you phonetoLilytoinvitehertoyourparty,butsheisn'tathoe.Hodoyouspeatoherother,hoisathoeatthattie?)Assoepairstoactouttheirtelephonecalls.)Asthestudentstoaephonecallstotheteachershoares ittingaroundthedassroo.Theteachertellsthestudents:"ThereillbeapartyonNeyea r'sDay.eillinvitesoeteacherstoetoourparty.ritethenaesandthetelephonenubersofsoeteachersandaet elephonecallstothe".Step4.SuarTellthestudentstheayofaingaphonecallintheirdailylif e.Step5.HoeorAsthestudentstoaephonecallstotheirfriend sandtellthetheirschoollifeafterclass.Step6:EndingSingthesong"Happyeeend".专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的ATelephonecall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。



Atelephonecall教学设计一、教学内容blookandlearn,caskandanswer,dworkinpairs二、教学目标知识目标:1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词acold,bad.2、能正确地听、说、读单词atoothache,anearache,abackache,aheadache,astomachache,afever,acold,a cough.3、能正确地理解并运用日常交际用语what’swrongwithyou?i’vegota/an…i’msorrytohearthat.howdoyoufeel?ifeel…icangeta/some…foryou.能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及自学及创新的综合能力。


三、教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读单词atoothache,anearache,abackache,aheadache,astomachache,afever,acold,a cough.2、能正确地理解并运用日常交际用语what’swrongwithyou?i’vegota/an…i’msorrytohearthat.howdoyoufeel?ifeel…icangeta/some…foryou.四、教学难点1、正确拼读单词和句子,能流利地用英语对话,并能用所学单词和句子说话,培养学生关心他人的情感,以及与人相处的能力。




《A telephone call》英语教案

《A telephone call》英语教案

《A telephone call》英语教案一、教学内容Part B L, read and learn and D Wr in pairs二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词:a headache, a bad, a cugh, gt, a fever, a cld.2、能正确地听、说、读单词:a tthache, an earache,a bacache, a stachache.3、通过师生之间真实的交流,学会用句型:What’s wrng with u ? I’ve gt... I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.询问他人的身体状况。


2、能正确地理解和运用句型What’s wrng with u? ---I’ve gt …四、教具准备1、本课所教单词的图片。


五、教学过程Step1. Revisin1. Sing a sng ‘Wish u are happ ever da’2. Pla a gaeGive the students se rders.T: Tuch ur nse/ees/head/ear/tth(导入bac stach)3. Free talT: Hw are u?S: Fine, than u. /Nt s gd当有学生回答Nt s gd 时,教师关切地询问What’s the atter?What’s wrng with u? 并用手势引导学生回答。

(What’s the atter? 在4A出现过教师可告诉学生What’s the atter?和What’s wrng with u?的意思一样.)板书:What’s wrng with u? 生跟读在生回答后,师:I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.[板书,生跟读]Step 2. Presentatin1、Teach: tthachea. 师与一生表演呈现T: Hw are u?S: Nt s gd.T: What’s wrng with u?S: I’ve gt a tthache. (托腮作痛苦状)T: I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.b. 师出示图片并配以单词 a tthache生跟读:a tthache&nt;&nt; ——a tthache—— I’ve gt a tthache.(板书:I’ve gt a….)c. Practice in pairsA: What’s wrng with u?B: I’ve gt a….A: I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.师问生答生问生答2、同法教学单词 earache bacache headache stachache并启发学生总结此类单词的词尾特点:后缀-ache3、学单词fever cld cugh4、听B部分录音并跟读Step3. Cnslidatin1、Gae 选取两组同学进行竞赛,每组两人。



《A telephone call》英语教案《A telephone call》英语教案一、教学内容Part B L, read and learn and D Wr in pairs二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词:a headache, a bad, a cugh, gt, a fever, a cld.2、能正确地听、说、读单词:a tthache, an earache, a bacache,a stachache.3、通过师生之间真实的交流,学会用句型:What’s wrng with u ? I’ve gt... I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.询问他人的身体状况。


2、能正确地理解和运用句型What’s wrng with u? ---I’ve gt …四、教具准备1、本课所教单词的图片。


五、教学过程Step1. Revisin1. Sing a sng ‘Wish u are happ ever da’2. Pla a gaeGive the students se rders.T: Tuch ur nse/ees/head/ear/tth(导入bac stach)3. Free talT: Hw are u?S: Fine, than u. /Nt s gd当有学生回答Nt s gd 时,教师关切地询问What’s the atter?What’s wrng with u? 并用手势引导学生回答。

(What’s the atter? 在4A出现过教师可告诉学生What’s the atter?和What’s wrng with u?的意思一样.)板书:What’s wrng with u? 生跟读在生回答后,师:I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.[板书,生跟读]Step 2. Presentatin1、Teach: tthachea. 师与一生表演呈现T: Hw are u?S: Nt s gd.T: What’s wrng with u?S: I’ve gt a tthache. (托腮作痛苦状)T: I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.b. 师出示图片并配以单词 a tthache生跟读:a tthache&nt;&nt; ——a tthache——I’ve gt a tthache.(板书:I’ve gt a….)c. Practice in pairsA: What’s wrng with u?B: I’ve gt a….A: I’ srr t hear that. I hpe u get better sn.师问生答生问生答2、同法教学单词 earache bacache headache stachache并启发学生总结此类单词的词尾特点:后缀-ache3、学单词fever cld cugh4、听B部分录音并跟读Step3. Cnslidatin1、Gae 选取两组同学进行竞赛,每组两人。



全国首届小学英语优质竞赛一等奖教案(三)全国首届小学英语优质竞赛一等奖教案ATelephneall(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学鲍当洪)ITeahingaterialATelephneallA:aIspeati,please?B:SrrHe'sntatheA:hereishen?B:HeenttthebshpA:uldupleasetaeaessage?B:SureA:TrrisTeahers'Dae'llhaveapartatshlB:hattieisthepart?A:AtthreethirtintheafternnB:,I'lltellhihenhe'sbaA:ThanuIITeahingAis)EnablethestudentstaetelephneallsinEnglishandgetthetnhtbehavetheselvesnthetelephne2)Raisethestudents'interesttlearnEnglish3)EnuragethestudentsthavegdperatinithneantherIIITeahingntents)Patterns:aIspeat?uldupleasetaeaessage?2)Vabular:essage,part,taeaessageIVteahingAidsFurttelephnes,aD-R,atSantalausVTeahingpreduresStep1aring-upExeriseSingthesng"Greetings"Step2PresentatinandPratie)Asthestudentstlatthesreenandlistentthetalbeteen theteaherandthepersninthesreen2)Afterthetal,theteahertellsthestudentshtaeatelephne allinEnglishritethepattern"aIspeat?"ntheblabardandteahth ehtuseitnthephne3)Usingthefurttelephnes,asthestudentstaetelephneallsinpairsiththefllingpatterns:----aIspeat?----SpeaingThsestudentshdnthavettelephnesanusetheirpenil-bxesinstead,rtheanputtheirfingersttheirearsasasigntaephn ealls4)Asnestudenthis/hernaeandhis/herhetelephnenuber, usingthefllingsentenes:ulduplease'telleurnae?uldupleasetelleurhetelephnenuber?)aeatelephnealltastudentandgetthestudentstlearn thefllingshrtdialgue:T:HellIsthat8614761?S:esT:aIspeatXiaLng?S:Srr,heisntintheffieT:uldupleasetaeaessageandashitetshlthisafternn?S:SureT:Thanu6)AsthestudentstaeallsingrupsThenassepairstatuttseeifthenhtusethepatternsbel: aIspeat,?uldupleasetaeaessage?7)Asthestudentstlatthesreenandlistentthedialgue"ATel ephneall"iththefllingquestinsinind:hatistheessageabut?hattieisthepart?Thenasthestudentssequestinsifthehaveunderstdthedialgue8)Asthestudentstlatthedialguenthesreenandlistentitag ain9)Theteahertellsthestudentstheeaningftherd"trr"iththehelpfaalendarandthefllingsentenes:e'llhaveapartatshlI'lltellhihenhe'sba0)Asthestudentstreadthenerdandthesentenesntheblab ard1)Asthestudentstretellthedialgueintheirnrdsinpairs2)Plathegae"ThringSantalaus"tseeifthestudentsansath esentenesellTheteaherthrsthetSantalaustastudenthenthestudentat hestheSantalaus,hersheustsanefthesentenesntheblabard, andthenthrstheSantalaustantherstudent3)AsthestudentstatutthedialgueinrlesStep3)ShthestudentsthreepituresnthesreenAsthetaetelephneallsingrupsbasednthepiturethehavehsenPiturene:uanttinviteTtplaftbaUithu,butThasn'tgtatelep hneatheuasRsettaeaessagetTPitureT:issuisilluanttpaavisittherithaButaisntateHissiste rpisupthephnePitureThree:uillhldabirthdapartnSundauphnetLiltinviteherturpart,butsheisn'tatheHduspeatherther,hisatheatthattie?2)Assepairstatuttheirtelephnealls3)Asthestudentstaephneallsttheteahersharesittingarun dthedassrTheteahertellsthestudents:"ThereillbeapartnNeear'sDa eillinviteseteahersteturpartritethenaesandthetelephnenubersfseteahersandae telephneallstthe"Step4SuarTellthestudentstheafaingaphneallintheirdaillifeStepHerAsthestudentstaephneallsttheirfriendsandtellthetheirs hllifeafterlassStep6:EndingSingthesng"Happeeend"专家点评鲍当洪教师执教的ATelephneall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语。



全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)A Telephone Call (广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学鲍当洪)I.Teaching MaterialA Telephone CallA: May I speak to Jim, please?B: Sorry. He's not at home.A: Where is he now?B: He went to the bookshop.A: Would you please take a message?B: Sure.A: Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. We'll have a party at school.B: What time is the party?A: At three thirty in the afternoon.B: OK, I'll tell him When he's back.A: Thank you.II. Teaching Aims1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English andget them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone.2) Raise the students' interest to learn English.3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another.III.Teaching contents1 ) Patterns:May I speak to ...?Would you please take a message?2) V ocabulary: message, party, take a messageIV.teaching AidsFour toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus.V. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-up ExerciseSing the song "Greetings".Step 2. Presentation and Practice1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between theteacher and the person in the screen.2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how t o use it on the phone.3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls inpairs with the following patterns:---- May I speak to...?---- Speaking.Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxesinstead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls.4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences:Would you please 'tell me your name?Would you please tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that 8614761?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below: May I speak to..,?Would you please take a message?7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue "A Telephone Call" withthe following questions in mind:What is the message about?What time is the party?Then ask the students some questions if they have understoodthe dialogue.8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word "tomorrow" with thehelp of a calendar and the following sentences:We'll have a party at school.I'll tell him when he's back.10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs.12) Play the game "Throwing Santa Claus" to see if the students can say the sentences well.The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catchesthe Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then t hrows the Santa Claus to another student.13) Ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles.Step 3.1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them tomake telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen.Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play footbaU with you, butTom hasn't got a tel ephone at home. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom.Picture Two: Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not atme. His sister picks up thephone.Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. Youphone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isn't at home. How do youspeak to her mother, who is at home at that time?2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting aroundthe dassroom.The teacher tells the students:"There will be a party on New Year's Day. We will invit e some teachers to come to our party.Write the names and the telephone numbers of some teachers and maketelephone calls to them".Step 4. SummaryTell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.Step 5. HomeworkAsk the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their schoollife after class.Step 6: EndingSing the song "Happy Weekend".专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的 A Telephone Call是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。

《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 2 A telephone call (PartB, D and E)教学设计

《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 2 A telephone call (PartB, D and E)教学设计

《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 2 A telepho ne call (PartB, D and E)教学设计Teaching design of 5B unit 2A telephone call (PartB, D and E)《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 2 A telephone call (PartB, D and E)教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。




一、教学目标1.能听得懂、会说、会用短语a bad cold ,a bad cough,a high fever, have a lot of rest.2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s wrong with you? i’ve got …3.能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语i’m sorry to hear that.4.能听得懂、会说、会表演e.read and act.5.培养学生关心他人的好习惯.二、教学重点能听得懂、会说、会表演e.read and act.三、教学难点能听得懂,会说和会用what’s wrong with you? i’vegot …,have a lot of rest.四、课前准备教师:多媒体课件、录音机、图片若干,药瓶等。


五、教学过程step1:preparation1.free talk2.play a game:listen and touch.3.sing a song4.t:are you happy today?s1:yes,i am.t:but i feel hot.how do you feel now?s1:i feel….t:i can get a …for you.s1:thank you.s-s make some dialogues.step2:presentation1.s: how do you feel now?t:i feel cold.i’ve got a cold.teach : a col d?a bad cold? i’ve got a cold.(ss)t:look,i’ve got a toothache.i’ve got a headache.(做动作)can you say and do like me?2.t:what’s wrong with you?s:i’ve got a …teach:wrong?what’s wrong with you?(ss)3.s:what’s wrong with you?t:i’ve got a fever.tea ch:fever?a high fever?i’ve got a high fever.(同法teach: cough?a bad cough?i’ve got a bad cough.)t—s,s-s make some dialogues.4.t:what’s wrong with you?s:i’ve got a …t:i’m sorry to hear that.t:听到别人病了,要学会关心。

A Telephone Call(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)

A Telephone Call(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)

A Telephone Call(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)A Telephone CallI.Teaching Material A Telephone Call A: May I speak to Jim, please? B: Sorry. He's not at home. A: Where is he now? B: He went to the bookshop. A: Would you please take a message? B: Sure. A: Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. We'll have a party at school. B: What time is the party? A: At three thirty in the afternoon. B: OK, I'll tell him When he's back. A: Thank you. II. Teaching Aims 1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone. 2) Raise the students' interest to learn English. 3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another. III.Teaching contents 1 ) Patterns: May I speak to ...? Would you please take a message? 2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a message IV.teaching Aids Four toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus. V. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up Exercise Sing the song "Greetings". Step 2. Presentation and Practice 1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen. 2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone. 3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns: ---- May I speak to...? ---- Speaking. Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls. 4) Ask one student his/her name andhis/her home telephone number, using the following sentences: Would you please 'tell me your name? Would you please tell me your home telephone number? 5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue: T: Hello. Is that 8614761? S: Yes. T: May I speak to Xiao Long? S: Sorry, he isnot in the office. T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon? S: Sure. T: Thank you. 6) Ask the students to make calls in groups. Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below: May I speak to..,? Would you please take a message? 7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue "A Telephone Call" withthe following questions in mind: What is the message about? What time is the party? Then ask the students some questions if they have understood the dialogue. 8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again. 9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word "tomorrow" with the help of a calendar and the following sentences: We'll have a party at school. I'll tell him when he's back. 10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard. 11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs. 12) Play the game "Throwing Santa Claus" to see if the students can say the sentences well. The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the Santa Claus to another student. 13) Ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles. Step 3. 1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them to make telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen. Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play footbaU with you, butTom hasn't got a telephone at home. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom. Picture Tw Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not atme. His sister picks up the phone. Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. You phone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isn't at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is at home at that time? 2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls. 3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the dassroom. The teacher tells the students:"There will be a party on New Year's Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party. Write the names and the telephone numbers of someteachers and maketelephone calls to them". Step 4. Summary Tell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life. Step 5. Homework Ask the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life after class. Step 6: Ending Sing the song "Happy Weekend". 銆€涓撳鐐硅瘎椴嶅綋娲€佸笀鎵ф暀鐨?A Telephone Call鏄竴鑺傜湡瀹炪€佽嚜鐒躲€佺敓鍔ㄣ€佹湁瓒g殑灏忓鑻辫璇俱€傝璇炬暀瀛︾洰鐨勬槑纭紝鏁欏杩囩▼鏈夊簭锛屾暀瀛︽椿鍔ㄨ璁″悎鐞嗭紝鏁欏鍚勭幆鑺傝繃娓¤嚜鐒讹紝瀛︾敓鎬濈淮娲昏穬銆傝繖鑺傝鍦ㄧ粍缁囧拰璁捐涓婁富瑕佹湁浠ヤ笅鐗圭偣锛?1锛庢敞閲嶅鐢熺殑涓讳綋鍦颁綅锛屽疄鐜颁簡鏁欏笀瑙掕壊鐨勮浆鍙樸€?鎵ф暀鏁欏笀浠庡鐢熺殑鍏磋叮鍑哄彂锛岄€氳繃鍒涜鎯呮櫙锛岀ず鑼冩暀瀛﹀唴瀹癸紝鍚彂瀛︾敓鐨勬€濈淮锛岀粍缁囧鐢熷疄璺碉紝鍩瑰吇瀛︾敓鐨勮瑷€浜ら檯鑳藉姏銆傛暀甯堝湪鏁翠釜鏁欏娲诲姩涓垚鍔熷湴鎵紨浜嗗涓鑹层€傞鍏堬紝浠栨槸涓€涓ず鑼冭€咃紝浠栦负瀛︾敓灞曠ず璇█缁撴瀯銆佹剰涔夊拰璇█杩愮敤鐨勬儏鏅紱鍚屾椂浠栧張鏄竴涓惎鍙戣€咃紝鍚彂瀛︾敓鎬濊€冿紝寮曞瀛︾敓鎯宠薄锛涘叾娆★紝浠栬繕鏄竴涓儏鏅殑璁捐鑰呭拰瀛︿範鐨勬寚瀵艰€咃紝浠栭€氳繃澶氬獟浣撹浠跺睍鐜扮敓鍔ㄣ€侀€肩湡鐨勪氦闄呮儏鏅紝甯姪鍜屽紩瀵煎鐢熷湪璇涓悊瑙h瑷€鐨勭粨鏋勫拰鎰忎箟锛涙澶栵紝浠栨洿鏄竴鍚嶈鍫傛椿鍔ㄧ殑缁勭粐鑰呫€佸鐢熷涔犵殑婵€鍔辫€呭拰淇冭繘鑰咃紝浠栭€氳繃鐜╁叿灏忕數璇濄€佽韩浣撹瑷€璁捐鎯呮櫙锛岀粍缁囧鐢熷紑灞曟父鎴忓拰涓や汉灏忕粍娲诲姩锛岀粰瀛︾敓鎻愪緵妯′豢銆佷綋楠屻€佸疄璺靛拰鍒涢€犳€ц繍鐢ㄨ瑷€鐨勬満浼氾紝骞跺湪娲诲姩涓€傛椂鍦伴紦鍔卞拰琛ㄦ壃瀛︾敓锛屼繚鎶ゅ鐢熺殑鑷俊蹇冨拰瀛︿範鐨勭Н鏋佹€э紝浣垮鐢熷鏈夋墍鑾枫€?2锛庢敞閲嶆妸璇█缁撴瀯鍜岃瑷€鍔熻兘鏈夋満缁撳悎锛屽疄鐜颁簡浠庣煡璇嗗埌鑳藉姏鐨勮浆鍙樸€?鏈鏁欏鍐呭娑夊強鍏充簬鎵撶數璇濈殑琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡锛屾墽鏁欐暀甯堣兘澶熸敞鎰忓鐞嗗ソ缁撴瀯涓庡姛鑳界殑鍏崇郴锛屽皢璇█缁撴瀯鐨勫涔犺瀺浜庢ā鎷熺殑浜ら檯鎯呮櫙涔嬩腑銆傛暀甯堝湪鏁欏鐨勮璁′笂閲囩敤鍒嗚В闅剧偣銆佸垎姝ュ憟鐜般€侀€愭鎵╁睍銆佸眰灞傛繁鍏ョ殑鏂瑰紡锛屾敞閲嶇ず鑼冭川閲忥紝淇濊瘉瀛︾敓瀵硅瑷€鎰忎箟鐨勬纭悊瑙o紝閫氳繃鍚勭妯′豢鍜屾搷缁冩椿鍔紝浣垮鐢熸帉鎻℃柊鐨勮瑷€褰㈠紡銆備緥濡傦紝鏁欏笀杩愮敤澶氬獟浣撳垱璁句簡涓嶅悓鐨勭敓娲绘儏鏅紝璁╁鐢熶袱浜轰竴缁勯€夋嫨鍏朵腑鐨勪竴绉嶏紝骞惰繍鐢ㄦ墍瀛﹁瑷€杩涜妯℃嫙浜ら檯锛屼績杩涗簡鐭ヨ瘑鍚戣兘鍔涚殑杞寲銆?3锛庢敞閲嶆暀瀛﹀唴瀹逛笌瀛︾敓鐨勭敓娲荤粡楠岀浉缁撳悎锛屽疄鐜颁簡瀛︿互鑷寸敤鐨勬暀瀛︾洰鏍囥€?椴嶈€佸笀閫氳繃鍒涜鎯呮櫙锛屽皢瀛︿範鍐呭涓庡鐢熺殑瀹為檯鐢熸椿鐩哥粨鍚堬紝浣垮鐢熻韩涓村叾澧冿紝浠庤€岃揪鍒颁簡瀛︿互鑷寸敤鐨勭洰鐨勩€備緥濡傦紝浠栧湪缁欐煇涓鐢熸墦鐢佃瘽涔嬪墠锛屽厛鐢ㄨ嫳璇簡瑙e鐢熷鐨勭數璇濆彿鐮?鐒跺悗鎷ㄥ彿缁欒瀛︾敓鎵撶數璇濓紝璁╁鐢熸劅鍒扮湡瀹炲拰浜插垏銆傚悓鏃讹紝浠栬缃殑涓変釜鎯呮櫙锛氱害鍚屽韪㈣冻鐞冿紝绾﹀悓瀛︾湅鏈涜€佸笀锛岀害鍚屽鍙傚姞鐢熸棩鏅氫細锛屼篃閮藉弽鏄犱簡瀛︾敓鐨勫疄闄呯敓娲汇€傝拷姹傝闊炽€佽璋冭嚜鐒讹紝鏁欐€佷翰鍒囥€佸ぇ鏂癸紝椋庢牸鍙嬪杽鍜屽菇榛樹篃鏄矋鑰佸笀鏁欏鎴愬姛鐨勯噸瑕佸洜绱犮€傚綋鐒讹紝鏈妭璇捐繕鏈夋敼杩涚殑浣欏湴锛屼緥濡傦紝鍦ㄥ鐢熶袱浜哄皬缁勬椿鍔ㄤ腑锛屾暀甯堝瀛︾敓瑙掕壊鐨勬弿杩颁笉澶熸槑纭紝浣垮緱瀛︾敓瀵硅瘽涓殑涓€浜涜瑷€鏄惧緱涓嶅寰椾綋銆傛澶栵紝璁╁鐢熷悜鐜板満鍚鐨勮€佸笀璇㈤棶鐢佃瘽鍙风爜鏃讹紝搴旇閫傛椂鏁欑粰瀛︾敓浣跨敤寰椾綋鐨勮瑷€锛屼互閬垮厤瀛︾敓鍦ㄧ壒瀹氱殑鍦哄悎鍑虹幇浣跨敤涓嶅緱浣撶殑闂瘽鏂瑰紡銆?。

A Telephone Call(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)

A Telephone Call(优质课竞赛一等奖教案)

A Telephne all(优质竞赛一等奖教案)ATelephneallITeahingaterialATelephneallA:aIspeati,please?B:SrrHe'sntatheA:hereishen?B:HeenttthebshpA:uldupleasetaeaessage?B:SureA:TrrisTeahers'Dae'llhaveapartatshlB:hattieisthepart?A:AtthreethirtintheafternnB:,I'lltellhihenhe'sbaA:ThanuIITeahingAis)EnablethestudentstaetelephneallsinEnglishandgetthetnhtbehavetheselvesnthetelephne2)Raisethestudents'interesttlearnEnglish3)EnuragethestudentsthavegdperatinithneantherIIITeahingntents)Patterns:aIspeat?uldupleasetaeaessage?2)Vabular:essage,part,taeaessageIVteahingAidsFurttelephnes,aD-R,atSantalausVTeahingpreduresStep1aring-upExeriseSingthesng"Greetings"Step2PresentatinandPratie)Asthestudentstlatthesreenandlistentthetalbetee ntheteaherandthepersninthesreen2)Afterthetal,theteahertellsthestudentshtaeatelephn eallinEnglishritethepattern"aIspeat?"ntheblabardand teahthehtuseitnthephne3)Usingthefurttelephnes,asthestudentstaetelephneall sinpairsiththefllingpatterns:----aIspeat?----SpeaingThsestudentshdnthavettelephnesanusetheirpenil-bxesi nstead,rtheanputtheirfingersttheirearsasasigntaephn ealls4)Asnestudenthis/hernaeandhis/herhetelephnenuber,us ingthefllingsentenes:ulduplease'telleurnae?uldupleasetelleurhetelephnenuber?)aeatelephnealltastudentandgetthestudentstlearn thefllingshrtdialgue:T:HellIsthat8614761?S:esT:aIspeatXiaLng?S:Srr,heisntintheffieT:uldupleasetaeaessageandashitetshlthisafternn?S:SureT:Thanu6)AsthestudentstaeallsingrupsThenassepairstatuttseeifthenhtusethepatternsbel: aIspeat,?uldupleasetaeaessage?7)Asthestudentstlatthesreenandlistentthedialgue"ATe lephneall"iththefllingquestinsinind:hatistheessageabut?hattieisthepart?Thenasthestudentssequestinsifthehaveunderstdthedialgue8)Asthestudentstlatthedialguenthesreenandlistentita gain9)Theteahertellsthestudentstheeaningftherd"trr"itht hehelpfaalendarandthefllingsentenes:e'llhaveapartatshlI'lltellhihenhe'sba0)Asthestudentstreadthenerdandthesentenesntheblabar d1)Asthestudentstretellthedialgueintheirnrdsinpairs2)Plathegae"ThringSantalaus"tseeifthestudentsansath esentenesellTheteaherthrsthetSantalaustastudenthenthestudentath estheSantalaus,hersheustsanefthesentenesntheblabard ,andthenthrstheSantalaustantherstudent3)AsthestudentstatutthedialgueinrlesStep3)ShthestudentsthreepituresnthesreenAsthetaetelephneallsingrupsbasednthepiturethehavehsenPiturene:uanttinviteTtplaftbaUithu,butThasn'tgtatel ephneatheuasRsettaeaessagetTPitureTissuisilluanttpaavisittherithaButaisntateHis sisterpisupthephnePitureThree:uillhldabirthdapartnSundauphnetLiltinviteherturpart,butsheisn'tatheHduspeathe rther,hisatheatthattie?2)Assepairstatuttheirtelephnealls3)AsthestudentstaephneallsttheteahersharesittingarundthedassrTheteahertellsthestudents:"ThereillbeapartnNeear'sD aeillinviteseteahersteturpartritethenaesandthetelephnenubersfseteahersandaetelep hneallstthe"Step4SuarTellthestudentstheafaingaphneallintheirdaillife StepHerAsthestudentstaephneallsttheirfriendsandtellthethei rshllifeafterlassStep6:EndingSingthesng"Happeeend"专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的ATelephneall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语。

Unit 2 A telephone call 学生教案

Unit 2    A telephone call    学生教案

Unit Two A telephone call 一次电话通话学生教案1.telephone /telifəun/ <名词>电话,电话机,通话短语:telephone number电话号码;on the telephone<本义>在电话机上;<引申义>通话例句:What’s on his desk? There are two telephones. 他的桌子上有什么?有两部电话机。

Is she on the telephone? 她正在通电话吗?Are they on the telephone?他们正在通电话吗?2.call /kɔ:l/ <动词>给…命名;称呼;把…叫做;打电话叫;给…打电话<名词>通话短语:call a taxi打电话叫出租call him/the policeman/the doctor打电话给他/叫警察/医生give sb a call 给某人打电话get a call from sb接到某人的电话call box公用电话亭call on sb 拜访某人例句:You can call me Mary.你可以叫我玛丽。

I’ll call a doctor for you.我来打电话给你叫医生。

Sam often calls me from London in the morning.山姆经常在早晨从伦敦打电话给我。

I will get a call from my grandparents.今天下午我将会接到我祖父母的电话。

3.ill / il / <形容词>有病的,不舒服的,坏的<比较级>worse <最高级>worst <近义词>sick短语:be ill有病的feel ill感觉不舒服social ills社会弊病例句:My dog is ill and I must look after him(公狗) at home.我的狗病了,我必须在家照顾他。

“A Telephone Call”课例点评教学教案

“A Telephone Call”课例点评教学教案

“A Telephone Call”课例点评-教学教案授课:广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学/鲍当洪I. Teaching MaterialA Telephone CallA: May I speak to Jim, please?B: Sorry. Hes not at home.A: Where is he now?B: He went to the bookshop.A: Would you please take a message?B: Sure.A: Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Well have a party at school.B: What time is the party?A: At three thirty in the afternoon.B: OK, Ill tell him When hes back.A: Thank you.II. Teaching Aims1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone.2) Raise the students interest to learn English.3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another.III. Teaching contents1) Patterns:May I speak to……?Would you please take a message?2) V ocabulary: message, party, take a messageIV. teaching AidsFour toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus.V. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-up ExerciseSing the song Greetings.Step 2. Presentation and Practice1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen.2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern May I speak to...?on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns:---- May I speak to……?---- Speaking.Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls.4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences:Would you please tell me your name?Would you please tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that 8614761?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below:May I speak to……?Would you please take a message?7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue A Telephone Call with the following questions in mind:What is the message about?What time is the party?Then ask the students some questions if they have understood the dialogue.8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word tomorrow with the help of a calendar and the following sentences:Well have a party at school.Ill tell him when hes back.10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs.12) Play the game Throwing Santa Claus to see if the students can say the sentences well.The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the Santa Claus to another student.13) Ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles.Step 3.1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them to make telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen.Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play football with you, but Tom hasnt got a telephone at home. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom.Picture Two: Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not at me. His sister picks up the phone.Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. You phone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isnt at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is at home at that time?2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the classroom.The teacher tells the students: There will be a party on New Years Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party. Write the names and the telephone numbers of some teachers and make telephone calls to them.Step 4. SummaryTell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.Step 5. HomeworkAsk the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life afterclass.Step 6: EndingSing the song Happy Weekend.专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的A Telephone Call是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。

牛津小学英语5B Unit2《A telephone call》亮相课公开课教学设计(有配套课件)

牛津小学英语5B Unit2《A telephone call》亮相课公开课教学设计(有配套课件)

牛津小学英语5B Unit2《A telephone call》亮相课公开课教学设计(有配套课件)Unit2 A telephone call第一课时【教学目标】1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2词汇:headache, feel, lunch, speak3句型:How do you feel now? I feel ….What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got ….May I speak to …? This is … speaking.I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon.【教学重点】1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2词汇:headache, feel, lunch, speak3句型:How do you feel now? I feel ….What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got ….May I speak to …? This is … speaking.I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon.【教学难点】1能比较流畅地朗读对话,并进一步表演对话。

2能正确地听、说、读、写句型How do you feel now? What’s wrong withyou?及其答语。

【教学准备】PPT, 单词,句型卡片【教学过程】Free talk.T: Hello, boy . How are you ? S1: Fine , thank you .S2…I’m fine , too. I feel fine. Read after me. feel 感觉I feel hot.(加上动作). Can you say some sentences like me? S1: I feel…I can get … for you. (拿实物)S2,S3…T:I feel … S1: I can get … for you.You are very kind. Good job.Presentation and practiceStep 1. T: I have a passage. Please read it by yourselves, then answer my questions.Questions 1. What’s the matter with Gao Shan?2. What’s the matter with Nancy?3. What’s the matter with Yang Ling?“What’s the matter ?” We can also “What’s wrong?”T ask: What’s wrong with Yang Ling? Ss…Show another questions. Who can read? Who ca n answer? S1,S2,S3……What’s wrong with Su Hai? Ss: She is ill.She is absent. absent 缺席Excellent!Step2.Now,look at this girl. What’s wrong with her ?You can ask her : Hi ,girl, what’s wrong with you? Ss ask.录音回答:I’ve got a headache. headache.头痛Ss learnT: Who can act “headache”? S1,S2…actI’m sorry to hear that . I hope you get better soon. Ss. learnStep3. Look at this boy. He has got a cough. cough Ss: learnT: I have got a cough. S1 I’m sorry hear that.I hope you get better soon.I have got a bad cough. S2 I’m sorry hear that.I hope you get better soon.I think I should take some medicine. Ss.learnStep4 .Pair workWhat’s wrong with you? Ss work in pairs.I’ve got a/an….I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.Who will try? You did very well.Step5 T: Xiao Ming and Mao Mao are not so good. Look at Helen , she is not so good too. She is ill. She is absent today. Su Yang is her friend, she calls Helen after lunch.. Next, let’s listen to this telephone call.Helen: Hello! Ss. listen and learnSu Yang: Hello, may I speak to Helen?Helen: This is Helen speaking.Su Yang: Hi, Helen. This is Su Yang. Why are you absent today?Helen: I’m ill. I’m staying in bed.Su Yang: What’s wrong with you?Helen: I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.Su yang: I’m sorry to hear that I hope you get better soon. Read and choose.1.Where is Helen now?A:She is at school.B:She is at home.C:She is in the park.2.What’s wrong with Helen?A:She has got a headache.B:She has got a bad cough.C:Both A and B.Now let’s listen and repeat.Step6 Look at this telephone call. Can you finish it?A:Hello. May I to Helen?B:Yes , is Helen speaking.A: are you today ?B:I got a .A:I’m sorry to hear that. you taking any medicine?B:Yes.A:I hope you get better soon.B:Thank you.You did very well. Can you act it out ?You’re so clever.Step7.Now look at this picture. What time is it?Classes are over. Su Yang calls Helen again.Please open your books and turn to page 15. Then read by yourselves and answer the questions.1.How does Helen feel now?2.Is Helen taking any medicine?3.What can Su Yang do after school?Teach still , get for Ss read and understandRead after the tape.(sentence by sentence) Ss readConsolidation续写对话。



全国⾸届⼩学英语优质课竞赛⼀等奖教案全国⾸届⼩学英语优质课竞赛⼀等奖教案(⼀)Asking the Way(上海市虹⼝区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.Teaching ContentAsking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: Y ou can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: Y ou're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright "?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I do n't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in t his city?S1: 2000 Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybefifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning ofthe sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, andhave the students imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order tointroduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of thesentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate thesentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeatafter the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, soI've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "Pudong New Area" and "theBund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don'tknow, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举⾏,授课教师⽤⼴东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。

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全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案《A Telephone Call》I.Teaching MaterialII. Teaching Aims1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone.2) Raise the students' interest to learn English.3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another.III.Teaching contents1 ) Patterns:May I speak to ...?Would you please take a message?2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a messageIV.teaching AidsFour toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus.V. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-up ExerciseSing the song "Greetings".Step 2. Presentation and Practice1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen.2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns:---- May I speak to...?---- Speaking.Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls.4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences:Would you please 'tell me your name?Would you please tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that 8614761?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below:May I speak to..,?Would you please take a message?7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue "A Telephone Call" withthe following questions in mind:What is the message about?What time is the party?Then ask the students some questions if they have understood the dialogue.8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word "tomorrow" with the help of acalendar and the following sentences:We'll have a party at school.I'll tell him when he's back.10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs.12) Play the game "Throwing Santa Claus" to see if the students can say the sentences well.The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the SantaClaus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the SantaClaus to another student.13) Ask the students to act out the dialoguein roles.Step 3.1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them to make telephone calls in groupsbased on the picture they have chosen.Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play footbaUwithyou, butTom hasn't got a telephone athome. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom.Picture Two: Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not atme. His sister picks up the phone. Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. You phone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isn't at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is at home at that time?2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the dassroom.The teacher tells the students:"There will be a party on New Year's Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party. Write the names and the telephone numbers of some teachers andmaketelephone calls to them".Step 4. SummaryTell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.Step 5. HomeworkAsk the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life afterclass.Step 6: EndingSing the song "Happy Weekend".。
