lecture 1
• (4)有时候中文字面的意思表达不充分,部分信息被省 略了或被隐藏起来了。翻译时要加以拓展。例如,特区是 个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,也是 对外政策的窗口。有人把它翻译为:The special zone is a window. It is a widow for introducing technology, management and knowledge. It is also a window for foreign policy. 这样的翻译外国人是无法理解的,我们必 须把那些被省略了或被隐藏起来的信息都翻译出来:The special economic zones are a window opening onto the outside world. They are a window through which to bring in from abroad sophisticated technology, advanced managerial expertise and up-to-date know-hows. They are also a window through which to disseminate China’s foreign policies.
上述各种能力和意识的培养,可以通过不同的 具体途径来实现。
• (1)深刻认识翻译的重要性。翻译的对与错、好 与坏有时会产生绝然不同的效果。例如,把海南 岛的“天涯海角”翻译成了“the End of the World(世界末日)”(应为Land’s End / End of the Earth)。再如某航空公司广告中的承诺 “一小时内免费送机票上门”被译成了“We give you tickets free of charge within one hour.(一小 时内送免费机票上门。)”(应为We offer free delivery of your air tickets within one hour after your booking confirmation.)。
lecture 1 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(综合语与分析语)
III. 汉语和英语的形态学分类
• 相反,作为屈折语的英语则表现为:
Hale Waihona Puke 1. 语法关系主要以词本身的形态变化予以表达,词的曲折形 态变化相对丰富,用以标示语法范畴,表达语法意义(名词 有单复数形式,形容词和副词有比较级和最高级形式,代词 有主格、宾格和所有格等形态),并集中体现在动词的时态、 体态和语态等形态变化上,形成了以动词形态变化为主轴的 句法结构模式,表意与句法形态紧密结合。 词缀变化(affixation)突出,词缀种类齐全且灵活多变,构 词法上以派生构词(derivation)为主。 词类分明,结构形式严谨,语法和逻辑意义的表达呈显性 (overt) ,结构上主要遵循形式一致性原则,表现为形式和 意义的基本对应。
IV. 形态学分类视角下的汉英互译
以上对比分析表明,汉语和英语在表意手段上,前者以词汇 手段为主,后者以形态手段为主,汉英互译时就要充分发挥 译语优势,选用符合译语(target language)语言习惯的表 意手段,灵活变通,兼容互补,恰当再现源语(source language)的语法和逻辑意义。例如: 1. I was a modest, good-humored boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable. 【原译】我本来是一个谦虚谨慎、人见人爱的孩子,是牛津 大学将我弄得这么人见人嫌。 【试译】我原本谦逊尔雅、人见人爱,是牛津大学教得我人 见人嫌。
II. Important Concepts
• For example, the generation of the English plural dogs from dog is an inflectional rule, while compound phrases and words like dog catcher or dishwasher are examples of word formation. • Informally, word formation rules form "new" words, while inflection rules yield variant forms of the "same" word, which may be different in grammatical sense. • Accordingly, morphology is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. And There is a further distinction between two types of word formation: derivation and compounding.
lecture 1 翻译标准
g. 我认为他不够格。 I don’t think he is qualified. h. 人们来五台山,目的可不都是一样。 People do not come to Wutai Mountain with one and the same purpose.
3) 译文应体现英语遣词造句的特点,同时 又应因文体而有变化。 a. 名词使用频率高,特别是含有动作性质 的抽象名词等,可以既包含丰富的信息又 十分简洁。 b. 被动形式使用率高,表现能力强。 c. 语法要求严,一般来说句子较长。 d. 介词、非谓语动词、形容词和独立结构 非常活跃。
教心理学的老师觉察到这件事, 就假冒一个男生的名义,给她 写了封匿名的求爱信,这封信 的末尾是:一个希望得到您的 青睐的极其善良的男同胞。就 这么一封信,也就一举改造了 一个人。
Having detected what was happening, her psychology teacher got an idea. In the name of a boy, he wrote an anonymous letter of love which ended with “a kind gentleman awaiting your favor.” The letter brought about transformation.
A Course in Chinese – English Translation
II. 汉英翻译的原则
汉语译成地道英语的难度, 出现各种各样的缺失:“中 国式”英语(解决办法,阅 读大量原作,观察、揣摩、 总结并模仿英语的特点、规 律和表达方法)。
1) 译文必须符合英语的语法:三种轴心 结构: a. 主-系-表结构 (S+V+P) 例: a) 人类在地球上已存在多久了? How long has man been on earth? b) 牛奶变酸了。 Milk turns sour.
【托福听力资料】托福TPO11 听力文本——Lecture 1
【托福听力资料】托福TPO11 听力文本——Lecture 1众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO11Lecture 1TPO11 Lecture 1 BiologyNarrator:Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology Class. The class has been learning about birds.Professor:Ok, today we are going to continue our discussion of the parentingbehaviors of birds. And we are going to start by talking about what are known asdistraction displays.Now if you are a bird and there is a predator around.What are you going to do? Well, for one thing you are going to try to attract as little attention as possible, right? Because if the predator doesn’t know you are there, it is not going to try to eat you. But sometimes certain species of birds do the exact opposite. When a predator approaches, they do their best to attract theattention of that predator.Now why would they do that? Well, they do that to draw the predator away from their nest, away from their eggs or their young birds. And the behaviors that the birds engage in to distract predators are called distraction displays.And there are a number of different kinds of distraction displays.Most of the time, when birds are engaging in distraction displays, they aregoing to be pretending either that they have an injury or that they’re ill orthat they’re exhausted. You know something that’ll make the predator think: Ah…here is an easy meal.One pretty common distraction display is what’s called the broken-wingdisplay. And in a broken-wing display, the bird spreads and drags a wings or its tail, and while it does that, it slowly moves away from the nests. So it really looks like a bird with a broken wing. And these broken-wing displays can be pretty convincing.Another version of this kind of distraction display is where the birdcreates the impression of a mouse or some other small animals that’s running along the ground. A good example of that kind of display is created by a bird called the purple sandpiper.Now what’s the purple sandpiper does is when a predator approaches, itdrags its wings but not to give the impression that its wing is broken but to create the illusion that it has a second pair of legs. And then it raises its feathers, so it looks like it’s got a coat of fur. And then it runs along the ground swerving left and right, you know like it’s running around little rocks and sticks. And as it goes along, it makes this little squealing noise. So froma distance it really looks and sounds like a little animal running along theground trying to get away. Again to the predator, it looks like an easymeal.Now what’s interesting is that birds have different levels of performanceof these distraction displays. They don’t give their top performance, their prime time performance every time. What they do is they save their bestperformances, their most conspicuous and most risky displays for the time just before the baby birds become able to take care of themselves. And they time it that way because that’s when they’ll have made the greatest investment in parenting their young. So they are not going to put on their best performancejust after they laid their eggs, because they haven’t invested that much time orenergy in parenting yet. The top performances are going to come later.Now you have some birds that are quiet mature, are quite capable almost as soon as they hatch. In that case, the parent will put on the most conspicuous distraction displays just before the babies hatch, because once the babies are hatched, they can pretty much take care of themselves. And then you have others birds that are helpless when they hatch. In that case, the parent will save its best performances until just before the babies get their feathers.希望这些对你的托福备考有帮助,预祝大家托福考试能取得理想成绩。
lecture 1
• 物流活动历史悠久
• 二战末期,军事后勤的需求 开始以系统观念研究物流活动,借助当 时有关学科研究成果,进行战争预测、 基地布置、运输规划等工作。完成了军 事后勤系统的保障任务
(一)1950-1964年---物流行业的起源 • 产品丰富化(Product Proliferation) • 跨行业销售(Scrambled Merchandizing) 以上两种趋势导致新的管理逻辑出 现,开始进行配送成本控制
• 服务(service)是一种无形性的商品,可用 来满足消费者及企业用户之需要。
第一节 物流服务的含义
物流服务是企业为满足客户(包 括内部和外部客户)的物流需求, 开展的一系列物流活动的结果。
• 物流服务可以理解为,衡量某物流系统为 某种商品或服务创造的时间和空间效用 的好坏尺度。
• 国内物流
• 国际物流
• 企业物流 • 行业物流 • 社会物流
按照人们对物流成本的认识和管理 角度不同 • 宏观物流成本(社会) • 中观物流成本(行业) • 微观物流成本(企业)
• 物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动 的货币表现。 • 即产品在包装、运输、储存、装卸搬运 、流通加工、物流信息、物流管理等过 程中所耗费的人力、物力和财力的总和 以及与存货有关的资金占用成本、物品 损耗成本、保险和税收成本。
(二)1965-1979年---行业成熟阶段 • 实物配送(Physical Distribution)发展成熟 并与材料管理结合的阶段 • 财务、营销部门的认同 • 客户服务的观点等
Lecture 1-绪论
loose or minor sentences (松散句), contracted sentences (紧缩句), elliptical sentences, run-on sentences (流水句), and composite sentences (并列句). English sentence building is featured by an “architecture style” (楼房建筑 法) with extensive use of longer or subordinate structures, while Chinese is marked by a “chronicle style” (流水记事法) with frequent use of shorter or composite structures.
2. Compact vs. Diffusive
English is rigid in S-V concord, requiring a complete formal cohesion. Chinese has flexible sentence structures through semantic coherence.
他的讲话并无前后矛盾之处。 There is no inconsistency in what he said. There is nothing inconsistent in what he said 她闪亮的眼睛说明她非常激动。 Her sparkling eyes betrayed her great excitement. The sparkle of her eyes betrayed her great excitement.
lecture 1
社会活动有着某些共同的体验,因而产生相同或相似的思想和 概念。这种共性使汉语的某些词语可在英语中找到完全对应的 词语。 i.e.垂直 —vertical dimension 合同—contract 婚 姻-marriage 家庭-family Ps: 这种共性也会随着人类历史演变,民族文化五彩斑斓而变 化纷呈。不同文化环境的人对自然和社会认识的角度不一,深 浅也不同,这种语言特性使得汉语中的某些词语在英语中只能 找到部分相应的词语,甚至出现词语空缺,即在英语中无对 应的成分。
《妇女权益保护法》;Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women 《四书》、《五经》:The Four Books . The Five Classics 《红楼梦》:The Dream of Red Mansions 《西游记》:The Pilgrimage to the West 《三国演义》:The Three Kingdoms 东方时空:Oriental Time and Space 人与自然:People and Nature
指称意义:denotative meaning 人类各民族对自然环境和
i.e.红茶-black tea 红眼病-pink eye/to be greeneyed 媒人-go-between 白酒-liquor/spirits ·蕴含意义:connotative meaning 词语内含的情感、联想和 文化意义,体现各个民族的思维方式和社会文化,即使是同 一指称,在不同语言里其蕴含意义也有天壤之别。 i.e.醋罐子 -vinegar (jealousy) 凤凰-phoenix 龙-dragon Ps:汉语指称较为笼统,英语却有明确的区分 i.e.税:duty (关税) tax(税、税额) tariff(进出口税额)
凭经验检查法——适用 机器不稳定
有些故障工作一会才出现,当关机后一会在开机故障 就会重复出现。这种故障原因一般是由于元器件热稳 定性不好,受热后参数改变而引起的,这种故障采用 办法,对可疑元器件进行“降温”或“升温”处理来 寻找故障所在(但有一定基础)
电吹风,冷风档,对着可疑元件吹冷风 棉球沾上酒精,擦拭可疑元器件的表面
电磁干扰主要来源与音箱设备、电机、 大功率电器、电源等。 应远离电磁干扰源,较强的磁环境容 易造成硬盘上数据丢失,显示器产生 花斑、抖动等。
微机系统应用环境温度 10-30摄氏度 微机机箱内工作温度比外面要高,而计算机的芯 片和集成电路内温度比机箱内高。 在正常的散热通风条件下,微机产生的热量不足 以引起电路故障。 当外界温度超过正常标准或通风散热条件差,导 致内部温度急剧上升加速器件的老化损坏。 防止高温引起故障,要注意保持通风散热。
直接观察法——适用 明显故障。
检查是否有火花,异常音响,过热,烧焦现象, 观察有关插件是否松动,接触不良,虚焊,断 线,短路,生锈,损坏以及明显故障
拔插替换法适用 ——适用 几种怀疑,尚 不能确定时
用相同功能的系统部件替换故障的机器部件, 用好的元器件替换怀疑有故障的元器件,以便 迅速找到确切的故障位置。
旋具:各种十字旋具和一字旋具,最好选 择带磁性旋具 钳子:尖嘴钳,剥线钳,扁口钳 镊子:在清洗和焊接时,用作辅助工具 割线刀:用于割断或切削之用 吸锡器:去锡 电烙铁:电缆线,线路板,接插件等的焊 接工作
清洁清洗工具:清洗盘,清扫灰尘的毛刷, 吹气橡皮球,清洗液 万用表:指针式(测量精度高于数字式, 测量速度快)和数字式(测量结果直观, 蜂鸣器指示断通 功能较多)两种
【托福听力备考】TPO17 听力文本——Lecture 1
【托福听力备考】TPO17 听力文本——Lecture 1众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO 17 Lecture 1 Art History(Prehistoric Art Dating)Narrator :Listen to part of a lecture in an art history class.Professor :Good morning, ready to continue our review of prehistoric art?Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughlydefining as the period from 35,000 to 8,000 BC. A lot of those cave drawings youhave all seen come from this period. But we are also be talking about portableworks of art, things that could be carried around from place to place. Here isone example. This sculpture is called the Lady with the Hood1 , and it wascarved from ivory, probably a mammoth’s tusk. Its age is a bit of a mystery.According to one source, it dates from 22,000 BC. But other sources claimed ithas been dated closer to 30,000 BC. Amy?Amy :Why don’t we know the exact date when this head was made?Professor :That’s a fair question. We are talking about prehistory here. Soobviously the artists didn’t put a signature or a date on anything they did. Sohow do we know when this figure was carved?Tom :Last semester I took an archaeology class and we spent a lot time on,studying ways to date things. One technique I remember was using the location ofan object to date it, like how deep it was buried.Professor :That would be Stratigraphy. Stratigraphy is used for dating portable art. When archaeologists are digging at a site, they make very careful notes about which stratum(strata), which layer of earth they find things in. And, you know, the general rule is that the oldest layers are at the lowest level. But this only works if the site hasn’t been touched, and the layers are intact. A problem with this dating method is that an object could have been carried around, used for several generations before it was discarded. So it might be much older than the layer or even the site where it was found. The stratification technique gives us the minimum age of an object, which isn’t necessarilly its true age. Tom, in your archaeology class, did you talk about radiocarbon dating?Tom :Yeah, we did. That had to do with chemical analysis, something to do with measuring the amount of radiocarbon that’s left in organic stuff. Because we know how fast radiocarbon decays, we can figure out the age of the organic material.Professor :The key word there is organic. Is art made of organicmaterial?Tom :Well, you said the lady with the hood was carved out of ivory. That ’s organic.Professor :Absolutely. Any other examples?Amy :Well, when they did those cave drawings. Didn’t they use, like chacoalor maybe colors, dyes made from plants?Professor :Fortunately, they did, at least some of the time. So it turns outthat radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistoric art. But again there’s aproblem. This technique destroys what it analyzes, so you have to chip off bits of the object for testing. Obviously we are reluctant to do that in some cases.And apart from that, there’s another problems. The date tells you the age of thematerial, say, a bone or a tree, the object is made from, but not the date when the artist actually created it. So, with radiocarbon dating, we get the maximum possible age for the object, but it could be younger.Ok, let’ s say our scientific analysis has produced an age range. Can we narrow it down?Amy :Could we look for similar styles or motives? You know, try to find things common to one time period.Professor :We do that all the time. And when we see similarities in pieces of art, we assume some connection in time or place. But is it possible that we could be imposing our own values on that analysis?Tom :I am sorry. I don’t get your point.Professor :Well, we have all kinds of pre-conceived ideas about how artistic styles develop. For example, a lot of people think the presence of details demonstrates that the work was done by a more sophisticated artist. While a lack of detail suggests a primitive style. But trends in art in the last century orso certainly challenge that idea. Don’t get me wrong though, analyzing the styles of prehistoric art can help dating them. But we need to be careful with the idea that artistic development occurs in a straight line, from simple to complex representations.Amy :What you are saying is, I mean, I get the feeling that this is like a legal process, like building a legal case, the more pieces of evidence we have, the closer we get to the truth.Professor :Great analogy. And now you can see why we don’t have an exact date for our sculpture, the lady with the hood.。
托福听力TPO1原文 Lecture 1
托福听力TPO1原文Lecture 1下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力TPO1原文中Lecture 1的文本内容吧,大家要好好把握,这些都是非常有价值的材料,希望能够给准备托福听力的同学带来帮助。
TPO 1 Lecture 1Contemporary artListen to part of a lecture in a contemporary art class.ProfessorOk, I’m going to begin this lecture by giving you your next assignment. Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend an exhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it? Well, the exhibit that I want you to attend is coming up. It’s already started in fact, but it’ll be at the gallery for the next month, which should give you plenty of time to complete this assignment.The name of the artist exhibiting there is Rose Frantzen. Frantzen’s work may be unfamiliar to you since she’s a relatively young artist. But she’s got a very unusual style, compared to some of the artists we’ve looked at this term. But anyway, Frantzen’s style is what she herself calls Realistic Impressionism. So you’ve probably studied both of these movements separately, separate movements, Realism and Impressionism, in some of your art history courses. So who can just sum these up?StudentWell, Impressionism started in the late 19th century. Um…the basic impressionist style was very different from earlier styles. It didn’t depict scenes or models exactly as they looked. Um… Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brushstrokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.ProfessorGood. What else? What were the subjects?StudentWell, a lot of impressionist artists painted everyday scenes, like people on the streets and in cafes, uh, lots of nature scenes, especially landscapes.ProfessorGood. So when you go to the exhibit, I really want you to take a close look at a certain painting. It’s a farm scene. And you will see it right as you enter the gallery. The reason I think this painting is so important is that it stresses the impressionist aspect of Frantzen’s style. It’s an outdoor scene, an everyday scene. It’s kind of bleak, but you can really see those broad brushstrokes and the blurry lines. The colors aren’t quite realistic. The sky is kind of, well an unnatural pinkish yellow. And the fence in the foregroundis blue, but somehow the overall scene gives an impression of a cold, bleak winter day on a farm. So that’s the impressionist side of her work.Oh, and speaking about farms, that reminds me. One interesting thing I read about Franzten is that when she first moved back to Iowa after living abroad, she often visited this place in her town called the Sales Barn. And the Sales Barn, it was basically this place where the local farmers bought and sold their cattle, their farm animals. And the reason Frantzen went there, and she later on would visit other places like dance halls, was to observe people and the ways that they moved. She really found that this helped her work---that it gave her an understanding of body movements and actions, how humans move, and stand still, what their postures were like, too.So, what about Realism? What are the elements of Realism we should be looking for in Frantzen’s work?StudentUm… real honest depictions of subject matter, pretty unidealized stuff, and pretty everyday subject matter, too.ProfessorGood. One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins. You will notice that the woman’s face is so realistic looking that it’s almost like a photograph. The woman’s nose is a little less than perfect and her hair is kind of messed up. This is realism. But then, the background of the painting, this woman with the pumpkins is wrapped in a blanket of broad thick brushstrokes, and, it’s all kinds of zigzagging brushstrokes and lines, kind of chaotic almost when you look at it close. And there are vibrant colors. There’s lots of orange, with little hints of an electric blue peeking out.I find Frantzen to be a very accessible artist. I mean, some artists, to appreciate them, you have to know their life story. But here’s a little bit about Rose Frantzen’s life anyway. She attended art school, but was told by one of her instructors that she was not good at illustration, that she should go into advertising instead. So she took advertising classes and fine arts classes too, until she was convinced by the head of an advertising agency that her work was really good, that she could be an artist. But of course, it’s not as easy as that, and so Frantzen had to paint other people’s portraits at places like art fairs just to make money to buy paint for her more serious art work. No matter what, she never stopped painting. And now, Frantzen is doing extremely well. And her work is being shown all over the country. So I think most of us would be discouraged if we had to face challenges and difficulties like that. But what’s important is that you keep at it that you don’t give up. That’s what is really important to remember.《当代艺术》独白:听一段节选自当代艺术课堂的讲座。
Lecture 1(introduction)
(2) Factors concerned with cultural background: The way of life of Celts, Anglo-Saxons and Normans; The blend of different cultures of the tribes.
(3) Factors related to religious background: the spread and establishment of Christianity
8. The Victorian Period ⅰ Critic Realism Dickens, Thackeray ii Women Novelists: The Bronte Sisters
9. The Twentieth-Century English Literature ⅰ Modernism (1900-1950)
General performance (class participation,class attendance…) 30% Term paper (1000-1500 words)70%
Teaching schedule
(18 weeks, 2 classes/1 week): Introduction (2) Part I and Part II (2) Part III (2) Part Ⅳ (4) Part V (4) Part Ⅵ (6) Part Ⅶ (8) Part Ⅷ (4) Part Ⅸ (2)
Q5: What benefits do we get from this course?
A good command of the target language; General knowledge of the culture , literature and history of the country; A profound mind and an insight for English literature
智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福听力TPO5学习笔记之lecture1-智课教育旗下智课教育以下是小编的托福听力TPO5学习笔记中关于lecture1的内容,针对难词注解、长难句分析以及考题对应考点这三大方面展开,仅供参考。
一、难词注解Alligator n. 短吻鳄(产于美国及中国);短吻鳄皮革;鳄口式工具adj.鳄鱼般的;鳄鱼皮革的;鳄鱼皮纹的vi. 皱裂;裂开sewer n. 下水道;阴沟;裁缝师vt.为…铺设污水管道;用下水道排除…的污水vi. 清洗污水管twinkle n. 闪烁vt. 使闪耀;闪耀vi. 闪烁;发亮Meme 模因transmission n. 传动装置,[机] 变速器;传递;传送;播送Replicators n. [遗] 复制基因;重复符Fecundity n. [生物] 繁殖力;多产;肥沃mutation n. [遗] 突变;变化;转变二、长难句分析the whole point of defining this familiar process as transmission of memes is so that we can explore its analogy with the transmission of genes.将这种人们熟悉的过程定义为模因的传递的重点在于我们能够可以将它与基因的传递相类比。
难句类型:介词短语做定语,so that 句式难句拆分:the whole point of+介词短语,so that+句子三、考题对应考点6.A meme is defined as a piece of information copied from person to person. By this definition, most of what you know,ideas, skills, stories, songs are memes. All the words you know, all the scientific theories you’ve learned, the rules your parents taught you to observe, all are memes that have been passed on from person to person. 开头原则中的背景引入式,讲座开头举出两个例子,都是为了今天讲课的主题—meme,而memes that have been passed on from person to person,对应B选项7. "Well we’ve all heard this song. Where am I going with this? Well, both the song and the story are examples of memes"举例原则,当教授介绍完这两个例子之后,说了前面这句话,both the song and the story are examples of memes,所以答案选择C8.在教授介绍完meme的含义之后,说“By this definition, most of what you know, ideas, skills, stories, songs are memes. All the words you know, all the scientific theories you’ve learned, the rules your parents taught you to observe, all are memes”,By this definition看出是强调原则,所以答案是AD9. 教授之前举了一个alligator的例子,之后又提到"If you takethe alligator story, it can exist for a long time in individual memory, let’s say, my memory".说明她记住这个 alligatorstory很多年,所以选择B10. Fecundity is the ability to reproduce in large numbers. For example, the common housefly reproduces by laying several thousand eggs, so each fly gene gets copied thousands of times. Memes, well, they can be reproduced in large numbers as well. How many times have you sung the‘twinkle, twinkle song’ to someone? Each time you replicated that song, and maybe passed it along to someone who did not know it yet, a small child maybe.举例原则,For example,前后两个例子互相对比,所以选择D11.Other memes are replicated with higher fidelity though, like the twinkle, twinkle song. It had the exact same words 20 years ago as it does now. Well, that’s because we see songs as something that has to be performed accurately each time. If you change a word, the others will usually bring you in line. They’llsay, ‘that’s not how you sing it’, right?,结尾原则,当别人说错的是后你会改正,课件人们在传播时不会改变太多。
Lecture 1 英语语法导论
• (根据构词法分类)
2) Classification in terms of grammatical function (根据语法功能分类)
1)简单词、派生词、复合词 In terms of word-formation, words
e.g. He spoke loudly and clearly. Be a man. Do not act so slowly. She spoke very clearly indeed.
• 5) The prepositional phrase (介词词组)
The prepositional phrase is a phrase with a preposition as its head. The general pattern of a prepositional phrase is: (modifier+) preposition + complementation
• 词: Paul, one, schoolboys, I, of, nicest, know, is, the
• 词素:Paul, one, school, boy, -s, I, is, know, the, nice,
Prep P
Aux Adv MV Prep Det N
• (分为两大类) • free morphemes and • bound morphemes.
Lecture 1演示课件-精选.ppt
• 給定 n 個矩陣 <A1,A2,…,An>,要求出他們 的乘積 A1A2…An。由於矩陣乘法具有結合律的特 性,所以有各種合法的相乘順序。例如當 n=4 時, 以下的順序都是合法的:(A1(A2(A3A4))), (A1((A2A3)A4)),((A1A2)(A3A4)),((A1(A2A3))A4),或 (((A1A2)A3)A4)。如果這些矩陣都是方形的,那麼 相乘的順序不會影響到計算答案的時間;反之, 則相乘的順序對於時間的影響就會非常大。要嘗 試所有的會花費非常長的時間,在之後會介紹一 個有效率的演算法來解決這個問題。
Lecture 1
The role of Algorithms in Computing
1.1 Algorithms
Algorithm: 對一個 computational problem 而言,將 輸入轉換為輸出的一連串計算過程,稱為 Algorithm。
例如,給你一堆數字<31,41,59,26,41,58>, 一個排序的演算法可以把這些數字由小到大輸出 成<26,31,41,41,58,59>。
文字母構成的兩個字串 s 與 t,中間用一個空白隔開。遇到
檔案結尾 EOF 代表結束。
輸出:對於每一組測資,輸出是否 s 為 t 的subsequence。
Sample Input
Sample Output
sequence subsequence
person compression
VERDI vivaVittorioEmanueleReDiItalia Yes
LECTURE 1 单词记忆法教材
Part 2 偏旁部P首a法rt(1音形义法)
1、 morose 郁闷 记忆方法:mo(没有)+rose(玫瑰)=没有玫瑰,
情人节没有玫瑰,当然很郁闷! 2、prose 散文、单调的 记忆方法: p(扑)+rose(玫瑰)=扑在玫瑰上写情书, 这种感觉下写的文字一般都比较悠扬,即散文的味道。
3、plight 困境 记忆方法: p(扑)+light(光)=把光都给扑灭了,困境来了!
(法国人把他丢进壕沟里,而我把他扭伤了。) 3、s—蛇。Sway蛇一样的走路方式——摇摆
Part 9 字母读Pa音rt联1想法
4、ee—眼睛;L—大高个子;g—哥哥;m—妹妹。 loom高高个子大大眼睛的妹妹(难找啊)——若隐若现的; bloom不若隐若现了——————遍地开花的 gloom哥哥想找高高个子大大眼睛的妹妹找不到————郁闷 groom屋里等候的哥哥—————— 新郎
前面加b,含义不变, 前面加鬼,真恐怖, 前面加t才,修剪整齐。
Part 10 读音拼Pa音rt口1诀法
oil 油 toil/moil 辛苦(两个词含义一样) foil 锡纸、挫败 boil 沸腾,blood boil 热血沸腾 记忆方法:toil音似“淘油”,当然很辛苦了! foil即:f(非常)+oil,非常油,就要用锡纸擦,擦来擦去真麻烦, 干点活都能弄的满桌子是油,伤心了,挫败了。 所以记住一个口诀: toil and moil,(辛辛苦苦)
e.g. peer at sb. peeping Tom 偷窥狂 多像两个眼睛眯成一条缝
Part 9 字母读Pa音rt联1想法
1、i—爱—isolate——爱得如此晚(那么大了还没谈恋爱)——孤立。 2、T—他、w—我。French—法国、trench—壕沟 、wrench—扭伤。
(2) What does a furnace do? It heat-up a material. The function of a furnace is to heat-up a material.
Let A be equal to B.设A等于B。 Consider a high-pressure chambeammar Features
(5) 复杂长句使用频繁〔准确、精炼〕
It has been mentioned above that the electrons in a metal are able to move freely through the metal, that their motion constitutes an electric current in the metal and that they play an important part in conduction of heat.
1.3 Grammar Features
2) The term “structure〞, as it was pointed out above, means the arrangement of a material’s atoms.
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Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interaction
Individual and society are interdependent.
Sociological Theory: View of Inequality
Functionalism Conflict Theory
Inevitable; functional for society
Max Weber(1864-1920)
Sociological Theory: Individual and Society
Functionalism Individuals occupy fixed social roles. Individuals subordinated to society.
“双元革命”与社会学 法国大革命:热切期盼的革命及其后果 “综观各种情况,法国革命是世界上迄今 为止发生的最令人震惊的事件,种种最惊 人的事情在许多情况下以最荒谬、最可笑 的方式以及最卑鄙的手段被制造出来。” -------Edmund Burke 《自由与传统》14页
与法国大革命直接相关的内在于 社会学中的两个传统
Sociological Theory: Source of Social Change
Disorganization and adjustment to achieve equilibrium.
Struggle; competition Ever-changing web of relationships and meaning of things.
启蒙高度强调人的作为”reason” 将科学运用于社会的研究,发现社会的内在规律 Positivists - society could be studied using the natural sciences. Humanitarianism - human reason can direct social change for the betterment of society.
Conflict Theory
Consensus on common values.
Power; coercion
Symbolic Interaction
Collective meaning systems; society created through social interaction
Symbolic Interaction There is little analysis of inequality and it overstates the subjective basis of society.
探询影响人们生活的社会模式的能力 C. Wright Mills. The Sociological Imagination.
Studying the patterns and processes that shape behavior. Questioning actions and ideas that are usually taken for granted. Acting as “an outsider within.”
启蒙运动(enlightenment) 启蒙运动试图回答的问题,基本上是后来社 会学提出的问题,譬如:为什么存在不平等现 象?贫困的原因是什么?为什么会有犯罪? 在18世纪之前,这些有关人的行为的问题不 会成为”研究”的对象,宗教都已经给出了答 案.
The Enlightenment project
保守主义 自由主义/激进主义
工业革命Industrial Revolution
德国的访问者J.W.科尔,在1844年访问英国后,写道: “请想像一下:黑漆漆的道路从绿葱葱的田野中蜿蜒而过, 满载黑色宝藏的货车如水长流串梭不息……平原上布满 烟雾腾腾的煤山和乌黑的矿坑,而不时还可以看到简陋 的卫理公会教堂和校舍。“ 托克维尔这样写道(曼彻斯特): “在这里,文明创造了自己的奇迹,而文明人则几乎又 变成野蛮人” “从这条污浊的排水管中,排出人类工业的最大一股潮 流去滋润全世界;从这条肮脏的下水道中,排出纯金的 潮流。在这里,人类的发展成就既是最完备的,也是最 野蛮的。”
三位奠基人 Karl Marx Emile Durkheim Max Weber
Karl Marx(1818-1883)
Emile Durkheim(1858-1917)
Main points of D
Viewed society as an entity larger than the sum of its parts. Conceptualized social facts as social patterns external to individuals. Discovered the social basis of human behavior.
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interaction
Sociological Theory: Criticisms
Functionalism A conservative view of society that underplays power differences among and between groups. Conflict Theory Understates the degree of cohesion and stability in society.
Sociological Perspective
“社会学之父”:孔德 August Comte(1789-1857)
1938年,在The positive philosophy第四 卷中,孔德首次提出“社会学”(sociologie: socius+logos)这个名词. “对于 社会现象所固有的全部基本规律的实证研究”
个人(troubles)的烦恼与社会议题 (issues)
Troubles are private problems in an individual’s life. Issues affect large numbers of people Issues shape the context within which troubles arise.
Result of struggle over scarce resources. Inequality demonstrated through meaning of status symbols.
Symbolic Interaction
Sociological Theory: Basis of Social Order